Take heed of the witch – Thomas Brooks

“For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now I tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ; whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is their shame who mind earthly things.” Philippians 3:18-19

Who were those who walked disorderly?
why, those who minded earthly things.

Who were those who fetched tears from the apostle’s eyes?
why, those who minded earthly things.

Who were those who were enemies to the cross of Christ?
why, those who minded earthly things.

Who were those whose end is destruction?
why, those who minded earthly things.

Who were those whose God was their belly?
why, those who minded earthly things.

Who were those whose glory was their shame?
why, those who minded earthly things.

The world proves silken halters to some, and golden fetters to others.

If ever you would be holy oh, then take heed of the witch take heed of the world! The world often swells the heart with pride; it makes men forget God, neglect Christ, slight ordinances, and despise holiness. Ah, the time, the thoughts, the strength, the energies which this enticing world has made many to spend and consume, while their souls have lain a-bleeding, and eternity has been hastening upon them! Oh, the deadness, the barrenness, the listlessness, the heartlessness to anything which is holy which attends a worldly temper!

Many are so bewitched with the profits, pleasures, and honors of the world, that they mind not holiness, they regard not holiness, they care not for holiness.

The flowers of this world, are surrounded with many briers. The world is all shadow and vanity; it is like Jonah’s gourd you may sit under its shadow for a while, but it soon decays and dies. He who shall but weigh . . .
man’s pains with his pay,
his miseries with his pleasures,
his sorrows with his joys,
his crosses with his comforts,
his needs with his enjoyments, etc.,
may well cry out, “Vanity of vanity, and all is vanity.

The whole world is circular, the heart of man is triangular, and we know a circle cannot fill a triangle. If the whole earth were changed into a globe of gold, it could not fill your heart.

O sirs, if your hearts are not filled with holiness they will be filled with the world, the flesh, and the devil. Either holiness or Satan must possess you.

Is it not infinitely better to have holiness without the world, and so be happy forever than to have much of the world without holiness, and so be damned forever?
