Not one unholy one among them all! – Thomas Brooks

“Without holiness no one will see the Lord.” Hebrews 12:14

O, do not deceive your own souls! Holiness is of absolute necessity; without it you shall never see the Lord!

There are many thousand thousands now in heaven but
not one unholy one among them all! There is . . .
not one sinner among all those saints;
not one goat among all those sheep;
not one weed among all those flowers;
not one thorn or prickle among all those roses;
not one pebble among all those glistening diamonds;
not one Cain among all those Abels;
not one Judas among all the apostles;
nor one Demas among all the preachers;
not one Simon Magus among all the professors.

Heaven is only for the holy man and the holy man alone, is for heaven.

Without holiness here no heaven hereafter! And there shall never enter into it, anything that defiles.” Rev. 21:27. God will at last shut the gates of glory against every person who is without heart-purity.

If a man had . . .
the wisdom of Solomon,
the strength of Samson,
the courage of Joshua,
the policy of Ahithophel,
the power of Ahasuerus, and
the eloquence of Apollos;
yet all these without holiness would never save him.
