Emerson Eggerichs Testimony

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Religious and Sinful Jannie Viljoen.
Religious and Sinful Jannie Viljoen. Religious and Sinful A PERSONAL TESTIMONY Jannie Viljoen I grew up in a typical religious “Afrikaner” home. I was baptized as a baby, went faithfully to Sunday School, catechism classes and was eventually, at the age of 16 years, confirmed as a member of my church. Although these things made […]
Drunkard Gets saved
Drunkard Gets saved “A TRUE STORY At the age of 16 I had my first beer. By the age of 18 I was a town drunk in Crystal Falls, Michigan. From the age of 18 to the age of 38 I drank heavily, during which time I spent a small fortune on a product that […]
A Jehovahs Witness set free
A Jehovahs Witness set free Jehovahs Witness set free from JW Religious Cult. Jehovah’s Witnesses Victims of Deception by retired police Captain Ralph T. Miller Ralph T. Miller is a veteran of a western Kentucky police department. In his nearly 20-year career he served as patrol officer, narcotics detective, Public Affairs and Crime Prevention Officer, […]
From A Vessel of Wrath to a Vessel of Worth
From A Vessel of Wrath to a Vessel of Worth ~ Jackie I was an Air Force brat and therefore grew up in a very unsettled environment. We moved every one to two years, in fact I was never in the same school for two years in a row except when I was in sixth […]
Just Me
A MAN ASKED – Hannes Zegement Grove ~ Angela One day way back in my life when I was nine years old I was carrying a very heavy burden. I was laying on my mom’s bed just crying my little heart out. I didn’t understand much about God at all but somewhere in the bottom […]
Rees Howells
Rees Howells Rees Howells Testemony Excerpted from Rees Howells: Intercessor by Norman Grubb TWO SHOCKS Not until Rees was twenty-two did anything happen to alter the quiet course of his life at home. By then he was a fine-looking, broad-shouldered young man of nearly six feet, with sensitive hands, the striking square-cut forehead which one […]
How God saved a Hindi full of Bitterness after being forced to marry at age 12 and going through many years of terrible mistreatment. RANI’S TESTIMONY Background: I was born in the small village of Renishaw on the south coast of Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa, on the 24th August 1960. My parents had thirteen children […]
Lydia A Four Year Old Christian with a Muslim father Lydia My name is Lydia and I was born in Glasgow, Scotland. I was brought up in Cairo and Kuwait. At the age of 9 I moved to Qatar for a period of 6 years then on to the United Arab Emirates where I now […]
Bill Wallace
Bill Wallace Communist Bulgarian Saved Stanislav Alexiev I come from Bulgaria, which is a country situated in South Eastern Europe, on the Balkan Peninsula. From 1944 to 1989 my country was called “the 16th Republic of the Soviet Union”. The regime was so strong, that the Communist Party did not allow anyone to visit church, […]
Stanislav Alexiev
Stanislav Alexiev Communist Bulgarian Saved Stanislav Alexiev I come from Bulgaria, which is a country situated in South Eastern Europe, on the Balkan Peninsula. From 1944 to 1989 my country was called “the 16th Republic of the Soviet Union”. The regime was so strong, that the Communist Party did not allow anyone to visit church, […]
Pastor Willie Mullan
Drunkard Radically set free by Jesus Christ Pastor Willie Mullan The Gospel by John, chapter 9 verse 1: “And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? […]
Rabbi Sam Stern
Rabbi Sam Stern A Jewish Rabbi is saved by Jesus Early Background I was born at a time when the whole world lay in turmoil caused by World War 1. People suffered hunger and starvation. I came into a strict orthodox Jewish rabbinic and chasidic home. Although my parents were poor at that time, they […]
Stephen Tanner
Stephen Tanner Hope For people struggling with assurance I was brought up in a God-fearing family. My father read the Bible to us in family worship twice a day. I was about seven when I began to be interested in reading the Bible myself, but it was with little conviction of sins. Usually I was […]
REVEREND FERENC VISKY Living in old Communist Romania My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26 Reverend Visky (VISH-kee) is called Feribacsi (FER-ee-BAH-chee). Literally this means “Uncle Feri”. Uncle is a title of respect given to older men. He is 81 years […]
Kevin B Skea
A Rock Music Addict Set Free in 2008 Contents of testimony: KEVIN B SKEA’S CALLING FROM GOD IN MATTHEW 16: 24 – 26 JOHN 12: 25 – 26 MY EARLY CHILDHOOD YEARS. About myself. Mom and Dad. Searching for happiness and fulfillment with in the church. My sister, Nicola. MY TEENAGE YEARS. The clinical child […]
John Bunyan
John Bunyan Author of The Pilgrim’s Progress John Bunyan, the world-renowned author of thePilgrim’s Progress,was never a drunkard or a libertine, but was given to profanity, Sabbath-desecration and “heart-atheism.” Amidst his wicked career, he had many gloomy forebodings of the wrath to come; and his nights were often scared with visions, which the boisterous diversions […]
James Hudson Taylor
James Hudson Taylor Founder of The China Inland Mission J. Hudson Taylor, of the China Inland Mission, was saved when a lad, through reading a Gospel tract which he found in his father’s library. He had been frequently troubled about his soul, and had again and again “tried” to become a Christian, but had failed […]
D.L. Moody
D.L. Moody Over the next eleven months, Dwight listened to sermon after sermon from Dr. Edward Norris Kirk. The church itself had been formed twelve years earlier by Bostonians unhappy with the rigid doctrinal exclusiveness of another large city church. Pastor Kirk emphasized the sinfulness of man and man’s inability to save himself.Man is like […]