Psalm xxxi

Psalm xxxi My spirit on thy care, Blest Saviour, I recline; My spirit on thy care, Blest Saviour, I recline;Thou wilt not leave me in despair, For thou art Love divine. In thee I place my trust, On thee I calmly rest;I know thee good, I know thee just, And count thy choice the best. […]

Psalm cxxxix

Psalm cxxxix Omniscient God, Thine eye divineMy inmost soul can see; Omniscient God, Thine eye divineMy inmost soul can see;And every thought and act of mineIs open, Lord, to Thee! When up I rise, when down I lie,Still Thou art at my side.Where shall I shun Thy awful eye,Or from Thy Spirit hide? If up […]

Sad Thoughts

Sad Thoughts Yes, I am calm, am humbled now;The storm is rocked to rest; Yes, I am calm, am humbled now;The storm is rocked to rest;And I have learnt my head to bow,And count my lot the best. I would not struggle with my God,Or chide what He has given:Why should I murmur at the […]

“It Doth Not Yet Appear What We Shall Be”

“It Doth Not Yet Appear What We Shall Be” Ye lingering hours, wheel swift away,And usher in the joyful day, Ye lingering hours, wheel swift away,And usher in the joyful day,When, rising from a world like this,My soul shall dwell where Jesus is! Too long I’ve waited here below,And spread my wings, and sighed to […]

To Ellen

To Ellen Ah wherefore should the silent tearDown Ellen’s youthful visage stray, Ah wherefore should the silent tearDown Ellen’s youthful visage stray,When such a Hand unseen is nearTo wipe each falling drop away;A hand that bears a balm from high,For every earthly tear and sigh? And wherefore mourn a parent’s doom,When such a Parent from […]

The Heart in Tune

The Heart in Tune Be the heart in tune within,All without runs smooth and even, Be the heart in tune within,All without runs smooth and even,And earth’s objects seem to winSomething of the hues of heaven:Clouds from off our sky are flown;All grows bright around and o’er us;Life acquires a loftier tone,And hope dances light […]

The Prayer Answering God

The Prayer Answering God I stand in a world where there’s nothing my own,Where the lightest event is beyond my control; I stand in a world where there’s nothing my own,Where the lightest event is beyond my control;But to Him that is Ruler supreme and aloneI gladly resign, for I know Him, the whole.How pleasant, […]

Inscription on A Monument

Inscription on A Monument What shall we write on this memorial stone?Thy merits? Thou didst rest on Christ’s alone. What shall we write on this memorial stone?Thy merits? Thou didst rest on Christ’s alone.Our sorrows? Thou woulds chide the selfish tear.Our love? Alas, it needs no record here.Praise to thy God and ours?  His truth […]

“It Is I: Be Not Afraid”

“It Is I: Be Not Afraid” Loud was the wind, and wild the tide;The ship her course delayed: Loud was the wind, and wild the tide;The ship her course delayed:The Lord came to their help, and cried,“Tis I: be not afraid.” Who walks the waves in wondrous guise,By Nature’s laws unstaid?“Tis I,” A well known […]

“Is This Thy Kindness to Thy Friend?”

“Is This Thy Kindness to Thy Friend?” Oh, think, how He, whom thou hast wounded,Hast scourged, and scorned, and spit upon, Oh, think, how He, whom thou hast wounded,Hast scourged, and scorned, and spit upon,Hath paid thy ransom, and compoundedFor thy distresses with his own!How He, whose blood thy sins have spilt,Whose limbs they to […]

The World Renounced

The World Renounced Go, worthless world!  I’ve tried and foundThy hollowness at last: Go, worthless world!  I’ve tried and foundThy hollowness at last:I know thee now an empty sound,And spurn at all thou hast. Thy smiles, thy flatteries, thy deceit,I’ve scanned them o’er and o’er.Go, other hearts to snare and cheat;Thou holdest mine no more. […]


Recollections ‘Twas a sweet April morning: I traversed the gladeWhere my light foot in infancy often had played: ‘Twas a sweet April morning: I traversed the gladeWhere my light foot in infancy often had played:Each object recalled to my lingering viewThe hours that there once so delightfully flew. Dear scenes of enchantment, for ever gone […]

New Year’s Morning Hymn

New Year’s Morning Hymn Hail to another year,The year that now begins! Hail to another year,The year that now begins!All hail to Him who led us hereThrough dangers and through sins! Hail to another year!Peace to the year that’s past!May this one at its close appearLess worthless than the last! Hail to another year!Ere round […]

She Is Gone! She Is Gone!

