The more Christ has suffered for us – Thomas Brooks
The more Christ has suffered for us the dearer Christ should be unto us. The greater and the bitterer Christ’s sufferings have been for us the greater and the sweeter should our love be to Him. O my friends! there is no love but a superlative love, which is any way suitable to the transcendent sufferings of dear Jesus. Oh,
love Him above your lusts,
love Him above your relations,
love Him above the world,
love Him above all your contentments and enjoyments;
yes, love Him above your very lives!
Certainly the more Christ has suffered for us, the more dear Christ should be unto us. The more bitter His sufferings have been for us, the more eminent should be our love to him. Oh, let a suffering Christ lie nearest your hearts!
Christ is that golden pipe through which the golden oil of salvation runs! Oh, how should this inflame our love to Christ! Oh, that our hearts were more affected with the sufferings of Christ! Who can tread upon these hot coals, and his heart not burn in love to Christ?
Oh, the infinite love of Christ that He should leave His Father’s bosom, and come down from heaven that He might carry you up to heaven; that he who was a Son should take upon Him the form of a servant; that you slaves should be made sons; that you enemies should be made friends, that you heirs of wrath should be made heirs of God; that to save us from everlasting ruin, Christ should be willing to be made flesh, to lie in a manger, to be tempted, deserted, persecuted, and to die upon a cross! Oh what flames of love to Christ, should these things kindle in all our hearts.