The Base impulse - Chambers, Oswald

But, ah, through all men some base impulse runs
The brute the father, and the men the sons
Which if one harshly sets himself to subdue,
With fiercer indolence it boils anew,
He ends the worst who with best hopes began,
How hard is this, how like the lot of man!

Experimentally the meaning of life is to attain the excellency of a broken heart, for that alone entails repentance and acceptance, the two great poles of bible revelation. The sacrifices of god are a broken spirit why, we do not know, but god has made it so. The one thing we are after is to avoid getting brokenhearted. The base impulse revealed itself in the time of our lord in three great types of sin the sin of the publicans, the sin of the pharisees and the sin of the sadducees.

In every country there is a lost class, a class that has given way to the sins of the flesh till its sin can no longer be concealed. What others do by stealth, they do openly. Such a class existed in our lords day in palestine, and the popular names for them in that day were publicans and sinners, or publicans and harlots, or the lost sheep of the house of Israel. . . . The attitude of jesus to this class was one of the most singular and characteristic features of his career, and, when fully understood, reveals more clearly perhaps than any other circumstance the secret of his mission.


It is remarkable how little jesus directed his speech against carnal and public sins, though he showed plenty of prophetic indignation against the sins of a wholly different class, he preached his grandest sermon to a bad, ignorant woman ( john 4:1014), and one of his most prominent disciples was a publican named matthew. The one man he ever said he wanted to stay with was another publican called zacchaeus, and some of the most fathomless things he said were in connection with a notoriously bad woman (luke 7:3650). It is along this line that we can understand why the pharisees were sick to the heart and disgusted with jesus christ, why they called him a friend of publicans and sinners! We would have done exactly the same to-day in spite of all our religious sentiments.

We gloss over our lords actions with our civilised conceptions and destroy the meaning of his gospel. Our lords conduct was not due to any insensi- bility to the wickedness of open and carnal sins, nor that he was lenient to those sins: he drew near to those sins to make them for ever impossible in the lives of those guilty of them. Jesus roused the con- science of the very worst of them by presenting the highest good. We are apt to forget that our lords parables in luke 15 say just what they do. Never take the fifteenth chapter of st. Luke as an exposition of the gospel first; it is our lords apologia; he is explaining to the pharisees why he is here.

1. The pharisaic invincibility

In interpreting our lords teaching, watch carefully who he is talking to; the parable of the prodigal son was a stinging lash to the pharisees. We need to be reminded of the presentation of jesus in the new testament for the being pictured to us nowadays would not perturb anybody; but he aroused his whole nation to rage.

Read the records of his ministry and see how much blazing indignation there is in it. For thirty years jesus did nothing, then for three years he stormed every time he went down to jerusalem. Jose- phus says he tore through the temple courts like a madman. We hear nothing about that jesus christ to-day. The meek and mild being pictured to-day makes us lose altogether the meaning of the cross. We have to find out why jesus was beside himself with rage and indignation at the pharisees and not with those given over to carnal sins. Which state of society is going to stand a ripping and tearing being like jesus christ who drags to the ground the highest respected pillars of its civilised society, and shows that their respectability and religiosity is built on a much more abominable pride than the harlots or the publicans? The latter are disgusting and coarse, but these men have the very pride of the devil in their hearts.

Ask yourself, then, what is it that awakens indignation in your heart? Is it the same kind of thing that awakened indignation in jesus christ? The thing that awakens indignation in us is the thing that upsets our present state of comfort and society. The thing that made jesus christ blaze was pride that defied god and prevented him from having his right with human hearts. Sin is the independence of human nature which god created turning against god. Holiness is this same independence turning against sin. Sin is not doing wrong things, it is wrong being. Sins are wrong acts: sin is an independence that will not bow its neck to god, that defies god and all he presents, that will not go to the excellency of a broken heart. It is that class who stand for independence in art and culture; it is not for them a question of right or wrong, but of pleasing the senses. The greatest pillars of art and culture are erected on these lines and jesus christ pulls down the whole temple, because we can- not build temples of art on this earth at all; they will be built in heaven when the foundations are pure. The refinements of art and culture are all in opposition to the tumbling in crisis of god in the incarnation.

2. The pride of integrity

The conspicuous point of view in which the pharisees always figure in the gospels is incapable of repentance. Self-knowledge is the first condition of repentance. Watch jesus christ whenever there is the tiniest sign of repentance, he is the incarnation of forgiving and forgetting, and he says that is gods nature. I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Remember, that kind of statement hits the pharisees to the very core of their being. Could they listen patiently to a man like that? Jesus was killed for his words, he would not have been crucified if he had kept quiet. It was the ruthless way he went straight to the very root of pharisaism that enraged them until they became the devil incarnate and crucified the son of god. Calvary means the place of a skull, and that is where our lord is always crucified, in the culture and intellect of men who will not have self-knowledge given by the light of jesus christ.

3. Sensible rationalism

The sadducee is the type of person who in all ages destroys the treasure of the spirit; he is a common- sense individual.

There are some people to whom it is never safe to show any valued possession. . . . Now and then someone with the bump of destruction will push his way into our holy of holies, and deface what he considers our idols and leave us sad. . . . Unfold a scheme, a dream, a theory, a long-cherished recollection within the reach of a man who loves destruction, and he will reduce it to nothing. Even a book, that treasure which stands half-way between the tangible and the intangible, is not safe with him, he will turn its pages into ridicule, and give it back with half its charm destroyed.

