Hittite— its mystery-Charles Spurgeon
Hittite— its mystery-Charles Spurgeon It was reported of alanus, when he promised his auditory to discourse the next sunday more clearly of the trinity, and to make plain that mystery, while he was studying the point by the sea-side, he spied a boy very busy with a little spoon trudging often between the sea and […]
Hypocritical Confessions – Charles H Spurgeon
Hypocritical Confessions – Charles H Spurgeon You have beard, no doubt, of beggars who tie a leg up when they go a-begging, and then make a hideous lamentation of their lameness. Why, this is just your case, sir, when you go to church a-praying, which is begging, you tie your righteous heart up, and then […]
Hypocrites Their Sinister Motives – Charles H Spurgeon
Hypocrites Their Sinister Motives – Charles H Spurgeon See yonder eagle, how it mounts! Does it care for the ethereal blue, or aspire to commune with the stars of heaven! Not a whit; such airy considerations have no weight with the ravenous bird; and yet you will not wonder that it soars aloft when you […]
Hypocrites Seeking Their Own Advantage – Charles H Spurgeon
Hypocrites Seeking Their Own Advantage – Charles H Spurgeon God is in the hypocrite’s mouth, but the world is in his heart, which he expects to gain through his good reputation. I have read of one that offered his prince a great sum of money to have leave once or twice a-day to come into […]
Hypocrites Season For – Charles H Spurgeon
Hypocrites Season For – Charles H Spurgeon After a refreshing shower which has made all the flowers to smile till the teardrops of joy stand in their eyes, you will see your garden-paths spotted over with slugs and snails. These creatures lay concealed till the genial rain called them forth to make their slimy way […]
Hypocrites Discovered On Nearer Inspection – Charles H Spurgeon
Hypocrites Discovered On Nearer Inspection – Charles H Spurgeon How many are like that famous painting of the olden time, in which the artist depicted what seemed at a distance a holy friar with a book before him, and his hands crossed in devotion, looking like a saint indeed, but when you came close to […]
Hypocrisy Of No Service – Charles H Spurgeon
Hypocrisy Of No Service – Charles H Spurgeon Coals of fire cannot be concealed beneath the most sumptuous apparel, they-will betray themselves with smoke and flame; nor can darling sins be long hidden beneath the most ostentatious profession, they will sooner or later discover themselves, and burn sad holes in the man’s reputation. Sin needs […]
Hypocrisy Present Age Suitable To – Charles H Spurgeon
Hypocrisy Present Age Suitable To – Charles H Spurgeon There was an age of chivalry, when no craven courted knighthood, for it involved the hard blows, the dangerous wounds, the rough unhorsings, and the ungentle perils of the tournament; nay, these were but child’s play: there were distant eastern fields, where Paynim warriors must be […]
Hypocrisy A Fall Fatal – Charles H Spurgeon
Hypocrisy A Fall Fatal – Charles H Spurgeon ‘The meteor, if it once fall, cannot be rekindled.’ When those who once flashed before the eyes of the religious public with the blaze of a vain profession, fall into open and scandalous sin, it is impossible to renew their glory. Once break the egg of hypocrisy, […]
Hypocrisy Easy But Dangerous – Charles H Spurgeon
Hypocrisy Easy But Dangerous – Charles H Spurgeon The counterfeit will always have some admirers, from its cheapness in the market. One must dig deep in dark mines for gold and silver; the precious treasure must be brought from far across the seas; it must be melted down, it must pass through many assays, and […]
Hypocrisy 3 – Charles H Spurgeon
Hypocrisy 3 – Charles H Spurgeon The shops in the square of San Marco were all religiously closed, for the day was a high festival. We were much disappointed, for it was our last day, and we desired to take away with us some souvenirs of lovely Venice; but our regret soon vanished, for on […]
Hypocrisy 2 – Charles H Spurgeon
Hypocrisy 2 – Charles H Spurgeon In the pursuit of pastoral duty, I stood a little while ago in a cheesemonger’s shop, and being in a fidgety humour, and having a stick in my hand, I did what most Englishmen are sure to do, I was not content with seeing, but must needs touch as […]
Hypocrisy – Charles H Spurgeon
Hypocrisy – Charles H Spurgeon In the olden times even the best rooms were usually of bare brick or stone, damp, and moldy, but over these in great houses when the family was resident, were hung up arras or hangings of rich materials, between which and the wall persons might conceal themselves, so that literally […]
Humility And Cheerpulness – Charles H Spurgeon
Humility And Cheerpulness – Charles H Spurgeon ‘Observe the peculiar characters of the grass which adapt it especially for the service of man, are its apparent humility and cheerfulness. Its humility, in that it seems created only for lowest service, appointed to be trodden on, and fed upon. Its cheerfulness, in that it seems to […]
Humility 3 – Charles H Spurgeon
Humility 3 – Charles H Spurgeon Of all trees, I observe God hath chosen the vine, a low plant that creeps upon the helpful wall; of all beasts, the soft and patient lamb; of all fowls, the mild and guileless dove. Christ is the rose of the field, and the lily of the valley. When […]
Humility 2 – Charles H Spurgeon
Humility 2 – Charles H Spurgeon The whole Roman language, even with all the improvements of the Augustan age, does not afford so much as a name for humility (the word from whence we borrow this, as is well known, bearing in Latin a quite different meaning), no, nor was one found in all the […]
Humility – Charles H Spurgeon
Humility – Charles H Spurgeon Wise men know their own ignorance and are ever ready to learn. Humility is the child of knowledge. Michael Angelo was found by the Cardinal Earnese walking in solitude amid the ruins of the Coliseum, and when he expressed his surprise, the great artist answered, ‘I go yet to school […]
Hope 2 – Charles H Spurgeon
Hope 2 – Charles H Spurgeon It is reported that in the Tamul language there is no word for hope. Alas! poor men, if we were all as destitute of the blessed comfort itself as these Tamul speakers are of the word! What must be the misery of souls in hell where they remember the […]
Hope – Charles H Spurgeon
Hope – Charles H Spurgeon Once on a time, certain strong laborers were sent forth by the great King to level a primeval forest, to plough it, to sow it, and to bring to him the harvest. They were stout-hearted and strong, and willing enough for labor, and much they needed all their strength and […]
Holy Water – Charles H Spurgeon
Holy Water – Charles H Spurgeon Holy water, indeed! a vile mixture, neither fit for man nor beast. You see this liquid virtue at the doors of all the churches ready for the brows of the faithful, but what is far more curious, you observe it in little pots placed for use in the cemeteries; […]
Heavenward – Charles H Spurgeon
Heavenward – Charles H Spurgeon My horse invariably comes home in less time than he makes the journey out. He pulls the carriage with a hearty goodwill when his face is towards home. Should not I also both suffer and labor the more joyously because my way lies towards heaven, and I am on pilgrimage […]
Heaven Its Variety – Charles H Spurgeon
Heaven Its Variety – Charles H Spurgeon We cannot stay to read the catalogue now, but heavenly joys shall be like the tree of life in the New Jerusalem, which, brings forth twelve manner of fruits, and yields her fruit ever month. Robert Hall used to cry, ‘O for the everlasting rest!’ but Wilberforce would […]
Heaven A Sustaining Prospect – Charles H Spurgeon
Heaven A Sustaining Prospect – Charles H Spurgeon One Palmer, of Reading, being condemned to die, in Queen Mary’s time, was much persuaded to recant, and among other things a friend said to him, ‘Take pity on thy golden years and pleasant flowers of youth, before it be too late.’ His reply was as beautiful […]
Heaven To Be Shut Out Of At Last – Charles H Spurgeon
