Substitution of Christ – Charles Spurgeon

THE death of Christ gloriously set forth divine justice, because it taught manifestly this truth, that sin can never go without punishment. It is a law of God’s moral universe that sin must be punished. He has made that as necessary as the law of gravitation. The law of gravitation he may suspend, the law of justice never. He will by no means spare the guilty. The soul that sins—it shall die.” “Cursed is every one that continues not in all things that are written in the Book of the law to do them.” As the Lord had appointed the salvation of his people, even this, the dearest desire of his soul, does not lead him to tamper with his inviolable law. No, a substitute shall be provided, who shall to the utmost farthing pay Whatever his people owe. Upon his head the fire-cloud shall discharge itself, and into his bosom shall be emptied out the coals of fire. No pardon without punishment! If the question be asked, “Why not?” it were enough to say that so long as God rules the universe he rules it in wisdom, and his wisdom knows that it would be unsafe if sin were at any time permitted to be blotted out, apart from satisfaction received. Christ, therefore, must himself give a satisfaction for sin, that this rule may be declared, and written upon the fore-front of the skies. God will not pardon sin by overlooking it. There must be redemption before there can be remission.