Thomas carlyle utterly destroyed the early faith of his wife and never gave her anything in its stead, and mrs. Carlyles letters, gifted with the most amaz- ing literary ability and mentality, are wilted and sad, like her face, because he destroyed in the true spirit of the sadducee her holy of holies and gave her nothing in its place. This line of thought makes us under- stand our lords attitude to the sadducees, and why he said, dont cast your pearls before swine. There are some things we must never show to anyone. Like children, we all think that we ought to show our cherished possessions, we ought not; there are sadducees everywhere. You rarely find them people of uncouth speech, but rather the opposite.

We have all met people who act like an east wind, our mental horizon gets lower and we feel unmitigatedly mean 21 and despicable. When jesus christ came near men, he convicted them of sin, but he convicted them also of this, that they could be like he was if they would only come to him.

The sadducees were the anti-pharisaic party, and they went as far in believing too little as the pharisees in the direction of believing too much. They were the sceptical religious party. Their beliefs lacked warmth and conviction. The weakness of the religious sentiment in them was partly the cause and partly the effect of another characteristic, viz. Worldliness. The spiritual and eternal stirred them but faintly, consequently they had a more tenacious hold on the concerns of this present life.


Watch the difference between the faces marred by sin and those marred by coming in contact with the sadducees, who have all their inner shrines destroyed and nothing given in their place; the latter give a look of withered, mean sanity. Sin does not produce it, it is the effect of the presence of this monster the rational, healthy-minded sadducee; this monster has been inside the christian church for the past twenty centuries, and is one of the problems that has to be faced. There are comparatively few pharisees to-day, the greater number are sadducees, who back up their little bits of common sense against all that jesus christ said and against everything anyone says who has had a vision of things differing from common sense.

4. Sensible ruling

The sadducees were the ruling class and the priestly party from the date of the babylonian exile. Such priests have continually emerged in the affairs of god, and they are much more interested in the affairs of the visible world and but faintly tinged with the hope or spirit of the world invisible.


This is the type that perfectly exhibits the sadducee of our lords day. It is not the brutal sceptic who is the sadducee, he does not destroy any bodys shrines, it is the religious man or woman with particularly bright con- ceptions of their own, but who are far more concerned with the visible success of this world than with anything else. You go to them with some insurgent doubt in your mind, and they smile at you, and say, oh, dont exercise your mind on those things, it is absurd. That is the sadducee who has done more to deface in modern life what jesus christ began to do than all the blackguard- ism and drunkenness in our modern civilisation. The subtle destruction of all that stands for the invisible is what is represented by the sadducee.

It is necessary to get the historical atmosphere and setting of our lords life in order to understand the historical exegesis of his teaching. Most of us only know the spiritual exegesis, we come with our spiritual illumination and take incidents out of the biblei dont care about their historic exegesis, i simply take them as expressing my own spiritual condition. That is not the thing for a student to do; a student has to rightly divide the word of truth, and to find out the historic background of jesus christs teaching. In luke 16:1931 we get a good picture of our lords attitude to the sadducees. The rich man

lived to dine and to wear sumptuous clothing, neither bestowing on the poor any generosity commensurate with his means nor remembering that he was an heir of eternity, and herein is the great moral principle, viz. That of not doing being as guilty as doing, and that the judge will accept no excuse for a life not marked by unselfishness up to the means of its opportunity.


If we know that we have received the unmerited favour of god and we do not give unmerited favour to other people, we are damned in that degree. The best and most spiritual people to-day turn jesus christs teaching out of court. They say he could never have meant what he said, and, we have to use common sense. If we apply common sense we run the risk of being sadducees. What common sense person would carry out the sermon on the mount? It is the sadducee who withers up the true spirit of devotion to god in our life by a squirt of common sense, because the common sense comes from a background of infidelity against gods rule. We are measured by what we do according to what we have. Some people only give to the deserving, because they imagine they deserve all they have. Our lord says, give, not because they deserve it, but because i tell you to. Jesus reveals in the parable of the rich man (luke 12:1621) that his mind and heart have been entirely absorbed with property. About his soul and eternity he has manifested no concern, he heaped up treasure but was not rich towards god. Stalker treasure in heaven is the wealth of character that has been earned by standing true to the faith of jesus, not to the faith in jesus. Our lords advice to the rich young ruler was, sell all that thou hast and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me.

That is, have faith for the things jesus christ stood for, and anybody who is fool enough to conduct his life with jesus christ as absolute master will realise what jesus said, men shall . . . Separate you from their company . . . And cast out your name as evil. Many of us are saved by the skin of our teeth, we are comfortably settled for heaven, that is all we care for, now we can make a pile on earth. There are plenty of people who give their testimony all right in meetings, but they are sadducees to the backbone.

The cynicism of the official who feared not god nor regarded man, administered justice in our lords instance from mere annoyance. For him justice had no majesty and the misfortune of the widow had no sacredness. That which he could not be got to do, either for the fear of god or out of regard to man, he yet hastened to do merely to save himself from annoyance; and this is a thoroughly sadducean trait.

Stalker (see luke 18:18)

The spirit of i do not wish to be annoyed is frequently the inspiration of the administration of justice in private cases. It works into our intercession also: i want that bad person saved because he is of so much value in the sight of god? No, because he is an annoyance to me, i cannot live my life properly with him. That spirit cannot live anywhere near jesus christ, because jesus had only one point of view his fathers will.

In any work i do for god is my motive loyalty to jesus, or do i have to stop and wonder where he comes in? If i work for god because i know it brings me the good opinion of those whose good opinion i wish to have, i am a sadducee. The one great thing is to maintain a spiritual life which is absolutely true to jesus christ and to the faith of Jesus christ.
