“The mouth of the Lord has spoken it.” Isaiah 1:20.
What Isaiah said was therefore spoken by Jehovah. It was audibly the utterance of a man. But, really, it was the utterance of the Lord Himself. The lips which delivered the words were those of Isaiah, but yet it was the very Truth of God that, “The mouth of the Lord has spoken it.” All Scripture, being inspired of the Spirit, is spoken by the mouth of God. However this sacred Book may be treated nowadays, it was not treated contemptuously, nor negligently, nor questioningly by the Lord Jesus Christ, our Master and Lord. It is noteworthy how He reverenced the written Word. The Spirit of God rested upon Him personally, without measure, and He could speak out of His own mind the Revelation of God, and yet He continually quoted the Law and the Prophets and the Psalms. And always He treated the Sacred Writings with intense reverence, strongly in contrast with the irreverence of “modern thought.” I am sure, Brethren, we cannot be wrong in imitating the example of our Divine Lord in our reverence for that Scripture which cannot be broken. I say, if He, the Anointed of the Spirit, and able to speak Himself as God’s mouth, quoted the Sacred Writings and used the holy Book in His teachings, how much more should we. We, who have no spirit of prophecy resting upon us and are not able to speak new revelations, must come back to the Law and to the Testimony and value every single Word which “The mouth of the Lord has spoken.” The like valuation of the Word of the Lord is seen in our Lord’s Apostles. They treated the ancient Scriptures as supreme in authority and supported their statements with passages from Holy Writ. The utmost degree of deference and homage is paid to the Old Testament by the writers of the New. We never find an Apostle raising a question about the degree of inspiration in this book or that. No disciple of Jesus questions the authority of the books of Moses, or of the Prophets. If you want to cavil or suspect, you find no sympathy in the teaching of Jesus, or anyone of His Apostles. The New Testament writers sit reverently down before the Old Testament and receive God’s Words as such, without any question whatever. You and I belong to a school which will continue to do the same—let others adopt what behavior they please. As for us and for our house, this priceless Book shall remain the standard of our faith and the ground of our hope so long as we live. Others may choose what gods they will and follow what authorities they prefer. But, as for us, the glorious Jehovah is our God and we believe concerning each doctrine of the entire Bible, that “The mouth of the Lord has spoken it.”
We preach because, “The mouth of the Lord has spoken it.” It would not be worth our while to speak what Isaiah had spoken, if in it there were nothing more than Isaiah’s thoughts—neither should we care to meditate hour after hour upon the writings of Paul, if there were nothing more than Paul in them. We feel no imperative call to expound and to enforce what has been spoken by men. But, since “The mouth of the Lord has spoken it,” it is woe unto us if we preach not the Gospel! We come to you with, “Thus says the Lord,” and we should have no justifiable motive for preaching our lives away if we have not this message. The true preacher, the man whom God has commissioned, delivers his message with awe and trembling because, “The mouth of the Lord has spoken it.” He bears the burden of the Lord and bows under it. Ours is no trifling theme but one which moves our whole soul. They called George Fox a Quaker, because when he spoke, he would quake exceedingly through the force of the Truth of God which he so thoroughly apprehended. Perhaps if you and I had a clearer sight and a closer grip of God’s Word, and felt more of its majesty, we should quake also. Martin Luther, who never feared the face of man, yet declared that when he stood up to preach, he often felt his knees knock together under a sense of his great responsibility. Woe unto us if we dare to speak the Word of the Lord with less than our whole heart and soul and strength! Woe unto us if we handle the Word as if it were an occasion for display! If it were our own word, we might be studious of the graces of oratory. But if it is God’s Word, we cannot afford to think of ourselves—we are bound to speak it, “not with wisdom of words, lest the Cross of Christ should be made of no effect.” If we reverence the Word, it will not occur to us that we can improve upon it by our own skill in language. Oh, it were far better to break stones on the road than to be a preacher, unless one had God’s Holy Spirit to sustain him—our charge is solemn and our burden is heavy. The heart and soul of the man who speaks for God will know no ease, for he hears in his ears that warning admonition— “If the watchman warn them not they shall perish. But their blood will I require at the watchman’s hands.” If we were commissioned to repeat the language of a king, we should be bound to do it decorously lest the king suffer damage. But if we rehearse the Revelation of God, a profound awe should take hold upon us and a godly fear lest we mar the message of God in the telling of it. No work is so important or honorable as the proclamation of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus—and for that very reason it is weighted with a responsibility so solemn that none may venture upon it lightly, nor proceed in it without an overwhelming sense of his need of great Divine Grace to perform his office aright. We live under intense pressure, who preach a Gospel, of which we can assuredly say, “The mouth of the Lord has spoken it.” We live rather in eternity than in time—we speak to you as though we saw the Great White Throne and the Divine Judge before whom we must give an account of not only what we say but how we say it. Dear Brethren, because the mouth of the Lord has spoken the Truth of God, we therefore endeavor to preach it with absolute fidelity. We repeat the Word as a child repeats his lesson. It