Heaven To Be Shut Out Of At Last – Charles H Spurgeon Several years ago we heard an old minister relate the following incident:: ‘He had preached the Word for many a year in a wood hard by a beautiful village in the Inverness-shire Highlands, and it was his invariable custom, on dismissing his own […]
Heaven None Admitted But Those Like Jesus – Charles H Spurgeon
Heaven None Admitted But Those Like Jesus – Charles H Spurgeon At heaven’s gate there stands an angel with charge to admit none but those who in their countenances bear the same features as the Lord of the place. Here comes a monarch with a crown upon his head. The angel pays him no respect, […]
Heaven An Incentive To Diligence – Charles H Spurgeon
Heaven An Incentive To Diligence – Charles H Spurgeon Julius Caesar coming towards Rome with his army, and hearing that the senate and people had fled from it, said, ‘They that will not fight for this city, what city will they fight for?’ If we will not take pains for the kingdom of heaven, what […]
Heaven Our Future Condition In – Charles H Spurgeon
Heaven Our Future Condition In – Charles H Spurgeon You will very often perceive in your rain-water certain ugly little things, which swim and twist about in it, always trying if they can to reach the surface and breathe through one end of their bodies. What makes these little things so lively, these innumerable little […]
Heaven – Charles H Spurgeon
Heaven – Charles H Spurgeon ‘Who,’ saith an old divine, ‘chides a servant for taking away the first course at a feast when the second consists of far greater delicacies?’ Who then can feel regret that this present world passeth away, when he sees that an eternal world of joy is coming? The first course […]
Heart Seat Of Spiritual Disease – Charles H Spurgeon
Heart Seat Of Spiritual Disease – Charles H Spurgeon Some malady which you do not understand troubles and alarms you. The physician is called. Thinking that the illness proceeds from a certain inflammatory process on a portion of your skin, you anxiously direct his attention to the spot. Silently, but sympathizing, he looks at the […]
Heart Must Be Renewed – Charles H Spurgeon
Heart Must Be Renewed – Charles H Spurgeon A man may beat down the bitter fruit from an evil tree until he is weary; whilst the root abides in strength and vigor, the beating down of the present fruit will not hinder it from bringing forth more. This is the folly of some men; they […]
Heart Hardness Of – Charles H Spurgeon
Heart Hardness Of – Charles H Spurgeon Lightfoot says:: ‘I have heard it more than once and again, from the sheriffs who took all the gunpowder plotters, and brought them up to London, that every night when they came to their lodging by the way, they had their music and dancing a good part of […]
Heart (Broken) Its Prevalence With God – Charles H Spurgeon
Heart (Broken) Its Prevalence With God – Charles H Spurgeon What man among you can stand against his children’s tears? When King Henry II., in the ages gone by, was provoked to take up arms against his ungrateful and rebellious son, he besieged him in one of the French towns, and the son being near […]
Heart Its Aberrations – Charles H Spurgeon
Heart Its Aberrations – Charles H Spurgeon The compass on board an iron vessel is very subject to aberrations; yet, for all that, its evident desire is to be true to the pole. True hearts in this wicked world, and in this fleshly body, are all too apt to swerve, but they still show their […]
Hearing Useless Alone – Charles H Spurgeon
Hearing Useless Alone – Charles H Spurgeon What a mistake to imagine that, by hearing first one preacher and then another, we can derive benefit to our souls! More is wanted than such hearing. A raven may fly from cage to cage, but it is not thereby changed into a dove. Go from room to […]
Hearing For Others – Charles H Spurgeon
Hearing For Others – Charles H Spurgeon The negro preachers are often marked by great shrewdness and mother wit; and will not only point the truth, but barb it, so that if once in it will stick fast. One of these was once descanting with much earnestness on different ways in which men lose their […]
Hearing Carelessly – Charles H Spurgeon
Hearing Carelessly – Charles H Spurgeon We crossed and recrossed the river several times by the ferry-boat at Basle. We had no object in the world but merely amusement and curiosity, to watch the simple machinery by which the same current is made to drift the boat in opposite directions from side to side. To […]
Hearing – Charles H Spurgeon
Hearing – Charles H Spurgeon v’I have an ear for other preachers,’ Sir John Cheke used to say, ‘but I have a heart for Latimer.’ Here is a very clear and main distinction. Too often men hear the Word sounding its drums and trumpets outside their walls, and they are filled with admiration of the […]
Hearers – Charles H Spurgeon
Hearers – Charles H Spurgeon Jedidiah Buxton, the famous peasant, who could multiply nine figures by nine in his head, was once taken to see Garrick act. When he went back to his own village, he was asked what he thought of the great actor and his doings. ‘Oh!’ he said, ‘he did not know, […]
Head Christ – Charles H Spurgeon
Head Christ – Charles H Spurgeon Everyone knows that it would be far better to lose our feet than our head. Adam had feet to stand with, but we have lost them by his disobedience; yet glory be to God, we have found a Head, in whom we abide eternally secure, a Head which we […]
Happiness Of Believers – Charles H Spurgeon
Happiness Of Believers – Charles H Spurgeon One of my hearers had seven children, who had come in rapid succession; he was hard-working and well spoken of. His children were all asleep when I went in, and as I expressed the pleasure the sight of their peaceful little faces gave me, the father said, ‘Ay, […]
Habits Destructive Power Of – Charles H Spurgeon
Habits Destructive Power Of – Charles H Spurgeon The surgeon of a regiment in India relates the following incident:: ‘A soldier rushed into the tent, to inform me that one of his comrades was drowning in a pond close by, and nobody could attempt to save him in consequence of the dense weeds which covered […]
Hope for salvation from the law-Charles Spurgeon
Hope for salvation from the law-Charles Spurgeon A contented citizen of Milan, who had never passed beyond its walls during the course of sixty years, being ordered by the governor not to stir beyond its gates, became immediately miserable, and felt so powerful an inclination to do that which he had so long contentedly neglected, […]
Heat Forms Porcelain
Heat Forms Porcelain A clay pot sitting in the sun will always be a clay pot. It has to go through the white heat of the furnace to become porcelain. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email
How to Get More Done
How to Get More Done 1. Redefine your roles regularly2. Refocus on high priority tasks3. Request heavenly wisdom4. Replenish your personal strength (physical, emotional, spiritual)5. Remember what’s important6. Refine your strengths and weaknesses Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email
How Long Things Last
How Long Things Last Experts estimate that if a normal cassette tape is played about 100 times a year, sound quality will deteriorate somewhat after about 10 years. But the tape itself will play on. A lightening bolt lasts 45 to 55 microseconds. The average running shoe worn by the average runner on an average […]
Head Knowledge or Heart Knowledge
Head Knowledge or Heart Knowledge Just as knowing that soap will clean the dirt off our hands does nothing for us until we use it, knowing the facts of the Gospel does nothing for a man until he personally applies them. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email
He Insulted the Governor
He Insulted the Governor A lady once came to Governor Nash and said, “Governor Nash, I have come to speak to you on behalf of my poor boy who is soon to die in the electric chair. Governor, I have not come to ask for justice but for mercy, not for his sake but mine. […]
How Did Sin Get into Sinclair?
