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Witness Codes My friends, God has called us to share the gospel with a lost and searching world, and now, with just a few simple letters, we can point them straight to the truth of Jesus Christ. By adding a short code to the end of, anyone can be directed to a message of […]


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Caudill, Doug

Doug Caudill

Doug Caudill Audio Sermons Doug Caudill is a dear friend who was saved at a young age and felt led to go to South America as a missionary. He served in the Amazon for several years and then had to return to the USA due to circumstances. In Oklahoma, Doug started a small church (as […]

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PRAYER— Believing. – Charles Spurgeon

PRAYER— Believing. – Charles Spurgeon Is it not a sad thing (hat we should think it wonderful for God to hear prayer? Much better faith was that of a little hoy in one of the schools in Kdinbui – gli, who had attended a prayer- meeting, and at last said to his teacher who conducted […]


Illustrations for Sermons As Spurgeon so aptly said, illustrations are the windows to a sermon., They let the light shine in. Illustrations are essential tools in the hand of the Christian worker, to enable his message to be related to everyday life, bringing  clarity. This enables the deep truths being shared by the worker, to […]

Salvation Is Not Dependent on Feelings

Salvation Is Not Dependent on Feelings Once a man told D. L. Moody that he was worried because he did not feel saved. Moody asked, “Was Noah safe in the ark?” “Certainly he was,” the man replied. “Well, what made him safe—his feeling or the ark?” “How foolish I’ve been!” the man said. “It is […]

The Renewing Of Power-Samuel Logan Brengle 

The Renewing Of Power – Samuel Logan Brengle Though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. Paul. To do God’s work we must have God’s power. Therefore Jesus said: “Tarry ye in Jerusalem until ye be endued with power from on high.” (Luke 24:49.) And again He said: “Ye […]

The Credulity of Unbelief

The Credulity of Unbelief – Alexander Maclaren Mark 13:6 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. ‘Many shall come in My name, saying, I am Christ, and shall deceive many. ‘When the Son of Man cometh, shall He find faith on the earth? It was the same […]

The Mountain Road

The Mountain Road – Alexander Maclaren Isaiah 49:11 And I will make all my mountains a way, and my highways shall be exalted. And I will make all My mountains a way, and My highways shall be exalted. This grand prophecy is far too wide to be exhausted by the return of the exiles. There […]

My Strength and Song’

My Strength and Song’ – Alexander Maclaren Isaiah 12:2 Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song… ‘The Lord is my strength and song, and He is become my salvation….’ These words occur three times in the Bible: here, in Isaiah […]

The Way to the City

The Way to the City – Alexander Maclaren Ecclesiastes 10:15 The labour of the foolish wearieth every one of them, because he knoweth not how to go to the city. On the surface this seems to be merely a piece of homely, practical sagacity, conjoined with one of the bitter things which Ecclesiastes is fond of […]

How to Split a Kingdom

How to Split a Kingdom – Alexander Maclaren 1 Kings 12:1 And Rehoboam went to Shechem: for all Israel were come to Shechem to make him king.… And Rehoboam went to Shechem: for all Israel were come to Shechem to make him king.2. And it came to pass, when Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who […]

The Fall of Solomon

The Fall of Solomon – Alexander Maclaren 1 Kings 11:4 For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away his heart after other gods… For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away his heart after other gods: and his heart was not perfect with […]

Emancipated Slaves

Emancipated Slaves – Alexander Maclaren Leviticus 26:13 I am the LORD your God, which brought you forth out of the land of Egypt, that you should not be their slaves… ‘I am the Lord your God, which brought you forth out of the land of Egypt, that ye should not be their bondmen; and I […]

God Proclaiming His Own Name

God Proclaiming His Own Name – Alexander Maclaren Exodus 34:6 And the LORD passed by before him, and proclaimed, The LORD, The LORD God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering… ‘The Lord passed by before him, and proclaimed, The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth.’ This great event derives […]

The Swift Decay of Love

The Swift Decay of Love – Alexander Maclaren Exodus 32:15 And Moses turned, and went down from the mount, and the two tables of the testimony were in his hand… ‘And Moses turned, and went down from the mount, and the two tables of the testimony were in his hand: the tables were written on […]

The Bread of God

The Bread of God – Alexander Maclaren Exodus 16:4 Then said the LORD to Moses, Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you… ‘Then said the Lord unto Moses, Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day, that I may […]

A Last Merciful Warning

A Godly Flock – Anton Bosch Exodus 11:1 And the LORD said to Moses, Yet will I bring one plague more on Pharaoh, and on Egypt; afterwards he will let you go hence… ‘And the Lord said unto Moses, Yet will I bring one plague more upon Pharaoh, and upon Egypt; afterwards he will let […]

The Bush that Burned, and Did not Burn Out

The Bush that Burned, and Did not Burn Out – Alexander Maclaren Exodus 3:1 Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert… ‘And, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed.’ It was […]

Four Shaping Centuries

Four Shaping Centuries – Alexander Maclaren Exodus 1:1 Now these are the names of the children of Israel, which came into Egypt; every man and his household came with Jacob.… ‘Now these are the names of the children of Israel, which came into Egypt: every man and his household came with Jacob.2. Reuben, Simeon, Levi, […]

Two Retrospects of One Life

Two Retrospects of One Life – Alexander Maclaren Genesis 47:9 And Jacob said to Pharaoh, The days of the years of my pilgrimage are an hundred and thirty years… ‘And Jacob said unto Pharaoh, Few and evil have the days of the years of my life been.’ ‘The God which fed me all my life […]

Goodness in a Dungeon

Goodness in a Dungeon – Alexander Maclaren Genesis 39:20 And Joseph’s master took him, and put him into the prison, a place where the king’s prisoners were bound… ‘And Joseph’s master took him, and put him into the prison, a place where the king’s prisoners were bound: and he was there in the prison. But […]

Joseph, the Prime Minister

Joseph, the Prime Minister – Alexander Maclaren Genesis 37:1 And Jacob dwelled in the land wherein his father was a stranger, in the land of Canaan.… ‘And Pharaoh said unto his servants, Can we find such a one as this is, a man in whom the Spirit of God is? And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, […]

The Authority of Scripture

The Authority of Scripture by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones ‘Stand therefore having your loins girt about with truth’ Ephesians 6.14 There can be no doubt whatsoever that all the troubles in the Church to-day, and most of the troubles in the world, are due to a departure from the authority of the Bible. And, alas, it […]


ALL SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS – Andrew Bonar Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.Ephesians 1:3There are many wonderful things in this epistle. Sometimes we are told to look up to the ‘heavenly places;’ sometimes to look back, past eternity; and […]

Thou Gavest Me No Kiss

Thou Gavest Me No Kiss – Leonard Ravenhill “…You see, we think that if we read a lot of books about the deeper life, as good as they are, they will make us a saint. I’ve got news for you. Even reading the Bible won’t make you a saint! You’ve got to get it in […]

Prophet of the Last Days

Prophet of the Last Days – Art Katz The absence of persecution in the church is a statement to our shame. There is something wrong in the character of the church when it does not evoke any opposition to itself. It means that the church has been found quite acceptable in the same world that […]

The Life of God in the Soul of Man – John 4:10, 13–14

The Life of God in the Soul of Man – John 4:10, 13–14 By Martyn Lloyd-Jones Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water. . . . […]

The Authority of Scripture

The Authority of Scripture by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones ‘Stand therefore having your loins girt about with truth’ Ephesians 6.14 There can be no doubt whatsoever that all the troubles in the Church to-day, and most of the troubles in the world, are due to a departure from the authority of the Bible. And, alas, it […]

Elementor #133190

The Acid Test by Martyn Lloyd-Jones ‘But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me and I unto the world.’ Galatians 6:14 As we come back to this great theme, it is important that we should bear in mind the […]


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Volkswagen Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE Back in 1974, Volkswagen introduced the first Golf to replace the ageing Beetle.  At the time it caused quite a stir as the Golf was one of the first “Hot hatches” to be produced. The Golf was completely new and completely different from the Beetle it replaced. But, even though […]

Jake Gardner

Jake Gardner Mr Jake Gardner Address: 10183 State HWY A               Crane, MO 65633Email:    Phone: (469)583-6937 Website… Preaching on Wall Street {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/other/Jake-Gardner/Preaching-on-Wall-Street-Jake-Gardner.mp3{/s5_mp3}   Don’t sin away your day of Grace {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/other/Jake-Gardner/Dont-Sin-Away-Day-of-Grace.mp3{/s5_mp3} The Unheeded warning {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/other/Jake-Gardner/The-Unheeded-Warning-Jake-Gardner.mp3{/s5_mp3} The Reprouch of Jesus Christ {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/other/Jake-Gardner/The-Reproach-of-Jesus-Christ-Jake-Gardner.mp3{/s5_mp3} Zealous for Gods’ sake {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/other/Jake-Gardner/Zealous-for-Gods-Sake-Jake-Gardner.mp3{/s5_mp3} Psalm for the Church {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/other/Jake-Gardner/Psalm-for-the-Church-Jake-Gardner.mp3{/s5_mp3} Seeking God Aright {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/other/Jake-Gardner/Seeking-God-Aright-Jake-Gardner.mp3{/s5_mp3} The Blessing […]


Friendship Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE Friendship. After losing his parents, this 3 year old orangutan was so depressed he wouldn’t eat and didn’t respond to any medical treatments.  The veterinarians thought he would surely die from sadness. The zoo keepers found an old sick dog on the grounds in the park at the zoo where the […]

Never complain

Never complain Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE Amazing Story of Peng Shuilin  In life we keep complaining about what is or why we don’t have.Half the time we seem dissatisfied, though full-bodied and free to choose. Fat people say,”I want to be slim.” Skinny people say,”I want to be fatter.”Poor people want to be rich and rich are […]

Newsflash 5

Another testing Image

Newsflash 5 Joomla! 1.5 – ‘Experience the Freedom’!. It has never been easier to create your own dynamic Web site. Manage all your content from the best CMS admin interface and in virtually any language you speak. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Newsflash 4

Modern test

Newsflash 4 Yesterday all servers in the U.S. went out on strike in a bid to get more RAM and better CPUs. A spokes person said that the need for better RAM was due to some increasing the front-side bus speed. In future, buses will be told to slow down in residential motherboards. Facebook Twitter […]

Newsflash 3

Newsflash 3 With a library of thousands of free Extensions, you can add what you need as your site grows. Don’t wait, look through the Joomla! Extensions library today. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Newsflash 1

Newsflash 1 Joomla! makes it easy to launch a Web site of any kind. Whether you want a brochure site or you are building a large online community, Joomla! allows you to deploy a new site in minutes and add extra functionality as you need it. The hundreds of available Extensions will help to expand […]

Where is the Static Content Item?

Where is the Static Content Item? In Joomla! versions prior to 1.5 there were separate processes for creating a Static Content Item and normal Content Items. The processes have been combined now and whilst both content types are still around they are renamed as Articles for Content Items and Uncategorized Articles for Static Content Items. […]

Is it possible to change A Menu Item’s Type?

Is it possible to change A Menu Item’s Type? You indeed can change the Menu Item’s Type to whatever you want, even after they have been created. If, for instance, you want to change the Blog Section of a Menu link, go to the Control Panel->Menus Menu->[menuname]->Menu Item Manager and edit the Menu Item. Select […]

What are the requirements to run Joomla! 1.5?

What are the requirements to run Joomla! 1.5? Joomla! runs on the PHP pre-processor. PHP comes in many flavours, for a lot of operating systems. Beside PHP you will need a Web server. Joomla! is optimized for the Apache Web server, but it can run on different Web servers like Microsoft IIS it just requires […]

How do I install Joomla! 1.5?

How do I install Joomla! 1.5? Installing of Joomla! 1.5 is pretty easy. We assume you have set-up your Web site, and it is accessible with your browser. Download Joomla! 1.5, unzip it and upload/copy the files into the directory you Web site points to, fire up your browser and enter your Web site address […]

What is the purpose of the collation selection in the installation screen?

