Church, Crown of the – Charles Spurgeon

AS a church we have a crown, and for many years we have held it; but I would use the language of Christ in the Book of the Revelation, when, speaking to one of the churches, he says, “Hold fast that you have, that no man take your crown.” Now, what has been our crown as a church? It has not been our wealth, for in that we do not excel. It has not been our learning, we do not make any show of it. It has not been our tasteful services, the beauty of our music, and the sweetness of our chanting. No, we do not care about such things, but cultivate simplicity. Our crown has been this one thing, that if there has been a church in Christendom which has given itself to winning souls, this church has done so. Our ministry has aimed always at this, the plucking of the brands from burning, the bringing of sinners out of darkness into marvelous light; and I do you nothing but simple justice, my brethren, when I say that by far the larger part of this church is really alive for soul-winning. It does my heart good to meet with divers knots of brethren among you who everywhere about this city are working away unostentatiously but successfully in bringing souls to Christ. I hope it always will be so. Hold fast, O church, what you have, that no man take your crown. Let it always be our joy and glory that God gives us spiritual children, and souls are born to him.