is not ours to correct the Divine Revelation but simply to echo it. I do not take it to be my office to bring you new and original thoughts of my own. But rather to say, “The Word which you hear is not mine but the Father’s which sent me.” Believing that, “The mouth of the Lord has spoken it,” it is my duty to repeat it to you as correctly as I can after having heard it and felt it in my own soul. It is not mine to amend or adapt the Gospel. What? Shall we attempt to improve upon what God has revealed? The Infinitely Wise—is He to be corrected by creatures of a day? Is the infallible Revelation of the infallible Jehovah to be shaped, moderated and toned down to the fashions and fancies of the hour? God forgive us if we have ever altered His Word unwittingly—wittingly we have not done so, nor will we, by His grace. His children sit at His feet and receive His Words and then they rise up in the power of His Spirit to publish far and near the Word which the Lord has given. “He that has My Word, let him speak My Word faithfully,” is the Lord’s injunction to us. If we could abide with the Father according to our measure, after the manner of the Lord Jesus and then come forth from communion with Him to tell what He has taught us in His Word, we should be accepted of the Lord as preachers and accepted also of His living people far more than if we were to dive into the profound depths of science, or rise to the loftiest flights of rhetoric. What is the chaff to the wheat! What are man’s discoveries to the teachings of the Lord! “The mouth of the Lord has spoken it.” Therefore, O man of God, add not to His Words lest He add to you the plagues which are written in His Book and take not from them, lest He take your name out of the Book of Life!
Every Word which God has given us in this Book claims our attention because of the infinite majesty of Him that spoke it. I see before me a Parliament of kings and princes, sages and senators. I hear one after another of the gifted Chrysostoms pour forth eloquence like the “Golden-mouthed.” They speak and they speak well. Suddenly, there is a solemn hush. What a stillness! Who is now to speak? They are silent because God the Lord is about to lift up His voice. Is it not right that they should be so? Does He not say, “Keep silence before Me, O islands”? What voice is like His voice? “The voice of the Lord is powerful. The voice of the Lord is full of majesty. The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars—yes, the Lord breaks the cedars of Lebanon. The voice of the Lord shakes the wilderness. The Lord shakes the wilderness of Kadesh. See that you refuse not Him that speaks. O my Hearer, let it not be said of you that you went through this life, God speaking to you in His Book and you refusing to hear! It matters very little whether you listen to me or not. But it matters a very great deal whether you listen to God or not. It is He that made you. In His hands is your breath. And if He speaks, I implore you, open your ears and be not rebellious. There is an infinite majesty about every line of Scripture, but especially about that part of Scripture in which the Lord reveals Himself and His glorious plan of saving Grace in the Person of His dear Son Jesus Christ. The Cross of Christ has a great claim upon you. Hear what Jesus preaches from the tree. He says, “Incline your ear and come unto Me: hear and your soul shall live.” God’s claim to be heard lies, also, in the condescension which has led Him to speak to us. It was something for God to have made the world and bid us look at the work of His hands. Creation is a picture-book for children. But for God to speak in the language of mortal men is still more marvelous, if you think about it. I wonder that God spoke by the Prophets. But I admire still more that He should have written down His Word in black and white, in unmistakable language which can be translated into all tongues, so that we may all see and read for ourselves what God the Lord has spoken to us. And what, indeed, He continues to speak. For what He has spoken He still speaks to us, as freshly as if He spoke it for the first time. O glorious Jehovah, Do You speak to mortal man? Can there be any that neglect to hear You? If You are so full of loving kindness and tenderness that You will stoop out of Heaven to converse with Your sinful creatures, none but those who are more brutal than the ox and the ass will turn a deaf ear to You! God’s Word has a claim, then, upon your attention because of its majesty and its condescension. But, further, it should win your ear because of its intrinsic importance. “The mouth of the Lord has spoken it”—then it is no trifle. God never speaks vanity. No line of His writing treats of the frivolous themes of a day. That which may be forgotten in an hour is for mortal man and not for the eternal God. When the Lord speaks, His speech is God-like and its themes are worthy of one whose dwelling is infinity and eternity. God does not play with you, Man—will you trifle with Him? Will you treat Him as if He were altogether such a one as yourself? God is in earnest when He speaks to you—will you not in earnest listen? He speaks to you of great things which have to do with your soul and its destiny. “It is not a vain thing for you. Because it is your life.” Your eternal existence, your happiness or your misery, hang on your treatment of that which the mouth of the Lord has spoken. Concerning eternal realities He speaks to you. I pray you, be not so unwise as to turn away your ear. Act not as if the Lord and His Truth were nothing to you. Treat not the Word of the Lord as a secondary thing, which might wait your leisure and receive attention when no other work was before you—put all else aside—and hearken to your God. Depend upon it—if “The mouth of the Lord has spoken it,” there is an urgent, pressing necessity. God breaks not silence to say that which might as well have remained unsaid—His voice indicates great urgency. Today, if you will hear His voice, hear it. For He demands immediate attention. God does not speak without abundant reason. And, O my Hearer, if He speaks to you by His Word, I beseech you, believe that there must be overwhelming cause for it! I know what Satan says—he tells you that you can do very well without listening to God’s Word. I know what your carnal heart whispers—it says, “Listen to the voice of business and of pleasure. But listen not to God.” But, oh, if the Holy Spirit shall teach your reason to be reasonable and put your mind in mind of true wisdom, you will acknowledge that the first thing you have to do is to heed your Maker! You can hear the voices of others another time. But your ear must hear God first since He is first, and that which He speaks must be of first importance. Without delay do you make haste to keep His Commandments. Without reserve answer to His call and say, “Speak, Lord, for Your servant hears.”
