Purpose — Unity of – Charles Spurgeon

Purpose — Unity of – Charles Spurgeon When Audubon the celebrated American ornithologist was in Paris he grew quite weary of it, and his diary does not contain a cheerful word about that gay city until he writes, ” The stock-pigeon roosts in the trees of the garden of the Tuileries in great numbers; blackbirds […]

Purpose – Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Purpose – Christ – Charles Spurgeon It is said of Thomas Pett, the miser, that his pulse rose and fell with the funds. He never lay down or rose that he did not bless the inventor of compound interest. His one gloomy apartment was never brightened with coal, candle, or the countenance of a visitor, […]

PULPIT – Charles Spurgeon

PULPIT – Charles Spurgeon Clemens Brentano, a literary acquaintance of Dr. Krummacher, and a Catholic, once said to the doctor, “Till you Protestants pull down the chatterbox,” (“Plapper Kasten,”) he meant the pulpit, ” or, at least, throw it into the corner, where it ought to be, there is no hope of you.” I could […]

Puffery—Spiritual – Charles Spurgeon

Puffery—Spiritual – Charles Spurgeon When we read the exaggerated accounts which are so frequently issued, lauding to the skies the successful labors of certain evangelists of doubtful vocation, we are reminded of the battle of Aliwal, of which an officer wrote, ” Aliwal was the battle of the dispatch, for none of us knew we […]

Prudence (False) – it’s Mischief – Charles Spurgeon

Prudence (False) – it’s Mischief – Charles Spurgeon James the First once said of armor, that “it was an excellent invention, for it not only saved the life of the wearer, but it hindered him from doing harm to anybody else.” Equally destructive to all usefulness is that excessive prudence upon which some professors pride […]

Providence – lightly Places us – Charles Spurgeon

Providence – lightly Places us – Charles Spurgeon SUPPOSE the mole should cry, ” How I could have honored the Creator had I been allowed to fly!” it would be very foolish, for a mole flying would be a most ridiculous object; while a mole fashioning its tunnels and casting up its castles, is viewed […]

Providence — the Guardian of our Weakness – Charles Spurgeon

Providence — the Guardian of our Weakness – Charles Spurgeon That image in Lowell’s poem of “The Changeling” fascinates me. It is so much what I am and ever wish to be. Unable to defend myself and apparently undefended, yet guarded by omnipotent love, I would fain pour out a perfume of praise to the […]

Providence – Charles Spurgeon

Providence – Charles Spurgeon An old authority assures us that “the Jews fancy, concerning the cloud that conducted Israel through the wilder- ness, that it did not only show them the way, but also plane it ; that it did not only lead them in the way which they must go, hut also fit the […]

Prosperity – Evils of – Charles Spurgeon

Prosperity – Evils of – Charles Spurgeon Too long a period of fair weather in the Italian valleys creates such a superabundance of dust that the Traveller sighs for a shower. He is smothered, his clothes are white, his eyes smart, the grit even grates between his teeth and finds its way down his throat; […]

Prophecy – Too Often Interpreted by Imagination – Charles Spurgeon

Prophecy – Too Often Interpreted by Imagination – Charles Spurgeon All along the Oker Thai, in the Hart! there are huge rocks towering up among the firclad hills, to which the peasants have appended names according as they fancy them to bear resemblance to chairs, horses, cobblers, or cocked hats. The likeness in most cases […]

Promises – Charles Spurgeon

Promises – Charles Spurgeon GOOD old Spurstow says that some of the promises are like the almond tree — they blossom hastily in the very earliest spring; but saith he, there are others which resemble the mulberry tree — they are very slow in putting forth their leaves, then what is a man to do, […]

Progress — Measure of – Charles Spurgeon

Progress — Measure of – Charles Spurgeon Sailors would be loath to sail without using their log to test their pace and show their progress. The wonder is that so many Christian professors navigate the sea of life and are utterly careless whether they are making headway or drifting from their course. Should we not […]

Professors — Too Often Deceptive – Charles Spurgeon

Professors — Too Often Deceptive – Charles Spurgeon ” In the sweet valley between Chamoun and the Valais, at every turn of the pleasant pathway, where the scent of the thyme lies richest upon its rocks, we shall see a little cross and shrine set under one of them, and go up to it, hoping […]

Professor (MEBE) — have no Changes – Charles Spurgeon

Professor (MEBE) — have no Changes – Charles Spurgeon Artificial piety, like flowers in was , droops not in the hour of drought, but the fair lily of true grace hangs its head if the rain of heaven be denied. True faith, like fire, has its attendant smoke of unbelief, but presumption like a painted […]

Profession – The vanity of mere – Charles Spurgeon

Profession – The vanity of mere – Charles Spurgeon FORGET not that the pretense of religion without the power of it is one of the most comfortless things in the world. It is like a man who should call his servant, and say to him, ” Is the larder well stored r” “There is nothing, […]

Procrastination – Deprecated – Charles Spurgeon

Procrastination – Deprecated – Charles Spurgeon Do any of you remember the Joss of the vessel called the ” Central America “? She was in a bad state, had sprung a leak and was going down, and she therefore hoisted a signal of distress. A ship came close to her, the captain of which asked, […]

Procrastination – Charles Spurgeon

Procrastination – Charles Spurgeon Be not like the foolish drunkard who, staggering home one night, saw his candle lit for him. ” Two candles!” said he, for his drunkenness made him see double, ” I will blow out one,” and as he blew it out, in a moment he was in the dark. Many a […]

Procrastination – Charles Spurgeon

Procrastination – Charles Spurgeon IT is a snowy day, and some boys have put a few bricks together, making a sort of square box of them; they have set up one on edge on a piece of stick, and have scattered under it a few crumbs. Here comes a robin, and he picks up a […]

Priests — Superstitions Reverence of. – Charles Spurgeon

Priests — Superstitions Reverence of. – Charles Spurgeon A WRITER on the manners and customs of India, says: — ” I was informed that vast numbers of Shkodra’s drink the water in which a Brahmin has dipped his foot, and abstain from food in the morning till! this ceremony be over. Some persons do this […]

PRIDE in dictating to God – Charles Spurgeon

PRIDE in dictating to God – Charles Spurgeon THE petty sovereign of an insignificant tribe in North America every morning stalks out of his hovel, bids the sun good-morrow, and points out to him. with his finger the course he is to take for the day. Is this arrogance more contemptible than ours when we […]

Pride – Charles Spurgeon

Pride – Charles Spurgeon When men refuse to hear the gospel from the lips of a gracious but uneducated preacher, they remind us of the Spaniard in South Auriea, who surficial severely from the gout, but refused to be cured by an Indian. ” I know,” said he, “that he is a furious man, and […]

Presumption – debunked by Trial – Charles Spurgeon

Presumption – debunked by Trial – Charles Spurgeon ” The Brahmins say that Benares is not a part of this sinful earth ; but that it is on the outside of the world. An earth- quake, however, which was lately felt there, has rather nonplussed them, as it proves that what shakes the earth, shakes […]

Predestination – Charles Spurgeon

Predestination – Charles Spurgeon They that talk of nothing but predestination, and will not proceed in the way of heaven till they be satisfied on that point, do as a man that would not come to London, unless at his first step he might set his foot upon the top of St. Paul’s.— The Table […]

Preaching— Personal – Charles Spurgeon

Preaching— Personal – Charles Spurgeon  Two Chinese jugglers have been making a public exhibi- tion of their skill. One of them is set up as a target, and the other shows his dexterity by hurling knives which stick into the board at his comrade’s back, close to the man’s body. These deadly weapons fix themselves […]

Preaching – Tea of Prayer and ruction – Charles Spurgeon

Preaching – Tea of Prayer and ruction – Charles Spurgeon IN a Romish book by Father Faber of the Oratory, we find the following :—” Do you remember the story of that religious, a Jesuit I think, who was a famous preacher, and whose sermons converted men by scores? It was revealed to him that […]

Preaching – it’s Force the Main Consideration – Charles Spurgeon

Preaching – it’s Force the Main Consideration – Charles Spurgeon I HAD tried to drive certain long brass-headed nails into a wall, but had never succeeded except in turning up their points, and rendering them useless. When a tradesman came who understood his work, I noticed that he filed off all the points of the […]

Preachers – Fruit and Flower. – Charles Spurgeon

Preachers – Fruit and Flower. – Charles Spurgeon At Hampton Court Palace everyone regards with wonder the enormous vine loaded Svith so vast a multitude of huge clusters: just outside the vine-house is as fine a specimen of the wistaria, and when it is in full bloom, the cluster-like masses of bloom, cause you to […]

Preachers – Best Manner of. – Charles Spurgeon

Preachers – Best Manner of. – Charles Spurgeon The celebrated actor Garrick having been requested by Dr. Stonehouse to favour him with his opinion as to the manner in which a sermon ought to be delivered, sent him the following judicious answer :— ” MY DEAR PUPIL, — Vou know how you would feel and […]

Preachers – Speak After Death. – Charles Spurgeon

Preachers – Speak After Death. – Charles Spurgeon THERE are strange legends extant of churches which have been swallowed by earthquakes, or buried beneath fallen mountains. The rustics declare that they have heard the bells still ringing, far down in the bowels of the earth, just as they did when they hung aloft in the […]

