“O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” Matthew 14:31. “O woman, great is your faith: be it unto you even as you will.” Matthew 15:28.
Between the very lowest degree of faith and a state of unbelief, there is a great gulf. An immeasurable abyss yawns between the man who has even the smallest faith in Christ and the man who has none. One is a living man, though feeble, the other is “dead in trespasses and sins”—the one is a justified man, the other is “condemned already—because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” The weakest believer is on the road to Heaven. The other, having no faith, is going the downward road and he will find his portion at last among the unbelievers—a terrible portion, indeed! Although we thus speak of believers as all of one company, yet there is a great distance between weak faith and strong faith. Thank God it is a distance upon the one safe road—the King’s highway. No gulf divides Little Faith from Great Faith—on the contrary, Little Faith has only to travel along the royal road and he shall overtake his stronger Brother and himself become “strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might.”
I want to quicken some of the more tardy travelers along the sacred way. I would have doubts slain and faith revived. I want Mr. Feeble-Mind, and Mistress Much-Afraid, and Miss Despondency, and the whole tribe of the little ones to take heart of hope this morning and observe that they have not yet enjoyed all that the Lord has prepared for them! Although a little faith saves, there is more faith to be had—faith which strengthens, gladdens, honors, and makes useful is a most desirable grace of God. It is written, “He gives more grace,” and therefore God has more in readiness for us. Little faith may increase exceedingly until it ripens into full assurance with all its mellowness and sweetness. There are three things I am going to attend to. The first is little faith gently censured—“O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” In the second place, little faith tenderly commended, for it is no small blessing to have any faith at all, even though it has to be called little. Thirdly, I shall conclude by speaking of great faith as much more to be commended. In this last matter, I shall dwell upon our Master’s gracious words—“O woman, great is your faith: be it unto you even as you will.”
I have read in your hearing two stories in the 14th and 15th chapters of this Gospel according to Matthew. It is memorable that the incidents, illustrating little and great faith, come so closely together. I shall take it for granted that you have the stories of Peter and the Canaanite woman clearly before your minds. Keep your Bibles open while I preach and may the Spirit of God open your hearts to understand them!
What shall I say about it, to begin with, but this?—that it is frequently found where we expected greater things. This man who is chided for little faith is Peter. Peter, to whom the Lord had communicated a very clear knowledge of Himself. Peter, the foreman of the twelve. Peter, in later days the great preacher of Pentecost. Peter, who has been exalted by some into the primate or pope of the Apostolic Church, though he claimed no such position. This is Peter, who was a true piece of stone from the foundation rock. Peter, to whom the Master gave the keys and to whom He delivered the commission, “Feed My sheep,” and, “Feed My lambs.” It is Peter to whom Jesus says, “O you of little faith.” And, my dear brother or sister, may it not be true that you have obtained great mercy, enjoyed high privileges, received gracious protection, and been eminently favored with fellowship with Christ most near and dear? By this time, you ought to be strong in faith. But yet you are not so. You will soon be home—your gray hairs are silvered with the light of Immanuel’s land! You can almost hear the singing of the saints across the narrow stream! At your time of life, so long taught of God, so deeply experienced in the things of Christ, you ought to be fathers in faith, whereas you are still children! You ought to be mothers in Israel, and yet you are mere babes! Is it not so? Why is this sad fact so undeniable?