When we open this sacred Book and say of that which is here recorded, “The mouth of the Lord has spoken it,” then it gives to the teaching a special character. In the Word of God the teaching has unique dignity. This Book is inspired as no other book is inspired and it is time that all Christians avowed this conviction. I do not know whether you have read Mr. Smiles’ life of our late friend, George Moore. But in it we read that at a certain dinner party, a learned man remarked that it would not be easy to find a person of intelligence who believed in the inspiration of the Bible. In an instant George Moore’s voice was heard across the table, saying boldly, “I do, for one.” Nothing more was said. My dear Friend had a strong way of speaking, as I well remember. For we have upon occasions vied with each other in shouting when we were together at his Cumberland home. I think I can hear his emphatic way of putting it—“I do, for one.” Let us not be backward to take the old-fashioned and unpopular side and say outright, “I do, for one.” Where are we if our Bibles are gone? Where are we if we are taught to distrust them? If we are left in doubt as to which part is inspired and which is not, we are as badly off as if we had no Bible at all. I hold no theory of inspiration. I accept the inspiration of the Scriptures as a fact. Those who thus view the Scriptures need not be ashamed of their company. For some of the best and most learned of men have been of the same mind. Locke, the great philosopher, spent the last fourteen years of his life in the study of the Bible and when asked what was the shortest way for a young gentleman to understand the Christian religion, he bade him read the Bible, remarking—“Therein are contained the words of eternal life. It has God for its Author, salvation for its end and Truth, without any admixture of error, for its matter.” There are those on the side of God’s Word whom you need not be ashamed of in the matter of intelligence and learning. And if it were not so, it should not discourage you when you remember that the Lord has hid these things from the wise and prudent, and has revealed them unto babes. We believe with the Apostle that, “the foolishness of God is wiser than men.” It is better to believe what comes out of God’s mouth and be called a fool than to believe what comes out of the mouth of philosophers and be, therefore, esteemed a wise man. There is also about that which the mouth of the Lord has spoken an absolute certainty. What man has said is unsubstantial—even when true, is like grasping fog—there is nothing of it. But with God’s Word you have something to grip, something to have and to hold. This is substance and reality. But of human opinions we may say, “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.” Though Heaven and earth should pass away, yet not one jot or tittle of what God has spoken shall fail. We know that and feel at rest. God cannot be mistaken. God cannot lie. These are postulates which no one can dispute. If “The mouth of God has spoken it,” this is the Judge that ends the strife where wit and reason fail. And henceforth we question no more. Again—if, “The mouth of the Lord has spoken it,” we have in this utterance the special character of immutable fixedness. Once spoken by God, not only is it so now but it always must be so. The Lord of Hosts has spoken and who shall disannul it? The rock of God’s Word does not shift, like the quicksand of modern scientific theology. One said to his minister, “My dear Sir, surely you ought to adjust your beliefs to the progress of science.” “Yes,” said he, “but I have not had time to do it today, for I have not yet read the morning papers.” One would have need to read the morning papers and take in every new edition to know where scientific theology now stands. For it is always chopping and changing. The only thing that is certain about the false science of this age is that it will be soon disproved. Theories, vaunted today, will be scrapped tomorrow. The great scientists live by killing those who went before them. They know nothing for certain except that their predecessors were wrong. Even in one short life we have seen system after system—the mushrooms, or rather the toadstools, of thought—rise and perish. We cannot adapt our religious belief to that which is more changeful than the moon. Try it who will—as for me, if “The mouth of the Lord has spoken it,” it is the Truth of God to me in this year of Divine Grace, 1888. And if I stand among you a gray-headed old man, Lord willing, somewhere in 1908, you will find me making no advance upon the Divine ultimatum. If “The mouth of the Lord has spoken it,” we behold in His Revelation a Gospel which is without variableness, revealing “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever.” Brothers and Sisters, we hope to be together forever before the eternal Throne where bow the blazing Seraphim and even then we shall not be ashamed to avow that same Truth of God which this day we feed upon from the hand of our God— “For He’s the Lord, supremely good, His mercy is forever sure; His Truth, which always firmly stood, To endless ages shall endure.”
