“For they themselves show of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, and how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God; and to wait for His Son from Heaven, whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus, who delivered us from the wrath to come.” 1 Thessalonians 1:9, 10.
In Thessalonica, the conversions to the faith were remarkable. Paul came there without prestige, without friends, and in the very lowest condition, for he had just been beaten and imprisoned at Philippi and had fled from that city. Yet it mattered not in what condition the ambassador might be—God, who works mighty things by weak instruments, blessed the word of His servant, Paul! No doubt, when the Apostle went into the synagogue to address his own countrymen, he had great hopes that, by reasoning with them out of their own Scriptures, he might convince them that Jesus was the Christ. He soon found that only a few would search the Scriptures and form a judgment on the point. The bulk of them refused, for we read of the Jews of Berea, to whom Paul fled from Thessalonica, “These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the Word with all readiness of mind and searched the Scriptures daily, whether those things were so.” Paul must have felt disappointed with his own countrymen. Indeed, he often had cause to do so. His heart was affectionately warm toward them, but their hearts were very bitter towards him, reckoning him to be a pervert and an apostate. But if he seemed to fail with the Jews, it is evident that he was abundantly successful with the Gentiles! These turned from their idols to serve the living God and their turning was so remarkable that the Jews charged Paul and Silas with turning the world upside down! In those days there was a good deal of practical atheism abroad and, therefore, the wonder was not so much that men left their idols, as that they turned unto the living God. It became a matter of talk all over the city, and the Jews, in their violence, helped to make the matter more notorious, for the mobs in the street and the attack upon the house of Jason all stirred the thousand tongues of rumor. Everybody spoke of the sudden appearance of three poor Jews, of their remarkable teaching in the synagogue, the conversion of a great multitude of devout Greeks, and of the chief women not a few. It was no small thing that so many had come straight away from the worship of Jupiter and Mercury to worship the unknown God—who could not be seen, nor imaged—and to enter the kingdom of one Jesus who had been crucified! It set all Macedonia and Achaia wondering and, as with a trumpet blast, it awakened all the dwellers in those regions. Every ship that sailed from Thessalonica carried the news of the strange ferment which was moving the city—men were caring for religion and were quitting old beliefs for a new and better faith. Thessalonica, situated on one of the great Roman roads, the center of a large trade, thus became a center for the Gospel. Wherever there are true conversions, there will be more or less of this kind of sounding forth of the Gospel. It was especially so at Thessalonica, but it is truly so in every Church where the Spirit of God is lifting up men from the dregs of evil, delivering them from drunkenness, dishonesty, uncleanness, worldliness, and making them to become holy and earnest in the cause of the great Lord! There is sure to be a talk when Grace triumphs! This talk is a great aid to the Gospel. It is no small thing that men should have their attention attracted to it by its effects—for it is both natural and just that thoughtful men should judge of doctrines by their results—and if the most beneficial results follow from the preaching of the Word of God, prejudice is disarmed and the most violent objectors are silenced.
You will notice that in this general talk, the converts and the preachers were greatly mixed up—“For they themselves show of us what manner of entering in we had unto you.” I do not know that it is possible for the preacher to keep himself distinct from those who profess to be converted by him. He is gladly one with them in love to their souls, but he would have it remembered that he cannot be responsible for all their actions. Those who profess to have been converted under any ministry have it in their power to damage that ministry far more than any adversaries can do. “There!” says the world when it detects a false professor, “this is what comes of such preaching!” They judge unfairly, I know, but most men are in a great hurry and will not examine the logic of their opponents—while many others are so eager to judge unfavorably that a very little truth, or only a bare report, suffices to condemn both the minister and his doctrine. Every man that lives unto God with purity of life brings honor to the Gospel which converted him, to the community to which he belongs, and to the preaching by which he was brought to the knowledge of the Truth of God. But the reverse is equally true in the case of unworthy adherents. Members of Churches, will you kindly think of this? Your ministers share the blame of your ill conduct if ever you disgrace yourselves. I feel sure that none of you wish to bring shame and trouble upon your pastors, however careless you may be about your own reputations. Oh, that we could be freed from those of whom Paul says, “Many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the Cross of Christ: whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.” When these are in a Church, they are its curse! The Thessalonians were not such—they were such a people that Paul did not blush to have himself implicated in what they did. He was glad to say that the outsiders “show of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, and how you turned to God from idols, to serve the living and true God, and to wait for His Son from Heaven.”
