Selfish Dating

Selfish Dating A young man called his mother and excitedly announced that he had just met the woman of his dreams. His mother said, “Why don’t you send her flowers and invite her to your apartment for a home-cooked meal?” The day after the big date, his mother called to see how things had gone. […]

Sin – Charles Spurgeon

Sin – Charles Spurgeon Those who give themselves up to the service of sin, enter the palace of pleasure by wide portals of marble, which conceal the low wicket behind which leads into the fields, where they are in a short time sent to feed swine. — James D. Burns. Sis. One danger of secret […]

SHAHS – Charles Spurgeon

SHAHS – Charles Spurgeon What multitudes of mahogany-handled drawers there are to be met with in daily life labelled in black on a gold ground, with swelling and mysterious names of precious healing Life: but. alas ! they are lKis which do not pull out, or drawers that are full of nothing. What myriads of […]

Servicing God – the Sure Bewared of. – Charles Spurgeon

Servicing God – the Sure Bewared of. – Charles Spurgeon When Calvin was banished from ungrateful Geneva, he said, ” Most assuredly if I had merely served man, this would have been a poor recompense ; but it is my happiness that I have served him who never fails to reward his servants to the […]

Service of God – the Honour of. – Charles Spurgeon

Service of God – the Honour of. – Charles Spurgeon Of the old hero the minstrel song — ” With his Yemen sword for aid ; Ornament it carried none, But the notches on the blade.”   What nobler decoration of honour can any godly man seek after than his scars of service, his losses […]

Service of God – to be Constant. – Charles Spurgeon

Service of God – to be Constant. – Charles Spurgeon Look at yon miller on the village hill. How does he grind his grist? Does he bargain that he will only grind in the west wind, because its gales are so full of health? No, but the east wind, which searches joints and marrow, makes […]

Service — the Load to Honour, – Charles Spurgeon

Service — the Load to Honour, – Charles Spurgeon When the Spartan king advanced against the enemy, he had always with him some one that had been crowned in the public games of Greece. And they tell us, that a Lace demonian, when la! ci mimicry; offered him on condition that he would not enter […]

Service — Preparations for – Charles Spurgeon

Service — Preparations for – Charles Spurgeon “Methought, I looked and saw the Master standing, and at his feet lay an earthen vessel. It was not broken, not unfitted for service, yet there it lay, powerless and useless, until he took it up. He held it awhile, and I saw that he was filling it, […]

Servants (GOD’S) – their Ruling Motive – Charles Spurgeon

Servants (GOD’S) – their Ruling Motive – Charles Spurgeon You cannot serve two masters — you must serve one or other. If your work is first with you, and your fee second, work is your master, and the Lord of work, who is God. But if your fee is first with you, and your work […]

SERMONS — Mult bave tie Gospel in them – Charles Spurgeon

SERMONS — Mult bave tie Gospel in them – Charles Spurgeon A friend called on the Rev. T. Charles, of Bala, on Sunday afternoon, September 11, 1814, after having been in church. “Well,” said he, “how did you like Mr. M? Was there enough of gospel in the sermon to save a sinner? If not, […]

Sermons – Must be Full of Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Sermons – Must be Full of Christ – Charles Spurgeon “I have had to interline your sermon all through and through with the name of Christ,” we is tincriticism which an aged parishioner once passed upon the discourse of a young pastor. Said the lamented Maccheyne, ” Some speculate on doctrines about the gospel, rather […]

Sermons – Brilliant but Useless – Charles Spurgeon

Sermons – Brilliant but Useless – Charles Spurgeon Sir Astle Y Cooper, on visaing Paris, was asked by the surgeon and chef of the empire how many times he had per- formed a certain wonderful feat of surgery. He replied that he had performed the operation thirteen times. ” Ah, but, monsieur, I have done […]

Sermons – Bad, not to be listened to – Charles Spurgeon

Sermons – Bad, not to be listened to – Charles Spurgeon SOME sermons are not to be listened to at all, just as some meats are not to be eaten. Against the siren’s song the only safety was deaf ears. Only a gross simpleton would leap into a pit full of rattlesnakes to see if […]

Self seeking – Charles Spurgeon

Self seeking – Charles Spurgeon A certain king had a minstrel whom he commanded to play before him. It was a day of high feasting; the cups were flowing, and many great guests were assembled. The minstrel laid his fingers among the strings of has harp, and woke them all to the sweetest melody, but […]

Self-righteousness – Vanity of – Charles Spurgeon

Self-righteousness – Vanity of – Charles Spurgeon When the lofty spire of Old St. Paul’s was destroyed by lightning, there were many superstitious persons who were amazed beyond measure at the calamity, for in the cross there had long been deposited relics of certain saints, which were counted fully sufficient to avert all danger of […]

Self-righteousness – Buin of Many – Charles Spurgeon

Self-righteousness – Buin of Many – Charles Spurgeon “A gentleman in our late civil wars,” says Cowley, ” when his quarters were beaten up by the enemy, was taken prisoner, and lost his life afterwards, only by staying to put on a band, and adjust his periwig: he would escape like a person of quality, […]

Self-examination – it’s Office – Charles Spurgeon

Self-examination – it’s Office – Charles Spurgeon A Highlander who purchased a barometer under a mis- taken idea of its purpose, complained that he could not see that it had made any improvement in the weather; and those who use signs and evidence for an intent which they will never answer, will be sure to […]

Skill – Dissatisfaction – Charles Spurgeon

Skill – Dissatisfaction – Charles Spurgeon ” DURING the nine years that I was his wife,” says the widow of the great artist Opie, ” I never saw him satisfied with one of his productions, and often, very often, have I seen him enter my sitting-room, and throwing himself in an agony of despondence on […]

Self-conceit – it’s Danger – Charles Spurgeon

Self-conceit – it’s Danger – Charles Spurgeon Quintilian said of some in his time that they might have become excellent scholars had they not been so persuaded of their scholarship already. Grant, most gracious God, that I may never hold so high an opinion of my own spiritual health as to prevent my being in […]

Scripture — varans System – Charles Spurgeon

Scripture — varans System – Charles Spurgeon The late William Jay, in his “Practical Illustrations of Character,” says, “What a difference must a Christian and a minister feel, between the trammels of some systems of divinity and the advantage of Scripture freedom, the glorious liberty of the sons of God. The one is the horse […]

Scriptures – Beading of – Charles Spurgeon

Scriptures – Beading of – Charles Spurgeon Lord Bacon tells of a certain bishop who used to bathe regularly twice every day, and on being asked why he bathed thus often, replied, ” Because I cannot conveniently do it three times.” If those who love the Scriptures were asked why they read the Bible so […]

Scripture – and Men’s Books – Charles Spurgeon

Scripture – and Men’s Books – Charles Spurgeon There is gold in the rocks which fringe the Pass of the Sprugen, gold even in the stones which mend the roads, but there is too little of it to be worth extracting. Alas, how like too many books and sermons! Not so the Scriptures, they are […]

SCHOOLS – Charles Spurgeon

SCHOOLS – Charles Spurgeon Riding the other day over Westminster Bridge 1 observed a noble bull quietly walking along, although there was a perfect hurly-burly of cabs, horses, carriages, whips and men all around him. I wondered to see the powerful beast walking so demurely, and only ceased to marvel when I noticed that a […]

Sceptics and Controversial Divine – Charles Spurgeon

Sceptics and Controversial Divine – Charles Spurgeon The old fable tells us of a boy who mounted a scavenger’s cart with base intent to throw dirt at the moon; whereat another! with better intentions, but scarcely less folly, came running with a bason of water to wash the moon, and make its face clean again. […]

Salvation – Theme for Thought – Charles Spurgeon

Salvation – Theme for Thought – Charles Spurgeon I have heard of a certain divine, that he used always to carry about with him a little book. This tiny volume had only three leaves in it; and truth to tell, it contained not a single word. The first was a leaf of black paper, black […]

Salvation – Hard to find – Charles Spurgeon

Salvation – Hard to find – Charles Spurgeon It is said that some years ago a vessel sailing on the northern coast of the South American continent, was observed to make signals of distress. When hailed by another vessel, they reported themselves as ” Dying for water!” ” Dip it up then,” was the response, […]

Salvation – in Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Salvation – in Christ – Charles Spurgeon We lately read in the paper an illustration of the way of salvation. A man had been condemned in a Spanish court to be shot but being an American citizen and also of English birth, the consuls of the two countries interposed, and declared that the Spanish authorities […]

Saints — their Real Worth – Charles Spurgeon

Saints — their Real Worth – Charles Spurgeon A piece of plate may become battered and scratched, so that its beauty is hopelessly K once I but it loses not its real worth; put it into the scale, and its weight and not its fashion shall be the estimate of its preciousness; throw it into […]

Saints — Preserve the World – Charles Spurgeon

Saints — Preserve the World – Charles Spurgeon WE saw in Venice a picture of St. Mark and other holy champions delivering the fait city from the devil, who had resolved to raise a great shot in the Adriatic, flood the lagunes, and drown the inhabitant of the “bride of the sea.” All mere legend […]

Safety of feeble saints – Charles Spurgeon

Safety of feeble saints – Charles Spurgeon You can buy complete sets of all the flowers of the Alpine district at the hotel near the foot of the Rosenlaui glacier, very neatly pressed and enclosed in cases. Some of the flowers are very common, but they must be included, or the flora would not be […]

SAFETY OF BELIEVERS – Charles Spurgeon

SAFETY OF BELIEVERS – Charles Spurgeon A British subject may be safe although surrounded by enemies in a distant land — not that he hath strength to con- tend alone against armed thousands, but because he is a subject of our queen. A despot on his throne, a horde of savages in their desert, have […]

Sabbath — Views of Heaven then Enjoyed – Charles Spurgeon

Sabbath — Views of Heaven then Enjoyed – Charles Spurgeon When a gentleman was inspecting a house in Newcastle, with a view to hiring it as a residence, the landlord took him to the upper window, expatiated on the extensive prospect, and added, ” Vou can see Durham Cathedral from this window on a Sunday […]

Sabbath — Heed to be Awakened for – Charles Spurgeon

Sabbath — Heed to be Awakened for – Charles Spurgeon At harbour , in the Hartz Mountains, we were awakened early in the morning, according to an ancient custom, by the sound of a trumpet, which made us pray that when the last trumpet sounds it may awaken us to an endless Sabbath. It was […]

SYMPATHY— How Learned-Charles Spurgeon

SYMPATHY— How Learned-Charles Spurgeon The story goes that harry the eighth wandering one night in the streets of london in disguise, was met at the bridge- foot by some of the watch, and not giving a good account of himself was carried off to the poultry compter, and shut up for the night without fire […]

SYMPATHY— Fruit of Experience-Charles Spurgeon

SYMPATHY— Fruit of Experience – Charles Spurgeon Hone in his “year book,” has the following anecdote of charles pratt, earl camden, when chief justice of the common pleas. ” being on a visit to lord dacre, at alveley, in essex, he walked out with a gentleman, a very absent man, to a hill, at no […]

STEEPNESS-Charles Spurgeon

STEEPNESS – Charles Spurgeon It is said of that eminent saint and martyr, bishop hooper, that on one occasion a man in deep distress was allowed to go into his prison to tell his tale of conscience, but bishop . Hooper looked so sternly upon him, and addressed him so severely at first, that the […]

SPIRITUAL WARMTH- How to Maintain it.-Charles Spurgeon

SPIRITUAL WARMTH- How to Maintain it.-Charles Spurgeon Philip henry’s advice to his daughter: “if you would keep warm in this cold season (january, 1692), take these four directions : 1. Get into the sun ; under his blessed beams there are warmth and comfort. 1. Go near the fire. ‘ is not my word like […]

SPIRIT OF GOD— the Fire from H Baven – Charles Spurgeon

SPIRIT OF GOD— the Fire from H Baven – Charles Spurgeon Suppose we saw an army sitting down before a granite fort, and they told us that they intended to batter it down, we might ask them, ” how ! ” they point to a cannon ball. Well, but there is no power in that […]

Souls-lots of-Charles Spurgeon

Souls-lots of-Charles Spurgeon Thomas fuller, in his ” worthies,” gives the following interesting account of one ger vase scoop, knight : — ” he engaged with his majorly inchinchilla fight, where he receivedtwenty-six wounds, and was left on the ground amongst thedead. Nest day his son Adrian obtained leave from theking to find and fetch […]

SOULS— Care for-Charles Spurgeon

SOULS— Care for-Charles Spurgeon In Switzerland, where land is very precious because rock abounds and the rugged soil is chary in its yieldings, you see the husbandman looking after a little tuft of grass growing on one of the edges of a lofty cliff. From the valley he had caught a sight of it and […]

SOUL— Needing Something to Cling to -Charles Spurgeon

SOUL— Needing Something to Cling to – Charles Spurgeon The soul ,socking to something over which it can spread itself, and by means of which it can support itself. And just as in a neglected garden you may see the poor creepers makir.g shift to sustain them- selves as best they can ; one convolvulus […]

SORROW-for Sin-Charles Spurgeon

SORROW-for Sin – Charles Spurgeon Absorbing. When that famous statesman Mirabeau died, all France bewailed his loss, and men for some hours could think or speak of little else. A waiter in one of the Restaurants of the Paladins Royal, after the manner of his race, saluted a customer with the usual remark, ” Fine […]

SOMEHOW-Benefit of-Charles Spurgeon

SOMEHOW-Benefit of-Charles Spurgeon Two seeds lie before us — the one is warmed in the sun, the other falls from the sower’s hand into the cold dark earth, and there it lies buried beneath the soil. That seed which suns itself in the noontide beam may rejoice in the light in which it basks, but […]

SO— Hod so Loved – Charles Spurgeon

SO— Hod so Loved – Charles Spurgeon Puny declares that Cicero once saw the Iliad of Homer written in so small a character that it could be contained in a nutshell. Peter Bales a celebrated liar cipher, in the days of Queen Elizabeth, wrote the whole Bible so that it was shut walnut as its […]

