ON J. T., A BELIEVING BOY – Robert Murray Mcchene Who died Feb. 1842 I LITTLE thought, when last we met,Thy sun on earth was nearly set:I said what I can ne’er forget,“Dear boy, we’ll meet again.”Though thou wert tossed upon thy bed,And sometimes criedst, “My head, my head!”Yet still the smile came back—I said,“Fair […]


OIL IN THE LAMP FOR A SABBATH CLAM MATT. 25:1–18. – Robert Murray Mcchene TEN virgins, clothed in white,The Bridegroom went to meet;Their lamps were burning bright;To guide his welcome feet.Five of the band were wise—Their lamps with oil filled high;The rest this care despise,And take their vessels dry.Long time the Lord abode—Down came the […]


How Can a Pure Heart be Obtained? – William Booth SUFFER me to come to Jesus,Mother, dear, forbid me not;By his blood from hell He frees us,Makes us fair without a spot.Suffer me, my earthly father,At his pierced feet to fall:Why forbid me? help me, rather;Jesus is my all in all.Suffer me to run unto […]


ON THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA IN THE BAY OF CARMEL – Robert Murray Mcchene O LORD, this swelling, tideless seaIs like thy love in Christ to me:The ceaseless wares that fill the bayThrough flinty rooks hare worn their way,And thy unceasing lore aloneHath broken through this heart of stone.The countless smile that gilds the deepWhen sunbeams […]


TO YONDER SIDE – Robert Murray Mcchene Luke 8:22–25. BEHIND the hills of NaphtaliThe sun went slowly down,Leaving on mountain, tower, and tree,A tinge of golden brown.The cooling breath of evening wokeThe waves of Galilee,Till on the shore the waters brokeIn softest melody.“Now launch the bark,” the Saviour cried—The chosen twelve stood by—“And let us […]


THE SEA OF GALILEE – Robert Murray Mcchene How pleasant to me thy deep blue wave,O sea of Galilee!For the glorious One who came to saveHath often stood by thee.Fair are the lakes in the land I love,Where pine and heather grow;But thou hast loveliness far aboveWhat Nature can bestow.It is not that the wild […]


FOUNTAIN OF SILOAM – Robert Murray Mcchene Isaiah 8:6. BENEATH Moriah’s rocky sideA gentle fountain springs;Silent and soft its waters glide,Like the peace the Spirit brings.The thirsty Arab stoops to drinkOf the cool and quiet wave,And the thirsty spirit stops to thineOf Him who came to save.Siloam is the fountain’s name,It means “One sent from […]


THY WORD IS A LAMP UNTO MY FEET, AND A LIGHT UNTO MY PATH – Robert Murray Mcchene WHEN Israel knew not where to go.God made the fiery pillar glow;By night, by day, above the campIt led the way—their guiding lamp:Such is thy holy word to meIn day of dark perplexity.When devious paths before me […]


SONGS OF ZION CHILDREN CALLED TO CHRIST – Robert Murray Mcchene LIKE mist on the mountain,Like ships on the sea,So swiftly the yearsOf our pilgrimage flee;In the grave of our fathersHow soon we shall lie!Dear children, to-dayTo a Saviour fly.How sweet are the floweretsIn April and May!But often the frost makesThem wither away.Like flowers you […]


SONGS OF ZION I AM DEBTOR – Robert Murray Mcchene WHEN this passing world is done,When has sunk you glaring sun,When we stand with Christ in glory,Looking o’er life’s finished story,Then, Lord, shall I fully know—Not till then—how much I owe.When I hear the wicked callOn the rocks and hills to fall,When I see them […]


SONGS OF ZION THEY SING THE SONG OF MOSES – Robert Murray Mcchene DARK was the night, the wind was high,The way by mortals never trod;For God had made the channel dry,When faithful Moses stretched the rod.The raging waves on either handStood like a massy tott’ring wall,And on the heaven-defended bandRefused to let the waters […]


SONGS OF ZION JEHOVAH TSIDKENU – Robert Murray Mcchene “THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS”(THE WATCHWORD OF THE REFORMERS) I ONCE was a stranger to grace and to God,I knew not my danger, and felt not my load;Though friends spoke in rapture of Christ on the tree.Jehovah Tsidkenu was nothing to me.I oft read with pleasure, to […]


SONGS OF ZION THE BARREN FIG-TREE – Robert Murray Mcchene WITHIN a vineyard’s sunny boundAn ample fig-tree shelter found,Enjoying sun and showers—The boughs were graceful to the view,With spreading leaves of deep-green hue,And gaily blushing flowers.When round the vintage season came,This blooming fig was still the same,As promising and fair;But though the leaves were broad […]

As Pants the Hart for Cooling Streams Tate and Brady

As pants the hart for cooling streams – Tate and Brady Tate and Brady As pants the hart for cooling streams,When heated in the chase, As pants the hart for cooling streams,When heated in the chase,So longs my soul, O God, for thee,And thy refreshing grace. For thee, my God, the living God,My thirsty soul […]

SECURITY Lina Sandell

SECURITY – Lina Sandell Children of the heav’nly FatherSafely to His bosom gather;Nestling bird nor star in HeavenSuch a refuge e’er was given. God His own doth tend and nourish,In His holy courts they flourish;Like a father kind He spares them,In His loving arms He bears them. Neither life nor death can ever From the Lord […]

SELF OR CHRIST? Theodore Monod

SELF OR CHRIST? – Theodore Monod Oh, the bitter shame and sorrowThat a time could ever beWhen I let the Saviour’s pityPlead in vain, and proudly answered,“All of self, and none of Thee!” Yet He found me; I beheld HimBleeding on the accursed tree,Heard Him pray, “Forgive them, Father!”And my wistful heart said faintly,“Some of […]


ASHAMED OF JESUS – Joseph Grigg Jesus and shall it ever beA mortal man ashamed of Thee!Ashamed of Thee, whom angels praise,Whose glories shine thro’endless days? Ashamed of Jesus! sooner farLet evening blush to own a star:He sheds the beams of light divineO’er this benighted soul of mine. Ashamed of Jesus! that dear FriendOn whom […]

ABIDING A. B. Simpson

ABIDING – A. B. Simpson I have learned the wondrous secretOf abiding in the Lord;I have found the strength and sweetnessOf confiding in His Word.I have tasted life’s pure fountain,I am trusting in His blood;I have lost myself in Jesus,I am sinking into God. I am crucified with Jesus,And He lives and dwells with me;I […]

OTHERS Charles D. Meigs

OTHERS – Charles D. Meigs Lord help me to live from day to dayIn such a self-forgetful way,That even when I kneel to prayMy prayer shall be for others. Help me in all the work I doTo ever be sincere and true;And know that all I do for TheeMust needs be done for others. Let […]

GOD’S BEST A. B. Simpson

GOD’S BEST – A. B. Simpson God has His best things for the fewWho dare to stand the test;God has His second choice for thoseWho will not have His best.It is not always open illThat risks the Promised Rest;The better often is the foeThat keeps us from God’s best.Some seek the highest choice,But, when by […]


JESUS HIMSELF – Henry Burton I do not ask Thee, Lord, for outward sign,For portents in the earth of flaming sky;It is enough to know that Thou art mine,And not far off, but intimately nigh. No burning bush I need to speak Thy name,Or call me forward to the newer task;Give me a burning heart, […]


Hellbound-train A Texas cowboy lay down on a barroom floor, Having drunk so much he could drink no more; So he fell asleep with a troubled brain To dream that he rode on a hell-bound train. The engine with murderous blood was damp And was brilliantly lit with a brimstone lamp; An imp, for fuel, […]


SECRET OF FREEDOM – George Matheso Make me a captive, Lord,And then I shall be free;Force me to render up my sword,And I shall conqueror be.I sink in life’s alarmsWhile by myself I stand;Imprison me witin Thine arms,And strong shall be my hand. George Matheson Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

HIMSELF A. B. Simpson

HIMSELF – A. B. Simpson Once it was the blessing, Now it is the Lord;Once it was the feeling,Now it is His Word;Once HiIs figt I wanted,Now, the Giver own;Once I sought for healing,Now HImself alone. Once ’twas painful trying,Now ’tis perfect trust;Once a half salvation,Now the uttermost;Once ’twas ceaseless holding,Now He holds me fast;Once […]

BY THY LIFE I LIVE Jeanne Marie Guyon

BY THY LIFE I LIVE – Jeanne Marie Guyon I love, my God, but with no love of mine, For I have none to give;I love Thee, Lord, but all the love is Thine, For by Thy life I live.I am as nothing, and rejoice to beEmptied and lost and swallowed up in Thee. Thou, […]

A BED IN MY HEART Martin Luther

A BED IN MY HEART – Martin Luther Ah, dearest Jesus, holy Child, Make Thee a bed, soft, UN-defiled,Within my heart, that it may be A quiet chamber kept for Thee.My heart for very joy doth leap,My lips no more can silence keep. I too must sing, with joyful tongue, That sweetest ancient cradle song,Glory […]

HE THOUGHT HE’D WON Velma Dawson Griffis

HE THOUGHT HE’D WON – Velma Dawson Griffis He thought he’d wonthe devil smiledAnd rubbed his hands with gleeThe maker of the world was deadHanging on a tree.“The world is mineI own it now,I finally won,” he cried.He didn’t know he’d lost it allThe day that Jesus died—Two days he smiledHis heart was lightNow man […]

A Cradle Poem

Ah, dearest Jesus, holy Child -Isaac Watts Hush!my dear, lie still and slumber,Holy angels guard thy bed! Heavenly blessings without number Gently falling on thy head. Sleep, my babe; thy food and raiment, House and home, thy friends provide; All without thy care or payment: All thy wants are well supplied. How much better thou’rt […]

He Dies: He Lives!

He Dies: He Lives! He dies! the Friend of sinners dies!Lo! Salem’s daughters weep around;A solemn darkness veils the skies,A sudden trembling shakes the gournd.Come, saints, and drop a tear or twoFor Him who groan’d beneath your load:He shed a thousand drops for you–A thousand drops of richer blood. Here’s love and grief beyond degree:The […]


FOREVER WITH THE LORD – Octavius Winslow Forever with the Lord! Amen; so let it be, Life from the dead is in that word, ‘Tis immortality. Here in the body pent, Absent from Him I roam, Yet nightly pitch my moving tent A day’s march nearer home. My Father’s house on high, Home of my […]

IMMANUEL – Charles Spurgeon

IMMANUEL – Charles Spurgeon When once I mourned a load of sin,When conscience felt a wound within,When all my works were thrown away,When on my knees I knelt to pray,Then, blissful hour, remembered well,I learned Thy love, Immanuel ! When storms of sorrow toss my soul,When waves of care around me roll,When comforts sink, when […]

PREVAILING PRAYER Richard Chenevix Trench

PREVAILING PRAYER – Richard Chenevix Trench Lord, what a change within us one short hourSpent in Thy presence will prevail to make!What heavy burdens from our bosoms take,What parched grounds revive as with a shower!We kneel, and all around us seems to lower;We rise, and all, the distnat and the nearStnads forth in sunny outline […]


ON HIS BLINDNESS – John Milton When I consider how my light is spentEre half my days in this dark world and wide,And that one talent which is death to hideLodged with me useless, though my soul more bentTo serve therewith my Maker, and presentMy true account, lest He returning chide,“Doth God exact day-labour, light […]


ON THEE MY HEART IS RESTING – Thodore Monod On Thee my heart is resting!Ah, this is rest indeed! What else, Almighty Saviour,Can a poor sinner need? Thy light is all my wisdom,Thy love is all my stay; Our Father’s home in glory,Draws nearer every day. My guilt is great, but greaterThe mercy Thou dost […]


THE NAME ABOVE EVERY NAME – John H. Sammis Oh what is Jehovah El Shaddai to me?My Lord, God and Saviour, Immanuel, He;My Prophet, Priest, Sacrifice, Altar and Lamb;Judge, Advocate, Surety and Witness, I AM;My Peace and my Life, my Truth and my Way;My Leader, my Teacher, my Hope and my Stay;Redeemer and Ransom, Atonement […]


IF I GAINED THE WORLD – Anna Olander If I gained the world, but lost the Saviour,Were my life worth living for a day?Could my yearning heart find rest and comfortIn the things that soon must pass away?If I gained the world, but lost the Saviour,Would my gain be worth the lifelong strife?Are all earthly […]


SHALL I FEAR MAN Shall I, for fear of feeble man,The Spirit’s course in me restrain?Or, undismay’d in deed and word,Be a true witness of my Lord? Awed by a mortal’s frown, shall IConceal the Word of God Most High!How then before Thee shall I dareTo stand, or how Thine anger bear? Shall I, to […]


EVERY-DAY CHEER FOR THE REST OF THE ROAD – George Cutting We have nothing to fearThough the journey be long,Though our weakness be greatAnd our enemies strong.There is nothing to fear; Perfect love claims the rightTo direct us by dayAnd defend us by night.He knoweth our frame, Counts it nothing but dust;But He calls us […]

The Barren Fig Tree

The Barren Fig Tree Within a vineyard’s sunny bound An ample fig tree shelter found,Enjoying sun and showers –The boughs were graceful to the view,With spreading leaves of deep-green hue,And gaily blushing flowers. When round the vintage season came, The blooming fig was still the same,As promising and fair; But though the leaves were broad […]

THE BIBLE James M. Gray

THE BIBLE – James M. Gray Where childhood needs a standardOr youth a beacon light,Where sorrow sighs for comfortOr weakness longs for might,Bring forth the Holy Bible—The Bible! Here it stands!Resolving all life’s problemsAnd meeting its demands. Though sophistry conceal it,The Bible! There it sands!Though Parisees profane it,Its influence expands.It fills the world with fragranceWhose […]

THE BIBLE John Greenleaf Whittier

THE BIBLE – John Greenleaf Whittier We search the world for truth. We cullThe good, the true, the beautiful,From graven stone and written scroll,And all old flower fields of the soul;And, weary seekers of the best,We come back laden from our quest,To find that all the sages saidIs in the Book our mothers read. John […]


THANK GOD FOR THE BIBLE – James M. Gray Oh, how we thank Thee, our God, for the Bible,Whose truth doth each century clearer reveal!The fountain of wisdom and source of all knowledge,The court of humanity’s final appeal. Oh, here Thou revealest that Thou art our Father,The hand that hath fashioned and caused us to […]


GOD’S SUPPORT AND GUIDANCE Forsake me not, my God,Thou God of my salvation!Give me Thy light, to beMy sure illumination.My soul to folly turns,Seeking she knows not what;Oh! lead her to Thyself–My God, forsake me not! Forsake me not, my God!Take not Thy Spirit from me;And suffer not the mightOf sin to overcome me.A father […]


GOD, MY EXCEEDING JOY Early my spirit turnedFrom earthly things away,And agonized and yearnedFor the eternal day;Dimly I saw, when but a boy,God, my exceeding joy. In days of fiercer flame,When passion urged me on,‘Twas only bliss in name–The pleasure soon was gone.Compared with Thee, how all things cloy,God my exceeding joy! At length the […]


A SWARM OF FLYS Fly from self, and fly from sn,Fly the world’s tumultuous din;Fly its pleasures, fly its cares,Fly its freindhsip, fly its snares. Fly the sinner’s hast’ning doom,Fly and ‘scape the wrath to come.Fly to Jesus, He’s the road,Fly throu Him alone to God. Fly to mercy’s gracious seat,Fly, ’tis sorrow’s last retreat;Fly […]


MID PLEASURE – Eliza Cook ‘Mid pleasure, plenty, and success,Freely we take from Him who lends:We boast the blessing we possess,Yet scarcely thank the One who sends. But let affliction pour its smart,How soon we quail beneath the rod!With shattered pride, and prostrate heart,We seek the long forgotten God. Eliza Cook Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest […]

GOD’S D.D. – C. T. Studd

GOD’S D.D. – C. T. Studd Old Daniel was a Dreadnought!If he was here to-day,He’d make it hot for the pious lotWho don’t do as they say. He didn’t speak behind folks’ backs,But met them face to face;He called spades spades, and dubbed knaves,And always proved his case. He neither cared for place nor power,Nor […]