What is the purpose of the collation selection in the installation screen? The collation option determines the way ordering in the database is done. In languages that use special characters, for instance the German umlaut, the database collation determines the sorting order. If you don’t know which collation you need, select the “utf8_general_ci” as most […]

Is it useful to install the sample data?

Is it useful to install the sample data? Well you are reading it right now! This depends on what you want to achieve. If you are new to Joomla! and have no clue how it all fits together, just install the sample data. If you don’t like the English sample data because you – for […]

Where did the Mambots go?

Where did the Mambots go? Mambots have been renamed as Plugins. Mambots were introduced in Mambo and offered possibilities to add plug-in logic to your site mainly for the purpose of manipulating content. In Joomla! 1.5, Plugins will now have much broader capabilities than Mambots. Plugins are able to extend functionality at the framework layer […]

What is an Uncategorised Article?

What is an Uncategorised Article? Most Articles will be assigned to a Section and Category. In many cases, you might not know where you want it to appear so put the Article in the Uncategorized Section/Category. The Articles marked as Uncategorized are handled as static content. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email


Error This page is currently under construction; please visit again soon!  Thank you for your patience! “Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame.  […]

How can we really trust the Bible

How can we really trust the Bible How can we really trust the Bible {mp3}how_can_we_really_trust_the_bible{/mp3}. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris elementum leo quis turpis. Curabitur euismod risus quis urna. Nulla consequat risus nec diam. Aliquam dignissim libero quis risus. Nunc id quam quis nunc eleifend imperdiet. Ut sed lorem. Morbi lacinia […]

Millions of Smiles

Millions of Smiles The Joomla! team has millions of good reasons to be smiling about the Joomla! 1.5. In its current incarnation, it’s had millions of downloads, taking it to an unprecedented level of popularity. The new code base is almost an entire re-factor of the old code base. The user experience is still extremely […]

We are Volunteers

We are Volunteers The Joomla Core Team and Working Group members are volunteer developers, designers, administrators and managers who have worked together to take Joomla! to new heights in its relatively short life. Joomla! has some wonderfully talented people taking Open Source concepts to the forefront of industry standards. Joomla! 1.5 is a major leap […]


letter a

A – Illustrations for Sermons coming soon Category FilterA Results See all results Letter A Illustrations Search Letter A Illustrations- Click! Category FilterA Results See all results Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email coming soon…


letter a

A – Christian Hymns The letter A is the first letter of the alphabet. Did you know that Christian Poems in the A section all have a title that starts with something as simple as the same letter that starts the word apple? A as in the animal, A as in accurate, or A as […]

Charles Haddon Spurgeon Text Sermons

Charles Haddon Spurgeon Text Sermons Born on Jun 19, 1834, Spurgeon was a puritan born out of their time. He was called the Prince of Preachers. God used Spurgeon’s printed sermons to radically save more people than any other preacher since the new Testament writers. Charles Spurgeon gave D L Moody a Bible. In his […]

Yes or No

Yes or No Yes or No Professional golfer Tommy Bolt was playing in Los Angeles and had a caddy with a reputation of constant chatter. Before they teed off, Bolt told him, “Don’t say a word to me. And if I ask you something, just answer yes or no.” During the round, Bolt found the […]

Zoo Keeper

Zoo Keeper Zoo Keeper The visitor to the zoo noticed one of the keepers sobbing quietly in a corner and on inquiry was told that the elephant had died. “Fond of him, was he?” the visitor asked. “It’s not that,” came the reply. “He’s the chap who has to dig the grave.”   Facebook Twitter […]

Dense fog

Dense fog Dense Fog According to the Bureau of Standards in Washington, a dense fog covering seven city blocks to a depth of 100 feet is composed of less that one glass of water. That amount of water is divided into about 60 billion tiny droplets. Yet when those minute particles settle over a city […]

Death Is Not Necessarily a Loss

Death Is Not Necessarily a Loss Death Is Not Necessarily a Loss A little girl whose baby brother had just died asked her mother where Baby had gone. “To be with Jesus,” replied the mother. A few days later, talking to a friend, the mother said, “I am so grieved to have lost my baby.” […]

Death and Taxes

Death and Taxes Death and Taxes It’s a flip saying, but true: death and taxes are the two things we can count on. But there is a difference: we know on what day the taxes fall due; we can’t predict the day of death. We can put money aside to take care of taxes; but […]

Dead horses

Dead horses Dead Horses The commanding officer was furious when nine GIs who had been out on passes failed to show up for morning roll call. Not until 7 p.m. did the first man straggle in. “I’m sorry, sir,” the soldier explained, “but I had a date and lost track of time, and I missed […]

Dead cat

Dead cat Dead Cat Our neighbor’s cat was run over by a car, and the mother quickly disposed of the remains before her four-year-old son Billy found out about it. After a few days, though, Billy finally asked about the cat. “Billy, the cat died,” his mother explained. “But it’s all right. He’s up in […]

David Livingstone

David Livingstone David Livingstone It is said that when the famous missionary, Dr. David Livingstone, started his trek across Africa he had 73 books in 3 packs, weighing 180 pounds. After the party had gone 300 miles, Livingstone was obliged to throw away some of the books because of the fatigue of those carrying his […]

Danger of Taking Your Blessings for Granted

Danger of Taking Your Blessings for Granted Danger of Taking Your Blessings for Granted I have felt for a long time that one of the particular temptations of the maturing Christian is the danger of getting accustomed to his blessings. Like the world traveler who has been everywhere and seen everything, the maturing Christian is […]

A Room nobody wants

A Room nobody wants A Room Nobody Wants When Sammy Morris, a Kru boy from Africa, came to America to be trained for Christian service, he presented himself for matriculation at Taylor University. He revealed a spirit all too rare among Christians. When the President of the University asked him what room he wanted, Sammy […]

A Question for the preacher

A Question for the preacher A Question for the Preacher When the Rev. George Pentecost had finished a discourse in the city of Edinburgh, Horatius Bonar put his hand upon his shoulder and said, “You love to preach to men, don’t you?” and Dr. Pentecost answered, “Yes.” Then Mr. Bonar said, “Do you love the […]

A Precious stone

A Precious stone A Precious Stone In a box in a jewelry store there were precious stones, sapphires, and diamonds; the beryl and the amethyst; and many others. Right in the center, according to the story, was a common looking pebble, and a man said to the clerk, “Why do you have that pebble there? […]

A Parable

A Parable A Parable A candidate for church membership was asked, “What part of the Bible do you like best?” He said: “I like the New Testament best. Then he was asked, “What Book in the New Testament is your favorite?” He answered, the Book of the Parables, Sir.” They then asked him to relate […]

A Man with a servant’s heart

A Man with a servant’s heart A Man With a Servant’s Heart A large group of European pastors came to one of D. L. Moody’s Northfield Bible Conferences in Massachusetts in the late 1800s. Following the European custom of the time, each guest put his shoes outside his room to be cleaned by the hall […]

A Good relationship made the difference

A Good relationship made the difference A Good Relationship Made the Difference A girl who received a book from a young man, read it and said, “What a tiresome book!” The young man said, “Did you notice who wrote it?” She looked at the front page and saw that her lover was the author. She […]

Even God cannot get into some churches

Even God cannot get into some churches Even God Cannot Get Into Some Churches For more than a year a little old charwoman who lived on the wrong side of the tracks had been trying to join a fashionable downtown church. The preacher was not eager to have a seedy looking person in faded, out-of-style […]


Evangelism Evangelism It was in 1873, in Dublin that D. L. Moody heard British evangelist Henry Varley utter those life changing words: “The world has yet to see what God can do with and for and through and in a man who is fully and wholly consecrated to Him.” It was after an all-night prayer […]

Erring Christians

Erring Christians Erring Christians In the Greek, the verb to “err” is planomai. This is the word from which we get the English word “planet.” These heavenly bodies are called planets because they seem to wander (“err”) in the sky. There are not only planets in the solar system, but also erring ones in the […]

Eliminate the Little Sins

Eliminate the Little Sins Eliminate the Little Sins When a person becomes a Christian, he usually undergoes some radical life changes, especially if he has had an immoral background. Through the first steps of spiritual growth and self-denial, he gets rid of the large, obvious sins. But sad to say, many believers stop there. They […]

Easter Eggs

Easter Eggs Easter Eggs Two brothers were getting ready to boil some eggs to color for Easter. “I’ll give you a dollar if you let me break three of these on your head,” said the older one. “Promise?” asked the younger. “Promise!” Gleefully, the older boy broke two eggs over his brother’s head. Standing stiff […]

Early days of Salvation Army

Early days of Salvation Army Early Days of the Salvation Army During the early days of the Salvation Army, William Booth and his associates were bitterly attacked in the press by religious leaders and government leaders alike. Whenever his son, Bramwell, showed Booth a newspaper attack, the General would reply, “Bramwell, fifty years hence it […]


Polycarp Polycarp The Governor of Smyrma in the second century AD ordered the Christian Polycarp to be brought before him. He ordered him to renounce Christ and worship idols or he would be thrown to the lions. Polycarp answered “ These 86 years have I served my Lord. He never did me any harm, and […]

Pardon must be accepted

Pardon must be accepted  Pardon must be accepted In 1829 George Wilson was sentenced to death in Pennsylvania. President Andrew Jackson granted him a pardon. George Wilson decided to decline the pardon. This was a new type of case in American law and the president referred it to the Supreme Court. The following was the […]

Faith in a rotten plank…

Faith in a rotten plank…  Faith in a Rotten Plank… One of George Muller’s successor’s said the following “Little faith in a strong plank will carry me over the stream. Great faith in a rotten plank will land me in it”. The object of our faith is more important than the size of our faith. […]

Dead sheep…

Dead sheep…  Dead Sheep… A man standing on the bank of the Niagara River saw a dead sheep being swept down by the current. An eagle lighted upon that sheep. The body sank for a moment under the weight and then came to the surface again. The day was bitter cold and the wool wrapped […]

Prayer Hudson Taylor…

Prayer Hudson Taylor… Prayer Hudson Taylor… Hudson Taylor, the famous 18th century missionary went to China on a sailing ship. There was no wind and the ship was drifting towards an island of cannibals. The cannibals were waiting for the meal to hit shore. The Captain asked Mr Taylor if he would pray for wind. […]

Stand up for Jesus…

Stand up for Jesus… Stand up for Jesus… There was in the 1800’s an atheist who claimed he could disprove God. A large crowd of Christians came to listen to him. He was such a good speaker that no one in the crowd dared answer him. He shouted out hatred against God. After a long […]

Lincoln Enemies…

Lincoln Enemies…  Lincoln Enemies… After the American civil war Abraham Lincoln openly forgave of his worst enemies. His peers asked him why? They said he should have destroyed them. Mr Lincoln calmly answered “By making friends I am destroying my enemies”.   Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Audio Sermons

Audio Sermons Listen to thousands of audio sermons Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

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Christian Poetry

Christian Poetry Welcome to thousands of free Christian Poems Welcome to the Christian Poetry section of Prayer Club. Here you will find thousands of poems from the last few centuries by Born Again Christians who (as far as we can prayerfully tell) love Christ and love writing. We truly hope you will be Biblically blessed […]


Hymns Welcome to thousands of free Hymns Welcome to the Hymn section of Prayer Club. Here you wil find Christian Hymn Lyrics, Audio Clips, Sheet Music, our Hymnal, Hymn Stories and even Powerpoint files for congregational use. We try to focus on old hymns that have lovely words as well as lovely melody so that […]


Literature Welcome to thousands of free Christian Literature Articles Welcome to the Literature section of prayer club. Here are to be found free Christian Tracts, Booklets, Books, Discernment articles , Illustrations and quotes for sermons as well as a searchable Bible. Feel free to make use of this wonderful resource and tell others on facebook, […]


Testimonies Free Audio Video and Text Testimonies Welcome to the Testimonies section of Audio Sermon. Here you will find Testimonies of people who found Christ from various backgrounds. You will also find the true stories of men and women who as Christians found Biblical answers to their problems , or experienced revival or went deeper […]


