If Jesus is not your advocate he will be your judge

If Jesus is not your Advocate he will be your Judge

A lady received a summons to appear in court on a certain day at a certain hour to answer a charge brought against her. She knew she was guilty of the breach of law specified on the charge sheet, and knew also that it would be necessary to find a good lawyer to take up her case and defend her in court. One of her friends recommended an excellent advocate who, she was certain, could present the case for the defense so well that she would be acquitted. She decided to put her case into this lawyer’s hands, took his address and put it carefully away. But days passed and she did nothing, thinking that `tomorrow’ would be all right. After weeks of procrastination, she realized that the date fixed for the hearing of her case was perilously near, and, finding the address of the advocate recommended to her, she went to his office. She gave him particulars of the case and a list of helpful witnesses, and asked him to be her advocate and conduct her defense. Madam,’ he said, `had you come last week, I should gladly have undertaken your defense, but only a day or two ago I was appointed judge, and shall have to sit in judgment on your case.’ The Lord Jesus Christ, in virtue of His having paid sin’s penalty on the cross, is the sinner’s Advocate now. The day is drawing near when He will be the ‘Judge of the quick and the dead. (1 John 2. 1; Rom. 2. 16; 2 Tim. 4. 1; 2 Cor. 6. 2)  

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