Why Christian’s in Ministry Need Each Other

Why Christian’s in Ministry Need Each Other The preacher Roy Danile once had the privilege of knowing a venerable gentleman from years past, a man deeply devoted to his faith. The old Man had a remarkable practice of expounding upon the verses of the New Testament and various chapters of the Bible for an astonishing […]

Worldliness – Brutishness of – Charles Spurgeon

Worldliness – Brutishness of – Charles Spurgeon Luther was told of a nobleman who, above all things, occupied himself with amassing money, and was so buried in darkness that he gave no heed to the word of God, and even said to one who pleaded with him, ” Sir, the gospel pays no interest.” “Have […]

Worldliness – it’s Blinding Influence. – Charles Spurgeon

Worldliness – it’s Blinding Influence. – Charles Spurgeon Suppose I were shut up within a round tower, whose massive wall had in some time of trouble been pierced here and there for musketry; suppose, further, that by choice or necessity, I am whirled rapidly and incessantly round its inner circumference, will I appreciate the beauties […]

Worldliness – Charles Spurgeon

Worldliness – Charles Spurgeon There is a poor creature at Austa who does not know the value of money, and only cares for eating, drinking, and sleeping. He is undoubtedly an idiot; but what is he who does not know the value of his soul? Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Worldly merriment – Charles Spurgeon

Worldly merriment – Charles Spurgeon I THINK the men of this world like children in a dangerous storm in the sea, that play and make sport with the white foam of the waves thereof coming in to sink and drown them; so are men making fool’s sports with the white pleasures of a Stormy world […]

World — Vanity of Paternity of. – Charles Spurgeon

World — Vanity of Paternity of. – Charles Spurgeon My friends, do you remember that old Scythian custom, when the head of a house died? How he was dressed in his finest dress, and set in his chariot, and carried about to his friends’ houses; and each of them placed him at his table’s head, […]

World — Not to Build too Confidently on it.- Charles Spurgeon

World — Not to Build too Confidently on it.- Charles Spurgeon In Chili where the ground is subject to frequent shocks of earthquake, the houses are built of lowly height and of unenduring structure; it is of little use to dig deep foundations and pile up high walls where the very earth ‘is unstable; it […]

World — it’s Instability. – Charles Spurgeon

World — it’s Instability. – Charles Spurgeon Queen Elizabeth once said to a courtier, ” They pass best over the world who trip over it quickly; for it is but a bog: if we stop, we sink.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

World — a Huge Desert. – Charles Spurgeon

World — a Huge Desert. – Charles Spurgeon Living in the midst of the church of God is like sailing down the Nile in a boat. One is charmed with the luxuriance of either bank, and with much that is beautiful immediately around; but alas! at a little distance on either side lies a vast […]

World — Deception of. – Charles Spurgeon

World — Deception of. – Charles Spurgeon Aesop’s fable says: — ” A pigeon oppressed by excessive thirst, saw a goblet of water painted on a signboard. Not supposing it to be only a picture, she flew towards it with a loud whirr, and unwittingly dashed against the signboard, and jarred herself terribly. Having broken […]

WORKS — and out Salvation – Charles Spurgeon

WORKS — and out Salvation – Charles Spurgeon William Wickham being appointed by King Edward to build a stately church, wrote in the windows, ” This work made William Wickham.” When charged by the king for assuming the honour of that work to himself as the author, whereas he was only the overseer, he answered […]

Word of truth – everlasting – Charles Spurgeon

Word of truth – everlasting – Charles Spurgeon How wonderfully has the Lord provided for the continuance of the vegetable world; he causes the plant to scatter broadcast a multitude of seeds, and bids the winds convey them far and wide. The fowls of the air are commissioned to bear berries and fruits to their […]

Word – Way of Treating it – Charles Spurgeon

Word – Way of Treating it – Charles Spurgeon There are two ways of treating the seed. The botanist splits it up, and discourses on its curious characteristics; the simple husbandman eats and sows; sows and eats. Similarly, there are two ways of treating the gospel. A critic dissects it, raises a mountain of debate […]

WOMEN — Preaching, – Charles Spurgeon

WOMEN — Preaching, – Charles Spurgeon When Boswell told Johnson one day that he had heard a woman preach that morning at a Quaker’s meeting, Johnson replied, ” Sir, a woman preaching is like a dog’s walking on his hind legs. It is not done well ; but you are surprised to find it done […]

WISDOM — To Win Souls – Charles Spurgeon

WISDOM — To Win Souls – Charles Spurgeon We are not wide enough awake in doing good. Pardon the reference, for the sake of the lesson; it shall be borrowed from Dr. Marigold’s cart. When a Cheap-jack has a little knot of people round his van, he eyes them all, and feels sure that the […]

Wisdom – Our, under Differing Circumstance – Charles Spurgeon

Wisdom – Our, under Differing Circumstance – Charles Spurgeon  It is a wise thing to exhibit prudence and hopefulness in their proper degrees and seasons. Some are so exultant at success as to become rash, and thereby secure for themselves a disaster, others are so depressed by a defeat as to be in- capable of […]

WILL OF MAN — Adverse to the Gospel – Charles Spurgeon

WILL OF MAN — Adverse to the Gospel – Charles Spurgeon When the dove was weary, she recollected the ark and flew into Noah’s hand at once: there are weary souls who know the ark but will not fly to it. When an Israelite had slain, inadvertently, his fellow, he knew the city of refuge, […]

WILL — Not Violated by Grace – Charles Spurgeon

WILL — Not Violated by Grace – Charles Spurgeon When we see a casket wrenched open, the hinges torn away, or the clasp destroyed, we mark at once the hand of the Spoiler; but when we observe another casket deftly opened with a master-key, and the sparkling contents revealed, we note the hand of the […]

WILL— the Seat of Inability – Charles Spurgeon

WILL— the Seat of Inability – Charles Spurgeon Nelson could not see the signal for suspending battle because he placed the glass to his blind eye, and man cannot see the truth as it is in Jesus because he has no mind to do so. Ungodly men are, as the country people say, “like the […]

WEALTH — Involves Danger, – Charles Spurgeon

WEALTH — Involves Danger, – Charles Spurgeon It was as much as we could do to keep our feet upon the splendid mosaic floor of the Palace Giovanelli, at Venice: we found no such difficulty in the cottage of the poor glassblower in the rear. Is it one of the advantages of wealth, to have […]

WATCHFULNESS — when Special Need of – Charles Spurgeon

WATCHFULNESS — when Special Need of – Charles Spurgeon When cast by providence among sinful persons who respect us, we ought to be peculiarly watchful. The hatred of the ungodly when poured upon Christians in the form of persecution, is seldom harmful to their spiritual nature, but the friendship of the world is always to […]