SMOOTH PLACED- Perll of- Charles Spurgeon

SMOOTH PLACED- Perll of- Charles Spurgeon After crossing the Griselda, on the way down towards Han deck, the traveler traverses a road cut in red marble, so smoothly polished that, even when it is divested of its usual thin coating of snow, it is dangerous in the extreme. Not- withstanding that steps are hew, and […]

SINS— How Men Treat them-Charles Spurgeon

SINS— How Men Treat them-Charles Spurgeon What swarms of rabbits the traveler sees on the commons and fields near Leather head (in Surrey), and yet a few miles further on at Cottonwood one scarcely sees a single specimen of that prolific race. The creature is indigenous to both places, but at Leather head he is […]

SIN- Home-born, our Worst Foes-Charles Spurgeon

SIN- Home-born, our Worst Foes-Charles Spurgeon The old proverb hath it, ” Here’s talk of the Turk and the Pope, but ‘its my next neighbor that does me the most harm.” It is neither popper nor infidelity that we have half so much cause to dread as our own besetting sins. We want more Protestants […]

SIN- the most Attractive, the moat Deadly- Charles Spurgeon

SIN- the most Attractive, the moat Deadly- Charles Spurgeon It is notable that nearly all the poisonous fungi are scarlet or speckled, and the wholesome ones brown or grey, as if to show us that things rising out of darkness and decay are always most deadly when they are well dressed. — Ruskin, Facebook Twitter […]

SIN— it a Wide Consequences-Charles Spurgeon

SIN— it a Wide Consequences-Charles Spurgeon Sages of old contended that no sin was ever committed whose consequences rested on the head of the sinner alone that no man could do ill and his fellows not suffer. They illustrated it thus : — “A vessel sailing from Poppa, carried a passenger, who, beneath his berth, […]

SIN -Tie Toil of it -Charles Spurgeon

SIN -Tie Toil of it – Charles Spurgeon Henry Ward Beecher says, ” There was a man in the town where I was born who used to steal all his firewood. He would get up on cold nights and go and take it from his neighbors’ wood-piles. A computation was made, and it was ascertained […]

SIN— Punishment of-Charles Spurgeon

SIN— Punishment of – Charles Spurgeon What a diabolical invention was the “Virgin’s kiss,” once used by the fathers of the Inquisition ! The victim was pushed forward to kiss the image, when, lo, its arms enclosed him in a deadly embrace, piercing his body with a hundred hidden knives. The tempting pleasures of sin […]

Sophistication – Charles Spurgeon

Sophistication – Charles Spurgeon IN Nebuchadnezzar’s image, the lower the members, the coarser the metal: the farther off the time, the more unfit. To-day is the golden opportunity, to-morrow will be the silver. season, next day but the brazen one, and so on, till at last I shall come to the toes of clay, and […]

SIN-Power over the Regenerate-Charles Spurgeon

SIN-Power over the Regenerate – Charles Spurgeon So long as a man is dead in trespasses and sin, there is no iniquity which may not get the mastery of him. Where the body is, thither will the vultures of hell be gathered together. The devil finding him dead, calls up his hosts of temptations and […]

SIN— One, the Soul’s Kikuyu-Charles Spurgeon

SIN— One, the Soul’s Kikuyu-Charles Spurgeon While I was walking in the garden one bright morning, a breeze came through and set all the flowers and leaves a fluttering. Now that is the way flowers talk, so I pricked up my ears and listened. Presently, an. old elder tree said, flowers, shake off your caterpillars […]

SIN— One, the Soul’s Bum – Charles Spurgeon

SIN— One, the Soul’s Bum – Charles Spurgeon There was but one crack in the blackthorn, and the wind has found it out and blown out the candle. How great a mischief one unguarded point of character may cause us ! One spark blew up the magazine and shook the whole country for miles around. […]

SIN— Han’s Dinosaur to Invent Excuse for-Charles Spurgeon

SIN— Han’s Dinosaur to Invent Excuse for-Charles Spurgeon A traveler in Venezuela illustrates the readiness of men to lay their faults on the locality, or on anything rather than themselves, by the story of a hard drinker who came home one night in such a condition that he could not for some time find his […]

SIN-Loathed by Christian-Charles Spurgeon

SIN-Loathed by Christian-Charles Spurgeon An Arminian arguing with a Calvinist remarked, ” If I believed your doctrine, and were sure that I was a converted man, I would take my fill of sin.” ” How much sin,” replied the godly Calvinist, ” do you think it would take to fill a true Christian to his […]

SIN-Insidious Nature of – Charles Spurgeon

SIN-Insidious Nature of – Charles Spurgeon IN the gardens of Hampton Court you will see many trees entirely vanquished and well nii;h sirrri^’t’d by huge coils of ivy, which are wound about them like the snakes around the unhappy Laocoon : there is no untwisting the folds, they are too giant-like, and fast fixed, and […]

SIN -its Hardening Effects – Charles Spurgeon

SIN -its Hardening Effects – Charles Spurgeon Dr. Preston tells us of a professor who on one occasion was found drunk, and when much depressed on account of his folly, the devil said to him, by way of temptation, ” Do it again, do it again ; for,” said he, ” the grief you feel […]

SIN- its Encroaching Mature-Charles Spurgeon

SIN- its Encroaching Mature-Charles Spurgeon When a sin is let in as a suppliant, it remains in as a tyrant. The Arabs have a fable of a miller who one day was startled by a camel’s nose thrust in the window of the room where he was sleeping. “It is very cold outside,” said the […]

SIN— may be Committed by Proxy-Charles Spurgeon

SIN— may be Committed by Proxy-Charles Spurgeon According to an old writer, no Capuchin among the Papists may take or touch silver. This metal is as great an anathema to them as the wedge of gold to Achan, at the offer whereof they start back as Moses from the serpent ; yet the monk has […]

SERVING God-the Sure reward-Charles Spurgeon

SERVING God-the Sure reward-Charles Spurgeon  When Calvin was banished from ungrateful Geneva, he said, ” Most assuredly if I had merely served man, this would have been a poor recompense ; but it is my happiness that I have served him who never fails to reward his servants to the full extent of his promise.” […]

Self-dissatisfaction of Minister – Charles Spurgeon

Self-dissatisfaction of Minister – Charles Spurgeon ” Swift of foot was Hiawatha, He could shoot an arrow from him, And run forward with such fleetness, That the arrow fell behind him ! ” The fable is even less than truth with the fervent preacher : he darts arrows of fire in flaming speech, but his […]

Standing in Adversity

Standing in Adversity In April of 2007 Seung-Hui Cho, a senior at Virginia Tech University, went on a rampage. By the time his murderous spree ended by suicide, Cho had killed 32 people and wounded 17 more. Most of those killed were shot as they sat in classes in the engineering school. Cho chained the […]

Storms Reveal What Is Inside

Storms Reveal What Is Inside A bell buoy rings only during storms. The beating of the waves and wind bring out the music that is within it, so too do trials reveal what is inside a person. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Soulwinning is Your Responsibility

Soulwinning is Your Responsibility An old deacon was leading in prayer using one of his stereotypical phrases, “Oh Lord, touch the unsaved with Thy finger.”As he intoned this phrase in this particular prayer, he stopped short. Other members came to his side and asked if he were ill.No,” he replied, “but something seemed to say […]

Soulwinning Statistic

Soulwinning Statistic Only one person is reached for Christ for every eight-five church members in America. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Sympathy, Human—Used by God – Charles Spurgeon

Sympathy, Human—Used by God – Charles Spurgeon DISEMBODIED spirits might have been sent to proclaim the word, but they could not have entered into the feelings of those who, being in this body, do groan, being burdened; angels might have been ordained evangelists, but their celestial attributes would have disqualified them from having compassion on […]

Sympathy Needful to Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Sympathy Needful to Christ – Charles Spurgeon THERE are men to whom it is a small matter to be friendless; their coarse minds scorn the gentle joys of fellowship. Sterner virtues may tread beneath their iron heel the sweet flowers of friendship; and men may be so defiantly self-reliant that, like lions, they are most […]

Sunday-school Teachers, A Word to – Charles Spurgeon

Sunday-school Teachers, A Word to – Charles Spurgeon I AM afraid that very often the truth which we deliver from the pulpit—and doubtless it is much the same in your classes—is a thing which is extraneous and out of ourselves, like the staff which we hold in our hand but which is not a part […]

Sun, Glory of—An Emblem of Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Sun, Glory of—An Emblem of Christ – Charles Spurgeon WHAT Milton calls the golden-tressed sun is the most glorious object in creation, and in Jesus the fullness of glory dwells; the sun is at the same time the most influential of existences, acting upon the whole world, and truly our Lord is, in the deepest […]

Spiritual Challenge

Spiritual Challenge A recent survey of Discipleship Journal readers ranked areas of greatest spiritual challenge to them: 1. Materialism2. Pride3. Self-centeredness4. Laziness5. (Tie) Anger/Bitterness5. (Tie) Sexual lust6. Envy7. Gluttony8. Lying Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Summer and Winter of the Church – Charles Spurgeon

Summer and Winter of the Church – Charles Spurgeon ALL through the summer months, bright for the world, it is usually dark for the church. In the country towns the multitude engaged in agricultural occupations cannot be expected to come out to week-night services; and prayer-meetings, Bible-classes, and the like generally flag, while the long […]

Suffering for Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Suffering for Christ – Charles Spurgeon OH! what ought we not to suffer for our Lord! I feel as though I could blush scarlet that I should have to say a word to any of you about suffering for Christ, because what is it, what is it that we have to suffer? Pshaw! It is […]

Success, All Divine – Charles Spurgeon

Success, All Divine – Charles Spurgeon IT is very significant that before Christ fed the thousands, he made the disciples sum up all their provisions. It was well to let them see how low the commissariat had become, for then when the crowds were fed they could not say the basket fed them, nor that […]

Substitution, The Sinner’s Hope – Charles Spurgeon

Substitution, The Sinner’s Hope – Charles Spurgeon THE doctrine of atonement, as it is often preached, is a hazy, misty doing of something by which the law is honored, or perhaps dishonored, for I scarce know which to call it; this yields me no joy; but when I know that Christ was literally and positively, […]

Substitution of Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Substitution of Christ – Charles Spurgeon THE death of Christ gloriously set forth divine justice, because it taught manifestly this truth, that sin can never go without punishment. It is a law of God’s moral universe that sin must be punished. He has made that as necessary as the law of gravitation. The law of […]

Sin’s Undertow

Sin’s Undertow A boy went down to the river for a little swim. As he left the house his father said, “Be careful, Herbert; the river looks fair and sparkling, but there is an ugly eddy beneath that may prove too much for you. I have tried it and know it is dangerous. It nearly […]

Submission to God’s Will – Charles Spurgeon

Submission to God’s Will – Charles Spurgeon AS long as I trace my pain to accident, my bereavement to mistake, my loss to another’s wrong, my discomfort to an enemy, and so on, I am of the earth earthy, and shall break my teeth with gravel stones; but when I rise to my God and […]

Students’ Medicine – Charles Spurgeon

Students’ Medicine – Charles Spurgeon HE who forgets the humming of the bees among the heather, the cooing of the wood-pigeons in the forest, the song of birds in the wood, the rippling of rills among the rushes, and the sighing of the wind among the pines, needs not wonder if his heart forgets to […]

Strife among Believers, Inconsistency of – Charles Spurgeon

Strife among Believers, Inconsistency of – Charles Spurgeon I READ a story the other day of an elder of a Scotch kirk, who at the elders’ meeting had angrily disputed with his minister, until he almost broke his heart. The night after he had a dream which so impressed him, that his wife said to […]

Strength of God, a Believer’s Defense – Charles Spurgeon

Strength of God, a Believer’s Defense – Charles Spurgeon AS well should a bird with broken wing attempt to mount into the skies as you attempt to reach Heaven by your own strength. As well should a child with a straw hope to stand against a host of armed men, as you to bear the […]

Storm, the Voice of God in the – Charles Spurgeon

Storm, the Voice of God in the – Charles Spurgeon SOME are particularly timid in times of storm, when the thunder comes peal upon peal, and the lightning flashes follow each other, when it seems as if the very earth did tremble, and the skies fled away from the glance of an angry God. Oh! […]

Storm, God in the – Charles Spurgeon

Storm, God in the – Charles Spurgeon I DO not doubt that servants of God in times of danger at sea, when the huge billows have roared and the tempest has raged, and the vessel seemed likely to go to pieces, have often cheered their hearts with such a thought as this—”Now, he who holds […]

Stones, Voice of the – Charles Spurgeon

Stones, Voice of the – Charles Spurgeon IF the stones were to speak they could tell of their Maker; and shall not we tell of him who made us anew, and out of stones raised up children unto Abraham? They could speak of ages long since gone; the old rocks could tell of chaos and […]

State Church, Doom of the – Charles Spurgeon

State Church, Doom of the – Charles Spurgeon WE must expect often to hear that the ship of Christ’s church is in a storm; there must not be smooth sailing for the vessel of the church; it must be tossed with tempest and driven to and fro. At the present juncture, all established churches are […]

State Alliance the Weakness of the Church – Charles Spurgeon

State Alliance the Weakness of the Church – Charles Spurgeon THE ark of God of old was never captured until it was defended with carnal weapons, and even then so soon as it was left alone it rescued itself. When there was not a soldier to take care of it, when it was imprisoned in […]

Spring in the Soul – Charles Spurgeon

Spring in the Soul – Charles Spurgeon YOU never hear it said, “The world is not fit for the sun, because it is so dark; for where the sun comes he makes light;” and if after a long winter the world has grown cold and frostbitten, it is not said of the spring, “You must […]

Spirituality and Orthodoxy – Charles Spurgeon

Spirituality and Orthodoxy – Charles Spurgeon I BELIEVE that a spiritual mind is an orthodox mind. There is not much fear of our embracing any serious errors in the head when the heart is not in error, for there it is that heresies are born and bred, in that witches’ caldron of our heart. Let […]