CHRISTIAN’S DELIGHT – C. T. Studd Now Christ’s command is simple,And meant to be obeyed,“Go ye and preach My GospelIn every land,” He said. Christ hadn’t any favourites;He lived and died for all!So all should know the Message,And hear His gracious call. So I’ll go and face the musicIn some dark far off land,Where no […]

CHUTNEY – C. T. Studd

CHUTNEY – C. T. Studd I want to be like Jesus,Who left His throne on high For hell-deserving sinnersTo live, and work, and die. Forsaking all His glory,His power He laid aside, His entrée—lo! a manger!His exit—crucified! We human fools rejected,And left to stand alone, The only real VictorThis world has ever known. By men […]

JESUS ONLY – C. T. Studd

JESUS ONLY – C. T. Studd I’m going to live for Jesus,And fling the world away,I’m going to give to JesusMy life and all to-day. I’ve done it, Hallelujah!And now I pray the prayer That I may follow “JesusOnly,” everywhere. I’m such a great big sinner,And still a bigger fool;I must keep close to JesusAnd […]


WITHOUT EXCUSE – C. T. Studd Our Saviour has given commandmentTo such as believe, in their hearts, To publish the news of SalvationOn earth, to its uttermost parts. The doors of the world lie wide open;Its lands have been duly explored; The sorrows and needs of the heathenCan only be met by the Lord. Christians […]

THE BIBLE – C. T. Studd

THE BIBLE – C. T. Studd What could we do without the BookThat God gave us to read?No more than any farmerWho hadn’t any seed! No other tells us of our Lord,The God of grace and love,Who made the whole creation,This world and those above. What could we do were we withoutThe Gospels or the […]


THE UNCHANGING WORD Martin Luther Feelings come and feelings go, And feelings are deceiving; My warrant is the Word of God— Naught else is worth believing. Though all my heart should feel condemned For want of some sweet token, There is One greater than my heart Whose Word cannot be broken. I’ll trust in God’s […]

CARD OF THANKS Gunerius C. Lee

CARD OF THANKS – Gunerius C. Lee A living plant, full packed with blomArrived to help dispel the gloomThat somehow always hangs aroundWherever dread disease is found.Although the plant itself will dieIts fragrance will be in the skythus may the plant a symbol beOf humans just like you and me:The body dies, for die it […]

LENTEN PILGRIMAGE Gunerius C. Lee 1871-1943

LENTEN PILGRIMAGE – Gunerius C. Lee ‘Tis well that Christians meet in LentA pilgrimage afar to make.To view again that world eventIn which they have so much at stake.To see the figure of the LordStretched out and nailed through hands and feet—Then pity flows with one accordFrom each sad heart with every beat. But fierce […]


THE SURGE OF INIQUITY – Gunerius C. Lee The surge of iniquity Rolls o’er the landLike the billows of ocean Upon the wide strand.Like the wave that oft follows The earthquakes dread shock,Like the Deluge of old Inundating the rock. All nations are sick From the ravage of sin:Nearly all are preparing for War’s savage […]

TRUST HIM Gunerius C. Lee

TRUST HIM – Gunerius C. Lee When Holy men like Peter, John, and PaulAt times have doubts and fear,Can we who are so very weak and smallBe always in the clear? When Peter walked the water in his prideHis doubts soon brought him griefBut when he sought the Master o’er the tideHe found a sure […]

OLD AGE Gunerius C. Lee

OLD AGE – Gunerius C. Lee Old age doth have its troubles,Its weakness, aches and pains.But they are but as bubblesCompared to all the gainsThat faith in Christ will give usAt life’s hard journey’s end,For there He will revceive usIn glory. We dependOn Him, to draw us nearerOur heavenly home aboveWhere He becomes still dearerTo […]

IN MEMORIAM Gunerius C. Lee

IN MEMORIAM – Gunerius C. Lee Tho’ sudden was the callThat summoned thee,And shocking to us all,We still can see the Loving Savior’s careAnd tender grace.For in His mansion fair—That promised placeOf glorious joy and peaceHe did prepare—In that eternal home,With all the blestIs now thy placeOf worship and of rest. In memory of a […]

TO A FATHER Gunerius C. Lee

TO A FATHER – Gunerius C. Lee I would not dare in oral words to voiceThe thoughts so near the heart—A father’s thoughts—by father understood—Of fathers true such feelings are a part. A son whose ways seem foolish, wrong and wildWill create heartache, sorrow, fear;Advice seems futile, he will not be ledHe is so deaf, […]

WHY? G. C. Lee

WHY? – G. C. Lee I sat alone one eveningWith thoughts aroaming far;I saw through frosted windowsThe twinkle of a star.When suddenly there reached meA thudding, crashing soundAnd crunch of hurried footstepsUpon the frozen ground!What could have caused this racket?Was any damage done?It dawned on me ’twas Halloween,The boys were having fun! (?)It left me […]


WHATE’ER BETIDE – G. C. Lee Whate’er betide, Lord, help me beObedient to Thy Spirit’s plea.When tempters then my soul assailTheir lures will be of no availFor,Savior dear, I feel Thee near.That gives me strength and calms my fear. What fellowship,— with Thee to walkAnd have a confidential talkAbout the things both great and small, […]


SHAMGAR HAD AN OX GOAD Shamgar had an ox goad,David had a sling,Samson had a jawbone,Rahab had a string,Mary had some ointment,Aaron had a rod,Dorcas had a needle,All were used for God. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email


HE’S JUST THE SAME TODAY The God that stopped the  sun on high,And sent the manna from the sky,Laid flat the walls of Jericho,And put to flight told Israel’s foe.Why can’t He answer prayer today,And drive each stormy cloud away?Who turned the water into wine,And healed a helpless criple’s spine—Commanded tempests, “Peace be still.”And hungry […]


NO ENEMIES He has no enemies, you say?My friend, your boast is poor:He who hath mingled in the frayOf duty, that the brave endure,Must have made foes. If he has noneSmall is the work that he has done.He has hit no traitor on the hip;He has cast no cup from tempted lip;He has never turned […]

SO MUCH TO DO James Roberts GIlmore

SO MUCH TO DO – James Roberts GIlmore So much to do; so little done!Ah! yesternight I saw the sunSink beamless downt he vaulted gray— The ghastly ghost of yesterday. So little done; so much to do! Each morning breaks on conflicts new; But eager, brave, I’ll join the fray, And fight the battle of […]


FOLLOWIN’ FATHER HOME Years ago, when IWas jest a little lad,An’ after school hours used to workAround the farm with dad,I used to be so weared outWhen eventide was come,That I got kinder anxious-likeAbout the journey home;But dad, he used to lead the way,An’ once in a while turn ’round and say,So cheerin’ like, so […]

HELL Catherine Dangell

HELL – Catherine Dangell Hell, the prisonhouse of despair,Here are some things that won’t be there:No flowers will bloom on the banks of Hell,No beauties of nature we love so well;No comforts of home, music and song,No friendship of joy will be found in that throng;No love to brighten the long, weary night,No love nor […]


A LITTLE BIRD I AM- Madame Guyon A little bird I amShut from the fields of air;Yet in my cage I sit and singTo Him who placed me there;Well pleased a presoner to be,Because my God, it pleases Thee. Naught have I else to do;I sing the whole day long;And He whom most I love […]


HEALTH IS A BLESSING – Horace Mohler The angel touched my arm and spoke,And startled by his voice, I woke.“Get up,” he said,”There comes the sun–Another day has just begun!”And with this most unsavory warningI realized that it was morning. I frowned and cried: “O bitter cup!I am so tired of getting up!Oh, how I […]


DEEP THINGS – A.B. Simpson There are deep things of God. Push out from shore.Hast thou found much? Give thanks and look for more,Dost fear the generous Giver to offend?Then know His store of bounty hath no end.He doth not need to be implored or teased:The more we take, the better He is pleased. A. […]


SIGHT TO THE BLIND A dark and blinded thing is man,Yet full of fancied light!But all his penetration canObtain no gospel light. Though heavenly truth may blaze abroadHe cannot see at all;Though gospel leaders show the road,He still gropes for the wall. Perhaps he stands to hear the sound,But blind he still remains,No meaning in […]


OH! TO BE READY Oh! to be ready when death shall come,Oh! to be ready to hasten home!No earthward clinging, no lingering gaze,No strife at parting, no sore amaze;No chains to sever that earth hath twined,No spell to loosen that love would bind. No flitting shadows to dim the lightOf the angel-pinions winged for flight;No […]

TRY Charles Spurgeon

TRY – Charles Spurgeon Once let every man say Try,Very few on straw would lie;Fewer still of want would die;Pans would all have fish to fry;Pigs would fill the poor man’s sty;Want would cease, and need would fly:Wives and children cease to cry;Poor rates would not swell so high;Things wouldn’t go so much awry—You’d be […]

Nearer Home

Nearer Home One sweetly solemn thought”  Comes to me o’er and o’er:I’m nearer home to-dayThan I ever have been before. Nearer my Father’s house,Where the many mansions be;Nearer the great white throne,Nearer the jasper sea; Nearer the bound of life,Where we lay our burdens down;Nearer leaving the cross,Nearer wearing the crown. But lying darkly between,Winding down […]

Mary’s Choice

Mary’s Choice Jesus, engrave it on my heart,That Thou the one thing needful art;I could from all things parted be,But never, never, Lord, from thee. Needful is Thy most precious blood,Needful is Thy correcting rod,Needful is Thy indulgent care,Needful Thy all-prevailing prayer . Needful Thy presence, dearest Lord,True peace and comfort to afford;Needful Thy promise […]

O Thou That Hearest Prayer – Angie Gerdes

O Thou That Hearest Prayer – Angie Gerdes O Thou That Hearest Prayer , I’m coming now to thee When pain so deep has left me numb, hear my silent plea When questions fill my heart and soul, and darkness hides your face When storms are raging fierce and strong, you see me in this […]

One By One

One By One One by one the sands are flowing,One by one the moments fall;Some are coming, some are going —Do not strive to grasp them all. One by one thy duties wait thee,Let thy whole strength go to each;Let no future dreams elate thee —Learn thou first what those can teach. One by one […]


Sunday After long days of storms and showers, Of sighing winds, and dripping bowers, How sweet at morn to ope our eyes On newly ” wept and garnished” skies! — To miss the clouds, and driving rain, And see that all is bright again — So bright we cannot choose but say. Is this the […]

Oh! For the Happy Days Gone By

Oh! For the Happy Days Gone By Oh! for the happy days gone by, When love ran smooth and free; Days when my spirit so enjoyed More than earth’s liberty! Oh! for the times when on my heart Long prayer had never palled, Times when the ready thought of God Would come when it was […]

Oh, For the Happy Days Gone By

Oh, For the Happy Days Gone By Oh! for the happy days gone by, When love ran smooth and free; Days when my spirit so enjoyed More than earth’s liberty ! Oh ! for the times when on my heart Long prayer had never palled, Times when the ready thought of God Would come when […]

All, All Is Known to Thee

All Is Known to Thee “When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, then Thou knewest my path.” My God, whose gracious pity I may claim, Calling Thee Father — sweet, endearing name! The sufferings of this weak and weary frame. All, all are known to Thee. From human eye ’tis better to conceal Much that […]

The Anvil of God’s Word

The Anvil of God’s Word Last eve I paused beside the blacksmith’s door,And heard the anvil ring the vesper chime;Then looking in, I saw upon the floor, Old hammers worn with beating years of time. “How many anvils have you had,” said I,“To wear and batter all these hammers so?”“Just one,” said he, and then […]

A Little While Jane Crewdson

A Little While – Jane Crewdson Oh! for the peace which floweth as a river, Making life’s desert places bloom and smile ! Oh! for a faith to grasp heaven’s bright ” for ever,” Amid the shadows of earth’s ” little while ! “ “A little while” for patient vigil-keeping, To face the storm, to […]

A Little While Jane Crewdson

A Little While – Jane Crewdson Oh! for the peace which floweth as a river, Making life’s desert places bloom and smile ! Oh! for a faith to grasp heaven’s bright ” for ever,” Amid the shadows of earth’s ” little while ! “ “A little while” for patient vigil-keeping, To face the storm, to […]

Mothers, be patient.

Mothers, be patient. I know full well that you have much to bear,But speak not harshly to the little onesWho bring thee care.A little child,A fragile, tender plant that holds your heartWith love so strong, which you will only gaugeIf you should part.Noisy? Tis health,And yet it needs but just a sudden chill,A few sad […]

Jabez’ Prayer Joseph Hart

Jabez’ Prayer – Joseph Hart A saint there was in days of old(Though we but little of him hear)In honour high, of whom is toldA short, but an effectual prayer .This prayer, my brethren, let us view,And try if we can pray so too. He called on Israel’s God, ’tis said; Let us take notice […]

Alas, what hourly dangers rise! Anne Steele

Alas, what hourly dangers rise! Anne Steele Alas, what hourly dangers rise!What snares beset my way!To heaven O let me lift my eyes,And hourly watch and pray. How oft my mournful thoughts complain,And melt in flowing tears!My weak resistance, ah, how vain!How strong my foes and fears! O gracious God, in whom I live,My feeble […]

Prayer John Berridge

Prayer – John Berridge “Let my prayer be as incense.” A Godliness which feeds on form,And lip devotion, barren cheer,Will satisfy an earthly worm,Who learns to think and call it prayer ;Contented with the husky part,A moving lip and silent heart. O Lord, thy Spirit’s aid impart,And fill me with devotion’s fire;Create anew my waiting […]

The Secret Place of Prayer

The Secret Place of Prayer There is a place where thou canst touch the eyesOf blinded men to instant, perfect sight;There is a place where thou canst say “Arise!”To dying captives bound in chains of night;There is a place where heaven’s resistless powerResponsive moves to thine insistent plea;There is a place – a silent, trusting […]

Beneath the Blood Stained Lintel

Beneath the Blood Stained Lintel Beneath the blood stained lintel I with my children stand,A messenger of evil Is passing through the land,There is no other refuge from the destroyer’s face,Beneath the blood stained lintel shall be our hiding place. The Lamb of God has suffered, our sins and griefs He bore,By faith the blood […]

Seeking Now, Seeking Now; Let Thy Spirit Meet Me Now! F.H. Allen

Seeking Now, Seeking Now; Let Thy Spirit Meet Me Now! – F.H. Allen Lord, Thou knowest all the hungerOf the heart that seeks Thee now;How my soul hath long been cravingWhat Thou only canst bestow.Failure in my walk and witness,Failure in my work I see;Fruitless toil, un-Christlike living,Calling forth no praise to Thee.Now to Thee […]

The Border-Lands

The Border-Lands Father, into Thy loving handsMy feeble spirit I commit,While wnadering in these Border-Lands, Until Thy voice shall summon it. Father, I would not dare to chooseA longer life, an earlier death;I know not what my soul might loseBy shortneed or protracted breath. These Border-Lands are calm and still,And solemn are their silent shades;And […]

Empty Spaces Hannes Grove

Empty Spaces – Hannes Grove Empty spaces in front of meMy aching heart wants to fill thee.My thoughts recall unspoken words, how can this be?My flowing tears call to God, come and see. Empty spaces drifting all around;Spoken words dying on solid ground.Who can get saved if grace do not abound?The words came forth with […]

Travel on Your Knees

Travel on Your Knees Last night I took a journeyTo a land far “cross the seas;I didn’t go by boat or plane,I trusted on my knees. I saw so many people thereIn deepest depths of sin,And Jesus told me I should goThat there were souls to win. But I said, “Jesus, I can’t goAnd work […]

The Cross Became The Bridge – Sharon Dawson Menefee

The Cross Became The Bridge – Sharon Dawson Menefee I was lost in sinwandering aimlesslyI didn’t know of God’s loveOr of CalvaryI didn’t know sin separated mefrom the Father’s sideAnd that a chasm was between usdeep and wide…. But then one day I heard the storyof how He loved me soEnough to die for meAnd […]


MY TIMES ARE IN THY HAND Father, I know that all my life Is portioned out for me, And the changes that are sure to come, I do not fear to see; But I ask Thee for a present mind Intent on pleasing Thee. I ask Thee for a thankful love, Through constant watching wise, […]