A Summary of Christian Experience
Quitting this line of thought, I would observe that these two verses struck me as being singularly full. Oceans of teaching are to be found in them. A father of the Church in the first ages was apt to cry, “I adore the infinity of Holy Scripture.” That remark constantly rises from my lips when I am studying the sacred Word! This Book is more than a book—it is the mother of books, a mine of truth, a mountain of meaning! It was an ill-advised opinion which is imputed to the Muslims at the destruction of the Alexandrian Library, when they argued that everything that was good in it was already in the Koran and, therefore, it might as well be destroyed. Yet it is true with regard to the inspired Word of God, that it contains everything which appertains to eternal life. It is a Revelation of which no man can measure! It compasses Heaven and earth, time and eternity!
The best evidence of its being written by an Infinite mind is its own infinity. Within a few of its words there lie hidden immeasurable meanings, even as perfume enough to sweeten leagues of space may be condensed into a few drops of oil of roses. The first part of my text contains a summary of Christian experience. The second part contains a body of divinity. Here is ample room and verge enough. It is not possible to exhaust such a theme!
I. A Summary of Experience
The first part of the text contains A SUMMARY OF EXPERIENCE—“What manner of entering in we had unto you, and how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, and to wait for His Son from Heaven.” Here we have, in miniature, the biography of a Christian man. It begins, first, with the entering in of the Word—“What manner of entering in we had unto you.” When we preach the Word, you listen, and, so far, the Word is received. This is a very hopeful circumstance. Still, the hearing with the outward ear is comparatively a small matter or, at least, only great because of what may follow from it. The preacher feels, even with some who listen with attention, that he is outside the door. He is knocking and he hopes that he is heard within—but the Truth of God is not yet received—the door remains shut, an entrance is not granted and in no case can he be content to speak with the person outside the door. He desires an entrance for the Word. All is fruitless until Christ enters into the heart. I have seen the following—the door has been a little opened and the man inside has come to look at the messenger and, more distinctly, to hear what he may have to say. But he has taken care to secure the chain on the door, or hold it with his hand, for he is not yet ready to admit the guest who is so desirous of entering. The King’s messenger has sometimes tried to put his foot in when the door has stood a little open, but he has not always been successful and has not even escaped from a painful hurt when the door has been forced back with angry violence. We have called again and again with our message, but we have been as men who besieged a walled city and were driven from the gates! Yet we had our reward, for when the Holy Spirit sweetly moved the hard heart, the city gates have opened of their own accord and we have been received joyfully!
We have heard the hearty cry, “Let the Truth of God come in! Let the Gospel come in! Let Christ come in! Whatever there is in Him, we are willing to receive! Whatever He demands, we are willing to give! Whatever He offers us we are glad to accept! Come and welcome! The guest chamber is prepared. Come and abide in our house forever!” The Truth has its own ways of entrance, but in general it first affects the understanding. The man says, “I see it! I see how God is just, and yet the Justifier of him that believes in Jesus! I see sin laid on Christ that it may not be laid on me and I perceive that if I believe in Jesus Christ my sins are put away by His Atonement.” To many, all that is needed is that they should understand this fundamental Truth of God, for their minds are prepared of God to receive it. Only make it plain and they catch at it as a hungry man at a piece of bread! They discover, in the Gospel of our Lord Jesus, the very thing for which they have been looking for years—and so the Truth of God enters by the door of the understanding. Then it usually commences to work upon the conscience, conscience being the understanding exercised upon moral truth. The man sees himself a sinner, discovering guilt that he was not aware of—and he is thus made ready to receive Christ’s pardoning Grace. He sees that to have lived without thinking of God, without loving God, without serving God was a great and grievous crime. He feels the offensiveness of this neglect. He trembles, he consents unto the Law, that it is good, and he acknowledges that if the Law condemns him, he is worthy to be condemned. When it has thus entered into the understanding and affected the conscience, the Word of God usually awakens the emotions. Fear is awakened and hope is excited. The man begins to feel as he never felt before. His whole manhood is brought under the heavenly spell! His very flesh creeps in harmony with the amazement of his soul. He wonders and dreads, weeps and quivers, hopes and doubts. No emotion is asleep—life is in all! When a tear rises to his eye, he brushes it away, but it is soon succeeded by another. Repentance calls forth! The proud man is broken down; the hard man is softened. The love of God, in providing a Savior; the unsearchable riches of Divine Grace, in passing by transgression, iniquity, and sin—these things amaze and overwhelm the penitent! He finds himself suddenly dissolved, where before he was hard as adamant, for the Word is entering into him and exercising its softening power. By-and-by the entrance is complete, for the Truth of God carries the central castle of Mansoul and captures his heart. He who once hated the Gospel now loves it! At first he loves it, hoping that it may be his, though fearing the reverse—yet admitting that if it brought no blessing to him, yet it was a lovable and desirable thing. By-and-by the man ventures to grasp it, encouraged by the Word that bids him lay hold on eternal life. One who in digging his land finds a treasure, first looks about for fear lest someone else should claim it.