WATCHFULNESS – Charles Spurgeon

WATCHFULNESS – Charles Spurgeon WHILE the Austrian general was staying at the Hotel de Ville, upon the Grand Canal, at Venice, we lodged at the same house, and so often as we passed his rooms, whether by day or night, we encountered two seritries on guard at the door. Our heart said to itself, whenever […]

WATCHFULNESS— when Special Need of-Charles Spurgeon

WATCHFULNESS— when Special Need of – Charles Spurgeon When cast by providence among sinful persons who respect us, we ought to be peculiarly watchful. The hatred of the ungodly when poured upon Christians in the form of persecution, is seldom harmful to their spiritual nature, but the friendship of the world is always to be […]

WATCHFULNESS-Charles Spurgeon

WATCHFULNESS – Charles Spurgeon While the Austrian general was staying at the hotel de villa, upon the grand canal, at Venice, we lodged at the same house, and so often as we passed his rooms, whether by day or night, we encountered two securities on guard at the door. Our heart said to itself, whenever […]

WARNINGS-Charles Spurgeon

WARNINGS – Charles Spurgeon A very skillful bowman went to the mountains in search of game. All the beasts of the forest fled at his approach. The lion alone challenged him to combat. The bowman immediately let fly an arrow, and said to the lion, ” i send thee my messenger, that from him thou […]

WANTS-Charles Spurgeon

WANTS-Charles Spurgeon On a tradesman’s table i noticed a book labelled want book. What a practical suggestion for a man of prayer ! He should put down all his needs on the tablets of his heart, and then present his want book to his god. If we knew all our need, what a large want […]

Wealth in the World – Ambition for – Charles Spurgeon

Wealth in the World – Ambition for – Charles Spurgeon AMBITION, a good enough thing within reasonable bounds, is Avery Apollyon among men, when it gets the mastery over them. Have you ever seen boys climbing a greasy pole to reach a hat or a handkerchief? If so, you will have noticed that the aspiring […]

We Must Not Judge by Personal Appearance – Charles H Spurgeon

We Must Not Judge by Personal Appearance – Charles H Spurgeon Whatever truth there may be in phrenology, or in Lavater’s kindred science of physiognomy, we shall do well scrupulously to avoid forming an opinion against a man from his personal appearance. If wc so judge we shall often commit the greatest injustice, which may, […]

Winning The Heart For God – Charles H Spurgeon

Winning the Heart for God – Charles H Spurgeon Payson thus beautifully writes: – ” I have been all my life like a child whose father wishes to fix his undivided attention. At first the child runs about the room, but his father ties up his feet; he then plays with his handsuntil they likewise […]

WEEK WIGHT SERVICES – Charles H Spurgeon

WEEK-WIGHT SERVICES – Charles H Spurgeon Prayer- meeting and lecture as usual on Wednesday evening, in the lecture-room. Dear brethren, I urge you all to attend the weekly meetings. ‘ Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together.’ Some of the ” dear brethren ” deported themselves in this way: Brother A. thought it looked like rain, […]

Worshipping Self

Worshipping Self Dan serves his athletic body. He works out in a gym five days a week and has impeccable eating habits. He is attracted only to other beautiful body people. The problem is he keeps falling for shallow women who have no depth of spirit of character. He feels lonely and empty and eventually […]

Worship, Spiritual—The Divine requirement – Charles Spurgeon

Worship, Spiritual—The Divine requirement – Charles Spurgeon IF the Eternal were such an one as you are, O man, he might be pleased with your painted windows. But what a child’s toy must colored glass be to God! I can sit and gaze upon a cathedral, with all its magnificence of architecture, and think what […]

Worship, Moves of—May be Altered – Charles Spurgeon

Worship, Moves of—May be Altered – Charles Spurgeon I HAVE frequently, especially in our country churches, met with the most determined protests against the most trivial alteration of the routine of their worship. You must sing at such a time, for they always have sung at such a point in the service; you must pray […]

Worry, Folly of – Charles Spurgeon

Worry, Folly of – Charles Spurgeon WHY do you worry yourself? What use can your fretting serve? You are on board a vessel which you could not steer even if the great Captain put you at the helm, of which you could not so much as reef a sail, yet you worry as if you […]

Worry, A Corrective for – Charles Spurgeon

Worry, A Corrective for – Charles Spurgeon BELOVED, I desire for myself never again to be worried with the cares of this church, but to take them all to my Master, and wait at his feet. I desire not to be troubled about my, preaching, nor to be cumbered about anything beneath the sun, but […]

Worldliness Stopping the Ears of Man – Charles Spurgeon

Worldliness Stopping the Ears of Man – Charles Spurgeon IF you stood in a street where the traffic is abundant, where the constant thunder of rumbling wheels creates a din, it would be difficult to preach so as to command an audience, for the abundant sound would prevent all hearing; and, to a great extent, […]

World to be Changed by the Gospel – Charles Spurgeon

World to be Changed by the Gospel – Charles Spurgeon THE world is upside down now; the gospel has begun to turn it the right way uppermost, but when the day of grace is over, and the day of glory comes, then shall it be righted indeed; then those that wandered about in sheep-skins and […]

World, Lamentation over Its Sin – Charles Spurgeon

World, Lamentation over Its Sin – Charles Spurgeon LIKE the marvelous structures of Palmyra, of Baalbek, in the far off east, the earth in ruins reveals a magnificence which betokens a royal founder, and an extraordinary purpose. Creation glows with a thousand beauties, even in its present fallen condition; yet clearly enough it is not […]

Works of God Worthy of Attention – Charles Spurgeon

Works of God Worthy of Attention – Charles Spurgeon MODERN fanatics, who profess to be so absorbed in heavenly things that they are blind to the most marvelous of Jehovah’s handiwork, should go to school with David as the schoolmaster, and learn to “consider the heavens;” and should sit with Job upon the dunghill of […]

Works of God, Delight in the – Charles Spurgeon

Works of God, Delight in the – Charles Spurgeon SOME people never smile. Dear souls! They pull the blinds down on Sunday. They are sorry that the flowers are so beautiful, and think that they ought to have been whitewashed; they almost believe that if the garden beds were of a little more serious color, […]

Works, Little—Rewarded by Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Works, Little—Rewarded by Christ – Charles Spurgeon I KNOW your gifts to his church and his poor are necessarily but little, for yours is the poor widow’s portion perhaps, and you can give only your two mites; but I know that, as they fall into the treasury, Jesus sits over against the treasury and hears […]

Works, Impossibility of Salvation by – Charles Spurgeon

Works, Impossibility of Salvation by – Charles Spurgeon A POOR and wretched man dreamed that he was counting out gold. There it stood upon the table before him in great bags, and, as he untied string after string, he found himself wealthy beyond a Croesus’ treasures. He was lying upon a bed of straw, in […]

Workers, Humble—Used by God – Charles Spurgeon

Workers, Humble—Used by God – Charles Spurgeon HOW often the eminent preachers, which are the church’s delight, are brought into the church by those of less degree, even as Simon Peter was converted by Andrew! Who shall tell what might have become of Simon Peter if it had not been for Andrew? Who shall say […]

