F.B Meyer Text Sermons
Frederick Brotherton Meyer was a friend of D.L. Moody and had introduced him to other ministers, churches and chapels after he had met him in London in the early 1870’s. Meyer was an advocate of a deeper walk with God and took a firm stand against drinking and prostitution which led to many salons and brothels being closed in his time. He challenged Christians to full surrender and total dedication. Meyer was also a key figure in the 1903 Welsh Revival, and it was there that Evan Roberts pledged to pray at least once a month for Revival to come. Meyer visited America and South Africa to preach on invitation. As to his early years, he was born in London, graduated from the London university in 1869 and started pastoring in churches from 1870. Many books were written by Meyer including biographies and devotionals. We can still access his written work today and be drawn into a closer walk with God.

F.B Meyer Text Sermons
Frederick Brotherton Meyer was a friend of D.L. Moody and had introduced him to other ministers, churches and chapels after he had met him in London in the early 1870’s. Meyer was an advocate of a deeper walk with God and took a firm stand against drinking and prostitution which led to many salons and brothels being closed in his time. He challenged Christians to full surrender and total dedication. Meyer was also a key figure in the 1903 Welsh Revival, and it was there that Evan Roberts pledged to pray at least once a month for Revival to come. Meyer visited America and South Africa to preach on invitation.
As to his early years, he was born in London, graduated from the London university in 1869 and started pastoring in churches from 1870. Many books were written by Meyer including biographies and devotionals. We can still access his written work today and be drawn into a closer walk with God.