He bruises His spices – Thomas Brooks
“God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in His holiness.” Hebrews 12:10
Grace always thrives most when saints are under the rod.
When Christians are under the rod, then their graces do not only bud, but blossom and bring forth fruit, as Aaron’s rod did. The snuffing of the candle makes it burn the brighter. God beats and bruises His children, to make them burn the brighter; He bruises His spices, to make them send forth the greater aromatic fragrance.
The Jews were always best when they were in an afflicted condition.
Stars shine brightest in the darkest nights.
Vines grow the better for bleeding.
Gold shines the better for scouring.
Juniper smells sweetest when in the fire.
By afflictions, God many times revives, quickens, and recovers the decayed graces of His people. By afflictions, God many times inflames that love which is cold; and He strengthens that faith which is failing; and he puts life into those hopes which are languishing; and new spirits into those joys and comforts which are withering and dying. Sharp afflictions recover and revive our decayed graces.
The smarting rod abases the loveliness of the world, which entices us; it abates the lustiness of the flesh within, which incites us to vanity and folly.