Redeemed – Thomas Brooks

“For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers.” 1 Pet. 1:18

Christ redeems us from all sin and from all the consequences of sin. He endured the wrath of God to the uttermost for everyone who believes on Him.

By this redemption . . .
justice is satisfied,
wrath is pacified,
grace is procured,
all spiritual enemies are vanquished.

Each child of God is redeemed from . . .
the love of sin,
the guilt of sin,
the dominion of sin,
the damnatory power of sin,
the power of Satan,
the curse of the law,
hell and wrath to come!

The work of redemption was a great work. The greatness of the person employed in this work, speaks out the work to be a great work.

The great and invaluable price which was paid down for our redemption, speaks it out to be a great redemption. The price that we are bought with, is a price beyond all computation.

This redemption that we have in Christ, is a free and gracious redemption. All the rounds in this ladder of redemption, are made up of free, rich, and sovereign grace! Though our redemption cost Christ dearly yet to us it is most free!

Jesus Christ has completely done the work of our redemption. He does not redeem us from some of our sins, and leave us to grapple with the rest. Oh, no! Christ makes a most complete work of it. He redeems us from all our iniquities. He delivers us out of the hands of all our enemies.
He pays all debts,
He delivers from all wrath,
He takes off the whole curse,
He saves to the uttermost,
and will settle us in a state of full and perfect bliss when grace shall be turned into glory.

The redemption which we have in Jesus Christ, is an eternal, a permanent, a lasting, yes, an everlasting redemption! Having obtained eternal redemption for us.” Hebrews 9:12

There are many choice and rare spiritual benefits which flow from redemption:
reconciliation with God,
remission of our sins,
justification of our persons,
adoption into God’s family,
full glorification.
Redemption sweetens all the bitterest trials and sharpest afflictions, which we meet with in this world.

Redemption is a rich mine, containing a mass of treasure which cannot be valued. Could we dig into it, could we pry into it we would find that it contains unsearchable riches . . .
riches of grace, of all grace,
riches of justification,
riches of sanctification,
riches of consolation,
riches of glorification,
the best of riches,
the most durable riches,
soul riches,
heavenly riches!

They are Your servants and Your people, whom You redeemed by Your great strength and Your mighty hand!” Nehemiah 1:10
