The Title to the Saints’ Rest - Richard Baxter
The Madness of Neglecting Salvation
If there is such a glorious rest awaiting only the people of God, why do most people neglect the certainty of their title to it? What strange madness is it that allows people to live happily while uncertain of their destiny? I would think that we would want above all else to be fully assured of our being heirs of the kingdom. If a person has a lawsuit against him, how anxious he is to know whether it will go for or against him. If a person is to be tried for his life in an earthly court, how eager he is to know whether he will be acquitted or condemned. If a person is dangerously ill, he will inquire of the physician, “What do you think; shall I live or not?” But in the supreme matter of salvation, many are content to be uncertain.
Flippant Attitudes Toward Salvation
If you ask most men “a reason of the hope that is in them” (1 Peter 3:15), they will say, “Because God is merciful.” If God or man should say to one of them, “Friend, what is the state of your soul? Is it born again and forgiven?” he would answer like Cain, “I know not; am I my soul’s keeper?” His flippant attitude is, “I’ll leave it all to God.” That is like a skipper saying, “I will trust God with my ship and leave it to the rocks and waves and winds.” What horrible abuse of God this is, to pretend to trust God while covering up our own voluntary negligence. If you really trusted God, you would also be ruled by Him and trust Him in His own appointed way. Wouldn’t he be a foolish traveler who would stay on a certain road when he does not know whether it is the right road and comfort himself by saying, “I hope I am right; I will go on, and trust in God?
Resistance to Plain Preaching
No wonder you are an enemy to plain preaching. No wonder you say of the minister, as Ahab of the prophet Elijah, “I hate him; for he does not prophesy good concerning me, but evil” (1 Kings 22:8).
The Necessity of Self-Examination
The way to conquer uncertainty is self-examination. It is the serious and sincere trying of a person’s life by the rule of Scripture. Go through a congregation of a thousand members, and how few of them will you find that ever spent one hour in all their lives in a close examination of their title to heaven. Ask your own conscience, reader, when was the time, and where was the place, that you ever solemnly took your heart to task and examined it by Scripture? Did you ever find out if it was really renewed or not, whether it was truly holy or not, whether it cared most for God or lesser things, whether it was focused more on heaven or earth? Did you follow up this examination and pass sentence on yourself accordingly?
The Certainty of Salvation
Scripture shows that the certainty of salvation may be attained. We ought to know if we are saved. Scripture bids us “give diligence to make our calling and election sure” (2 Pet. 1:10); and earnestly urges us to examine, prove, and know our own selves, whether we be in the faith and whether Jesus Christ be in us, or we be reprobates (2 Cor. 13:5).
Hindrances to Self-Examination
Among the many hindrances which keep men from self-examination, Satan will do his part. He doesn’t want the godly to have the joy, assurance, and strength against temptation, which the faithful performance of self-examination would provide. As for the ungodly, he knows how to angle for souls better than to show them the hook and line, or frighten them away with a noise, or with his own appearance. Therefore he works secretly to keep them from examining themselves.
Some scoff at self-examination. What,” say they, “do you doubt your salvation, when you have lived so well, and done nobody any harm? God is merciful. If such as you are not saved, what will become of all your friends and neighbors who live as you do?” So the world cries, “Don’t worry about these things.” Consider, however, that it is Christ, and not your neighbors or friends, that must judge you at last. If Christ condemns you, these people cannot save you. Therefore, it is not from the words of ignorant men, but from the Word of God, that you should gain your hope of salvation.
The greatest hindrances are in men’s own hearts. Some are so ignorant that they don’t know what self-examination is. They don’t realize there is any important difference between one person and another, but think that we are all Christians. Some are so full of self-love and pride that they will not even suspect they are in danger. They are like pampering parents who will not believe that their spoiled children could do any wrong. Some are so in love with sin, and so dislike the way of God, that they don’t dare examine themselves, lest they be forced to change. Some are so resolved never to change their present way of living that they neglect self-examination as useless. They would rather risk eternity than seek a new way. Many are so busy in the world that they cannot take the time to test their title to heaven. Some are so lazy that they will not be bothered with it. But the most common and dangerous obstruction is false hope which keeps a person from suspecting his danger.
As in a house where nothing is in its proper place, it will be difficult to find what is needed, so it is in the heart where all things are in disorder. It is difficult for a person to examine himself impartially. Like a bribed judge who has already made up his mind which way the case shall go, people are partial to their own cause. They think their great sins small and overlook their small sins completely.
Assurance and the Christian Life
Some hindrances keep even true Christians from blessed assurance. Sometimes they mistake assurance for the joy that commonly accompanies it. If they don’t feel the joy, they fear they don’t have the salvation. This is like a child who thinks himself a son only while he sees the smiles of his father’s face or hears the comforting words of his mouth. Does he cease to be the child of his father, just because the father’s smiles and soft words cease?
Christians need to realize that their comfort comes from the promises of God. They must draw comfort as often as they need it, by daily and diligently meditating upon the promises.
Another cause of distress is the secret harboring of some known sin. God has put a gulf between sin and peace. As long as you cherish your pride, your love of the world, the desires of the flesh, or any unchristian practice, you won’t feel the comforting peace of God within.
Grace is only apparent to the soul while it is in action. When it is not in action it is like a musical instrument, well tuned, but making no more music than a piece of wood lying alone. When it is played by a skillful musician, the melody is delightful. So also, some degree of comfort follows every good action, as heat accompanies fire. A man that is spiritually cold should work until heat is kindled; so he that lacks assurance must not stand still but exercise his graces until his doubts vanish.
The lack of assurance in the soul is sometimes caused by physical weakness. A conscientious Christian, while under mental depression or physical weakness, may doubt, despair, and fear. This is no more unusual than for a sick man to groan, or a child to cry when spanked. The physician may be needed instead of the pastor, when people cry out about sin and the wrath of God, while the chief cause is their physical or mental illness.
The Benefits of Self-Examination
Faithful self-examination will have pleasant results. Isn’t it desirable to know what will come to us hereafter, and what place and state we must be in forever? What sweet thoughts you will have of God. All His power and justice which is the terror of others will be your joy. How welcome will the Word of God be to you. How sweet will His promises be when you are sure they are your own. The very threatenings will comfort you, to remember that you have escaped them. What boldness you may then have in prayer, when you can say, “Our Father,” in full assurance. It will make the Lord’s Supper a refreshing feast to your soul. How lively will it make you in the work of the Lord.
Directions for Self-Examination
Bow down before God in sincere prayer, desiring the assistance of His Spirit to show you the plain truth of your condition.
Choose the most convenient time and place. Let the place be the most private, and the time when you have nothing to interrupt you; and, if possible, let it be the present time.
Have available, either in memory or writing, some Scriptures, containing the descriptions of the saints and the gospel terms of salvation.
Proceed then to put the question to yourself. If your heart tries to escape the work, force it on.
When you have discovered your true condition, pass sentence on yourself accordingly; either that you are a true Christian, or that you are not. Don’t pass sentence rashly, either with self-flattery or with pessimistic perfectionism.
Write this sentence, at least in your memory—”At such a time, upon thorough examination, I found my condition to be such and such.” Such a record will be very useful to you hereafter.