Spirituality, Misconception of—By the Ungodly – Charles Spurgeon

Spirituality, Misconception of—By the Ungodly – Charles Spurgeon I SAT one day, at a public dinner, opposite a gentleman of the gourmand species, who seemed a man of vast erudition as to wines and spirits, and all the viands of the table; he judged and criticized at such a rate that I thought he ought […]

Spiritual Taste – Charles Spurgeon

Spiritual Taste – Charles Spurgeon MANY who see the dainties of God’s Word pass them by. Like those poor hungry children that we have seen standing outside a shop where the savory meat is just within the window: they can see it and smell it, but they cannot eat thereof. Many of our hearers have […]

 Spiritual Prosperity Produced by Trial – Charles Spurgeon 

Spiritual Prosperity Produced by Trial – Charles Spurgeon A CHILD had a little garden in which it planted many flowers, but they never grew. She put them in, as she thought, tenderly and carefully, but they would not live. She sowed seeds and they sprang up; but very soon they withered away. So she ran […]

Spiritual Man, Loneliness of the – Charles Spurgeon

Spiritual Man, Loneliness of the – Charles Spurgeon IN the plain everything is in company, but the higher you ascend the more lone is the mountain path. At this moment there must be an awful solitude on the top of Mont Blanc. Where the stars look silently on the monarch of mountains, how deep the […]

Sin Destroys the Sinner

Sin Destroys the Sinner Certain ants have a passion for the sweet glandular substance given off by the caterpillar of a large blue butterfly. The ants can become so enthralled by the substance they carry the caterpillar into their nest with great delight. What they don’t realize is that the caterpillar gorges himself on the […]

Spiritual Life the Gift of Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Spiritual Life the Gift of Christ – Charles Spurgeon THE poor mariner’s wife rushes down to the beach in the storm, and see, the waves at last have washed up her lost beloved, the father of the babe which is hanging at her breast. He is dead. The ungenerous sea has made a wife a […]

Spiritual Forces – Charles Spurgeon

Spiritual Forces – Charles Spurgeon THE more spiritual a force is the less it lies within the chains of time. The electric current, which has a greater nearness to the spiritual than the grosser forms of materialism, is inconceivably rapid from that very reason, and by it time is all but annihilated. The influences of […]

Sin Is Not a Little Thing

Sin Is Not a Little Thing Christian, beware lest thou think lightly of sin. Take heed lest thou fall little by little. Sin a little thing? Is it not a poison? Who knows its deadliness? Sin a little thing? Do not the little foxes spoil the grapes? Doth not the tiny coral itself build a […]

Spirit of God Needed in the Church – Charles Spurgeon

Spirit of God Needed in the Church – Charles Spurgeon WITHOUT the Spirit of God, we are like to a ship stranded on the beach; when the tide has receded, there is no moving her until the flood shall once again lift her from the sands. We are like that frozen ship, of which we […]

Sowing, the Preparation for Reaping – Charles Spurgeon

Sowing, the Preparation for Reaping – Charles Spurgeon I FIND that upon some hearts warm earnest preaching drops like an unusual thing which startles but does not convince, and in other congregations, where good gospel preaching has been the rule, I can see the words drop into the hearers’ souls, by the glancing of their […]

Souls of Men, Unfaithfulness to the – Charles Spurgeon

Souls of Men, Unfaithfulness to the – Charles Spurgeon IF you could but stand by one death bed where a soul is taking its leap in the dark; if for once in your lives you could hear the cries of a spirit as it enters into the thick darkness which is to be its everlasting […]

Souls’ Haven, the Cross – Charles Spurgeon

Souls’ Haven, the Cross – Charles Spurgeon WHILE your bark is tossed about at sea, it is very likely that she wants a new copper bottom, or the deck requires holy stoning, or the rigging is out of repair, or the sails want overhauling, or fifty other things may be necessary; but if the wind […]

 Souls Saved, the Crown of Jesus – Charles Spurgeon

Souls Saved, the Crown of Jesus – Charles Spurgeon IF like the old Swiss hero we could gather up all the death-bearing lances into our own bosom, and die in opening a road to victory for our fellow-soldiers, it were a destiny for which to bless God. It would be a glorious thing to die, […]

Soul’s Restlessness in Sin – Charles Spurgeon

Soul’s Restlessness in Sin – Charles Spurgeon HOW apt was the simile of the old Saxon chieftain, when he compared the unenlightened soul to the bird which flew in at the open windows of the banquet-hall, was scared by the uproarious shouts of boisterous warriors around the fire, and passed out again by another window […]

Souls Perishing, Uncared for – Charles Spurgeon

Souls Perishing, Uncared for – Charles Spurgeon IT would be an awful piece of brutality if a boatful of shipwrecked mariners, far out at sea, saw a vessel in the offing, and yet that vessel would not turn aside to help them. But that is the conduct of many professors of Christ; they see others […]

Soul’s Flight to Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Soul’s Flight to Christ – Charles Spurgeon SEE that dove just taken from the cage to be set free. Tempt it to remain with you, cast down the seeds it loves to feed upon; no, it will not dwell with you, it mounts, it makes a few circles in the air, and then having turned […]

Soul Prosperity, Want of – Charles Spurgeon

Soul Prosperity, Want of – Charles Spurgeon JOHN once wished for Gains that his body might prosper and be in health even as his soul prospered. Now, suppose our bodies were to prosper just as our souls do! Why, there would sit in one place a living woman, and side by side with her a […]

Soul yielding to God’s power – Charles Spurgeon

Soul yielding to God’s power – Charles Spurgeon I LOOKED last Friday night at a very remarkable sight, the burning of a huge floor-cloth manufactory. I was just about returning home from my Master’s work when I saw a little blaze, and in an incredibly short space a volume of fire rolled up in great […]

Soul, Wide View of the – Charles Spurgeon

Soul, Wide View of the – Charles Spurgeon THE eye needs to be far-seeing. It is a great pity when the eye can only see a short distance. We strain our natural eye to see some ship far out at sea, that looks perhaps like a speck on the horizon, or we want to stretch […]

Soul Sold to Satan – Charles Spurgeon

Soul Sold to Satan – Charles Spurgeon THERE is a story told of a most eccentric minister, that walking out one morning he saw a man going to work, and said to him, “What a lovely morning! How grateful we ought to be to God for all his mercies!” The man said he did not […]

Soul Engrossed with Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Soul Engrossed with Christ – Charles Spurgeon THAT true man of God, Dr. Hawker—I am told by a friend of mine who visited him one morning—was asked to go and see a review that was then taking place at Plymouth. The doctor said, “No.” My friend pressed him, and said, “I know you are a […]

 Sorrow, Brotherhood of – Charles Spurgeon 

Sorrow, Brotherhood of – Charles Spurgeon AS soldiers show their scars and talk of battles when they come at last to spend their old age in the country at home, so shall we in the dear land to which we are hastening, speak of the goodness and faithfulness of God which brought us through all […]

Sonship, Motives of – Charles Spurgeon

Sonship, Motives of – Charles Spurgeon YOU could not hope to govern the nation by the same rules and methods with which as a father you order your family. In your family it may be there is not even a rod, certainly there is no policeman, no prison, no black cap, no transportation. Children are […]

Sonship, Future Manifestation of – Charles Spurgeon

Sonship, Future Manifestation of – Charles Spurgeon CANNOT you imagine that a child taken from the lowest ranks of society, who is adopted by a Roman senator, will be saying to himself, “I wish the day were come when I shall be publicly revealed as the child of my new father. Then, I shall leave […]

Songs of Heaven Woven out of Trials – Charles Spurgeon

Songs of Heaven Woven out of Trials – Charles Spurgeon I RECKON that at the last, when Christian service shall be done, and Christian reward shall be rendered, the toils endured in serving God, the disappointment, and the racking of the heart, will all make raw material for everlasting song. Oh, how we shall bless […]

Solitude Helpful to Prayer – Charles Spurgeon

Solitude Helpful to Prayer – Charles Spurgeon THAT was a wise direction which the prophet gave to the poor woman when the Lord was about to multiply her oil. “Go, take the cruse,” he said, “pour out and fill the borrowed vessels,” but what did he also say? “Shut the door upon you.” If the […]

Solitariness of Great Minds – Charles Spurgeon

Solitariness of Great Minds – Charles Spurgeon A MINISTER fully equipped for his work, will usually be a spirit by himself, above, beyond, and apart from others. The most loving of his people cannot enter into his peculiar thoughts, cares, and temptations. In the ranks men walk shoulder to shoulder, with many comrades, but as […]

Soldiership of the Believer – Charles Spurgeon

Soldiership of the Believer – Charles Spurgeon HOW needful to be clothed with your armor! How needful to have it of the right kind, to keep it bright, and to wear it constantly! You are a soldier, a soldier in battle, a soldier in the foeman’s country, a soldier with a cruel and malicious enemy, […]

Soldiers of Christ called to Conflict – Charles Spurgeon

Soldiers of Christ called to Conflict – Charles Spurgeon ANY service for God, if it be done at all, should be hard work. If you want to be feather-bed soldiers go and enlist somewhere else, but Christ’s soldiers must fight, and they will find the battle rough and stern. We, of the church militant, are […]

Soldier, The Christian – Charles Spurgeon

Soldier, The Christian – Charles Spurgeon A SOLDIER is a practical man, a man who has work to do, and hard, stern work. He may sometimes, when he is at his ease, wear the fineries of war, but when he comes to real warfare he cares little enough for them; the dust and the smoke, […]

Soldier Tested by the Battle – Charles Spurgeon

Soldier Tested by the Battle – Charles Spurgeon AN anchor may be very pretty on shore, and it may be very showy as an ornament when it lies on the ship’s deck, or hangs from the side, but what is the good of it if it will not hold when the wind blows, and the […]

Sluggish Workers – Charles Spurgeon

Sluggish Workers – Charles Spurgeon MEN ride stags when they hunt for gain, and snails when they are on the road to Heaven. Preachers go on see-sawing, droning, and prosing, and the people fall to yawning and folding their arms, and then say that God is withholding the blessing. Every sluggard when he finds himself […]

 Sitting at Jesus’ feet – Charles Spurgeon 

Sitting at Jesus’ feet – Charles Spurgeon IMAGINE not that to sit at Jesus’ feet is a very small, unmeaning thing. It means peace, for they who submit to Jesus find peace through his precious blood. It means holiness, for those who learn of Jesus learn no sin, but are instructed in things lovely and […]

Sins of Omission – Charles Spurgeon

Sins of Omission – Charles Spurgeon OMISSIONS cannot be trivial, if we only reflect what an influence they would have upon an ordinary commonwealth, if they were perpetrated there as they are in God’s commonwealth. Think a minute, if one person has a right to omit his duty, another has, and all have. Then the […]

Sinners Sleeping – Charles Spurgeon

Sinners Sleeping – Charles Spurgeon DO you remember in David’s life when he went with one of his mighty men at night into Saul’s camp, and found the king and his guards all asleep? There were certain men of war who ought to have watched at Saul’s bed head, to take care of their master, […]

Serving to Give or Get?

Serving to Give or Get? Selfish service is impressed with the “big deal.” True service finds it almost impossible to distinguish the small from the large service. Selfish service requires external rewards. True service rests contented in hiddenness. Selfish service is highly concerned about results. True service is free of the need to calculate results. Selfish service picks […]

Sinners, Insensibility of – Charles Spurgeon

Sinners, Insensibility of – Charles Spurgeon THE most of men are not seeking to escape from the wrath to come: they are busy in worldly things while Hell is near them; like idiots catching flies on board a ship which is in the very act of going down. Surely those men must have some fictitious […]

Sinners, Ignorance of – Charles Spurgeon

Sinners, Ignorance of – Charles Spurgeon THE man who puts the fire-escape against the window of a burning house, may readily enough rescue those who are aware of their danger, and who rush to the front and help him, or at least are submissive to him in his work of delivering them; but if a […]

Sinners, Folly of – Charles Spurgeon

Sinners, Folly of – Charles Spurgeon I KNOW a man at the present moment, a man I said, but alas! poor wretched mortal, he looks hardly like a man. I saw him in rags, shivering in the drenching rain but yesterday. He came of reputable parents; I knew his relatives well. He had some four […]

Sinners’ Best Plea – Charles Spurgeon

Sinners’ Best Plea – Charles Spurgeon A MAN called at my house some time ago for charity; an arrant beggar, I have no doubt. Thinking that the man’s rags and poverty were real, I gave him a little money, some of my clothes, and a pair of shoes. After he had put them on and […]

Sinner, The—A Criminal – Charles Spurgeon

Sinner, The—A Criminal – Charles Spurgeon AT this present moment you are spared, and suffered to go about this world, but you are like a criminal in a condemned cell. The sentence has gone out against you, and only God’s longsuffering stays that gleaming axe from falling and utterly destroying you. Do you understand that? […]

Sinner Welcomed to Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Sinner Welcomed to Christ – Charles Spurgeon I HAVE never heard of Jesus Christ shutting the door against a sinner. There is a notice that is put in some gentlemen’s parks, stating that they do not allow beggars nor dogs there; but Jesus Christ puts up a notice that he does allow beggars; in fact, […]

Sinner, Ruin of the – Charles Spurgeon

Sinner, Ruin of the – Charles Spurgeon AH, poor sinner, what a ruin you are at best! Alas! for human dignity, with its lofty pinnacles of morality and turrets of excellency. What theatrical pasteboard! What sand-built rubbish all appears when seen in the blaze of divine light! Vain are your filmings of your deadly sore; […]

Sinner, Pity for the – Charles Spurgeon

Sinner, Pity for the – Charles Spurgeon I HEAR enchanting music, which seems more a thing of Heaven than of earth: it is one of Handel’s half-inspired oratorios. Yonder sits a man who says, “I hear nothing to commend.” He has not the power to perceive the linked sweetnesses, the delicious harmonies of sounds. Do […]