Solomon spoke of the cedar in Lebanon and of the hyssop on the wall—but I have too often seen a hyssop on Lebanon and I have sometimes seen a cedar upon a wall—I mean that I have seen great grace where there seemed to be nothing to assist it. And I have seen little grace where everything was advantageous to its growth! These things ought not to be! You and I, who are no children now. You and I, who are no longer coasters, but have launched out into the deep and have had experience in many a storm. You and I, who are no strangers to our Lord now, for the King has often brought us into His banqueting house and His banner over us has been love! We ought to be ashamed if we are still lamenting our little faith. It is an infirmity in which we cannot glory, for unbelief is exceedingly sinful. Well might the Master lift His finger to some who are sitting in these pews this morning and say to us one by one, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”
Continuing our very gentle censure, we note that little faith is far too eager for signs. I do not think that Peter’s faith became suddenly little—it was always little—and the sight of the boisterous wind made its littleness apparent. When he said, “Lord, if it is You, bid me come unto You on the water,” his faith was weak. Why did he want to walk on the water? Why did he seek such a wonder? It was because his faith was little. Strong faith is content without signs, without tokens, without marvels! It believes God’s bare word and asks for no confirming miracle. Its trust in Christ is such that it asks for no sign in the heavens above or in the seas beneath. Little faith, with her, “If it is You,” must have signs and wonders, or she yields to doubt. Joyful meditations, remarkable dreams, singular providences, choice answers to prayer, special fellowships—Little Faith must be having something out of the common, or she collapses! The perpetual cry of Little Faith is, “Show me a token for good.” Little Faith is not satisfied with the rainbow which God does set in the cloud, but she would have the whole heavens painted with celestial colors! She is not satisfied with the usual portion of the saints, but must have more, do more and feel more than the rest of the disciples. Why could not Peter have stayed in the ship like the rest of his brothers? But no—because his faith was weak he must quit the deck for the deep—he cannot think that it really is his Master walking on the sea unless he walks with Him! How dare he ask to do what His divine Lord was doing? Let him be content to share his Lord’s humiliation—he ventures far when he asks to partake in a miracle of omnipotence! Am I to doubt unless I can do miracles like those of my Lord? But this is one of the failings of weak faith—it is not content to drink of His cup and be baptized with His baptism—it would share His power and partake in His throne. Weak faith is apt to have too high an opinion of its own power. “Oh,” says one, “surely you are wrong. Is it not the error of weak faith to have too low an opinion of its own ability?” Brothers and sisters, no man can have too low an opinion of his own power because he has no power whatever! The Lord Jesus Christ said, “Without Me you can do nothing” and His witness is true. If we have strong faith we shall glory in our powerlessness because the power of Christ does rest upon us. If we have weak faith, we shall diminish our trust in Jesus and put into our hearts, instead of it, so many measures of confidence in self.
Just in proportion as faith in our Lord is weakened, our idea of ourselves will be strengthened. “But I thought,” says one, “that a man who had strong self-reliance was a man of great faith.” He is the man who has no faith at all, for self-reliance and Christ-reliance will not abide in the same heart! Peter has an idea that he can go upon the water to his Master—he is not so sure of the others—but he is clear about himself. James, John, Andrew and the rest of them are in the ship—it does not occur to Peter that any one of these can tread the waves. But he cries, “Lord, if it is You, bid me come unto You on the water.” Self-consciousness is no attribute of faith, but it is a nest for doubt. Had he known himself, he might have said, “Lord, bid John come to You on the water. I am unworthy of so high a dignity.” But no—being weak in faith, he was strong in his own opinion of himself—and he hurried to the front, as usual! He hastened into a pathway that was quite unfit for his trembling feet to tread and before long found out his error. It is weak faith that allows high ideas of self. Great faith hides self under its mighty wings.
I shall praise it, not because it is little, but because it is faith. Little faith requires to be tenderly handled and then it will be seen to be a precious thing. First of all, it is true faith. Faith which begins and ends with Jesus is true faith. The least faith in Jesus is the gift of God and it is “like precious faith,” though it is not like strong faith. If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you can do wonders. Though your faith is so little that you have to look for it with all your eyes, yet if it is there, it is of the same nature as the strongest faith. A three-penny piece is silver, as surely as the crown piece, and it bears the mint-mark quite as certainly. A drop of water is of the same nature as the sea. A spark is fire as assuredly as the flames of Vesuvius. Nobody knows what may come of a spark of faith—behold, it sets a thousand souls on fire!
Little faith is true faith for did not our Lord say to this Peter—“Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jona, for flesh and blood has not revealed it unto you, but My Father which is in Heaven”? Peter had true faith and yet it was little faith. O my hearer, “If you believe that Jesus is the Christ, you are born of God.” If you do feebly cast yourself on Christ’s finished work, your weakness in the act of reliance does not alter the fact that you have fallen into strong hands which will surely save you! Jesus says, “Look unto Me, and be you saved” and though your look is a very unsteady one, and though tears of sorrow dim your eyes so that you can not see Him as He is, yet your looking to Him has saved you.
Little faith is born from above and belongs to the family of the saved. The weakest faith is real faith. Next, notice that Little Faith obeys the precept and will not go a step without it. Little Faith cries, “If it is You, bid me come unto You on the water. And Jesus said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water to go to Jesus.” If Jesus says, “Come,” Little Faith answers, “Behold, I come!” Though her gait is staggering and her knees are feeble, yet she will go where Jesus calls her whether it is through flood or flame. I know some of the Lord’s children who very seldom have much enjoyment and yet I almost envy them for their tenderness of conscience. Their shrinking from the least contact with sin. Their carefulness to keep the way of the Lord’s commandments are admirable traits in their character. Gracious walking is, after all, more precious than comfortable feeling. How can I blame you, poor Little Faith, when I see you afraid to put one foot before the other for fear you should step aside? I had rather see you in all your timidity thus carefully obedient than hear you talking loudly about your great faith and then see you tampering with sin and folly and feeling as if when you have greatly erred it is a matter of no great consequence.
