Removing the Difficulties. - Dwight Lyman Moody
I was speaking to a young lady in the inquiry-room some time ago, and she was in great distress of mind. She seemed really anxious to be saved, and I could not find out what was the trouble between God and her. I saw ,there was something that was keeping her back. I quoted promise after promise, but she didn’t seem to take hold on any of them. Then we got down on our knees, but still there was no light. Finally I said: “Is there any one against whom you have bitter feelings?” “Yes; there’s a young lady on the other side of the room, talking to your wife, whom I can’t forgive.” “Ah I’ve got it now; that’s why the blessing won’t come to you.” “Do you mean to tell me,” said the young lady, looking up in my face, “that I can’t be saved until I forgive her?” “No you can’t! and, if there are any others whom you hate, you must forgive them also.” She paused a moment, and then she said: “I will go.” It seems that my wife and the other young lady had been going over the same ground, and just at that time the other young lady had resolved to come to ask this one’s forgiveness. So they met in the middle of the room, both saying at once: “Will you forgive me?” Oh, what a meeting it was! They knelt together, and joy beamed on their souls, and their difficulties vanished. In a little while they went out of the room with their arms around each other, and their faces lit up with a heavenly glow.