Workers’ Sympathy with Jesus – Charles Spurgeon

Workers’ Sympathy with Jesus – Charles Spurgeon I KNOW of no service that can be more distinguished than the doing of good, the scattering of blessings among the sons of men. Methinks the very angels before the throne might envy us poor men who are permitted to talk of Christ, even though it be but […]

Workers’ Strength in God – Charles Spurgeon

Workers’ Strength in God – Charles Spurgeon ONCE on a time certain strong laborers were sent forth by the great King to level a primeval forest, to plough it, to sow it, and to bring him the harvest. They were stout-hearted and strong, and willing enough for labor, and well they needed all their strength […]

Workers in the Church Unsaved – Charles Spurgeon

Workers in the Church Unsaved – Charles Spurgeon YEARS ago Hamburg was nearly half of it burned down, and among the incidents that happened, there was this one. A large house had connected with it a yard in which there was a great black dog, and this black dog in the middle of the night […]

Workers for Christ Unsanctified – Charles Spurgeon

Workers for Christ Unsanctified – Charles Spurgeon IT is very possible for a man to get to dislike the very religion which he feels bound still by force of custom to go on teaching to others. “Is that possible?” says one. Alas! that it is. Have you never heard of the flower-girl in the streets? […]

Work of God and Man meeting – Charles Spurgeon

Work of God and Man meeting – Charles Spurgeon WHEN the Mont Cenis Tunnel was being made, a party of engineers worked from the Italian side for six years, and expected at the end of that period to see an open roadway through the mountain. They knew that the work would take, at the rate […]

Work of God Humbling – Charles Spurgeon

Work of God Humbling – Charles Spurgeon WHEN John in Patmos saw the Lord, he fell at his feet as dead; a sense of the glory of his Lord overpowered him: such has been in a degree our own experience, alike in meditating upon Scripture and in wandering in the dark gorges of the Alps. […]

Work for Christ, the Relief in Trouble – Charles Spurgeon

Work for Christ, the Relief in Trouble – Charles Spurgeon I RECOLLECT the story of a mother, who, when her little boy was playing in the room, was shedding many bitter tears for her widowhood. Her little boy, who seemed to know right well the source of the mother’s grief, came up to her, and […]

Work for Christ, Solemnity of – Charles Spurgeon

Work for Christ, Solemnity of – Charles Spurgeon TO seek to save souls from going down to the pit is no pastime: to talk of Jesus is no trifle. We do not meet to pray in sport; we do not gather together in supplication as a mere matter of form. Angels are in our midst […]

Work for Christ, Humble – Charles Spurgeon

Work for Christ, Humble – Charles Spurgeon IT comes to this, beloved, anything that can be done for Christ is too good for us to do. Somebody wanted to keep the door! Somebody wanted to rout out the back lanes! Somebody wanted to teach ragged roughs! Somebody wanted to ask people to come to the […]

Work, Christian—To be Done Speedily – Charles Spurgeon

Work, Christian—To be Done Speedily – Charles Spurgeon THE wheels of eternity are sounding behind us; life must be short. To those to whom it is longest it is but brief. Work on, worker! You have scarce time to finish your day’s work. Waste not a second. Throw not away these priceless hours. Speed! speed! […]

Work, Life the Time for – Charles Spurgeon

Work, Life the Time for – Charles Spurgeon MOTHER, you cannot bend over your children and teach them the way of life when you have departed. If you would have them taught in the things of God, your voice at least will never teach them then of the love of Jesus. Missionary, if that district […]

Work, a Sphere of—For Every Christian – Charles Spurgeon

Work, a Sphere of—For Every Christian – Charles Spurgeon OUT of this whole structure of the human body, every little muscle, every single cell, has its own secretion and its own work; and though some physicians have said this and that organ might be spared, I believe there is not a single thread in the […]

Words of Jesus – Charles Spurgeon

Words of Jesus – Charles Spurgeon THE works of man will seldom bear close inspection. You shall take a needle which is highly polished, which appears to be without the slightest inequality upon its surface, and you shall put it under a microscope, and it will look like a rough bar of iron; but you […]

Word of God to be Impartially Studied – Charles Spurgeon

Word of God to be Impartially Studied – Charles Spurgeon BEWARE of picking and choosing in God’s word. It is a very dangerous symptom when there is any portion of Scripture that we are afraid to read. If there is one single chapter in the Book that I do not like, it must be because […]

Word of God, Interest in the – Charles Spurgeon

Word of God, Interest in the – Charles Spurgeon TO read a will is not an interesting occupation—repetitions, legal phrases, tautologies multiplied to utter weariness; but if there be a legacy left to you in that will, no writing will be more fascinating; you will trip lightly over the lawyer’s fences and five-barred gates, and […]

Word of God in the Heart – Charles Spurgeon

Word of God in the Heart – Charles Spurgeon WE have heard of a certain scholar who used to carry miniature copies of all the classic authors about with him, so that he seemed to have almost a Bodleian in his pocket. O that you would carry miniature Bibles about with you! or, better still, […]

Word of God Food to a Believer – Charles Spurgeon

Word of God Food to a Believer – Charles Spurgeon THERE is a great deal of error in many Christians, and a great deal of sin, and many try to correct the error and remove the sin, and they do well; but have you never heard a doctor say, when a person has been covered […]

Word of God destined to Triumph – Charles Spurgeon

Word of God destined to Triumph – Charles Spurgeon WHEN I have seen a text sometimes in the hand of the enemy made use of against the deity of Christ, or against the doctrine of election, or against some other important and vital doctrine, I have not felt at all inclined to give up the […]

Wonders, Folly of Waiting for – Charles Spurgeon

Wonders, Folly of Waiting for – Charles Spurgeon RIDING along I see in the hedgerow a tree with rich fruit upon it, I am surprised, I do not know how it came there, it is a very unusual thing to see our garden fruit-trees in public hedgerows; but when I have seen I do not […]

Without Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Without Christ – Charles Spurgeon A SOUL without Christ! Why, it were better for you, man, that you had never been born if you shall continue so! you Would be better off with the mill-stone about your neck, and east into the sea, if that would make an end of you. You were happier far […]

Winning Souls, Importance of – Charles Spurgeon

Winning Souls, Importance of – Charles Spurgeon IF a woman had the charge of a number of children that were not her own, I do not suppose she would notice some of the incipient stages of disease; but when a mother nurses her own dear children, she scarcely for an hour permits the first symptoms […]

Will of Man to be Surrendered to God – Charles Spurgeon

Will of Man to be Surrendered to God – Charles Spurgeon WE cannot serve the Lord if we pick and choose our duties. He who enlists in the army of the Most High, surrenders his will to the discipline of the army and the bidding of the Captain. Whatever Christ bids any of us do […]