She Is Gone! She Is Gone! She is gone!   she is gone!  A God of loveHas called her up to His side above; She is gone!   she is gone!  A God of loveHas called her up to His side above;Has gathered the flower in all its prime,And bade it bloom in a brighter clime;Has filled […]

The Sailor’s Meditation, on Watch at Night

The Sailor’s Meditation, on Watch at Night Above me hangs the silent sky;Around me rolls the sea; Above me hangs the silent sky;Around me rolls the sea;The crew is all at rest; and IAm, Lord, alone with Thee! Go where I may, from all remote,Thou Lord art ever near:No secret thought, but Thou canst note;No […]

A Fallen Sister

A Fallen Sister She is not dead she only sleeps:Life in her soul its vigil keeps: “The maid is not dead, but sleepeth.” She is not dead she only sleeps:Life in her soul its vigil keeps:Though dark the cloud, though strong the chain,Speak, Lord, and she shall live again! She is not dead: it cannot […]

The Pilgrim’s Song

The Pilgrim’s Song My rest is in heaven; my rest is not here;Then why should I murmur when trials are near? My rest is in heaven; my rest is not here;Then why should I murmur when trials are near?Be hushed, my dark spirit!  the worst that can comeBut shortens thy journey, and hastens thee home. […]

The Pilgrim’s Progress

The Pilgrim’s Progress Blest is the broken, bleeding heart,For sin constrained to ache! Blest is the broken, bleeding heart,For sin constrained to ache!Soon Heavenly Hands shall bind it up,No more to bleed or break. Blest are the eyes, whose burning tearsO’er past transgressions fall!The Sun of Righteousness shall rise,To dry, or light them all. That […]


Jehovah-Jireh When earthly joys glide swift away,When hopes and comforts flee, When earthly joys glide swift away,When hopes and comforts flee,When foes beset, and friends betray,I turn, my God, to Thee! Thy nature, Lord, no change can know;Thy promise still is sure;And ills can ne’er so hopeless growBut Thou canst find a cure. Deliverance comes […]

The Wall-Flower

The Wall-Flower Why loves my flower, so high reclinedUpon these walls of barren gloom, Why loves my flower, so high reclinedUpon these walls of barren gloom,To wast her sweetness on the wind,And far from every eye to bloom?Why joy to twine with golden braidThis ruined rampart’s aged head,Proud to expose her gentle formAnd swing her […]

Psalm cxxxix

Psalm cxxxix Omniscient God, Thine eye divineMy inmost soul can see; Omniscient God, Thine eye divineMy inmost soul can see;And every thought and act of mineIs open, Lord, to Thee! When up I rise, when down I lie,Still Thou art at my side.Where shall I shun Thy awful eye,Or from Thy Spirit hide? If up […]

Jesus Wept

Jesus Wept Did Christ o’er sinners weep?And shall our cheeks be dry? Did Christ o’er sinners weep? And shall our cheeks be dry?Let floods of penitential griefBurst forth from every eye. The Son of God in tearsThe angels wondering see:Hast thou no wonder, O my soul?He shed those tears for thee! He wept that we […]


Winter The billowy shore is booming loudThe sky is black with storm and cloud, The billowy shore is booming loudThe sky is black with storm and cloud,The fields are bare, the air is chill,And winter reigns from vale to hill. The shortening day, the muffled sky,The wild wind whistling bleakly by,The naked fields, the leafless […]


Aspirations I would not always sailUpon a sunny sea: I would not always sailUpon a sunny sea:The mountain wave, the sounding gale,Have deeper joys for me. Let others love to creepAlong the flowery dell:Be mine upon the craggy steep,Among the storms to dwell. The rock, the mist, the foam,The wonderful, the wildI feel they form […]

Spare My Flower

Spare My Flower O spare my flower, my gentle flower,The slender creature of a day! O spare my flower, my gentle flower,The slender creature of a day!Let it bloom out its little hour,And pass away.Too soon its fleeting charms must lieDecayed, unnoticed, overthrown.O hasten not its destiny,Too like thy own. The breeze will roam this […]

Parted Christians

Parted Christians When reft of the converse of those that they love,The godless may fret and repine: When reft of the converse of those that they love,The godless may fret and repine:‘Tis ours to look up to a Father above,And try to His will to resign.The friends in a Saviour need not be deplored,Wherever their […]

Autumnal Hymn

Autumnal Hymn The leaves around me fallingAre preaching of decay; The leaves around me fallingAre preaching of decay;The hollow winds are calling,“Come, pilgrim, come away!”The day, in night declining,Says, I must too decline,The year its life resigningIts lot foreshadows mine. The light my path surrounding,The loves to which I cling,The hopes within me bounding,The joys […]

“Whither Shall I Fly From Thy Presence?”