But soon he dares to examine his prize more carefully and, at length, he bears it in his bosom to his own home. So it is with the Gospel—when a man finds it by the understanding, he soon embraces it with his heart and, believe me, if it once gets into the heart, the arch-enemy, himself, will never get it out again! Oh, that such an entrance with the Gospel might commence the spiritual life of all here present who are as yet unsaved! What comes next? Well, the second stage is conversion. “They themselves show of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, and how you turned from idols to serve the living and true God.” There came a turning, a decided turning. The man has come so far in carelessness, so far in sin and unbelief, but now he pauses and he deliberately turns around and faces in that direction to which, up to now, he had turned his back. Conversion is the turning of a man completely around—to hate what he loved and to love what he hated! Conversion is to turn to God decidedly and distinctly by an act and deed of the mind and will. In some senses we are turned, but in others, like these Thessalonians, we turn. It is not conversion to think that you will turn, or to promise that you will turn, or resolve that you will turn—but actually and in very deed to turn—because the Word of God has had a true entrance into your heart. You must not be content with a reformation! There must be a revolution—old thrones must fall and a new king must reign. Is it so with you? These Thessalonians turned from their idols. Do you tell me that you have no idols? Think again and you will not be quite so sure. The streets of London are full of fetish worship and almost every dwelling is a temple crammed with idols. Why, multitudes of men are worshipping not calves of gold, but gold in a more portable shape! Small circular idols of gold and silver are much sought after. They are very devoutly worshipped by some and great things are said concerning their power. I have heard the epithet of “almighty” ascribed to an American form of these idols! Those who do not worship gold may yet worship rank, name, pleasure, or honor. Most worship self—and I do not know that there is a more degrading form of worship than for a man to put himself on a pedestal and bow down thereto and worship himself! You might just as well adore cats and crocodiles with the ancient Egyptians as pay your life’s homage to yourselves. No wooden image set up by the most savage tribe can be more ugly or degrading than our idol when we adore ourselves! Men still worship Bacchus. Do not tell me they do not! Why, there is a temple to him at every street corner. While every other trade is content with a shop or a warehouse, this fiend has his palaces in which plentiful libations are poured forth in his honor. The gods of unchastity and vice are yet among us. It would be a shame, even, to speak of the things which are done for them in secret. The lusts of the flesh are served even by many who would not like to have it known. We have many gods and many lords in this land! God grant that we may see, through the preaching of the Gospel, many turning from such idols! If you love anything better than God, you are idolaters! If there is anything you would not give up for God, it is your idol! If there is anything that you seek with greater fervor than you seek the Glory of God, that is your idol—and conversion means a turning from every idol! But then that is not enough, for some men turn from one idol to another. If they do not worship Bacchus, they become teetotalers and possibly they worship the golden calf and become covetous. When men quit covetousness, they sometimes turn to profligacy. A change of false gods is not the change that will save—we must turn unto God—to trust, love and honor Him, and Him alone! After conversion comes service. True conversion causes us “to serve the living and true God.” To serve Him means to worship Him, to obey Him, to consecrate one’s entire being to His honor and Glory and to be His devoted servant. We are, dear Friends, to serve the “living” God. Many men still have a dead God. They do not feel that He hears their prayers. They do not feel the power of His Spirit moving upon their hearts and lives. They never take the Lord into their calculations. He never fills them with joy, nor even depresses them with fear. God is unreal and inactive to them. But the true convert turns to the living God, who is everywhere and whose Presence affects him at every point of his being. This God he is to worship, obey and serve. Then it is added, to serve the true God—and there is no serving a true God with falsehood. Many evidently serve a false god, for they utter words of prayer without their hearts—and that is false prayer, unfit for the true God who must be worshipped in spirit and in truth. When men’s lives are false and artificial, they are not a fit service for the God of Truth. A life is false when it is not the true outcome of the soul—when it is fashioned by custom, ruled by observation, restrained by selfish motives and governed by the love of human approbation. What a man does against his will is not, in truth, done by himself at all. If the will is not changed, the man is not converted and his religious life is not true. He that serves the true God acceptably does it with delight. To him, sin is misery, and holiness is happiness. This is the sort of service which we desire our converts to render—we long to see rebels become sons. Oh the sacred alchemy of the Holy Spirit who can turn men from being the slaves of sin to become servants of righteousness! Carefully notice the order of life’s progress. The entering in of the Word of God produces conversion and this produces service. Do not put those things out of their places. If you are converts without the Word entering into you, you are unconverted. And if professing to receive the Word, you are not turned by it, you have not received it! If you claim to be converted and yet do not serve God, you are not converted. And if you boast of serving God without being converted, you are not serving God! The three things are links which draw on each other. A fourth matter follows to complete this Christian biography, namely, waiting—“To wait for His Son from Heaven.”