Peter’s little faith did not try to walk upon water until Jesus gave the word of permission. Peter asked, “Bid me come.” Oftentimes have I noticed men and women much despondent, greatly fearful and yet they would not do anything for the life of them until they hear faith—they are as two lilies waiting for the voice behind them saying, “This is the way, walk in it.” They hesitate till they have consulted the map of the Word. They dare not go at a venture, but they kneel and cry for guidance, for they are afraid of taking even a single step apart from their Master’s will. They have a holy dread of running without warrant from the Lord. Little Faith, if this is your mind and temper, we commend you much!
And, next, Little Faith struggles to come to Jesus. Peter did not leave the ship for the mere sake of walking the waters. He ventured on the wave that he might come to Jesus. He sought not a promenade upon the waves, but the Presence and company of his Lord. “When Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water to go to Jesus.” That was the one point he aimed at—to get to Jesus! Some of you, I know, have but little faith, but you long to get nearer to Jesus. Your daily panting is, “Lord, reveal Yourself to me. Reveal Yourself in me and make me more like You.” He who seeks Jesus has his face turned in the right direction. Though your knees knock together and your hands hang down, yet what little headway you do make is toward Jesus—you strive to serve Him and to honor Him—is it not so? Though the winds are contrary, you still pull for the shore. Well, though you are little in faith, yet am I glad you are struggling, despite your feebleness, to reach your Lord! Struggle on, for Jesus comes to meet you and when you do begin to sink through mistrust, He will catch you and set you on your feet again. Therefore, be of good cheer!
Little faith deserves commendation again, in that it does behave grandly for a time. Though Peter had little faith, yet he walked from one billow to another in rare style. I think I see him after he had left the ship—astonished to find himself standing upon the waters which lay beneath him like solid glass! Then he takes one step, like a child that begins to walk and, with growing confidence, he takes another. Though the waves roll under his feet, yet he stands firmly upon them for a time. Little faith can play the man for a while. When Jael took the nail and slew Sisera, the timorous woman became a warrior as she slew the enemy of Israel! Many a time the lame and the feeble, who could not usually lift a hand in the holy war, have felt stimulated and have developed heroism for the time being. Little faith, like David’s sling, has slain the giant. Like Ehud’s left-handed dagger, Little faith has worked deliverance.
It is sometimes found where we least expected it. Our Lord beheld it, not in the manly Peter, but in the tender woman who pleaded for her child. She was a woman, but she had faith which put the men to shame. She was a Canaanite woman, of a race concerning which it was said, “Cursed be Canaan,” and yet she had stronger faith than Israelite Peter, who had known the Scriptures from his youth up! She was a woman who had great discomfort at home, for the devil was there, tormenting her daughter. It is a dreadful thing to have the devil in your husband, or a devil in your daughter, when you go home. Yet many a Christian woman has this to bear. Notwithstanding this grave trial, though there was nothing to comfort her at home, she was a woman of great faith. And why should not we be like she? My brother, although your condition and circumstances are greatly against your growth in divine grace, yet why should not you grow to manhood in Christ? The Lord Jesus can cause you to do so. Though it seems to you that you must be stunted by the chill blast and the cruel soil which environ you, yet the great Farmer can so foster you that you shall become a plant of renown! God can turn disadvantageous circumstances into means of growth.
By the holy chemistry of His grace He can bring good out of evil. I commend great faith with special emphasis when I see it where all its surroundings are hostile to it. Next, great faith is to be commended because it perseveres in seeking the Lord. This woman came to Jesus to have her daughter healed and at first He answered her not a word. Oh, the misery of silent suspense! Next, He speaks coolly of her to His disciples, but she seeks on. She has come for a blessing and she so believes in the Lord, the Son of David, that she will not take, “no,” for an answer! She means to be heard and so she presses her suit with importunity even to the end. Oh for a strong faith, a persevering faith! Brothers and sisters, have you got it? You men, are you using it? Here is a woman that had it and kept it at work till she won her object. May we have it abundantly!
Great faith also sees light in the thickest darkness. I do not think Peter was half so tried as the Canaanite was. What was it that frightened Peter? The wind. What might have frightened her? Why, the harsh words of Jesus Himself! Who is afraid of the wind? Who would not be afraid of a rejecting Christ speaking harsh words? “It is not meet to take the children’s bread, and to cast it to dogs.” Why, if our Lord had spoken thus to any one of us we would never have dared to pray again. We would have said, “No, that harsh sentence shuts me out altogether.” But not so Great Faith. “No,” says she, “He called me a dog. Dogs have a position in society—little dogs are carried by their little masters indoors at dinner time—that they may get a crust or a crumb. And, Lord, I will be a dog and get my crumb—it is only a crumb for You to give it, though it would be everything to me to get it.” So she pleads with Him as readily as if He had given her a promise instead of a rebuff.
