Grace, grace! – Thomas Brooks

“That no flesh should glory in His presence.” 1 Corinthians 1:29

God does not look for any goodness or merit in the creature to draw His love but He will justify, pardon, and save for His name’s sake. All the motives which move God to show mercy are in His own bosom.

Salvation is only from free grace, and not from anything good in us, or done by us.

God is free to bestow His promises upon whomever He pleases.
He often steps over the rich, and chooses the poor;
He often steps over the learned, and chooses the ignorant;
He often steps over the strong, and chooses the weak;
He often steps over the sweet nature, and chooses the wicked nature;
He often steps over the noble, and chooses the vile; etc.,
that no flesh may glory, and that all may shout out “Grace, grace!

By the grace of God I am what I am!” 1 Corinthians 15:10
