“Now I See”
“Now I see!” But not the parting
Of the melting earth and sky,
“Now I see!” But not the parting
Of the melting earth and sky,
Not a vision dread and startling,
Forcing one despairing cry.
But I see the solemn saying,
All have sinned and all must die,
Holy precepts disobeying,
Guilty all the world must lie.
Bending, silenced, to the dust,
Now I see that God is just.
“Now I see!” But not the glory,
Not the face of Him I love,
Not the full and burning story
Of the mysteries above.
But I see what God hath spoken,
How His well-beloved Son
Kept the laws which man hath broken,
Died for sins which man hath done;
Dying, rising, throned above!
“Now I see” that God is Love.
John 9: 25
Frances Havergal