“Whither Shall I Fly From Thy Presence?” Where shall I fly?  What dark untrodden pathWill lead a sinner from his Maker’s wrath? Where shall I fly?  What dark untrodden pathWill lead a sinner from his Maker’s wrath?Alas!  where’er I bend my outcast way,His eye can search, His mighty hand hath sway. Is there no island […]

Fly, Ye Hours

Fly, Ye Hours Fly, ye hours, the best, the brightest:Best are they that fleet the lightest! Fly, ye hours, the best, the brightest: Best are they that fleet the lightest!Man, be wise:Thy earthly joysAre poor, compared with those thou slightest. The world we roamIs not our home:We seek a rest that aye remaineth.Through weal or […]

“Return Unto Me, and I Will Return Unto Thee.”

“Return Unto Me, and I Will Return Unto Thee. Wilt Thou return to me, O Lord,If I return to Thee? Wilt Thou return to me, O Lord,If I return to Thee?O Heavenly truth!  O Gracious word!My Hope and Refuge be! Silence from Thy foot I dared to roam.My soul has found no rest,Chastised and contrite, […]


Evening Sweet evening hour!  sweet evening hour!That calms the air, and shuts the flower; Sweet evening hour!  sweet evening hour!That calms the air, and shuts the flower;That brings the wild bird to her nest,The infant to its mother’s brast. Sweet hour!  that bids the labourer cease;That gives the weary team release,And leads them home, and […]

Morning Thoughts

Tree Branch and Water

Morning Thoughts Again, O Lord, I ope my eyes,Thy glorious light to see, Again, O Lord, I ope my eyes,Thy glorious light to see,And share the gifts so largely lentTo thankless man by Thee. And why has God o’er me this nightThe watch so kindly kept?And why have I so safely waked?And why so sweetly […]

“Lo, We Have Left All, and Followed Thee”

“Lo, We Have Left All, and Followed Thee” Jesus, I my cross have taken,All to leave and follow Thee: Jesus, I my cross have taken,All to leave and follow Thee:Destitute, despised, forsaken,Thou from hence my all shalt be.Perish, every fond ambition,All I’ve sought, and hoped, and known;Yet how rich is my condition,God and heaven are […]

The Voice of God

The Voice of God Glory and praise to Jehovah on high!Glory from all, through the earth and the sky! Glory and praise to Jehovah on high!Glory from all, through the earth and the sky!Angles, approach Him in homage and duty;Fall at the feet of your Heavenly King:Saints, to His presence O throng, in the beautyOf […]


Stability There is a change in all below;Nought sure beneath the sky: There is a change in all below;Nought sure beneath the sky:Suns rise and set, tides ebb and flow,And man but lives to die. Our joys and sorrows, hopes and fears,Still course each other on:A blessing in our path appearsWe grasp, and it is […]

“The Unknown God”

“The Unknown God” The Lord hath builded for Himself;He needs no earthly dome: The Lord hath builded for Himself;He needs no earthly dome:The universe His dwelling is,Eternity His home. Yon glorious sky His temple stands,So lofty, bright, and blue,All lamped with stars, and curtained roundWith clouds of every hue. Earth is His altar: nature thereHer […]

Mary’s Grave

Mary’s Grave Mary, thou art gone to rest;Why should we deplore thee? Mary, thou art gone to rest;Why should we deplore thee?Light the turf lies on thy breast,Soft the winds breathe o’er thee.Here within thy native clayCalmly thou art sleeping,Safer, happier, far than theyWho are o’er thee weeping. Pleasant is thy lowly bed,Close to those […]

The Mother and Her Dying Boy

The Mother and Her Dying Boy My mother, my mother, O let me depart!Your tears and your pleadings are swords to my heart. BoyMy mother, my mother, O let me depart!Your tears and your pleadings are swords to my heart.I hear gentle voices, that chide my delay;I see lovely visions, that woo me away.My prison […]

Elijah’s Interview With God

Elijah’s Interview With God On Horeb’s rock the prophet stood:The Lord before him passed: On Horeb’s rock the prophet stood:The Lord before him passed:A hurricane in angry moodSwept by him strong and fast.The forests fell before its force;The rocks were shivered in its course:God rode not in the blast!‘Twas but the whirlwind of His breath,Announcing […]