Sermons Free Audio Video and Text Sermons Welcome to the sermons section of prayer club. Here you will find thousands of audio sermons, text sermons and video sermons that are carefully selected from various speakers. These speakers are from many church backgrounds. It is true that men of God can have minor differances in their […]

Asleep on His Knees

Asleep on His Knees Mr. and Mrs. Moody often had guests in their Chicago home. One evening, after a very demanding day, Moody asked a visiting Christian to lead in family devotions. The man waxed eloquent as he expounded the symbolism in a difficult chapter of the Bible. Then he prayed at great length. When […]

Asked To Describe Life With His Wife

Asked To Describe Life With His Wife John Cheever was asked if he would describe life with his wife, Mary. “She has displayed an extraordinary amount of patience,” he answered. He paused, then continued,” Women are an inspiration. It’s because of them we put on clean shirts and wash our necks. Because of women, we […]

Ask for Rain, Carry Umbrella

Ask for Rain, Carry Umbrella Dr. Guthrie, that great Scotch preacher, prayed in the morning service for rain. As he went to church in the afternoon, little Mary, his daughter, said, “Here is the umbrella, Papa.” “What do we need it for?” he asked. “You prayed for rain this morning, and don’t you expect God […]


Asbestos In its natural state, asbestos is a soft rock consisting of compressed fibers. Because of its fire-resistant qualities, it has had thousands of uses in home and industry over the years. Almost 30 million tons of the material have been used in the United states for insulation since 1900. I remember being impressed as […]

Arrest of Jose Rivera

Arrest of Jose Rivera Have you heard the folk story of the bandit Jose’ Rivera, who became notorious in several little towns in Texas for robbing their banks and businesses? Finally the townsfolk, weary of the constant plundering, hired a ranger to track down Jose’ Rivera in his hideout in Mexico and retrieve the money. […]

Armored Car Spill

Armored Car Spill In the late 1980s in Columbus, Ohio, an armored car spilled $2,000,000 on the freeway. Only $400,000 was ever recovered, the rest disappeared with the throngs of people who stopped and scooped up the cash. Some folks were honest enough to return what wasn’t theirs: Melvin Kaiser gave back $57,000. Those who […]

Armed Robbery

Armed Robbery The scene was San Diego Superior Court. Two men were on trial for armed robbery. An eyewitness took the stand, and the prosecutor moved carefully: “So, you say you were at the scene when the robbery took place?” “Yes.” “And you saw a vehicle leave at a high rate of speed?” “Yes.” “And […]

Are You Refusing Your Inheritance?

Are You Refusing Your Inheritance? While a student at Yale University, Eugene F. Suter, Jr.’s father died, leaving him an estate of ,000. When Eugene refused the inheritance, the trustees of the estate insisted he take it, and even took him to court to force him to accept the money. In an unprecedented case held […]

Are You Prepared to Meet Your God?

Are You Prepared to Meet Your God? When he pastored the Methodist church in Scarborough, William Sangster had an eccentric member who tried to be a zealous Christian. Unfortunately, the man was mentally deficient and usually did the wrong thing. While working as a barber the man lathered up a customer for a shave, came […]

Are You In Love?

Are You In Love? A young man said to his father at breakfast one morning, “Dad, I’m going to get married.” “How do you know you’re ready to get married?” asked the father. “Are you in love?” “I sure am,” said the son. “How do you know you’re in love?” asked the father. “Last night […]

Are You a Doctor?

Are You a Doctor? A man on vacation was strolling along outside his hotel in Acapulco, enjoying the sunny Mexican weather. Suddenly, he was attracted by the screams of a woman kneeling in front of a child. The man knew enough Spanish to determine that the child had swallowed a coin. Seizing the child by […]

Are We Ready For Heaven?

Are We Ready For Heaven? In 1991 a Gallup poll showed that 78 percent of Americans expect to go to heaven when they die. However, many of them hardly ever pray, read the Bible, or attend church. They admit that they live to please themselves instead of God. I wonder why these people would want […]

Apollo 13 Astronaut

Apollo 13 Astronaut John L. Swigert, Jr., the Apollo 13 astronaut who went to the moon in 1970, recalls how his job almost interfered with filing his federal income-tax forms: “On the second day of Apollo 13, April 12, I asked Mission Control to begin work to get me an extension of the filing date […]


Anniversary The godly Scottish preacher Andrew Bonar penned a diary entry. He wrote, “This day 20 years ago I preached for the first time as an ordained minister. It is amazing that the Lord has spared me and used me at all. I have no reason to wonder that He used others far more than […]

Anger – Shotgun

Anger – Shotgun A lady once came to Billy Sunday and tried to rationalize her angry outbursts. “There’s nothing wrong with losing my temper,” She said. “I blow up, and then it’s all over.” “So does a shotgun,” Sunday replied, “and look at the damage it leaves behind!” Getting angry can sometimes be like leaping […]

Angel Warriors

Angel Warriors John Paton was a missionary in the New Hebrides Islands. One night hostile natives surrounded the mission station, intent on burning out the Patons and killing them. Paton and his wife prayed during that terror-filled night that God would deliver them. When daylight came they were amazed to see their attackers leave. A […]

An Irresistible Argument

An Irresistible Argument A famous atheist once said, “I can stand all the arguing of Christian apologists, but I have a little servant who is a disciple of Jesus Christ, and her good, pure, honest, truthful life staggers me sometimes.” The one irresistible argument for the gospel’s power is a regenerated, consecrated life which is […]

An Attribute of God Alone

An Attribute of God Alone An attribute of God alone. It is the quality of having all power (Ps. 115:3). He can do all things that do not conflict with His holy nature. God has the power to do anything He wants to. Does omnipotence mean that God can do literally anything? No, that is […]

Amy Carmichael Said…

Amy Carmichael Said… Sometimes when we read the words of those who have been more than conquerors, we feel almost despondent. I feel that I shall never be like that. But they won through step by step by little bits of wills little denials of self little inward victories by faithfulness in very little things. […]

Always Late

Always Late At the busy dental office where I work, one patient was always late. Once when I called to confirm an appointment, he said, “I’ll be about 15 minutes late. That won’t be a problem, will it?” “No,” I told him. “We just won’t have time to give you an anesthetic.” He arrived early. […]


Aloneness With one in four young people now indicating that they have never had a meaningful conversation with their father, is it any wonder that 76 percent of the 1,200 teens surveyed in USA Today actually want their parents to spend more time with them? Andree Alieon Brooks, a New York Times journalist, in her […]

All Our Mistakes are Burned Up

All Our Mistakes are Burned Up Thomas Edison invented the microphone, the phonograph, the incandescent light, the storage battery, talking movies, and more than 1000 other things. December 1914 he had worked for 10 years on a storage battery. This had greatly strained his finances. This particular evening spontaneous combustion had broken out in the […]

All God’s Giants Have Been Weak Men

All God’s Giants Have Been Weak Men Hudson Taylor, founder of the China Inland Mission, knew the secret of strength through weakness. Complimented once by a friend on the impact of the mission, Hudson answered, “It seemed to me that God looked over the whole world to find a man who was weak enough to […]

Alive Forever

Alive Forever The famed evangelist, Dwight L. Moody, once remarked in a sermon: “Some day you will read in the papers that D. L. Moody of East Northfield is dead. Don’t you believe a word of it. At that moment I shall be more alive than now. I shall have gone up higher, that is […]

Ali Hafed

Ali Hafed Years ago, Russell Conwell told of an ancient Persian, Ali Hafed, who “owned a very large farm that had orchards, grain fields, and gardens… and was a wealthy contented man.” One day a wise man from the East told the farmer all about diamonds and how wealthy he would be if he owned […]

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein Einstein gave grudging acceptance to “the necessity for a beginning” and eventually, to “the presence of a superior reasoning power,” but never did he accept the doctrine of a personal God. Two specific obstacles blocked his way. According to his journal writings, Einstein wrestled with a deeply felt bitterness toward the clergy, toward […]

Agnostic Farmer

Agnostic Farmer The story is told of a farmer in a Midwestern state who had a strong disdain for “religious” things. As he plowed his field on Sunday morning, he would shake his fist at the church people who passed by on their way to worship. October came and the farmer had his finest crop […]

Advice from a Third Grader

Advice from a Third Grader My advice is to say you love each other for the rest of your lives. Don’t get a divorce. – Third-grader Britney (An 8-year-old who helped her class write a book, Advice for a Happy Marriage, for their teacher, Debi Crawford of Telluride, Colo. Associated Press, April 9, 1995.) Facebook […]


Adjustment During World War II General Creighton Abrams and his command were surrounded by the enemy to the east, west, north and south. General Abrams said, “Gentlemen, for the first time in the history of this campaign, we are now in a position to attack the enemy in any direction.” What has you surrounded, tied […]

Adam’s Apple

Adam’s Apple Adam was human; he didn’t want the apple for the apple’s sake; he wanted it because it was forbidden. – M. Twain Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Action Needed

Action Needed We are reminded of the little girl who told a friend who was visiting her father that her brothers set traps to catch birds. He asked her what she did. She replied, “I prayed that the traps might not catch the birds.” “Anything else?” “Yes,” she said, “I prayed that God would keep […]

Accident Reports

Accident Reports The following are actual quotes from accident reports submitted to various insurance companies by hapless policyholders: Coming home, I drove into the wrong house and collided with a tree I don’t have. The other car collided with mine without giving warning of its intentions. I thought my window was down, but found it […]

Ability to Carry

Ability to Carry There was a man who was saved by grace from strong drink. He was seen one day by the tavern keeper, whom he knew only too well, carrying a sewing machine to his wife. “Come and have a drink,” cried the tavern keeper. “It will strengthen you.” “No, no,” replied the former […]

A Witness Who Came Too Late

A Witness Who Came Too Late Far up the Amazon River, a Baptist missionary was using a flannelgraph to aid her in telling a group of school children about Jesus. As she talked, an elderly man with stooped shoulders and gray hair joined the children. He listened with rapt attention as the missionary told the […]

A Test of Belief

A Test of Belief Two boys stood at the edge of a frozen pond. One of them said to the other, “Billy, I believe it will bear our weight.” “Do you?” asked the other. “Yes.” “Then get on it.” “No,” said he, “I don’t want to.” “Then,” said the other, “you don’t believe it will […]

A Stumbling Block

A Stumbling Block A missionary society was deeply impressed by the courageous devotion of David Livingstone who worked single-handedly for God in Africa. The society wrote to Livingstone: “Have you found a good road to where you are? If so, we want to send other men to join you.” Livingstone replied, “If you have men […]

A Spiritual Photograph

A Spiritual Photograph Spurgeon says: “We have the likenesses of our boys taken on every birthday … so that we see them at a glance from their babyhood to their youth. Suppose such photographic memorials of our own spiritual life had been taken and preserved; would there be a regular advance, as in these boys, […]

A Song in the Night

A Song in the Night During the Thirty Years’ War in the 17th century, German pastor Paul Gerhardt and his family were forced to flee from their home. One night as they stayed in a small village inn, homeless and afraid, his wife broke down and cried openly in despair. To comfort her, Gerhardt reminded […]

A Slothful Man

A Slothful Man Sloth is not to be confused with laziness. A lazy man, a man who sits around and watches the grass grow, may be a man at peace. His sun-drenched, bumblebee dreaming may be the prelude to action or itself an act well worth the acting. A slothful man, on the other hand, […]

A Road 5 Miles Into the Wilderness

A Road 5 Miles Into the Wilderness About 350 years ago a shipload of travelers landed on the northeast coast of America. The first year they established a town site. The next year they elected a town government. The third year the town government planned to build a road five miles westward into the wilderness. […]

A Rich Conversion

A Rich Conversion A certain titled gentleman was converted. He loved the Lord a great deal, but he was not well taught in the Scriptures. He thought that he could continue in some of his worldly engagements and still bear a good testimony. On one occasion some weeks after he gave his heart to the […]

A Little From God

A Little From God Although you may have no commentaries at hand, continue to read the Word and pray; for a little from God is better than a great deal received from man. Too many are content to listen to what comes from men’s mouths, without searching and kneeling before God to know the real […]