Will of God the Guarantee of Success – Charles Spurgeon

Will of God the Guarantee of Success – Charles Spurgeon THAT was a mighty cry which was once profaned to purposes of fanaticism under the preaching of Peter the Hermit, “Deus vult,” “God wills it.” It sounded through Christendom, it made monarchs exchange their crowns for helmets, it made the artisan throw down his hammer […]

Weariness Cured by Looking to Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Weariness Cured by Looking to Christ – Charles Spurgeon IF you are getting weary in the battle of life and tired of serving God, “Behold the Lamb of God!” wrestling unto blood, and your courage will return. Reaper in the summer’s heat, see him as he grasps the sickle with that pierced hand! What strides […]

Wealth, Responsibility of – Charles Spurgeon

Wealth, Responsibility of – Charles Spurgeon THERE is a responsibility attaching to wealth which some do not seem to realize. Among our great men, how few use money as they should! Their gifts are nothing in proportion to their possessions. Alas! things are even worse than this with some who are miscalled honorable and noble. […]

Way of Salvation, Simplicity of—A Stumbling Block – Charles Spurgeon

Way of Salvation, Simplicity of—A Stumbling Block – Charles Spurgeon THE Pharisees came to Christ, and they said, making a great fuss about their zeal, “What shall we do? Oh, sir, here is our money; here is our talent; here is our time: what shall we do that we may work the work of God?” […]

Watering Others, a Work for All Believers – Charles Spurgeon

Watering Others, a Work for All Believers – Charles Spurgeon IF I cannot carry about me some ponderous load as the Eastern water-bearer can, yet I will take my little waterpot, my little jug or pitcher, and go to the well; for if I cannot water the forest tree, I may water the tiny plant […]

Watching and Praying – Charles Spurgeon

Watching and Praying – Charles Spurgeon A CHILD would generally stand on his feet in a gust of wind if he knew it was coming; but when the wind happens to come round a corner furiously, he may be taken off his feet. Mind you are well ballasted by prayer every morning before your vessel […]

Watchfulness, Exhortation to – Charles Spurgeon

Watchfulness, Exhortation to – Charles Spurgeon I DO not know how far my confession may be echoed by my brethren, but I am shrewdly suspicious that the more wakeful you are, the more heartily will you acknowledge a terrible tendency in the other direction. Again let me remind you that to sleep now is an […]

Waiting on God for Victory – Charles Spurgeon

Waiting on God for Victory – Charles Spurgeon YOU have not wasted those many silent prayers and those bitter tears. Those feeble efforts of yours which were so imperfect that you could scarcely hope them to be successful, are all co-operating to produce a victory, the shouts of which shall be heard all down the […]

What Time Is it for You

What Time Is it for You In the book Time for God, there is a mathematically calculated schedule which compares a lifetime of “three-score years and ten” with the hours of a single day from seven o’clock in the morning until eleven o’clock at night. If your age is: 15, the time is 10:25am20, the time is […]

Working With Clutter

Working With Clutter In America, the average desk worker has 36 hours worth of work on his or her desk and wastes 3 hours a week just searching for things in the maze of clutter. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email


Words The Gospel of John introduces Jesus as the “Word.” In Stanislas Dehaene’s book about the human brain, Reading in the Brain, he notes that the average adult English reader has 50,000 or more words stored in their mental dictionaries. In a fraction of a second the brain matches the word being read with the memorized […]

Work Until Jesus Comes

Work Until Jesus Comes At the height of World War II Dietrich Bonhoeffer was imprisoned for taking a stand against Hitler. Yet he continued to urge fellow believers to resist Nazi tyranny. A group of Christians, believing that Hitler was the Antichrist, asked Bonhoeffer, “Why do you expose yourself to all this danger? Jesus will […]

Willing People

Willing People Every church is filled with willing people—some willing to work, and others willing to let them. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

What Holiness Consists of

What Holiness Consists of “Holiness does not consist in mystic speculations, enthusiastic fervours, or uncommanded austerities; it consists in thinking as God thinks, and willing as God wills.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

When George Meller got saved-George Mueller

When George Meller got saved-George Mueller When George Meller got saved, He had five lost friends. He began to pray for these 5 friends. Five years went by, and one got saved. Fifteen years went by and 2 others got saved. Twenty-five years went by and the 4th got saved! Fifty-two years after he began […]

What Prayer Does

What Prayer Does What various hindrances we meetIn coming to a mercy seat!Yet who that knows the worth of prayer,But wishes to be often there? Prayer makes the darken’d cloud withdraw,Prayer climbs the ladder Jacob saw,Gives exercise to faith and love,Brings every blessing from above. Restraining prayer, we cease to fight;Prayer makes the Christian’s armour […]

What Think Ye of Christ?

What Think Ye of Christ? A big lump of something lay for centuries in a shallow pool in North Carolina. People passing by just saw an ugly lump and walked on. One day a poor man saw the heavy lump, and thinking it would be a good thing to hold his door open, took it […]

What Sin Is

What Sin Is Man calls it an accident; God calls it an abomination. Man calls it a blunder; God calls it blindness. Man calls it a chance; God calls it a choice. Man calls it an error; God calls it an enmity. Man calls it a fascination; God calls it a fatality. Man calls it […]

Why Bubble Gum Is Pink

Why Bubble Gum Is Pink Ask anyone about the color of bubble gum and they’ll invariably say “pink.”  In 1928, Walter Diemer accidentally created the first successful batch of bubble gum while playing around with different recipes. He made it pink because, at the time, that was the only food coloring available in the factory. […]

Why the Grass Looks Greener on the Other Side

Why the Grass Looks Greener on the Other Side In her column, Ask Marilyn, Marilyn vos Savant gave an interesting perspective on contentment. One reader wrote in about a unique experiment she had conducted after being dissatisfied that her neighbor’s yard looked better than her own. She did what few have done and walked next door to […]

We Must Share the Gospel

We Must Share the Gospel Fritz Kreisler (1875-1962), the world-famous violinist, earned a fortune with his concerts and compositions, but he generously gave most of it away. So, when he discovered an exquisite violin on one of his trips, he wasn’t able to buy it. Later, having raised enough money to meet the asking price, […]

What Money Will Not Buy

What Money Will Not Buy Money will buy a bed but not sleep; books but not brains; food but not appetite; finery but not beauty; a house but not a home; medicine but not health; luxuries but not culture; amusements but not happiness; religion but not salvation; a passport to everywhere but Heaven. Facebook Twitter […]

Winning the Lottery

Winning the Lottery Jack Whittaker won a $113 million jackpot (after taxes) in 2002. Just two years later he had been arrested twice for drunk driving and ordered to go to Alcoholics Anonymous. His wife, Jewell, said, “I wish I would have torn the ticket up.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Wealth Does Not Bring Happiness