How Did Sin Get into Sinclair? Dr. Walter Wilson, ever on the alert to speak to men about their souls and need of the Saviour, asked an attendant at a service station who had filled his car with gas: “How did sin get in Sinclair?” pointing to the lighted sign atop the gas pump. “I […]
Heart Transplant
Heart Transplant The average cost of a heart transplant including the need for immunosuppressant drugs after the surgery is $864,700. Yet, the best heart transplant a man can receive costs him nothing and the new heart will never fail. “A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within […]
He Tried to Save Himself
He Tried to Save Himself On Sunday, March 6, 1881, a barque was wrecked off the north coast of Scotland. Fishermen on shore made several attempts to get a line on board, but the wind was too strong. They succeeded at last, however, by using an empty barrel. There were eleven men on board, but […]
Heading the Wrong Direction
Heading the Wrong Direction A sailor was once left in charge of the helm, with directions from the captain to keep his eye on a certain star, and steer the vessel directly towards it, which he promised faithfully to do. The captain went below, and fell asleep. After awhile he awoke, went on deck, and […]
Hurricane Camille
Hurricane Camille In 1969, in Pass Christian, Mississippi, a group of people were preparing to have a “hurricane party” in the face of a storm named Camille. The wind was howling outside the posh Richelieu Apartments when Police Chief Jerry Peralta pulled up sometime after dark. A man with a drink in his hand came […]
Headlines of Antichrist’s Death
Headlines of Antichrist’s Death David Jeremiah in his book, “Escape the Coming Night”, suggested the headlines of the Antichrist’s death might read something like this: “Assassin kills Judas Christopher, U.S. of Europe Mourns Loss of Leader ‘Christopher was pronounced dead on arrival at the International Hospital of Rome this morning. The motorcade of U.S.E. officials […]
He Was Turned Away from Church
He Was Turned Away from Church During Mahatma Gandhi’s student days he read the Gospels and thought that maybe he had found the cure to the caste system of India. He decided to go to church and ask the minister how to become a Christian. However, when he entered the building the usher refused to give […]
How Mosaics Evangelize: Researcher George Barna-George Mueller
How Mosaics Evangelize: Researcher George Barna-George Mueller How Mosaics Evangelize: Researcher George Barna says recent Barna Group research finds that Mosaics (adolescents through 20’s) are much more likely to share their faith through ongoing discussions with friends and through e-mail and instant message conversations than older adults. He advises evangelistic ministries and churches to enable […]
He Wished He Had Praised More
He Wished He Had Praised More The Duke of Wellington, the British military leader who defeated Napoleon at Waterloo, was not an easy man to serve under. He was brilliant, demanding, and not one to shower his subordinates with compliments. Yet even Wellington realized that his methods left something to be desired. In his old […]
He Chose to Be Happy
He Chose to Be Happy Prentice Henderson lived to be 100. He lived through the Great Depression, fought in World War II, and buried his wife. He did not retire until he was in his 70s, and he taught Sunday School to 7th-grade boys for over 30 years at First Baptist Church. He had a […]
How People Spend Their Lives
How People Spend Their Lives Someone has calculated how a typical lifespan of 70 years is spent. Here is the estimate: Sleep—23 years—32.9% Work—16 years—22.8% TV—8 years—11.4% Eating—6 years—8.6% Travel—6 years—8.6% Leisure—4.5 years—6.5% Illness—4 years—5.7% Dressing—2 years—2.8% Religion—0.5 years—0.7% Total—70 years Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email
Hold the Fort
Hold the Fort In October, 1864, just before General Sherman commenced his famous march to the sea, while his army lay camped in the neighborhood of Atlanta, the army of Hood, in a carefully prepared movement, passed the right flank of Sherman’s army, and gaining his rear, commenced the destruction of the railroad leading north, […]
He Gave for Us
He Gave for Us A chaplain was ministering to a soldier in the hospital and said, “You have lost an arm in the great cause.” The soldier replied, “I didn’t lose it—I gave it.” Jesus did not lose His life either. He willingly gave it for us so we could be reconciled to God. Facebook […]
Heaven Cannot Be Earned
Heaven Cannot Be Earned In June of 2008 Phuljharia Kunwa, a rich 80-year old Indian widow, spent thousands of dollars on a feast for 100,000 people hoping it would please the gods and open the doors of heaven for her. She fed lunch to people from surrounding villages and towns for two consecutive days. She […]
Honoring Her Husband
Honoring Her Husband There is an old story that illustrates the principle of honor within marriage. A drunkard husband, spending the evening with his jovial companions at a tavern, boasted that if he took a group of his friends home with him at midnight and asked his Christian wife to get up and cook supper […]
Harry Hopkin’s Influence
Harry Hopkin’s Influence Franklin Roosevelt’s closest adviser during much of his presidency was a man named Harry Hopkins. During World War II, when his influence with Roosevelt was at its peak, Hopkins held no official Cabinet position. Moreover, Hopkins’s closeness to Roosevelt caused many to regard him as a shadowy, sinister figure. As a result […]
How Faith Is Destroyed
How Faith Is Destroyed Samuel Clemens, more commonly known by his pen name, Mark Twain was a gifted writer. Yet Twain held a deep contempt for Christianity. He once referred to it as a “slaughterhouse religion” because of the doctrine of the blood atonement, and he often turned his ridicule on those who believed the […]
Humorous Labels
Humorous Labels On a bar of Dial soap: DIRECTIONS—USE LIKE REGULAR SOAP On Tesco’s Tiramisu dessert (printed on the bottom of the box): DO NOT TURN UPSIDE DOWN On Marks & Spencer Bread Pudding: PRODUCT WILL BE HOT AFTER HEATING On a Korean kitchen knife: WARNING KEEP OUT OF CHILDREN On a string of Chinese-made […]
Holding Her Tongue
Holding Her Tongue On a windswept hill in an English country churchyard stands a drab, gray slate tombstone. The quaint stone bears an epitaph not easily seen unless you stoop over and look closely. The faint etchings read: Beneath this stone, a lump of clay,Lies Arabella Young,Who on the twenty-fourth of May,Began to hold her […]
Hypocrites, Providence revealing – Charles Spurgeon
Hypocrites, Providence revealing – Charles Spurgeon A LION may lie all day asleep, you may scarce know but what it is tame; but when the night brings the time for it to go forth to its prey, then it howls, and displays its ferocity. And so an ungodly man may lie down in the church […]
Hypocrites in the Church – Charles Spurgeon
Hypocrites in the Church – Charles Spurgeon DOUBTLESS there are thousands in all Christian churches who have the stamp and the impress of the King upon them, and look like the genuine shekels of the sanctuary, who after all are only fit to be, like bad money, fastened down on the footstool of the judgment […]
Hypocrite, Picture of a – Charles Spurgeon
Hypocrite, Picture of a – Charles Spurgeon I RECOLLECT when a child seeing on the mantel-piece a stone apple, wonderfully like an apple, too, and very well colored. I saw that apple years after, but it was no riper. It had been in unfavorable circumstances for softening and sweetening, if it ever would have become […]
Hypocrisy no Excuse for the Sins of others – Charles Spurgeon
Hypocrisy no Excuse for the Sins of others – Charles Spurgeon FRIEND, you cannot have a greater abhorrence of hypocrites than I have. If you can find a fair chance of laughing at them, pray do so. If by any means you can stick pins into their wind-bags, and let the gas of their profession […]
Humility of True Servants of God – Charles Spurgeon
Humility of True Servants of God – Charles Spurgeon THOSE who express great concern for prominent ministers, because of their temptations, do well, but they will be even more in the path of duty if they have as much solicitude about themselves. I remember one whose pride was visible in his very manner, a person […]