Preachers- Not to Preach Themselves. – Charles Spurgeon

Preachers- Not to Preach Themselves. – Charles Spurgeon We ascended he Sacro Monte at Orta, expecting to find that its holy hill was like that at Varallo, consecrated to representations of the life of Christ. To our disappointment we found that everything was to the honor and glory of St. Francis of Assisi, who nevertheless […]

Preacher—Too Learned for Sale Service. – Charles Spurgeon

Preacher—Too Learned for Sale Service. – Charles Spurgeon The great bell of Moscow is too large to be hung, the question arises, what was the use of making it? Some preachers are so learned that they cannot make themselves understood, or else cannot bring their minds to preach plain gospel sermons; here, too, the same […]

Preacher — How they Gain priority. – Charles Spurgeon

Preacher — How they Gain priority. – Charles Spurgeon Mr. Warburton, one of the inspectors of schools, mentions in his report for 1863, that he has nowhere heard such good reading as in a girls’ school in Berkshire, than which none in his district bears a better character for instruction in what are called the […]

Preacher – Different. – Charles Spurgeon

Preacher – Different. – Charles Spurgeon THOSE that are all in exhortation, no whit in doctrine, are like to them that snuff the lamp, but pour not in oil. Again, those that are all in doctrine, nothing in exhortation, drown the wick in oil, but light it’ not; making it lit for use if it […]

Preacher – to be Acquainted with Human Hate. – Charles Spurgeon

Preacher – to be Acquainted with Human Hate. – Charles Spurgeon   Michael Angelo, when painting an altar-piece in the conventual church, in Florence, in order that the figures might be as death-like as possible, obtained permission of the prior to have the coffins of the newly-buried opened and placed beside him during the night […]

Preacher – Should be Faithful unto Death. – Charles Spurgeon

Preacher – Should be Faithful unto Death. – Charles Spurgeon THE minister of Christ should foci like the old keeper of Eddystone lighthouse. Life was failing fast, but summoning all his strength, he crept round once more to trim the lights before he died. May the Holy Ghost enable his servants to keep the beacon […]

Preacher — to Avoid a Lofty Style. – Charles Spurgeon

Preacher — to Avoid a Lofty Style. – Charles Spurgeon In the town of Goslar, in the Hartz mountains, there is in the principal square a fountain evidently of mediaeval date, but the peculiarity of its construction is that no one can reach the water so as to fill a bucket or even get a […]

Preacher — Must Feed the People. – Charles Spurgeon

Preacher — Must Feed the People. – Charles Spurgeon Everybody knows that large flocks of pigeons assemble at the stroke of the great clock in the square of St. Mark: believe me, it is not the music of the bell which attracts them, they can hear that every hour. They come, Mr. Preacher, for food, […]

Preacher — Must Feed the People. – Charles Spurgeon

Preacher — Must Feed the People. – Charles Spurgeon From the deck of an Austrian gunboat we threw into the Lago Garda a succession of little pieces of bread, and pre- sently small fishes came in shoals, till there seemed to be, as the old proverb puts it, more fish than water. They came to […]

Preacher — Learns by communion with Flood – Charles Spurgeon

Preacher — Learns by communion with Flood – Charles Spurgeon IT is related that one of his hearers once asked, ” How is it that Mr. Bramwell always has something that is new to teli us when he preaches ?” ” Why,” said the person interrogated, “you see Brother Bramwell liven so near the gates […]

PRAYER— of a Father. – Charles Spurgeon

PRAYER— of a Father. – Charles Spurgeon Philip James Spener had a son of eminent talents, but perverse and extremely vicious. All means of love and per- suasion, were without success. The father could only pray, which he continued to do, that the Lord might yet be pleased to save his son at any time […]

PRAYER – Success in. – Charles Spurgeon

PRAYER – Success in. – Charles Spurgeon These lads to gain the fruit must shake the tree, Good reader, mark the lesson writ for thee! If from the tree of promise d mercy thou Wouldst win the good which loadcth every bough, Then urge the promise well with pleading cries, Move heaven itself with vehemence […]

PRAYER – Simile of. – Charles Spurgeon

PRAYER – Simile of. – Charles Spurgeon Prayer pulls the rope below and the great bell rings above in the ears of God. Some scarcely stir the bell, for they pray so languidly ; others give but an occasional pluck at the rope; but he who wins with heaven is the man who grasps the […]

PRAYER— Sweet Uses of. – Charles Spurgeon

PRAYER— Sweet Uses of. – Charles Spurgeon On the first of May in the olden times, according to annual custom, many inhabitants of London went into the fields to bathe their faces with the early dew upon the grass under the idea that it would render them beautiful. Some writers call the custom superstitious ; […]

PRAYER— it’s Power to Soften Asperities. – Charles Spurgeon

PRAYER— it’s Power to Soften Asperities. – Charles Spurgeon ” Two neighbours, a cooper and a farmer, were spending the evening together. Both were professors of religion, but of different communions. Their conversation was first upon topics relating to praciicid religion, but after a time it diverged to the points of difference bcheon the two […]

PRAYER— it’s Power Against Satan. – Charles Spurgeon

PRAYER— it’s Power Against Satan. – Charles Spurgeon There is a huge rock upon the Swiss side of the St. Gothard road, about which an old legend is told by the natives of the neighboring village. The devil was whisking this enormous stone along very merrily at early dawn of day, when he was met […]

PRAYER— Helpful to Study. – Charles Spurgeon

PRAYER— Helpful to Study. – Charles Spurgeon A Person’s diary is the following entry : “Sept. 23. — Was quite dull and lifeless in prayer, and in consequence had no Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

PRAYER – for Help to Pray, – Charles Spurgeon

PRAYER – for Help to Pray, – Charles Spurgeon IN Dr. Ryland’s memoir of Andrew Fuller is the following anecdote. At a conference at Soham, a friend of slender abilities being asked to pray, knelt down, and Mr. Fuller and the company with him, when he found himself so embarrassed, that, whispering to Mr. Fuller, […]

PRAYED— and Activity. – Charles Spurgeon

PRAYED— and Activity. – Charles Spurgeon    “A secular at boarding school near London was remarked for repeating her lessons well. A school companion, who was idly inclined, said to her one day, ‘ How is it that you always say your lessons so perfectly?’ She replied, ‘I always pray that 1 may say my […]

PRACTICE – Necessary to Perfection, – Charles Spurgeon

PRACTICE – Necessary to Perfection, – Charles Spurgeon A NEIGHBOUR near my study persists in practicing upon the flute. He bores my ears as vrith an auger, and renders it almost an impossibility to think. Up and down his scale he runs remorselessly, until even the calamity of temporary deafness would almost be welcome to […]

POSITION — Makes Barrier to Grace, – Charles Spurgeon

POSITION — Makes Barrier to Grace, – Charles Spurgeon GRACE makes it self equally at home in the palace and the cottage. No condition necessitates its absence, no position precludes its nourishing. One may compare it in its power to live and blossom in all places to the beautiful blue-bell of Scotland, of which the […]

PERSONAL WORE – Charles Spurgeon

PERSONAL WORE – Charles Spurgeon I ONCE heard a story of an American, who declared he could fight the whole British army, and when he was asked how he could draw so long a bow as that, he said, ” Why, this is what I would do : I know I am the best swordsman […]

Personal effort Needed for Success. – Charles Spurgeon

Personal effort Needed for Success. – Charles Spurgeon ACCORDING to Christ’s law, every Christian is to be active in spreading the faith, which was delivered, not to the ministers, but to the saints, to every one of them, that they might maintain it, and spread it according to the gift which the Spirit has given […]

PERSEVERANCE— Necessity of. – Charles Spurgeon

PERSEVERANCE— Necessity of. – Charles Spurgeon IN the heathery turf you will often find a plant chiefly remarkable for its peculiar roots ; from the main stem down to the minutest fibre, you will find them all abruptly terminate, as if shorn or bitten off, and the quaint superstition of the country people alleges, that […]

PERSEVERANCE — in Doing Good. – Charles Spurgeon

PERSEVERANCE — in Doing Good. – Charles Spurgeon An old man in Watton, whom Mr. Thornton had in vain urged to come to church, was taken ill and confined to his bed. Mr. Thornton went to the cottage, and asked to see him. The old man, hearing his voice below, answered, in no very courteous […]

Perseverance – Charles Spurgeon

Perseverance – Charles Spurgeon “A poor woman had a supply of coal laid at her door by a charitable neighbour. A very little girl came out with a small fire-shovel, and began to take up a shovelful at a time, and carry it to a sort of bin in the cellar. I said to the […]

PERSECUTION – Not to be Feared. – Charles Spurgeon

PERSECUTION – Not to be Feared. – Charles Spurgeon Do not fear the frown of the world. When a blind man comes against you in the street you are not angry at him, you say, He is blind, poor man, or he would not have hurt me. So you may say of the poor worldlings […]

Persecution – Charles Spurgeon

Persecution . – Charles Spurgeon The cold water of persecution is often, thrown on the church’s face to fetch her to herself when she is in a swoon of indolence or pride. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Perfect holiness – Marred by the World – Charles Spurgeon

Perfect holiness – Marred by the World – Charles Spurgeon The bloom of the hawthorn or White May looks like snow in Richmond Park, but nearer London by the road side its virgin holiness is sadly stained. Too often contact with the world has just such an effect upon our piety ; we must away […]