Sinner must be Driven to Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Sinner must be Driven to Christ – Charles Spurgeon WHEN a man is at first alarmed about his soul he will do anything rather than come to Christ. Christ is a harbor that no ship ever enters except under stress of weather. Mariners on the sea of life steer for any port except the fair […]

 Sinner in Heaven, out of place – Charles Spurgeon 

Sinner in Heaven, out of place – Charles Spurgeon A BEE in a garden in the midst of the flowers is at home, and gathers honey from all their cups and bells; but open the gate and admit a swine, and it sees no beauty in lilies and roses, and gilly-flowers; and, therefore, it proceeds […]

Sinner, Impossibility of his Hiding from God – Charles Spurgeon

Sinner, Impossibility of his Hiding from God – Charles Spurgeon IT was said of the Roman empire under the Caesars that the whole world was only one great prison for Caesar, for if any man offended the Emperor it was impossible for him to escape. If he crossed the Alps, could not Caesar find him […]

Sin at the Door

Sin at the Door Sin at the door of your life is more persistent than a Jehovah’s Witness, more tenacious than a vacuum cleaner salesman, more widespread than girl-scouts selling cookies and more intrusive than a burglar. Sadly, sin has more takers, meets a higher quota and is more successful than any solicitor or door-to-door […]

Satan Does Not Play Fair

Satan Does Not Play Fair In 1896, Norman “Kid” McCoy was the welterweight boxing champion. In one of his fights, he learned that his opponent was deaf. McCoy finally discovered this; and as they were nearing the end of the third round, McCoy stepped back and pointed to his opponent’s corner indicating that the bell […]

Surrendering to Sin

Surrendering to Sin In late September 1864 Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest was leading his troops north from Decatur, Alabama, toward Nashville. But to make it to Nashville, Forrest would have to defeat the Union army at Athens, Alabama. When the Union commander, Colonel Wallace Campbell, refused to surrender, Forrest asked for a personal meeting, […]

Sanctification Demonstrated by an Iceberg

Sanctification Demonstrated by an Iceberg The process of sanctification can be compared to an iceberg, which is almost 90% under water. As the sun shines on the iceberg, the exposed part melts, moving the lower part upward. In the same way, we are usually aware of only a small part of our sinfulness and need, […]

Salvation Is Given Freely

Salvation Is Given Freely During the Spanish-American War, Clara Barton oversaw the work of the Red Cross in Cuba. One day Colonel Theodore Roosevelt came to her, asking to buy food for his sick and wounded Rough Riders. However, she refused to sell him any. Roosevelt was perplexed. His men needed the help and he […]

Satan’s Trick

Satan’s Trick The devil and his cohorts were devising plans to get people to reject the Gospel. “Let’s go to them and say there is no God,” proposed one. Silence prevailed. Every devil knew that most people believe in a supreme being. “Let’s tell them there is no hell, no future punishment for the wicked,” […]

Sinner, Folly of – Charles Spurgeon

Sinner, Folly of – Charles Spurgeon BE not like the foolish drunkard who, staggering home one night, saw his candle lit for him. “Two candles,” said he, for his drunkenness made him see double, “I will blow out one;” and, as he blew it out, in a moment he was in the dark. Many a […]

Sinner, Enlightenment of the – Charles Spurgeon

Sinner, Enlightenment of the – Charles Spurgeon I CAN only compare the enlightened sinner to a person who has been shut up in a dark prison and has never seen the light, and suddenly his liberator opens a window and the prisoner is staggered and amazed at what he sees when he looks abroad on […]

Sinner, End of a – Charles Spurgeon

Sinner, End of a – Charles Spurgeon IT is ill with you, sinner, because your joys all hang upon a thread. Let life’s thread be cut, and where are your merriments? Your dainty music and your costly cups, the mirth that flashes from your wanton eye, and the jollity of your thoughtless soul, where will […]

Sinner, Doom of a – Charles Spurgeon

Sinner, Doom of a – Charles Spurgeon A GRIM assemblage must gather around some men’s beds when guilt, like a grim chamberlain, shall usher them in one by one, and call out their names with horrible distinctness, and tell out their doings and dealings with the wretch who shivers on the brink of death accused […]

Sinner, Destitute of Power – Charles Spurgeon

Sinner, Destitute of Power – Charles Spurgeon IF this world of ours could suddenly be left to itself, could forget the centripetal force which holds it in alliance with the sun, and could set out upon a fearful journey into the darkness of far-off space, if it should travel so far away that no longer […]

Sinner, Death of a – Charles Spurgeon

Sinner, Death of a – Charles Spurgeon WHEN the death-thirst is in your throat, what do you think you will do without God? To die in God’s presence, is simply to let life blossom into something better than life; but to die without God must be horrible! You will not want your blessing companions then. […]

Sinner, Cries of—Heard by God – Charles Spurgeon

Sinner, Cries of—Heard by God – Charles Spurgeon IF the booming of the storm and the roar of the tempest, when the thunders roll like drums in the march of the God of armies; if the clapping of the thousand hands of the roaring sea when it rejoices in its strength should not be heard […]

Sealed with the Spirit

Sealed with the Spirit In Bible times a seal was the way a person identified something that he owned. For example, business men would purchase timber in Lebanon. When they purchased it they stamped it with their seal. The logs were then floated down the coastline of the Mediterranean Sea to the port where the […]

Sinner, Called to Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Sinner, Called to Christ – Charles Spurgeon IN the courts of law I have sometimes heard a man called as a witness, and no sooner is he called, though he may be at the end of the court, than he begins to press his way up to the witness box. Nobody says, “Who is this […]

Sinner, Blindness of the – Charles Spurgeon

Sinner, Blindness of the – Charles Spurgeon I BRING my blind friend to an elevated spot, and I bid him look upon yonder landscape. “See how the silver river threads its way amid the emerald fields. See how yonder trees make up a shadowy wood; how wisely yonder garden, near at hand, is cultivated to […]

Sinner Asleep in Danger – Charles Spurgeon

Sinner Asleep in Danger – Charles Spurgeon IT is said that on the great river of America, there was once seen a canoe some miles off Niagara floating down the stream, and as the current turned it so that those on the bank could well perceive it, they saw that the paddle was shipped and […]

Sinner Aroused, Hopefulness of – Charles Spurgeon

Sinner Aroused, Hopefulness of – Charles Spurgeon MEN who are dissatisfied with the darkness are evidently not altogether dead, for the dead shall slumber in the catacombs, heedless whether it be noon or night. Such men are evidently not altogether asleep, for they that slumber shall sleep the better for the darkness; they ask no […]

Sinner, Appeal to—To receive Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Sinner, Appeal to—To receive Christ – Charles Spurgeon IT is dreadful to compel a city to open its gates unwillingly to let an enemy come in, for however gentle be the enemy his face is an unwelcome sight to the vanquished. But oh! how I wish I could burst open the gates of a sinner’s […]

Sin, to Die in the Believer – Charles Spurgeon

Sin, to Die in the Believer – Charles Spurgeon THERE were certain heretics who disturbed the early Christian church, who said that our Lord did not really and actually die; but we know that he died, for his heart was pierced by the spear, and the flowing of the blood and water proved that he […]

Sin to be Hated by the Christian – Charles Spurgeon

Sin to be Hated by the Christian – Charles Spurgeon LOOK down the roll of history and see if sin be not man’s worst enemy. Whose hot breath blasted Eden, withered all its bowers of bliss, and caused the earth to become barren, so that without labor even unto sweat she will not yield bread […]

Sin, Thoughts of—To be Abhorred – Charles Spurgeon

Sin, Thoughts of—To be Abhorred – Charles Spurgeon I DO not believe that a man becomes a villain all at once. He puts his soul to school, his thoughts are his teachers, or rather they are the school-books in which his soul reads; and at last he becomes capable of transacting the deeds of a […]

Sin, Terrible Nature of – Charles Spurgeon

Sin, Terrible Nature of – Charles Spurgeon THAT plant must possess great vitality which increases by being uprooted and cut down. That which lives by being killed is strangely full of force. That must be a very hard substance which is hardened by lying in the blast furnace, in the central heat of the fire, […]

Sin put away by the Penalty being Borne – Charles Spurgeon

Sin put away by the Penalty being Borne – Charles Spurgeon SIN cannot be put away until the penalty is borne to the end, and that can never be by finite man. What a work was here, then, for the only begotten Son of God to do! Speak of the labors of Hercules! they were […]

Sin put away by Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Sin put away by Christ – Charles Spurgeon SPEAK of the load which Atlas carried, when he is fabled to have sustained the world, it was nothing compared with this more than Atlantean load which crushes us down, and will crush us to the lowest Hell. “I will remove it,” says the Savior, and he […]

Sin, Past—To be Hated – Charles Spurgeon

Sin, Past—To be Hated – Charles Spurgeon I HATE to hear a man speak of his experience in sin as a Greenwich pensioner might talk of Trafalgar and the Nile. The best thing to do with our past sin, if it be indeed forgiven, is to bury it; yes, and let us bury it as […]

Sin, Overcoming – Charles Spurgeon

Sin, Overcoming – Charles Spurgeon HOW grand a thing to get a passion down and hold it by the throat, strangling it despite its struggles! It is fine work to hang up some old sin as an accursed thing before the Lord, just as they hung up the Canaanite kings before the face of the […]

 Sin, Original – Charles Spurgeon

Sin, Original – Charles Spurgeon OUR father Adam had a great estate enough at first, but he soon lost it. He violated the trust on which he held his property, and he was cast out of the inheritance, and turned adrift into the world to earn his bread as a day laborer by tilling the […]

Sin not to be Removed by Man – Charles Spurgeon

Sin not to be Removed by Man – Charles Spurgeon MAN tries to act as a bleacher to his sin, and he dips the stained garment into the strong liquid which is to make it white, hoping that some spots will be removed; but when he takes it out again, if his eye be clear, […]

Sin Meeting on Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Sin Meeting on Christ – Charles Spurgeon BEFORE a great storm, when the sky is growing black and the wind is beginning to howl, you have seen the clouds hurrying from almost every point of the compass, as though the great day of battle were come, and all the dread artillery of God were hurrying […]

Sin in the Heart – Charles Spurgeon

Sin in the Heart – Charles Spurgeon THERE was a citizen of Gaunt who had never been outside the city walls. For some reason or other the magistrate passed an order that he should not go outside. Strange to tell, up to the moment that the command had passed, the man had been perfectly easy, […]

Sin, Hardening Nature of – Charles Spurgeon

Sin, Hardening Nature of – Charles Spurgeon I HAVE heard that the men who make the big boilers in Southwark, when they are first put inside the boiler, are nearly stunned by the horrible noise made by those who are hammering on the outside, but after a while they get so used to the sound […]

Sin Glorifying Christ’s Power – Charles Spurgeon

Sin Glorifying Christ’s Power – Charles Spurgeon I SUPPOSE great engineers have been very glad of Niagara, that they might span it, very glad of the Mont Cenis, that they might bore it, very glad of the Suez Isthmus, that they might cut a canal through it, glad that there were difficulties that there might […]

Sin, Destroying Power of – Charles Spurgeon

Sin, Destroying Power of – Charles Spurgeon YOU have heard of the Spartan youth who concealed a stolen fox under his garment, and although it was eating into his affections, he would not show it, and therefore died through the creature’s bites; you are of that sort, sinner, you are carrying sin in your bosom, […]

Sin Conquered by Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Sin Conquered by Christ – Charles Spurgeon I THINK I see before me the hero of Golgotha using his cross as an anvil, and his woes as a hammer, and dashing to shivers bundle after bundle of our sins, those poisoned “arrows of the bow;” trampling on every charge, and destroying every accusation. What glorious […]

Sin, calling for the Gospel – Charles Spurgeon

Sin, calling for the Gospel – Charles Spurgeon THE very sins of men, horrible as they are to think upon, may be made an argument for proclaiming the gospel. Oh, the cruel and ravenous sins which destroy the sons of men, and rend their choicest joys in pieces! When I see monstrous lusts defiling the […]

Sin Blotted Out – Charles Spurgeon

Sin Blotted Out – Charles Spurgeon IN some parts of Scripture we read of sin being “wiped out,” and the expression is remarkably expressive. Sometimes the wiping out refers to the housewife’s meaning of the word—when the dish is wiped out and turned bottom upwards; so can God take our sinful souls and wipe them […]

Sin, beginning in the Heart – Charles Spurgeon

Sin, beginning in the Heart – Charles Spurgeon PERSONS will dare to profess the religion of Christ who can enjoy a lascivious song and broad talk, who are given to what is softly styled imprudence, which is really impurity. Impure familiarities, glances, and sports, are the commencement of actual crimes. Men and women who in […]

Signs, Unreasonableness of Seeking for – Charles Spurgeon

Signs, Unreasonableness of Seeking for – Charles Spurgeon TO ask a sign from God when he pledges his word seems to me to be out of all reason. You are a beggar, remember, and we have an old proverb that beggars must not be choosers; above all, how dare a beggar demand a sign before […]

Singing and Suffering – Charles Spurgeon

Singing and Suffering – Charles Spurgeon I LOVE to think of Christ’s army of martyrs, ay, and of all his church, marching over the battle-field, singing as they fight, never ceasing the song, never suffering a note to fall, and at the same time advancing from victory to victory; chanting the sacred hallelujah while they […]

Salvation Takes Place in an Instant

Salvation Takes Place in an Instant “Professor Drummond once described a man going into one of our after-meetings and saying he wanted to become a Christian. ‘Well, my friend, what is the trouble?’ He doesn’t like to tell. He is greatly agitated. Finally he says, ‘The fact is, I have overdrawn my account’—a polite way […]

Singing, Revival in – Charles Spurgeon

Singing, Revival in – Charles Spurgeon IT is always a token of a revival of religion, it is said, when there is a revival of psalmody. When Luther’s preaching began to tell upon men, you could hear ploughmen at the plough-tail singing Luther’s psalms. Whitfield and Wesley had never done the great work they did […]