Humiliation Necessary to Salvation – Charles Spurgeon
Humiliation Necessary to Salvation – Charles Spurgeon WILLIAM DAWSON once told this story to illustrate how humble the soul must be before it can find peace. He said that at a revival meeting, a little lad who was used to Methodist ways—I do not tell the story for the sake of the Methodism, but for […]
Human Soul Tyrannized over – Charles Spurgeon
Human Soul Tyrannized over – Charles Spurgeon HOW certain it is that a yoke is essential to produce rest, and without it rest is unknown! Spain found rest by getting rid of that wretched monarch, Isabella; an iron yoke was her dominion upon the nation’s neck, crushing every aspiration after progress by an intolerable tyranny. […]
Human Instrumentality and Divine Work – Charles Spurgeon
Human Instrumentality and Divine Work – Charles Spurgeon SUPPOSE it were known that the events of a certain battle would depend entirely on the skill of the general. The two armies are equally balanced, and everything must depend upon the tact of the commander; would the soldiers therefore conclude that they needed not to load, […]
Human Inability, no Excuse for the Sinner – Charles Spurgeon
Human Inability, no Excuse for the Sinner – Charles Spurgeon “NO man can save himself,” says one. Yet the case is very like that of the master who sent his negro servant with a letter. The negro was, like some others, rather lazy, and came back with it. “Why did you not deliver it?” “I […]
Hopes, False—Failing in Time of Need – Charles Spurgeon
Hopes, False—Failing in Time of Need – Charles Spurgeon I KNOW of one who, traveling over a pass in Italy, one evening, secured a light to help him over a dangerous and difficult part of the way farther on. It was not needed until the narrow steep descent was reached; in fact, it was in […]
Hopes, Brightening of – Charles Spurgeon
Hopes, Brightening of – Charles Spurgeon WHEN sin conquered the realm of manhood, it slew all the minstrels except those of the race of Hope. For humanity, amid all its sorrows and sins, hope sings on. To believers in Jesus there remains a royal race of bards, for we have a hope of glory, a […]
Hope while Life lasts – Charles Spurgeon
Hope while Life lasts – Charles Spurgeon DO you not hear the breaking of the waves of the unknown sea? You must go down into it! Do you not even now hear the boomings of its awful billows upon the cliffs of time? What if it should be a sea of fire to you forever? […]
Hope for the Vilest Sinners – Charles Spurgeon
Hope for the Vilest Sinners – Charles Spurgeon WHILE we try to cloak anything from God, we are both wicked and foolish. It argues a rebellious spirit when we have a desire to hide away from our Maker; but when a man uncovers his wound, invites inspection of its sore, bids the surgeon cut away […]
Honesty to the Souls of Men – Charles Spurgeon
Honesty to the Souls of Men – Charles Spurgeon WE are told that men are drawn to Christ by love, and the statement is true; but, at the same time, “knowing the terror of the Lord,” we are to persuade men, and not to keep back the evil tidings. Even Christ with weeping eyes and […]
Home-sickness of the Believer – Charles Spurgeon
Home-sickness of the Believer – Charles Spurgeon SOMETIMES the heir of Heaven grows impatient of his bondage, and like a captive who, looking out of the narrow window of his prison, beholds the green fields of the unfettered earth, and marks the flashing waves of the ocean, ever free, and hears the songs of the […]
Homeliness, a Minister’s Power – Charles Spurgeon
Homeliness, a Minister’s Power – Charles Spurgeon OH, dear, dear! the lofty ministerial airs that one has seen assumed by men who ought to have been meek and lowly. What a grand set of men some of the preachers of the past have thought themselves to be! I trust those who played the archbishop have […]
Home Religion – Charles Spurgeon
Home Religion – Charles Spurgeon IF you tell me that you belong to Christ, I should like to ask a witness or two. Oh! it is so easy to get into a Christian church, and make a profession! The Lord knows I have used my best diligence, and I can say the same of my […]
Home, Waiting for – Charles Spurgeon
Home, Waiting for – Charles Spurgeon I DO not know a more beautiful sight to be seen on earth than a man who has served his Lord many years, and who, having grown grey in service, feels that in the order of nature he must soon be called home. He is rejoicing in the first-fruits […]
Home, Longing for – Charles Spurgeon
Home, Longing for – Charles Spurgeon DO not you recollect how, in your schoolboy days, you used to make a little almanac with a square for every day, and how you always crossed off the day as soon as ever it began, as though you would try and make the distance from your joy as […]
He Mailed Himself
He Mailed Himself Charles McKinley, had four weeks of vacation coming, so he decided to visit his parents in DeSoto, Texas. Rather than buy a plane ticket from New York to Dallas for $320, McKinley, a shipping clerk, packed himself into a shipping crate and air-expressed himself home, charging the fees to his employer. When […]
Holy Spirit, Vivifying the Word – Charles Spurgeon
Holy Spirit, Vivifying the Word – Charles Spurgeon IT is the word of God that is living, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. There must be life in it, for by it men are born again. As for believers, the Holy Spirit often sets the word on a blaze while they are studying […]
Holy Spirit, Treasury of the Church – Charles Spurgeon
Holy Spirit, Treasury of the Church – Charles Spurgeon BRETHREN, the more than golden treasure of the church is the Holy Spirit. The treasury of the church is not under the lock and key of the State; her caskets of wealth are not to be opened by the power of the policeman, by an Act […]
Holiness the Root of Testimony – Charles Spurgeon
Holiness the Root of Testimony – Charles Spurgeon IN proportion as a church is holy, in that proportion will its testimony for Christ be powerful. Oh! were the saints immaculate, our testimony would be like fire among the stubble, like the flaming firebrand in the midst of the sheaves of corn. Were the saints of […]
Holiness, Persevering – Charles Spurgeon
Holiness, Persevering – Charles Spurgeon HOLINESS consists not in the rushing of intense resolve, which, like Kishon, sweeps everything before it, and then subsides, but in the constant flow of Siloah’s still waters, which perpetually make glad the city of our God. Holiness is no blazing comet, amazing nations with a transient glory; it is […]
Holiness not Dependent upon Knowledge – Charles Spurgeon
Holiness not Dependent upon Knowledge – Charles Spurgeon HOW am I to account for it that there have been men of every extreme of doctrine, from Dr. Hawker down to Fletcher of Madeley, men ranging from semi-Pelagianism right up to the verge of Antinomianism, who nevertheless were so eminently holy, that one has hardly room […]
He Can Be Nice When He Wants To
He Can Be Nice When He Wants To One woman commented on her husband’s unsavory disposition: “He can be nice when he wants to . . . he just never wants to!” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email
Holiness, Marvels of – Charles Spurgeon
Holiness, Marvels of – Charles Spurgeon WHAT a strange thing must holiness be, if the man who possesses it has to act in conformity to a thousand relationships! What a wonderful piece of artistic adjustment! A painting by a master-hand! A work of are unparalleled! A music of intricate and ravishing harmonies! An honest man,” […]
Holiness in Little Things – Charles Spurgeon
Holiness in Little Things – Charles Spurgeon MUCH of the beauty of holiness lies in little things. Microscopic holiness is the perfection of excellence: if a life will bear examination in each hour of it, it is pure indeed. Those who are not careful about their words, and even their thoughts, will soon grow careless […]
Heroism, the Noblest – Charles Spurgeon
Heroism, the Noblest – Charles Spurgeon THE bearing of many of the martyrs has been singularly heroic. You will be struck in reading “Foxe’s Acts and Monuments,” to find how many of the humblest men and women acted as if they were of noblest blood. In every age the line of martyrs has been a […]
