There’s a man named George Raindrop-George Mueller

There’s a man named George Raindrop, an interesting name.

He Wrote a book called “No Common Task.”

It’s got one interesting event in it that I want to relate it to you.

In the book he tells about a nurse and how this nurse taught a man to pray and literally changed the man’s entire life.

The story says he was a dull disgruntled dispirited man who became a man of joy.

This is what the writer says,

“Much of the nurse’s work was done with her hands. And she used her hand as, as it were, a scheme of prayer. Each of her fingers stood for someone. Her thumb was nearest to her and it reminded her to pray for those who were nearest and closest and dearest to her. The second finger was used for pointing, those who teach us point to us with it when they would ask us a question. Therefore her second finger stood for all her teachers, she prayed for them. The third finger is the tallest and it stood for the VIPs, the leaders in every sphere of life. The fourth finger is the weakest, as every pianist knows, and it stood for those who were weak and in trouble and in pain. And the little finger is the smallest and the most unimportant and to the nurse it stood for herself.”

That’s a great scheme of prayer .

And there will always be a deep sense of joy in the heart of one who learns to pray by that little scheme.

Starting with others and ending up with the most insignificant of all, yourself.