PEACE OF MIND – Not Made of Forgetfulness, – Charles Spurgeon

PEACE OF MIND – Not Made of Forgetfulness, – Charles Spurgeon I have spilled the ink over a bill and so have blotted it till it can hardly be read, but this is quite another thing”from having the debt blotted out, for that cannot be till payment is made. So a man may blot his […]

PEACE – False – Charles Spurgeon

PEACE – False – Charles Spurgeon Your peace, sinner, is that terribly prophetic calm which the traveller occasionally perceives upon the higher Alps. Everything is still. The birds suspend their notes, fly low, and cower down with fear. The hum of bees among the flowers is hushed. A horrible stillness rules the hour, as if […]

PEACE – of a Believer, – Charles Spurgeon

PEACE – of a Believer, – Charles Spurgeon Are for continuance. Look i mosses of the lone green hill ; by-and-by it leaps as a rugged cataract ; anon it flows along that fair valley where 1.I10 red deer wanders, and the child loves to play. With hum of pleasant music the brook turns the […]

Professing or Possessing

Professing or Possessing Come with me to an underpass outside of the freight yards of one of our great railroad centers. Here are two or three men – hobos, vagabonds, tramps. One says, “I hope that I will have a million dollars.” Another says, “I hope that I will have two million dollars.” A third […]

Power to Change a Thief

Power to Change a Thief John Wesley was robbed as he was returning from a service one night. As the bandit was leaving, Wesley called out, “Stop! I have something more to give you.” The surprised robber paused. “My friend,” said Wesley, “you may live to regret this sort of life. If you ever do, […]

Putting Others First

Putting Others First Sometime during the late 1980’s, the members of Iloilo Baptist Church decided to honor the Lord during Christmas time in a different way. It was planned that, instead of making Christmas a time to be with loved ones and a time to enjoy the holiday, “Helping the Needy” would be a better […]

Purpose of God in Death – Charles Spurgeon

Purpose of God in Death – Charles Spurgeon EVERY grain of dust that is whirled from the threshing-floor is steered with as unerring a wisdom as the stars in their courses, and there is not a leaf that trembles in the autumn from the tree but is piloted by the plan and purpose of the […]

Purity of the Saved Soul – Charles Spurgeon

Purity of the Saved Soul – Charles Spurgeon WE do not see snow very often now, but when we did see it last time, what a dazzling whiteness there was upon it! You took a sheet of paper, you laid it upon the snow, and you were perfectly surprised to see the clean white paper […]

Purity of the Church, Christ’s Desire for – Charles Spurgeon

Purity of the Church, Christ’s Desire for – Charles Spurgeon THE Lord Jesus Christ, looking around his church, if he sees anything evil in it, will do one of two things: either he will go right away from his church because the evil is tolerated there, and he will leave that church to be like […]

Puritanism and Modern Thought – Charles Spurgeon

Puritanism and Modern Thought – Charles Spurgeon THE modern men would be rich if they possessed even the crumbs that fall from the table of the Puritans. They have given us nothing new, after all. A few variegated bladders they have blown, and they have burst while the blowers were admiring them: but, as for […]

Pressing on the Upward Way

Pressing on the Upward Way “Between an airplane and every other form of locomotion and transportation there is one great contrast. The horse and wagon, the automobile, the bicycle, the locomotive, the speedboat, and the great battleship—all can come to a standstill without danger, and they can all reverse their engines, or their power, and […]

Personal Salvation

Personal Salvation “The life of Christianity consists of possessive pronouns. It is one thing to say, ‘Christ is a Saviour’; it is quite another thing to say, ‘He is my Saviour and my Lord.’ The devil can say the first; the true Christian alone can say the second.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Puritanism Commended – Charles Spurgeon

Puritanism Commended – Charles Spurgeon ALTHOUGH the world may openly denounce the rigid Puritan, it secretly admires him. When the big heart of the world speaks out, it has respect to the man that is sternly honest, and will not yield his principles, no, not to a hair’s breadth. In such an age as this, […]

Puritan hearing of the Word – Charles Spurgeon

Puritan hearing of the Word – Charles Spurgeon IN the old Puritanic times, sermons must have been tiresome to the thoughtless, but now-a-days I should think they are more tiresome to the thoughtful. The Christian of those days wanted to know a great deal of the things of God; and provided that the preacher could […]

Providence, Wide Extent of – Charles Spurgeon

Providence, Wide Extent of – Charles Spurgeon PROVIDENCE may look very dark today, but it is full of light—latent light—light which must flash forth as the noonday for brightness. All circumstances are teeming with benefit to you if you be in Christ. Ships with black hulls are bringing you bright gold. Ravens shall bring you […]

Providence, Sins laid upon – Charles Spurgeon

Providence, Sins laid upon – Charles Spurgeon BRETHREN and sisters, let me warn you against the many ways in which men have sought to discover God’s will apart from his word—all foolish, and some of them wicked. I have known some who have opened the Book as if the passage on which they should alight […]

Providence, Ship of – Charles Spurgeon

Providence, Ship of – Charles Spurgeon SUPPOSE one goes to sea under the most skillful captain: that captain cannot possibly know what may occur during the voyage, and with the greatest foresight he can never promise an absolutely safe passage. There may be dangers which he has never yet encountered—Atlantic waves, tornadoes, and hurricanes may […]

Providence of God in Everything – Charles Spurgeon

Providence of God in Everything – Charles Spurgeon ALL things that shall happen, be they ever so cross to your thoughts and counter to your wishes, will, nevertheless, come up, like Blucher at Waterloo, at the exact moment when they shall help on the grand old cause. Justice must reign; the church of God must […]

Providence of God in all a Believer’s Life – Charles Spurgeon

Providence of God in all a Believer’s Life – Charles Spurgeon PETER among the apostles is singularly honored, for everything about him was in some way or other connected with a miracle. His person—it was by a miracle that he had walked the waters; it was by a miracle that he had been saved from […]

Providence, Arrangements of—Wisdom in the – Charles Spurgeon

Providence, Arrangements of—Wisdom in the – Charles Spurgeon YOU are to consider that the position which you occupy is, all things considered, the most advantageous that you could possibly have occupied for doing the utmost that you are capable of doing for the glory of God. Suppose the mole should cry, “How I could have […]

Purity Is a Choice

Purity Is a Choice NBA player A. C. Green said that when he became a Christian he resolved to keep his purity. He said, “We all have the power of choice, but once used, our choice then has power over us. Condoms are hailed today as the answer for unwanted pregnancy and disease prevention, no […]

Promises of God, Memories of – Charles Spurgeon

Promises of God, Memories of – Charles Spurgeon I HAVE seen a mother go to the secret drawer to look at a certain little pair of woollen shoes; with these in her hands, she would sit down and weep for the hour together. Ah, there were little feet that wore those shoes once, and they […]

Prosperity, Removal of—The Voice of God – Charles Spurgeon

Prosperity, Removal of—The Voice of God – Charles Spurgeon CHILDREN of God, have you been living at a distance from your Father? The silver bell rings this morning, and invites you to return. An angel voice cries, “Come back! come back! come back!” Will you not answer, “I will arise and go to my Father”? […]

Prosperity Hurtful to Grace – Charles Spurgeon

Prosperity Hurtful to Grace – Charles Spurgeon DEPEND upon it, the most of us cannot endure great prosperity long together. As some constitutions cannot bear certain meats, so a long run of spiritual ease is much too strong a thing for the constitution of average Christians. The pools of our heart are apt to grow […]

Prophecy Statistics

Prophecy Statistics “More than a fourth of the Bible is predictive prophecy. Approximately one-third of it has yet to be fulfilled. Both the Old and New Testaments are full of promises about the return of Jesus Christ. Over 1,800 references appear in the Old Testament, and seventeen Old Testament books give prominence to this theme. Of the […]

Promises Sealed by God – Charles Spurgeon

Promises Sealed by God – Charles Spurgeon EVERY promise of this sacred book is God’s own promise spoken through his prophets and apostles, but yet spoken by himself. The signet of Heaven seals every promise. You will never know the sweetness of a promise until it is God’s promise to you. They are precious promises […]

Promises, Preciousness of the – Charles Spurgeon

Promises, Preciousness of the – Charles Spurgeon ALL hail, you fair promises! You meet me as the angels met Jacob at Mahanaim; but all hail, fair precepts! You meet me as Nathan met David, and rebuke me for my sins. You also are my friends, and I salute you and am glad to bear you […]

Promises Countersigned by Faith – Charles Spurgeon

Promises Countersigned by Faith – Charles Spurgeon SOME bank bills require the signature of the person for whom they are drawn, and they would not be payable at the bank, though regularly signed, unless countersigned by the person to whom they are due: now many of the Lord’s promises are drawn in like fashion. Armed […]

Progress of the Divine Work – Charles Spurgeon

Progress of the Divine Work – Charles Spurgeon HAVE you never perceived that when true religion either in your own soul or in the world seems to have gone back that suddenly it makes a leap again? There will come waves upon the beach, and each one will seem stronger than its fellow; but then […]

Profession, Lifeless – Charles Spurgeon

Profession, Lifeless – Charles Spurgeon PROFESSIONS there are not unfrequently upon which we may gaze with a vacant wonder and turn away with a cold shudder, as from the somber gaudiness of a funeral, wherein prancing steeds, stately mutes, nodding plumes, and velvet palls adorn the obsequies of the dead. God save us from a […]