A Lesson from the Gulls

A Lesson from the Gulls Some time ago in Reader's Digest there was a short article about a group of sea gulls that was starving to death in St. Augustine. They were not starving because of a food shortage but because they had forgotten how to fish. For years they had depended on the shrimp […]

A Lesson From Nature

A Lesson From Nature A man standing on the bank of the Niagara River saw a dead sheep being swept down by the current. An eagle lighted upon that sheep. The body sank for a moment under the weight and then came to the surface again. The day was bitter cold and the wool wrapped […]

A Holy Minister

A Holy Minister We must heed the memorable words written by Robert Murray McCheyne to the Rev. Dan Edwards on 2 October 1840 after his ordination as a missionary to the Jews: ‘I trust you will have a pleasant and profitable time in Germany. I know you will apply hard to German; but do not […]

A Joyful Meeting

A Joyful Meeting A young woman who lay dying sought to console her father who was overcome with grief. "Dad," she said, "don't be so broken up. If I had received an offer of marriage from someone who was all you could desire for me, and whose station in life was far superior to mine, […]

A Great Anything

A Great Anything One day a man met Spurgeon on the street, took off his hat and bowed, and said, “The Rev. Mr. Spurgeon—a great humbug!” Spurgeon took off his hat and replied, “Thank you for the compliment. I am glad to hear that I am a great anything!” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

A Good Reason for Politeness

A Good Reason for Politeness “My boy,” said a father to his son, “treat everybody with politeness, even those who are rude to you; remember, you show courtesy to others, not because they are gentlemen, but because you are one.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

A Poor Example

A Poor Example A father, who attended church with his little boy, found fault with everything in the service. As he walked home, he criticized the minister, the sermon, the choir, and everything in general. The boy, who had noticed what his father put in the offering plate, said, “Well, Dad, what can you expect […]

A Picture of God

A Picture of God There’s a story about a kindergarten teacher who asked a boy what he was drawing. Without pausing to look up, he said, “A picture of God.” The teacher smiled and responded, “But nobody knows what God looks like.” The boy carefully put do Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

A Man With a Servant’s Heart

A Man With a Servant’s Heart A large group of European pastors came to one of D. L. Moody’s Northfield Bible Conferences in Massachusetts in the late 1800s. Following the European custom of the time, each guest put his shoes outside his room to be cleaned by the hall servants overnight. But of course this […]

A father’s love

A father’s love A Father’s Love There’s a Spanish story of a father and son who had become estranged. The son ran away, and the father set off to find him. He searched for months to no avail. Finally, in a last desperate effort to find him, the father put an ad in Madrid newspaper. […]

A drop in the bucket

A drop in the bucket A Drop in the Bucket Let’s not refuse to give the little we have; God will multiply it. I remember an elderly man who was giving very little, but it was truly sacrificial. He had a younger friend who was always making fun of him. “Such need in the world, […]

A Christian’s new nature

A Christian’s new nature A Christian’s New Nature A Hindu said to a native missionary, “I am sure if I lead a good life and do what is right, giving up my bad habits, God will be pleased with me and receive me into heaven.” “That is the way most people reason today,” replied the […]

A changed attitude

A changed attitude A Changed Attitude It was Napoleon Bonaparte who, early in his life, said, “God is on the side of the biggest artillery.” Years later, when he was exiled on an island, he reversed his opinion, and conceded, “Man proposes, but God disposes.” Napoleon learned the attitude of “If it is the Lord’s […]

Women to Women

Women to Women    W Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

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Video Section SEO

Video Section SEO created a Video Section, where viewers can select to watch and listen to many video sermons of preachers from various denominations. They include old stalwarts like Peter Masters , Keith Daniel, Rhichard Owen Roberts and Wesley Duewel . Preachers of the younger generation includes Roy Daniel,  Franscois Carr and Paul Washer. […]

Otto Koning

Otto Koning Otto Koning Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email


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Featured Speakers

Featured Speakers For many more speakers click sermons below : Keywords : Keith Daniel    A W Towzer Otto Koning John  Blanchard  Peter Masters W V Higham Leonard Ravenhill Roy Daniel Keywords 2 : Pineapple Stories Welcome to the Featured Speakers of Prayer Club. We hope that by God’s grace the sermons of these speakers will be convincting and a […]

Wonderful truth

Wonderful truth Geskryf deur THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE Wonderful truth He who kneels before GOD can stand before anyone! To be almost saved, is to be totally lost! Grace is not an excuse to sin, but it is the power not to! When JESUS is all we have, we realize, JESUS is all we need! Sorrow looks […]

Wisdom of children

Wisdom of children Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE Wisdom of children!      TEACHER:   Maria, go to the map and find North America .      MARIA:       Here it is.      TEACHER:  Correct. Now class, who discovered America ?      CLASS:        Maria.      ____________________________________       TEACHER:  John, why […]

Why do people wear masks

Why do people wear masks Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE WHY DO PEOPLE WEAR MASKS? Several years ago, I had a nightmare, it was terrible. For many days my spirit was greatly troubled. In a dream, I saw one of my most serious workers at church dying a terrible death. As my church worker was dying, […]


Why Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE WHY? Why  ……do Clicks make the sick walk all the  way to the back of the store to get their  prescriptions while healthy people can buy  cigarettes at the front.Why  … people order double cheeseburgers, large  fries, and a diet coke.Why  … banks leave both doors open and then chain […]

Which window

Which window Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE WHICH WINDOW? Catherine Marshall wrote: “My friend Marge had an experience aboard a plane bound for Cleveland, waiting for takeoff. As she settled into her seat, Marge noticed a strange phenomenon. On one side of the airplane a sunset suffused the entire sky with glorious color. But out of […]

When are you middle aged?

When are you middle aged? Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE When are you middle aged? By the time a person is wise enough to watch his/her step, he’s/she’s too old to go anywhere.Middle age is when you have stopped growing at both ends and have begun to grow in the middle.A person has reached middle age […]

What if there isn’t anymore

What if there isn’t anymore Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE What if there isn’t “anymore”? One day a woman’s husband died, and on that clear, cold morning, in the warmth of their bedroom, the wife was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn’t “anymore”.No more hugs, no more special moments to celebrate together, […]

What does hope do for mankind

What does hope do for mankind Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE What Does Hope Do For Mankind?Hope shines brightest when the hour is darkest.Hope motivates when discouragement comes.Hope energizes when the body is tired.Hope sweetens while bitterness bites.Hope sings when all melodies are gone.Hope believes when evidence is eliminated.Hope listens for answers when no one is […]

We’ll stay out of the way

We’ll stay out of the way Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE  WE’LL STAY OUT OF THE WAY. The Call to Worship had just been pronounced starting Sunday Morning service in a church. The choir started its processional, singing “Up from the Grave He Arose” as they marched in perfect step down the center aisle to the […]

What is the conclusion?

What is the conclusion? Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE What is the conclusion? An old man was sitting with his 25 year old son in the train. The train was about to leave the station. All passengers are settling down in their seat. As the train started, the  young man was filled with lots of joy and […]

Walking the dog

Walking the dog Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE WALKING THE DOG  A WOMAN was flying from Melbourne  to  Brisbane  .Unexpectedly, the plane was diverted to  Sydneyalong the way. The flight attendant explained thatthere would be a delay, and if the passengers wantedto get off the aircraft the plane would re-boardin 50 minutes. Everybody got off the plane […]

The two woman praying

The two woman praying Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE TWO WOMEN PRAYING There were two widow women, each with only a single son. The two young men both got involved in drugs and they both ended up in prison. The women were devout Christians and both had been in constant prayer for many years. When their […]

The wooden bowl

The wooden bowl Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE                                             The Wooden Bowl A frail old man went to live with his son, daughter-in-law, and four-year-old grandson. The old man’s hands trembled, his eyesight was blurred, and his step faltered The family ate together at the table. But the elderly grandfather’s shaky hands and failing sight made eating […]

The woman

The woman Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE THE WOMAN When God created the woman he was working late on the 6th day. An angel came by and said: “Why spend so much time on that one?” And the Lord answered: “Have you seen all the specifications I have to meet to her shape?” “She must be […]

The warning bell

The warning bell Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE THE WARNING BELL I am told that there was a rock on the North Sea, just off the Firth of Tay, Scotland. This rock proved very dangerous to many ships, because when the high tide came in, the rock was hidden just below the surface. There was a […]

The voice of the shepherd

The voice of the shepherd Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE THE VOICE OF THE SHEPHERD There once was a shepherd that lived in the Scottish highlands. This shepherd had a daughter and he would take her with him when he went out on the moors to take care of the sheep. The thing that the little […]

The untamed tongue

The untamed tongue Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE THE UNTAMED TONGUE In 1899 four newspaper reporters from Denver, CO, set out to tear down the Great Wall of China. They almost succeeded. Literally. The four met by chance one Saturday night, in a Denver railway depot. Al Stevens, Jack Tournay, John Lewis, Hal Wilshire. They represented […]

The U in Jesus

The U in Jesus Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE THE U IN JESUS Before U were thought of or time had begun,God stuck U in the name of His Son..And each time U pray, you’ll see it’s true,You can’t spell out JesUs and not include U.You’re a pretty big part of His wonderful name,For U, He […]

The three monkeys

The three monkeys Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE THE THREE MONKEYS Three monkeys sat on a coconut tree, Discussing things as they are said to be, Said one monkey to the other : “Now listen you two, there’s a certain rumor which can’t be true, that man has descended from our noble race; why, the very […]

The room

The room Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE The Room   I can only imagine…  “THE ROOM” as written by a 17 Year Old Boy.   17-year-old Brian Moore had only a short time to write something for a class. The     subject was What Heaven Was Like.   Brian had been dead only hours, but […]

The Rolls Royce

The Rolls Royce  Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE                                                      The Rolls RoyceThe great British automaker Rolls Royce takes great pride in the reliability of their handcrafted automobiles. An obviously wealthy owner of a Rolls took it to Europe on an extended trip. While traveling in France the car had some mechanical problem. He called the […]

The power behind it

The power behind it Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE THE POWER BEHIND. Bible teacher F.B. Meyer once had a firewood factory that employed prisoners. Meyer would give them a job to do, good wages, a place to live, and, when possible, spiritual encouragement. In exchange, he expected them to render good employment. They didn’t, and he […]

The mayonaise jar

The mayonaise jar Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE THE MAYONNAISE JAR When things in your life seem, Almost too much to handle,When 24 Hours in a day is not enough,Remember the mayonnaise jar and 2 cups of coffee. A professor stood before his philosophy classAnd had some items in front of him.When the class began, wordlessly,He […]

The last letter of Karen Watson

The last letter of Karen Watson  Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE                         THE LAST LETTER OF KAREN WATSON Our International Mission Board is working on a project called “The Last Letter.” It’s actually an old tradition of soldiers and missionaries who as they boarded a ship, wrote their family and friends a letter that they […]

The funeral

The funeral Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE  THE FUNERAL. One day all the employees reached the office and they saw a big sign on the door on which was written: Yesterday, the person who has been hindering your growth in this company passed away. We invite you to join the funeral in the room that has […]

The four states of man

The four states of man Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE AUGUSTINE AND THE FOUR STATES OF MAN In the 5th century AD, St. Augustine wrote about the “4 States of Man”: * The first state of man (the haec sunt prima) is “living according to the flesh — with reason making no resistance.” This can be […]

The first and the last

The first and the last Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE    THE FIRST AND LAST “ALL” After a mission service, the preacher of the evening was hurrying away to a late train. He had just three minutes to catch it when he saw a man running after him. “Oh, sir,” he said breathlessly as he came […]

The compass that wouldn’t cooperate

The compass that wouldn’t cooperate Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE THE COMPASS THAT WOULDN’T COOPERATE An old sailor repeatedly got lost at sea, so his friends gave him a compass and urged him to use it. The next time he went out in his boat, he followed their advice and took the compass with him. But […]

The Coat hanger

The Coat hanger Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE THE COAT HANGER A woman was at work when she received a phone call that her small daughter was very sick with a fever. She left her work and stopped by the pharmacy to get some medication. She got back to her car and found that she had […]

