They trample that matchless jewel – Thomas Brooks
The soul is that spiritual and immortal substance, which is capable of union with God, and of communion with God, and of an eternal fruition of God. There are none but bear about with them, precious and immortal souls, which are more worth than ten thousand thousand worlds. The first great work that men are to attend in this world is the eternal safety and security of their souls.
If the soul is safe all is safe.
If the soul is well all is well.
If the soul is lost all is lost.
I have read that there was a time when the Romans wore their jewels on their shoes. Most men in this day do worse, for they trample that matchless jewel of their souls under feet!
Many at last will cry out, “Oh, what have I lost! I have lost God, and Christ, and heaven; and have betrayed my precious and immortal soul into the hands of divine justice, and into the hands of Satan!