Profession, Heartless—A Weariness – Charles Spurgeon

Profession, Heartless—A Weariness – Charles Spurgeon I TELL you solemnly, I do believe that the half of professors do not know what true religion means. They have never got to it. They have got to the skimmed milk, the scum, and the froth, but they have not got down into the depth. The more you […]

Procrastination – Charles Spurgeon

Procrastination – Charles Spurgeon “AH!” says Madam Bubble, “here is a young person impressed—if we laugh at him it will deepen the impression; but we will say to him, ‘Come, come; let the impression go for a little while; this is not the fit time; when you have a more convenient season you can bring […]

Privileges, Despised—To be Accounted for – Charles Spurgeon

Privileges, Despised—To be Accounted for – Charles Spurgeon THERE is a curtain, but it is lifting, it is lifting, it is lifting; and when it is lifted, what do I see? The spirit world! ‘Tis death that lifts the curtain; and when it is lifted, these present things will vanish, for they are but shadows. […]

Primitive Church, Power of the – Charles Spurgeon

Primitive Church, Power of the – Charles Spurgeon MY dear brethren, we are weak, but we are not weaker than the first disciples of Christ. Neither were they learned, nor were they the wealthy of the earth: fishermen, the most of them, by no means men of cultivated ability—their tramp was that of a legion […]

Primitive Christianity – Charles Spurgeon

Primitive Christianity – Charles Spurgeon ONE of our colporteurs, some years ago, abroad, was selling his Testaments, when the curé of a parish said to him, “Your books say a very great deal about pardon, but I do not see much in them about confession.” The colporteur was about to reply, when a public notary […]

Priesthood of Christ, Perfection of the – Charles Spurgeon

Priesthood of Christ, Perfection of the – Charles Spurgeon THE typical priests stood because there was work to do; still must they present their sacrifices; but our Lord sits down because there is no more sacrificial work to do; atonement is complete, he has finished his task. There were no seats in the tabernacle. Observe […]

Pride, the Universal Disease – Charles Spurgeon

Pride, the Universal Disease – Charles Spurgeon I RECOLLECT firing a shot once with much greater success than I knew of. A certain person had frequently said to me that I had been the subject of her earnest prayers lest I should be exalted above measure, for she could see my danger: and, after having […]

Pride keeping the Soul from Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Pride keeping the Soul from Christ – Charles Spurgeon DO not stand at the swine’s trough saying, “I will not arise and go to my Father, for I am not fit to go until I have suffered a great deal more;” but hear the voice which bids you say, “I will arise and go unto […]

Pride checked by Affliction – Charles Spurgeon

Pride checked by Affliction – Charles Spurgeon JUST as the fever must be held in check by the bitter draught of quinine, so must the bitter cup of affliction rebuke our rising pride and worldliness. We should exalt ourselves above measure, and provoke the Lord to jealousy against us, were it not that trouble lays […]

Presence of God, Inspiration of the – Charles Spurgeon

Presence of God, Inspiration of the – Charles Spurgeon WERE you ever called to attack some deadly popular error, and, with rough, bold hand, like an iconoclast, to dash down the graven images of the age? Have you heard the clamor of many, some saying this thing, and some the other—some saying, “He is a […]

Preparation for meeting God – Charles Spurgeon

Preparation for meeting God – Charles Spurgeon “PREPARE to meet your God.” Why, methinks there are no more joyous words under Heaven than those under some aspects, certainly none more solemn out of Hell under others. “Prepare to meet your God.” These words may have sounded through the green alleys of Paradise, and have caused […]

Preparation for Death – Charles Spurgeon

Preparation for Death – Charles Spurgeon BE ready, minister, see to it that your church be in good order, for the grave shall soon be dug for you; be ready, parent, see that your children are brought up in the fear of God, for they must soon be orphans; be ready, men of business, you […]

Precious Things – Charles Spurgeon

Precious Things – Charles Spurgeon “HE is precious,” that is, Jesus Christ is precious; here is the priceless gem. “Exceeding great and precious promises;” here is the worthy casket which holds the gem. “Like precious faith,” as Paul calls it, “like precious faith” with the apostles—here is the blessed hand by which we grasp the […]

Preaching of Jesus – Charles Spurgeon

Preaching of Jesus – Charles Spurgeon REMEMBER what kind of preacher Jesus was. “Never man spoke like this man.” He was a son of consolation indeed. It was said of him, “A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench.” He was gentleness itself: his speech did not fall […]

Preaching, not Easy Work – Charles Spurgeon

Preaching, not Easy Work – Charles Spurgeon I BELIEVE that at bottom, most people think it an uncommonly easy thing to preach, and that they could do it amazingly well themselves Every donkey thinks itself worthy to stand with the king’s horses; every girl thinks she could keep house better than her mother; but thoughts […]

Preaching, Definition of – Charles Spurgeon

Preaching, Definition of – Charles Spurgeon WHAT is meant by the word “preach”? I take its meaning in this place to be very extensive. Some can literally preach—that is, act as heralds, proclaiming the gospel as the town crier proclaims in the street the message which he is bidden to cry aloud. The town crier […]

Preachers, Speculative – Charles Spurgeon

Preachers, Speculative – Charles Spurgeon MANY preachers—and I speak it with sorrow—have built a tower of theological speculations, upon which they sit like Nero, fiddling the tune of their own philosophy while the world is burning in sin and misery; they are playing with the toys of speculation while men’s souls are being lost. Much […]

Preacher, Self-denial Necessary for a – Charles Spurgeon

Preacher, Self-denial Necessary for a – Charles Spurgeon THE minister of Christ must know how to take the scaling-ladder, and fix it against the wall of the conscience, and climb it sword in hand, to meet the man face to face in sacred duel, for the capture of his heart. He must not flinch to […]

Preacher, Inattention of Men to the – Charles Spurgeon

Preacher, Inattention of Men to the – Charles Spurgeon THE most of men remind us of the old story in Strabo, of the musician who thought himself very wonderfully gifted with power to create melody. Before his audience he was pouring forth his notes, and as he thought holding them all spell bound, but just […]

Prayers of the Church, Universal Blessing of – Charles Spurgeon

Prayers of the Church, Universal Blessing of – Charles Spurgeon THE prayers of God’s church are like the clouds which ascend from the sea, as the sun shines on the waves; they fall on the fields which have been sown by man, but they also drop upon the pastures of the wilderness, and the little […]

Prayers of the Church Pleading in Heaven – Charles Spurgeon

Prayers of the Church Pleading in Heaven – Charles Spurgeon LOOK back and think of the prayers of all the ages as being in the golden bowl at this one time. The prayers of the apostles, the cries of the persecuted times, the wrestlings of the lonely ones of the Middle Ages, the moans from […]

Prayer Meetings the Gauge of Prosperity – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer Meetings the Gauge of Prosperity – Charles Spurgeon IT might make a man weep tears of blood to think that in our Dissenting churches in so many cases the prayer meetings are so shamefully attended. I could indicate places that I know of, situated not many miles from where we now stand, where there […]

Prayerlessness – Charles Spurgeon

Prayerlessness – Charles Spurgeon A PRAYERLESS church member is a hindrance, he is in the body like a rotting bone, or a decayed tooth, and, before long, since he does not contribute to the benefit of his brethren, he will become a danger and a sorrow to them. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Prayer and Natural Laws – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer and Natural Laws – Charles Spurgeon WHEN a man, in order to fulfill a promise, has to disarrange all his affairs, and, so to speak, to stop all his machinery, it proves that he is but a man, and that his wisdom and power are limited; but he is God indeed who, without reversing […]

Prayer and Fasting, Power of – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer and Fasting, Power of – Charles Spurgeon THE church of God would be far stronger to wrestle with this ungodly age if she were more given to prayer and fasting. There is a mighty efficacy in these two gospel ordinances. The first links us to Heaven, the second separates us from earth. Prayer takes […]

Prayer, Zeal in – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer, Zeal in – Charles Spurgeon THE Christian zealot may be recognized very manifestly by his prayers. Hear his utterance in the prayer-meeting. It is no repetition of a set of sacred phrases, no going over the metaphors which have become time-worn and tedious, but he prays like a man who means it. He comes […]

Prayer, Victorious – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer, Victorious – Charles Spurgeon A PEOPLE who can pray can never be overcome, because their reserve forces can never be exhausted. Go into battle, my brother; and if you be vanquished with the strength you have, prayer shall call up another legion, yes, twenty legions of angels, and the foe shall marvel to see […]

Prayer to be Well Ordered – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer to be Well Ordered – Charles Spurgeon “AS the sergeant sets the soldiers in a row when he is about to drill them, and marshals them, and as the commander-in-chief forms them into battalions, and so on, even so will I set my desires in proper order, and marshal them in battalions before the […]

Prayer to be Intense – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer to be Intense – Charles Spurgeon THE prayer which mounts to Heaven may have but very few of the tail feathers of adornment about it, but it must have the strong wing feathers of intense desire; it must not be as the peacock, gorgeous for beauty, but it must be as the eagle, for […]

Prayer to be Continual – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer to be Continual – Charles Spurgeon A MAN who does not pray usually, is but a hypocrite when he pretends to pray specially. Who would care to live in a miser’s house who starved you all the year round, except that now and then on a feast day he fed you daintily? We must […]