When at Thy Footstool, Lord, I Bend

When at Thy Footstool, Lord, I Bend When at Thy footstool, Lord, I bend,And plead with Thee for mercy there, When at Thy footstool, Lord, I bend,And plead with Thee for mercy there,Think of the sinner’s dying Friend,And for His sake receive my prayer . O think not of my shame and guilt,My thousand stains […]

There Is a Safe and Secret Place

There Is a Safe and Secret Place There is a safe and secret place,Beneath the wings divine, There is a safe and secret place,Beneath the wings divine,Reserved for all the heirs of grace;O be that refuge mine! The least and feeblest there may bide,Uninjured and unawed;While thousands fall on every side,He rests secure in God. […]

Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven

Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven;To His feet Thy tribute bring! Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven;To His feet Thy tribute bring!Ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven,Who like me His praise should sing?Praise Him! praise Him!Praise the everlasting King! Praise Him for His grace and favour,To our fathers […]

Praise the Lord, God’s Glories Show

Praise the Lord, God’s Glories Show Praise the Lord, God’s glories show, Alleluia!Saints within God’s courts below, Alleluia! Praise the Lord, God’s glories show, Alleluia!Saints within God’s courts below, Alleluia!Angels round the throne above, Alleluia!All that see and share God’s love, Alleluia! Earth to heaven and heaven to earth, Alleluia!Tell the wonders, sing God’s worth, […]

Praise for Thee, Lord, in Zion Waits

Praise for Thee, Lord, in Zion Waits Praise for Thee, Lord, in Zion waits;Prayer shall besiege Thy temple gates; Praise for Thee, Lord, in Zion waits;Prayer shall besiege Thy temple gates;All flesh shall to Thy throne repair,And find through Christ salvation there. Our spirits faint; our sins prevail;Leave not our trembling hearts to fail:O Thou […]

Pleasant Are Thy Courts Above

Pleasant Are Thy Courts Above Pleasant are Thy courts above,In the land of light and love; Pleasant are Thy courts above,In the land of light and love;Pleasant are Thy courts belowIn this land of sin and woe;O, my spirit longs and faintsFor the converse of Thy saints,For the brightness of Thy face,For Thy fullness, God […]

O That the Lord’s Salvation

O That the Lord’s Salvation O that the Lord’s salvationWere out of Zion come, O that the Lord’s salvationWere out of Zion come,To heal His ancient nation,To lead His outcasts home! How long the holy cityShall heathen feet profane?Return, O Lord, in pity;Rebuild her walls again. Let fall Thy rod of terror;Thy saving grace impart;Roll […]

God of Mercy, God of Grace

God of Mercy, God of Grace God of mercy, God of grace,Show the brightness of Thy face: God of mercy, God of grace,Show the brightness of Thy face:Shine upon us, Saviour, shine,Fill Thy church with light Divine;And Thy saving health extend,Unto earth’s remotest end. Let Thy people praise Thee, Lord;Be by all that live adored;Let […]

My Spirit on Thy Care

My Spirit on Thy Care My spirit on thy care,Blest Saviour, I recline; My spirit on thy care,Blest Saviour, I recline;Thou wilt not leave me in despair,For thou art Love divine. In thee I place my trust,On thee I calmly rest;I know thee good, I know thee just,And count thy choice the best. Whate’er events […]

O Lord, How Good, How Great Art Thou

O Lord, How Good, How Great Art Thou O Lord, how good, how great art thou,In heaven and earth the same! O Lord, how good, how great art thou, In heaven and earth the same!There angels at thy footstool bow,Here babes thy grace proclaim. When glorious in the nightly skyThy moon and stars I see,O […]

Far From My Heavenly Home

Far From My Heavenly Home Far from my heavenly home,Far from my Father’s breast, Far from my heavenly home,Far from my Father’s breast,Fainting I cry, blest Spirit, comeAnd speed me to my rest. My spirit homeward turnsAnd fain would thither flee;My heart, O Zion, droops and yearns,When I remember thee. To thee, to thee I […]

Declining Days

Declining Days Why do I sigh to findLife’s evening shadows gathering round my way? Why do I sigh to findLife’s evening shadows gathering round my way?The keen eye dimming, and the buoyant mindUnhinging day by day? Is it the natural dreadOf that stern lot, which all who live must see?The worm, the clay, the dark […]

Abide with Me

Abide with Me Abide with me! Fast falls the eventide;The darkness thickens. Lord, with me abide Abide with me! Fast falls the eventide;The darkness thickens. Lord, with me abideWhen other helpers fail, and comforts flee,Help of the helpless, O abide with me! Swift to its close ebbs out life’s little day;Earth’s joys grow dim, its […]