Wealth Does Not Bring Happiness The story is told of a rich industrialist who was disturbed to find a fisherman sitting lazily beside his boat. “Why aren’t you out there fishing?” he asked. “Because I’ve caught enough fish for today,” said the fisherman. “Why don’t you catch more fish than you need?” the rich man […]

Willing to Die for His Princess

Willing to Die for His Princess The historian Xenophon states, that when Cyrus had taken captives including a young prince of Armenia with his young and beautiful wife, of whom he was remarkably fond, they were brought before the tribunal of Cyrus to receive their sentence. The warrior inquired of the prince what he would […]

Worry and Joy

Worry and Joy “Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow; it only saps today of its joy.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Work and Success Do Not Buy Happiness

Work and Success Do Not Buy Happiness Rick Chollet was a financially successful entrepreneur until March 18, 1991. He had even been the president of Brookstone Company, a small mail order business that he transformed into a national retail leader selling products for craftsmen. But on March 18 Mr. Chollet locked the garage door of […]

Work Humor

Work Humor A manager and a sales rep stood looking at a map on which colored pins indicated the company representative in each area. “I’m not going to fire you, Wilson,” the manager said, “but I’m loosening your pin a bit just to emphasize the insecurity of your situation.”—Bits and Pieces During a training exercise […]

Who’s Flying?

Who’s Flying? A flight student was flying a small plane when he hit the runway and bounced several times before stopping. The instructor said, “That was a very bad landing you just made.” “Me?” replied the student. “I thought you were landing!” God never makes a mistake with your life, but you must let Him take control. Facebook […]

Weakening Anesthetics

Weakening Anesthetics A husband was coming out of anesthesia after a series of tests in the hospital. His wife was sitting at his bedside, when his eyes fluttered open he said, “You are beautiful.” Flattered, the wife continued the vigil. Later he woke up again and said, “You’re cute!” “What happened to beautiful?” She asked. […]

Worldviews Reflected in a Pit

Worldviews Reflected in a Pit A man fell into a pit and couldn’t get himself out: A subjective person came along and said, “I feel for you down there.”An objective person came along and said, “Well it’s logical that someone would fall down there.”A Christian scientist came along and said, “You only think you’re in […]

Ways to Irritate People

Ways to Irritate People 1. Specify that your drive-through order is “to go.” 2. Speak only in a “robot” voice. 3. Start each meal by conspicuously licking all your food, and announce that this is so no one will “swipe your grub.” 4. Name your dog “Dog.” 5. Forget the punchline to a long joke, […]

Wringing His Hands

Wringing His Hands Ralph was head over heels in trouble, but doing little to help himself. A friend advised, “Ralph, you’ve got two hands, why don’t you do something?” “I am,” Ralph replied, “I’m wringing both of them.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Why We Host Children’s Parties

Why We Host Children’s Parties Someone said that the main purpose of holding children’s parties is to remind yourself that there are children more awful than your own. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Who’s Driving?

Who’s Driving? Gertrude and Mildred were driving to their Sunday school party. The two elderly sisters were thankful they could still drive and took turns driving the Buick they shared. Gertrude became very nervous after Mildred ran through two red lights. As they approached the next light, Mildred was talking nonstop and gave no indication […]

Working against Each Other

Working against Each Other The story is told of two men riding a tandem bicycle up a steep hill. After much effort, they  finally made it to the top of the hill. The front rider said, “That was a tough ride.” To which the second rider replied, “Sure was, and if I hadn’t kept the […]

Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill Winston Churchill exemplified integrity and respect in the face of opposition. During his last year in office, he attended an official ceremony. Two gentlemen that were seated several rows behind him began whispering, “That’s Winston Churchill. They say he is getting senile. They say he should step aside and leave the running of the nation to […]

We Are Tools in the Hand of God

We Are Tools in the Hand of God Samuel Brengle who was an early Salvation Army official was once introduced as the, “Great Dr. Brengle.” He later wrote in his diary, “If I appear great in their eyes, the Lord is most graciously helping me to see how absolutely nothing I am without Him, and […]

What Churches Need

What Churches Need “What the Church needs today is not more machinery or better, not new organizations or more novel methods, but men whom the Holy Ghost can use—men of prayer, men mighty in prayer.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Where Hell Is

Where Hell Is A young man was converted during special evangelistic meetings held in a mining village. Wanting to do something for God, he bought some tracts and was distributing them one day, when he met some former companions. They decided to deride him for his faith in Christ. “Hey! Can you tell me where […]

What Heaven Is Like

What Heaven Is Like In one of his books, A.M. Hunter, relates the story of a dying man who asked his Christian doctor to tell him something about the place to which he was going. As the doctor fumbled for a reply, he heard a scratching at the door, and he had his answer. “Do […]

Wealthy Givers Do Not Start Wealthy

Wealthy Givers Do Not Start Wealthy Fortune magazine reported that the nation’s top twenty-five philanthropists gave away more than $1.5 billion in 1996. The most generous was George Soros, president of Soros Fund Management, who donated $350 million. Of the top twenty-five philanthropists, only four inherited fortunes. Most attributed their generosity in part to religious backgrounds. […]

What Not to Buy Your Wife

What Not to Buy Your Wife 1. Don’t buy clothing that involves sizes. The chances are one in seven thousand that you will get her size right, and your wife will be offended the other 6999 times. 2. Avoid all things useful. The new silver polish advertised to save hundreds of hours is not going […]

Wash Your Hands After Dealing with Death

Wash Your Hands After Dealing with Death In 1818, Ignaz Philip Semmelweis was born into a world of dying women. The finest hospitals lost one out of six mothers to the scourge of “childbed fever.” A doctor’s daily routine began in the dissecting room where he performed autopsies. From there he made his way to […]

Waiting for a Child to Be Delivered

Waiting for a Child to Be Delivered The story is told of a young father-to-be who was pacing back and forth, nervously wringing his hands in the hospital waiting room while his wife was in labor. Finally, a nurse opened the door and said, “Well, sir, you have a little girl.” He heaved a sigh of […]

Worshipping a House

Worshipping a House Janice is very proud of her home. She spends hours each day cleaning, vacuuming, and dusting. It makes her feel good when visitors comment what a beautiful home she has. But her children resent her compulsive cleanliness. They never invite their friends to come over because Janice is so paranoid about messing […]

Worshipping the Children

Worshipping the Children Debbie’s family means everything to her. Her son and cute little daughter play sports, take music lessons, and attend a private school. Debbie spends every waking moment of every day caring for her kids. Often she goes through an entire day without having time for her husband which makes him fell neglected. […]

What Every Boy Wants

What Every Boy Wants “It may be hard on some fathers not to have a son, but it is so much harder on a boy not to have a father.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Why Christian Lifestyles Aren’t Different: George Barna-George Mueller

Why Christian Lifestyles Aren’t Different: George Barna-George Mueller Why Christian Lifestyles Aren’t Different: George Barna, researcher and author of the book, Transforming Children Into Spiritual Champions, says, “For years we have reported research findings showing that born again adults think and behave very much like everyone else. It often seems that their faith makes very […]