The Pilgrim

The Pilgrim Still onward through this land of foes I pass in pilgrim guise; I may not stop to seek repose Where cool the shadow lies; I may not stoop amid the grass To pluck earth’s fairest flowers, Nor by her springing fountains pass The sultry noontide hours; Yet flowers I wear upon my breast […]

The Meeting Place

The Meeting Place Where the faded flower shall freshen, Freshen never more to fade; Where the shaded sky shall brighten, Brighten never more to shade; Where the sun-blaze never scorches; Where the star-beams cease to chill; Where no tempest stirs the echoes Of the wood, or wave, or hill; Where the moon shall wake in […]

The Changed Cross

The Changed Cross It was a time of sadness, and my heart,Although it knew and loved the better part, Felt wearied with the conflict and the strife. And all the needful discipline of life. And while I thought on these, as given to me — My trial tests of faith and love to be — […]

How Things Are – Melody Conjurske

How Things Are – Melody Conjurske There’s nothing at allIn my brain this fall.I sit here and stareWith thoughts everywhere. I can’t really readFor my brain won’t heed,And I tried to write,But I couldn’t quite. I can’t concentrate,I nothing seems straight.It is pretty hard,To be so marred. I always feel ill,Can’t do what I will;But […]

GOD’S ARMIES Hannes Zegement Grove

GOD’S ARMIES – Hannes Zegement Grove When God sends forth His armies,What beast or man can stand?When God stretches out his hand,No herb or seed will be untouched through this forsaken land. How can a nation fight against an Almighty GodWhen He uses a lowly Shepherd and in his hand a rod?How do you fight […]

The Stranger Hannes Grove

The Stranger – Hannes Grove I met this stranger on a rocky road seldom traveled on, and He asked me: “Friend where are you going?” And I told Him about The Lion of Judah who had pointed me on this steep way and who had protected me several times on this lonely, dangerous road. At […]

ENDLESS DEPTHS Hannes Zegement Grove

ENDLESS DEPTHS – Hannes Zegement Grove ENDLESS DEPTHS Endless depths from your own heart insideWickedly wicked unknownly and unseen desiresYour emotions and feelings forever burning with fireNot grasping that the spiritual fight is so realI cannot contain these indescribably true fearsMy heart producing sorrowful unstoppable tears Endless depths from the heart you can’t seeLike an […]

EMOTIONS Hannes Zegement Grove

EMOTIONS – Hannes Zegement Grove EMOTIONS Emotions are running wildly freeYour uniqueness is making me liking theeYou are like the Queen and I the warrior beeYour voice is showing showing your smile with glee Emotions running high and lowThis friendship started I’m definitely giving a goAnd the facts will prove me myself aint following the […]

DON’T GIVE UP Hannes Zegement Grove

DON’T GIVE UP – Hannes Zegement Grove DON’T GIVE UP “The cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it?”John 18:11 God gave us all a puzzle. We are all fearfully and wonderfully made; we are all unique. Many of life’s failures are because we try to copy others, not realizing that […]

DO NOT LOOK AT Hannes Zegement Grove

DO NOT LOOK AT – Hannes Zegement Grove DO NOT LOOK AT Do not look at someone else and say — if he can have those views and prosper, why cannot I?  You have to walk in the light of the word of God and the view given you from God and not compare yourself […]

DAD … IF I HAD WORDS Hannes Zegement Grove

DAD … IF I HAD WORDS – Hannes Zegement Grove DAD … IF I HAD WORDS Dad, if I had words I would’ve toldLook at the time we got and beholdMemories made of the finest pure goldAnd one day when I’m grown up and oldI’ll preach the truth like you told Dad, if I could […]


CONSCIOUS FREEDOM FROM SIN – Hannes Zegement Grove CONSCIOUS FREEDOM FROM SIN I do not usually do it like this, but these words of Oswald Chambers sticks to me “to make conscious freedom from sin by the atonement is a great error. No man knows what sin is until he is born again. The evidence […]


CALLED TO UNCOVER SIN AND REVEAL JESUS CHRIST – Hannes Zegement Grove CALLED TO UNCOVER SIN AND REVEAL JESUS CHRIST The great note today is amiable religiosity and every doctrine that is not imbedded in the Cross of Jesus will lead astray. (Oswald Chambers) So we are called as a worker to uncover sin and […]

But they cried out away with Him … Hannes Zegement Grove

But they cried out away with Him – Hannes Zegement Grove “But they cried out away with Him …”So the crowd came and the Jews cried on that day … crucify Him … Just the previous day the same crowd young and old cried Hosanna, blessed is He that comes in the Name of the […]

BULLETS FLYING Hannes Zegement Grove

BULLETS FLYING – Hannes Zegement Grove BULLETS FLYING Bullets flying, friends are cryingWhy dear Jesus our government keeps lyingWork is lowering and corruption growingAnd our president pretends not knowing Bullets flying, colleagues are dyingOh my Saviour my heart―cryingThe things you made mine eyes to seeWhy my God You engineered these circumstances to be?    Now my […]

BREATHING Hannes Zegement Grove

BREATHING – Hannes Zegement Grove BREATHING God gave us the breath of lifeFrom the beginning He made us to striveA relationship with Him not our poor soul to dieBut we left our Creator ‘cause we believeth the lie God gave us the opportunity of breathingBut our soul chooses death over everlasting livingSo He sent His […]

BEING HIJACKED Hannes Zegement Grove

BEING HIJACKED – Hannes Zegement Grove BEING HIJACKED Do not let the devil hijack your heartIt’s your essence of life but you say nay it’s too difficult too hardFor him it’s not—he’s the expert the father of liesHe invented all manners to steal your heart awayTo the bottomless pit he’ll take you when you go […]

AWAY WITH HIM Hannes Zegement Grove

AWAY WITH HIM Hannes Zegement Grove AWAY WITH HIM Away with Him, the crowd cried out that dayCrucify Him, the crowd wanted Him to payAway, away with Him the crowd did not knowThat God had a plan for humanity to showNow Jesus blood is on their hands, through the choice they made Away with Him, […]

AS THE SPRING Hannes Zegement Grove

AS THE SPRING – Hannes Zegement Grove AS THE SPRING As the spring brings forth new blossomsMy heart and soul seeketh for happier songsAs nature begins to show her beautiful faceOn my knees I fall begging the Lord for more graceFor this year only, winter and sorrow I kindly embraced As spring makes the flowers […]

A MAN ASKED Hannes Zegement Grove

A MAN ASKED – Hannes Zegement Grove A MAN ASKED A man asked 2 pastors,How large is your congregation? Thabo said, “Mine is 300 and still growing … and yours Mpho? “I have 30 members in my church …I am a Shepherd …I know them all by name …Their troubles and difficulties …Where they stand with […]

Twelve YEARS OF GRACE Hannes Zegement Grove

12 YEARS OF GRACE – Hannes Zegement Grove 12 YEARS OF GRACE Time spent in Grace, at a rather speedy paceI could never foresaw, what God would embrace.The patience He had for this God forsaken ladWho thought he knew Christ, like a friend like a man.The people who prayed; by night and by dayGod did […]

WORDS UNSPOKEN Hannes Zegement Grove

WORDS UNSPOKEN – Hannes Zegement Grove WORDS UNSPOKEN Words so hard, words so true, my Lord spoke to meYou’re a sinner, unfaithful and unworthy to MeAccept Christ… how hard my lad can this be?In tears on the floor… that dreadful word was for me Words so hard words so true, my Father please forgive meI’m […]

WINTER HAS COME Hannes Zegement Grove

WINTER HAS COME – Hannes Zegement Grove WINTER HAS COME Winter has come, you’ll feel it thru’ the shine of the sunCan the icy cold feeling ever be undoneHow ruthless in her voice her icy windy stareGive you shivers up your spine, in her icy glare Winter has come and freedom of summer long last […]

WHY DIE THIS YOUNG Hannes Zegement Grove

WHY DIE THIS YOUNG – Hannes Zegement Grove WHY DIE THIS YOUNG Why die this young asketh Adam and sonsI was twice your age when Eve gave me one130 years of age when God gave me SethWhat an amazing gift I got the bestLook what sin did to our universeAt 70 dying this is sins […]

WHO AM I Hannes Zegement Grove

WHO AM I – Hannes Zegement Grove WHO AM I Who am I to TheeThat in that dark ruthless night YOU protected meMy blood did spill but fear was goneI knew to Thee I do belongBut who am I that You chose me to live? Who am I dear LordThat You made me fearless and […]

WHERE WERE YOU Hannes Zegement Grove

WHERE WERE YOU – Hannes Zegement Grove WHERE WERE YOU Where were you when I fought all nightWhen death surrounded me with all her mightWhen my tears flowed hoping to see the lightWhen they blinded me and left me to dieWhere hast thou been? Where were you when I slept on the streetOr when I […]

WHEN THY MERCY FALLS Hannes Zegement Grove

WHEN THY MERCY FALLS – Hannes Zegement Grove WHEN THY MERCY FALLS When Thy mercy falls down tonightForgive my fears, agony and give me insightMy heart gets broken each time I close my eyesI see suffering and pain it’s staggering please don’t dieOne more moment with you I pray for When Thy mercy falls down […]


WHEN GOD REVEALED HIMSELF TO MOSES – Hannes Zegement Grove WHEN GOD REVEALED HIMSELF TO MOSES When God revealed Himself to his future servant Moses, God used one of His most feared and honored Names, the Name that is so special to me to know that is my God whom I serve … and made […]

WHAT IS SIN Hannes Zegement Grove

WHAT IS SIN – Hannes Zegement Grove WHAT IS SIN You were born in sin … sin is the transgression of or the lack of conformity to God’s law. Sin refers to anything that breaks, or is wrong in our relationship with God. Pagan people (unbelievers) generally do not understand that we sin against a […]

WHAT IS IN THINE HAND? Hannes Zegement Grove

WHAT IS IN THINE HAND? – Hannes Zegement Grove WHAT IS IN THINE HAND? What is in thine hand Moses? Just a simple rod.In the hands of a broken man it is a rod of GodStories of miracles and glory for endless legends to be toldJust point his rod across and waters will proclaimingly unfold […]

WHAT GOD GAVE Hannes Zegement Grove

WHAT GOD GAVE – Hannes Zegement Grove WHAT GOD GAVE What God gave humanity—incredibleA breathtaking universe, life and free choice—unthinkableHis only Son to die on the forsaken treeThe Spirit, His Holy Ghost in us to beFor He loveth the world so much beholdThat His love He gave is to this day told What God gave […]


WE WANT TO SERVE GOD WITH SHOES ON – Hannes Zegement Grove WE WANT TO SERVE GODWITH SHOES ON •    After Moses killed the Egyptian God called him to the desert …•    That’s where God called Moses and He appeared in the fiery bush and God said … take off your shoes …•    We want […]

WE SERVE AN ALMIGHTY GOD Hannes Zegement Grove

WE SERVE AN ALMIGHTY GOD – Hannes Zegement Grove WE SERVE AN ALMIGHTY GOD God is who He is by divine right. He is by right the supreme and absolute Ruler of all things, both in the visible and in the invisible world. Human beings, because they are intelligent and can make choices, are subject […]


WE HAVE TO REALIZE WE ARE DESTITUTE – Hannes Zegement Grove WE HAVE TO REALIZE WE ARE DESTITUTE We have to realize that we cannot earn or win anything from God; we must either receive it as a gift or do without it. The greatest blessing spiritually is the knowledge that we are destitute, until […]

UNWORTHY Hannes Zegement Grove

UNWORTHY – Hannes Zegement Grove UNWORTHY I am not worthy to serveThis honour God I do not deserveWish I could’ve gotten swallowed whole beneath this earthI do not understand my merciful birthDeath eternal Lord I knowingly deserve I’m not worthy this life givenLord, God where am I to begin?Why choose me and not my brother, […]

TIDES OF DARKNESS Hannes Zegement Grove

TIDES OF DARKNESS – Hannes Zegement Grove TIDES OF DARKNESS Tides of darkness is coming nearTimes of hardship and shedding tearsMore reasons growing for us to fearBut our Lord Jesus said He is here Tides of darkness is coming to beNo rapture to come and help save TheeSuffering and agony screaming—just stay strongOn God’s word […]


THIS SO-CALLED VALENTINE’S DAY – Hannes Zegement Grove THIS SO-CALLED VALENTINE’S DAY On this so-called Valentine’s dayJust think about this message I prayThis is not love but the pagan heathen wayTo keep you away from Christ’s love… so get awayFrom getting your heart crushed by your lover,Valentine all your living days Hannes Grové Facebook Twitter […]


THIS IS WHY I BELIEVE TO PREACH – Hannes Zegement Grove THIS IS WHY I BELIEVE TO PREACH This is why I believe to preach the law and righteousness of God and not the effects of God and not the effects of redemption (love, peace, joy) to sinning Christians. Paul says the preaching of the […]


THIS IS WHERE MY NATION IS HEADED – Hannes Zegement Grove THIS IS WHERE MY NATION IS HEADED This is where my nation is headed too and the proof is in the whole of South Africa … “Because you have rejected knowledge, I will reject you …”—Hosea 4:6 “Their foot shall slip in due time […]

THEME OF EZEKIEL Hannes Zegement Grove

THEME OF EZEKIEL – Hannes Zegement Grove THEME OF EZEKIEL When you fail to recognize your sinyou fail to recognize God. I believe this is the main theme throughout Ezekiel. They thought because they had the temple and were God’s elect―God’s love for them will protect them. Jerusalem wouldn’t be burned to the ground. They […]

THE WEEKEND Hannes Zegement Grove

THE WEEKEND – Hannes Zegement Grove THE WEEKEND While the weekend approaches cautiously like a lioness her preySlowly but fiercely waiting for that precise moment her target to slayThe instant that golden lioness is upon you… you know it’s too lateYou will know destiny has destined your fate…Opening your eyes reviving―death came oh greatMonday rescuing […]


THE UNSAVED MULTITUDE IN CHURCH – Hannes Zegement Grove THE UNSAVED MULTITUDE IN CHURCH Why is it that the unsaved ‘Christians’ in church doesn’t get saved? Or Christians struggling with sin won’t leave their struggle and have victory?? Well it’s simple and very logical … How can any church-going sinners get saved if the message […]

THE SAVIOUR IS BORN Hannes Zegement Grove

THE SAVIOUR IS BORN – Hannes Zegement Grove THE SAVIOUR IS BORN Every part of his heart He’s giving outEvery part of His lips He’s crying outAll the love He’s pouring outWhen people will askI let them knowHe is the One, He is the OneI’m crying outHe is the One, He is the OneI’m crying […]

THE MOUNTAIN Hannes Zegement Grove

THE MOUNTAIN – Hannes Zegement Grove THE MOUNTAIN The dark mountain in front I seeJesus holding his hand out to meI don’t see His face but His voice is calling meLittle lad hurry and follow Me The dark mountain in front of meI’m climbing up Jesus its hard can’t you seeI’m sure, not sure what […]

THE MISSIONARY Hannes Zegement Grove

THE MISSIONARY – Hannes Zegement Grove THE MISSIONARY “Every Christian is either a missionary or an impostor.” When last did you witness? Or does it not concern you that your friends may spend eternity in hell? What wise words from the prince of preachers!! I can only say ament to that. C.H. Spurgeon Facebook Twitter […]

THE LION OF JUDAH Hannes Zegement Grove

THE LION OF JUDAH – Hannes Zegement Grove THE LION OF JUDAH The Lion of Judah came that morning roaring nearHis voice I heard “little lad do not you dare fear”I the Lion sacrificed is always nearYour sins I paid – you’re forgiven my dear The Lion of Judah that morning caught my tearsI saw […]


THE GROUND OF FORGIVENESS – Hannes Zegement Grove THE GROUND OF FORGIVENESS This thought came to me after several weeks of witnessing for Jesus. And many times after the question, “Where are you going after you die?” If God judges you based on his law (10 commandments) even when they realize and told you they […]

THE GREATEST LOVE STORY Hannes Zegement grove

THE GREATEST LOVE STORY – Hannes Zegement grove THE GREATEST LOVE STORY The greatest love story ever toldWhen Jesus love for us was unfoldOn the forsaken cross He diedEven “Forgive them Father” in love He cried The greatest love story ever toldWhen Jesus through His blood soldHimself freely oh the love for us stories untoldOf […]

