Wealth, Responsibility of – Charles Spurgeon
THERE is a responsibility attaching to wealth which some do not seem to realize. Among our great men, how few use money as they should! Their gifts are nothing in proportion to their possessions. Alas! things are even worse than this with some who are miscalled honorable and noble. Our hereditary legislators are some of them a dishonor to their ancient houses, and a disgrace to the peerage, from which they ought to be ignominiously expelled. What right have gamblers to be making laws? How shall we trust those with the affairs of the nation who bring themselves down to poverty by their gambling, and set an example which the poorest peasant might well scorn to follow? God will visit our land for this. Wickedness reigns in high places, and there the reckoning will begin. Would to God that our great men would recollect that they are responsible, and that wealth is not given them to lavish upon their passions, but to employ for God and for the common weal. If your cup runs over, call the poor to catch the drops, and give an extra spill that they may have the more.