One infinite perfection – Thomas Brooks
“Every man at his best state is altogether vanity.” Psalm 39:5
Man at his best state is such a great piece of vanity, that he stands in need of a thousand thousand things; he needs . . .
the air to breathe in,
the earth to bear him,
fire to warm him,
clothes to cover him,
a house to shelter him,
food to nourish him,
a bed to ease him,
friends to comfort him, etc.
But this is the excellency of God that He has all excellencies in Himself, and stands in need of nothing!
God has self-sufficiency and all-sufficiency in Himself. Before the world was made, before angels or men had a being, God was as blessed and as glorious in Himself as He now is. God is such an all-sufficient and such an excellent being, that nothing can be added to Him to make Him more excellent.
The Lord Is my portion, says my soul; therefore I will hope in Him.” Lamentations 3:24
O Christians! God is an all-sufficient portion!
His power is all-sufficient to protect you;
His wisdom is all-sufficient to direct you;
His mercy is all-sufficient to pardon you;
His goodness is all-sufficient to provide for you;
His word is all-sufficient to support you and strengthen you;
His grace is all-sufficient to adorn you and enrich you;
His Spirit is all-sufficient to lead you and comfort you!
What more can you desire?
O sirs! God is one infinite perfection in Himself!
God has within Himself . . .
all good,
all glory,
all dignity,
all riches,
all treasures,
all pleasures,
all delights,
all comforts,
all contentments,
all joys,
all beatitudes!
All are eminently, transcendently, and perfectly in Him!
God is a sufficient portion . . .
to secure your souls,
to supply all your needs,
to satisfy all your desires,
to answer all your expectations,
to suppress all your enemies,
to bring you to glory!
What more can you desire?