Helps – Charles Spurgeon
Helps – Charles Spurgeon ON the summit of some of the Swiss passes, the canton, for the preservation and accommodation of travelers, maintains a small body of men, sometimes only two or three, who live in a little house at the top, and whose business it is to help travelers on their way. It was […]
Helmet, Anointing the – Charles Spurgeon
Helmet, Anointing the – Charles Spurgeon THE helmet is an old-fashioned kind of armor; and in old days, the lieutenants and other officers, when they went round the regiment, used to look, not only to see that the men had their helmets, but to see that they had oiled them; for in those times they […]
Hell, Development of the Sinner in – Charles Spurgeon
Hell, Development of the Sinner in – Charles Spurgeon WHAT will be the development of an unregenerate character in Hell I cannot tell, but I am certain it will be something which my imagination dares not now attempt to depict, for all the restraints of this life which have kept men decent and moral will […]
Hell, Back Door to—For Hypocrites – Charles Spurgeon
Hell, Back Door to—For Hypocrites – Charles Spurgeon REMEMBER the back door to Hell! There is a public entrance for the open sinner; but there is a back door for the professed saint; there is a back door for the hoary-headed professor, who has lived many years in apparent sincerity, but who has been a […]
Heavenly Desires only for the Believer – Charles Spurgeon
Heavenly Desires only for the Believer – Charles Spurgeon MAN by nature would be content to abide on earth forever. If you long for a holy and spiritual state, your desire is not of nature’s creation. God has wrought it in you. Yes, I will venture to say that the desire for Heaven is contrary […]
Heaven, Wonders of – Charles Spurgeon
Heaven, Wonders of – Charles Spurgeon IN Heaven we shall see what God has lifted us up to be. We talk of being sons of God. Did we ever realize that? We speak of Heaven being ours: but do we know what we mean by that language? Truly “it does not yet appear what we […]
Heaven, Rehearsing for – Charles Spurgeon
Heaven, Rehearsing for – Charles Spurgeon ONE reason why we shall be able to rest in Heaven, is because we shall there be able perpetually to achieve the object of our creation. Am I nearer Heaven? then I will be doing more of the work which I shall do in Heaven. I shall soon use […]
Heaven, Opened by Christ – Charles Spurgeon
Heaven, Opened by Christ – Charles Spurgeon HOW wondrously David foretold the glorious opening of the gates, when he sang the ascent of the illustrious hero! He rose amid attending angels, ascending not in phantom form, but in a real body, and as he neared the heavenly portals, holy angels sang, “Lift up your heads, […]
Heaven, Gates of—Ajar – Charles Spurgeon
Heaven, Gates of—Ajar – Charles Spurgeon WE know not yet as we are known, but we do know in part, and that part knowledge is precious. The gates have been ajar at times, and men have looked awhile, and beheld and wondered. Three times, at least, human eyes have seen something of the body of […]
Heaven, Freedom from Death in – Charles Spurgeon
Heaven, Freedom from Death in – Charles Spurgeon SUCH a thing as a funeral knell was never heard in Heaven. No angel was ever carried to his grave—though angels have been in the sepulcher—for there sat two, at the head and the feet, where the body of Jesus had lain; they were visitors, not dwellers […]
Heaven, Christ’s Presence in—Our Joy. – Charles Spurgeon
Heaven, Christ’s Presence in—Our Joy. – Charles Spurgeon TO hear but the King’s silver trumpets sounding in the distance does make the heart to dance, but what must it be to see the King in his beauty in the streets of his own metropolis, where he rides forth in constant triumph? Have you not known […]
Heaven, Christ the Key into – Charles Spurgeon
Heaven, Christ the Key into – Charles Spurgeon THE great King has made a banquet, and he has proclaimed to all the world that none shall enter but those who bring with them the fairest flower that blooms. The spirits of men advance to the gate by thousands, and they bring each one the flower […]
Heaven, Abundant Entrance into – Charles Spurgeon
Heaven, Abundant Entrance into – Charles Spurgeon MAY we never be like a ship which has been all but wrecked and just escaped the rocks, tugged into harbor with extreme difficulty, her hull all but waterlogged, her cargo spoiled, her masts gone by the board, her streamers gone, her crew and passengers all wet, and […]
Heart, Christ Knocking at the – Charles Spurgeon
Heart, Christ Knocking at the – Charles Spurgeon JESUS cries, “Open to me! Open to me!” Will you not admit your Savior? You love him. He gave himself for you, he pleads for you: let him into your soul, commune with him this morning. When you turn to read his word, every promise is a […]
Hearers, Unsaved—Exhortation to – Charles Spurgeon
Hearers, Unsaved—Exhortation to – Charles Spurgeon THE rain fell today, but fell upon thorns and briers as well as upon the green blades of the wheat. The dews will weep, and they will fall upon the thickly-tangled thistles and matted brier quite as copiously as upon the cottager’s well-weeded garden: and when the sun shines […]
Hearers, Inattentive – Charles Spurgeon
Hearers, Inattentive – Charles Spurgeon HOW many hear the gospel but do not hear it attentively! A telegram on the Exchange—they read it with both their eyes—will there be a rise or fall of stocks? An article from which they may judge of the general current of trade—how they devour it with their minds, they […]
Health, Restoration to—A Reason for Praise – Charles Spurgeon
Health, Restoration to—A Reason for Praise – Charles Spurgeon I KNOW one, who has long been privileged to lift his voice in the choir of the great King. In that delightful labor none more happy than he. The longer he was engaged in the work the more he loved it. Now, it came to pass […]
Haste for the Salvation of Souls – Charles Spurgeon
Haste for the Salvation of Souls – Charles Spurgeon IT must have been a noble spectacle to have seen Aaron when the plague broke out among the people, rushing for his censer, putting on the holy fire and the sacred incense, and running in between the living and the dead, that the plague might be […]
Harvest of Blessing from Seed of Sorrow – Charles Spurgeon
Harvest of Blessing from Seed of Sorrow – Charles Spurgeon THERE is not in the whole area of our future life a single plot of stony ground which shall not yield us fertile harvests of joy. As Midas of old touched even the most valueless objects and turned them into gold, so does the hand […]
Harmonies of Nature – Charles Spurgeon
Harmonies of Nature – Charles Spurgeon IN the grandeur of nature there are awful harmonies. When the storm agitates the ocean below, the heavens above hear the tumult and answer to the clamor. Down comes a deluge of sonorous hail or swift-descending rain, attended with peals of thunder and flashes of flame. Frequently the waterspout […]
Hardness of Heart – Charles Spurgeon
Hardness of Heart – Charles Spurgeon OH man, I pray you as your fellow creature, let me speak with you a word of expostulation. God declares that his wrath abides upon you as an unbeliever, and do you call that nothing? God says, “I am angry with you,” and you say to him, “I do […]
Happiness Within – Charles Spurgeon
Happiness Within – Charles Spurgeon THOUGHTS are the flowers from which we must distill the essential flavorings of life. Paul and Silas sing in the stocks because their minds are at ease, while Herod frets on his throne because conscience makes him a coward. The soul of Linnaeus exults within him at the sight of […]
Happiness laid up for the Believer – Charles Spurgeon
Happiness laid up for the Believer – Charles Spurgeon NO one but a person without sense would say that the farmer has lost so much of his capital when he has cast it in the form of seed-corn into the furrows. Nay, sir, he reckons that he has gained when he has sown, for the […]
Hard of Hearing
Hard of Hearing A husband read an article to his wife about how women use 30,000 words a day to a man’s 15,000. The wife replied, “That’s because we have to repeat everything to men.” The husband turned to his wife and said, “What?” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email