Singing, a part of Divine Worship – Charles Spurgeon

Singing, a part of Divine Worship – Charles Spurgeon WE should do well if we added to our godly service more singing. The world sings: the million have their songs; and I must say the taste of the populace, is a very remarkable taste just now as to its favorite songs. They are, many of […]

Simplicity in Preaching – Charles Spurgeon

Simplicity in Preaching – Charles Spurgeon IF it be granted that a spice of vulgarity may adapt a man for special service among navvies and costermongers, we question whether even with them there may not be a more excellent way, and there are other people in the world to be considered besides these. We are […]

Simplicity, Beauty of – Charles Spurgeon

Simplicity, Beauty of – Charles Spurgeon THE moment you get to complexity you get into a snarl, and are on the brink of weakness. Simplicity, how solid it is! See the old-fashioned plan of putting a plank across the village brook—that was the old way of making a bridge. Well, then, somebody came in and […]

Sight and Faith – Charles Spurgeon

Sight and Faith – Charles Spurgeon WALKING by sight is just this—”I believe in myself;” whereas walking by faith is—”I believe in God.” If I walk by sight I walk by myself; if I walk by faith, then there are two of us, and the second one—ah! how great, how glorious, how mighty is he—the […]

Salvation Changes Lives

Salvation Changes Lives When native converts of the island of Madagascar used to present themselves for baptism, it was often asked of them, “What first led you to think of becoming Christians?” The answer usually was that the changed conduct of others who had become Christians was what first arrested their attention. “I knew this […]

Sight, Wonders of—A picture of Faith – Charles Spurgeon

Sight, Wonders of—A picture of Faith – Charles Spurgeon IT is a wonderful faculty, that of sight. Your eyes and mine take in at once the whole of this building, with all the assembled company. This eye will next, if it be placed at a point of vantage, take in the entire city of London […]

Sin and Death

Sin and Death “Christ died for sin. Believers die to sin. Unbelievers die in sin.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Sick Beds, Testimony of – Charles Spurgeon

Sick Beds, Testimony of – Charles Spurgeon THERE are sick beds which have been more fruitful in conversions than pulpits. I have known women confined to their chambers by the space of twenty years together, whose remarkable cheerfulness of spirit has been the talk of the entire district, and many there have been who have […]

Shame to be Borne for Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Shame to be Borne for Christ – Charles Spurgeon IT is not a fashionable thing to be a Christian. To be a Christian after the world’s sort, I grant you; but after the sort of the New Testament it is not, and many say, “Well, it is not fashionable,” and they bend to the fashion; […]

Service of Heaven Unwearying – Charles Spurgeon

Service of Heaven Unwearying – Charles Spurgeon JOYOUS is the thought that Jesus rules over all redeemed spirits in Heaven, for we hope to be there soon, and this shall be among our dearest joys that, without temptation, without infirmity, without weariness, we shall serve our Lord day and night in his temple. My brethren, […]

Service, Extraordinary—Reward of – Charles Spurgeon

Service, Extraordinary—Reward of – Charles Spurgeon WHENEVER the Lord sets his servants to do extraordinary work he always gives them extraordinary strength; or if he puts them to unusual suffering he will give them unusual patience. When we enter upon war with some petty New Zealand chief, our troops expect to have their charges defrayed, […]

Service for Christ, True Spirit of – Charles Spurgeon

Service for Christ, True Spirit of – Charles Spurgeon IN the heroic days when Xerxes led his army into Greece, there was a remarkable contrast between the way in which the Persian soldiers and the Grecian warriors were urged to combat. The unwilling hosts of Persia were driven to the conflict by blows and stripes […]

Service of Christ to be Vigorous – Charles Spurgeon

Service of Christ to be Vigorous – Charles Spurgeon SEE yonder man with a hammer in his hand—he touches the heads of the nails right daintily, as if he were afraid to hurt them. See another, how heartily he drives them in, and gives them yet another blow to clinch them and make all sure. […]

Service for Christ, to be Thorough – Charles Spurgeon

Service for Christ, to be Thorough – Charles Spurgeon I SEE the Master at the table, and his servants place before him various meats, that he may eat and be satisfied. He tastes the cold meats, and he eats of the bread hot from the oven, but as for tepid drinks and half-baked cakes he […]

Service for Christ, Personal – Charles Spurgeon

Service for Christ, Personal – Charles Spurgeon OUR prayer should be, “Show me what you would have me to do”—have me to do in particular; not what is generally right, but what is particularly right for me to do. My servant might, perhaps, think it a very proper thing for her to arrange my papers […]

Service for Christ, Perpetual – Charles Spurgeon

Service for Christ, Perpetual – Charles Spurgeon THE sun has been shining now a great many thousand years, but I have not heard that he intends retiring from the business yet. God has given to us fruitful seasons, and I have not heard that he intends to cease to bless our husbandry; every day we […]

Service of Christ, Call to the – Charles Spurgeon

Service of Christ, Call to the – Charles Spurgeon MY king in his wars has lost his men, and the regiment wants making up. Who will come? I put the colors in my hat now, but I will not stand here and tempt you with lies about the ease of the service, for it is […]

Sermons, Vagueness of – Charles Spurgeon

Sermons, Vagueness of – Charles Spurgeon IT was observed by a very excellent critic, not long ago, that if you were to hear thirteen lectures on astronomy or geology, you might get a pretty good idea of what the science was, and the theory of the person who gave the lectures; but that if you […]

 Sermons, Length of – Charles Spurgeon

Sermons, Length of – Charles Spurgeon HAVING learned by long experience that we exactly fill the twelve pages which our publishers allow for a penny sermon, when we speak for forty or forty-five minutes, we have come to adopt that period as our stint, and we usually find it neither too short nor too long. […]

Sermons intended to Reveal Jesus – Charles Spurgeon

Sermons intended to Reveal Jesus – Charles Spurgeon MANY persons in hearing a sermon are like children looking at a cornfield—it is full of yellow garlic, or perhaps of scarlet poppies, and they cry “What a lovely field;” but the farmer thinks not so, he is looking for the wheat. Many a hearer watches for […]

Separation from Christ Impossible – Charles Spurgeon

Separation from Christ Impossible – Charles Spurgeon EVEN the diamond can be dissolved; bring but sufficient heat to bear upon it, focus upon it the full rays of the sun, and the sparkling crystal dissolves into a little gas; but though men have tried to focus all the heat of persecution upon the Christian, they […]

Sensitiveness of the Believer – Charles Spurgeon

Sensitiveness of the Believer – Charles Spurgeon THE sensitive plant, as soon as it is touched, begins to fold up its leaves; touch it again, and the little branchlets droop, until at last it stands like the bare poles of a vessel, all its sail of leaf is furled, and it seems as if it […]

Self-sacrifice, our Duty – Charles Spurgeon

Self-sacrifice, our Duty – Charles Spurgeon MEN in business may work as many hours as they like, and as hard as they will, to get money, and very seldom does any sagacious, prudent Mentor shake his head and tell the young merchant that he is laying out his strength too recklessly, and devoting his energies […]

Self-sacrifice, Examples of – Charles Spurgeon

Self-sacrifice, Examples of – Charles Spurgeon WHEN I read of some of the saints giving up all that they have, crossing the sea, penetrating into barbarous regions, bearing their lives in their hands, sacrificing comforts, and living day by day on the verge of death, amid fever and wild beasts, and all that they might […]

Self-righteous, Doom of – Charles Spurgeon

Self-righteous, Doom of – Charles Spurgeon I THINK I see the King coming in his glory, and the last tremendous morning dawn. When the King sits on his glory-throne, where are the self-righteous? Where are they? I cannot see them. Where are they? Come, come, Pharisee, come and tell the Lord that you did fast […]

Self-denial, a Christian Virtue – Charles Spurgeon

Self-denial, a Christian Virtue – Charles Spurgeon HE WHO wears the herb heart’s-ease in his bosom is richer than he who can wear diamonds upon his fingers, if those fingers be stained with guilt. It is comparatively easy to be correct and upright when these things pay, when we can by them secure the esteem […]

Security of the Believer in Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Security of the Believer in Christ – Charles Spurgeon HOW many Christians are like the miser who never feels sure about the safety of his money, even though he has locked up the iron safe, and secured the room in which he keeps it, and locked up the house, and bolted and barred every door! […]

Security, Carnal—Danger of – Charles Spurgeon

Security, Carnal—Danger of – Charles Spurgeon MY soul shudders at the thought of routine religion, formal service, dead devotion, mechanical godliness. What a mercy to reach the fresh springs, to feel a daily renewed youth, an anointing with fresh oil! For this I pine and pant. One gets driving on in the dark, as coachmen […]

Seashore, Christian Work at the – Charles Spurgeon

Seashore, Christian Work at the – Charles Spurgeon CAN we not do something for Jesus on the sands? If so, let us not miss such a happiness. What situation and surroundings can be better for earnest, loving conversation with our young friends concerning their souls’ best interests? A few words about the sea of eternity […]

Scripture, Suitability of—To All – Charles Spurgeon

Scripture, Suitability of—To All – Charles Spurgeon WHEN you are on the dunghill, there sits Scripture, with dust and ashes on its head, weeping side by side with you, and not upbraiding like Job’s miserable comforters. But suppose you come to the book with gleaming eyes of joy, you will hear it laugh; it will […]

Scripture, Purity of – Charles Spurgeon

Scripture, Purity of – Charles Spurgeon I SHOULD like to see all the good books themselves burnt, as well as the bad books of Ephesus, if they keep men from reading Holy Scripture for themselves. Here is the well of purest gospel undefiled: it springs up in this precious volume with freshness and sweetness unequaled. […]

Scripture, Pointing to Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Scripture, Pointing to Christ – Charles Spurgeon SOME time ago, when in Italy, at a town on the Italian side of the Alps, I saw one Sunday afternoon, in a quiet walk alone, a sight which struck me very much, and which remains fixed upon my memory. There was outside the town a mountain, all […]

Scripture, Neglect of – Charles Spurgeon

Scripture, Neglect of – Charles Spurgeon I WAS assured the other day by a good man, with a great deal of alarm, that all England was going over to Popery. I told him I did not know what kind of God he worshiped, but my God was a good deal bigger than the devil, and […]

Scripture, Feast of – Charles Spurgeon

Scripture, Feast of – Charles Spurgeon YOU may suck as you will, but you shall never have too much out of the breast of Scripture. Here you can come and drop your bucket every morning and night, but you shall never draw too much from this well, whose cool depths supply an ever crystal stream. […]

Saying and Doing – Charles Spurgeon

Saying and Doing – Charles Spurgeon WE meet in common life with persons who say that they are rich, but this does not make them so. They apply for credit, and say that they are wealthy, when they are worth nothing. Companies will ask for your money with which they may speculate, and they say […]

Savior, Name of—A Comfort for Sinners – Charles Spurgeon

Savior, Name of—A Comfort for Sinners – Charles Spurgeon I AM a sinner lost and ruined, but I rejoice, for Jesus has come to seek and to save that which was lost. My sins trouble me, but he shall save his people from their sins. Satan annoys me, but he has come to destroy the […]

Saved, Almost – Charles Spurgeon

Saved, Almost – Charles Spurgeon YOU are almost saved; you are awakened, you are aroused, you have many good desires, but a man who is only almost saved will be altogether damned. There was a householder who almost bolted his door at night, but the thief came in; a prisoner was condemned to be hanged, […]

Satisfaction, not in the World – Charles Spurgeon

Satisfaction, not in the World – Charles Spurgeon THE soul that has once learned to swim in the river of Christ will, when his presence is withdrawn, be like a fish laid by the fisherman on the sandy shore, it begins to palpitate in dire distress, and before long it will die, if not again […]

Satan, Subtlety of – Charles Spurgeon

Satan, Subtlety of – Charles Spurgeon SATAN never brushes the feathers of his birds the wrong way; he generally deals with us according to our tastes and likings. He flavors his bait to his fish. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Satan, Service of – Charles Spurgeon

Satan, Service of – Charles Spurgeon I AM often in my soul amazed at what men will do for that black master, the devil. Why, sirs, the devil will sometimes summon men to one of his conventicles at the street corner, where the gas is flaming, and they will cheerfully obey the summons. They will […]

Satan, Limit of his Power – Charles Spurgeon

Satan, Limit of his Power – Charles Spurgeon THE fair and lovely dove may fall into the mire, but the mire has not any dominion over her, for she rises up as quickly as she can, and away she flies and seeks to cleanse herself at some crystal fount. As for the duck, put that […]

Sanctification, Emblem of – Charles Spurgeon

Sanctification, Emblem of – Charles Spurgeon AUTUMN has a more sober aspect, but still it rivals the glory of spring. Ripe fruit has its own peculiar beauty. As the fruit ripens, the sun tints it with surpassing loveliness, and the colors deepen until the beauty of the fruit is equal to the beauty of the […]

Salvation of Hearers, the Preacher’s desire – Charles Spurgeon

Salvation of Hearers, the Preacher’s desire – Charles Spurgeon I WILL make no terms with God if you will but accept Christ. I am somewhat of the mind of a dear little girl who is now dying, if she has not already departed. She sent a little note in pencil to her minister, and it […]

Salvation of Grace – Charles Spurgeon

Salvation of Grace – Charles Spurgeon EVERY good thing that is in a Christian, not merely begins, but progresses and is consummated by the fostering grace of God, through Jesus Christ. If my finger were on the golden latch of Paradise, and my foot were on its jasper threshold, I should not take the last […]

Salvation, Unpurchasable – Charles Spurgeon

Salvation, Unpurchasable – Charles Spurgeon SUPPOSE you were to empty Potosi of its silver, and Golconda should be drained of its diamonds; nay, count up all the treasures that couch beneath the surface of the earth: if you brought them all, what would they be to God? And if you could pile up gold reaching […]