Wait for Fruit

Wait for Fruit Some of the greatest missionaries of history devotedly spread the seed of God’s Word and yet had to wait long periods before seeing the fruit of their efforts. William Carey, for example, labored 7 years before the first Hindu convert was brought to Christ in Burma, and Adoniram Judson toiled 7 years […]

Where Is Your Faith

Where Is Your Faith The Muslim puts faith in the Koran and Mohammed. The Buddhist puts faith in graven images. The Humanist puts faith in himself. The Religious man puts faith in his works. The Materialist puts faith in his wealth. But, a true spiritual life of faith is only as good as its object. […]

Waiting on God

Waiting on God Amy Carmichael, missionary to India wrote, “Blessed are the single-hearted, for they shall enjoy much peace…If you refuse to be hurried and pressed, if you stay your soul on God, nothing can keep you from that clearness of spirit which is life and peace. In that stillness you know what His will […]

Why the Tomb Is Famous

Why the Tomb Is Famous The pyramids of Egypt are famous because they contained the mummified bodies of ancient Egyptian kings. Westminster Abbey in London is renowned, because in it rests the bodies of English nobles and notables. Mohammad’s tomb is noted for the stone coffin and the bones it contains. The Taj Majal was […]

Why the Stone Was Rolled Away

Why the Stone Was Rolled Away Abraham Lincoln’s casket was opened in 1901 because it was feared that his body was not there. Christ’s tomb was opened to prove He is not there. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Wanting More

Wanting More Two friends met each other on the street one day. One looked forlorn, almost on the verge of tears. His friend asked, “What has the world done to you, my old friend?” The sad fellow said, “Let me tell you: three weeks ago, my uncle died and left me forty thousand dollars.” “That’s a lot of […]

Work Reflects Your Character

Work Reflects Your Character Your work is an expression of the image of God in you, and it’s worth thinking about how your work reflects His character. Work as simple as cleaning out a closet reflects the God who makes order out of chaos. Holding a stop sign for children to cross the road creates […]

What Direction Are You Going?

What Direction Are You Going? In the 1929 Rose Bowl, the California Golden Bears squared off against the Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets and provided one of the most famous plays in college football history. In the second quarter, California player Roy Riegels recovered a fumble, but instead of advancing it, he got confused and began […]

William Carey’s Fire

William Carey’s Fire After William Carey was well established in his pioneer missionary work in India, his supporters in England sent a printer to assist him. Soon the two men were turning out portions of the Bible for distribution. Carey had spent many years learning the language so that he could produce the scriptures in […]

What Consecration Is

What Consecration Is “Will you please tell me in a word,” said a Christian woman to a minister, “what your idea of consecration is?” Holding out a blank sheet of paper the pastor replied, “It is to sign your name at the bottom of this blank sheet, and to let God fill it in as […]

Willing to Jump

Willing to Jump Nepalese fighters in Borneo known as Gurkhas were asked if they would be willing to jump from airplanes into combat against the Indonesians. The Gurkhas didn’t clearly understand what was involved, but they bravely said they would do it, asking only that the plane fly slowly over a swampy area and no […]

WISDOM. – Dwight Lyman Moody

WISDOM. – Dwight Lyman Moody —I remember a gentleman of Boston, a man high in life, a Congressman, who was accustomed to carry with him little cards and distribute them wherever he went, and on some of these cards were words like these: “I expect to pass through this world but once, and therefore if […]

Without time for prayer, nothing can be accomplished-George Mueller

Without time for prayer, nothing can be accomplished-George Mueller – Without time for prayer, nothing can be accomplished. – Scroggie – He who runs from God in the morning will scarcely find Him the rest of the day. – John Bunyan – When asked how much time he spent in prayer , George Mueller’s reply […]

We Died Before We Came Here

We Died Before We Came Here When James Calvert went out as a missionary to the cannibals of the Fiji Islands, the ship captain tried to turn him back, saying, “You will lose your life and the lives of those with you if you go among such savages.” To that, Calvert replied, “We died before […]

What the Doctor Forgot to Say

What the Doctor Forgot to Say Doctor to patient: “I have bad news and worse news.” Patient: “So let’s have it.” Doctor: “The bad news is that you only have 24 hours to live.” Patient: “I can’t imagine what could be worse than that!” Doctor: “I forgot to tell you yesterday.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest […]

Wrong Perspective

Wrong Perspective The story is told of two liberal sociologists who were walking down the street. They saw a man lying unconscious and covered with cuts and bruises from a terrible mugging. One of the sociologists turned to his colleague and said, “Whoever did this terrible deed really needs our help.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest […]

Weeping for the Lost

Weeping for the Lost D.L. Moody told the story of his conversion this way: “When I was in Boston I used to attend a Sunday school class, and one day I recollect my teacher came around behind the counter of the shop I was at work in, and put his hand upon my shoulder, and […]

Why People Choose a Church

Why People Choose a Church Ninety percent of people said that friendliness or facilities was a major factor when deciding where to attend church. Out of 353 people interviewed about the first time they attended a new church 311 mentioned the friendliness of the church. Out to those same 353 people 117 specifically mentioned greeters […]

Watch out for the Hushers

Watch out for the Hushers Six-year-old Angie and her four-year-old brother Joel were sitting together in church. Joel giggled, sang, and talked out loud. Finally, his big sister had had enough. You’re not supposed to talk out loud in church.” “Why? Who’s going to stop me?” Joel asked. Angie pointed to the back of the […]

When the Church Was Full

When the Church Was Full As the pastor introduced his children’s sermon on Easter, he asked the little ones, “Do you see anything different about our church today?” Little Heather quickly figured out the difference and blurted out, “It’s full!” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Worst Gifts

Worst Gifts An American Express survey about Christmas gifts found that fruitcake was chosen most often (31%) from a list of “worst” holiday gifts. It even finished ahead of “no gift at all.” When asked how to dispose of a bad gift, 30% of those surveyed said they would hide it in the closet, 21% would […]

Writing to Santa

Writing to Santa One child wrote a letter to Santa which read, “Dear Santa, you did not bring me anything good last year. You did not bring me anything good the year before that. This is your last chance. Signed, Alfred.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

What a Woman Did. – Dwight Lyman Moody

What a Woman Did. – Dwight Lyman Moody One place we were in, in England, I recollect a Quakeress came in. The meeting was held in a Methodist Church, and the Spirit of God was there—souls were being saved: multitudes were pressing into the kingdom. She had a brother who was a di inker and […]

What Is the Meaning of Christmas?

