Young Girl Dies Trying to Save Puppy

Young Girl Dies Trying to Save Puppy In September 1997 newspapers in Wellington, New Zealand carried the tragic story of a young girl who saw a puppy that had been struck by a car. She ran to aid the injured animal and was herself struck by a car and killed. How sad that a person […]

Youthful piety — Advantage of. – Charles Spurgeon

Youthful piety — Advantage of. – Charles Spurgeon  IN a dec i the first votes recorded count all ilia- day long, and so encourage the party all through the anxious hours of polling. When men give in their names for Jesus and his cause in the morning of their lives, their whole existence influences their […]

You hearers – Charles Spurgeon

You hearers – Charles Spurgeon John Wesley always preferred the middling and lower classes to the wealthy, lie said. ” If I it choose, I should still, as I have done hitherto, preach the gospel to the poor!’ Preaching in Monktown church, a large old, ruinous building, he says, ” I suppose it has scarce […]

Youth and Religion

Youth and Religion Worship has a positive impact on teenagers, according to a study that tries to determine religion’s role in adolescents’ lives. A survey of thousands of 12th-graders nationwide has found that teens who attend worship and rate religion as important have positive self-images, are optimistic, and enjoy school. “The more religious the kids […]

Youthful Piety, Loveliness of – Charles Spurgeon

Youthful Piety, Loveliness of – Charles Spurgeon AN apple-tree when loaded with apples is a very lovely sight; but give me, for beauty, the apple-tree in bloom. The whole world does not present a more lovely sight than an apple blossom. Painters have declared that there is nothing in the whole world to excel it […]

Young Men the Hope of the Church – Charles Spurgeon

Young Men the Hope of the Church – Charles Spurgeon I DO not believe that any age was better than this, all things considered, but this is the time when we shall want our young men to be strong to all the intents of strength. Battles are coming in which they will need to stand […]

Yielding to God, Wisdom of – Charles Spurgeon

Yielding to God, Wisdom of – Charles Spurgeon IF a man expose himself to the rush of an avalanche, can he expect the rolling mass to suspend itself in mid air for him? If a mariner will go to sea in a vessel worm-eaten and unseaworthy, will the waves pity the barque, and cease from […]

You Find What You Look For

You Find What You Look For Both the hummingbird and the vulture fly over our nation’s deserts. All vultures see is rotting meat, because that is what they look for. They thrive on that diet. But hummingbirds ignore the smelly flesh of dead animals. Instead, they look for the colorful blossoms of desert plants. Vultures […]

Your Attitude Changes You

Your Attitude Changes You Psychologists at the University of Cardiff in Wales found that people whose frown muscles were deadened with Botox were happier and less anxious than those whose muscles were not treated. The Journal of Pain May 2008 issue reported on a study which showed that people who grimace during uncomfortable procedures actually feel more […]

Your Attitude Makes a Difference

Your Attitude Makes a Difference Norman Cousins was hospitalized with a rare, crippling form of arthritis. When he was diagnosed as incurable, Cousins checked out of the hospital. Aware of the harmful effects that negative emotions can have on the body, Cousins reasoned the reverse was true. So he borrowed a movie projector and prescribed […]

You Can’t Fool God

You Can’t Fool God You can fool the hapless public,You can be a subtle fraud,You can hide your little meanness,But you can’t fool God! You can advertise your virtues,You can self-achievement laud,You can load yourself with riches,But you can’t fool God! You can criticize the Bible,You can be a selfish clod,You can lie, swear, drink, […]

You Reap What You Sow

You Reap What You Sow Several years after helping inventing radar, Sir Robert Watson Watt was caught in a radar trap and arrested for speeding. He wrote this poem: Pity Sir Robert Watson Watt,Strange target of his radar plot,And this, with others I could mention,A victim of his own invention. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

400 Year Old Fire

400 Year Old Fire In 1997 Chinese firefighters succeeded in putting out a 400 year old fire. The fire in the Baiyanghe coalfield started in 1560. The fire consumed over 127 million tons of coal before it was extinguished. Four hundred years is a long time, but it is nothing in view of eternity. The […]