Prayer, True Sphere of – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer, True Sphere of – Charles Spurgeon CERTAIN people believe in ready-made prayers, cut and dried for all occasions, and, at the same time, they believe persons to be regenerated in baptism though their lives are anything but Christian; ought they not to provide prayers for all circumstances in which these, the dear regenerated but […]

Prayer, Spirit of – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer, Spirit of – Charles Spurgeon OUR Lord meant by saying men ought always to pray, that they ought to be always in the spirit of prayer, always ready to pray. Like the old knights, always in warfare, not always on their steeds dashing forward with their lances in rest to unhorse an adversary, but […]

Prayer, Simplicity of – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer, Simplicity of – Charles Spurgeon FINERY in dress or language is out of place in beggars. I heard a man in the street one day begging aloud by means of a magnificent oration. He used grand language in very pompous style, and I dare say he thought he was sure of getting piles of […]

Prayer, Reality of – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer, Reality of – Charles Spurgeon I SHOULD not try to prove to a blind man that the grass is green and the sky blue, because he can have no idea of the proposition which I am proving. Argument in such a case is folly on both sides. To us, at any rate, prayer is […]

Prayer Pleasing to God – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer Pleasing to God – Charles Spurgeon YOU love to hear your own little children’s talk. Now, you know very well when your little girl wants a new dress, and you are well aware that when your little boy needs fresh school books, there is no necessity whatever that Mary should inform you about her […]

Prayer, Playing at – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer, Playing at – Charles Spurgeon IF you were to go to one of the banks in Lombard Street, and see a man go in and out and lay a piece of paper on the table, and take it up again and nothing more; if he did that several times a day, I think there […]

Prayer, Large-hearted – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer, Large-hearted – Charles Spurgeon IT is said—I know not how truly—that the explanation of the text, “Open your mouth wide and I will fill it,” may be found in a very singular Oriental custom. It is said that not many years ago—I remember the circumstance being reported—the King of Persia ordered the chief of […]

Prayer, Large Expectation in – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer, Large Expectation in – Charles Spurgeon I HAVE heard that in the old times in England, on Christmas morning, the poor villagers were accustomed to call at the house of the lord of the manor, each one with his basin, which it was the custom to fill to the brim. I warrant you the […]

Prayer Justified by Results – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer Justified by Results – Charles Spurgeon IF your heart be cold in prayer, do not restrain prayer until your heart warms, but pray your soul unto heat by the help of the ever-blessed Spirit who helps our infirmities. If the iron be hot then hammer it, and if it be cold hammer it until […]

Prayer, Importunity in – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer, Importunity in – Charles Spurgeon A TREE does not always drop its fruit at the first shake you give it. Shake it again, man; give it another shake! And sometimes, when the tree is loaded, and is pretty firm in the earth, you have to shake it to and fro, and at last you […]

Prayer helping Work – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer helping Work – Charles Spurgeon SOMETIMES we think we are too busy to pray. That is a great mistake, for praying is a saving of time. You remember Luther’s remark, “I have so much to do today that I shall never get through it with less than three hours’ prayer.” He had not been […]

Prayer, Ejaculatory – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer, Ejaculatory – Charles Spurgeon IT has been said of some great men that they could not talk in company; when they got upon their legs and had a prepared discourse, they could speak very much to edification, but in general society they could not edify anyone. And someone said they had gold, but their […]

Prayer, Church Exhorted to – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer, Church Exhorted to – Charles Spurgeon STRAIN after a devotional vacation. Surely if you can spare time for holidays and recreations, you can clear a space for special drawing near to God. I believe this church would be visited with a very great ingathering if all the members of it made it a solemn […]

Prayer, an Unsheathed Sword – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer, an Unsheathed Sword – Charles Spurgeon A MAN who is going along a dark road where he knows that there are enemies, if he must be alone and has a sword with him, he carries it drawn in his hand, to let the robbers know he is ready for them. So, Christian, pray without […]

Prayer Accepted through Christ’s Intercession – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer Accepted through Christ’s Intercession – Charles Spurgeon I THINK it is Ambrose who uses a very pretty figure concerning believers’ prayers. He says we are like little children who run into the garden to gather flowers to please their father, but we are so ignorant and childish that we pluck as many weeds as […]

Prayer Accepted through Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer Accepted through Christ – Charles Spurgeon SOMETIMES poor people come to us with petitions which they wish to send to some company or great personage. They bring the petition and ask us to have it presented for them. It is very badly spelt, very queerly written, and we can but just make out what […]

Prayer, a Rational Safeguard – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer, a Rational Safeguard – Charles Spurgeon A MAN who lives habitually near to God is like a great cloud forever dropping with fertilizing showers. This is the man who can say, “The earth is dissolved; I bear up the pillars thereof.” France had never seen so bloody a revolution had there been men of […]

Prayer, A Cry – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer, A Cry – Charles Spurgeon A CRY is the most natural form of utterance. It is a natural expression made up of pain and desire for relief. A cry is the first sign of human life; as if to indicate that we are most alive when most we cry; as if a cry were […]

Prayer, A Child’s – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer, A Child’s – Charles Spurgeon I WISH we did believe in prayer: I am afraid most of us do not. People will say, “What a wonderful thing it is that God hears George Muller’s prayers!” But is it not a sad thing that we should think it wonderful for God to hear prayer? We […]

Praise of Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Praise of Christ – Charles Spurgeon WE take into reckoning whenever we do honor to a prince all that he may have done for the nation over which he rules. What, then, has Jesus done for us? Rather let me say what has he not done? Upon his shoulders were laid our sins; he carried […]

Praise, to be Whole-hearted – Charles Spurgeon

Praise, to be Whole-hearted – Charles Spurgeon LOOK at the very birds on earth how they shame us! Dear little creatures, if you watch them when they are singing, you will sometimes wonder how so much sound can come out of such diminutive bodies. How they throw their whole selves into the music, and seem […]

 Praise to be Personal – Charles Spurgeon 

Praise to be Personal – Charles Spurgeon “BLESS the Lord, O my soul,” let the true Ego praise him, the essential I, the vital personality, the soul of my soul, the life of my life! Let me be true to the core to my God; let that which is most truly my own vitality spend […]

Praise to be Incessant – Charles Spurgeon

Praise to be Incessant – Charles Spurgeon IT is much to be desired that all day long, in every avocation, and every recreation, the soul should spontaneously pour forth praise, even as birds sing, and flowers perfume the air, and sunbeams cheer the earth. We would be incarnate psalmody, praise enshrined in flesh and blood. […]

Praise, The Universal Employment – Charles Spurgeon

Praise, The Universal Employment – Charles Spurgeon MAY I ask you, beloved friends, now to recollect what God has done for you? Thread the jewels of his grace upon the thread of memory, and hang them about the neck of praise. Can you count the leaves of the forest in autumn, or number the small […]

 Praise, The Time for – Charles Spurgeon

Praise, The Time for – Charles Spurgeon GET your holy-praise work done before affliction mars the tune. Fill the air with music while you can. While yet there is bread upon the table, sing, though famine may threaten: while yet the child runs laughing about the house, while yet the flush of health is in […]

Praise, Soul to be engaged in – Charles Spurgeon

Praise, Soul to be engaged in – Charles Spurgeon I AM afraid that where organs, choirs, and singing men and singing women are left to do the praise of the congregation, men’s minds are more occupied with the due performance of the music than with the Lord, who alone is to be praised. God’s house […]

Praise, Putting on the Garment of – Charles Spurgeon

Praise, Putting on the Garment of – Charles Spurgeon O YOU mourning saints, you have been putting on your sackcloth today, and you arranged it so carefully, for there is a kind of foppery about grief that makes it strew its ashes with deliberation. O sirs, could you not have spent some of your time […]

Praise, Garment of – Charles Spurgeon

Praise, Garment of – Charles Spurgeon “THE garment of praise,” what a dress is this! Speak of wrought gold, or fine linen, or needlework of divers colors, or taffeta, or damasks, or gorgeous silks, most rich and rare, which come from far-off lands—where is anything compared with the “garment of praise”? When a man wraps […]

Praise, a Daily Employment – Charles Spurgeon

Praise, a Daily Employment – Charles Spurgeon WE ought to spend at least a little time every day in adoring contemplation. Our private devotions are scarcely complete if they consist altogether of prayer. Should there not be praise? If possible, during each day, sing a hymn. Perhaps you are not in a position to sing […]

Popery, Prevalence of – Charles Spurgeon

Popery, Prevalence of – Charles Spurgeon NOT many streets from the house in which we are assembled you may have your candles, and your incense, and your copes, and your albs, with all the other pomps and vanities of the detestable idolatry of Rome. That Romanism against which Latimer bore testimony at the stake has […]

Policy v. Principle – Charles Spurgeon

Policy v. Principle – Charles Spurgeon NOW, brethren, I have almost always noticed that those persons who temporize, or attempt to find out a policy of going between, and doing as little wrong as possible, but still just a little, always blunder out of one ditch into another, and their whole life is a life […]

Policy, Deliverance by—Only Temporary – Charles Spurgeon

Policy, Deliverance by—Only Temporary – Charles Spurgeon YOU may find a temporary deliverance from your pressing sorrow by a sinful step, but you will purchase the deliverance at an awful price, since sorrow will return to you multiplied sevenfold, and will find you naked, because your clear conscience, which was once your shield, has been […]

