Resting Resting on the faithfulness of Christ our Lord,Resting on the fulness of His own sure Word,Resting on His wisdom, on His love and power,Resting on His covenant from hour to hour.Resting in the fortress while the foe is nigh,Resting in the lifeboat while the waves roll high,Resting in His chariot for the swift, glad […]
Leaving Us an Example, that ye should follow His Steps
Leaving Us an Example, that ye should follow His Steps O Jesu, Thou didst leave Thy glorious home,Of brightness more than mortal eye could bear,And joys ineffable, alone to roamThrough earth’s dark wilderness in grief and want and care.Thou didst exchange the praise of seraph voicesFor sin-made discords and the wail of pain,The anthems swelling […]
‘I Leave it all with Thee.’
‘I Leave it all with Thee.’ Yes, I will leave it all with Thee,And only ask that I may beSubmissive to Thy loving will,Confiding, waiting, trusting still. Thou every fond desire dost knowWhich in my inmost heart doth glow;Thou hearest every secret sighWhen silent sorrow’s power is nigh. Omniscience alone may tellThe thoughts which in […]
September 1868
September 1868 An April burst of beauty,And a May like the Mays of old,And a glow of summer gladnessWhile June her long days told;And a hush of golden silenceAll through the bright July,Without one peal of thunder,Or a storm-wreath in the sky;And a fiery reign of August,Till the moon was on the wane;And then short […]
Peace Is this the Peace of God, this strange, sweet calm?The weary day is at its zenith still,Yet ‘tis as if beside some cool, clear rill,Through shadowy stillness rose an evening psalm,And all the noise of life were hushed away,And tranquil gladness reigned with gently soothing sway. It was not so just now. I turned […]
A Lull in Life
A Lull in Life Oh, for “a desert place” with only the Master’s smile!Oh for the “coming apart” with only His “rest awhile!” Oh, for “a desert place” with only the Master’s smile!Oh for the “coming apart” with only His “rest awhile!”Many are “coming and going” with busy and restless feet,And the soul is hungering […]
“Master, Say On!”
“Master, Say On!” Master, speak! Thy servant heareth,Waiting for Thy gracious word, Master, speak! Thy servant heareth,Waiting for Thy gracious word,Longing for Thy voice that cheereth;Master! let it now be heard.I am listening, Lord, for Thee;What hast Thou to say to me? Master, speak in love and power:Crown the mercies of the day.In this quiet […]
Thy Will Be Done
Thy Will Be Done That one unchanging song of praiseShould from our hearts arise;3That we should know his wondrous ways,Though hidden from the wise;4That we, so sinful and so base,Should know the glory of His grace.5 His will to grant the yearning prayer For dear ones far away,6That they His grace and love may share,And […]
The Right Way
The Right Way Lord, is it still the right way, though I cannot see Thy face,Though I do not feel Thy presence and Thine all-sustaining grace? Lord, is it still the right way, though I cannot see Thy face,Though I do not feel Thy presence and Thine all-sustaining grace?Can even this be leading through the […]
“I Did This For Thee! What Hast Thou Done For Me?”