WHEN DEATH SURROUNDS Hannes Zegement Grove

WHEN DEATH SURROUNDS – Hannes Zegement Grove WHEN DEATH SURROUNDS When death surrounds and you hear his howls like hunting houndsFear shooting through your heartHis grip on you when he fiercely growlTime does not go in motion, but the moments slow passes byAs fear wanting to capture you in this frame, frozen not able to […]

THE DARK SKY Hannes Zegement Grove

THE DARK SKY – Hannes Zegement Grove THE DARK SKY When the dark skies forever fallsHalf the earth is under a shadowy archWhen you feel the dark fearful nightsNot stopping the stars bright lights When the sun’s glory goes downEvil starts–stealing honor and heavenly crownsWhen good men in temptation terribly fall downAnd all your understanding […]

THE CROSS ON CALVARY Hannes Zegement Grove

THE CROSS ON CALVARY – Hannes Zegement Grove THE CROSS ON CALVARY Why does the devil hates, hates so much the cross?‘cause the blood of Jesus redeemed us ― So it’s the devil’s lossOn Calvary on that forsaken treeJESUS went thru hell; for you and me Why does the devil hates, hates so much the […]

THE COST Hannes Zegement Grove

THE COST – Hannes Zegement Grove THE COST What is it going to costTo make you see that you are lostWhat price am I willing to payTo show you the light—Jesus, His way What is the price you have to payTo go to heaven and leave the eternal graveIt’s going to cost you — cost […]

TAKE UP THY SWORD Hannes Zegement Grove

TAKE UP THY SWORD – Hannes Zegement Grove TAKE UP THY SWORD Take up thy sword of the Spirit little oneLook what God did, a warrior you have becomeNo monstrous beast or demon can stand in your wayIf you fight with thy sword and on your knees pray66 different methods with you as God’s way […]


STRONGER THAN YESTERDAY – Hannes Zegement Grove STRONGER THAN YESTERDAY Stronger than yesterday weaker than tomorrow hence what can I sayPresence is killing me all I can do is in tears prayThe Lord took my Father awayAt least I was allowed a love you and goodbyeAnd my sorrow and pain I’ll hide insideLet my star […]

SO I ASKED GOD Hannes Zegement Grove

SO I ASKED GOD – Hannes Zegement Grove SO I ASKED GOD So I asked God, what makes me so important that Satan wants to kill me so desperately? What does he know? I’m feeling like Job this morning. Don’t get this wrong but God may have said something similar to Satan, just the thought […]


REALITY IS REDEMPTION – Hannes Zegement Grove REALITY IS REDEMPTION Reality is redemption, not my experience of redemption, but redemption has no meaning for me until it speaks the language of my conscious life. And being sure of faith of itself is not faith! Faith that is sure of God is the only faith there […]


REACHING OUT — FINDING STAR – Hannes Zegement Grove REACHING OUT — FINDING STAR Reaching out finding the brightest shining starIn this dream I’m watching the turning world from afarThe shining light chasing the darkness away…The sparkling in my eyes says here I want to stay I didn’t believe my glittering eyes…When sadness and sorrows […]

PRIDE Hannes Zegement Grove

PRIDE – Hannes Zegement Grove PRIDE Pride cost Lucifer’s light to shineThe idea of ascending above God all power be mineThis magnificent creature once loved after being createdGot thrown out of heaven and is now by God hated Pride is a powerful darkening sinPart of you―your essence blood―cancer withinThis proud beast bashing thru’ your hearts […]

PAST MEMORIES Hannes Zegement Grove

PAST MEMORIES – Hannes Zegement Grove PAST MEMORIES Memories of the very far pastWhy does God allow you in my thoughts to lastOr is my soul not wanting to let them goI’ll give them to Jesus—the path to me He’ll show Memories of the past so very nearJust thinking of them makes me shed a […]

OUR HEAVENLY FATHER Hannes Zegement Grove

OUR HEAVENLY FATHER – Hannes Zegement Grove OUR HEAVENLY FATHER Heavenly Father in the skies aboveYou sent your Son for sinners you lovedFor Him to die on the rugged crossOur sins He paid, the ones that’s lost. Heavenly Father on the earth belowJesus on the cross after the cock did crowHis life He gave, so […]

God still used them Hannes Zegement Grove

God still used them – Hannes Zegement Grove •    Noah got drunk •    Jacob lied •    Moses murdered •    Rahab was a prostitute •    David had an affair God still used themHe can use you, too. Remember they repented … Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

NO WORDS Hannes Zegement Grove

NO WORDS – Hannes Zegement Grove NO WORDS No words could ever describeNot one, not one of the 12 tribesHad words for what Jesus would doFor the love He had for the world and you. No words, indescribable, understandable tonightFor the ungodly sinners for He did fight.No words in this world just His shining light.Dear […]

MY STARLIGHT WORLD Hannes Zegement Grove

MY STARLIGHT WORLD – Hannes Zegement Grove MY STARLIGHT WORLD My starlight world so far far awayNo monsters near to want to come and stayOnly elves and fairies that laughs and playThis secret world of mine filled with stardust spray My starlight world was interrupted one dayWhen 4 monsters came one night and planning to […]

MY LITTLE PRAYER Hannes Zegement Grove

MY LITTLE PRAYER – Hannes Zegement Grove MY LITTLE PRAYER Only the Cross I seeOnly in God I do believeThe sins of this evil world brings me to much griefBut Jesus Christ will stay beside and never leave Jesus please lead me onYou’re the One to Whom I belongTake my hand and make me strongWithout […]

MY FRIEND DEATH Hannes Zegement Grove

MY FRIEND DEATH – Hannes Zegement Grove MY FRIEND DEATH Death so near death so trueMy friends and family do not really like youAngel of death with your blade wide openYou left my close ones crying and broken Death so true death so nearYou’re my friend—why you I do not fearI see you every day […]

MY FRIEND Hannes Zegement Grove

MY FRIEND – Hannes Zegement Grove MY FRIEND My trusted friend until the bitter endThru’ sorrow and pain the time life did lendI will be here for you till foreverMe and you are like David and Jonathan together My close friend until the last goalHappiness and joy destroyed our friendships’ soulsYou took your path ad […]

MY DAILY PRAYER Hannes Zegement Grove

MY DAILY PRAYER – Hannes Zegement Grove MY DAILY PRAYER “Please Father, Put your words in my thoughtsAnd Your thoughts in my words.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

MY BIBLE Hannes Zegement Grove

MY BIBLE – Hannes Zegement Grove MY BIBLE 66 books from cover to coverFor me and you His truths to discoverThe mysteries how God made the planets and earthAnd the questions where were you when I created thee from your birth?And where hast thou been when this planet grounds I have cursedWhy do you not […]

MEETING DEMONS Hannes Zegement Grove

MEETING DEMONS – Hannes Zegement Grove MEETING DEMONS On this dark starry nightI prayed in fear to Jesus the LightTo protect me if He wanted He mightI’m fearing for my life can’t sleep tonight On this dark starry nightDarkness came very strong in mightThe angel-demon a horrifying sightHelp me Lord Jesus I beg theeHold me […]

MEETING A STRANGER Hannes Zegement Grove

MEETING A STRANGER – Hannes Zegement Grove MEETING A STRANGER Coming to “know” God is like meeting a stranger.God is a stranger to us in three senses. First, God is a stranger in the ontological sense. That is, in his very being. God is not like any person you’ve ever met. The basic truth― there […]

LOVING YOU Hannes Zegement Grove

LOVING YOU – Hannes Zegement Grove LOVING YOU Loving you is embracing the wind and folding your warm arms around the coldness of the windy taste, all the icy warmth you got from your Antarctica you took and you held me tight. I felt your rock-hard heart, pumping against your chest, your sad troubled eyes […]

LOST IN A WORLD Hannes Zegement Grove

LOST IN A WORLD – Hannes Zegement Grove LOST IN A WORLD Lost in a world from eyes hiddenIn this place of miracles totally forbiddenWalking past your girl imperfect but forgivenLoving you secretly—you’re not allowed in the worldI’m currently living in Lost in this spirit filled world perfectly perfectMeeting humanity I honestly do not regretBut […]

LIFE IS NOT A FAIRY TALE Hannes Zegement Grove

LIFE IS NOT A FAIRY TALE – Hannes Zegement Grove LIFE IS NOT A FAIRY TALEThea Life is not a fairy taleNothing lasts forever…The love in my heart always uncloudedBut my love was answered with immoralityWith pure adulterated intimation As if to say I was not enoughThat I was unworthy of love and respectUsed like […]

LAW-GOSPEL Hannes Zegement Grove

LAW-GOSPEL – Hannes Zegement Grove LAW-GOSPEL God’s word has two parts―the law and the gospel―and there is a danger in either confusing or separating them. The law commands and the gospel gives. The law says “Do” and the gospel says, “Done!” equally God’s Word, both are good, but God does different things through them. In […]

KISSED Hannes Zegement Grove

KISSED – Hannes Zegement Grove KISSED Last night I truly kissed deathI tasted the meaning of his breathTied and bound they kicked my faceBlood spilling on the floor what Godly grace This morning death kissed me backWhat peace I my heart only fear I lackThe moment when death looked me full in my faceGod winked […]

JESUS YOU ARE MY HEALER Hannes Zegement Grove

JESUS YOU ARE MY HEALER – Hannes Zegement Grove JESUS YOU ARE MY HEALER Jesus you are my HealerMy Maker, my Author and loving ReaderCreator of my heart, Protector of my pain and sorrowThank you for the time with my dad—You let me borrow Jesus you are my Saviour my KingWhile my body is aching […]


IT IS EITHER WRONG OR RIGHT – Hannes Zegement Grove IT IS EITHER WRONG OR RIGHT Sin is the transgression of or lack of conformity to God’s holy law. Sin refers to anything that breaks or is wrong in our relationship with God. There are no grey areas with sin, its either sin (black) or […]

IN THE PAST GOD SPOKE Hannes Zegement Grove

IN THE PAST GOD SPOKE – Hannes Zegement Grove IN THE PAST GOD SPOKE In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days He has spoken to us by His Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom […]

IF WE ARE GOING ON WITH GOD Hannes Zegement Grove

WE ARE GOING ON WITH GOD – Hannes Zegement Grove IF WE ARE GOING ON WITH GOD If we are going on with God, the only thing that is clear to you, and the only thing God intends to be clear, is the way He deals with your soul and yours only, not your brother […]

I WAS SURE BY NOW GOD Hannes Zegement Grove

WAS SURE BY NOW GOD – Hannes Zegement Grove I WAS SURE BY NOW GOD I was sure by now God, You would have reached downand wiped my tears away.Stepped in and saved the day.As Your mercy falls I will raise my hands and praisemy God who gives and takes away. My strength is almost […]

I NEVER SAW Hannes Zegement Grove

I NEVER SAW – Hannes Zegement Grove I NEVER SAW I never saw any man maketh God to shakeBut I saw my God maketh every man shakeOnly with words that God Almighty spakeWords so terrible that man’s courage trembledThis power of the Father: totally incredible I never saw a man maketh something out of nothingBut […]

MISS YOU DAD Hannes Zegement Grove

MISS YOU DAD – Hannes Zegement Grove I MISS YOU DAD I miss you my loving dadDays like today, my eyes have tears and emotionally I’m sadMom bought me a quiet loving puppyWhen he is with me I feel so lucky My dad in heaven My puppy is seven and soon to be in weeks […]

I HAVE THIS THEORY Hannes Zegement Grove

I HAVE THIS THEORY – Hannes Zegement Grove I HAVE THIS THEORY Before you tell someone don’t judge — first get to understand what the word means!!! ’cause it seems most of you don’t. (No, I’m not judging you, I’m just speaking my mind, or does the term freedom of speech not ring a bell??) […]


I HAVE THE WINTER AND TEARS – Hannes Zegement Grove I HAVE THE WINTER AND TEARS I have the winter and tears in my eyes while my warm smile talks of summer and joy, my heart is filled with hope even though my thoughts see only impossibilities and my soul might tremble in agony to […]

I CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN Hannes Zegement Grove

I CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN – Hannes Zegement Grove I CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN Anything you want My children, I can make it happenI fell in love while creating youKnowing My death on the cross ― not in vainI endured with love the agony and painSo I made for you ― eternity happen. Anything you […]

HE IS THE ONE Hannes Zegement Grove

HE IS THE ONE – Hannes Zegement Grove HE IS THE ONE He is the One Who is saving the dayHe is the One when our close ones says nayWhen there is fear and trouble on the horizonAnd all your faith and resources are goneLike thunder His words are remarkable spot on He is the […]

HAVING IT YOUR WAY Hannes Zegement Grove

HAVING IT YOUR WAY – Hannes Zegement Grove HAVING IT YOUR WAY Christian why is it so important having your own wayWhile Christ is shaking His head saying my child nayBut you want it to be done your way on this path you’ll stayWhy don’t you take heed? What is wrong with you I pray […]

HAPPY DAYS Hannes Zegement Grove

HAPPY DAYS – Hannes Zegement Grove HAPPY DAYS Happy days the ones I could hear my dad’s voiceThe days I smiled, happy by choiceGod was good for this little ladIn his heart he was so wicked and real badJesus had tears often I made Him sad Happy days are long, long goneEverything turned upside down, […]

GODS’ ARMIES Hannes Zegement Grove

GODS’ ARMIES – Hannes Zegement Grove GODS’ ARMIES When God sent forth His armiesWhat beast and man can stand?When God stretched out his hand No herb and seed be untouched throughout this forsaken land How can a nation fight against an Almighty God?When He uses a lowly Shepherd and in his hand a rod?How do […]

GOD REQUIRES THE PAST Hannes Zegement Grove

GOD REQUIRES THE PAST – Hannes Zegement Grove GOD REQUIRES THE PAST God requires the past so that we can look back and realize our present enjoyment of God’s grace-this is to be checked by the memory of yesterdays’ sins-God is the God of our yesterdays and He allows memory of them in order to […]


GOD LIVES IN AN ETERNAL NOW – Hannes Zegement Grove GOD LIVES IN AN ETERNAL NOW God lives in an eternal now: God doesn’t know anything about past or futureHe lives in the present. That means that our past and our future are in His present. But that means for us that God already coveredthe […]

GOD IS MY PROTECTOR Hannes Zegement Grove

GOD IS MY PROTECTOR – Hannes Zegement Grove GOD IS MY PROTECTOR Is God not protecting thee?Is Jesus not the Lion of Judah beside me?Why this fretting; do you not then believeth in Me?You can roam free, by night and by dayPlease keep thy faith in Me I pray Is God not protecting thee?Why fear […]

GOD HAD ONLY ONE SON Hannes Zegement Grove

GOD HAD ONLY ONE SON – Hannes Zegement Grove GOD HAD ONLY ONE SON God had only one Son and He made that Son a missionary … every missionary follows in the steps of Christ who visited this planet 2000 years ago on a mission of redemption … God is a missionary GodThe Bible is […]

GOD GIVEN TIME Hannes Zegement Grove

GOD GIVEN TIME – Hannes Zegement Grove GOD GIVEN TIME Seconds are going never been stoppingYou want things to be done always hopingSeconds go by so fast why do they not lastIf only time could stay longer my friendBut it goes on and on no waiting end Minutes are flowing your impatience is growingTraffic is […]


GOD ENGINEERS CIRCUMSTANCES – Hannes Zegement Grove GOD ENGINEERS CIRCUMSTANCES God engineers circumstances and I believe only those loyal to Christ believe this! Others might believe, through choices and men altered the decisions and do not see God’s hand in it. If we learn to worship God through the most trying circumstances, God will alter […]

GOD DOES NOT COMFORT US Hannes Zegement Grove

GOD DOES NOT COMFORT US – Hannes Zegement Grove GOD DOES NOT COMFORT US God does not comfort usTo make us comfortable,But to make us comforters They tell me I must bruiseThe rose leafHere I can keep andUse its fragrance brief The pain so real andUr heart is achingWhat in me is thatThee my God […]