Policy, a False Rule of Life – Charles Spurgeon

Policy, a False Rule of Life – Charles Spurgeon THE man who lives by policy is like a sailor in a gusty day, or who has a foul wind against him, and must tack about to reach first this point and then the other, and makes but slow progress after all in the direction which […]

Pillar of Cloud, the Protection of God’s People – Charles Spurgeon

Pillar of Cloud, the Protection of God’s People – Charles Spurgeon I DO not think of the pillar of cloud as being simply a column of smoke arising from the center of the Tabernacle; it was such, but besides that it covered the whole camp as a vast canopy or pavilion, so that in the […]

Philosophy and Christianity – Charles Spurgeon

Philosophy and Christianity – Charles Spurgeon THERE have been various dynasties of thought: at one time Plato reigned supreme over thoughtful minds; then Aristotle held a long and rigid rule—he so ruled and governed the entire universe of mind that even the Christian religion was continually infected and tainted by his philosophical speculations; but another […]

Persuaded, Almost – Charles Spurgeon

Persuaded, Almost – Charles Spurgeon A PERSON has rebelled against the government: in hot haste he has taken side with the rioters, but he is afterwards very sorry for it, and he asks that he may be forgiven; let mercy have free course. But another offender has been reasoned with, he has been shown the […]

Personal Consecration – Charles Spurgeon

Personal Consecration – Charles Spurgeon DO you not know that all God’s people are priests? These lying priests now-a-days put on their gaudy trappings like the priests of Baal, and come forward and say, “We are priests.” Priests of Dagon, priests of Baal, priests of Hell, but not God’s priests. God’s priests are those who […]

Persecution, Usefulness of – Charles Spurgeon

Persecution, Usefulness of – Charles Spurgeon ONE might almost sigh for a brush of persecution to wake some of you up! Just a little salt cast here and there to make some of the sore places smart! Surely we go to sleep unless the whip be now and then laid on. A stake or two […]

Persecution Sifting the Church – Charles Spurgeon

Persecution Sifting the Church – Charles Spurgeon SURELY the blood of saints, shed for the testimony of Jesus, might have filled the Mediterranean to its brim. I know not whether every drop of the Atlantic ocean might not have been incarminated if the warm blood of all the martyrs had been poured into its all […]

Perfection, Human—Unattainable – Charles Spurgeon

Perfection, Human—Unattainable – Charles Spurgeon WHENEVER I meet with a person who feels that he is perfect, I conceive at once that he has not yet attained even a remote conception of what true perfection must be. The savage of Australia is satisfied with his weapons of war so long as he has never seen […]

Perfection, the Christian’s Aim – Charles Spurgeon

Perfection, the Christian’s Aim – Charles Spurgeon ALTHOUGH a young artist, when he starts in his work, dare not hope that he shall come up to Praxiteles in sculpture, or to Apelles in painting; yet were he to set before himself anything short of the highest standard, he would not be likely to attain honor […]

People, Triumph of the Gospel among the – Charles Spurgeon

People, Triumph of the Gospel among the – Charles Spurgeon IN the old days of persecution and of burning, who were the men that played the man most nobly at the stake? Here and there a bishop and a noble did so, but the rank and file of the heroes were from the poor or […]

Peculiarities to be used for God – Charles Spurgeon

Peculiarities to be used for God – Charles Spurgeon SOME of us have a vein of humor, and though we try to keep it under restraint it will peep out. What then? Why, let us make it bear the Lord’s yoke. This faculty is not necessarily common or unclean: let it be made a hewer […]

Peace, None with Sin – Charles Spurgeon

Peace, None with Sin – Charles Spurgeon OH! those blessed tempests! Do not give me calm weather when the air is still and heavy, and when lethargy is creeping over one’s spirit. Lord, send a hurricane, give us a little stormy weather: when the lightning flashes and the thunder rolls, then God’s servants know that […]

Peace between Christians to be sought – Charles Spurgeon

Peace between Christians to be sought – Charles Spurgeon IN the best church there will always be some falling leaves. Somebody gets out at the elbow with another brother. We are not any of us perfect. We get on far more than reasonably well with one another, as a church. I never saw any church […]

Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh – Charles Spurgeon

Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh – Charles Spurgeon PAUL had a secret grief somewhere, I know not where, but near his heart, continually, wherever he might be, irritating him; perpetually vexing him and wounding him. A thorn, a commonplace thing, such as might grow in any field, and fall to any man’s lot. Thorns are […]

Paul, Purpose of God in sending – Charles Spurgeon

Paul, Purpose of God in sending – Charles Spurgeon LOOK the whole Bible through, and you will find that the revelation is always congruous to the person to whom it is given. You do not find Ezekiel blessed with a revelation like that of Isaiah. Ezekiel is all imagination, therefore he must soar on the […]

Peace Comes from Following Christ

Peace Comes from Following Christ Thousands of people each year visit the Winchester Mansion in San Jose, California. This massive structure was built by Sarah Winchester, the widow of the gun company owner. For thirty-eight years, from 1884 until her death in 1922, the house was under constant construction. Teams of carpenters, masons and other […]

Patience under Trial – Charles Spurgeon

Patience under Trial – Charles Spurgeon WHEN one’s flesh and bones are full of aches and pains, it is as natural for us to murmur as for a horse to shake his head when the flies tease him, or a wheel to rattle when a spoke is loose; but nature should not be the rule […]

Pardon, The Moment of—Joyful – Charles Spurgeon

Pardon, The Moment of—Joyful – Charles Spurgeon I SHALL never forget when my iniquity was removed; it was indeed in one single moment. Wretched I was, and more; my sins terrified, alarmed me, they haunted me day and night, they made me to sit on the doorstep of Hell; but how changed was the scene […]

Patriotism Survey

Patriotism Survey When asked how well the word patriotic describes them, the following percentages of Americans answered “very well”:Of all respondents: 53%Men: 57%Women: 49%Ages 18-34: 35%Ages 35-49: 44%Ages 50-59: 67%Ages 60+: 77% Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Paper Religion – Charles Spurgeon

Paper Religion – Charles Spurgeon YOU know very well how bad it is for trade when there is a great quantity of paper money about, and not enough sterling bullion to back it up with; there is sure to come a panic and a crash. I am afraid that the Christian church issues a great […]

Putting Sacrifices in Perspective

Putting Sacrifices in Perspective David Livingstone was a Scottish missionary and explorer who spent thirty-three years in the heart of Africa. He endured much suffering as he labored to spread the Gospel and open the continent to missionaries. This godly missionary once remarked: “People talk of the sacrifice I have made in spending so much […]

Poison or Pure Water?

Poison or Pure Water? There are poisons that look like crystal spring water. A glass of such poison, placed next to a glass of clear water will fool the eye; the two look exactly alike. But one has death in it, the other life. You have to discover by other means than drinking the true […]

Play for the Team

Play for the Team Herman Edwards is the colorful and witty coach who was with the Kansas City Chiefs. When it came to his thoughts on teamwork he said, “The players that play on this football team will play for the name on the side of the helmet and not the name on the back […]

Paid Mistakes

Paid Mistakes Stephen Barnes was a proponent of conventional leadership thinking that challenges people to make mistakes as they stretch themselves to improve. Apparently Stephen’s boss didn’t share his views. The CEO stepped into Stephen’s office and bluntly said, “It’s all right to be wrong, Barnes, just as long as you don’t do it on […]

Phone Conversations

Phone Conversations Adam’s wife was quite a talker and seldom stayed on the phone for less than an hour. One day he was surprised when he heard her hang up after just twenty-five minutes so he went into see if there was problem. When he expressed concern, Irene cheerfully explained, “Oh, no, everything is fine. […]

Picking up the Wagon

Picking up the Wagon A farm boy accidentally overturned his wagon-load of corn in the road. The farmer who lived nearby came to investigate. “Hey, Willis,” he called out, “forget your troubles for a spell and come on in and have dinner with us. Then I’ll help you get the wagon up.” “That’s mighty nice […]

Preparing at the Last Minute

Preparing at the Last Minute A minister waited in line to have his car filled with gas just before a long holiday weekend. The attendant worked quickly, but there were many cars ahead of him. Finally, the attendant motioned him toward a vacant pump. “Reverend,” said the young man, “I’m so sorry about the delay. […]

Praise Choruses

Praise Choruses An old farmer went to the city one weekend and attended the big city church. He came home and his wife asked him how it was. “Well,” said the farmer, “It was good. They did something different, however. They sang praise choruses instead of hymns.” “Praise choruses,” said his wife, “What are those?” […]

Pretend Praying

Pretend Praying The new army recruit was given guard duty at 2 a.m. He did his best for a while, but at about 4 a.m. he went to sleep. He awakened to find the officer of the day standing before him. Remembering the heavy penalty for being asleep on guard duty, this smart young man […]


Pallbearers The story is told of an elderly lady who never married. She requested  that at her funeral there be no male pallbearers. In her handwritten request she said, “They wouldn’t take me out while I was living, I don’t want them to take me out when I’m dead.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Praying about His Diet

Praying about His Diet A co-worker asked a friend why he got donuts if he is trying to diet. He said, “Well, I came around the corner where the donut shop was. I told God, if He wanted me to buy some donuts to have a parking spot in the front. On the eighth time […]


Parachuting Gertrude was about to make her first parachute jump. The instructor said, “First, you pull the big cord. If it doesn’t work, you pull the little cord. There will be a red pickup truck waiting for you when you land.” Gertrude jumped. When she pulled the big cord, nothing happened, so she pulled the […]