“I Did This For Thee! What Hast Thou Done For Me?” I gave My life for thee,My precious blood I shed, I gave My life for thee,My precious blood I shed,That thou might’st ransomed be,And quickend from the dead.I gave My life for thee;What hast thou given for Me? I spent long years for theeIn […]
Faith’s Question
Faith’s Question Jesus , Master, whom I serve,Though so feebly and so ill, Jesus, Master, whom I serve,Though so feebly and so ill,Strengthen hand and heart and nerveAll Thy bidding to fulfil;Open Thou mine eyes to seeAll the work Thou hast for me. Lord, Thou needest not, I know,Service such as I can bring;Yet I […]
The Song Chalice
The Song Chalice “You bear the chalice.” Is it so, my friend?Have I indeed a chalice of sweet song, “You bear the chalice.” Is it so, my friend?Have I indeed a chalice of sweet song,With underflow of harmony made strongNew calm of strength through throbbing veins to send?I did not form or fill, I do […]
Our Father
Our Father “Oh, that I loved the FatherWith depth of conscious love, “Oh, that I loved the FatherWith depth of conscious love,As steadfast, bright, and burning,As seraphim above!But how can I be deemingMyself a loving child,When here, and there, and everywhere,My thoughts are wandering wild? “It is my chief desireTo know Him more and more,To […]
Early Faith
Early Faith Whom hear we tell of all the joy whichloving Faith can bring, Whom hear we tell of all the joy whichloving Faith can bring,The ever-widening glories reached on her strongseraph wing?Is it not oftenest they who long have wrestledwith temptation,Or passed through fiery baptisms of mightytribulation? Perhaps, in life’s great tapestry, the darkestscenes […]
One Question, Many Answers
One Question, Many Answers “What wouldst thou be?”The question hath wakened wild thoughts in me, “What wouldst thou be?”The question hath wakened wild thoughts in me,And a thousand responses, like ghosts from their graves,Arise from my soul’s unexplored deep caves,The echoes of every varyng moodOf a wayward spirit all unsubdued;The voices which thrill through my […]
Rest Made for Thyself, O God!Made for Thy love, Thy service, Thy delight; Made for Thyself, O God! Made for Thy love, Thy service, Thy delight;Made to show forth Thy wisdom, grace, and might;Made for Thy praise, whom veiled archangels land;Oh strange and glorious thought, that we may beA joy to Thee! Yet the heart […]
The Great Teacher
The Great Teacher I love to feel that I am taught,And, as a little child, I love to feel that I am taught,And, as a little child,To note the lessons I have learntIn passing through the wild.For I am sure God teaches me,And His own gracious handEach varying page before me spreads,By love and wisdom […]
Whom I Serve
Whom I Serve Jesus , Master, whom I serve,Though so feebly and so ill, Jesus, Master, whom I serve,Though so feebly and so ill,Strengthen hand and heart and nerveAll Thy bidding to fulfil;Open Thou mine eyes to seeAll the work Thou hast for me. Lord, Thou needest not, I know,Service such as I can bring;Yet […]
Not Your Own
Not Your Own “Not your own!” but His ye are,Who hath paid a price untold “Not your own!” but His ye are,Who hath paid a price untoldFor your life, exceeding farAll earth’s store of gems and gold.With the precious blood of Christ,Ransom treasure all unpriced,Full redemption is procured,Full salvation is assured. “Not your own!” but […]
Not Yet
Not Yet Not yet thou knowest what I do,O feeble child of earth, Not yet thou knowest what I do,O feeble child of earth,Whose life is but to angel viewThe morning of thy birth!The smallest leaf, the simplest flower,The wild bee’s honey-cell,Have lessons of My love and powerToo hard for thee to spell. Thou knowest […]
I Bring My Sins to Thee
I Bring My Sins to Thee I bring my sins to Thee,The sins I cannot count, I bring my sins to Thee,The sins I cannot count,That all may cleansed beIn Thy once opened Fount;I bring them Saviour, all to Thee;The burden is too great for me. I bring my griefs to Thee,The grief I cannot […]
‘The Things Which are Behind’
The Things Which are Behind’ Leave behind earth’s empty pleasure,Fleeting hope and changeful love; Leave behind earth’s empty pleasure,Fleeting hope and changeful love;Leave its soon-corroding treasure;There are better things above. Leave, oh, leave thy fond aspirings,Bid thy restless heart be still;Cease, oh cease, thy vain desirings,Only seek thy Father’s will. Leave behind thy faithless sorrow,And […]
Whose I Am
Whose I Am Whose I AmJesus , Master, whose I am, Jesus, Master, whose I am,Purchased Thine alone to be,By Thy blood, O spotless Lamb,Shed so willingly for me;Let my heart be all Thine own,Let me live to Thee alone. Other lords have long held sway;Now, Thy name alone to bear,Thy dear voice alone obey,Is […]