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In Loving Memory of Keith Daniel
September 14, 1946 – March 06, 2021
Joshua 1 : 02 Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise …
Psalm 37 : 25 … I have been young, and now am old …
2 Tim 4 : 06 … the time of my departure is at hand …
Memorial Sermon - Don Courville
Loving Friend and Pastor who prayerfully co-ordinated Keith’s preaching tours.
Proverbs 27 : 10 Thine own friend, and thy father’s friend, forsake not;…
Psalm 37 : 25 … Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.
Keith Daniel Sings - Be Still My Soul
S. Nasby Sings - God Leads us along
Rev 12 : 11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; …
Jennifer Daniel poem - A tiny craft I am
Verse 1 – 4 written before Keith’s Passing, Verse 5 – 7 written after Keith’s Passing…
- A tiny craft I am.
Out in a stormy sea
Heaving and rolling wildly
The depths open to me!
- A tiny craft I am.
- I see the waves approaching.
They rise – gigantic – tall.
But ON the little craft goes,
Still steadfast in this squall
- I see the waves approaching.
- I plunge head down – I panic.
Dear God – I am sinking now!
His great hand reaches downward.
And steadies’ keel and bough
- I plunge head down – I panic.
- Alone – alone! my hearts cry
My boat a lonely speck
Tossed backwards, forwards, sideways,
Life’s waves intent to wreck.
- Alone – alone! my hearts cry
- But then a tender whisper
My child – do not doubt my love.
The path your craft was set on.
Ordained by me above!
- But then a tender whisper
2 Cor 4 : 09 Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;
Keith Daniel 4 part Documentary - IBLP
Various tributes
Psalm 116 : 15 Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.
Keiths 3 sons
Samuel Daniel
Roy Daniel
Noel Daniel
Joint Tribute by sons –
2 Kings 20 : 05 … I have seen thy tears …
When a loved one dies, it hits you most when you experience areas of life you used to share with them. When you feel like phoning them, asking for their advice, or praying with them, and they are not there, it makes you groan and wonder if you will go mad from agony. Daddy was an example of Jesus. He taught us the Bible, he prayed and wept over us, and he loved us. He always made up for time spent preaching by spending quality time with us. He was such an example ! We could never deserve him. We are broken, yet grateful for every moment we had.
Another thing that hits us is the thought of his suffering in the final days. We long to remember strong arms throwing us up in play (as a little child), not the deep pain of a broken body, in old age, in ICU.
However, how wonderful that because of Jesus Christ, daddy was saved from sin on earth and will receive a perfect body in heaven. If it were not for Jesus, we would have no hope at all. We loved daddy so much. When we meet daddy again, he will be strong through Jesus, amen! He was not Just a preacher who loved the word, he was a daddy. He was the best daddy.
1 John 3 : 02 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.
Keith's Brother and near family
Dudley Daniel
Dudley was Keith Daniel’s brother and the first in the family to be radically saved. Keith was so impacted by the change in his brother’s life that he sought God to do the same for him. Through witnessing their salvation, both parents found Christ as Savior. God had miraculously changed the Daniel household.
Valerie is Keith’s Cousin
As an only child I always looked on my cousins, Keith and Dudley, as my brothers. Growing up we had so many fun times and adventures together and usually called each other Buzzin’ Cousin. Keith was the kindest and most gracious man ever. He loved and worshiped his Lord and Savior beyond measure.
Keith is looking down on his beloved Jenny, Noel, Roy, Samuel and Jerusala who we are all praying for. Farewell until we meet again dearest Buzzin’ Cousin.
Love always, Val, Derek, Grant, Mike and families.
Keith was so special. He was loved and respected wherever he went as his faith was so genuine. Jenny and his boys have that same unwavering faith.
Whenever we met Keith would say a prayer of thankfulness for our togetherness. Val, AlbIe and I will never forget him. Rest in peace, precious cousin.
Jenny Daniel's Near Family
Andre Le Roux Family
Haldane Le Roux in the above tribute represents his father’s family Andre Le Roux, his wife and 3 sons as well as their wives. Andre is Jennifer’s brother.
Tony + Esme Leng
Esme Leng is Jennifer’s sister. Dear Tony is her husband. They live in the USA in Calafornia and loved brother Keith very much. They have 4 precious children too.
Iris Jones & Lee -Ann Jones Fay
It was a privilege to know Keith, a man among men. A man of high spiritual and Godly principles, steadfast in his faith.
A phenomenal husband to our precious Jenny and a wonderful father to Noel, Roy and Samuel.