Poor Pastors

Poor Pastors After resigning his pastorate to go lead another church, a pastor was approached by an endearing older member of the congregation. She wept over the pastor’s decision to leave and said, “Things will never be the same.” The minister tried to console her by saying, “Don’t worry, I’m confident you will get a […]

Pilotless Jet

Pilotless Jet Golfer Payne Stewart’s jet crashed in 1999. It appears that the pilot and copilot went unconscious during the flight. Air traffic controllers were unable to communicate with the pilots, and two Air Force jets were sent to investigate. As they pulled alongside Stewart’s jet they could not see any movement in the cockpit, […]

Praising God in the Midst of Trials

Praising God in the Midst of Trials I visited one who was ill in bed; and, after having buried seven of her family in six months, had just heard that the eighth, her beloved husband, was cast away at sea. I asked, “Do not you fret at any of those things?” She said, with a […]

Praying With Faith

Praying With Faith When Hudson Taylor sailed to China, he heard an urgent knock on his stateroom door. He opened it, and there stood the captain of the ship. “Mr. Taylor,” he said, “we have no wind. We are drifting toward an island where the people are heathen, and I fear they are cannibals.” “What […]

Proving God

Proving God Brother Kuykendal was a pastor in Texas when H. Z. Duke, founder of Duke and Ayers Nickel Stores, asked him if he believed in tithing to which he replied that he did. Mr. Duke then asked him if he practiced tithing. He answered, “No, I do not. I believe in tithing, but I […]

Pull the Weeds

Pull the Weeds One of the most destructive weeds that crop farmers must deal with is the Canadian thistle. It has an extensive root system that makes it extremely difficult to eradicate once it is established. The root structure can reach a depth of fifteen feet, and the roots can also spread out the same […]

Prince Edward’s Visit

Prince Edward’s Visit In 1934, a British magazine told the story of young Prince Edward and a visit he made to a small hospital where thirty-six hopelessly injured and disfigured veterans of the First World War were tended. He stopped at each cot, shook hands with each veteran, and spoke words of encouragement. He was […]

Psalm 23

Psalm 23 The Lord is my shepherdThat’s relationship! I shall not wantThat’s supply! He maketh me to lie down in green pasturesThat’s rest! He leadeth me beside the still watersThat’s refreshment! He restoreth my soulThat’s healing! He leadeth me in the paths of righteousnessThat’s guidance! For His name’s sakeThat’s purpose! Yea, though I walk through […]


PLAGIARISM Lenny realized how much things had changed since he was a kid when his teenage son asked him for help with some homework. He momentarily felt honored to be included and said he would be glad to help. His son then said, “Good, I need your credit card for the research-paper web site.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp […]

Praying with Your Family

Praying with Your Family When Dr. Richard Halverson was the U.S. Senate chaplain, he spoke before a group of evangelicals who had expressed their anger about Congress’ inactivity on the subject of school prayer. They were irritated that congress had not acted with a strong initiative to restore prayer in schools. To these who were […]

Poem about the Resurrection

Poem about the Resurrection The tomb could hold Him no longer;Death is strong, but life is stronger.Stronger than the dark—the light.Stronger than the wrong—the right.Faith and hope triumphant say,“Christ arose on Resurrection Day!” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Prisoner of His Appetite

Prisoner of His Appetite During the fourteenth century Raynald III, was a duke in what is now Belgium. As the result of a violent quarrel, Raynald’s younger brother Edward successfully revolted against him. When Edward captured Raynald he built a room around him featuring windows and a door and promised him that the day he […]


Perception In the Washington DC Metro Station on a cold January morning in 2007, a man with a violin played six Bach pieces for about forty-five minutes. During that time approximately two thousand people went through the station, most of them on their way to work. After three minutes, a middle-aged man noticed there was […]

Patrick Henry’s Desire

Patrick Henry’s Desire The last paragraph of Patrick Henry’s will says, “I have now disposed of all my property for my family; there is one thing more I wish I could give them, and that is the Christian religion. If they had this, and I had not given them one shilling, they would be rich, […]

Preaching Truth

Preaching Truth There is a tale told of the great English actor, Macready. An eminent preacher once said to him: “I wish you would explain to me something.” “Well, what is it? I don’t know that I can explain anything to a preacher.” “What is the difference between you and me? You are appearing before […]

Perseverance Is the Key

Perseverance Is the Key Michael Jordan is probably the best player the NBA has ever seen. He gave this insightful look into the incredible success that he enjoyed: “I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve […]

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is There is a bumper sticker that says, “Tithe if you love Jesus. Any idiot can honk.” A lot of peole talk about how much they love the Lord, but they do not put their money where their mouth is. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Payed Volunteers

Payed Volunteers The 81st Texas Legislature passed a bill that gave state employees five paid hours a month to volunteer with foster children. Representative Wayne Christian disagreed with the measure and asked two questions. “Why should the state subsidize volunteerism? Isn’t that an oxymoron?” You cannot pay people enough to care. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest […]

Passing the Test

Passing the Test Cha Sa-soon became famous for her perseverance. The 68-year-old woman from South Korea passed the written exam for a driver’s license on the 950th try. Sa-soon, took her first test in April of 2005 and failed 949 times before making the minimum score necessary to pass of 60 percent in November of 2009. […]


PRAYER JOURNAL ENTRY OF GEORGE WASHINGTON-George Mueller When George Washington was about 20 years old he wrote this in his prayer journal: “O most Glorious God, in Jesus Christ my merciful and loving father, I acknowledge and confess my guilt, in the weak and imperfect performance of the duties of this day. I have called […]



PREFACE – Charles Spurgeon

PREFACE – Charles Spurgeon The myriad hearers and readers of Mr. SPURGEON’S Sermons well know that many of his sentences flash forth with a brightness all their own. They are striking, suggestive, and often startling. Some of these sentences are here taken from their original settings, that they may form a collection of choice extracts, […]

“Pull for the Shore, Sailor.” – Dwight Lyman Moody

“Pull for the Shore, Sailor.” – Dwight Lyman Moody A vessel was wrecked off the shore. Eager eyes were watching and strong arms manned the life-boat. For] hours they tried to reach that vessel through the great breakers that raged and foamed on the sand-bank but it seemed impossible. The boat appeared to be leaving […]

Prayer Answered. – Dwight Lyman Moody

Prayer Answered. – Dwight Lyman Moody Only a few years ago in the City of Philadelphia there was a mother that had two sons. They were just going as fast as they could to ruin. They were breaking her heart, and she went into a little prayer-meeting and got up and presented them for prayer. […]


PRAYING TIL THEY CHANGE-George Mueller “George Mueller, the founder of a great Christian orphanage work in England in the 1800’s, was a powerful man of prayer. He knew the importance of keeping at prayer evne when the answer seemed delayed. When he was young he began praying that two of his friends might be saved. […]

Pastor, Don’t Leave

Pastor, Don’t Leave The average pastor leaves a church over eight critics. When the pastor leaves, the problems stay. When the pastor stays, the problems leave. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Prone to Criticism

Prone to Criticism In a Peanuts cartoon, Linus is curled up in a chair, reading a book, while Lucy stands behind him with a funny look on her face. Lucy then says, “It’s very strange. It happens just by looking at you.” “What happens?” Linus asks. Lucy calmly answers, “I can feel a criticism coming on.” Facebook […]

Practicing Grace

Practicing Grace Charles Spurgeon and Joseph Parker both had churches in London in the 19th century. On one occasion, Parker commented on the poor condition of children admitted to Spurgeon’s orphanage. It was reported to Spurgeon however, that Parker had criticized the orphanage itself. Spurgeon blasted Parker the next week from the pulpit. The attack […]

Personal Devotions

Personal Devotions In the 1880s a young man who was an earnest Christian found employment in a pawnshop. Although he disliked the work, he did it faithfully as unto the Lord until a more desirable opportunity opened for him. To prepare himself for a life of Christian service, he wrote on a scrap of paper […]

Pulling an Airplane

Pulling an Airplane On October 15, 1997, David Huxley strapped a harness around his upper torso and attached it to a steel cable some fifteen yards long. The other end of the steel cable was attached to the front-wheel strut of a 747 jetliner that weighed 187 tons. With his tennis shoes firmly planted on […]

Pew Sharing

Pew Sharing An usher speaking to another usher said, “We have nothing but good, kind Christians in this church until you try to seat someone else in their pew.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Peter’s Confession. – Dwight Lyman Moody

Peter’s Confession. – Dwight Lyman Moody One day He said, “Whom do men say that I am?” He wanted them to confess Him. But one said, “They say thou art Elias,” and another “that thou art Jeremiah;” and another— “Thou art St. John the Baptist.” But He asked, “Whom do you say that I am?”—turning to His […]

Pre-Christmas Sale

Pre-Christmas Sale Sign in a department store window: “Big pre-Christmas sale. Come in and mangle with the crowd.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Playing Store

Playing Store A little boy and his father were playing store. The father offered to pay a nickel for a set of binoculars, and the boy said, “Dad we’re playing store, we’re not playing church!” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Praying for a Test to Be Fixed

Praying for a Test to Be Fixed A fifth grade boy who had heard a sermon on persistence in prayer was praying by himself in his room one night. As his dad passed his door, he heard the boy praying over and over again, “Tokyo, Tokyo, Tokyo.” The next day, the dad asked his son what […]

