Charles Spurgeon Text Sermons
Charles Spurgeon (1834 – 1892) is known as the prince of preachers. He was considered a puritan born after the time. Often, while he preached, hundreds were praying. He was a friend of D L Moody, who even received one of Spurgeons Bibles. More than any other known text sermons, the printed versions of Spurgeon’s sermons have led to more obvious radical converts to Christ than any writer since Paul. He was also a prolific author and eventually took no church salary as his books alone supported his entire ministry. His illustrations are timeless, and God used him in a mighty way.

Charles Spurgeon Text Sermons
Charles Spurgeon (1834 – 1892) is known as the prince of preachers. He was considered a puritan born after the time. Often, while he preached, hundreds were praying. He was a friend of D L Moody, who even received one of Spurgeons Bibles. More than any other known text sermons, the printed versions of Spurgeon’s sermons have led to more obvious radical converts to Christ than any writer since Paul. He was also a prolific author and eventually took no church salary as his books alone supported his entire ministry. His illustrations are timeless, and God used him in a mighty way.