FOUNDATION WORK – Charles Spurgeon


“And the king commanded and they brought great stones, costly stones and hewed stones, to lay the foundation of the house.” 1 Kings 5:17.

The King’s Command

“THE king commanded”—that is the beginning of all. Holy zeal waits for the king’s orders. But as soon as the command was given, there was neither pause nor hesitation—“the king commanded and they brought.” Oh, that it were always so in the Church of God! That the King’s command were at once followed by His people’s obedience! That obedience was true to every detail—“The king commanded and they brought great stones, costly stones, and hewed stones.” They did not omit one particular, or deviate in the least degree. The advice of the Blessed Virgin to the servants at the marriage feast is our advice to all workers—“Whatsoever He says unto you, do it.” Work done without the Lord’s command may be nothing more than mere will-worship, unacceptable with the Lord. Where the word of a king is, there is power. And you may expect that power to go forth with you when you go forth under the guidance and authority of the Divine command.

The Foundation of the Temple

Solomon began to build the temple at the foundation. You smile and wonder how he could have begun anywhere else. Ah, dear Friends! I wish common sense ruled people in religion as well as in building temples. For many Brethren begin their building at the top. To baptize an unbeliever on the ground of a faith which does not yet exist is laying the topstone before the foundation. To gather into Church fellowship those who are not gathered to Christ is attempting to pile on the roof before there are any walls. For any of you to make a profession of religion without being born again is building the third story before there is any basement. How much we have in this world of hanging up houses in the air!—I mean making professions without having anything upon which to base them. Begin with the foundation.

The foundation, in this case, had to be carried to a great height, because the area upon which the temple stood was high above the valley. As there was not space enough on the mount, it was necessary to build up from the depth of the valley scores of feet in perpendicular height, to form a foundation upon which there would be sufficient space for the temple and its surroundings. Portions of the massive masonry which formed the foundation of the enlarged area remain, to be wondered at by all who gaze upon them. Solomon paid special care to the foundation. Very much of foundation work is out of sight, and the temptation is to pay but small attention to its finish. It was not so with Solomon. Although it was very much out of sight, the king took care that the underground portion of the temple should be worthy of the rest of the edifice—it was to be made of “great stones, costly stones, and hewed stones.”

God’s Method of Building

Builders in these days would think it absurd to spend time and labor in the hewing of stones which would never be seen. Foundations may call for something firm and solid but certainly for nothing costly and hewn with care. Out of sight, out of mind. And therefore none will spend time and trouble upon it. Not so the wise king engaged in the service of God. He paid great attention to underground work. And “great stones, costly stones and hewed stones,” were brought at his command to form the foundation of the temple. He designed to make it all of a piece—it was to be as truly “magnificent” in its foundation as in its roof. There was to be no poverty of material, no skimping of any portion of the work. It was for God and it was to be built by the king of Israel. And it would neither honor God nor the king to have a bad foundation.

God’s Method

Wherever you turn your eyes upon the work of God, it is perfect. It will bear the keenest inspection. You may look at it from a distance with a telescope, or you may search it with a microscope. But you shall find no imperfection. The Lord’s work is perfect, not merely on the surface but to its center. If you cut deep, or if you pull it to pieces, dividing atom from atom, you shall see the wisdom of God in the minutest particle.

God’s Works of Creation

Observe the work of creation. God took care that even in the material universe there should be a grand foundation for His noble edifice. We have the story of the fitting up of the world, during the seven days, for the habitation of man. But we have not the history of the creation of the earth before that time. To prepare for the seven days’ rapid furnishing of the earth for man, millions of years may have elapsed. The foundation was laid with great care. No limit can be set to the period preceding the making of man, if you only follow the Word of God in Genesis.


The same is true of God’s work called Providence. No event happens but He has planned it and ordained that a multitude of other events should precede or follow it. The doings of Providence are threaded together, like pearls upon a string. There is a relation of this to that and of that to another. God does not allow events to blow about like scattered leaves in autumn—neither are they the inventions of a trying moment—when He is driven to fresh expedients that His end may not be frustrated.

The Foundation of Redemption

But we come into clearer light when we look at the Lord’s greatest work of redemption. You and I are not saved haphazardly. It is not as though God had saved us on the spur of the moment, as an afterthought which was not in His first intent. No, redemption plays an essential part in the purposes of the Lord. I delight to look back upon the Lord’s redeeming thoughts before all time and say of them, “These are ancient things.” Long before the stars flew like sparks from the anvil of omnipotence, God had contrived the way for the redemption of His own.

The Sure Foundation

The foundation of redemption was securely laid in the Covenant of Grace, of which the Lord Jesus is the foundation. Infinite love, infallible wisdom, immutable faithfulness—all these combined to lay a foundation which can never be moved. Go a little further, dear Friends, and come to the day in which the Lord provided an atonement for us and thus laid an immovable foundation.

A Call to Build Well

For those of you who are not converted, let this be the final word of my sermon—build on God’s foundation, build on Christ—the Sacrifice appointed of the Lord for the putting away of sin. And see to it that with sincere repentance, childlike faith and Gospel holiness you build thereon “great stones, costly stones and hewed stones,” which shall lie firmly on the One Foundation and never be removed, world without end. Amen.

Charles Spurgeon


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