Salvation through Clinging to Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Salvation through Clinging to Christ – Charles Spurgeon A CERTAIN woman thought that there was power in the hem of Jesus’ garment to make her whole. She was mistaken in imagining that there was a healing efficacy in his dress, but since it was a mistake of faith, and reflected honor upon Christ, the Lord […]

Salvation through Christ Alone – Charles Spurgeon

Salvation through Christ Alone – Charles Spurgeon HEAR, dear friend, your true position. It is the case of a soldier on the battle field, wounded, bleeding, life oozing away from him, he is perishing, but he is sufficiently sensible to know it and to call for help. The surgeon is on the field within hearing, […]

Salvation, the Trade of Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Salvation, the Trade of Christ – Charles Spurgeon IF I saw the doctor’s brougham driving along at a great rate through the streets, I should be sure that he was not coming to my house, for I do not require him; but if I had to guess where he was going, I should conclude that […]

Salvation, the Great Need – Charles Spurgeon

Salvation, the Great Need – Charles Spurgeon PROSPERITY in this world, earn if you can do so fairly, but “what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” A golden coffin will be a poor compensation for a damned soul. To be cast away from God’s […]

Salvation Secured for all Believers – Charles Spurgeon

Salvation Secured for all Believers – Charles Spurgeon IN a few hours, dear friends, I shall be crossing the sea, and I will suppose that there shall be a good stiff wind, and that the vessel may be driven out of her course, and be in danger. As I walk the deck, I see a […]

Salvation, Simplicity of the Way of – Charles Spurgeon

Salvation, Simplicity of the Way of – Charles Spurgeon DOES it not seem to you to be inconsistent with the character of the God of nature that he should have instituted a plan of salvation so singularly complicated and theatrical as that which is now-a-days taught us by priests? Nature is simple: her grandeur lies […]

Salvation, Security of – Charles Spurgeon

Salvation, Security of – Charles Spurgeon IF you can so pervert your imaginations, and make your judgments play the acrobat as to conceive a justified soul damned, then I ask you what greater curse could the infernal fiend himself confer upon a mortal than this so-called justification. A spirit pronounced just, and then sent down […]

Salvation, Possession of—Making Truth precious – Charles Spurgeon

Salvation, Possession of—Making Truth precious – Charles Spurgeon IT has been very well observed that a man is not often a very thorough democrat after he gets a little money in the savings-bank. Well, I think it is very likely that when a man gets a little stake in his country, he begins to be, […]

Salvation, Great – Charles Spurgeon

Salvation, Great – Charles Spurgeon WHEN Christ opened the holy of holies, he did not make a little slit therein, but the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom, so that the hugest sinner that ever lived might come through it to the blood-besprinkled mercy-seat. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp […]

Salvation, Full – Charles Spurgeon

Salvation, Full – Charles Spurgeon THOUGH a man had damned himself a thousand times with the blackest filth that ever came from Hell, yet, if he believes in Jesus, God must be true to his solemn promise: it is not possible that the sin of man could justify God in flying from his promise or […]

Salvation, Certainty of – Charles Spurgeon

Salvation, Certainty of – Charles Spurgeon IT is not at all unusual for God to make a complete shipwreck of that vessel in which his people sail, although he fulfills his promise, that not a hair of their heads shall perish. I should not wonder if he would cause two seas to meet around your […]

Salvation before Calling – Charles Spurgeon

Salvation before Calling – Charles Spurgeon IN the olden times of imprisonment for debt, it would have been quite correct for you to step into the cell of a debtor, and say to him, I have freed you, if you had paid his debts and obtained an order for his discharge. Well, but he is […]

Saints, Satan’s Attack upon – Charles Spurgeon

Saints, Satan’s Attack upon – Charles Spurgeon IF you are more generous than other saints, if you live nearer to God than others, as the birds peck most at the ripest fruit, so may you expect Satan to be most busy against you. Who cares to contend for a province covered with stones and barren […]

Saints’ Victory over Sin – Charles Spurgeon

Saints’ Victory over Sin – Charles Spurgeon SOME men are great on account of their victories. How they crowd the streets when a Caesar or a Napoleon returns in triumph from the slaughter of his fellow creatures! Io Triumphe! Sound the trumpets! Beat the drums! Hang out the garlands! Gather, you crowds! Here comes the […]

Saints, Manifestation of the – Charles Spurgeon

Saints, Manifestation of the – Charles Spurgeon WHEN a Roman general came home from the wars he entered Rome by stealth, and slept at night, and tarried by day, perhaps for a week or two, among his friends. He went through the streets, and people whispered, “That is the general, the valiant one,” but he […]

Saints, Love-sickness of the – Charles Spurgeon

Saints, Love-sickness of the – Charles Spurgeon THERE are two love-sicknesses in Solomon’s Song. The one is when the spouse longs for the presence of her Lord, and the second is when she gets that presence; he is so glorious to her, that she is ready to die with excess of joy, and she exclaims, […]

Saints, Solitary – Charles Spurgeon

Saints, Solitary – Charles Spurgeon THINK of God working in the solitary things, for the grass does not merely grow around our populous cities, and where men take care of it, but up there on the side of the bleak Alp, where no traveler has ever passed. Where only the eye of the wild bird […]

Safety of the Believer at all Times – Charles Spurgeon

Safety of the Believer at all Times – Charles Spurgeon BENEATH the wings of the Almighty God night with its pestilence cannot smite the saints, and day with its cares cannot destroy them; youth with its passions shall be safely passed; middle age with its whirl of business shall be navigated in safety; old age […]

Safety in Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Safety in Christ – Charles Spurgeon I READ a story, the other day, of some Russians crossing wide plains studded over here and there with forests. The villages were ten or a dozen miles from each other, and the wolves were out, and the horses were rushing forward madly, and the travelers could hear the […]

Sacramentarianism, Deceitfulness of – Charles Spurgeon

Sacramentarianism, Deceitfulness of – Charles Spurgeon I SEE now in vision a company of men gathering herbs along the slopes of the Seven Hills of Rome; with mystic rites they cull those ancient plants, whose noxious influence once drugged our fathers into deadly slumbers. They are compounding again the cup of Rome’s ancient sorcery, and […]

Sometimes I feel like a man in the wilderness-George Mueller

Sometimes I feel like a man in the wilderness-George Mueller Sometimes I feel like a man in the wilderness. I’m a lonely soldier lost at sea. Drifting with the tide—never quite knowing why. Sometimes it makes no sense at all. (Styx, “Man in the Wilderness Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Sabbath, a Dull Day to Many – Charles Spurgeon

Sabbath, a Dull Day to Many – Charles Spurgeon I WAS awakened at six o’clock, in the Hartz mountains, by the cheerful notes of a trumpet playing a sweet, enlivening German air; it struck me that was a right fitting way to begin the Sabbath—to wake up with music, to leave off sleep with a […]

Soap and the Gospel

Soap and the Gospel A soap manufacturer and a pastor were walking together down a street in a large city. The soap manufacturer casually said, “The Gospel you preach hasn’t done much good has it? Just observe. There is still a lot of wickedness in the world, and a lot of wicked people, too!” The […]

Stay Ready for the Rapture

Stay Ready for the Rapture A gentleman visiting a certain school gave out that he would give a prize to the pupil whose desk he found in the best order when he returned. “But when will you return?” some of them asked. “That I cannot tell,” was the answer. A little girl, who had been […]

Standing on Truth

Standing on Truth Winston Churchill said, “Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.” That may be a common response to truth, but it places those who respond thusly on the road to tragedy and destruction. There is no way to love […]

Sincerity Can Be Misplaced

Sincerity Can Be Misplaced Some say, “All roads lead to the same place as long as you are sincere,”… but a person can be sincerely wrong! Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Stewarding God’s Time

Stewarding God’s Time In each day there are 24 hours, 1,440 minutes, and 86,400 seconds-and every one of them is a precious gift from God. Time is something we feel we never have enough of, yet we give it away so easily. Someone once said, “Time is free, but it’s priceless. You can’t own it, […]

Stay Pure

Stay Pure There was a squadron of men in S.E. Asia who got involved in every form of wickedness possible. Every time they had leave, they would go to the bars and houses of prostitution. One man said, “I have a girl back home. I love her. I’m going to save myself for her.” The […]

Striving to Please the Master

Striving to Please the Master A story is told of a famous violinist who was to perform at a concert hall of world renown. As he stood before the packed house that night and played his violin, he mesmerized the audience with his prowess and skill. As he lifted his bow off the string on […]

Stopping God’s Ear

Stopping God’s Ear Our God is a holy God and prayer is the vehicle that God has given us to approach Him. Indeed, prayer offered by a Christian harboring sin is akin to a plane without wings, a car without wheels or a boat without a rudder. Make no mistake about it—God wants to hear […]

Stranger to Power

Stranger to Power Why is our walk with God sometimes a crawl with God?  Why the lack of passion for our Saviour who gave His all for us? Why the lack of victory over sin in the average Christian’s life? Why the lack of power to shake this world for Christ? The words of Billy […]

Satan Deceives

Satan Deceives The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.An evil soul producing holy witnessIs like a villain with a smiling cheek,A goodly apple rotten at the heart:O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath! Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Searching for a Vessel

Searching for a Vessel The Master was searching for a vessel to use;On the shelf there were many—which one would He choose?Take me, cried the gold one, I’m shiny and bright,I’m of great value and I do things just right.My beauty and luster will outshine the restAnd for someone like You, Master, gold would be […]

Sharpening the Ax

Sharpening the Ax One man challenged another to an all-day wood chopping contest. The challenger worked very hard, stopping only for a brief lunch break. The other man had a leisurely lunch and took several breaks during the day. At the end of the day, the challenger was surprised and annoyed to find that the other fellow had […]

Satan’s Promises

Satan’s Promises Satan promises the best, but pays with the worst;He promises honor and pays with disgrace;He promises pleasure and pays with pain;He promises profit and pays with loss;He promises life and pays with death. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Self Made Prisoner

Self Made Prisoner A Japanese soldier by the name of Shoichi Yokoi lived in a cave on the island of Guam to which he fled in 1944 when the tides of war began to change. Fearing for his life, this man stayed hidden for twenty-eight years in the jungle cave, coming out only at night. […]

Small Sins

Small Sins A man who walked from New York City to San Francisco was asked what his biggest hurdle was. He said that the toughest part of the trip wasn’t traversing the steep slopes of the mountains or crossing hot, barren stretches of desert. He said, “The thing that came the closest to defeating me […]

Stay Away from the Edge

Stay Away from the Edge The story is told about a stage coach company was hiring teamsters to drive its stage coaches through a mountainous area. The local office manager had advertised for the position and people began to apply for the job. As they were interviewed, the boss asked each applicant, “How close can […]

She Gave Her Children

She Gave Her Children A missions director once met with the mother of one of his agency’s missionaries and spent some time getting to know her. She prepared tea for the director in her parlor and as they drank the tea, she explained to him the difficulty of having a daughter on the mission field […]

Serving the Lord

Serving the Lord One night a cobbler dreamed that the next day Jesus was coming to visit him. The dream seemed so real that he got up very early the next morning and hurried to the woods, where he gathered green boughs to decorate his shop for the arrival of so great a Guest. He […]

She Gave Her Life

She Gave Her Life A Hebrew lady once told how seeing another Christian’s faith converted her: She was fleeing the German Gestapo in France during World War II. She knew she was close to being caught and she wanted to give up. She came to the home of a French Huguenot. A widow lady met […]

She Chose Radiation

She Chose Radiation A thirty-six year old mother was discovered to be in the advanced stages of terminal cancer. One doctor advised her to spend her remaining days on vacation. A second physician offered her the hope of living two more years with the grueling side effects of radiation. She penned the following words to […]

She Gave Her Life for Her Son

She Gave Her Life for Her Son When the California gold fever broke out, a man went there, leaving his wife in New England with his boy. As soon as he got on and was successful he was to send for them. It was a long time before he succeeded, but at last he got […]

Sam’s Rules for Building a Business

Sam’s Rules for Building a Business These were the rules that Sam Walton developed for Walmart. 1. Commit: Believe in it more than anybody else. 2. Share the blessings. 3. Motivate your partners. Constantly, day by day, think of new and more interesting ways to motivate and challenge your partners. 4. Communicate everything you possibly […]

Steamboat Race

Steamboat Race Clovis Chappell, a minister from a century back, used to tell the story of two steamboats. They left Memphis about the same time, traveling down the Mississippi River to New Orleans. As they traveled side by side, sailors from one vessel made a few remarks about the snail’s pace of the other. Challenges […]

Strong Steel or Painted Rust?

Strong Steel or Painted Rust? The Queen Mary was the largest ship to cross the oceans when it was launched in 1936. Through four decades and a World War she served until she was retired as a floating hotel and museum in Long Beach, California. During the conversion into a hotel her three massive smokestacks were […]

Saviour Like a Shepherd Lead Us

Saviour Like a Shepherd Lead Us Ira Sankey was traveling on a steamer down the Delaware river when he was asked to sing. He led the group in singing “Saviour Like a Shepherd Lead Us.” When he finished, a man stepped from the shadows and asked, “Did you ever serve in the Union Army?” “Yes,” […]

Shopping with Men

Shopping with Men “Cash, check, or charge?” asked the salesclerk as the lady made her purchases. When she fumbled for her wallet, the clerk noticed a TV remote control in her purse. “So, do you always carry your TV remote around with you?” he asked. “No,” she replied, “but my husband refused to come shopping […]

Spouse’s Favorites

Spouse’s Favorites While attending a marriage seminar on communication, Tom and his wife, Grace, listened to the instructor: “It is essential that husbands and wives know each other’s likes and dislikes.” He addressed the men: “Can you name your wife’s favorite flower?” Tom leaned over, touched Grace’s arm gently, and whispered, “It’s Pillsbury, isn’t it?” […]


Snoring A man went to see his doctor for advice about being cured of snoring. The doctor asked, “Does your snoring disturb your wife?” The patient replied, “Does it disturb my wife? Why it disturbs the entire congregation.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Selfish Love

Selfish Love Girl: “Do you love me?” Boy: “Yes, Dear.” Girl: “Would you die for me?” Boy: “No. Mine is an undying love.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Seven Reasons It’s Great to Be a Man

Seven Reasons It’s Great to Be a Man 1. Phone conversations last thirty seconds. 2. Old friends don’t care if you have lost or gained weight. 3. You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness. 4. If someone forgets to invite you to something, they can still be your friend. 5. You can […]

She Put it All in the Casket

She Put it All in the Casket There was a man who had worked all his life and saved much money, but he was a real miser. Just before he died he asked his wife to put all his money in the casket with him when he was buried. Being the good wife that she was, […]

Serving the Customer?

