Rolfe Barnard Audio Sermons

Rolfe Barnard (1904-1969) was a powerful, heartfelt convicting preacher of the word of God who was immense in his appreciation for the person and attributes of a holy God who made all and was all in all. His sermons challenge, are life-changing and contain Laser beams of truth in a way that is sweet yet piercing in a sword-of-the-Lord way. His heartfelt passion for God and His word centered on the person and work of Christ is timeless and ever-relevant to people of all ages everywhere.

Rolfe Barnard Sermons Speaker

Rolfe Barnard Audio Sermons

3 Ways a Sovereign God Saves – Rolfe Barnard

6 Things We Face in Preaching – Rolfe Barnard

A Burden For Souls - Rolfe Barnard

A Hindrance to God's Works - Rolfe Barnard

A Man Who Is Known in Hell - Rolfe Barnard

A Message on Hell - Rolfe Barnard

A Sweetheart Love For Jesus Christ - Rolfe Barnard

An Exhortation to Church Member - Rolfe Barnard

Anathema Maranatha - Rolfe Barnard

Bible Holiness - Rolfe Barnard

Can't Resist the Holy Ghost - Rolfe Barnard

Christ The Demander - Rolfe Barnard

Christmas and the Shed Blood - Rolfe Barnard

Claims Of The Lord Jesus Christ - Rolfe Barnard

Corruption of Natural Man - Rolfe Barnard

Dead Men Tell No Tales - Rolfe Barnard

Dead Orthodoxy - Rolfe Barnard

Death And Then The Judgment - Rolfe Barnard

Description God's Preachers II - Rolfe Barnard

Description of God's Preachers - Rolfe Barnard


Rolfe Barnard (1904-1969) was a powerful, heartfelt convicting preacher of the word of God who was immense in his appreciation for the person and attributes of a holy God who made all and was all in all. His sermons challenge, are life-changing and contain Laser beams of truth in a way that is sweet yet piercing in a sword-of-the-Lord way. His heartfelt passion for God and His word centered on the person and work of Christ is timeless and ever-relevant to people of all ages everywhere.

Rolfe Barnard Sermons Speaker