The cardboard butterfly

The cardboard butterfly Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE THE CARDBOARD BUTTERFLY. Annie Dillard, in her book The Writing Life, tells of an experiment that was done with butterflies. The experiment involved placing a male butterfly with a female butterfly of his own species. Then they placed a painted cardboard butterfly alongside them. The cardboard butterfly was […]

The candycane

The candycane Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE The CandyCane A Candymaker in America wanted to make a candy that would help us remember who Christmas is really about. So he made a Christmas Candy Cane. He incorporated several symbols for the birth, ministry, and death of Jesus Christ. He began with a stick of pure white, […]

The boulder

The boulder Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE THE BOULDER. In an earlier century, there lay a large boulder in the middle of the roadway. Traveler after traveler walked past the boulder, veering off the side of the road to get around it. All the while, they were shaking their head and muttering, “Can you believe that? […]

The blob

The blob  Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE THE BLOB: A THRIVING ENVIRONMENT Years ago, there was a movie called The Blob. This cosmic Jell-O had come down from space, fell into a little crater, and cracked open. An old man came and had a little stick in his hand and was playing with it, and it […]

The balloon game

The balloon game Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE HUMILITY: THE BALLOON GAME Robert Roberts writes about a fourth grade class in which the teacher introduced a game called “balloon stomp.” A balloon was tied to every child’s leg, and the object of the game was to pop everyone else’s balloon while protecting one’s own. The last […]

The ant and the grasshopper

The ant and the grasshopper Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE THE ANT AND THE GRASSHOPPER The mother of a nine-year-old boy named Mark received a phone call in the middle of the afternoon. It was the teacher from her son’s school. “Mrs. Smith, something unusual happened today in your son’s third grade class. Your son did […]

Thank your dad

Thank your dad Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE THANK YOU DAD. Thank you Dad, for giving us a very special gift. Its the most important gift of all, That only love can give. You read us the Bible at bedtime and taught us how to pray. You made sure we made it to church every Sunday. […]

The ten commandments of the heart

The ten commandments of the heart Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE TEN COMMANDMENTS FOR THE HEART! Your heart will have beat an average of 122,400 times every day. None of us want our heart to ask for a vacation or take a day off; we don’t even want to give it a short “coffee break” to […]

Strong foundation

Strong foundation Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE STRONG FOUNDATION Bryan Chapell tells this story that happened in his hometown: Two brothers were playing on the sandbanks by the river. One ran after another up a large mound of sand. Unfortunately, the mound was not solid, and their weight caused them to sink in quickly. When the […]

Standing for your marriage

Standing for your marriage Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE Standing for your marriage! A former Pastor in Seattle, WA wrote a power statement about marriage… I am standing for the healing of my marriage!I won’t give up, give in, give out, or give over till that healing takes place.I made a vow; I said the words; […]

Spring and flowers

Spring and flowers Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE SPRING AND FLOWERS. An old lady spent much of her summer setting and swinging in the old swing hanging on her front porch. Her husband had been dead several years and she had withdrawn from all but the closest family. Her lonely time grew and grew?? One spring […]

Soldier for Christ Jesus

Soldier for Christ Jesus Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE Soldier for Christ Jesus. I am a soldier in the army of my God. The Lord Jesus Christ is my commanding officer. The Holy Bible is my code of conduct, Faith, prayer and the Word are my weapons of warfare. I have been taught by the Holy […]

So many valuable possesions

So many valuable possesions Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE SO MANY VALUABLE POSSESSIONS Waylon Prendergast, 37, of Tampa, Florida, committed a spur-of-the-moment robbery while on his way home from a late-night drinking session. A very inebriated Mr. Prendergast forced his way into the house through an open upstairs window, filling a suitcase with cash and valuables […]

Shoes in church

Shoes in church Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE SHOES IN CHURCH I showered and shaved………….. I adjusted my tie. I got there and sat………….. In a pew just in time. Bowing my head in prayer……… As I closed my eyes.. I saw the shoe of the man next to me….. Touching my own. I sighed. With plenty of room on […]


Sarah Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE SARAH. “Sarah” I’m Sarah, I’m sixteen;Last night I failed.I prayed for more strength,So why did I yield? He said he loved me,Brought me flowers and all;Then he took me upstairsAnd caused me to fall. I feel so ashamed,So dirty inside.He’s taken my heart;Now I want to go hide. I let […]

Rise and fall of nine rich men

Rise and fall of nine rich men Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE RISE AND FALL OF NINE RICH MEN A popular story recounts a meeting that may have taken place at the Edgewater Beach Hotel in Chicago in 1923. There is debate whether the meeting in fact occurred, but what is not in question is the […]

Rest in peace

Rest in peace Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE                                                       REST IN PEACESix-year-old and his four-year-old sister presented their mom with a Mother’s Day present: a small, spindly house plant. While it wasn’t the finest looking specimen, they had bought it with their own money and Mom was thrilled. She hugged and kissed her children and told […]

Repent or burn

Repent or burn Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE REPENT OR BURN! Festo Kivengere, a leading evangelical minister in Uganda, wrote a book called I Love Idi Amin. In this book, he described the history of the church in Uganda, and in the following excerpt he told of the first Christian martyrs in the nation’s history: “Earlier […]

Recycling phenomena

Recycling phenomena Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE THE RECYCLING PHENOMENA Twice in one week, only because the Holy Spirit prompted me and by GOD’s Grace, I could obey. What happened twice this week? You could define it as a “phenomena”, however I also define it as “the true meaning of life”. I usually try to parallel […]

Put the glass down

Put the glass down Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE PUT THE GLASS DOWN! A Professor began his class by holding up a glass with some water in it. He held it up for all to see & asked the students “How much do you think this glass weighs?” ’50g!’…. ‘100g!’…..  ‘125g’..the students answered. “I really don’t […]

Psalm 23- is it true?

Psalm 23- is it true? Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE PSALM 23 – Is it true? The clock is my dictator, I shall not rest.It makes me lie down only when exhausted.It leads me into deep depression.It hounds my soul.It leads me in circles of frenzy, for activities sake.Even though I run frantically from task to […]

Progression of wisdom as ageing

Progression of wisdom as ageing Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE   You can’t hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk. Age 7 I like my teacher because she cries when we sing “Silent Night.” Age 7 When I wave at people in the country, they stop what they’re doing and wave back. Age 9 […]

My heart

My heart Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE MY HEART. Once I had a heart of stone For it had surley lost its home It could not love or wanted too But in my life, then came you.   …The stones began to fall away As happiness began to fill my day A feeling so sweet and […]

Mother taught us to pray

Mother taught us to pray Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE Mother taught us! My mother taught me RELIGION: When I spilled grape juice on the carpet, she instructed, “You better pray the stain will come out of the carpet.” My mother taught me LOGIC: From her decisive words, “Because I said so, that’s why.” My mother […]

Mixing diesel and gasoline fuels

Mixing diesel and gasoline fuels Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE Mixing Diesel & Gasoline FuelsYou are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness,how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything,except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.Matthew 5:13 Remote it maybe but it can happen […]

Mighty God

Mighty God Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE Mighty GOD! Two men went fishing. One was an experienced fisherman, the other wasn’t. Every time the experienced fisherman caught a big fish, he put it in his ice chest to keep it fresh. Whenever the inexperienced fisherman caught a big fish, he threw it back. The experienced fisherman […]

Mavis lay an egg

Mavis lay an egg Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE MAVIS LAYS AN EGG On a bright, beautiful day, full of promise, Mavis laid an egg. This was not an extraordinary event since Mavis was a chicken, but Mavis was not pleased. “An egg? An egg? What do I want with an egg?” said Mavis to herself. […]

Lunch with God

Lunch with God Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE LUNCH WITH GOD! A little boy wanted to meet God. He knew it was a long trip to where God lived, so he packed his suitcase with a bag of potato chips and a six-pack of iron brew and started his journey. When he had gone about three […]

Love your enemies

Love your enemies Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE LOVE YOUR ENEMIES On April 28, 1999, just eight days after the Columbine shooting, shock rock singer Marilyn Manson was scheduled to perform a concert in Iowa City, Iowa. And since Manson’s music was prominent in the lives of Columbine killers Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, there was […]

If I were the Devil

If I were the Devil Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE    If I Were the DevilIf I were the prince of darkness, I’d want to engulf the world in darkness, and I’d have a third of its real estate, and I’d have four-fifths of its population, but I wouldn’t be happy until I had seized the […]

I know

I know Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE I Know! * I know He is the beginning so why do I worry about the end? * I know He is the creator, so why do I wonder who will destroy? * I know He has forgiven me so why can’t I forgive myself? * I know He […]

I give thee Humble thanks

I give thee Humble thanks Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE I Give Thee Humble Thanks “Giving thanks for all things…” (Eph. 5:20). For all the gifts that Thou dost send, For every kind and loyal friend, For prompt supply of all my need, For all that is good in word or deed, For gift of health […]

How to treat evil speaking

How to treat evil speaking Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE How to treat  evil speaking. Keep this philosophy in mind the next time you either hear, or think of participating in gossip:                        In ancient Greece (469 – 399 BC), Socrates was widely lauded for his wisdom.  One day the great philosopher came upon an acquaintance […]

How to leave a life changing legacy

How to leave a life changing legacy Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE HOW TO LEAVE A LIFECHANGING LEGACY. In Genesis 25, Abraham marries Keturah. Everyone knows about Sarah and Hagar but very few know that Abraham also had another wife. We all know he had trouble having children with Sarah. God healed both Sarah and Abraham […]

His love will keep you strong

His love will keep you strong Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE   HIS LOVE WILL KEEP YOU STRONG … Surely the Lord has done great things! Don’t be afraid My people. Be glad now and rejoice For the Lord has done great things! Plant the good seeds of righteousness, And you will harvest a crop of […]

Good won’t get you there

Good won’t get you there Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE GOOD WON’T GET YOU THERE!      [Good Won’t Get You There, Feda H. Babinski]I’m standing there in front of gates like none I’ve ever foundThey shine like golden ribbons as they glide across the groundI see the stairs that never end how brilliantly they glowI […]

God’s Rosebud

God’s Rosebud Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE                                                    GOD’S Rosebud.  A new minister was walking with an older, more seasoned minister in the garden one day. Feeling a bit insecure about what God had for him to do, he was asking the older preacher for some advice.The older preacher walked up to a rosebush and handed the young preacher a rosebud and told him to open it without […]

God’s Accuracy amazing

God’s Accuracy amazing Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE GOD’S ACCURACY – AMAZING God’s accuracy may be observed in His creation (even )the hatching of eggs.For example:-the eggs of the potato bug hatch in 7 days;-those of the canary in 14 days;-those of the barnyard hen in 21 days;-The eggs of ducks and geese hatch in 28 […]

God won’t ask

God won’t ask Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE GOD WON’T ASK. 1. God won’t ask what kind of car you drove, but will ask how many people you drove who didn’t have transportation. 2. God won’t ask the square footage of your house, but will ask how many people you welcomed into your home. 3. God […]

God is so good

God is so good Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE   GOD IS SO GOOD! Leadership Magazine carried a story about 4 young men, Bible College students, who were renting a house together. One Saturday morning someone knocked on their door. And when they opened it, there stood this bedraggled-looking old man. His eyes were kind of […]

God is busy

God is busy Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE   GOD IS Busy! If you don’t know GOD, don’t make stupid remarks!!!!!! A United States Marine was taking some college courses between assignments. He had completed 20 missions in Iraq  and Afghanistan . One of the courses had a professor  who was an avowed atheist, and a member of the ACLU. […]

God has kept me here for a reason

God has kept me here for a reason Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE God Has Kept Me Here For A Reason Repeat after me: God has kept me here for a reason. I survived because He has a plan for me. All my bad relationships, the addictions, the consequences, the bad credit, the repossessions, the death […]

God and the Geese

God and the Geese Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE  GOD AND THE GEESE There was once a man who didn’t believe in God, and he didn’t hesitate to let others know how he felt about religion and religious holidays. His wife, however, did believe, and she raised their children to also have faith in God […]