Great faith can see the sun at midnight! Great faith can reap harvests at mid-winter and find rivers in high places! Great faith is not dependent upon sunlight—she sees that which is invisible by other light. Great faith rests upon the certainty that such a thing is so because God has said it and she is satisfied with His bare word. If she neither sees, nor hears, nor feels anything to corroborate the divine testimony, she believes God for His own sake and all is well with her! O Brethren, I hope you will be brought to this condition—that you will believe in God though your feelings give God’s promise the lie and though your circumstances give it the lie. Though all your friends and companions give the Lord the lie, may you come to this—let God be true with every man and every man a liar! We dare not doubt God! We dare not and we will not! His sure promise must stand.
Such a faith as this deserves to be commended and our Lord Himself praises it. “O woman, great is your faith”! Great faith prays and prevails. How she did prevail! Her daughter was made whole and she received a broad grant of whatever she willed. “Be it unto you even as you will.” I wish we had this mighty faith in connection with prayer! One man praying with faith will get more from God than 10 men, or, for that matter, 10,000 men who are unstable and unbelieving. Believe me, there is a way of praying in which you may have what you will of God. You may go up to your closet and ask and have—yes, and come out of your solitude saying, “I have it.” Even though you have it not as a matter of actual enjoyment, yet your faith has grasped it, realized it and believed in it—and so has taken immediate possession.
Did not Luther often, in his worst times, come down from his chamber crying, “Vici,” “I have conquered”? He wrestled with God in prayer and then he felt that all else that he had to wrestle with was nothing—if he had overcome Heaven by prayer, he could overcome earth, death and Hell! Strong faith does all this and goes on to do more. She has extraordinary reverence for God, but she has a wonderful familiarity with Him. If you were to hear what strong faith has sometimes dared to say to God, you would think it profane—and profane it would be from any lips but hers!
But when God indulges her to know the secret of the Lord, which is with them that fear Him—and when He says, “Ask what you will, and it shall be done unto you,” she has a blessed liberty with God which is to be commended and not forbidden! If the Son makes you free in prayer, you shall be free, indeed. Strong faith is ever on the winning side. It wears the keys of Heaven at its belt. The Lord can deny nothing to the pleadings of an unstaggering faith.
I commend strong faith, because Jesus, our Lord, was delighted with it. What music there was in His words, “O woman, great is your faith”! There was no smile on His face when He said to Peter, “O you of little faith”—it grieved Him that His follower should have such little faith in Him. But now it gladdened Him that this poor woman had such splendid faith. He looks at her faith as jewelers do at some famous stone worth more than they can tell. “O woman,” said He, “great is your faith. I am charmed with your faith. I am amazed at your faith. I am delighted with your faith.” Well, Brothers and Sisters, you and I long to do something to please our Redeemer. I know we have often cried, “Oh, what shall I do for my Savior to praise?” Believe Him, then! Believe His promises without doubt. Believe Him greatly. Believe Him unstaggeringly. Believe Him to the fullest and go on in faith till there seems to be nothing further to believe. Believe evermore in Christ Jesus!
How enriched that woman became! She had pleased her Lord and then her Lord pleased her—“Be it unto you even as you will.” She went away the happiest woman under the skies! God had given her her desire and she was overly glad and ever glad. What benefits we could confer upon others if we had strong faith! Her daughter was made whole! Mother, if you had more faith, your child would soon be brought to Jesus! Father, if you had more faith, your boy would not be such a plague to you as he now is. Have more faith in your God and when you treat your Father better, your children shall treat you better. If you will dishonor your God by doubting Him, do you wonder your children dishonor you by disobeying you? O preacher, if you had more faith, you would have more converts! Sunday school teacher, if you had more faith, more children would be brought to the Savior out of your class.
“Lord, increase our faith”! I hope we are all saying that in our hearts at this moment. I will conclude by asking—Is there not great reason why our faith in Christ should be strong? Is there not every reason why we should have the strongest faith in Him? I told you, the other day, of John Hyatt, when he was dying. Someone said to him, “Mr. Hyatt, can you trust your soul with Christ now?” He said, “I would trust Him with 10,000 souls if I had them.” We can go even further than that. If all the sins that men had committed since the world was made and time began were laid upon one poor sinner’s head, that sinner would be justified in believing that Christ could take those sins away! Whoever you are and whatever you are, bring your burdens and lay them at His feet, casting all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you! And from now on may He never have to say to you, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” Oh, may He often exclaim, with joy, of you, “O woman, great is your faith: be it unto you even as you will”! May the Holy Spirit bless these simple words of mine to your edification! Amen.