The Man who lent Christ the Upper Room - Andrew Bonar

Matth. 26: 17-19,  The disciples did not go to look for a room till they had consulted with their Lord. Never do anything without asking counsel of your Master. But why did they need to do this? It was Christ’s way to wait till He was asked, and you know it is His way still. ‘I will for this be inquired of.’
Do you not feel a sort of envy of those who were permitted to do anything for Christ? Do you not envy Peter who lent Christ his boat? And do you not envy this man who was able to lend Him his upper room? There are many things we can lend Christ now though He is not with us.

Here comes to light a secret friend, as if to counter balance the secret foe, Judas. This man loved Christ, for the name ‘Master’ (‘didaskalos’) works on him like a talisman. Notice—

I. This man’s reverence for ordinances.—He had got ready a fine, large airy room to lend to worshippers who came up at this Feast. He had set couches ready for the guests— ‘furnished’—for they were not as those in old time coming out of bondage, staff in hand. They are sons in freedom. The Lord chose the room for its airiness and comfort, for He never wants us needlessly to do penance. It was large—for He knew what was to be transacted in that upper room another day.

II. This man’s love for Christ.—There was no more needed than to say, ‘The Master saith.’ Scribes and Pharisees would not speak of Him thus, but friends did. A hint was enough—as when John whispered to Peter, ‘It is the Lord.‘ You may say there is no express command for certain things. But do you need an express command? Is a hint not enough?

III. The honour put on the man.—Did not Peter get a reward in the draught of fishes for lending his boat? and the boy who lent his basket? This room is to be known for ever as a ‘Peniel’—a ‘Bethel’ — ‘Jehovah Shammah’—greater than the temple. If men proudly say, ‘Queen Mary stayed here a night’—what would this man ever after say? Here He, the King of Glory, washed His disciples feet. Here He ate the Passover, and instituted the Supper. Here he said, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you.” ‘ That upper room is fragrant with the myrrh and aloes and cassia of Christ’s words of grace. But more; He came back to that upper room, and breathed the Holy Ghost on His disciples. This man was no doubt one of the hundred and twenty disciples who afterwards waited in that upper room in prayer. Are you like him? Will you say of your heart, ‘Be lifted up and let the King of Glory come in ? He will sit down there and make that heart of yours memorable. He will wash you in His blood from every stain. He will fill you with His own Spirit. He will discourse over again to you these words of His. He will keep the Supper with you!