GAYNESS/LEBIANISM Hannes Zegement Grove

GAYNESS/LEBIANISM – Hannes Zegement Grove GAYNESS/LEBIANISM The belief that there was a male and a male and nothing really happened but magically another male appeared and then for no reason whatsoever the males come together and magically rearranged their DNA thus the female came to life. Makes perfect sense. The Bible must be wrong then. […]

FROM BIRTH Hannes Zegement Grove

FROM BIRTH – Hannes Zegement Grove FROM BIRTH The very first step I took from birthGod planned my life on this forsaken earthThrough pain, fear and the worst kind of sorrowJesus took my pain and my agony He did borrowIn my place my bitter life’s pill He did swallow The very first step I took […]

FOR 6 YEARS I CRIED Hannes Zegement Grove

FOR 6 YEARS I CRIED – Hannes Zegement Grove FOR 6 YEARS I CRIED For 6 years I criedAs I saw my father beginning to dieWhy dear Lord my prayer You deniedMy heart is torn, my soul is goneWhy hast Thou taken him? What has he done?My little lad, just believe and receive For 6 […]

Jesus Martha Petrusevich

Jesus – Martha Petrusevich Jesus I stand and before my eyes I see,The man, who had to die for me. So that I, wouldn’t need to die, And forever live with Him on high. I stand and before my eyes I see, Amazing love He has for me. Love like this is hard to find, […]

You don’t know just when Martha Petrusevich

You don’t know just when – Martha Petrusevich You don’t know just when, your last minute will be,But are you ready, to face the Lord and Eternity?The time when you will die, to you, is quite unknownAre you ready to stand before His almighty throne? You don’t know exactly, when that time will beIt might […]

Where your treasure is there will your heart by also Martha Petrusevich

Where your treasure is there will your heart by also – Martha Petrusevich Where your treasure is there will your heart by also My friend, where is your treasure today?In what kind of place does it lay?Where is your heart, where is your treasure?Where do you find true joy and pleasure? Is your treasure in […]

Virtuous Woman Martha Petrusevich

Virtuous Woman – Martha Petrusevich Virtuous WomanA virtuous woman is so very hard to find,Which serves the Lord with heart and mind.Who seeks God daily, with all her soul,Who seeks His ways and sees the goal. Whose faith in God is deep and strong,With love that’s deep and suffers long.With faith that ‘s so strongly […]

Trusting God through the trials of each day Martha Petrusevich

Trusting God through the trials of each day – Martha Petrusevich Trusting God through the trials of each day,Asking Him to clearly show His plan and way.Turning to Him in meek and humble prayer,Trusting fully without a worry or despair. Trusting in each moment and each hour,Asking God for daily strength and power.To over come […]

True Faith Martha Petrusevich

True Faith – Martha Petrusevich True Faith When God comes to take His own,His coming we cannot postpone.He will come without delay, To take his own, upon that day. Yet, when he comes what will he find,True servants, among mankind?Will Christ find faith upon this earth?Those who’ve had the second birth? Those who conquered sin […]

The Ways of The Lord Martha Petrusevich

The Ways of The Lord – Martha Petrusevich The Ways of The LordThe ways of the Lord we might not always understand,He will never leave us and lovingly stretch forth His hand.To help and gently lead us in our daily journey home,If we will only trust Him, we will never need to roam. His ways […]

The Greatest Gift of All!! Martha Petrusevich

The Greatest Gift of All!! – Martha Petrusevich The greatest and biggest gift of all,Was not bought in a shopping mall.Or brought silently in by Santa Claus,And welcomed with laughter and applause Or put under the Christmas tree,Yet this gift has made us freeIt was not tied with ribbons and string,This gift was the gift […]

The Cheerful Lad! Martha Petrusevich

The Cheerful Lad! – Martha Petrusevich The Cheerful Lad! It has been raining all day long,The birds have quit their lovely songAnd all seems so gloomy and grey,It has been a long and dreary day. As I walk along the busy street,With my extremely soaking feet,I notice people that look so sad,But all of a […]

Take Time to Notice!!! Martha Petrusevich

Take Time to Notice!!! – Martha Petrusevich Take Time to Notice!!! Did you ever take time out of your daily, busy routine,To notice that dejected, anxious, and struggling teen?Did you take time, to stop and ask how he is doing,And what exactly in life, he is so strongly pursuing? Did you take time, to stop […]

Surrender Your All Martha Petrusevich

Surrender Your All – Martha Petrusevich Surrender Your All Surrender your all, to the almighty King,All your doubt, today to Him bring.Surrender your life, surrender your all,Do not delay and answer His call. Surrender today, all worry and fear,For your loving Saviour is standing so near.He is waiting for you to answer His call,Fully surrender […]

Sowing and Reaping Martha Petrusevich

Sowing and Reaping – Martha Petrusevich Sowing and Reaping There is a law that we all should heed,That is very important indeed.Whatever we do, or think or say,We will have to reap some coming day. Think clearly about this important fact,And be very careful of how you act.For heartache and sorrow you will know,Because you […]

Sing Your Song!!!! Martha Petrusevich

Sing Your Song!!!! – Martha Petrusevich Sing Your Song!!!! The bird sings sweetly in the tree, She sings for you, she sings for me.She sings for her loving creator, For He’s the one, who made her. The other birds join in her lay,For they all seem to say.Start the new day with a song,Come join […]

Prayer Martha Petrusevich

Prayer – Martha Petrusevich PrayerIn sweet communion with my Lord,In prayer and reading from His Word.I find true peace and deep relief,In times of pain and deepest grief. In the quiet, of the early morning hour,I pray to Him for strength and power.For wisdom and for knowledge here,To stand fast, be true, and persevere. I […]

Papa Martha Petrusevich

Papa – Martha Petrusevich PapaMy dear Papa is very wise and strong,He has taught me what is right and wrong.His gentle heart is full of love for me,I am so glad that his daughter I can be. His compassionate heart is full of prayer ,Through his eyes, I feel is love and care.He toils daily […]

Our Lord is coming some time soon Martha Petrusevich

Our Lord is coming some time soon – Martha Petrusevich Our Lord is coming some time soon,Morning, evening, daytime, noonYet when he comes, what will He find?Christians that to sin are blind? Ones who are so deeply sleeping,Their lights for him they are not keeping.Ones who have not brought their fruit,A Godly life has not […]

No one laughs at God Martha Petrusevich

No one laughs at God – Martha Petrusevich No one laughs at God, in a hospital room… Or when standing, beside a grave or a tomb.No one laughs at Him in the raging war…When suddenly faced before, eternity’s door. No one then, thinks to laugh and call Him a liar…No one is laughing at Him […]

Mother!! Martha Petrusevich

Mother!! – Martha Petrusevich The work of a mother never seems to endShe needs to be a mom, a wife, a friend,There are always clothes she needs to mend,And a weed filled garden to clean and tend. There are dirty clothes to wash and fold,A sick and fussy baby, to rock and hold.There are dishes […]

Miracles Matha Petrusevich

Miracles – Matha Petrusevich MiraclesA miracle is something… no one ever can predict,For it is a handiwork of God… that no one can restrict Greatest miracles occur, when they are least expected…By an almighty, sovereign God…they are directed. He touches many lives, in ways we can’t foresee,Saves the greatest sinners , from bondage sets them […]

Modern Generation Martha Petrusevich

Modern Generation – Martha Petrusevich Modern Generation In my lengthy study, and deep observation,I thought, of the great amounts of information.Of this modern society, culture, and civilization,That is surrounded with technology and communication. Affecting different people, in each country and nation,Yet there is still so much miscommunication.And so much wrong and distorted information,That is present […]

I Wonder… Martha Petrusevich

I Wonder… – Martha Petrusevich I Wonder…I wonder how Mary, so tired and worn,Worried about the baby, soon to be born…After having to travel such a long way,Finding out there was no room for them stay… I wonder how it felt to be laid in the manger,To come to this world as a total stranger…Cattle […]

Godly Man Martha Petrusevich

Godly Man – Martha Petrusevich Godly Man A man of God, will seek the Truth,Study and pursue it from his youth.Will seek the Lord, will seek His way,Will seek God’s will, each passing day. Will grow in righteousness and peace,Making them to grow and increase.Study the scriptures deeply, day by day,Growing, God’s image to portray. […]

Do Not Worry!!! Martha Petrusevich

Do Not Worry!!! – Martha Petrusevich Do Not Worry!!! Unknown is your future for you,Where you will be and what you will do.But trust the Lord and never fear,For God is always so very near. Consider the Lilies and how they grow,Flowers so fragrant and white as snow.They stand tall, so bright and bold,Their beauty, […]

Faith Hope Love Martha Petrusevich

Faith Hope Love – Martha Petrusevich Build your Faith upon The Rock,Build it daily block by block.Faith in God and in His Word,Faith that won’t ever be deterred. Faith so strong and faith so true,As you daily God’s will pursue.That will grow and will not waver,In faith serving the Lord and Savior. Build your Hope […]

Another Year Gone By Martha Petrusevich

Another Year Gone – Martha Petrusevich As I look back, at days, that seem to fly,Thinking of this year that has gone by.Knowing, it will never come to me once more,It’s gone forever, and will be no more. As I look at my life to find and see,Was Jesus clearly seen in me?Did His life […]

That’s my King S M Lockridge

That’s my King – S M Lockridge The Bible says my King is the King of the Jews. He’s the King of Israel. He’s the King of Righteousness. He’s the King of the Ages. He’s the King of Heaven . He’s the King of Glory. He’s the King of kings, and He’s the Lord of […]

Trembling We Had Hoped for Mercy Frances Bevan

Trembling We Had Hoped for Mercy – Frances Bevan Trembling, we had hoped for mercy — Some lone place within the door; But the crown, the throne, the mansion, All were ready long before. And in past and distant ages, In those courts so bright and fair, Ere we were, was He rejoicing, All He […]

Listen, Oh, Listen

Listen, Oh, Listen Listen, oh, listen, my Father, all holy, Humble and sorrowful, owning my sin, Hear me confess in my penitence lowly How in my weakness temptation came in. Pity me now, for, my Father, no sorrow Weighs on my soul like the pain that I know, Trembling and fearing that all thro’ the […]

When He Says “Well Done” Ezra Brainard

When He Says “Well Done” – Ezra Brainard Though all the world despise my stand,And not a friend will hold my hand, Though all the world despise my stand,And not a friend will hold my hand,I know some day mine eyes shall seeThe one who asked hard things of me,And all the mockings I received,Because […]

When Jesus Washed my Sins Away Lydia C. Brainard

When Jesus Washed my Sins Away – Lydia C. Brainard In sinful darkness I was bound,And in my heart no light I found. In sinful darkness I was bound,And in my heart no light I found.The chains of sin round me were tied,I listened to Satan when he lied.I did the things he told me […]

The Woman Of Canaan Angie Conjurske

The Woman Of Canaan – Angie Conjurske Surrounding my Lord   The multitudes went; Surrounding my Lord  The multitudes went;  A woman went too, For her heart was rent.  Her daughter was illFor Satan had hold,And he held her farAway from the fold.  The mother was grieved  “Have mercy, O Lord! My daughter is held By such a strong cord.” But Jesus […]

The Tempest Stilled Melody Conjurske

The Tempest Stilled – Melody Conjurske The roaring waters dash about,The raging wind gives out a shout. The roaring waters dash about,The raging wind gives out a shout.That mighty wind – ah dreadful sound!It tosses our poor ship around.The splashing waves now fill the boat,“Is our poor ship still going to float?”Now fearful looks are […]

Then and Now Melody Conjurske

Then and Now – Melody Conjurske I used to hurt, and I would cry;Why did my daddy have to die? I used to hurt, and I would cry;Why did my daddy have to die?If you could know the pain in my heart,When me and my daddy had to part;The fear that filled my life that […]

The Beautiful Snow Rachel Conjurske

The Beautiful Snow – Rachel Conjurske The beautiful snowSo dazzling and bright The beautiful snowSo dazzling and brightHas brought to this worldSome gladness and light.It covered the dirt,The filth and the brown,And gave everythingA golden white crown.The trees seem to breakAnd hang down so low,But they must not mindThe beautiful snow.It seems to give peaceWhere […]

Somewhere Melody Conjurske

Somewhere – Melody Conjurske Somewhere in the darknessI lost my saviour’s face; Somewhere in the darknessI lost my saviour’s face;Somewhere in my frenzyI forgot his love and grace.I only felt the stillness,The fear without a light;I forgot about the eyeThat doesn’t sleep at night. Somewhere through the storm cloudsI forgot the sun was there;Forgot that […]

My Prayer Melody Conjurske

My Prayer – Melody Conjurske Dear Lord, I ask you’d give to me,These living waters full and free. Dear Lord, I ask you’d give to me,These living waters full and free.I ask a blessing from aboveThat I may show the world they love.I ask you’d take my shattered heart,And go in deep and cleanse each […]

My Journey Rachel Conjurske

My Journey – Rachel Conjurske I walked along a darkened path,No light there was for me. I walked along a darkened path,No light there was for me.My path was meant for only pain,And deep as pain can be. I cried, oh Lord, where are you?How could you treat me so?To leave me in this awful […]

I Have a Friend Rachel Conjurske

I Have a Friend – Rachel Conjurske I have a friend, Who’s always near. I have a friend, Who’s always near. He calms the storm, And cast out fear. He stays by me, Through thick and thin. And with him near, I always win. He gives me strength, When I am weak. And often comes, […]

Let Me Be A Light Angie Conjurske

Let Me Be A Light – Angie Conjurske Dear Lord, I ask for liberty That in my heart you’d make me free. Dear Lord, I ask for liberty That in my heart you’d make me free. I ask for peace and graciousness, And that myself I would love less. I ask for love that Jesus […]

Keep Looking to Jesus Lydia Celeste Brainard

Keep Looking to Jesus – Lydia Celeste Brainard Keep looking unto Jesus,When your way is dark as night. Keep looking unto Jesus,When your way is dark as night.’Cuz looking unto Jesus ,On your path will shed some light. When you feel you’re gunna sink,And you’re crumbling in despair;When there’s no one to listen,Yes, my Jesus […]

Jesus Angie Conjurske

Jesus – Angie Conjurske When life is looking rather sad And things are failing ~ turning bad. When life is looking rather sad And things are failing ~ turning bad. Don’t let your crying hide His face Remember He has promised grace. He said He’d never leave us lone We never face things on our […]

It’s Jesus Angie Conjurske

It’s Jesus – Angie Conjurske There’s one who hears my pleading cry, When others simply walk on by. There’s one who hears my pleading cry, When others simply walk on by. There’s one who knows my deepest need, When others simply do not heed. When no one hears my heavy sigh, There’s one who watches […]

He knows, He can, He will Melody Conjurske

He knows, He can, He will – Melody Conjurske There is no pain that he doesn’t feelThere isn’t a sorrow that his love won’t heal. There is no pain that he doesn’t feelThere isn’t a sorrow that his love won’t heal. Nothing you know that he doesn’t knowNo wisdom you need that he will not […]

Foot Prints in my Heart Melody Conjurske

Foot Prints in my Heart – Melody Conjurske I find some foot prints in my heart,They’ve walked in almost every part. I find some foot prints in my heart,They’ve walked in almost every part.They went down all those lonely roads,And viewed my many heavy loads.They told me they were all in vainThere was no need […]

Don’t Give Up! Rachel Conjurske

Don’t Give Up! – Rachel Conjurske When the days are hard,The nights are long, When the days are hard,The nights are long,You feel you’ve lostYour joyful song,Don’t give up. When your heart is crushed,Your eyes are streaming,Your mind is numb, You feel like screaming,Don’t give up. When you feel you’ve gone,As far as you dare.You […]

What is Life? Gerhard Tersteegen

What is Life? – Gerhard Tersteegen Thou who givest of Thy gladnessTill the cup runs o’er— Thou who givest of Thy gladnessTill the cup runs o’er—Cup whereof the pilgrim wearyDrinks to thirst no more—Not a-nigh me, but within meIs Thy joy divine;Thou, O Lord, hast made Thy dwellingIn this heart of mine. Need I that […]

To My Mother Max M. Johnson

To My Mother – Max M. Johnson Some I know who “older” grow As birthdays come and birthdays go; Some I know who “older” grow As birthdays come and birthdays go; Some who vainly try to hide The rush of years — of “Time and Tide”; But through the painted veil of “youth” Shows plainly […]

