W - Illustrations for Sermons

Wisdom that comes from God so different to that of the world. It is a priceless gift. Worldly wealth passes away but incidents of those who recognized that Heavenly wealth is eternal will inspire. Warnings that have saved lives and those which have been left unheeded and resulted in tragedy are found in this section. Worry is not a testimony for any Christian to indulge in and this is highlighted in this section. Worship and the uplifting of the soul in worship is illustrated in different stories in this section.

W Letter Sermons

Letter W Illustrations


Wisdom that comes from God so different to that of the world. It is a priceless gift. Worldly wealth passes away but incidents of those who recognized that Heavenly wealth is eternal will inspire. Warnings that have saved lives and those which have been left unheeded and resulted in tragedy are found in this section. Worry is not a testimony for any Christian to indulge in and this is highlighted in this section. Worship and the uplifting of the soul in worship is illustrated in different stories in this section.

W Letter Sermons