Lord, You know – Thomas Brooks

The true child of God is able to say, “Lord, You know, that though I have had many and great failings yet there are no beloved sins, no bosom sins, no darling sins, which are chargeable upon me! Lord, You know . . .

1. That there is no known sin which I don’t hate and abhor.

2. That there is no known sin which I don’t combat and conflict with.

3. That there is no known sin which I don’t grieve and mourn over.

4. That there is no known sin which I would not heartily be rid of.

5. That there is no known sin which I don’t in some measure, endeavor in the use of holy means to be delivered from.

6. That there is no known sin, the effectual subduing and mortifying of which would not administer matter of the greatest joy and comfort to me!