Birthdays — (At Age 88) Max M. Johnson

Birthdays — (At Age 88) Max M. Johnson Why all this fuss about birthdays? What is it that makes them so great? Why all this fuss about birthdays? What is it that makes them so great? To tell me I’m now one year older Is something that I really hate. I’m aware of the loss […]

God Made a Rose Max Johnson

God Made a Rose – Max Johnson God made a rose and let it grow. A red, red rose with form so fair, God made a rose and let it grow. A red, red rose with form so fair, To represent true love, you know A Mother’s love and tender care. God formed a tree […]

Wrought of the Dust Max M. Johnson

Wrought of the Dust – Max M. Johnson The day was depressing, the sky gloomy grey — The sun would not give even one warming ray. The day was depressing, the sky gloomy grey — The sun would not give even one warming ray. I stood on life’s pathway, and watched with intent The great […]

My Dad Max M. Johnson

My Dad – Max M. Johnson Nova Scotia was his birthplace, in 1888 And in the annals of the wealthy, notorious and great Nova Scotia was his birthplace, in 1888 And in the annals of the wealthy, notorious and great The name of Frederick Johnson you would look in vain to see, For notorious and […]

Isaiah 53 Max M. Johnson

Isaiah 53 – Max M. Johnson From the dry ground of Earth, in man’s darkest hour, A root produced fruit — a rare, tender flowerA 2003 Rendition From the dry ground of Earth, in man’s darkest hour, A root produced fruit — a rare, tender flower Growing up before God — a beautiful Bloom; But […]

It’s Springtime Max M. Johnson

It’s Springtime – Max M. Johnson Now gone are the leaves of Autumn that fell, Leaving our trees all shapeless and bare — Now gone are the leaves of Autumn that fell, Leaving our trees all shapeless and bare — And where they have gone — well, no one can tell; And, truth were known, […]

The 23rd Psalm Max M. Johnson

The 23rd Psalm – Max M. Johnson The Lord is my Shepherd, no want shall I know. He leads me in paths were He’d have me to go. The Lord is my Shepherd, no want shall I know. He leads me in paths were He’d have me to go. Beside the still waters, in pastures […]

Wrong Way Street Max M. Johnson

Wrong Way Street – Max M. Johnson God made a man, and gave him life, to live in peace and not in strife. He placed him in His garden fair; all things provided for his care. God made a man, and gave him life, to live in peace and not in strife. He placed him […]

Chips Max M. Johnson

Chips – Max M. Johnson I watched with great awe and amazement — The Sculptor’s tool fashioned with skill I watched with great awe and amazement — The Sculptor’s tool fashioned with skill A beautiful work, And many a chip Fell useless, and silent, and still. The stone was so cold and resisting; But His […]

Exodus Max M. Johnson

Exodus – Max M. Johnson Now, Pharaoh was a mighty king, full of pride, and bold; With power and riches in his hand, all Egypt he controlled. Now, Pharaoh was a mighty king, full of pride, and bold; With power and riches in his hand, all Egypt he controlled. But in his land there dwelt […]

The Silent Message from the Cross Max M. Johnson

The Silent Message from the Cross – Max M. Johnson The Lamb of God in silence hung upon the center tree; He sealed His lips as He was shorn of all His dignity. With but one word He could have called a host to set Him free; Yet as a Lamb to slaughter led He […]

The Power of Prayer Richard Chenvix Trench

The Power of Prayer – Richard Chenvix Trench Lord, what a change within us one short hour Spent in thy presence will prevail to make: Lord, what a change within us one short hour Spent in thy presence will prevail to make: What heavy burdens from our bosoms take; What parched grounds refresh as with […]

Thy Allotment Richard Chenvix Trench

Thy Allotment – Richard Chenvix Trench Richard Chenvix Trench Thou cam’st not to thy place by accident, It is the very place God meant for thee; Thou cam’st not to thy place by accident, It is the very place God meant for thee; And shouldst thou there small scope for action see Do not for […]

The Difference Richard Chenvix Trench

The Difference – Richard Chenvix Trench Some murmur, when their sky is clear And wholly bright to view, Some murmur, when their sky is clear And wholly bright to view, If one small speck of dark appear In their great heaven of blue. And some with thankful love are filled If but one streak of […]

Responsibility for Talents Richard Chenevix Trench

Responsibility for Talents – Richard Chenevix Trench Thou that in life’s crowded city art arrived, thou knowest not how — By what path or on what errand —list and learn thine errand now. Thou that in life’s crowded city art arrived, thou knowest not how — By what path or on what errand —list and […]

The Widow’s Oil Richard Chenevix Trench

The Widow’s Oil – Richard Chenevix Trench Pour forth the oil, pour boldly forth, It will not fail until   Pour forth the oil, pour boldly forth, It will not fail until Thou failest vessels to provide Which it may freely fill.  But then, when such are found no more, Though flowing broad and free Till […]

The Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God I say to thee — do thou repeat To the first man thou mayest meet I say to thee — do thou repeat To the first man thou mayest meet In lane, highway, or open street — That he, and we, and all men move Under a canopy of love As […]

His Loving-Kindness Samuel Medley

His Loving Kindness – Samuel Medley Awake, my soul, in joyful lays To sing thy great Redeemer’s praise: Awake, my soul, in joyful lays To sing thy great Redeemer’s praise: He justly claims a song from thee; His loving-kindness, ho, how free! He saw us ruined in the Fall, Yet loved us notwithstanding all. He […]

Oh Could We Speak the Matchless Worth Samuel Medley

Oh Could We Speak the Matchless Worth – Samuel Medley Oh, could we speak the matchless worth — Oh, could we sound the glories forth Oh, could we speak the matchless worth — Oh, could we sound the glories forth Which in the Saviour shine, To God and Christ what praise we’d bring The song […]

Worship Mary Bowley Peters

Worship – Mary Bowley Peters O Lord, we adore Thee! For Thou art the slain One O Lord, we adore Thee! For Thou art the slain One That livest forever, Enthronèd in heaven; O Lord, we adore Thee! For Thou hast redeemed us; Our title to glory We read in Thy blood. O God, we […]

The One for Whom We Wait Mary Bowley Peters

The One for Whom We Wait – Mary Bowley Peters Mary Bowley Peters O blessed Lord, what hast Thou done? How vast a ransom given? O blessed Lord, what hast Thou done? How vast a ransom given? Thyself of God th’ eternal Son, The Lord of earth and heaven. Thy Father, in His gracious love, […]

Prayer for Divine Guidance Josiah Conder

Prayer for Divine Guidance – Josiah Conder Heavenly Father, to whose eye Future things unfolded lie, Heavenly Father, to whose eye Future things unfolded lie, Through the desert where I stray Let Thy counsels guide my way. Lead me not (for flesh is frail) Where fierce trial would assail; Leave me not, in darkened hour, […]

O Thou God Who Hearest Prayer Josiah Conder

O Thou God Who Hearest Prayer – Josiah Conder O Thou God who hearest prayer Every hour and everywhere, O Thou God who hearest prayer Every hour and everywhere, For His sake, whose blood I plead, Hear me in my hour of need: Only hide not now Thy face, God of all-sufficient grace!  Leave me […]

Grace is the Sweetest Sound Thomas Kelly

Grace is the Sweetest Sound – Thomas Kelly Grace is the sweetest sound That ever reached our ears: Grace is the sweetest sound That ever reached our ears: When conscience charged, and justice frowned, ‘Twas grace removed our fears.  ‘Tis freedom to the slave, ‘Tis life and liberty; It takes its terror from the grave, […]

Book Divine John Fawcett

Book Divine – John Fawcett How precious is the Book divine By inspiration given! How precious is the Book divine By inspiration given! Bright as a lamp its doctrines shine, To guide our souls to heaven. O’er all the strait and narrow way Its radiant beams are cast; A light whose never-weary ray Grows brighter […]

The Spilt Pearls Richard Chenevix Trench

The Spilt Pearls – Richard Chenevix Trench His courtiers of the caliph crave: “O say how this may be, His courtiers of the caliph crave: “O say how this may be, That of thy slaves this Ethiop slave Is best beloved by thee? “For he is hideous as the night: Yet when has ever chose […]

Thy Word is Like a Garden, Lord Edwin Hodder

Thy Word is Like a Garden, Lord – Edwin Hodder Thy Word is like a garden, Lord,With flowers bright and fair; Thy Word is like a garden, Lord,With flowers bright and fair;And every one who seeks may pluckA lovely cluster there. Thy Word is like a deep, deep mine;And jewels rich and rareAre hidden in […]

Not Alone Lee W. Brainard

Not Alone – Lee W. Brainard He woke at morn with heart of stone Deep nagging pain, down to the bone He woke at morn with heart of stone Deep nagging pain, down to the bone He heaved a sigh, raised weary head And sat upon his straw strewn bed He fixed his eyes on […]

Digging a Well with Toothpicks Melody Conjurske

Digging a Well with Toothpicks – Melody Conjurske For these living waters full and free The craving I now find in me, But how to get them, I know not, So then I use what I have got These little tiny worthless sticks I’m digging a well with toothpicks, With all my efforts, I have […]

The Farmer Ploughs Helen Steiner Rice

The Farmer Ploughs – Helen Steiner Rice For like the farmer, God chooses a field,From which He expects an excellent yield. The farmer ploughs through the fields of green,And the blade of the plough is sharp and keenBut the seed must be sown to bring forth grain,For nothing is born without suffering pain.And God never […]

The Indwelling Christ Gerhard Tersteegen

The Indwelling Christ – Gerhard Tersteegen Gerhard Tersteegen Thou who givest of Thy gladnessTill the cup runs o’er— Thou who givest of Thy gladnessTill the cup runs o’er—Cup whereof the pilgrim wearyDrinks to thirst no more—Not a-nigh me, but within meIs Thy joy divine;Thou, O Lord, hast made Thy dwellingIn this heart of mine. Need […]

The Hope of His Coming Gerhard Tersteegen

The Hope of His Coming – Gerhard Tersteegen There is a balm for every pain,A medicine for all sorrow; There is a balm for every pain,A medicine for all sorrow;The eye turned backward to the Cross,And forward to the morrow. The morrow of the glory and the psalm,When He shall come;The morrow of the harping […]

Sweet the Moments, Rich in Blessing Walter Shirley

Sweet the Moments, Rich in Blessing – Walter Shirley Sweet the moments, rich in blessing,Which before the Cross I spend; Sweet the moments, rich in blessing,Which before the Cross I spend;Life and health and peace possessingFrom the sinner’s dying Friend. Truly blessed is this station,Low before His Cross to lie;While I see divine compassionBeaming in […]

O Jesus, King Most Wonderful Bernard of Clarivaux

O Jesus, King Most Wonderful – Bernard of Clarivaux O Jesus, King most wonderful,Thou Conqueror renowned, O Jesus, King most wonderful,Thou Conqueror renowned,Thou Sweetness most ineffable,In whom all joys are found! When once Thou visitest the heart,Then truth begins to shine,Then earthly vanities depart,Then kindles love divine. O Jesus, Light of all below!Thou Fount of […]

None Other Lamb, None Other Name Christina Rossetti

None Other Lamb, None Other Name – Christina Rossetti None other Lamb, none other Name,None other Hope in heaven or earth or sea, None other Lamb, none other Name,None other Hope in heaven or earth or sea,None other Hiding-place from guilt and shame,None beside Thee. My faith burns low, my hope burns low;Only my heart’s […]

My Sins, My Saviour! John S. B. Monsell

My Sins, My Saviour! – John S. B. Monsell My sins, my sins, my Saviour!They take such hold on me, My sins, my sins, my Saviour!They take such hold on me,I am not able to look up,Save only Christ to Thee;In Thee is all forgiveness,In Thee abundant grace,My shadow and my sunshineThe brightness of Thy […]

Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts Bernard of Clairvaux

Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts – Bernard of Clairvaux Jesus, Thou Joy of loving hearts,Thou Fount of life, Thou Light of men, Jesus, Thou Joy of loving hearts,Thou Fount of life, Thou Light of men,From the best bliss that earth impartsWe turn unfilled to Thee again. Thy truth unchanged hath ever stood;Thou savest those […]

Jesus Lives, And So Shall I Christian F. Gellert

Jesus Lives, And So Shall I – Christian F. Gellert Jesus lives, and so shall I.Death! thy sting is gone forever: Jesus lives, and so shall I.Death! thy sting is gone forever:He, who deigned for me to die,Lives, the bands of death to sever.He shall raise me with the just:Jesus is my Hope and trust. […]

Jesus, I Am Resting, Resting Jean Sophia Pigott

Jesus, I Am Resting, Resting – Jean Sophia Pigott Jesus, I am resting, resting     In the joy of what Thou art, Jesus, I am resting, resting     In the joy of what Thou art,I am finding out the greatness     Of Thy loving heart.Here I gaze and gaze upon Thee,     As Thy beauty fills my soul,For by […]

God Is Present Everywhere Oliver Holden

God Is Present Everywhere – Oliver Holden They who seek the throne of graceFind that throne in every place; They who seek the throne of graceFind that throne in every place;If we live a life of prayer ,God is present everywhere. In our sickness and our health,In our want, or in our wealth,If we look […]

Confidence George C. Neumark

Confidence – George C. Neumark If thou but suffer God to guide thee,And hope in Him through all thy ways, If thou but suffer God to guide thee,And hope in Him through all thy ways,He’ll give thee strength, whate’er betide thee,And bear thee through the evil days;Who trusts in God’s unchanging loveBuilds on the rock […]

At the Lord’s Table Horatius Bonar

At the Lord’s Table – Horatius Bonar Horatius Bonar Here, O my Lord, I see Thee face to face;Here would I touch and handle things unseen, Here, O my Lord, I see Thee face to face;Here would I touch and handle things unseen,Here grasp with firmer hand the eternal grace,And all my weariness upon Thee […]

As Pants the Hart Tate and Brady

As Pants the Hart – Tate and Brady Tate and Brady As pants the hart for cooling streams,When heated in the chase;So longs my soul, O God, for Thee,And Thy refreshing grace. For Thee, my God, the living God,My thirsty soul doth pine;Oh, when shall I behold Thy face,Thou Majesty divine? Why restless, why cast […]

Allured into the Desert Gerhard Tersteegen

Allured into the Desert – Gerhard Tersteegen Allured into the desert,With God alone, apart,Allured into the desert,With God alone, apart,There spirit meeteth spirit,There speaketh heart to heart. Far, far on that untrodden shore,God’s secret place I find;Alone I pass the golden door,The dearest left behind.There God and I—none other;Oh far from men to be! Nay, […]

Lyke As the Armed Knight

Lyke As the Armed Knight Lyke as the armed knightAppointed to the feeld, The Ballade which Anne Askewe made and sange, whan she was in Newgate. [Ann Askew was burned in Smithfield in July of 1546. Newgate is the prison which she occupied before her martyrdom. This poem appears in a sixteenth-century (undated) print of […]

I Once . . . But Now Ezra Brainard

I Once . . . But Now – Ezra Brainard I once was called a real believer,But now I am believing. I once was called a real believer,But now I am believing.I once had known about the asking,But now about receiving. I once had known about my Jesus ,But now He knows my name.I once […]

My Heart Is Resting, O My God Anna Laetitia Waring

My Heart Is Resting, O My God – Anna Laetitia Waring My heart is resting, O my God,I will give thanks and sing; My heart is resting, O my God,I will give thanks and sing;My heart is at the secret sourceOf every precious thing.Now the frail vessel Thou hast madeNo hand but Thine shall fill;For […]

All Must Be Well Mary Bowley Peters

All Must Be Well – Mary Bowley Peters Mary Bowley Peters Through the love of God our Saviour,All will be well; Through the love of God our Saviour,All will be well;Free and changeless is His favor,All, all is well;Precious is the blood that heal’d us,Perfect is the grace that seal’d us,Strong the hand stretch’d out […]

Wholly Resigned

Wholly Resigned Christ leads us through no darker roomsThan he went through before: Christ leads us through no darker roomsThan he went through before:He that into God’s kingdom comes,Must enter by this door:Come, Lord, when grace hath made me meetThy blessed face to see,For if Thy work on earth be sweet,What will Thy glory be! […]

Who Is My Brother?