What Is the Meaning of Christmas? A television interviewer was walking the streets of Tokyo at Christmas time. The interviewer stopped one young woman on the sidewalk, and asked, “What is the meaning of Christmas?” She responded, “I don’t know. Is that the day that Jesus died?” There was some truth in her answer—Christ was […]

Where Jesus Isn’t

Where Jesus Isn’t McKenzie wasn’t trying to start a theological debate, she just wanted to make a point about Jesus’ resurrection. Her Sunday school teacher had tried to encourage her class with the assurance that Jesus is everywhere. But for McKenzie, that didn’t sound right. So she said, “I know one place where Jesus isn’t.” The teacher curiously […]

Waking Up After Church

Waking Up After Church Coffee was always served at our church after the sermon. One Sunday the pastor asked a child if he knew why we had coffee hour. Without hesitating, the youngster replied, “To wake people up before they have to drive home.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

What Faith Is

What Faith Is Three boys gave their definition of faith. One said, “Faith is taking hold of God.” The second said, “Faith is holding on to God.” A third said, “Faith is not letting go!” Each boy was right. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Who Crucified Christ?

Who Crucified Christ? Three-year-old Shawn accompanied his dad to church on Easter. The father wanted his son to understand the meaning of Easter, so he tried to explain the significance of the cross which hung at the front of the church. He said, “Jesus died because people nailed him to the cross.” The little boy’s […]

When Mother Used the Pacifier

When Mother Used the Pacifier Clara was in the midst of one of the worst days of her life: The washing machine broke down, the telephone kept ringing, her head ached, and the mail carrier brought a bill she had no money to pay. Almost to the breaking point, she lifted her one-year-old into his […]

Why Your Feet Don’t Turn Red

Why Your Feet Don’t Turn Red A teacher was giving a lesson on the circulation of the blood. She said, “Now, class, if I stood on my head, the blood, as you know, would run into it, and I would turn red in the face.” “Yes,” the class said. “Then why is it that while […]

What Do You Want to Be?

What Do You Want to Be? Ariana came with her missionary parents to visit family in the United States. During their stateside assignment away from Brazil, someone asked Ariana if she wanted to be a missionary when she grew up. The 5-year-old stated, “I’m a missionary now. I want to be something else when I […]

Writing to Santa

Writing to Santa One child wrote a letter to Santa which read, “Dear Santa, you did not bring me anything good last year. You did not bring me anything good the year before that. This is your last chance. Signed, Alfred.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Waiting for His Gum

Waiting for His Gum A little boy was standing at the end of an escalator. The sales lady asked, “Son are you lost?” “No ma’am, I’m waiting for my chewing gum to come back.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Will He Be in Church Today?

Will He Be in Church Today? As a man was driving his children to church on Easter Sunday, he was trying to explain that Easter was when we celebrate Jesus raising from the dead. From the back seat his three-year-old piped up, “Will He be in church today?” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Which Service?

Which Service? A little 7-year-old boy named Alex was staring at a large plaque in the church foyer. The plaque was covered with names and small American flags. As Alex looked at it, his pastor walked up and said, “Good morning Alex.” Alex said, “Pastor, what it this?” “Well, it is a memorial to all […]

Why the Groom Wears Black

Why the Groom Wears Black Attending a wedding for the first time, a little girl whispered to her mother, “Why is the bride wearing white?” Her mother said, “Because white is the color of happiness, and today is the happiest day of her life!” The little girl thought about this for a minute, then asked, […]

Watch out for the Hushers

Watch out for the Hushers Six-year-old Angie and her four-year-old brother Joel were sitting together in church. Joel giggled, sang, and talked out loud. Finally, his big sister had had enough. You’re not supposed to talk out loud in church.” “Why? Who’s going to stop me?” Joel asked. Angie pointed to the back of the […]

When the Church Was Full

When the Church Was Full As the pastor introduced his children’s sermon on Easter, he asked the little ones, “Do you see anything different about our church today?” Little Heather quickly figured out the difference and blurted out, “It’s full!” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Why They Called Him a Christian

Why They Called Him a Christian A Sunday school teacher was endeavoring to impress upon a class of boys the importance of living the Christian life. “Why do people call me a Christian?” the man asked. After a moment’s pause, one youngster said, “Maybe it’s because they don’t know you.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email


WRITE YOUR MOTHER President Abraham Lincoln once summoned an Army surgeon to the White House. The major assumed that he was to be commended for some exceptional work. During the conversation Mr. Lincoln asked the major about his widowed mother. “She is doing fine,” he responded. “How do you know?” asked Lincoln. “You haven’t written […]


WORK REFLECTS YOUR CHARACTER Your work is an expression of the image of God in you, and it’s worth thinking about how your work reflects His character. Work as simple as cleaning out a closet reflects the God who makes order out of chaos. Holding a stop sign for children to cross the road creates […]


WASTED YEARS Someone once observed that a wasted life is really nothing more than a collection of wasted days. As God gives us life, each one of us starts the new year with the same number of opportunities—365—that we can choose to either use and invest in eternal things or allow to drift by without […]


WORDS THAT PAINT A PORTRAIT It was 1898 and Ben had left the East 8 years ago to head out West in hopes of making his fortune. Well he wasn’t rich, but he had accumulated over 300 acres of good land and built a comfortable farm house on it. He raised wheat, corn, and all […]


7 WONDERS OF THE BIBLE 1. The wonder of its formation—the way in which it grew is one of the mysteries of time. 2. The wonder of its unification—it is a library of 66 books, yet one book. 3. The wonder of its age—it is the most ancient of all books. 4. The wonder of […]


WHERE IS JOY FOUND? Not in unbelief, Voltaire was an infidel of the most pronounced type. He wrote: “I wish I had never been born.” Not in pleasure, Lord Byron lived a life of pleasure if anyone did. He wrote: “The worm, the canker, and grief are mine alone.” Not in money, Jay Gould, the […]


WHO DOES AN ATHEIST THANK? A bad moment for an atheist is when he feels grateful, and has no one to thank. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email


WOULD YOU CONSIDER ABORTION? Would you consider abortion in the following four situations ? 1. There’s a preacher and wife who are very, very, poor. They already have fourteen kids. Now the wife finds out she’s pregnant with the fifteenth. They’re living in tremendous poverty. Considering their poverty and the excessive world population, would you […]

Wisdom – Dwight Lyman Moody

Wisdom – Dwight Lyman Moody I remember a gentleman of Boston, a man high in life, a Congressman, who was accustomed to carry with him little cards and distribute them wherever he went, and on some of these cards were words like these: “I expect to pass through this world but once — A man […]

Why Did He not Take His Wife Along? – Dwight Lyman Moody

Why Did He not Take His Wife Along? – Dwight Lyman Moody Take the excuses. There wasn’t one that wasn’t a lie. The devil made them all; and if the sinner hadn’t one already the devil was there at his elbow to suggest one, about the truth of the Bible, or something of that sort. […]

What Moody Saw in the Chamber of Horror – Dwight Lyman Moody

What Moody Saw in the Chamber of Horror – Dwight Lyman Moody When I was in London I went into a wax work there — Tassands — and I went into the chamber of Horror. There were wax figures of all kinds of murderers in that room. There was Booth who killed Lincoln, and many […]