One of my most endearing memories of Keith and Jenny was the day he was presented to the family on the ocassion of their engagement.
Jenny was blushing furiously while Keith stood with a smile that filled his face! The happiest, handsome young man who could hardly contain his joy.
On their wedding day, Keith stood to make his speech and the normal silly songs were started. This earnest young man lifted his arms to the Lord and gave thanks for his beautiful bride. A holy hush fell on the wedding reception as Keith spoke from his heart. An unforgettable moment indeed.
This couple went on to serve the Lord in a most significant way. Keith never wavered in his clear testimony of the goodness and faithfullness of His Lord and Master.
Well done Keith, well done! You have fought a good fight!
Our sincere love to Jenny and the family as they mourn the loss of a precious husband, father, grandfather.
With love
Aunt Iris & Lee Anne
John and Franscis Swannepoel
Franscis Swannepoel is a sister of Jennifer. She has a kind husband and a daughter. She states …
Keith will be missed dearly as a brother. He lived for Christ in every way. Driven by the need to reach souls all over the world .
His sense of humor , love of Jenny and his family , kindness and generosity was respected and appreciated by us all. A family man and A Godly man. – Francis (Jennifer’s Sister)
John 3 : 3 He must increase, but I must decrease.
various Christians
Otto Koning
Pineapple Stories
We were shocked and sad by the home going of our dear brother, Keith Daniel. But know that he is rejoicing to meet the Lord whom he loved so much and served so well.
I fondly remember the joy of ministering together with him in meetings ,oh how his messages stirred our hearts. Seldom we have the to meet a godly man like Keith and we will greatly miss him.
Our prayers are with the Daniel family during this time of bereavement.
Mari Beth Morris
I called Brother Keith “The Fire Breather” in my prayer journals. He preached and it was like the Spirit of the Lord burning flesh away. It was never comfortable but always life changing. He was a preacher of Righteousness.
As a faithful servant of Jesus, he answered the call to “preach the cross” and did not look back. He marched to the beat of His Savior and bowed to no man.
No church inside the perimeter of Atlanta would allow him to speak; so he preached out of my garage and in conference rooms we would rent. Many wondered what he was like as a house quest…Brother Keith was like Jesus. I believe his sermons will spread like wildfire in the coming years.
Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.” Rev. 3:10
Tim Levendusky
Dr Tim Levendusky is the president of IBLP. IBLP is known for the Basic Seminar, The commands of Christ, the journey to the heart, the pineapple stories of Otto Koning and many other life changing material and events.
Joggie Swannepoel
Mr Joggie Swannepoel is the current head of the organization that Keith was a Evangelist in. The A.E.B. He was a very dear friend of Keith Daniel and represents the A.E.B. in the above statement for Keith.
Frans Gericke
Greg Gordan
Hearing the messages of Keith Daniel for the first time, was a shocking moment for me. As the curator and founder of SermonIndex.net I listen to many messages. But as Keith’s message played, I had to stop all I was doing and listen attentively. His preaching demanded your full attention as it was always a message from God.
His messages were preaching not teaching, and few know the difference in our day. Even to recent I have seen his spoken ministry impacting and changing lives of believers world-wide. His life was a guiding post pointing heavenward to eternity. His preaching was un-compromised, full of truth or testimonies of life as a result of the uncompromising preaching of God’s Holy Words.
Soon we will all stand before the Lord, brother Keith Daniels preached and shared the way we can follow in. We were honored for brother Keith to preach at our wedding and his life and preaching has left an unbelievable impact on my life.
He is sorely missed, the call to us from his preaching still is: Will you uncompromisingly surrender to God today? Giving Him your all? – Greg Gordon, Founder of SermonIndex.net
Johan Botha
EG Kerk Pretoria Oos
Soon after the Lord saved my soul, people talked about holy men with shining faces. The first time I met Keith Daniel, I knew what they were talking about.
It was on a Pastors conference on Amana 1996. His face was shining, and ever since till the day that he died. Now he is face to face before the One who died for him.
James Grizzard
Harold Vaughan
Brother Keith Daniel first came to America at the Men’s Prayer Advance in Virginia. His scripture-soaked preaching was well received.
His life spoke even louder than his messages, which were tremendous. We are thankful for the impact of his ministry at the Advances. Thank the Lord that he finished well! Grace and peace.
Daniel Kenaston
From Daniel Kenaston, missionary in West Africa.
CCM Global
(Preacher son of Denny Kenaston)
Brother Keith’s life and preaching challenged all who came into contact with him, most specifically his passionate love for the Word of God. I will never forget the shock I received first time I heard him quote the entire book of James for his sermon!