Who Is My Brother? Must I my brother keep,And share his pains and toil, Must I my brother keep,And share his pains and toil,And weep with those that weep,And smile with those that smile;And act to each a brother’s part,And feel his sorrows in my heart? Must I his burden bearAs though it were my […]

The Christian and His Echo

The Christian and His Echo True faith producing love to God and man,Say, Echo, is not this the Gospel plan? True faith producing love to God and man,Say, Echo, is not this the Gospel plan?The Gospel plan. Must I my faith and love to Jesus show,By doing good to all, both friend and foe?Both friend […]

The Better Life

The Better Life When we reach a quiet dwellingOn the strong eternal hills, When we reach a quiet dwellingOn the strong eternal hills,And our praise to Him is swelling,Who the vast creation fills:When the paths of prayer and dutyAnd affliction all are trod,And we wake and see the beautyOf our Saviour and our God; With […]


Salome She knew not what for them she sought,At His right hand and left to sit! She knew not what for them she sought,At His right hand and left to sit!How great the glory, passing thought;How rough the path that led to it. They knew not what of Him they asked!But He their deeper sense […]

Pray For Whom Thou Lovest

Pray For Whom Thou Lovest Yes, pray for whom thou lovest; thou mayst vainly, idly seekThe fervid words of tenderness by feeble words to speak; Yes, pray for whom thou lovest; thou mayst vainly, idly seekThe fervid words of tenderness by feeble words to speak;Go kneel before thy Father’s throne, and meekly, humbly thereAsk blessing […]

Pilgrim of Earth

Pilgrim of Earth Pilgrim of earth, who art journeying to heaven!Heir of Eternal Life! child of the day! Pilgrim of earth, who art journeying to heaven!Heir of Eternal Life! child of the day!Cared for, watched over, beloved and forgiven —Art thou discouraged because of the way? Cared for, watched over, though often Thou seemestJustly forsaken, […]

One By One

One By One One by one the sands are flowingOne by one the moments fall, One by one the sands are flowingOne by one the moments fall,Some are coming, some are going —Do not strive to grasp them all. One by one thy duties wait thee,Let thy whole strength go to each;Let no future dreams […]

O My Saviour, Crucified

O My Saviour, Crucified O my Saviour, crucified!Near Thy cross may I abide; O my Saviour, crucified!Near Thy cross may I abide;There to gaze, with steadfast eye,On Thy dying agony. Jesus , bruised and put to shame,Tells me all the Father’s name;God is love, I surely know,By my Saviour’s depths of woe! In His sinless […]


Now Rise! for the day is passing,And you lie dreaming on; Rise! for the day is passing,And you lie dreaming on;The others have buckled their armor,And forth to the fight are gone:A place in the ranks awaits you,Each man has some part to play;The Past and Future are lookingIn the face of the stern To-day.” […]

Near Jesus

Near Jesus I want to live near Jesus,And never go astray, I want to live near Jesus,And never go astray,To feel that I am growingMore like Him every day;That I am always layingMy treasure up above,And gaining more the spiritOf His gentleness and love. I want such steadfast purposeMy mission to fulfil,That it may be […]

Nature and Faith

Nature and Faith We wept — ’twas Nature wept, but Faith Can pierce beyond the gloom of death, We wept — ’twas Nature wept, but FaithCan pierce beyond the gloom of death,And in yon world, so fair and bright,Behold thee in refulgent light!We miss thee here, yet Faith would ratherKnow thou art with thy heavenly Father.Nature sees […]

How Doth Death Speak of Our Beloved?

How Doth Death Speak of Our Beloved? How doth Death speak of our beloved,When it hath laid them low; How doth Death speak of our beloved,When it hath laid them low;When it has set its hallowing touchOn speechless lip and brow? It clothes their every gift and graceWith radiance from the holiest place,With light as […]

Holy Tears

Holy Tears Yes, thou may’st weep, for Jesus shedSuch tears as those thou sheddest now, Yes, thou may’st weep, for Jesus shedSuch tears as those thou sheddest now,When, for the living or the dead,Sorrow lay heavy on his brow. He sees thee weep, yet doth not blameThe weakness of thy flesh and heart;Thy human nature […]

Grief Was Sent Thee For Thy Good

Grief Was Sent Thee For Thy Good Some there are who seem exemptedFrom the doom incurred by all: Some there are who seem exemptedFrom the doom incurred by all:Are they not more sorely tempted?Are they not the first to fall?As a mother’s firm denialChecks her infant’s wayward mood,Wisdom lurks in every trial —Grief was sent […]

God Our Strength

God Our Strength Man, in his weakness, needs a stronger stayThan fellow-men, the holiest and the best: Man, in his weakness, needs a stronger stayThan fellow-men, the holiest and the best:And yet we turn to them from day to day,As if in them our spirits could find rest. Gently untwine our childish hands, that clingTo […]

God’s Anvil

God’s Anvil Pain’s furnace-heat within me quivers,God’s breath upon the fire doth blow, Pain’s furnace-heat within me quivers,God’s breath upon the fire doth blow,And all my heart in anguish shivers,And trembles at the fiery glow;And yet I whisper, “As God will!”And in His hottest fire hold still. He comes, and lays my heart, all heated,On […]

Alone, Yet Not Alone

Alone, Yet Not Alone When no kind earthly friend is near,With gentle words my heart to cheer, When no kind earthly friend is near,With gentle words my heart to cheer,Still am I with my Saviour dear:“Alone, yet not alone.” Though no loved forms my path attend,With tender looks o’er me to bend,Yet am I with […]

All Is Light

All Is Light What though storm-clouds gather round me,Hovering darkly o’er my way? What though storm-clouds gather round me,Hovering darkly o’er my way?While I see the cross of CalvaryBeaming with celestial ray,All is light, all is light! What though mortal powers may falter?Earthly plans and prospects fail?With a heaven-born hope which enterethE’en to that within […]

A Quiet Mind

A Quiet Mind I have a treasure which I prize;Its like I cannot find: I have a treasure which I prize;Its like I cannot find:There’s nothing like it on the earth;’Tis this — a quiet mind. But ’tis not that I’m stupefied,Or senseless, dull, or blind;’Tis God’s own peace within my heart,Which forms my quiet […]

What Is This That He Saith: A Little While? Jane Crewdson

What Is This That He Saith: A Little While? – Jane Crewdson Oh! for the peace which floweth as a river,Making Life’s desert-places bloom and smile. Oh! for the peace which floweth as a river,Making Life’s desert-places bloom and smile.Oh! for a faith to grasp heaven’s bright “for ever,”Amid the shadows of Earth’s “little while.” […]

They Tell Me You Know Melody Conjurske

They Tell Me You Know – Melody Conjurske Jesus, my friend, they tell me You know,You know how I feel, and why it is so. Jesus, my friend, they tell me You know,You know how I feel, and why it is so.You see every tear, as I sob alone,This heart rending grief and pain of […]

You Can Melody Conjurske

You Can – Melody Conjurske I can’t face this trial,I’ve tried quite awhile I can’t face this trial,I’ve tried quite awhileThe pain’s quite too muchFor a human, as such.  I can’t bear this strain,This suffocating pain,And surely no doubtThere seems no way out.  I can’t face this day,There’s simply no way.There’s no way to cope.I’m […]

On Prayer

On Prayer Go, when the morning shineth,Go, when the moon is bright, Go, when the morning shineth,Go, when the moon is bright,Go, when the eve declineth,Go, in the hush of night;Go with pure mind and feeling,Fling earthly thoughts away,And in thy chamber kneeling,Do thou in secret pray.  Remember all who love thee,All who are loved […]

Dear Lord Lydia Brainard

Dear Lord – Lydia Brainard Lord, I was running far from you,But here without you I can’t live,Oh Lord, I’m coming back just now,To you alone my life I’ll give. There have been times that I have wandered,I’ve tried to do things on my own,But Jesus , how my life is worthless,Unless My Lord by […]

I Will Take Your Hand Again Lydia Brainard

I Will Take Your Hand Again – Lydia Brainard For years I have professed his name,But over and over brought him shame.So many times I stumble and fall,Forgetting just who is, my All in All.I can’t seem to walk no matter how I try,I fall on my knees and then I cry,“God, I’ve been to […]

My God, Accept My Heart This Day Matthew Bridges

My God, Accept My Heart This Day – Matthew Bridges My God, accept my heart this day,And make it always Thine, My God, accept my heart this day,And make it always Thine,That I from Thee no more may stray,No more from Thee decline. Before the cross of Him who died,Behold, I prostrate fall;Let every sin […]

Hasten, Sinner, to Be Wise! Thomas Scott

Hasten, Sinner, to Be Wise! – Thomas Scott Hasten, sinner, to be wise!Stay not for the morrow’s sun: We pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God. Hasten, sinner, to be wise!Stay not for the morrow’s sun:Wisdom if you still despise,Harder is it to be won. Hasten, mercy, to implore!Stay not for the […]

Work, for the Night Is Coming Anna L. Coghill

Work, for the Night Is Coming – Anna L. Coghill Work, for the night is coming,Work through the morning hours; Work, for the night is coming,Work through the morning hours;Work while the dew is sparkling,Work ’mid springing flowers;Work when the day grows brighter,Work in the glowing sun;Work, for the night is coming,When man’s work is […]

We Are But Little Children Weak Cecil F. Alexander

We Are But Little Children Weak – Cecil F. Alexander We are but little children weak,Nor born in any high estate; We are but little children weak,Nor born in any high estate;What can we do for Jesus’ sake,Who is so high and good and great? We know the holy innocentsLaid down for Him their infant […]

What Object, Lord

What Object, Lord What object, Lord, my soul should move,If once compared with Thee? Ye hearts, with youthful vigor warm,In smiling crowds draw near,And turn from every mortal charmA Saviour’s voice to hear. He, Lord of all the worlds on high,Stoops to converse with you,And lays His radiant glories by,Your friendship to pursue. “The soul […]

Though Trouble God Pleases to Send

Though Trouble God Pleases to Send Though trouble God pleases to send,May come, like the clouds o’er the sky, Though trouble God pleases to send,May come, like the clouds o’er the sky,Behind the dark cloud is a Friend,Who hears me whenever I cry.  And so in all times of distressI’ll look to my Father above,Where […]

Lord, Grant Us When Weary and Sad

Lord, Grant Us When Weary and Sad Lord, grant us when weary and sad we are feeling, Behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all the places whither thou goest. Lord, grant us when weary and sad we are feeling,The hope that our journey in gladnessshall end;And better then all in sure […]

Pattern of Forgiveness John Hampden Gurney

Pattern of Forgiveness – John Hampden Gurney Lord, as to thy dear cross we flee,And pray to be forgiven, Be ye kind one to another,tender-hearted, forgiving on another. Lord, as to thy dear cross we flee,And pray to be forgiven,So let thy life our pattern be,And form our souls for heaven. Help us, through good […]

Lord Jesus, Think on Me Synesius of Cyrene

Lord Jesus, Think on Me – Synesius of Cyrene Lord Jesus, think on meAnd purge away my sin; Lord Jesus, think on meAnd purge away my sin;From earthborn passions set me freeAnd make me pure within. Lord Jesus, think on me,With many a care oppressed;Let me Thy loving servant beAnd taste Thy promised rest. Lord […]

All People That on Earth Do Dwell

All People That on Earth Do Dwell All people that on earth do dwell,Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice: All people that on earth do dwell,Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice:Him serve with fear, his praise forth tell;Come ye before him and rejoice. The Lord, ye know, is God indeed;Without our aid he […]

God the Lord Is King George Rawson

God the Lord Is King – George Rawson God the Lord is King; before himEarth with all thy nations wait!  God the Lord is King; before himEarth with all thy nations wait!Where the cherubim adore him,Sitteth he in royal state;He is holy,Blessed, only Potentate! God the Lord is King, of glory,Zion, tell the world his […]

Sing We to Our Conquering Lord Dr. Gauntlett

Sing We to Our Conquering Lord – Dr. Gauntlett Sing we to our conquering LordA new triumphant song; Sing we to our conquering LordA new triumphant song;Joyfully his deeds record,And with a thankful tongue!Wonders his right hand hath wrought.Still his outstretched arm we see;He alone the fight hath fought,And got the victory. God, the almighty […]

Raise the Psalm: Let Earth Adoring Edward Churton

Raise the Psalm: Let Earth Adoring – Edward Churton Raise the psalm: let earth adoring,Through each kindred, tribe, and tongue, Raise the psalm: let earth adoring,Through each kindred, tribe, and tongue,To her God his praise restoring,Raise the new accordant song.Bless his name, each farthest nation;Sing his praise, his truth display:Tell anew his high salvationWith each […]

O Lord, With Vengeance Clad W. H. Bathurst

O Lord, With Vengeance Clad – W. H. Bathurst O Lord, with vengeance cladMost awful thou art seen! O Lord, with vengeance cladMost awful thou art seen!Yet blessed when most sadOur chastened souls have been;For we have hope to rest in joy,When all thy foes thou shalt destroy. The Lord will not forsakeNor cast the […]

Thou Who Art Enthroned Above George Sandys

Thou Who Art Enthroned Above – George Sandys Thou who art enthroned above,Thou in whom we live and move, Thou who art enthroned above,Thou in whom we live and move,O how sweet with heart and tongueTo resound thy name in song,When the morning paints the skies,When the evening stars arise! From thy works my joy […]

Call Jehovah Thy Salvation James Montgomery

Call Jehovah Thy Salvation – James Montgomery Call Jehovah thy salvation,Rest beneath the Almighty’s shade; Call Jehovah thy salvation,Rest beneath the Almighty’s shade;In his secret habitationDwell, nor ever be dismayed;There no tumult can alarm thee,Thou shalt dread no hidden snare;Guile nor violence can harm thee,In eternal safety there. From the sword at noon-day wasting,From the […]

Heavy on Me, O Lord, Thy Judgments Lie Matthew Prior

Heavy on Me, O Lord, Thy Judgments Lie – Matthew Prior Heavy on me, O Lord, thy judgments lie:And curst I am, for God neglects my cry; Heavy on me, O Lord, thy judgments lie:And curst I am, for God neglects my cry;O Lord, in darkness, in despair I groan;And every place is hell; for […]

By the Holy Hills Surrounded Karl Johann Philipp Spitta

By the Holy Hills Surrounded – Karl Johann Philipp Spitta By the holy hills surrounded,On her firm base securely founded, By the holy hills surrounded,On her firm base securely founded,Stands fast the city of the Lord;None shall rend her walls asunder;On her men look with fear and wonder,And mark who here keeps watch and ward.He […]

Of Old, O God, Thine Own Right Hand James Montgomery

Of Old, O God, Thine Own Right Hand – James Montgomery Of old, O God, thine own right handA pleasant vine did plant and train; Of old, O God, thine own right handA pleasant vine did plant and train;Above the hills, o er all the land,It sought the sun, and drank the rain. Its boughs […]

Prayer for Mercy on the Jews W. H. Bathurst

Prayer for Mercy on the Jews – W. H. Bathurst O Lord, how long shall heathens holdThe heritage that once was thine? O Lord, how long shall heathens holdThe heritage that once was thine?How long shall they invade thy fold,How long pollute thy holy shrine? Behold the violence, the scorn,And all the wrongs thy people […]

In Time of Tribulation James Montgomery

In Time of Tribulation – James Montgomery In time of tribulationHear, Lord, my feeble cries; In time of tribulationHear, Lord, my feeble cries;With humble supplicationTo thee my spirit flies;My heart with grief is breaking,Scarce can my voice complain;Mine eyes with tears kept waking,Still watch and weep in vain. The days of old, in vision,Bring banished […]

Hail to the Lord’s Anointed James Montgomery

Hail to the Lord’s Anointed – James Montgomery Hail to the Lord’s Anointed;Great David’s greater son! Hail to the Lord’s Anointed;Great David’s greater son!Hail, in the time appointed,His reign on earth begun!He comes to break oppression,To set the captive free,To take away transgression,And rule in equity. He comes, with succour speedy,To those who suffer wrong;To […]