Glass of Milk

Glass of Milk Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE GLASS OF MILK.       One day, a poor boy who was selling goods from door to door to pay his way through school, found he had only one thin dime left, and he was hungry. He decided he would ask for a meal at the next […]

Genl. MacArthur’s prayer

Genl. MacArthur’s prayer Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE GENL. MacARTUR’S PRAYER. Gen. Douglas MacArthur wrote this prayer for his son. He prayed: “Build me a son, O Lord, who will be strong enough to know when he is weak, & brave enough to face himself when he is afraid. One who will be proud & unbending […]

Four Boyfriends

Four Boyfriends Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE 4 BOY FRIENDS Once upon a time there was this girl who had four boyfriends. She loved the 4th boyfriend the most and adorned him with rich robes and treated him to the finest of delicacies. She gave him nothing but the best. She also loved the 3rd boyfriend […]

Forgive me lord when I whine

Forgive me lord when I whine Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE    FORGIVE ME LORD WHEN I WHINE! Today, upon a bus, I saw a very beautiful woman and wished I was as beautiful. When suddenly she rose to leave, I saw her hobble down the aisle. She had one leg and wore a crutch. But […]

Encouraging predictions for 2011

Encouraging predictions for 2011   Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE     ENCOURAGING PREDICTIONS FOR 2011  With all the problems the World is facing, it can besomewhat unsettling.  Today, I want to share with youten predictions that are true!                  Top 10 Predictions for 2011       1. The […]

Drug of new milllenium

Drug of new milllenium Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE The Drug of the New MilleniumBy Mark B. Kastleman(Longer summary for CFT by Mr D. Bosman)OUR FAMILIES UNDER ATTACKInternet pornography is creating an epidemic of obsession, compulsion and addiction that issweeping across the world like a tidal wave destroying marriages, families and individual lives witha devastation never […]

Don’t Judge

Don’t Judge   Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE          Don’t Judge BEST POEM IN THE WORLDI was shocked, confused, bewilderedAs I entered Heaven’s door,Not by the beauty of it all,Nor the lights or its decor. But it was the folks in HeavenWho made me sputter and gasp–The thieves, the liars, the sinners ,The […]

Do you judge

Do you judge Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE Do you judge? A doctor entered the hospital in hurry after being called in for an urgent surgery. He answered the call ASAP, changed his clothes & went directly to the surgery block. He found the boy’s father pacing in the hall waiting for the doctor. On seeing […]


Dispear Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE Dispear! During the Thirty Years’ War in the 17th century, German pastor Paul Gerhardt and his family were forced to flee from their home. One night as they stayed in a small village inn, homeless and afraid, his wife broke down and cried openly in despair. To comfort her, Gerhardt […]

Are you flying with a parachute

Are you flying with a parachute Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE ARE YOU FLYING WITH A PARACHUTE? Two men are seated in a plane. The first is given a parachute and told to put is on as it would improve his flight. He’s a little skeptical at first because he can’t see how wearing a parachute […]

a Message by George Carlin

a Message by George Carlin Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE GEORGE CARLIN ( His wife  died…and George followed her, dying July 2008)  Isn’t it amazing that George Carlin – comedian of the 70’s and 80’s – could write something so very eloquent…and so very appropriate.   A Message by George Carlin: The paradox of our time in […]

a Christmas home



1January1968 Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE 1 JANUARY 1968. Many years ago, I failed the Lord in a stupid teenager deed. I can painfully remember January the 1st, 1968. I was raised in the parsonage, I was 16 years old, I knew right from wrong. But I failed the Lord! 1/1/68 was always a painful memory […]

Tater People

Tater People Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE “TATER” people. TATER PEOPLE (author unknown) Some people are very bossy and like to tell others what to do, but don’t want to soil their own hands. Too many chiefs and not enough Indians They are called “Dick Taters” . Some people never seem motivated to participate, but are […]

Audio Sermons

Audio Sermons Audio, Video and Text Sermons OVER 15000 FREE CHRISTIAN MEDIA FILES 2 Tim 4 : 2 …Preach the Word Audio Sermon is a free Christian media site with thousands of free Christian Media Files. It has audio, video and text sermons. Speakers include such men as Keith Daniel , Otto Koning, Peter Masters, […]


Poems All the poets and poems from the main Christian Poetry section of this site  i.e. have sub sections which you can use to look for the type of poem you want to read at the time you are on a certain poets section of ths site . This page has hundreds of links […]


Poems Prayer Club is a website which has a wide variety of free Christian Media which you can download. One of our sections is the Christian Poetry section which has many thousands of poems you must really feel free to enjoy. They are written mostly by men and women of God from time gone by […]


Sermons Here we have the names of preachers with links to their audio sermons on the site . These Audio Sermon speakers are hand picked as we by God’s grace have asked many conservative Bible based preachers and Christians their opinion as to who would be suitable on this site. Feal free to listen […]


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Audio Sermons

Audio Sermons Audio Sermons. Welcome to the Audio Sermon section of Prayerclub. Here you will find a carefully selected group of preachers. They come from various denominations, ages and backgrounds from around the world. Though they may differ on minor points, each seam to have loved the Lord Jesus Christ and lived for His cause. […]

Featured Speakers

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The Prayerclub Story RM

The Prayerclub Story RM Welcome to the prayer club. We are trusting God to make this a safe home for humble conservative Bible based Christian’s ! If you find content that is not Biblical while humbly excusing minor doctrinal differences between Godly men then advice us and we will carefully, prayerfully consider what you say. We […]


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danie cat

danie cat danie has another cat that looks like top hat Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

danie bird

danie bird Danie has a bird that looks like tweetie . Danie has another bird called Julius Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

T. T. Thomas

T. T. Thomas In Danger! {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/other/t-t-thomas/in-danger.MP3{/s5_mp3} Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Roy Daniel Honor thy Father and Mother

Roy Daniel Honor thy Father and Mother Roy Daniel Honor thy Father and Mother {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Roy-Daniel/Honor-thy-Father-and-Mother.mp3{/s5_mp3} Click Roy Daniel  for all his sermons.   Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Jerry Mawhorr Salvation Crystal Clear

Jerry Mawhorr Salvation Crystal Clear Jerry Mawhorr Salvation Crystal Clear {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Jerry-Mawhorr/Salvation-Crystal-Clear.mp3{/s5_mp3}       Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Darrel Champlin Love with Shoes on

Darrel Champlin Love with Shoes on Darrel Champlin Love with Shoes on {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Darrell-Champlin/love-with-shoes-on.mp3{/s5_mp3} Click Darrel Champlin for all his sermons. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Otto Koning The Pineapple Story

Otto Koning The Pineapple Story Otto-Koning- The Pineapple Story {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Otto-Koning/the-pineapple-story.mp3{/s5_mp3} Click Otto Koning   for all his sermons. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Rolfe Barnhard

Rolfe Barnhard {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/Rolfe-Barnard{/s5_mp3} Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email


KDaniel2 Keith Daniel More 2009 U.S.A. Tour Sermons God Demands Integrity in All Our Dealings with Money {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/keith-daniel/god-demands-integrity-in-all-our-dealings-with-money.mp3{/s5_mp3} Satan’s Servants in God’s Pulpits {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/keith-daniel/satan’s-servants-in-god’s-pulpits.mp3{/s5_mp3} Indiana Revival Q&A 2009 {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/keith-daniel/indiana-revival-q&a-2009.mp3{/s5_mp3} 2008 U.S.A. Tour Sermons The Prodigal Son {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/keith-daniel/the-prodigal-son.mp3{/s5_mp3} Marriage in the Christian Home {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/keith-daniel/marriage-in-the-christian-home-part-one.mp3{/s5_mp3}  Preachers in the Last Days! {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/keith-daniel/preachers-in-the-last-days-samekoms-keith-daniel.mp3{/s5_mp3}  2007 U.S.A. Tour Sermons The Compromising Church {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/keith-daniel/the-compromising-church-2007.mp3{/s5_mp3} […]

Roy Hession

Roy Hession Boaz and the Nearer Kinsman {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/Roy-Hession/boaz-and-the-nearer-kinsman.mp3{/s5_mp3} Boaz the Kinsman {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/Roy-Hession/boaz-the-kinsman.mp3{/s5_mp3}   Christian Life on the Inside, Part One {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/Roy-Hession/christian-life-on-the-inside(1).mp3{/s5_mp3}   Christian Life on the Inside, Part Two {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/Roy-Hession/christian-life-on-the-inside(2).mp3{/s5_mp3}   Christian Life on the Inside, Part Three {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/Roy-Hession/christian-life-on-the-inside(3).mp3{/s5_mp3}   Christian Life on the Inside, Part Four {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/Roy-Hession/christian-life-on-the-inside(4).mp3{/s5_mp3}   Christian Life on the Inside, Part […]

Vance Havner

Vance Havner Vance Havner's messages will be coming soon . . .  Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Bob Jones Sr

Bob Jones Sr A Bankruptcy of Character {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/bob-jones-sr/a-bankruptcy-of-character.mp3{/s5_mp3} A Christian Christmas {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/bob-jones-sr/a-christian-christmas.mp3{/s5_mp3} A Crooked Man {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/bob-jones-sr/a-crooked-man.mp3{/s5_mp3} A Division Among the People {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/bob-jones-sr/a-division-among-the-people.mp3{/s5_mp3} A Hopeless Man {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/bob-jones-sr/a-hopeless-man.mp3{/s5_mp3} All Things Worketh Good {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/bob-jones-sr/all-things-worketh-good.mp3{/s5_mp3} America in Need of Healing {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/bob-jones-sr/america-in-need-of-healing.mp3{/s5_mp3} As a Father Pitieth His Own {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/bob-jones-sr/as-a-father-pitieth-his-own.mp3{/s5_mp3} Avenged Two Eyes {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/bob-jones-sr/avenged-two-eyes.mp3{/s5_mp3} Behold Thou Art There {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/bob-jones-sr/behold-thou-art-there.mp3{/s5_mp3} Between Two […]

Alan Redpath

Alan Redpath A Day of Fierce Conflict {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/Allen-Redpath/a-day-of-fierce-conflict.mp3{/s5_mp3}   A Love that Never Gives Up {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/Allen-Redpath/a-love-that-never-gives-up.mp3{/s5_mp3}   A Word for the Down Hearted {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/Allen-Redpath/a-word-for-the-down-hearted.mp3{/s5_mp3} Abundant Life {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/Allen-Redpath/abundant-life.mp3{/s5_mp3} All on the Altar {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/Allen-Redpath/all-on-the-altar.mp3{/s5_mp3}   Are You a Vital Christian {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/Allen-Redpath/are-you-a-vital-christian.mp3{/s5_mp3} Battling with God {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/Allen-Redpath/battling-with-god.mp3{/s5_mp3} Beginning of the End {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/Allen-Redpath/beginning-of-the-end.mp3{/s5_mp3} Beginning to Sink {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/Allen-Redpath/beginning-to-sink.mp3{/s5_mp3} Bless Me Father […]

W Vernon Higham

W Vernon Higham   Christmas, Easter, and Special Ephesians Ephesians Prayers First Epistle of John, 1976 Joshua Law of Love Life of Moses Old Testament Prayers Philippians Revival Sermons The Armour of the Ephesians The Person and Work of Christ The Presence of God The Sermon on the Mount The Song of Solomon The Work […]

Norman Grubb

Norman Grubb   Apostleship Part One {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/Norman-Grubb/apostleship-part-one.mp3{/s5_mp3} Apostleship Part Two {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/Norman-Grubb/apostleship-part-two.mp3{/s5_mp3} Apostleship Part Three {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/Norman-Grubb/apostleship-part-three.mp3{/s5_mp3} Apostleship Part Four {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/Norman-Grubb/apostleship-part-four.mp3{/s5_mp3} CFO Life from Freedom to Adventure {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/Norman-Grubb/cfo-life-from-freedom-to-adventure.mp3{/s5_mp3} Free to Be Ourselves {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/Norman-Grubb/free-to-be-ourselves.mp3{/s5_mp3} Freedom of Spirit {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/Norman-Grubb/freedom-of-spirit.mp3{/s5_mp3} From Negative to Positive {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/Norman-Grubb/from-negative-to-positive.mp3{/s5_mp3} From Romans Seven to Romans Eight {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/Norman-Grubb/from-romans-seven-to-romans-eight.mp3{/s5_mp3} God Only {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/Norman-Grubb/god-only.mp3{/s5_mp3} Hell Part One {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/Norman-Grubb/hell-part-one.mp3{/s5_mp3} Hell […]

Truth Daily 247.