Serving the Customer? A man dropped into a bank and found the customer service clerk chatting on the phone about new restaurants in town. After three minutes of exchanging dark glances with the man, she told her caller, “Hold on a minute. I’m being interrupted by a customer.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email


Sleep In our sleep-deprived culture it appears many people question the value of rest. Some even cut back on their sleep to carve out time for exercise. For what it’s worth, you burn around 70 calories per hour simply sleeping. That means a good 8 hour night of sleep approximates a 5 mile jog.—Saturday Evening […]

Showing Your Age

Showing Your Age One woman who was struggling with the reality of her age, asked a friend, “I don’t think I look 40-years-old, do you?” Her friend answered, “No, but you used to!” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Shopping Spree

Shopping Spree A woman returned home from a holiday shopping spree with her arms loaded with packages. Her husband met her at the door and said, “What did you buy? With prices as high as they are, I’ll bet you spent a fortune. I hate to think what has happened to our nest egg.” “I’ll […]

Stealing the Ten Commandments

Stealing the Ten Commandments A Jew and a Christian were indulging in a friendly argument about their respective faiths. “Most of the good things you Christians have, you’ve taken from us,” the Jew said. “The Ten Commandments, for instance.” “I’ll admit we took the Ten Commandments from you,” answered the Christian, “but you can’t say […]

Superman and Muhammad Ali

Superman and Muhammad Ali In Muhammad Ali’s heyday as the heavy weight champion in boxing, he had taken his seat on a 747 which was starting to taxi down the runway for take off. The flight attendant walked by and noticed Ali did not have on his seatbelt, and said, “Please fasten your seatbelt, sir.” […]

Stopping a Basketball Game

Stopping a Basketball Game An NBA game between the Houston Rockets and Golden State Warriors was stopped for about five minutes because of a bat that was swooping over the court and flying uncomfortably close to some of the players. The bat was finally caught in a net and released outside. Just as a little […]

Supporting a Family

Supporting a Family The prospective father-in-law asked, “Young man, can you support a family?” The surprised groom-to-be replied, “Well, no, I was just planning to support your daughter. The rest of you will have to fend for yourselves.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Sincerely Apathetic

Sincerely Apathetic The nice thing about apathy is you don’t have to exert yourself to show you’re sincere about it. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Signs You Ate Too Much for Thanksgiving

Signs You Ate Too Much for Thanksgiving The doctor tells you your weight would be perfect for a man 17 feet tall. You are responsible for a slight but measurable shift in the earth’s axis. Paramedics bring in the Jaws of Life to pry you out of the EZ-Boy. The potatoes you used set off […]

Selfish Dating

Selfish Dating A young man called his mother and excitedly announced that he had just met the woman of his dreams. His mother said, “Why don’t you send her flowers and invite her to your apartment for a home-cooked meal?” The day after the big date, his mother called to see how things had gone. “Mom, the […]

Spirit, Lesson from a – Charles Spurgeon

Spirit, Lesson from a – Charles Spurgeon I REMEMBER well, one night, having been preaching the word in a country village, I was walking home alone along a lonely footpath. I do not know what it was that ailed me, but I was prepared to be alarmed, when of a surety I saw something standing […]

Safely Home

Safely Home I am home in Heaven, dear ones;Oh, so happy and so bright!There is perfect joy and beautyIn this everlasting light. All pain and grief is over,Every restless tossing passed;I am now at peace forever,Safely home in Heaven at last. Did you wonder I so calmlyTrod the valley of the shade?Oh! But Jesus’ love […]

Servant Leader

Servant Leader The late Dawson Trotman, founder of the Navigators, was visiting Taiwan on one of his overseas trips. During the visit he hiked with a Taiwanese pastor back into one of the mountain villages to meet with some of the national Christians. The roads and trails were wet, and their shoes became very muddy. […]

Say Thank You Before it Is Too Late

Say Thank You Before it Is Too Late The brilliant Scottish writer, Thomas Carlyle, lived on a farm in Dumfriesshire, which he called “the loneliest nook in Britain.” Each day he climbed a ladder to his attic, where he worked until dark. His devoted wife Jane was left alone. One evening at dinner, Jane asked […]

Stewardship Quotes

Stewardship Quotes “The only investment I ever made which has paid consistently increasing dividends is the money I have given to the Lord.” “The person who waits to do a great deal of good at once will never do anything.” “Man’s extremity is God’s opportunity.” “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, […]

Sowing and Reaping

Sowing and Reaping Many Christians spend six days a week sowing wild oats and then come to church and pray for crop failure. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email


Strawberries Strawberries are my favorite fruit. I even love strawberry plants, for once they preached a powerful sermon to me which I’ve never forgotten. I was on my hands and knees in my garden pulling weeds, when suddenly I noticed something I had seen hundreds of times before but never caught the lesson. It was […]

Sleep Praying

Sleep Praying A young man in Bible college fell asleep during class. As he was sleeping, a friend of the young man suddenly shook him and earnestly whispered, “Hey, he just asked you to pray!” The sleeping man, thinking he had just been called on to pray, jumped to his feet and began his prayer […]

Secret for Victory

Secret for Victory Speaking to a large audience, D.L. Moody held up a glass and asked, “How can I get the air out of this glass?” One man shouted, “Suck it out with a pump!” Moody replied, “That would create a vacuum and shatter the glass.” After numerous other suggestions Moody smiled, picked up a […]

Set Free

Set Free A twelve year old accidentally killed one of his family’s geese by throwing a stone. Figuring his parents wouldn’t notice one of twenty-four gone he buried it. His sister saw his crime and said, “I saw what you did, and if you don’t wash the dishes for me, I’ll tell mom.” The boy […]

Spitting in the Soup

Spitting in the Soup A young boy in Korea was a houseboy for some American soldiers. Sometimes they thought it was funny to play harmless jokes on him. They would tease him. They would tie his shoe strings together. They would lock him out of the house. Eventually they realized that their practical jokes were […]

Scaring the Cab Driver

Scaring the Cab Driver A passenger in a taxi leaned over to ask the driver a question and gently tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention. The driver screamed, lost control of the cab, nearly hit a bus, drove up over the curb, and stopped just inches from a large plate window. For […]

Stressful Vacations

Stressful Vacations Who can ever forget Winston Churchill’s immortal words: “We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, and we shall fight in the hills.” It sounds exactly like our family vacation. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Significant Finds: Researcher George Barna lists-George Mueller

Significant Finds: Researcher George Barna lists-George Mueller Significant Finds: Researcher George Barna lists the fol-lowing as his most notable findings in ’00. (1) Only 4% of born again adults are certain of the existence of absolute moral truth. (2) 94% of black adults rank having a close, personal relationship with God as a top life […]

Some Christians Are Like…

Some Christians Are Like… Some Christians are like: 1. Wheelbarrows–must be pushed2. Canoes–need paddling3. Kites–must be kept on a string4. Footballs–can’t tell where they will bounce next5. Balloons–full of wind ready to blow up6. Trailers–must be pulled7. Lights–go on and off8. Kittens–content when petted But some are like the North Star—there when you need them, […]

Sacrificial Love

Sacrificial Love Maria Dyer was born in 1837 on the mission field in China where her parents were pioneer missionaries. Both her parents died when Maria was a little girl, and she was sent back to England to be raised by an uncle. The loss of her parents, however, did not deter her young heart […]

Statistics and Prophecies

Statistics and Prophecies The Old Testament contains sixty major prophecies and 270 ramifications about the Messiah. Jesus fulfilled every one of these predictions. The probability of Jesus fulfilling merely eight of the sixty major prophecies is 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000. To put these odds in perspective, imagine that the entire state of Texas is covered with […]

Secure in Christ

Secure in Christ Virginian Colonel Byrd was condemned to death by the Cherokee Indians. In that tribe there was a chief who had been a friend to him. That chief said, “This man is my friend; before you can get at him, you must kill me.” The Cherokees let him go free.  The believer is […]

Serving God with or without Vision

Serving God with or without Vision William Booth was greatly stirred by the needs of the poor of London, and realized that most churches were doing nothing to reach the “undesirables”—drunkards, morphine addicts, prostitutes, and the poor. He set out to reach them with what he called the 3 S’s: soup, soap and salvation. Thousands […]

Saving Faith

SAVING FAITH I believe in a physician when I put my case into that physician’s hands, and trust him to cure me. I believe in a lawyer when I leave my case in his hands, and trust him to plead for me. I believe in a banker when I put money into his hands, and […]

Sailing around the World

Sailing around the World On May 24, 1965, a 13½ foot boat slipped quietly out of the marina at Falmouth, Massachusetts. It would be the smallest craft ever to make the voyage across the Atlantic Ocean to England. The Tinkerbelle was piloted by Robert Manry, a copy editor for the Cleveland Plain Dealer, who felt that 10 years at […]

Significant Finds: Researcher George Barna lists the fol-lowing-George Mueller

Significant Finds: Researcher George Barna lists the fol-lowing-George Mueller Significant Finds: Researcher George Barna lists the fol-lowing as his most notable findings in ’00. (1) Only 4% of born again adults are certain of the existence of absolute moral truth. (2) 94% of black adults rank having a close, personal relationship with God as a […]

Sin Hinders the Work of the Holy Spirit

Sin Hinders the Work of the Holy Spirit During a tour of a large manufacturing plant, a visitor noticed a man using a fiery torch of high intensity to work on huge slabs of steel. Operating from a blueprint on a nearby table, a pointer traced the pattern and then by a clever system of […]

So What Is A Vision? George Barna Defines It As- George Mueller

So What Is A Vision? George Barna Defines It As- George Mueller So what is a vision? George Barna defines it as, “Vision for ministry is a clear mental image of a preferable future imparted by God to His chosen servants and is based upon an accurate understanding of God, self and circumstances.” Vision is […]

Spirit Of God, Descend Upon My Heart” By George -George Mueller

Spirit Of God, Descend Upon My Heart” By George -George Mueller “Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart” by George Croly I ask no dream, no prophet ecstasies, No sudden rending of the veil of clay, No angel visitant, no opening skies; But take the dimness of my soul away. This verse is left out […]

Sleeping When the Wind Blows

Sleeping When the Wind Blows A young man applied for a job as a farmhand. When asked for his qualifications, he told the farmer about his previous experience then said, “I can sleep when the wind blows.” This puzzled the farmer, but he took a liking to the young man and hired him. A few […]

She Gave Her Ring

She Gave Her Ring In one church that had a special need the people came to the front with their offering. One young girl came with hands cupped and gave a ring. Later, the Pastor brought it back to her and she said, “I gave it to the Lord, not to you.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp […]

Success Requires Sacrifice

Success Requires Sacrifice Kreisler, the famous violinist, said, “Narrow is the road that leads to the life of a violinist. Hour after hour, day after day, and week after week, for years, I lived with my violin. There were so many things that I wanted to do that I had to leave undone; there were […]

“Saved.” – Dwight Lyman Moody

“Saved.” – Dwight Lyman Moody I remember while in a town East at the time of the loss of the Atlantic on the banks of Newfoundland, there was a business man in the town who was reported lost. His store was closed, and all his friends mourned him as among those who went down on […]

Sowing the Tares. – Dwight Lyman Moody

Sowing the Tares. – Dwight Lyman Moody I was at the Paris Exhibition in 1867, and I noticed there a little oil painting, only about a foot square, and the face was the most hideous I have ever seen. On the paper attached to the painting were the words “Sowing the tares,” and the face […]

Snapping the Chains. – Dwight Lyman Moody

Snapping the Chains. – Dwight Lyman Moody —In the North there was a minister talking to a man in the inquiry-room. The man says, “My heart is so hard, it seems as if it was chained, and I cannot come.” “Ah,” says the minister, “come along, chain and all,” and he just came to Christ […]

Sustaining Commitments

Sustaining Commitments Commitments are sustained through strong inward motives.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Staying on the Right Path

Staying on the Right Path There were 128 runners in the field for the cross country race at the 1993 NCAA Division II Track and Field Championships. As they set out on the 6.2 mile run, they were following a course that had been marked for them by the race officials. Toward the end of […]

Standing Strong in the Face of Opposition

Standing Strong in the Face of Opposition When he was appointed as the pastor a church in Cambridge, England, in 1783 Charles Simeon was delighted. The people of the church did not share his joy. Many of the prominent members of the church opposed his convictions on reaching the lost with the gospel. To show […]

Stopping Just Short of the Goal

Stopping Just Short of the Goal There is a marker on a rock near the top of Mount Washington, marking the spot where a woman climber lay down and died. She was so close to the top that she could almost hit it with a stone. A hundred steps more and she would have reached […]

Spiritual Gardening

Spiritual Gardening It’s time to plant our gardens. As you plant, may I suggest the following rules for your garden planting: Plant three rows of squash: 1. Squash gossip; 2. Squash criticism; 3. Squash indifference Plant three rows of peas: 1. Purity; 2. Patience; 3. Perseverance Plant six rows of lettuce: 1. Let us be […]

She Talked As Long As Someone Would Listen

She Talked As Long As Someone Would Listen Christine Chapman was supposed to bring her mother-in-law to the doctor, but she could not get her to stop talking to the neighbor. Finally, Christine escorted her away from the conversation so they wouldn’t be late. Once inside the car, her mother-in-law said, “Sorry, but I didn’t […]