He Thought of His Mother
He Thought of His Mother In his book Anecdotes and Illustrations R. A Torrey relates the following incident: During our Dublin campaign, a young man came to me in great distress. He had been paying attention to a young lady, who was very worldly. He had been brought up under Christian influences, his mother being an earnest […]
Heaven Statistic
Heaven Statistic A Barna poll indicated that 76% of Americans believed in Heaven and 71% believed in Hell. Of those who believe in Heaven 50% believe you can get there without accepting Christ as Saviour. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email
Hell Is a Just Place for Sinful Men
Hell Is a Just Place for Sinful Men The story is told of a Jewish woman in New York City who was approached by a Christian worker. He began to tell her of Christ and her need of salvation. He explained that she was a sinner and was going to Hell. She cried out, “I […]
Humility Demonstrated
Humility Demonstrated A truly humble man is hard to find, yet God delights to honor such selfless people. Booker T. Washington, the renowned black educator, was an outstanding example of this truth. Shortly after he took over the presidency of Tuskegee Institute in Alabama, he was walking in an exclusive section of town when he […]
How the Commitments Rolled In
How the Commitments Rolled In On the Sunday that a church was supposed to make their giving commitments, the organist fell sick so a substitute was brought in. The pastor gave her a schedule of the service and asked her to think of something to play during the commitment time. At the scheduled time in […]
He Made Too Much to Tithe
He Made Too Much to Tithe W.A. Criswell told about an ambitious young man who told his pastor he’d promised God a tithe of his income. They prayed for God to bless his career. At that time he was making $40.00 per week and tithing $4.00. In a few years his income increased, and he […]
His Tithe Built a Shack
His Tithe Built a Shack The story is told that a man died and went to Heaven. He was met at the pearly gates by the apostle Peter who led him down the golden streets. They went past mansions after beautiful mansions until they came to the end of the street where they stopped in […]
Harsh People Are Like Titanium
Harsh People Are Like Titanium The April 29, 1992 issue of the Chicago Tribune reported: “A stripped gear in the propeller controls of a commuter plane caused it to nosedive into the Georgia woods last April, killing former U.S. Senator John Tower of Texas and twenty-two others, the government concluded Tuesday. A gear that adjusted the pitch […]
He Started Small
He Started Small Charles Spurgeon preached to thousands in London each Lord’s day, yet he started his ministry by passing out tracts and teaching a Sunday school class as a teenager. He was eventually invited to obscure places in the country side to preach, and after that became known as one of the greatest preachers […]
Henry Ford’s Formula for a Long Marriage
Henry Ford’s Formula for a Long Marriage When Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ford celebrated their golden wedding anniversary, a reporter asked them, “To what do you attribute your fifty years of successful married life?” “The formula,” said Mr. Ford, “is the same formula I have always used in making cars—just stick to one model.” Facebook […]
He Can See Us
He Can See Us One night a house caught on fire, and a little boy was stranded on the second floor. All the boy could see was smoke and flames. However, he could hear his father’s voice. telling him to jump. The boy said, “Daddy, I can’t see you.” The dad said, “But I can […]
Horse Survives Being Shot With Crossbow
Horse Survives Being Shot With Crossbow A horse shot twice with a crossbow survived after four fellow mares spent three hours taking turns licking the wound clean. The 20-year-old horse, Zeta, was in critical condition after one of the arrows bounced off her rib, while another lodged an inch from her lung as she grazed […]
How Is Your Arthritis?
How Is Your Arthritis? Mamie Adams always went to the same post office in her town because the postal employees there were friendly. She went there to buy stamps just before Christmas one year and the lines were particularly long. Someone pointed out that there was no need to wait in line because there was […]
His Miraculous Entrance and Exit
His Miraculous Entrance and Exit The life of our Lord is marked by the virgin’s womb, and the empty tomb. He came into the world through a door marked “No Entrance” and left through one marked “No Exit!” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email
He Is Risen
He Is Risen The British minister, W. E. Sangster, began to lose his voice and mobility in the mid-1950s. He had a disease that caused progressive muscular atrophy. He recognized the end was near, so he threw himself into writing and praying. In the midst of his suffering he pleaded, “Let me stay in the […]
Hope in Tragedy
HOPE IN TRAGEDY Just before Easter in 2009, Fred Winters, pastor of the First Baptist Church in Maryville, Illinois, was shot and killed during a Sunday morning service by a disturbed young man. The tragedy shocked the church and the pastor’s family, but it did not destroy their faith. The next week the newly-widowed Cindy […]
How to Use an ATM
How to Use an ATM A sign in a bank lobby reads: “Please note that this bank is installing new drive-through teller machines enabling customers to withdraw cash without leaving their vehicles. Customers using this new facility are requested to use the procedures outlined below when accessing their accounts. After months of careful research, male […]
How to Not Backslide
How to Not Backslide When Billy Sunday was converted and joined the church, a Christian man put his arm on the young man’s shoulder and said, “William, there are three simple rules I can give to you, and if you will hold to them you will never write “backslider” after your name. “Take 15 minutes […]
Hang On and Keep Climbing
Hang On and Keep Climbing In May of 2001, Erik Weihenmayer accomplished something that only about 150 people per year do—reaching the top of Mount Everest. The thing that made Erik’s achievement unusual is that he is the first blind person to succeed in scaling the tallest mountain in the world. Erik was born with […]
How a Little Study Upset the Plans of a few Prominent Infidels. – Dwight Lyman Moody
How a Little Study Upset the Plans of a few Prominent Infidels. – Dwight Lyman Moody It is said of West, an eminent man, that he was going to take up the doctrine of the resurrection, and just show the world what a fraud it was, while Lord Lyttleton was going to take up the […]
Handling Criticism
Handling Criticism George Whitefield was a famed English evangelist in the 1700s. He led many meetings where hundreds of people come to Christ. His ministry had great affect around England and was instrumental in sparking a revival in the land. Yet for all the good he did, he was not without his critics. He very […]
Heeding Wise Counsel
Heeding Wise Counsel George Washington’s father died when he was just eleven, and for a time the young Washington had his heart set on joining the British navy. However, his mother had some serious reservations about that path and eventually strongly urged him to reconsider. He listened to his mother, and rather than becoming the […]
He Applauded His Own Speech
He Applauded His Own Speech Ronald Reagan, told the following story: “I once addressed a very large, distinguished audience in Mexico City and sat down to rather scattered and unenthusiastic applause. And I was somewhat embarrassed, even more so when the next man who spoke, a representative of the Mexican government speaking in Spanish, which […]
He Acted Like He Was Listening
He Acted Like He Was Listening A husband and wife were at a party chatting with some friends when the subject of marriage counseling came up. “Oh, well never need that. My wife and I have a great relationship,” the husband explained. “She was a communications major in college and I majored in theatre arts.” […]
How Long Does it Take to Get to Frankfort, Germany?