Here let me add that there is something unique about God’s Word because of the almighty power which attends it. “Where the word of a king is, there is power.” Where the Word of a God is, there is omnipotence. If we dealt more largely in God’s own Word as, “The mouth of the Lord has spoken it,” we should see far greater results from our preaching. It is God’s Word, not our comment on God’s Word, that saves souls. Souls are slain by the sword—not by the scabbard—nor by the tassels which adorn the hilt of it. If God’s Word is brought forward in its native simplicity, no one can stand against it. The adversaries of God must fail before the Word as chaff perishes in the fire. Oh, for wisdom to keep closer and closer to that which the mouth of the Lord has spoken! I will say no more on this point, although the theme is a very large and tempting one—especially if I were to dwell upon the depth, the height, the adaptation, the insight and the self-proving power of that which, “The mouth of the Lord has spoken.”
Shall I read you the whole verse? “But if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.” Every threat that God has spoken, because He has spoken it, has a tremendous dread about it. Whether God threatens a man or a nation, or the whole class of the ungodly, if they are wise they will feel a trembling take hold upon them, because, “The mouth of the Lord has spoken it.” God has never yet spoken a threat that has fallen to the ground. When He told Pharaoh what He would do, He did it.
The plagues came thick and heavy upon him. When the Lord at any time sent His Prophets to denounce judgments on the nations, He carried out those judgments. Ask travelers concerning Babylon and Nineveh and Edom and Moab and Bashan. And they will tell you of the heaps of ruins which prove how the Lord carried out His warnings to the letter. One of the most awful things recorded in history is the siege of Jerusalem. You have read it, I do not doubt, in Josephus, or elsewhere. It makes one’s blood run cold to think of it. Yet it was all foretold by the Prophets and their prophecies were fulfilled to the bitter end. You talk about God as being “love,” and, if you mean by this that He is not severe in the punishment of sin, I ask you what you make of the destruction of Jerusalem? Remember that the Jews were His chosen nation and that the city of Jerusalem was the place where His temple had been glorified with His Presence. Brethren, if you roam from Edom to Zion and from Zion to Sidon and from Sidon to Moab, you will find, amid ruined cities, the tokens that God’s Words of judgment are sure. Depend on it, then, that when Jesus says, “These shall go away into everlasting punishment,” it will be so. When He says, “If you believe not that I am He, you shall die in your sins,” it will be so. The Lord never plays at frightening men. His Word is not an exaggeration to scare men with imaginary bugbears. There is emphatic Truth in what the Lord says. He has always carried out His threats to the letter and to the moment. And, depend upon it, He will continue to do so, “For the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.” It is of no avail to sit down and draw inferences from the nature of God and to argue, “God is Love and therefore He will not execute the sentence upon the impenitent.” He knows what He will do better than you can infer—He has not left us to inferences for He has spoken pointedly and plainly. He says, “He that believes not shall be damned,” and it will be so, “For the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.” Infer what you like from His nature. But if you draw an inference contrary to what He has spoken, you have inferred a lie and you will find it so.
