The saints’ hell and the sinners’ heaven – Thomas Brooks
“And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous will go into eternal life.” Matthew 25:46
This present life is the saints’ hell and the sinners’ heaven.
The next life will be the saints’ heaven and the sinners’ hell.
Here on earth wicked men have their heaven, hereafter they shall have their hell. The time of this life is the day of their joy and triumph; and when this short day is ended then eternal lamentations, mournings, and woes follow!
Ah sinners! sinners! that day is hastening upon you, wherein you shall have . . .
punishment without pity,
misery without mercy,
sorrow without support,
pain without pleasure, and
torments without end!
Ah, sinners! sinners! Ah! your portion is below, and you are already adjudged to those torments which are endless, easeless, and remediless; where the worm never dies, and the fire never goes out! The day is coming upon you, sinners, when . . .
all your sweet shall be turned into bitter;
all your glory into shame;
all your plenty into scarcity;
all your joys into sorrows;
all your recreations into vexations; and
all your momentary comforts into everlasting torments!