Truth Daily 247. Truth Daily  is a Christian World News site which works under the Authority of the Prayer Club Group of sites. It has Regional ,Financial ,Bible proof, Discernment and End times News. {text= John 18:38 “…What is truth?…” John 17:17 ” … thy word is truth”.} Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Various Sermons

Various Sermons About the Pope {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Martin-Holdt/about-the-pope.mp3{/s5_mp3}   Ascension Day {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Martin-Holdt/ascension-day.mp3{/s5_mp3}   Christian Forgiveness {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Martin-Holdt/christian-forgiveness.mp3{/s5_mp3}   Effective Prayer {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Martin-Holdt/effective-prayer-2cron20.mp3{/s5_mp3}   God Is for the Believer {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Martin-Holdt/god-is-for-the-believer.mp3{/s5_mp3}   God Is the Believer’s Fortress {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Martin-Holdt/god-is-the-believer’s-fortress.mp3{/s5_mp3}   How to Overcome Depression {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Martin-Holdt/how-to-overcome-depression.mp3{/s5_mp3}   If the Foundations Are Destroyed, What Can the Righteous Do? {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Martin-Holdt/if-the-foundations-are-destroyed-what-can-the-righteous-do.mp3{/s5_mp3}   Jesus Saves From Sin […]

The Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments Introduction {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Martin-Holdt/P01-introduction-to-ten-commandments.mp3{/s5_mp3}   The First Commandment {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Martin-Holdt/P02-the-1st-commandment.mp3{/s5_mp3}   The Second Commandment {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Martin-Holdt/P03-the-2nd-commandment.mp3{/s5_mp3}   The Third Commandment {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Martin-Holdt/P04-the-3rd-commandment.mp3{/s5_mp3}   The Fourth Commandment {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Martin-Holdt/P05-the-4th-commandment.mp3{/s5_mp3}   The Fifth Commandment {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Martin-Holdt/P06-the-5th-commandment.mp3{/s5_mp3}   The Sixth Commandment {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Martin-Holdt/P07-the-6th-commandment.mp3{/s5_mp3}   The Seventh Commandment {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Martin-Holdt/P08-the-7th-commandment.mp3{/s5_mp3}   The Eigth Commandment {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Martin-Holdt/P09-the-8th-commandment.mp3{/s5_mp3}   The Ninth Commandment {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Martin-Holdt/P10-the-9th-commandment.mp3{/s5_mp3}   The Tenth Commandment {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Martin-Holdt/P11-the-10th-commandment.mp3{/s5_mp3} […]

Song of Songs

Song of Songs His Love Is Better than Wine {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Martin-Holdt/P01-his-love-is-better-than-wine.mp3{/s5_mp3}   The Love of a Bride for Her Groom {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Martin-Holdt/P02-the-love-of-the-bride-for-her-groom.mp3{/s5_mp3}   Christ and His Bride Delight in Each Other {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Martin-Holdt/P03-christ-and-his-bride-delight-in-each-other.mp3{/s5_mp3}   Unconditional Love {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Martin-Holdt/P04-unconditional-love.mp3{/s5_mp3}   The Marks of a True Relationship with Christ {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Martin-Holdt/P05-the-marks-of-a-true-relationship-with-christ.mp3{/s5_mp3}   Desiring the Presence of the Lord {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Martin-Holdt/P06-desiring-the-presence-of-the-lord.mp3{/s5_mp3}   God's Love […]


Ruth The Choices We Make, Part One {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Martin-Holdt/P01-the-choices-we-make-(1).mp3{/s5_mp3}   The Choices We Make, Part Two {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Martin-Holdt/P02-the-choices-we-make-(2).mp3{/s5_mp3}   God's Grace Overrules Our Mistakes {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Martin-Holdt/P03-god`s-grace-overrules-our-mistakes.mp3{/s5_mp3}   God's Perfect Grace for Believers {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Martin-Holdt/P04-god`s-perfect-grace-for-believers.mp3{/s5_mp3}   God's Sovereignty Overrules {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Martin-Holdt/P05-god`s-sovereignty-overrules.mp3{/s5_mp3}   Do You Have a Redeemer? {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Martin-Holdt/P06-do-you-have-a-redeemer.mp3{/s5_mp3} Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

2011 International Preaching Itinerary

2011 International Preaching Itinerary     Keith’s Immediate Preaching Itinerary Is Given Below For Your Prayers and Possible Attendance   Tour of New Zealand Jan. 20 (Thur.) – Feb. 1 (Tue.) Taraneke Bible Conference Avon Primary School Hall, Stratford, New Plymouth, North Island Note: Jenny will also address the ladies during this convention Enq. Alan […]

Otto Koning

Otto Koning Audio Sermons Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email


Preachers Keith Daniel  Otto Koning Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Evangelistic Sermons

Evangelistic Sermons Eternal Punishment {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Martin-Holdt/eternal-punishment.mp3{/s5_mp3}   On that Day {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Martin-Holdt/on-that-day.mp3{/s5_mp3}   The Power of God {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Martin-Holdt/the-power-of-god.mp3{/s5_mp3}   The Second Coming {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Martin-Holdt/the-second-coming.mp3{/s5_mp3}   Two Eternal Destinations {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Martin-Holdt/two-eternal-destinations.mp3{/s5_mp3}   Why Would You Die? {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Martin-Holdt/why-would-you-die.mp3{/s5_mp3} Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Text Sermons Table

Text Sermons Table Welcome to free Text Sermons Text Sermons. Welcome to Text Sermons on Prayerclub. Here you will find a large assortment of written sermons from men of God of past ages and the present. The text sermons come from God-fearing preachers of various denominations and backgrounds whose ministry honors the Lord Jesus Christ. […]

Dynamic Soulwinner Seminar

Dynamic Soulwinner Seminar   Dynamic Soulwinner Audio Seminar: This is a seminar presented by Roy Daniel who is a South African Evangelist Son of Keith Daniel. He has quiet a few years experience in street evangelism, evangelistic preaching and one on one soul winning.. Part One Introduction {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/Special/Dynamic-Soulwinner-Seminar/Soul-winning-part-one-introduction.mp3{/s5_mp3} Part Two -The Practical Side of Soulwining […]

Martin Holdt

Martin Holdt Martin Holdt, Minister of Constantia Park Baptist Church, Pretoria, and Rector of the Afrikaans Baptist Seminary, Kempton Park, South Africa     Exodus       Numbers       Ruth       Nehemiah       Song of Songs       Acts       Galatians       2 […]

A.W. Tozer

A.W. Tozer Attributes of God Series – Introduction {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/a-w-tozer/attributes-of-god-(a-o-g-series-2)-introduction.mp3{/s5_mp3}   Attributes of God Series – The Divine Infinitude {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/a-w-tozer/(a-o-g-series-2)-the divine-infinitude.mp3{/s5_mp3}   Attributes of God Series – The Omnipresence of God {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/a-w-tozer/(a-o-g-series-2)-the omnipresence-of-god.mp3{/s5_mp3}   Attributes of God Series – The Divine Transcendence  {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/a-w-tozer/(a-o-g-series-2)-the-divine.-transcendence.mp3{/s5_mp3}   Attributes of God Series – The Eternity of God {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/a-w-tozer/(a-o-g-series-2)-the-eternity-of-god.mp3{/s5_mp3}   Attributes of God […]

Audio Testimonies

Audio Testimonies Roni Governder A testimony of a devout Hindu lady who was forced to marry at 12 years old, and met Jesus about 20 years later.  There is also a text version of this testimony. {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/testimonies/STE-011.mp3{/s5_mp3} H. T. DeVilliers One of South Africa’s greatest preachers from yesteryear testifies how God mightily saved him! (Archive Audio) […]

Sheet Music for Hymns

Sheet Music for Hymns   Song Titles Solos with piano accompaniment Duets with optional piano accompaniment Trios with optional piano accompaniment 1.   Abide with me   Violin / Tenor Recorderwith optional Flute Obligato Score       Parts        Piano Í   Part 1    (a)  :    Flute / Treble Recorder / Violin   or        (b)  :    Descant Recorder […]

Submit Poems

Submit Poems We at Prayer Club have a burden to spread abroad the message of Jesus Christ and God’s Word through poetry. We long for your kind sacrificial help!  If you are a born-again Christian and have your own Christian poetry, please submit it to us. We will prayerfully decide whether it is right to […]

Vintage Speakers Table

Vintage Speakers Table  Main Speakers , Other Speakers , Pre-Audio Speakers, or Woman to Woman Vintage Speakers: B.R. Lakin Mordecai Ham Colin Peckham Stanley Banks Douglas Crossman T. Austen Sparks Duncan Campbell Warwick Cole Edwards Glenn Conjurske A.W. Tozer Norman Grubb Alan Redpath Bob Jones Sr. Roy Hession Rolfe Barnhard   Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Woman to Woman Table

Woman to Woman Table   Ann Brubaker Jenny Daniel Corrie Ten Boom Rachel Gehman Dora Esh Rachel Weaver Helen Leibee Sue Marini Jackie Kenaston Susie Strubhar Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

T. Austen Sparks

T. Austen Sparks A Living Hope, Part 1 {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/t-austin-sparks/a-living-hope-1.mp3{/s5_mp3} A Living Hope, Part 2 {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/t-austin-sparks/a-living-hope-2.mp3{/s5_mp3} A Living Hope, Part 3 {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/t-austin-sparks/a-living-hope-3.mp3{/s5_mp3} A Pearl of Great Price {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/t-austin-sparks/a-pearl-of-great-price.mp3{/s5_mp3} A Positive Purposeful God {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/t-austin-sparks/a-positive-purposeful-god.mp3{/s5_mp3} Blessedness of the Unoffended {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/t-austin-sparks/blessedness-of-the-unoffended.mp3{/s5_mp3} Burning Fire of the Spirit, Part 1 {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/t-austin-sparks/burning-fire-of-the-spirit-1.mp3{/s5_mp3} Burning Fire of the Spirit, Part 2 {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/t-austin-sparks/burning-fire-of-the-spirit-2.mp3{/s5_mp3} Burning Fire […]

Warwick Cole Edwards

Warwick Cole Edwards Citizenship in Heaven {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/warwick-cole-edwards/citizenship-in-heaven.mp3{/s5_mp3} Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Mordecai Ham

Mordecai Ham What Do You Offer God? {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/mordecai-ham/what-do-you-offer-god.mp3{/s5_mp3} Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Duncan Cambell

Duncan Cambell Salvation: Spiritual Quickening {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/duncan-cambel/spiritual-quickening-duncan-campbell.mp3{/s5_mp3} Testimony: Saved in a Calvary Charge {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/duncan-cambel/saved-in-a-cavalry-charge-duncan-campbell.mp3{/s5_mp3} Revival: Heart Preparation for Revival {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/duncan-cambel/heart-preparation-for-revival-duncan-campbell.mp3{/s5_mp3} Holy Ghost in Revival {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/duncan-cambel/holy-ghost-in-revival-duncan-campbell.mp3{/s5_mp3} Sounds of Heaven {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/duncan-cambel/sounds-of-heaven-duncan-campbell.mp3{/s5_mp3} Why Not Revival? {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/duncan-cambel/why-not-revival-duncan-campbell.mp3{/s5_mp3} Christian Life/Walk: Action and Obedience {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/duncan-cambel/action-and-obedience-duncan-campbell..mp3{/s5_mp3} Counting the Cost {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/duncan-cambel/counting-the-cost-duncan-campbell.mp3{/s5_mp3} Fire of God {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/duncan-cambel/fire-of-god-duncan-campbell.mp3{/s5_mp3} Prayer That Really Counts {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/vintage/duncan-cambel/prayer-that-really-counts-duncan-campbell.mp3{/s5_mp3} Reality of the Divine […]