Sunday School Statistics

Sunday School Statistics Eighty-five percent of church members who were formerly unchurched said that they are active in Sunday school or small groups. Seventy-two percent of churched people said the same thing. Eighty-six percent of new Christians who remained active in their church for at least five years were active in Sunday school as well. […]

Skipping Church

Skipping Church One Sunday morning, two men are out in a boat, fishing. After several hours on the lake without catching a single fish, one of the men says to his friend, “You know, we probably should have stayed home and gone to church this morning.” The other man says, “Well, I could have stayed […]

Sleepwalking in Church

Sleepwalking in Church “I hope you didn’t take it personally, Preacher,” an embarrassed woman said after a church service, “when my husband walked out during your sermon.” “I did find it rather disconcerting,” the pastor replied. “It wasn’t out of any disrespect to you,” insisted the woman, “Fred has been walking in his sleep ever […]

4 Stages in the Life of a Man

4 Stages in the Life of a Man 1. He believes in Santa Claus.2. He doesn’t believe in Santa Claus.3. He is Santa Claus.4. He LOOKS like Santa Claus. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Sad Lack of Zeal. – Dwight Lyman Moody

Sad Lack of Zeal. – Dwight Lyman Moody Two young men came into our inquiry room here the other night, and after a convert had talked with them, and showed them the way, the light broke in upon them. They were asked, “Where do you go to church?” They gave the name of the church […]

Saved and Saving. – Dwight Lyman Moody 

Saved and Saving. – Dwight Lyman Moody One day I saw a steel engraving that I liked very much. I thought it was the finest thing I ever had seen, at the time, and I bought it. It was a picture of a woman coming out of the water, and clinging with both arms to […]

Satan’s Match. – Dwight Lyman Moody 

Satan’s Match. – Dwight Lyman Moody If you will allow me an expression, Satan got a match when he got Paul. He tried to get him away from God, but he never switched off. Look how they tortured him. Look how they stripped and beat him. Not only did the Romans do this, but the […]

Smart Scholars

Smart Scholars The two most intellectually astute years for children are age four and age seventeen. At four they know all of the questions, and at seventeen they know all of the answers. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Stop Whining

Stop Whining While Roxie Wallace’s preschool grandson was visiting, he got testy and started crying about the least little things that didn’t go his way. One such incident involved animal crackers. He wanted some more, but she refused to give in so he burst into tears. In exasperation Roxie said, “Sam, I don’t know what […]

Sharing Brownies

SHARING BROWNIES A little boy was in a heated argument with his sister about who was going to get the last brownie. His mother overheard the loud discussion in their kitchen and came in to resolve the conflict. Her two children were obviously very distraught about getting that final treat. Sensing the need to teach […]

Sins of Omission

Sins of Omission One little boy gave an interesting answer when his Sunday school teacher was talking about the difference between sins of commission and sins of omission. Derek explained to his teacher that the sins of omission are, “Those sins that we want to do but we just haven’t gotten around to yet.” Facebook […]

Saying Grace

Saying Grace Celeste Sibley, a columnist for the Atlanta Constitution, took her three children to a diner for breakfast one morning. It was crowded and they had to take separate seats at the counter. Eight-year-old Mary was seated at the far end of the counter and when her food was served she called down to her […]

She Let God Put the Letters Together

She Let God Put the Letters Together A farmer found a little girl that was lost in his meadow. The farmer said to her, “Do not cry; I’ll take you home.” The little child snuggled up to him, and with a smile, said, “I knew you would; I was waiting for you.” “Waiting for me?” […]

Spurgeon and the Little Orphan. – Dwight Lyman Moody

Spurgeon and the Little Orphan. – Dwight Lyman Moody While we were in London, Mr. Spurgeon one day took Mr Sankey and myself to his orphan asylum, and he was telling about them—that some of them had aunts and some cousins, and that every boy had some friend that took an interest in him, and […]

Stubborn Little Sammy. – Dwight Lyman Moody 

Stubborn Little Sammy. – Dwight Lyman Moody At one time my sister had trouble with her little boy, and the father said, “Why, Sammy, you must go now and ask your mother’s forgiveness.” The little fellow said he wouldn’t. The father says, “You’must. If you don’t go and ask your mother’s forgiveness I shall have […]

Show and Tell

Show and Tell Some primary-aged children had “Show and Tell” in their class. The first boy said, “My name is Benjamin, and I am Jewish and this is the Star of David.” Next a little girl said, “My name is Mary, and I am Roman Catholic and this is a rosary.” Finally a little boy […]

Simple Faith

Simple Faith A pastor in California was giving an invitation at the end of his Sunday morning message when a five-year old boy, sensing the invitation of the Holy Spirit came down the aisle. Not knowing if the boy was old enough to understand salvation, the pastor took him to his office and began to […]

Snooping for Gifts

Snooping for Gifts A little boy ran to the kitchen with a big box in his hand and breathlessly told his mother, “We’d better tell Santa Claus to forget about the train set I ordered. I just found one on the top shelf of Dad’s closet.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email


SALVATION IS PRICELESS Longfellow could take a worthless sheet of paper, write a poem on it, and make it worth $6,000—that’s genius. Rockefeller could sign his name to a piece of paper and make it worth a million dollars—that’s capital. Uncle Sam can take gold, stamp an eagle on it, and make it worth $20.00—that’s […]


SINNING AFTER SALVATION The story is told of a young girl who accepted Christ as her Saviour and applied for membership in a local church. “Were you a sinner before you received the Lord Jesus into your life?” inquired an old deacon. “Yes, sir,” she replied. “Well, are you still a sinner?” “To tell you […]


SIR ISAAC NEWTON Sir Isaac Newton had a friend who was an atheist. The friend did not believe in God, but preferred to take the position that the universe just happened. One day the friend was visiting his learned colleague and Newton showed him a model of the solar system. The sun, the planets, and […]


SERVING THE KING William Carey, who is called the “Father of Modern Missions,” served the Lord in India for many years. He gradually became very concerned about the attitude of his son, Felix. The young man had promised to become a missionary, but he reneged on his vows when he was appointed ambassador to Burma […]


SKIPPING SCHOOL The story is told of four high school boys who couldn’t resist the temptation to skip morning classes. Each had been smitten with a bad case of spring fever. After lunch they showed up at school and reported to the teacher that their car had a flat tire. Much to their relief, she smiled and said, […]


STANDING AT ATTENTION While standing at attention during a parade, a private began to wave in the audience. The drill sergeant sternly warned the private, “Jones don’t ever do that again.” A few minutes later though, the private waved again. When the parade was over, the livid sergeant began to yell and scream at the […]

Stubborn Little Sammy – Dwight Lyman Moody

Stubborn Little Sammy – Dwight Lyman Moody At one time my sister had trouble with her little boy, and the father said, “‘Why, Sammy, you must go now and ask your mothers forgiveness.” The little fellow said he wouldn’t. The father says, “You must. If you don’t go and ask your mothers forgiveness I shall […]

Spurgeon’s Parable – Dwight Lyman Moody

Spurgeon’s Parable – Dwight Lyman Moody Mr. Spurgeon, a number of years ago, made a parable. He thought he had a right to make one, and he did it. He said: “There was once a tyrant who ordered one of his subjects into his presence, and ordered him to make a chain. The poor blacksmith […]

Spurgeon and the Little Orphan – Dwight Lyman Moody

Spurgeon and the Little Orphan – Dwight Lyman Moody While we were in London, Mr. Spurgeon one day took Mr. Sankey and myself to his orphan asylum, and he was telling about them — that some of them had aunts and some cousins, and that every boy had some friend that took an interest in […]

Snapping the Chains – Dwight Lyman Moody

Snapping the Chains – Dwight Lyman Moody In the North there was a minister talking to a man in the inquiry-room. The man says, “My heart is so hard, it seems as if it was chained, and I cannot come.” “Ah,” says the minister, “come along, chain and all,” and he just came to Christ […]

Saved and Saving – Dwight Lyman Moody

Saved and Saving – Dwight Lyman Moody One day I saw a steel engraving that I liked very much. I thought it was the finest thing I ever had seen, at the time, and I bought it. It was a picture of a woman coming out of the water, and clinging with both arms to […]

Sambo and the Infidel Judge – Dwight Lyman Moody

Sambo and the Infidel Judge – Dwight Lyman Moody Once there was a Judge who had a colored man. The colored man was very godly, and the Judge used to have him to drive him around in his circuit. The Judge used often to talk with him, and the colored man would tell the Judge […]

Safe in the Ark – Dwight Lyman Moody

Safe in the Ark – Dwight Lyman Moody When the voice came down from heaven to Noah, “Come thou and all thy house into the ark, for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation,” now; there was a minute when Noah was outside the ark, and another when he was inside, and […]

Sad Lack of Zeal – Dwight Lyman Moody

Sad Lack of Zeal – Dwight Lyman Moody Two young men came into our inquiry room here the other night, and after a convert had talked with them, and showed them the way, the light broke in upon them. They were asked, “Where do you go to church?” They gave the name of the church […]

Saved – Dwight Lyman Moody

Saved – Dwight Lyman Moody I remember while in a town East at the time of the loss of the Atlantic on the banks of Newfoundland, there was a business man in the town who was reported lost. His store was closed, and all his friends mourned him as among those who went down on […]

Spiritual Declension – Dwight Lyman Moody

Spiritual Declension – Dwight Lyman Moody Galatians 5:7You did run well; who did hinder you that you should not obey the truth? When visiting a gentleman in England, I observed a fine canary. Admiring his beauty, the gentleman replied, “Yes, he is beautiful, but he has lost; his voice. He used to be a fine […]

Sympathy – Dwight Lyman Moody

Sympathy – Dwight Lyman Moody Romans 12:15Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep. I want to tell you how, a few years ago, I got up sympathy with a family in Chicago, where I was living. It is very unhealthy in the summer, and I attended the funerals of a […]

Speaking God’s Word – Dwight Lyman Moody

Speaking God’s Word – Dwight Lyman Moody Acts 4:18-31And they called them, and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus.… If you really study God’s Word, I believe you’ll get so full of it that you can’t help but speak it out. The reason so many don’t care […]

Substitution – Dwight Lyman Moody

Substitution – Dwight Lyman Moody John 11:47-53Then gathered the chief priests and the Pharisees a council, and said, What do we? for this man does many miracles.… In the time of Napoleon I a certain man agreed to join the ranks in the place of a comrade who had been drafted. The offer was accepted, […]

Salvation to be Received as a Free Gift – Dwight Lyman Moody

Salvation to be Received as a Free Gift – Dwight Lyman Moody John 4:11-12The woman said to him, Sir, you have nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: from where then have you that living water?… A great many people are looking at their feelings; a great many people are looking at themselves. […]

Speaking for Christ – Dwight Lyman Moody

Speaking for Christ – Dwight Lyman Moody Luke 12:8Also I say to you, Whoever shall confess me before men, him shall the Son of man also confess before the angels of God: In a prayer-meeting at Boston I once attended, most of those who took part were old men, but a little tow-headed Norwegian boy, […]

Saved in an Irregular Way – Dwight Lyman Moody

Saved in an Irregular Way – Dwight Lyman Moody 2 Kings 5:12Are not Abana and Pharpar, rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel? may I not wash in them, and be clean?… When we were in Scotland during a former visit to Great Britain, there was an employer who became converted, and […]

Sting of Death

Sting of Death Sting of DeathI’m often asked if I’m afraid to die. No, I’m not afraid to die, I’ve been to the water’s edge three times and Ive heard the waves lash against the boat, but I wasn’t scared. Death is like an old bumblebee that Dr. Cadle once talked about. He and his […]

Stand up for Jesus…

Stand up for Jesus… Stand up for Jesus… There was in the 1800’s an atheist who claimed he could disprove God. A large crowd of Christians came to listen to him. He was such a good speaker that no one in the crowd dared answer him. He shouted out hatred against God. After a long […]

Strong foundation

Strong foundation Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE STRONG FOUNDATION Bryan Chapell tells this story that happened in his hometown: Two brothers were playing on the sandbanks by the river. One ran after another up a large mound of sand. Unfortunately, the mound was not solid, and their weight caused them to sink in quickly. When the […]

Standing for your marriage

Standing for your marriage Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE Standing for your marriage! A former Pastor in Seattle, WA wrote a power statement about marriage… I am standing for the healing of my marriage!I won’t give up, give in, give out, or give over till that healing takes place.I made a vow; I said the words; […]

Spring and flowers

Spring and flowers Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE SPRING AND FLOWERS. An old lady spent much of her summer setting and swinging in the old swing hanging on her front porch. Her husband had been dead several years and she had withdrawn from all but the closest family. Her lonely time grew and grew?? One spring […]

Soldier for Christ Jesus

Soldier for Christ Jesus Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE Soldier for Christ Jesus. I am a soldier in the army of my God. The Lord Jesus Christ is my commanding officer. The Holy Bible is my code of conduct, Faith, prayer and the Word are my weapons of warfare. I have been taught by the Holy […]

So many valuable possesions

So many valuable possesions Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE   SO MANY VALUABLE POSSESSIONS Waylon Prendergast, 37, of Tampa, Florida, committed a spur-of-the-moment robbery while on his way home from a late-night drinking session. A very inebriated Mr. Prendergast forced his way into the house through an open upstairs window, filling a suitcase with cash and […]

Shoes in church

Shoes in church Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE SHOES IN CHURCH I showered and shaved………….. I adjusted my tie. I got there and sat………….. In a pew just in time. Bowing my head in prayer……… As I closed my eyes.. I saw the shoe of the man next to me….. Touching my own. I sighed. With plenty of room on […]


Sarah Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE SARAH. “Sarah” I’m Sarah, I’m sixteen;Last night I failed.I prayed for more strength,So why did I yield? He said he loved me,Brought me flowers and all;Then he took me upstairsAnd caused me to fall. I feel so ashamed,So dirty inside.He’s taken my heart;Now I want to go hide. I let […]