II. A Body of Divinity
“To wait for His Son from Heaven, whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus, who delivered us from the wrath to come.” To begin my body of divinity, I see here, first, the Deity of Christ. “To wait for His Son.” “His Son.” God has but one Son in the highest sense. The Lord Jesus Christ has given to all Believers power to become the sons of God, but not in the sense in which He, and He, alone, is the Son of God. “Unto which of the angels said He at any time, You are My Son, this day have I begotten you?” “When He brings in the First-Begotten into the world, He says, Let all the angels of God worship Him.” The Eternal Sonship is a mystery into which it is better for us never to pry. Believe it. But how it is, or how it could be—it is certainly not for you or for me to attempt to explain. There is one “Son of the Highest,” who is “God—of the substance of the Father, begotten before all worlds,” whom we, with all our souls, adore, and acknowledge to be most truly God—doing so, especially, every time in the benediction we associate Him with the Father and with the Holy Spirit as the one God of blessing. Side by side with this in this text of mine is His humanity. “His Son whom He raised from the dead.” It is for man to die. God, absolutely considered, dies not. He, therefore, took upon Himself our mortal frame and was made in fashion as a Man. Then willingly, for our sakes, He underwent the pangs of death and, being crucified, was dead and so was buried, even as the rest of the dead. He was truly Man, “of a reasonable soul, and human flesh subsisting”—of that we are confident. There has been no discussion upon that point in these modern times, but there was much questioning thereon in years long gone—for what is there so clear that men will not doubt it or mystify it? With us there is no question either as to His Deity, which fills us with reverence, or His Manhood, which inspires us with joy! He is the Son of God and the Son of Mary. He, as God, is, “immortal, invisible.” And yet, for our sakes, He was seen of men and angels—and in mortal agony yielded up the ghost. He suffered for our salvation, died upon the Cross and was buried in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathaea, being verily and truly Man. Notice a third doctrine which is here, and that is the unity of the Divine Person of the Lord, for while the Apostle speaks of Christ as God’s Son from Heaven, and as One who had died, he adds, “even Jesus.” That is to say, one known, undivided Person! Although He is God and Man, yet He is not two, but one Christ! There is but one Person of our blessed and adorable Lord—“one altogether; not by confusion of substance, but by unity of Person.” He is God. He is Man—perfect God and perfect Man—and, as such, Jesus Christ, the one Mediator between God and man.
There have been mistakes about this made in the Church, though I trust not by any one of us here present. We worship the Lord Jesus Christ in the unity of His Divine Person as the one Savior of men. Furthermore, in our text we perceive a doctrine about ourselves very plainly implied, namely, that men by nature are guilty, for otherwise they would not have needed Jesus, a Savior. They were lost and so He who came from Heaven to earth bore the name of Jesus, “for He shall save His people from their sins.” It is clear, my Brothers and Sisters, that we were under the Divine wrath, otherwise it could not be said, “He has delivered us from the wrath to come.” We who are now delivered were once “children of wrath, even as others.” And when we are delivered, it is a meet song to sing, “O Lord, I will praise You: though You were angry with me, Your anger is turned away, and You comforted me.” We were guilty, otherwise we had not needed a propitiation by the Savior’s death! We were lost, otherwise we had not needed One who should seek and save that which is lost! And we were hopelessly lost, otherwise God Himself would not have shared our nature to work the mighty work of our redemption. That Truth is in the text—and a great deal more than I can mention just now. But the next doctrine, which is one of the fundamentals of the Gospel, is that the Lord Jesus Christ died for these fallen men. He could not have been raised from the dead if He had not died. That death was painful and ignominious— and it was also substitutionary—“for the transgression of My people was He stricken.” In the death of Christ lay the essence of our redemption. I would not have you dissociate His life from His death—it comes into His death as an integral part of it—for as the moment we begin to live, we, in a sense, begin to die, so the Man of Sorrows lived a dying life which was all preparatory to His passion. He lived to die, panting for the baptism with which He was to be baptized, and reaching forward to it. But it was especially, though not only, by His death upon the Cross that Jesus put away our sin. Without shedding of blood there is no remission of sin. Not even the tears of Christ, nor the labors of Christ could have redeemed us if He had not given Himself for us as an Offering and a Sacrifice. “He die, or justice must,” or man must die. It was His bowing His head and giving up of the ghost which finished the whole work. “It is finished” could not have been uttered except by a bleeding, dying Christ! His death is our life. Let us always dwell upon that central Truth of God and when we are preaching Christ risen, Christ reigning, or Christ coming, let us never so preach any of them as to overshadow Christ crucified! “We preach Christ Crucified.” Some have put up as their ensign, “We preach Christ glorified,” and we, also, preach the same. But yet, to us it seems that the first and foremost view of Jesus by the sinner is as the Lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world. Therefore do we preach, first, Christ Crucified, while at the same time we do not forget that blessed hope of the child of God—namely, Christ in Glory soon to descend from Heaven.