How Long Does it Take to Get to Frankfort, Germany? The story is told about a lady who called American Airlines and asked the reservation clerk, “How long does it take to get from Dallas-Fort Worth to Frankfort, Germany?” The clerk had to wait a moment for the information to come up on her computer […]
He Asked at the Wrong Time
He Asked at the Wrong Time The story is told about a barber who had just been gloriously saved in an old-fashioned revival meeting. The next morning at work he wanted to share his new faith and witness to the lost. A customer came in, and the barber began to shave him. He was trying […]
How to Stay Safe
How to Stay Safe 1. Avoid riding in automobiles because they are responsible for 20% of all fatal accidents. 2. Do not stay home because 17% of all accidents occur in the home. 3. Avoid walking on streets or sidewalks because 14% of all accidents occur to pedestrians. 4. Avoid traveling by air, rail, or […]
Have you ever heard of George Mueller? One day he looked down the streets of Bristol-George Mueller
Have you ever heard of George Mueller? One day he looked down the streets of Bristol-George Mueller Have you ever heard of George Mueller? One day he looked down the streets of Bristol, England, & saw 100’s of homeless children. He was so moved with concern for them that he decided that something had to […]
How Moody’s Mother Forgave her Prodigal Son. – Dwight Lyman Moody
How Moody’s Mother Forgave her Prodigal Son. – Dwight Lyman Moody I can give you a little experience of my own family. Before I was fourteen years old the first thing I remember was the death of my father. He had been unfortunate in business, and failed. Soon after his death the creditors came in […]
How Moody’s Faith Saved an Infidel. – Dwight Lyman Moody
How Moody’s Faith Saved an Infidel. – Dwight Lyman Moody When I was in Edinburgh, at the inquiry meeting in Assembly Hall, one of the ushers came around and said, “Mr. Moody, I’d like to put that man out; he’s one of the greatest infidels in Edinburgh.” He had been the chairman of an infidel […]
How Moody was Encouraged. – Dwight Lyman Moody
How Moody was Encouraged. – Dwight Lyman Moody I remember a few years ago I got discouraged, and could not see much fruit of my work; and one morning, as I was in my study, cast down, one of my Sabbath-school teachers came in and wanted to know what I was discouraged about, and I […]
How to Get to Heaven
How to Get to Heaven “If I sold my house and my car, had a big garage sale, and gave all my money to the church, would that get me into heaven?” I asked the children in my Sunday school class. “NO!” the children all answered. “If I cleaned the church every day, mowed the […]
He Felt God Tugging on His Heart
He Felt God Tugging on His Heart A twelve-year-old boy was saved at a revival. Later, his friends questioned him about it. One said, “Did you see a vision?” Another said, “Did you hear God speak?” The boy answered all of these questions with a simple no. “Well, how did you know you were saved?” […]
He Could Come Today
He Could Come Today After church, where she had been taught about the rapture, a little girl was quizzing her mother. “Mommy, do you believe Jesus will come back?” “Yes.” “Could He come today?” “Yes.” “In a few minutes?” “Yes, dear.” “Mommy, would you comb my hair?” The doctrine of the immanency of the rapture […]
Hearing Thank You
Hearing Thank You A family went out for lunch and wanted dessert. The waiter brought pie and ice cream to a little boy who said, “Thank you!” She said, “Oh, I love to hear thank you!” The boy replied, “Give me another scoop of ice cream and you’ll hear it again!” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest […]
Hitting the Bottle
Hitting the Bottle A woman was trying to get ketchup to come out of the jar. During her struggle, the phone rang so she asked her four-year-old daughter to answer it. “It’s the minister, Mommy,” the child said to her mother. Then she added, “Mommy can’t come to the phone right now. She’s hitting the bottle.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp […]
His Hand Is Bigger than Mine
His Hand Is Bigger than Mine A young boy went to the local store with his mother. The shop owner, a kindly man, passed him a large jar of suckers and invited him to help himself to a handful. Uncharacteristically, the boy held back. So the shop owner pulled out a handful for him. When […]
Heaven Is Wonderful
Heaven Is Wonderful One lovely moonlit night a grandfather and his small granddaughter went for a walk. The stars were magnificent. As the grandfather named individual stars and constellations, the granddaughter exclaimed, “Grandpa, if the bottom side of Heaven is this beautiful, just think how wonderful the top side must be.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest […]
His Mother Is the Light of His Life
His Mother Is the Light of His Life A little boy forgot his lines in a Sunday school presentation. His mother was in the front row to prompt him. She gestured and formed the words silently with her lips, but it did not help. Her son’s memory was blank. Finally, she leaned forward and whispered […]
Her Father Was at the Engine
Her Father Was at the Engine During the French war, a train carrying dispatches to the headquarters was compelled to go over sixty miles of very rough track, and reach its destination within an hour. The engineer was the bearer of the dispatches, and his wife and child were in the coach. Every moment threatened […]
Homework Help
Homework Help A school teacher was correcting papers, and as she looked at one little boy’s work, she was appalled with the results. She said, “I fail to understand how one person could make so many mistakes.” The boy replied, “But it wasn’t just one person. My dad helped!” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email
How to Get Something Done
How to Get Something Done It has been said that there are three ways to get something done: 1. Do it yourself2. Hire someone else to do it3. Forbid your kids to do it Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email
How Moody was Blessed—” Mark Your Bible.” – Dwight Lyman Moody
How Moody was Blessed—” Mark Your Bible.” – Dwight Lyman Moody I want to tell you how I was blessed a few years ago, upon hearing a discourse upon the thirtieth chapter of Proverbs. The speaker said the children of God were like four things. The first thing was: “The ants are a people not […]
“How Christ Expounded It.” – Dwight Lyman Moody
“How Christ Expounded It.” – Dwight Lyman Moody You will find Christ, after He had risen, again speaking about the Old Testament prophets: “And beginning at Moses, and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the Scripture the things concerning Himself.” Concerning Himself. Don’t that settle the question? I tell you I am […]
HUNGER MAKES FOR A GOOD MEAL The French have a proverb, which states, “A good meal ought to begin with hunger.” It is hard to enjoy a meal when you are not yet hungry. But, when you are hungry, anything tastes good. If we approach the Word with a hunger to be satisfied, we will […]
“How Funny You Talk.” – Dwight Lyman Moody
