D - Christian Hymns
D is a very popular beginning letter of hymns, and we find countless hymns in this section. One of the first that comes to mind is the hymn so often used to encourage the younger to stand firm in their Christian faith but is an equally important rally call to all Christians. I refer to ‘Dare To Be A Daniel’ written by the famous Hymn writer Phillip Paul Bliss. Another very well-known hymn which was not originally written in English, but in ‘Day By Day’, written by Karolina Wilhelmina Sandell-Berg also called Lina Sandell, in 1865 and translated into English by Andrew L. Skoog. Lina Sandell, was called the Fanny Crosby of Sweden. Many other hymns that commence with the letter D are find in this section including the starting words of Dear,Dawn, Daily, Deck, Deem, Delay, Do not, Does, Down and others.

Letter D Hymns
D is a very popular beginning letter of hymns, and we find countless hymns in this section. One of the first that comes to mind is the hymn so often used to encourage the younger to stand firm in their Christian faith but is an equally important rally call to all Christians. I refer to ‘Dare To Be A Daniel’ written by the famous Hymn writer Phillip Paul Bliss. Another very well-known hymn which was not originally written in English, but in ‘Day By Day’, written by Karolina Wilhelmina Sandell-Berg also called Lina Sandell, in 1865 and translated into English by Andrew L. Skoog. Lina Sandell, was called the Fanny Crosby of Sweden. Many other hymns that commence with the letter D are find in this section including the starting words of Dear,Dawn, Daily, Deck, Deem, Delay, Do not, Does, Down and others.