The next doctrine I see in my text is the acceptance of the death of Christ by the Father. “Where is that?” you ask. Look! “Whom He raised from the dead.” Not only did Jesus rise from the dead, but the Father had a distinct hand therein. God as God gave the token of His acceptance of Christ’s Sacrifice by raising Him from the dead. It is true, as we sometimes sing— “If Jesus had not paid the debt, He never had been at freedom set.” The Surety would have been held in prison to this day if He had not discharged His suretyship engagements and wiped out all the liabilities of His people. Therefore it is written, “He was delivered for our offenses, and was raised again for our justification.” In His glorious rising from the dead lies the assurance that we are accepted, accepted in the Beloved— the Beloved being Himself certainly accepted because God brought Him again from the dead! Further on we have another doctrine, among many more. We have here the doctrine of our Lord’s Resurrection, of which we spoke when we mentioned the acceptance of His offering. Christ is risen from the dead. I pray you, do not think of the Lord Jesus Christ as though He were now dead. It is well to dwell upon Gethsemane, Golgotha, and Gabbatha, but remember the empty tomb, Emmaus, Galilee, and Olivet! It is not well to think of Jesus as forever on the Cross or in the tomb. “He is not here, but He is risen.” You may “come and see the place where the Lord lay,” but He lies there no longer! He has burst the bands of death by which He could not be held, for it was not possible that God’s Holy One could see corruption! The rising of Jesus from the dead is that fact of facts which establishes Christianity upon an historical basis and, at the same time, guarantees to all Believers their own resurrection from the dead! He is the first fruits and we are the harvest.
Further, there is here the doctrine of His Ascension—“to wait for His Son from Heaven.” It is clear that Jesus is in Heaven or He could not come from it. He has gone before us as our Forerunner. He has gone to His rest and reward. A cloud received Him out of sight. He has entered into His Glory. I doubt not our poet is right when he says of the angels— “They brought His chariot from on high, To bear Him to His Throne.