Janny Le Roux

Janny Le Roux Welcome to Janny Le Roux Sermons Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

John McGregor

John McGregor From Bullets to the Bible {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/other/john_mc_gregor/from-bullits-to-the-bible-john-mc-gregor.mp3{/s5_mp3} Impact Comes out of Intimacy with Jesus {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/other/john_mc_gregor/impact-come-out-of-intimicy-with-jesus-john-mc-gregor.mp3{/s5_mp3} Meeting God in Revival  {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/other/john_mc_gregor/meeting-god-in-revival-john-mc-gregor.mp3{/s5_mp3} Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Sammy Tippet

Sammy Tippet What is Your Vision? {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Sammy-Tippit/what-is-your-vision-sammy-tippit.mp3{/s5_mp3} Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Main Speakers

Main Speakers    Other Speakers  , Vintage Speakers , Pre-Audio Speakers, or Woman to Woman Main Speakers: Blanchard, John Greening, Mark McGregor, John Champlin, Darrell Higham, W Vernon Peasley, Harold Daniel, Keith Holdt, Martin Roberts, Richard Owen Daniel, Roy Kennaston, Denny Tippet, Sammy Deuwel, Wesley Koning, Otto Vaughan, Harold                     […]

Denny Kennaston

Denny Kennaston The Divine Attributes of God Series  Visions of the Glory of God {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Denny-Kennaston/DA-Visions-of-the-glory-of-God.mp3{/s5_mp3}   A High and Lofty View of God {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Denny-Kennaston/DA-02-a-high-and-lofty-view-of-God.mp3{/s5_mp3}   God the Omnipotent Creator {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Denny-Kennaston/DA3-God-the-Omnipotent-creator.mp3{/s5_mp3}   Jehovah, the Eternal Self-Existent One {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Denny-Kennaston/DA04-Jehovah-the-external-self-evident-one.mp3{/s5_mp3}   God Mysterious {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Denny-Kennaston/DA05-God-Mysterious.mp3{/s5_mp3}   The Immensity of God {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Denny-Kennaston/DA-06-The-Immensity-of-God.mp3{/s5_mp3}   God’s Unchanging Perfections {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Denny-Kennaston/DA07-God’s-Unchanging-Perfections.mp3{/s5_mp3}   Glory to […]

Richard Owen Roberts

Richard Owen Roberts Salvation: The Source Appearance and Conduct of Saving Faith {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Richard-Owen-Roberts/The-Source-Appearance-and-Conduct-of-Saving-Faith.mp3{/s5_mp3} Christian Life: Faith With God {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Richard-Owen-Roberts/Breaking-Faith-With-God.mp3{/s5_mp3} Praying for Revival {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Richard-Owen-Roberts/Praying-for-Revival.mp3{/s5_mp3} Seek My Face {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Richard-Owen-Roberts/Seek-My-Face.mp3{/s5_mp3}     Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Mark Greening

Mark Greening Draw Near to Jesus {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Mark-Greening/Draw-Near-To-Jesus.mp3{/s5_mp3} Resist the Devil {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Mark-Greening/Resist-The-Devil.mp3{/s5_mp3} Revival of Prayer {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Mark-Greening/Revival-Of-Prayer.mp3{/s5_mp3} Roots of Revival {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Mark-Greening/Roots-Of-Revival.mp3{/s5_mp3} Submit Yourselves {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Mark-Greening/Submit-Yourselves.mp3{/s5_mp3} The Power of Travailing Prayer {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Mark-Greening/The-Power-of-Travailing-Prayer.mp3{/s5_mp3} Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Harold Vaughan

Harold Vaughan Salvation: Demon Faith {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Vaughan-Harold/demon-faith.mp3{/s5_mp3} Nothing but Leaves {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Vaughan-Harold/nothing-but-leaves.mp3{/s5_mp3} The Other Prodigal {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Vaughan-Harold/the-other-prodigal.mp3{/s5_mp3} Wheat and Tares {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Vaughan-Harold/wheat-and-tares.mp3{/s5_mp3}   Family/Marriage Revival in the Home {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Vaughan-Harold/revival-in-the-home.mp3{/s5_mp3} Christian Walk: Are You Enjoying God? {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Vaughan-Harold/are-you-enjoying-god.mp3{/s5_mp3} Gideon – A Man God Uses {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Vaughan-Harold/gideon-a-man-god-uses.mp3{/s5_mp3} Hearts Sprinkled From an Evil Conscience {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Vaughan-Harold/hearts-sprinkled-from-an-evil-conscience.mp3{/s5_mp3} Holiness and Unclean Lips {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Vaughan-Harold/holiness-and-unclean-lips.mp3{/s5_mp3} Lessons from Nehemiah {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Vaughan-Harold/lessons-from-nehemiah.mp3{/s5_mp3} […]

John Blanchard

John Blanchard Dr. John Blanchard is an internationally known Christian preacher, teacher, apologist and author. He has written 25 books, including two of Britian’s most widely used evangelistic presentations, Right With God and the booklet Ultimate Questions. The latter has over fourteen million copies in print in over 40 languages. His major book, Does God believe in Atheists? […]

Harold Peasley

Harold Peasley Welcome to The Sermons of Dr Harold Peasley:   If you would like to visit the  website of  DR Harold Peasley please click on his name or the picture above! Family/Marriage: Basis of Marriage {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Peasly-Harold/Basis-of-Marriage.mp3{/s5_mp3} Bible Characters: Joshua – Man of God {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Peasly-Harold/Josea-Man-of-God.mp3{/s5_mp3} Paul – Man of God {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Peasly-Harold/Paul-man-of-God.mp3{/s5_mp3} Timothy – Man of […]

Darrell Champlin Sermons

Darrell Champlin Sermons   A Burden or a Call {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Darrell-Champlin/a-burden-or-a-call.mp3{/s5_mp3} Ambassadors for the King {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Darrell-Champlin/ambassadors-for-the-king.mp3{/s5_mp3} Articles of Engagement {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Darrell-Champlin/articles-of-engagement.mp3{/s5_mp3} Bond Slave Mentality {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Darrell-Champlin/bond-slave-mentality.mp3{/s5_mp3} Death and Disobedience {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Darrell-Champlin/death-and-disobedience.mp3{/s5_mp3} Love with Shoes on {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Darrell-Champlin/love-with-shoes-on.mp3{/s5_mp3} Missions and the Gospel According to Romans {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Darrell-Champlin/missions-and-the-gospel-according-to-romans.mp3{/s5_mp3} Practical Pointers For Future Missionaries {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Darrell-Champlin/practical-pointers-for-future-missionaries.mp3{/s5_mp3} The Cosmic Warfare {s5_mp3}mediafolder/audio/main/Darrell-Champlin/the-cosmic-warfare.mp3{/s5_mp3} The Eternal Purpose of God […]


Prayerclub Hymns

Hymns Click HERE to go toHymns – Audio Section > > > Click HERE to go toHymns – Sheet Music > >   Click HERE to go toHymns – Lyrics Section > >   Click HERE to go toHymn Writers Section > >   Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email


Literature - Tracts

Literature   Click HERE to go toTracts > > > Click HERE to go toBooklets > > > Click HERE to go toE-Books > > > Click HERE to go toAudio Books > > > Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Prayer Club Volunteers

Prayer Club Volunteers  Prayer Club Volunteer Section  Have you ever wanted to attempt something for God! This site is not just a collection of media material. We have received testimonies of How God has radically changed lives through the messages on this site! People have been saved and others set on fire! We have a […]


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Audio Sermons

Prayerclub - Main Speakers

Audio Sermons Main Speakers Click HERE to go to Main Speakers > > > Other Speakers Click HERE to go to Other Speakers > > > Vintage Speakers Click HERE to go to Vintage Speakers > > > Pre-Audio Speakers Click HERE to go to Pre-Audio Speakers > > > Woman to WomanSpeakers Click HERE […]

How Satan Destroys Churches

How Satan Destroys Churches How Satan Destroys Churches. 1. How Satan Destroys a Church – Part 1 (GUARD YOUR GARDEN) by Don Courville 2. How Satan Destroys a Church – Part 2 (HOW SATAN DESTROYS BY DIVIDING) by Don Courville  Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Commands of Christ

Commands of Christ Your Commands of Christ Sermons to Follow here Soon. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Woman to Woman

Woman to Woman   SEARCH THROUGH THOUSANDS OF AUDIO SERMONS HERE:  For more Speakers Click This Sentance Keywords : Corrie Ten Boom, Ann Brubaker, Jenny Daniel, Dora Esh, Jacky Kennaston, C Lamicella, Helen Liebee, Sue Marinie, Susie Strubhor, Carol Van Ryn, Rachel Weaver Audio Sermons Woman to Woman. Welcome to the Woman to Woman section […]

Vintage Speakers

Vintage Speakers   SEARCH THROUGH THOUSANDS OF AUDIO SERMONS HERE: FOR WOMAN TO WOMAN SPEAKERS CLICK THIS SENTANCE Keywords : Rolfe Barnard, Duncan Campbell, Darrel Champlin, Glen Conjurske, H T De Villiers, Warwick Cole Edwards, Norman Grubb, Mardecai Ham, Roy Hession, W Vernon Higham, Martin Holt, Bob Jones Snr , Denny Kennaston, Otto Koning, B […]

Other Speakers

Other Speakers   SEARCH THROUGH THOUSANDS OF AUDIO SERMONS HERE: For more Speakers Click This Sentance  Keywords: Timothy Conjurske, David Kirk, Mark Greening, Timothy Hargett, Vance Havner, Jack Hunter, Harry Ironside, William Mckdonald, John McGregor, Boyd Nickolson, Sammy Tippet Audio Sermons Other Speakers. Welcome to the Other Speakers section for the Audio Sermons on Prayerclub. […]

Amazing Testimonies

Amazing Testimonies Amazing Testimony Sermons to follow here soon 1. 2. 3. 4. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email


Prayer How to Preach 1.  2. 3. 4. 5. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Christian Basics

Christian Basics You will find the Christian Basics Sermons here. How can we really trust the Bible Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Contending for the Faith

Contending for the Faith Your “Contending for the Faith” sermons Here!  Fire of God – Duncan Campbell Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Lessons from Church History

Lessons from Church History Lessons from Church History 1.  2. 3. 4. 5. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Witnessing to Cults

Witnessing to Cults Witnessing to Cults sermon links to follow here Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Great Men of Faith

Great Men of Faith Great Men of Faith Sermons 1. 2. 3. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

What God Intends for Churches

What God Intends for Churches What God Intends for Churches, sermons will soon be available here. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

The Family

The Family The Family Sermons will soon be available here Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Missionary Training

Missionary Training Missionary Training Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

How to Preach

How to Preach How to Preach Sermons to follow here! 1.  2. 3. 4. 5. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Newsflash 2

Newsflash 2 The one thing about a Web site, it always changes! Joomla! makes it easy to add Articles, content, images, videos, and more. Site administrators can edit and manage content ‘in-context’ by clicking the ‘Edit’ link. Webmasters can also edit content through a graphical Control Panel that gives you complete control over your site. […]

How to grow Spiritually

How to grow Spiritually How to grow Spiritually 1.  2. 3. 4. 5. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Salvation Sermons

Salvation Sermons Salvation Sermons to follow here. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Especially for Woman

Especially for Woman Your “Especially for Woman” sermons Judah as clay in the Potter’s hand – Jenny Daniel Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

How to Disciple for Christ

How to Disciple for Christ How to Disciple for Christ 1.  2. 3. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

How to Witness

How to Witness If you want to know how to witness then the following sermons are excellent: 1) Open your Eyes to Soulwinning Keith Daniel  An amazing challange to the christian to love and therefore witness. 2) The Dynamic Soulwinning Seminar Roy Daniel  This is a seminar presented by Roy Daniel who is a South African Evangelist […]