To Bless Thy Chosen Race Nahum Tate

To Bless Thy Chosen Race – Nahum Tate To bless thy chosen race,In mercy, Lord, incline, To bless thy chosen race,In mercy, Lord, incline,And cause the brightness of thy faceOn all thy saints to shine; That so thy wondrous wayMay through the world be known;While distant lands their tribute pay,And thy salvation own. Let all […]

Earth, With All Thy Thousand Voices Edward Churton

Earth, With All Thy Thousand Voices – Edward Churton Earth, with all thy thousand voices,Praise in songs the eternal King; Earth, with all thy thousand voices,Praise in songs the eternal King;Praise his name, whose praise rejoicesEars that hear, and tongues that singLord, from each far-peopled dwellingEarth shall raise the glad acclaim;All shall kneel, thy greatness […]

Day After Day I Sought the Lord John Wesley

Day After Day I Sought the Lord – John Wesley Day after day I sought the Lord,And waited patiently; Day after day I sought the Lord,And waited patiently;Until he bent down from his throne,And hearkened to my cry. He drew me from the fearful pit,And from the miry clay;He placed my feet upon a rock,And […]

Lord, Let Me Know Mine End James Montgomery

Lord, Let Me Know Mine End – James Montgomery Lord, let me know mine end,My days, how brief their date, Lord, let me know mine end,My days, how brief their date,That I may timely comprehendHow frail my best estate. My life is but a span,Mine age as nought with thee;Man, in his highest honour, manIs […]

Almighty Maker of My Frame Anne Steele

Almighty Maker of My Frame – Anne Steele Almighty Maker of my frame,Teach me the measure of my days, Almighty Maker of my frame,Teach me the measure of my days,Teach me to know how frail I am,And spend the remnant to thy praise. My days are shorter than a span;A little point my life appears:How […]

Through All the Changing Scenes of Life Tate and Brady

Through All the Changing Scenes of Life -Tate and Brady Through all the changing scenes of life,In trouble and in joy,. Through all the changing scenes of life,In trouble and in joy,The praises of my God shall stillMy heart and tongue employ. Of his deliverance I will boast,Till all that are distressedFrom my example comfort […]

I Praise Thee, Lord, Who O’er My Foes Dr. B. H. Kennedy

I Praise Thee, Lord, Who O’er My Foes – Dr. B. H. Kennedy I praise thee, Lord, who o’er my foesHast raised my head in triumph high, I praise thee, Lord, who o’er my foesHast raised my head in triumph high,Not slow to mark my secret woes,Not deaf to my desponding cry.I praise thee, Lord; […]

One Thing With All My Soul’s Desire

One Thing With All My Soul’s Desire One thing with all my soul’s desireI sought, and will pursue; One thing with all my soul’s desireI sought, and will pursue;What thine own Spirit doth inspire,Lord, for thy servant do. Grant me within thy courts a place,Among thy saints a seat,For ever to behold thy face,And worship […]

The Lord’s My Shepherd, I’ll Not Want Francis Rous

The Lord’s My Shepherd, I’ll Not Want – Francis Rous The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not want,He makes me down to lie The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not want,He makes me down to lieIn pastures green; he leadeth meThe quiet waters by. My soul he doth restore again,And me to walk doth makeWithin the paths […]

The Spacious Firmament on High Joseph Addison

The Spacious Firmament on High – Joseph Addison The spacious firmament on high,With all the blue ethereal sky The spacious firmament on high,With all the blue ethereal sky,And spangled heavens, a shining frame,Their great Original proclaim. The unwearied sun, from day to day,Does his Creator’s power display;And publishes to every landThe work of an almighty […]

O God My Strength and Fortitude Thomas Sternhold

O God My Strength and Fortitude -Thomas Sternhold O God my strength and fortitudeIn truth I will love thee; O God my strength and fortitudeIn truth I will love thee;Thou art my castle and defenceIn my necessity. When I, beset with pain and grief,Prayed to my God for grace;Forthwith my God heard my complaint,Out of […]

Save Me, O God; for Thou Alone B. H. Kennedy

Save Me, O God; for Thou Alone – B. H. Kennedy Save me, O God; for thou aloneMy tower of refuge art; Save me, O God; for thou aloneMy tower of refuge art;Thou art my Lord, my only good;I bless thee from my heart. The Lord alone shall be my cup,And mine inheritance:And thou art […]

O God, the Help of All Thy Saints E. Osler

O God, the Help of All Thy Saints – E. Osler O God, the help of all thy saints,Our hope in time of ill: O God, the help of all thy saints,Our hope in time of ill:We trust thee, though thy face be hid,And seek thy presence still. Why should the men of pride and […]

How Are the Gentiles All on Fire! G. Sandys

How Can a Pure Heart be Obtained? – William Booth How are the Gentiles all on fire!Why rage they with vain menacing? How are the Gentiles all on fire!Why rage they with vain menacing?‘Gainst God, and his Anointed King”Earth’s haughty potentates conspire;Break we (say they) their servile bands,And cast their cords from our free hands. […]

How Blest Is He Who Ne’er Consents Tate and Brady

How Blest Is He Who Ne’er Consents – Tate and Brady How blest is he who ne’er consentsBy ill advice to walk; How blest is he who ne’er consentsBy ill advice to walk;Nor stands in sinners ‘ ways, nor sitsWhere men profanely talk. But makes the perfect law of GodHis study and delight;Devoutly reads therein […]

On All the Earth Thy Spirit Part 2 : Shower H. More

On All the Earth Thy Spirit Part 2 : Shower – H. More On all the earth thy Spirit shower;The earth in righteousness renew; On all the earth thy Spirit shower; The earth in righteousness renew;Thy kingdom come, and hell’s o’erpower,And to thy sceptre all subdue. Like mighty winds, or torrents fierce,Let it opposers all […]

Father, if Justly Still We Claim H. More

Father, if Justly Still We Claim – H. More Father, if justly still we claimTo us and ours the promise made, Father, if justly still we claimTo us and ours the promise made,To us be graciously the same,And crown with living fire our head. Our claim admit, and from aboveOf holiness the Spirit shower,Of wise […]

The Morning Flowers Display Their Sweets Samuel Wesley, Jr.

The Morning Flowers Display Their Sweets – Samuel Wesley, Jr. The morning flowers display their sweets,And gay their silken leaves unfold The morning flowers display their sweets,And gay their silken leaves unfoldAs careless of the noontide heats,As fearless of the evening cold. Nipt by the wind’s unkindly blast,Parched by the sun’s directer ray,The momentary glories […]

I Thirst, Thou Wounded Lamb of God John Wesley

I Thirst, Thou Wounded Lamb of God – John Wesley I thirst, thou wounded Lamb of God,To wash me in thy cleansing blood, I Thirst, thou wounded Lamb of God,To wash me in thy cleansing blood,To dwell within thy wounds; then painIs sweet, and life or death is gain. Take my poor heart, and let […]

Behold the Saviour of Mankind Samuel Wesley, Sr.

Behold the Saviour of Mankind – Samuel Wesley, Sr. Behold the Saviour of mankindNailed to the shameful tree! Behold the Saviour of mankindNailed to the shameful tree!How vast the love that him inclinedTo bleed and die for thee! Hark, how he groans! while nature shakes,And earth’s strong pillars bend;The temple’s veil in sunder breaks,The solid […]

The Philosopher’s Scales Jane Taylor

The Philosopher’s Scales – Jane Taylor A monk, when his rites sacerdotal were o’er, In the depth of his cell with his stone-covered floor, Resigning to thought his chimerical brain, Once formed the contrivance we now shall explain. Perhaps it was only by patience and care, At last, that he brought his invention to bear. […]

I Stand on Zion’s Mount Charles Swain

I Stand on Zion’s Mount – Charles Swain I stand on Zion’s mount, And view my starry crown; Charles Swain I stand on Zion’s mount, And view my starry crown; No power on earth my hope can shake, Nor hell can thrust me down. The lofty hills and towers, That lift their heads on high, […]

The Martyrs’ Hymn Martin Luther

The Martyrs’ Hymn – Martin Luther Flung to the heedless winds, Or on the waters cast, The martyrs’ ashes, watched, Shall gathered be at last; And from that scattered dust, Around us and abroad, Shall spring a plenteous seed Of witnesses for God. The Father hath received Their latest living breath; And vain is Satan’s […]

Prayer by Mary, Queen of Hungary

Prayer by Mary, – Queen of Hungary O God! Though sorrow be my fate, And the world’s hate For my heart’s faith pursue me, My peace they cannot take away; From day to day Thou dost anew imbue me; Thou art not far; a little while Thou hid’st thy face with brighter smile Thy father-love […]

O, Where Shall Rest be Found? James Montgomery

O, Where Shall Rest be Found? – James Montgomery O, Where shall rest be found,Rest for the weary soul? O, Where shall rest be found,Rest for the weary soul?’T were vain the ocean depths to sound,Or pierce to either pole. The world can never giveThe bliss for which we sigh:’T is not the whole of […]

O Dearest Lamb, Take Thou My Heart!

O Dearest Lamb, Take Thou My Heart! O dearest Lamb, take thou my heart! Where can such sweetness be As I have tasted in thy love, As I have found in thee? If there’s a fervor in my soul, And fervor sure there is, Now it shall be at thy control, And but to serve […]

Nothing But Leaves

How Can a Pure Heart be Obtained? – William Booth Nothing but leaves; the spirit grieves Over a wasted life; Sin committed while conscience slept, Promises made but never kept, Hatred, battle, and strife; Nothing but leaves! Nothing but leaves; no garnered sheaves Of life’s fair, ripened grain; Words, idle words, for earnest deeds; We […]

Is This All? Horatius Bonar

Is This All? – Horatius Bonar Sometimes I catch sweet glimpses of His face, But that is all. Horatius Bonar Sometimes I catch sweet glimpses of His face, But that is all. Sometimes he looks on me, and seems to smile, But that is all. Sometimes he speaks a passing word of peace, But that […]

A Hymn Repeated by John Brown

A Hymn Repeated by – John Brown for denying the efficacy of the mass O Lord, I yield me to thy grace, Grant me mercy for my trespass; Let never the fiend my soul chase. Lord, I will bow, and thou shalt beat, Let never my soul come in hell-heat. as he was burnt to […]


After After the rain, the sunlight is brighter; After a storm, the breezes are lighter; After an absence, friends are the dearer, After a sorrow, God seemeth nearer. After a battle, peace is the sweeter, After a trial, life is completer. After the tempest, clouds shall be riven; After the cross the crown shall be […]

My Bud in Heaven F. I. Darling

My Bud in Heaven – F. I. Darling A bud the gard’ner gave me, A fair and lovely child, He gave it for my keeping. To cherish undefiled. It lay upon my bosom. It was my joy and pride, Perhaps it was an idol Which I must be denied. For just as it was opening […]

After a While James Rowe

After a While – James Rowe After a while our sky will be bright, Sunshine will banish shadows of night, Evil will cease our souls to defile, We shall be happy after a while. After awhile, the storm will be past, Billows asleep, our anchor be cast, We shall have reached the beautiful isle, Heaven […]

Can Sinners Hope For Heaven ?

Can Sinners Hope For Heaven ? Can sinners hope for heaven, Who love this world so well; Or dream of future happiness, While in the road to hell? Shall they hosannas sing, With an unhallowed tongue; Shall psalms adorn the guilty hand Which does its neighbor wrong? Can sin’s deceitful way Conduct to Zion’s hill;’ […]

Prayer is Appointed to Convey

Prayer is Appointed to Convey Prayer is appointed to convey The blessings God designs to give; Long as they live should Christians pray, They learn to pray when first they live. If pain affect or woes oppress, If cares distract, or fears dismay, If guilt deject, if sin distress, In every case still watch and […]

Sick and In Prison Alice Cory

Sick and In Prison – Alice Cory Wildly falls the night around me, Chains I cannot break have bound me; Spirits unrebuked, undriven From before me darken Heaven; Creeds bewilder, and the saying Unfelt prayer makes need of praying. In this bitter anguish lying Only Thou wilt hear my crying – Thou whose hands wash […]

Looking This Way J. W. Van DeVenter

Looking This Way – J. W. Van DeVenter Over the river faces I see, Fair as the morning, looking for me; Free from their sorrow, grief, and despair, Waiting and watching patiently there. Looking this way, yes looking this way, Loved ones are waiting, looking this way; Fair as the morning, bright as the day, […]

A Touch Of The Master’s Hand Myrna Brooks Welch

A Touch Of The Master’s Hand – Myrna Brooks Welch T’was battered and scarred, and the auctioneer:Thought it scarcely worth his whileTo waste much time on the old violin,But held it up with a smile:“What am I bidden, good folk,” he cried,“Who’ll start the bidding for me?”“A dollar, a dollar”; then “Two!” “Only two?Two dollars, […]

Glory to Thy Fathers Face Helen Maria Williams


Glory to Thy Fathers Face – Helen Maria Williams Fountain deep of love and grace,Who, Lord, can repay Thee thus,As Thou gav’st Thyself for us? What to Thee shall we repay,Who for us didst bleed and die,When Though shalt the question make,What have ye done for My sake? Hard in heart, in action weak,Lord, Thy […]

Habitual Devotion Helen Maria Williams

Habitual Devotion – Helen Maria Williams While Thee I seek, protecting Power!Be my vain wishes still’d;And may this consecrating hourWith better hopes be fill’d! Thy love the powers of thought bestow’d;To thee my thoughts would soar;Thy mercy o’er my life has flowed;That mercy I adore! In each event of life, how clearThy ruling hand I see!Each blessing […]

St Matthew J.S.B. Monsell

St Matthew – J.S.B. Monsell The tide of life was at its flow,Rose higher day by day;But he a higher life would know,Than that which round him did lay. O Saviour! When prosperityMakes this world hard to leave,And all its ‘pomps and vanity’Their meshes round us weave. O grant us grace, that to thy call,We […]

The Hound of Heaven Francis Thompson

The Hound of Heaven – Francis Thompson I fled Him, down the nights and down the days;I fled Him, down the arches of the years; I fled Him, down the nights and down the days;I fled Him, down the arches of the years;I fled Him, down the labyrinthine waysOf my own mind; and in the […]

The Atheist and the Acorn Anne, Countess of Winchelsea

The Atheist and the Acorn – Anne, Countess of Winchelsea “Methinks the world is oddly made ,And every things amiss,”A dull presuming Athiest said,As stretched he lay beneath a shade,And instanced it in this: “Behold,” quoth he, “that mighty thing,A pumpkin large and round,Is held but by a little string,Which upwards cannot make it spring,Or […]

The Holy Bible and the TV guide

The Holy Bible and the TV guide They lie on the table side by sideThe Holy Bible and the TV Guide.One is well worn and cherished with pride.Not the Bible, but the TV Guide.One is used daily to help folks decide. No, not the Bible, But the TV Guide.As the pages are turned, what shall […]

In Such an Hour Fay

In Such an Hour Fay Sometimes, when everything goes wrong:When days are short, and nights are long;When wash-day brings so dull a skyThat not a single thing will dry.And when the kitchen chimney smokes,And when there’s naught so “queer” as folks!When friends deplore my faded youth,And when the baby cuts a tooth.While John, the baby […]

In Convalescence Fay Inchfawn

In Convalescence – Fay Inchfawn Not long ago, I prayed for dying grace,For then I thought to see Thee face to face. And now I ask (Lord, ’tis a weakling’s cry)That Thou wilt give me grace to live, not die. Such foolish prayers! I know. Yet pray I must.Lord help me — help me not […]

Because Fay Inchfawn

Because – Fay Inchfawn Because He heard my voice, and answered me,Because He listened, ah, so patiently,In those dark days, when sorrowful, alone,I knelt with tears, and prayed Him for a stone;Because He said me “Nay,” and then in- stead,Oh, wonderful sweet truth! He gave me bread,Set my heart singing all in sweet accord;Because of […]

A Woman in Hospital Fay Inchfawn

A Woman in Hospital – Fay Inchfawn I know it all . . . I know.For I am God. I am Jehovah, HeWho made you what you are; and I can seeThe tears that wet your pillow night by night,When nurse has lowered that too-brilliant light;When the talk ceases, and the ward grows still,And you […]
