Vertices – Christianity to be ever Heady for – Charles Spurgeon
Vertices – Christianity to be ever Heady for – Charles Spurgeon Brutus visiting Lagarius found him ill, and said, ” What, sick, Lagarius?” ” No, Brutus,” said he, “if thou hast any noble enterprise in hand, I am well.” So should the believer say of Christ; what might excuse us from other Laboure shall never […]
Voice of the Love of Christ – Charles Spurgeon
Voice of the Love of Christ – Charles Spurgeon SILENT as to vocal utterance, but like familiar tones that sometimes greet us in our dreams, the voice of Christ is distinctly audible to the soul. It will come to you in sweet or in bitter providences; yes, there is such a thing as hearing Christ’s […]
Vision of Christ, Inspiring to Service – Charles Spurgeon
Vision of Christ, Inspiring to Service – Charles Spurgeon A VISION of the Crucified, my brethren, is that which we want When we are toiling in his harvest-field, and sit down to wipe the sweat from our brow, we grow very weary; the harvest is plenteous, but the laborers are few: we feel that the […]
Victory, the Churches’ Watchword – Charles Spurgeon
Victory, the Churches’ Watchword – Charles Spurgeon A MESSAGE came to Sir Colin Campbell at the Alma, that Her Majesty’s Guards were falling thick and fast beneath the shot, had they not better retire for a little while into safe quarters? The answer was, “It were better, sir, that every one of Her Majesty’s Guards […]
Victory over Difficulties, Resolution to obtain – Charles Spurgeon
Victory over Difficulties, Resolution to obtain – Charles Spurgeon THERE is nothing but what you can make a way through if you can find something harder to bore it with. Look at the Mont Cenis tunnel, made through one of the hardest of known rocks: with a sharp tool, edged with diamond, they have pierced […]
Victory of the Christian, Certainty of – Charles Spurgeon
Victory of the Christian, Certainty of – Charles Spurgeon THE fight may seem to hang in the scales today, but the conquest is sure to come unto him whose right it is. He shall gather all the scepters of kings beneath his arm in one mighty sheaf, and take their diadems from off their brows, […]
Victory of the Christian – Charles Spurgeon
Victory of the Christian – Charles Spurgeon HERE is a champion just come from the Greek games; he has well near killed his adversary in a severe boxing match, and he comes in to receive the crown. Step up to him, look at that arm, and observe the thews and sinews. Why! the man’s muscles […]
Veil Rent by Christ – Charles Spurgeon
Veil Rent by Christ – Charles Spurgeon YOU remember, when Christ died, the veil of the temple was rent in twain. There was not a little slit for little sinners to creep through, but it was rent in twain from the top to the bottom, so that big sinners might come, just in the same […]
Value of the Saints to Christ – Charles Spurgeon
Value of the Saints to Christ – Charles Spurgeon HAD Napoleon spoken forth his mind about the lives of men in the day of battle, he would have likened them to so much water spilt upon the ground. To win a victory, or subdue a province, it mattered not though he strewed the ground with […]
Valor, Exhortation to – Charles Spurgeon
Valor, Exhortation to – Charles Spurgeon O ANXIOUS gazer! look not at the battle so much below, for there you shall be enshrouded in smoke and amazed with garments rolled in blood; but lift your eyes yonder where your Savior lives and pleads, for while he intercedes the cause of God is safe. Let us […]
Visitation Research demonstrates that if lay people will make a 15 minute visit in the homes of first time visitors within 36 hours of their visit to the church, 85%of them will return the following week. If the lag time is 72 hours the return rate drops to 60%; and after one week it slips […]
Voluntary Church Attendance
Voluntary Church Attendance A pastor once said to a man in town, “When you were born, your mother brought you to church. When you were married, your wife brought you to church. When you die, your friends will bring you to church. Why not try coming to church on your own sometime?” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp […]
Victory Over Hatred
Victory Over Hatred A frontier preacher was preaching against hatred, he asked all those who had overcome the sin of hatred to stand. He was shocked when one older man rose to his feet. The preacher asked him this could be and he said, “All the skunks who done me dirt, all them scoundrels I […]
Visible Result
Visible Result We ought to know better than to despair over the visible result of spiritual endeavor. During a recent visit to Johannesburg I spent a day at one of the gold-mines. There was immense activity, gangs of workers, clouds of dust, hissing steam, deafening stamps, heaps of quartz, torrents of water and cauldrons of […]
Vanishing Evangelists: Researcher George Barna recently noted-George Mueller
Vanishing Evangelists: Researcher George Barna recently noted-George Mueller Vanishing Evangelists: Researcher George Barna recently noted, “With our studies showing that about half of all born again adults do not share their faith with any non-believers during the year, and that those who do share their faith talk about it with few non-Christians, the Faith oriented […]
Vanishing Evangelists: Researcher George Barna recently noted-George Muller
Vanishing Evangelists: Researcher George Barna recently noted-George Muller Vanishing Evangelists: Researcher George Barna recently noted, “With our studies showing that about half of all born again adults do not share their faith with any non-believers during the year, and that those who do share their faith talk about it with few non-Christians, the Faith oriented […]
Very Hard, yet Very Easy. – Dwight Lyman Moody
Very Hard, yet Very Easy. – Dwight Lyman Moody The hardest thing, I will admit, ever a man had to do is to become a Christian, and yet it is the easiest. This seems to many to be a paradox, but I will repeat it, it is the most difficult thing to become a Christian, […]
Very Hard, Yet Very Easy – Dwight Lyman Moody
Very Hard, Yet Very Easy – Dwight Lyman Moody The hardest thing, I will admit, ever a man had to do is to become a Christian, and yet it is the easiest. This seems to many to be a paradox, but I will repeat it, it is the most difficult thing to become a Christian, […]
Very Orthodox – Dwight Lyman Moody
Very Orthodox – Dwight Lyman Moody A person came to me some time ago and said: “Mr. Moody, I wish you would give me a book that preaches assurance, and that tells the children of God it is their privilege to know they are accepted.” I said, “Here is a book; it is very orthodox. […]
Volkswagen Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE Back in 1974, Volkswagen introduced the first Golf to replace the ageing Beetle. At the time it caused quite a stir as the Golf was one of the first “Hot hatches” to be produced. The Golf was completely new and completely different from the Beetle it replaced. But, even though […]