Won by a Smile – Dwight Lyman Moody

Won by a Smile – Dwight Lyman Moody In London, in 1872, one Sunday morning a minister said to me, “I want you to notice that family there in one of the front seats, and when we go home I want to tell you their story.” When we got home I asked him for the […]

We Will Never Surrender – Dwight Lyman Moody

We Will Never Surrender – Dwight Lyman Moody There’s a story told in history in the ninth century, I believe, of a young man that came up with a little handful of men to attack a king who had a great army of three thousand men. The young man had only five hundred, and the […]

We are Saved by Faith — not of Ourselves – Dwight Lyman Moody

We are Saved by Faith — not of Ourselves – Dwight Lyman Moody Ephesians 2:8-10For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: It is not what I do that I trust in, but what Christ has done for me. You’ve been down the shaft […]

We Must Forsake Sin – Dwight Lyman Moody

We Must Forsake Sin – Dwight Lyman Moody Galatians 5:24And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. I once heard of two men who, under the influence of liquor, came down one night to where their boat was tied; they wanted to return home, so they got in and […]

What is Repentance – Dwight Lyman Moody

What is Repentance – Dwight Lyman Moody Acts 3:19-21Repent you therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out… It is, right about face! I think these soldiers understand that expression. Some one has said that every one is born with his back to God, and that conversion turns him right round. If […]

We Must Look to Christ – Dwight Lyman Moody

We Must Look to Christ – Dwight Lyman Moody John 1:29The next day John sees Jesus coming to him, and said, Behold the Lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world. When I was in Belfast I knew a doctor who had a friend, a leading surgeon there, and he told me […]

What Will You Do with Jesus? — I – Dwight Lyman Moody

What Will You Do with Jesus? — I – Dwight Lyman Moody Matthew 27:22Pilate said to them, What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ? They all say to him, Let him be crucified. remember a young man in New York city, whose father I knew. He was a great prodigal, and […]

What Repentance Is – Dwight Lyman Moody

What Repentance Is – Dwight Lyman Moody Isaiah 1:16-17Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before my eyes; cease to do evil; Suppose I am to go down to Boston tonight, and I go down to the Union station, and say to a man I sere there, “Can you […]

When on an icy curve in New Brunswick

When on an icy curve in New Brunswick 7) When on an icy curve in New Brunswick, Silas plunged down an embankment. Though the vehicle rolled twice, it landed right side up, with no one hurt except for a few cuts and bruises. Emma and all five children were in the van at the time, […]

We tend to copy

We tend to copy We Tend to Copy Some years ago, musicians noted that errand boys in a certain part of London all whistled out of tune as they went about their work. It was talked about and someone suggested that it was because the bells of Westminster were slightly out of tune. Something had […]

We Saw Your Smoke Signal

We Saw Your Smoke Signal We Saw Your Smoke Signal The only survivor of a shipwreck washed up on a small uninhabited island. He cried out to God to save him, and every day he scanned the horizon for help, but none seemed forthcoming. Exhausted, he eventually managed to build a rough hut and put […]

We never see aright until we see it as against God

We never see aright until we see it as against God We Never See Sin Aright Until We See It As Against God W. S. Plumer said, “We never see sin aright until we see it as against God…All sin is against God in this sense: that it is His law that is broken, His […]

Wonderful truth

  Geskryf deur THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE  tjcloete@absamail.co.za   Wonderful truth   He who kneels before GOD can stand before anyone!   To be almost saved, is to be totally lost!   Grace is not an excuse to sin, but it is the power not to!   When JESUS is all we have, we realize, JESUS is all […]

Wisdom of children

Wisdom of children Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE  tjcloete@absamail.co.za  Wisdom of children!         TEACHER:   Maria, go to the map and find North America .      MARIA:       Here it is.      TEACHER:  Correct. Now class, who discovered America ?      CLASS:        Maria.      ____________________________________       TEACHER:  […]

Why do people wear masks

Why do people wear masks Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE  tjcloete@absamail.co.za WHY DO PEOPLE WEAR MASKS? Several years ago, I had a nightmare, it was terrible. For many days my spirit was greatly troubled. In a dream, I saw one of my most serious workers at church dying a terrible death. As my church worker was dying, […]


Why Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE  tjcloete@absamail.co.za WHY? Why  ……do Clicks make the sick walk all the  way to the back of the store to get their  prescriptions while healthy people can buy  cigarettes at the front.Why  …..do people order double cheeseburgers, large  fries, and a diet coke.Why  …..do banks leave both doors open and then chain […]

Which window

Which window Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE  tjcloete@absamail.co.za WHICH WINDOW? Catherine Marshall wrote: “My friend Marge had an experience aboard a plane bound for Cleveland, waiting for takeoff. As she settled into her seat, Marge noticed a strange phenomenon. On one side of the airplane a sunset suffused the entire sky with glorious color. But out of […]

When are you middle aged?

When are you middle aged? Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE  tjcloete@absamail.co.za When are you middle aged? By the time a person is wise enough to watch his/her step, he’s/she’s too old to go anywhere.Middle age is when you have stopped growing at both ends and have begun to grow in the middle.A person has reached middle age […]

What if there isn’t anymore

What if there isn’t anymore Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE  tjcloete@absamail.co.za One day a woman’s husband died, and on that clear, cold morning, in the warmth of their bedroom, the wife was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn’t “anymore”.No more hugs, no more special moments to celebrate together, no more phone calls just […]

What does hope do for mankind

What does hope do for mankind Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE  tjcloete@absamail.co.za What Does Hope Do For Mankind?Hope shines brightest when the hour is darkest.Hope motivates when discouragement comes.Hope energizes when the body is tired.Hope sweetens while bitterness bites.Hope sings when all melodies are gone.Hope believes when evidence is eliminated.Hope listens for answers when no one is […]

We’ll stay out of the way

We’ll stay out of the way Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE  tjcloete@absamail.co.za   WE’LL STAY OUT OF THE WAY.         The Call to Worship had just been pronounced starting Sunday Morning service in a church. The choir started its processional, singing “Up from the Grave He Arose” as they marched in perfect step down […]

What is the conclusion?

What is the conclusion? Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE  tjcloete@absamail.co.za What is the conclusion? An old man was sitting with his 25 year old son in the train. The train was about to leave the station. All passengers are settling down in their seat. As the train started, the  young man was filled with lots of joy and […]

Walking the dog

Walking the dog Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE  tjcloete@absamail.co.za WALKING THE DOG  A WOMAN was flying from Melbourne  to  Brisbane  .Unexpectedly, the plane was diverted to  Sydneyalong the way. The flight attendant explained thatthere would be a delay, and if the passengers wantedto get off the aircraft the plane would re-boardin 50 minutes. Everybody got off the plane […]