“Alas,” says one, “I shudder at the severity of the Divine sentence.” Do you? It is well! I can heartily sympathize with you. What must he be that does not tremble when he sees the great Jehovah taking vengeance upon iniquity! The terrors of the Lord might well turn steel to wax. Let us remember that the gauge of the Truth of God is not our pleasure nor our terror. It is not my shuddering which can disprove what the mouth of the Lord has spoken. It may even be a proof of its truth. Did not all the Prophets tremble at manifestations of God? Remember how one of them cried. “When I heard, my belly trembled; my lips quivered at the voice; rottenness entered into my bones.” One of the last of the anointed Seers fell at the Lord’s feet as dead. Yet all the shrinking of their nature was not used by them as an argument for doubt. O my unconverted and unbelieving Hearers, do remember that if you refuse Christ and rush upon the keen edge of Jehovah’s sword, your unbelief of eternal judgment will not alter it, nor save you from it. I know why you do not believe in the terrible threats. It is because you want to be easy in your sins. A certain skeptical writer, when in prison, was visited by a Christian man who wished him well but he refused to hear a word about religion. Seeing a Bible in the hand of his visitor, he made this remark, “You do not expect me to believe in that Book, do you? Why, if that Book is true, I am lost forever.” Just so. Therein lies the reason for half the infidelity in the world and all the infidelity in our congregations. How can you believe that which condemns you? Ah, my Friends, if you would believe it to be true and act accordingly you would also find in that which the mouth of the Lord has spoken a way of escape from the wrath to come! For the Book is far more full of hope than of dread. This inspired volume flows with the milk of mercy and the honey of Divine Grace. It is not a Doomsday Book of wrath but a Testament of Grace. Yet, if you do not believe its loving warnings, nor regard its just sentences, they are true all the same. If you dare its thunders, if you trample on its promises and even if you burn it in your rage, the holy Book still stands unaltered and unalterable. “The mouth of the Lord has spoken it.” Therefore, I pray you, treat the sacred Scriptures with respect and remember that, “These are written, that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. And that believing you might have life through His name.”
“The mouth of the Lord has spoken it,” is the foundation of our confidence. There is forgiveness. For God has said it. Look, Friend, you are saying, “I cannot believe that my sins can be washed away, I feel so unworthy.” Yes, but, “The mouth of the Lord has spoken it.” Believe over the head of your unworthiness. “Ah,” says one, “I feel so weak I can neither think, nor pray, nor anything else, as I should.” Is it not written, “When we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly”? “The mouth of the Lord has spoken it.” Therefore, over the head of your inability still believe it, for it must be so. I think I hear some child of God saying, “God has said, ‘I will never leave you, nor forsake you,’ but I am in great trouble. All the circumstances of my life seem to contradict the promise”—yet, “The mouth of the Lord has spoken it,” and the promise must stand. “Trust in the Lord and do good. So shall you dwell in the land and verily you shall be fed.” Believe God in the teeth of circumstances. If you cannot see a way of escape or a means of help, yet still believe in the unseen God and in the Truth of His Presence—“For the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.” I think I have come to this pass with myself, at any rate for the time present, that when circumstances deny the promise, I believe it none the less. When friends forsake me and foes belie me and my own spirit goes down below zero and I am depressed almost to despair, I am resolved to hang to the bare Word of the Lord and prove it to be in itself an all-sufficient stay and support. I will believe God against all the devils in Hell, God against Ahithophel and Judas and Demas and all the rest of the turncoats. Yes, and God against my own evil heart. His purpose shall stand, “For the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.” Away, you that contradict it—ours is a well-grounded confidence, “For the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.” By-and-by we shall come to die. The death-sweat shall gather on our brow and perhaps our tongue will scarcely serve us. Oh that then, like the grand old German Emperor, we may say, “My eyes have seen Your salvation,” and, “He has helped me with His name.” When we pass through the rivers He will be with us, the floods shall not overflow us—“For the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.” When we walk through the valley of the shadow of death we shall fear no evil, for He will be with us— His rod and His staff shall comfort us—“The mouth of the Lord has spoken it.” Ah, what will it be to break loose from these bonds and rise into the glory? We shall soon see the King in His beauty and be ourselves glorified in His glory. For “the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.” “He that believes has everlasting life.” Therefore a glad eternity is ours. Brethren, we have not followed cunningly devised fables. We are not “wanton boys that swim on floats,” which will soon burst under us. But we are resting on firm ground. We abide where Heaven and earth are resting—where the whole universe depends—where even eternal things have their foundation—we rest on God Himself. If God shall fail us, we gloriously fail with the whole universe. But there is no fear. Therefore let us trust and not be afraid. His prOmise must stand—“The mouth of the Lord has spoken it.” O Lord, it is enough! Glory be to Your name, through Christ Jesus! Amen.