“How Funny You Talk.” – Dwight Lyman Moody No book in the World has been so misjudged as the Bible. Men judge it without reading it. Or perhaps they read a bit here and a bit there, and then close it saying, “It is so dark and mysterious!” You take a book, now-a-days, and read […]
HE WAS DETERMINED TO READ THE BIBLE William McPherson was the superintendent for a stone quarry when a blast severely injured him. He lost his eyesight and both hands in the explosion. He was determined to read the Bible, and learned to read raised letters with the tip of his tongue. It is said that […]
HOLDING ON FOR DEAR LIFE “Take fast hold of instruction; let her not go: keep her; for she is thy life.”—Proverbs 4:13 In April of 2011, a line of deadly tornadoes ripped across the state of Alabama, leaving some 250 people dead in its wake. Near Wellington, Alabama, the Hardy family realized the storm was […]
“He Will Not Rest.” – Dwight Lyman Moody
“He Will Not Rest.” – Dwight Lyman Moody Suppose a man is going to Cincinnati, and he gets on the cars, but he feels uneasy lest the train will take him to St. Louis instead of his destination. He will not rest till he knows he is on the right road, and the idea that […]
How a Young Irishman Opened Moody’s Eyes. – Dwight Lyman Moody
How a Young Irishman Opened Moody’s Eyes. – Dwight Lyman Moody I want to tell you how I got my eyes open to the truth that God loves the sinner. When I went over to Europe I was preaching in Dublin, when a young fellow came up to the platform and said to me that […]
HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN JESUS CHRIST? “A young man whose father is a carpenter grows up working in his father’s shop. He has no formal education. He owns no property of any kind. One day he puts down his tools and walks out of his father’s shop. He starts preaching on street corners and in […]
HURTFUL WORDS ARE LIKE CANCER Thousands of Tasmanian Devils have died from a rare type of cancer Devil Facial Tumor Disease. Scientists discovered that the cancer began in the mouth of a single devil and spread through the bites of that devil. Tasmanian Devils bite each other around the mouth very frequently, and this cancer […]
HOW TO TREAT YOUR SIBLINGS A Sunday school teacher was discussing the Ten Commandments with her five and six-year-olds. After explaining the commandment to honor thy Father and thy Mother, she asked, “Is there a commandment that teaches us how to treat our brothers and sisters?” Without missing a beat one little boy answered, “Thou […]
“Hold the fort, For I am Coming.’ – Dwight Lyman Moody
“Hold the fort, For I am Coming.’– Dwight Lyman Moody “Hold the fort, For I am Coming.” I am told that when General Sherman went through Atlanta towards the sea — through the Southern States — he left in the fort in the Kennesaw Mountains a little handful of men to guard some rations that […]
How Three Sunday School Children Met Their Fate – Dwight Lyman Moody
How Three Sunday School Children Met Their Fate – Dwight Lyman Moody When the Lawrence Mills were on fire a number or years ago — I don’t mean on fire, but when the mill fell in — the great mill fell in, and after it had fallen in, the ruins caught fire. There was only […]
How Moody Treated the Committees – Dwight Lyman Moody
How Moody Treated the Committees – Dwight Lyman Moody I remember when I was in Chicago before the fire, I was on some ten or twelve committees. My hands were full. If a man came to me to talk about his soul I would say I haven’t time; got a committee to attend to. But […]
How a Little Study Upset the Plans of a Few Prominent Infidels – Dwight Lyman Moody
How a Little Study Upset the Plans of a Few Prominent Infidels – Dwight Lyman Moody It is said of West, an eminent man, that he was going to take up the doctrine of the resurrection, and just show the world what a fraud it was, while Lord Lyttleton was going to take up the […]
How a Citizen Became a Soldier – Dwight Lyman Moody
How a Citizen Became a Soldier – Dwight Lyman Moody One day I was walking through the streets of York, in England. I saw a little way ahead a soldier coming toward me. He had the red uniform on of the infantry — the dress of the army. I knew at once when I saw […]
How Christ Expounded It – Dwight Lyman Moody
How Christ Expounded It – Dwight Lyman Moody You will find Christ, after He had risen, again speaking about the Old Testament prophets: “And beginning at Moses, and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the Scripture the things concerning Himself.” Concerning Himself. Don’t that settle the question? I tell you I am […]
He Will not Rest – Dwight Lyman Moody
He Will not Rest – Dwight Lyman Moody Suppose a man is going to Cincinnati, and he gets on the cars, but he feels uneasy lest, the train will take him to St. Louis instead of his destination. He will not rest till he knows he is on the right road, and the idea that […]
Heaven — Home – Dwight Lyman Moody
Heaven — Home – Dwight Lyman Moody John 14:1-4Let not your heart be troubled: you believe in God, believe also in me.… Someone asked a Scotchman if he was on his way to heaven. “Why, man,” he said, “I live there.” He was only a pilgrim here. Heaven was his home. (D. L. Moody.) Facebook […]
How Men Forsake God – Dwight Lyman Moody
How Men Forsake God – Dwight Lyman Moody Jeremiah 15:6-9You have forsaken me, said the LORD, you are gone backward: therefore will I stretch out my hand against you, and destroy you… A rule I have had for years is to treat the Lord Jesus Christ as a personal friend. It is not a creed, […]
How to Win – Dwight Lyman Moody
How to Win – Dwight Lyman Moody Proverbs 11:30The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that wins souls is wise. In Chicago, a few years ago, there was a little boy who went to one of the mission Sunday-schools. His father moved to another part of the city, about five […]
How to Preach
How to Preach How to PreachMr. Jones letter to a young minister:“Two things are necessary to be a successful preacher: first, to pray much in secret—to be there many times in the day, wrestling with God—to wrestle each time as if it were the last, and not to rise from your knees until you have […]
How to treat evil speaking
How to treat evil speaking Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE tjcloete@absamail.co.za How to treat evil speaking. Keep this philosophy in mind the next time you either hear, or think of participating in gossip: In ancient Greece (469 – 399 BC), Socrates was widely lauded for his wisdom. One day the great philosopher came upon an acquaintance that […]
How to leave a life changing legacy
How to leave a life changing legacy Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE tjcloete@absamail.co.za HOW TO LEAVE A LIFECHANGING LEGACY. In Genesis 25, Abraham marries Keturah. Everyone knows about Sarah and Hagar but very few know that Abraham also had another wife. We all know he had trouble having children with Sarah. God healed both Sarah and Abraham […]
His love will keep you strong
His love will keep you strong Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE tjcloete@absamail.co.za HIS LOVE WILL KEEP YOU STRONG … Surely the Lord has done great things! Don’t be afraid My people. Be glad now and rejoice For the Lord has done great things! Plant the good seeds of righteousness, And you will harvest a crop of […]