It will suck sweetness out of every flower – Thomas Brooks

Faith is the key which unlocks paradise, and lets in a flood of joy into the soul. Faith is an appropriating grace, it appropriates all to itself; it looks upon God, and says with the psalmist, “This God is my God forever and ever,” Psalm 63:1, and Psalm 48:14. It looks upon Christ and says, “My beloved is mine, and His desires are towards me,” Song 7:10. It looks upon the precious promises and says, These “precious promises” are mine, 2 Pet. 1:4. It looks upon heaven and says, “Henceforth is laid up for me a crown of righteousness,” 2 Tim. 4:8; and this fills the soul with joy and peace.

Faith has an influence upon other graces, it is like a silver thread that runs through a chain of pearl, it puts strength and vivacity into all other virtues. It made Abraham to rejoice; and it made Noah sit still and quiet in the midst of a deluge.

Faith is the first pin which moves the soul; it is the spring in the watch which sets all the golden wheels of love, joy, comfort, and peace a-going. Faith is a root-grace, from whence springs all the sweet flowers of joy and peace.

Faith is like the bee, it will suck sweetness out of every flower; it will extract . . .
light out of darkness,
comforts out of distresses,
mercies out of miseries,
wine out of water,
honey out of the rock,
meat out of the eater, Judges 14:14.