Clapped their triumphant wings and cried, ‘The glorious work is done!’” That ascension of His brought us the Holy Spirit. He “led captivity captive, and received gifts for men.” And He gave the Holy Spirit as the largess of His joyous entry to His Father’s courts, that man on earth might share in the joy of the Conqueror returning from the battle! “Lift up your heads, O you gates; and be you lift up, you everlasting doors; and the King of Glory shall come in,” was the song of that bright day! But the text tells us more—not only that He has gone into Heaven, but that He remains there, for these Thessalonians were expecting Him to come “from Heaven” and, therefore, He was there. What is He doing? “I go to prepare a place for you.” What is He doing? He is interceding with authority before the Throne of God. What is He doing? He is from yonder hilltop looking upon His Church, which is as a ship upon the sea buffeted by many a storm. In the middle watch you shall see Him walking on the waters, for He perceives the straining of the oars, the leakage of the timbers, the rending of the sails, the dismay of the pilot, the trembling of the crew—and He will come to us and save us! He is sending heavenly succors to His weary ones! He is ruling all things for the salvation of His elect and the accomplishment of His purposes. Glory be to His blessed name! Jesus is in Heaven with saving power, too, and that, also, is in the text. “His Son from Heaven, even Jesus, who delivers us from the wrath to come.” I alter the translation, for it is a present participle in the case of each verb, and should run, “Even Jesus, delivering us from the coming wrath.” He is, at this moment, delivering! “Therefore He is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him, seeing He ever lives to make intercession for them.” He is away in Heaven, but He is not divided from us—He is working here the better because He is there! He has not separated Himself from the service and the conflict here below. He has taken the post from which He can best observe and aid. Like some great commander who, in the day of battle, commands a view of the field and continues watching, directing and so winning the fight, so is Jesus in the best place for helping us! Jesus is the master of legions, bidding His angels fly here and there, where their spiritual help is needed. My faith sees Him securing victory in the midst of the earth. My God, my King, You are working all things gloriously from Your vantage ground and, before long, the groans and strifes of battle shall end in Hallelujahs unto the Lord God Omnipotent! Christ’s residence in the heavens is clearly in the text. Here is conspicuously set forth the Second Coming, a subject which might well have occupied all our time—“To wait for His Son from Heaven.” Every chapter of this Epistle closes with the Second Advent. Do not deceive yourselves, oh you ungodly men who think little of Jesus of Nazareth! The day will come when you will change your minds about Him. As surely as He died, He lives! And as surely as He lives, He will come again to this earth! With an innumerable company of angels, with blast of trumpet that shall strike dismay into the heart of all His enemies, Jesus comes! And when He comes, there shall be a time of judgment and the rising, again, of the dead. And “Every eye shall see Him, and they also which pierced Him: and all the kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him.” He may come tomorrow! We know not the times and the seasons—these things are in the Father’s keeping—but that He comes is certain! And that He will come as a thief in the night to the ungodly is certain, too! Lay no flattering unction to your souls as though when He was crucified there was an end of Him—it is but the beginning of His dealings with you, though you reject Him. “Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and you perish from the way, when His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in Him.” A further doctrine in the text is that Christ is a deliverer—“Jesus delivering us from the coming wrath.” What a blessed name is this! Deliverer! Press the cheering title to your breast. He delivers by Himself—bearing the punishment of sin. He has delivered! He is delivering! He always will deliver them that put their trust in Him. But there was something to be delivered from, and that is, the coming wrath, which is mentioned here. “Oh,” says one, “that is a long way off, that wrath to come!” If it were a long way off, it were wise for you to prepare for it. He is unsafe who will be destroyed most certainly, however distant that destruction may be! A wise man should not be content with looking as an ox does, as far as his eyes can carry him, for there is so much beyond which is as sure as that which is seen! But it is not far-off wrath which is here mentioned. The text says, “who delivers us from the coming wrath.” That is, the wrath which is now coming, for wrath is even now upon the unbelieving. As for those Jews who had rejected Christ, the Apostle says of them in the 16th verse of the next chapter, “Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins always: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.” The siege of Jerusalem and the blindness of Israel are a terrible comment upon these words. “Indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish upon every soul of man that does evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile.” It is said of everyone that believes not in Christ Jesus that, “the wrath of God abides on him.” “God is angry with the wicked every day.” This wrath abides upon some of you. It is the joy of Believers that they are delivered from this wrath which is daily coming upon unbelievers—and would come upon themselves if they had not been delivered from it by the atoning Sacrifice. There is evidently in the text the doctrine of a great division between men and men. “He has delivered us.” All men have not faith and, therefore, all men are not delivered from wrath. Today there is such a division—the “condemned already” and the “justified” are living side by side. But before long the separation shall be more apparent. While some will go away into everlasting punishment, the people of God will be found pardoned and absolved—and so will be glorified forever! Lastly, there is here the doctrine of Assurance. Some say, “How are you to know that you are saved?” It can be known! It ought to be known. “Surely,” cries one, “it is presumption to say that you are sure.” It is presumption to live without knowing that you are delivered from wrath! Here the Apostle speaks of it as a thing well known, that, “Jesus delivers us from the coming wrath.” He does not say, “if,” or, “perhaps,” but he writes that it is so and, therefore, he knew it, and we may know it! My Brothers and Sisters, you may know that you are saved! “That would make me inexpressibly happy,” cries one! Just so, and that is one of the reasons why we would have you know it this day. God says, “He that believes in Him has everlasting life” and, therefore, the Believer may be sure that he has it! Our message is, “He that believes and is baptized shall be saved, but he that believes not shall be damned.” God make you to escape that dreadful doom! May you be delivered from the wrath which is coming for Jesus’ sake. Amen.