Preaching Good Sermons

Preaching Good Sermons There was once a pastor who had a five-year-old daughter. The little girl noticed that every time her dad stood behind the pulpit, and was getting ready to preach, he would bow his head for a moment before he began to preach. The little girl noticed that he did this every time. […]

Pay Attention in Sunday School

Pay Attention in Sunday School A grandmother told her granddaughter, “Tomorrow, we’re going to Sunday school” “I don’t like Sunday school,” said the granddaughter. “We need to learn more about God,” replied the grandmother. The granddaughter said, “I learned about Him last week.” “I’ve been going to church all my life, and I haven’t learned […]

Palm Sunday Mistake

Palm Sunday Mistake A little boy was sick on Palm Sunday and stayed home from church with his mother. His father returned from church holding a palm branch. The little boy was curious and asked, “Why do you have that palm branch, Dad?” “You see, when Jesus came into town, everyone waved palm branches to […]

Putting Away Childish Things

Putting Away Childish Things A dad with five children was picking up toys in the back yard.  He said to his wife, “You know since we had children I’ve learned the meaning of, ‘When I became a man I put away childish things.’” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

People Are Watching and Copying You

People Are Watching and Copying You A little boy said to his mother, “Can I go outside and help Daddy put snow chains on the car? I know all the words.” Always remember that those who come behind you are copying you. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email


PRAYING BEFORE MEALS A teacher asked a little boy, “Johnny, tell me frankly, do you say your prayers before you eat?” Johnny replied, “I don’t have to, my mom is a good cook!” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email


PIE AND MOTHERS A teacher asked a boy this question: “Suppose your mother baked a pie and there were seven of you—your parents and five children. What part of the pie would you get?” “A sixth,” replied the boy. “I’m afraid you don’t know your fractions,” said the teacher. “Remember, there are seven of you.” […]

“Pull for the Shore.” – Dwight Lyman Moody

“Pull for the Shore.” – Dwight Lyman Moody Look at that man in a boat on Niagara River. He is only about a mile from the rapids. A man on the bank shouts to him, “Young man, young man, the rapids are not far away; you’d better pull for the shore.” “You attend to your […]


POLITICAL INSANITY In today’s politically correct environment where you have to be so careful to keep from offending anyone, we might all have to give reports like this fourth grader who reported on the origins of the Thanksgiving holiday. ”The pilgrims came here seeking freedom of you know what. When they landed, they gave thanks […]


PRAYING WITHOUT RESULTS A cartoon pictured a little boy kneeling in prayer.  Obviously disgruntled with the results of his prayers, he was saying,  “Aunt Harriet hasn’t gotten married,  Uncle Hubert hasn’t any work, and Daddy’s hair is still falling out… I’m getting tired of praying for this family without getting any results.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp […]


PRESSURE FORMS DIAMONDS Diamonds are formed under great pressure and heat. If these conditions do not exist, they are simply not formed. It is not that they will be low quality, or smaller in size, but they will not form. God brings His refining fire into our lives to create in us what He sees […]


PROOF OF CHRISTIANITY Charles Bradlaugh was an outstanding atheist in England. Down in one of the slums of London was a minister by the name of Hugh Price Hughes. All London was aware of miracles of grace accomplished at his mission. Charles Bradlaugh challenged Mr. Hughes to debate with him the validity of the claims […]


PEOPLE TO BITE The story is told of a woman who was bitten by a mad dog. It looked as if she was going to die of rabies, so the doctor told her she should make her will. Taking her pen and paper she began to write; in fact she wrote and wrote. Finally the […]


POISONING YOURSELF When a rattlesnake is cornered, sometimes it becomes so angry that it bites itself. When a man harbors hatred or bitterness in his heart he is poisoning himself just like the rattlesnake that bites itself. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Preface – Dwight Lyman Moody

Preface – Dwight Lyman Moody Preface The breathless interest given to Mr. Moody’s anecdotes while being related by him before his immense audiences, and their wonderful power upon the human heart, suggested to the compiler this volume, and led him to believe and trust that, properly classified and arranged in book form, they would still […]


PRESIDENT LINCOLN’S PROMISE Abraham Lincoln was well known for total abstinence from alcohol. According to one well known story, he was once offered a drink by a colonel in the military. Lincoln responded by telling the man that when his mother was on her deathbed, she had summoned him as a nine year old boy […]


POLITICAL CORRECTNESS FOR KIDS Your bedroom isn’t cluttered; it’s “passage-restrictive.” Kids don’t get in trouble anymore. They merely hit “social speed bumps.” A student isn’t lazy. He’s “energetically declined.” You’re not having a bad hair day; you’re suffering from “rebellious follicle syndrome.” You’re not shy. You’re “conversationally selective.” You don’t talk a lot. You’re just […]

Preaching Boldly

Preaching Boldly In the sixteenth century, there was a protestant reformer in England by the name of Hugh Latimer. He was known as a great preacher of his day and as a result he had many opportunities to speak. Once he found that he was to preach before the King Henry VIII of England. As […]

Peter’s Confession – Dwight Lyman Moody

Peter’s Confession – Dwight Lyman Moody One day He said, “Whom do men say that I am?” He wanted them to confess Him. But one said, “They say thou art Elias,” and another “that thou art Jeremiah;” and another “Thou art St. John the Baptist.” But He asked, “Whom do you say that I am?” […]

Pull for the Shore – Dwight Lyman Moody

Pull for the Shore – Dwight Lyman Moody Look at that man in a boat on Niagara River. He is only about a mile from the rapids. A man on the bank shouts to him, “Young man, young man, the rapids are not far away; you’d better pull for the shore.” “You attend to your […]

Pull for the Shore, Sailor – Dwight Lyman Moody

Pull for the Shore, Sailor – Dwight Lyman Moody A vessel was wrecked off the shore. Eager eyes were watching and strong arms manned the life-boat. For hours they tried to reach that vessel through the great breakers that raged and foamed on the sand-bank but it seemed impossible. The boat appeared to be leaving […]

Procrastination – Dwight Lyman Moody

Procrastination – Dwight Lyman Moody Acts 24:25And as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come, Felix trembled, and answered, Go your way for this time… There was a man in Chicago who twice determined to give his heart to God, but never had the courage to acknowledge Christ before his ungodly companions. When […]

Pulling in the Net – Dwight Lyman Moody

Pulling in the Net – Dwight Lyman Moody John 21:9-11As soon then as they were come to land, they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid thereon, and bread.… If you are always mending and setting the net, you won’t catch many fish. Whoever heard of a man going out to fish, and […]

Proof of a Living Person

Proof of a Living Person Medical authorities determine a person to be “alive” if there is either a detectable heartbeat or brain-wave activity. With that in mind, it is eye-opening for some to realize that unborn children have detectable heartbeats at eighteen days (two and one-half weeks) after conception and detectable brain-wave activity forty days […]

Prayer Meeting at a Party Scene

Prayer Meeting at a Party Scene Prayer Meeting at a Party SceneMorlais Castle is a place where, on fine Sunday mornings, scores of the worst characters [from the iron-works] meet to drink and fight. They buy the beer on Saturday night, and carry it up there about four o’clock on Sunday morning. There is no […]

Praying Wife

Praying Wife Praying WifeTwo men were lately returning home from a beer-shop at a very late hour. One of them said to the other, “When I get into the house to-night my wife will scold me dreadfully.” “Oh,” said his companion, “I shall have something ten times more intolerable than scolding. My wife is always […]


Prayer PrayerI wonder if you ever went to an automat—that’s a restaurant that loks like a post office. You go in and you don’t’ see any cook, any waiter, or any waitress. You drop in a quarter, out comes some pie and coffee, you drop in fifteen cents and out comes something else.I went to […]

Pardon must be accepted

Pardon must be accepted  Pardon must be accepted In 1829 George Wilson was sentenced to death in Pennsylvania. President Andrew Jackson granted him a pardon. George Wilson decided to decline the pardon. This was a new type of case in American law and the president referred it to the Supreme Court. The following was the […]

Prayer Hudson Taylor…

Prayer Hudson Taylor… Prayer Hudson Taylor… Hudson Taylor, the famous 18th century missionary went to China on a sailing ship. There was no wind and the ship was drifting towards an island of cannibals. The cannibals were waiting for the meal to hit shore. The Captain asked Mr Taylor if he would pray for wind. […]

Put the glass down

Put the glass down Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE  tjcloete@absamail.co.za PUT THE GLASS DOWN! A Professor began his class by holding up a glass with some water in it. He held it up for all to see & asked the students “How much do you think this glass weighs?” ’50g!’…. ‘100g!’…..  ‘125g’..the students answered. “I really don’t […]

Psalm 23- is it true?

Psalm 23- is it true? Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE  tjcloete@absamail.co.za PSALM 23 – Is it true? The clock is my dictator, I shall not rest.It makes me lie down only when exhausted.It leads me into deep depression.It hounds my soul.It leads me in circles of frenzy, for activities sake.Even though I run frantically from task to […]

Progression of wisdom as ageing

Progression of wisdom as ageing Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE  tjcloete@absamail.co.za Progression of wisdom as ageing! You can’t hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk. Age 7 I like my teacher because she cries when we sing “Silent Night.” Age 7 When I wave at people in the country, they stop what they’re doing […]