You Must Trust Christ Alone

You Must Trust Christ Alone When evangelist Gypsy Smith got saved, an elderly gentleman explained to him the importance of trusting Christ alone. Gypsy Smith replied, “I cannot trust myself, for I am nothing; and I cannot trust in what I have, for I have nothing; and I cannot trust in what I know, for […]

Yield Your Rights

Yield Your Rights In the summer of 1986, two ships collided in the Black Sea off the coast of Russia. Hundreds of passengers died as they were hurled into the icy waters below. News of the disaster was further darkened when an investigation revealed the cause of the accident. It wasn’t a technology problem like […]

Your “John Hancock”

Your “John Hancock” Often when we ask for a person’s signature, we will call it their “John Hancock.” This is because of the fifty-six signatures on the Declaration of Independence, one stands out above the rest. That signature belongs to John Hancock. He was the first to sign the declaration and he signed it in […]

114 Years Without Complaints

114 Years Without Complaints On November 4, 2010, Eunice Sandborn became the world’s oldest living person. She celebrated her 114th birthday in July, 20, 2010, at her church, First Baptist, in Jacksonville, Texas. Eunice says that she not only loves everything about her life, but she also has “no complaints.” If she had wanted to […]

You Can’t Take it Back

You Can’t Take it Back In the washroom of a place of business in London, British newspaper publisher William Beaverbrook happened to meet Edward Heath, a young member of Parliament, about whom Beverbrook had printed an insulting article a few days earlier. “My dear chap,” said the publisher, embarrassed by the meeting, “I’ve been thinking […]


YOU ARE BEING FOLLOWED The story is told about a little boy who had been invited to a friend’s birthday party. He was so excited and started counting the days until the party. But the morning of the party he was devastated when he found that a blizzard had struck their little town. The snow […]


YOUR IDENTITY IN CHRIST The story is told of artist Paul Gustave Dore who was traveling in Europe when he faced a predicament. He reached a border crossing and discovered that he had misplaced his passport. Without his papers, the officer wouldn’t allow Dore to pass. Finally, Dore was given a test to prove his […]

“You Know Me, Moody.” – Dwight Lyman Moody”

“You Know Me, Moody.” – Dwight Lyman Moody” Well, let me illustrate it then, and perhaps you will be able to understand it. Suppose I am dying with consumption, which I inherited from my father or mother. I did not get it by any fault of my own, by any neglect of my health; I […]


YOU CAN TRUST THE BIBLE In 1985, for the first time in more than fifty years, Congress authorized the issue of official US government gold coins. Beginning in 1986 these new coins came on the market. Each of these American Eagles, as they are known, is guaranteed by the US Mint to contain the stated […]


YOU CANNOT PLEASE EVERYONE A miller and his son were driving their donkey to a neighboring fair to sell him. They had not gone far when they met a group of women collected round a well, talking and laughing. “Look there,” cried one of them, “did you ever see such fellows, to be trudging along […]


YES, I AM UNDER GOD! I live under His heavens,The nations are under His authority,My destiny is under His direction,My past is under His grace,My future is under His control,My cares are under His wing,My sin is under the blood! Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

You Know Me, Moody – Dwight Lyman Moody

You Know Me, Moody – Dwight Lyman Moody Well, let me illustrate it then, and perhaps you will be able to understand it. Suppose I am dying with consumption; which I inherited from my father or mother. I did not get it by any fault of my own, by any neglect of my health; I […]

Your lover shall live

Your lover shall live Your Lover Shall Live During the 17th century, Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of England, sentenced a soldier to be shot for his crimes. The execution was to take place at the ringing of the evening curfew bell. However, the bell did not sound. The soldier’s fiancée had climbed into the belfry […]

Yes or No

Yes or No Yes or No Professional golfer Tommy Bolt was playing in Los Angeles and had a caddy with a reputation of constant chatter. Before they teed off, Bolt told him, “Don’t say a word to me. And if I ask you something, just answer yes or no.” During the round, Bolt found the […]