He quoted scripture in a way that thrilled me, making every verse come alive and I knew that this man spent much of his life soaking in the Word!
My father said it well, “I need Brother Keith in my life to ensure that I don’t settle for the status quo with regard to time in the Word.
His love for God’s Word sparked that love in many of us young men who were privileged to sit under his teaching while we were youth!
His presence and words will be missed but his profound influence lives on.
Glen Buys
Glen Buys’s grandmother supported Keith Daniel through Bible College over 45 years back (Keith did not have funds personally). Glen was later saved under Keith’s ministry and became a missionary to South America.
Dr Francois Carr
We read in Hebrews 13:7; “Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith” (NIV). Remember, Consider and Imitate their faith and conduct. Soren Kierkegaard, Danish writer and theologian once said; “we live life forward but only understands it backwards.” It is only when we look back in our lives that we realize how the circumstances and people that were uniquely placed in our lives were used by God to impact and change us for His purposes and glory. I met Brother Keith at the Revival Congress in the DR Church Groote Kerk in Cape Town in March 1994, where we spoke together on the subject of Revival. I still remember the message that he preached, “God is looking for a man.” It was his heart and longing for a God Sent Revival that draw us together, travelling and speaking all over South Africa about Revival. The times of prayer, preaching, conversations and seeing touches of God in the meetings were life changing.
He has set his heart to know God and to walk with Him. Out of the depths of his own needs and longings he seemed to be rewarded with a God-given understanding of “the deep things of the Spirit.” He came to know God as a living, purposeful, prayer-answering God who made Himself known to those who really trust Him. Prayer and God’s Word was an integral part of his life and those who knew him well were sometimes amazed at the intensity with which he approached the matter. Praying, studying Scriptures were such a part of his live that it was inseparable. He preached not for motivation, but for transformation. We sense the urgency when he spoke that God can come any time and any moment. God has used him over the years to stir and create a longing in the hearts of people and churches to see a touch and move of and for God’s Spirit. I can truly say that his life goal was to live for and glorify God. The Apostle Paul sums it up as follows:
- The SOURCE of his life was Jesus (Philippians 1: 21-24).
- The STANDARD of his life was Jesus (Philippians 3:14).
- The SONG of his life was Jesus (Philippians 4:4).
- The SATISFACTION of his life was Jesus (Philippians 4:11).
- The STRENGTH of his life was Jesus (Philippians 4:13).
- The SUPPLY of his life was Jesus (Philippians 4:19).
On a more personal note. I still remember our conversation in Cape Town and the marital advice he gave me as a young in experience itinerant Preacher. I especially cherish our last conversation in Pretoria in 2020 when we spoke about finishing well and strong for the Lord. He simply said; “I want to finish climbing.” Nothing speaks so profoundly about a person’s life as what is remembered of him after death. In reality we write our own obituaries while we are alive, and how edifying it is to look back on the life of one who has fought the good fight, kept the faith, and finished well. The news of the passing of Brother Keith came as a shock and surprise. It made me think, how do I want to be remembered? I want to finish climbing. May we always remember those who have gone before us, consider their conduct and imitate their walk of faith. One of my favorite passages of Scripture is Lamentations 3:22-23 and hymns is “Great Is Thy Faithfulness.” It assures us that even in times of great fear, tragic loss, and intense suffering we can find comfort and confidence as we trust in God’s great faithfulness. It is my prayer that you (Jenny and family) will experience the Lord’s faithfulness, comfort and knowledge of His promises in this time. Francois Car
Jackie Kenaston Hershberger
The first time we heard Bro Keith preach was around 1996 when Denny was out of town and sent the family and I to Virginia to see a man “whose face shone with the glory of God” when he preached! We were excited and nervous. We were not disappointed for sure!
For several years I was privileged to book Bro Keith’s American church tour and we hosted him in our home when he preached at Bible School and special meetings. He was an absolute favorite with our family, the hundreds of youth that came and the churches across the country. Conviction fell and lives were changed whenever Keith preached…..his earnest pleadings and powerful life stories had a profound influence on all of us.
Bro Keith impacted me deeply in a personal way with words of encouragement and challenge after Denny’s death. We will always treasure our memories of him and be grateful for every message, picture, prayer, story, and laugh that we enjoyed with him.
Mike Davis
I knew Keith Daniel, what I would consider, not long enough. For he, I believe above anyone I have known, personified the person who we as Christians wish to personify in our lives. Keith lived for God. No. Christ lived for God—in Keith. In the book of John we see a group of Greeks come to the apostle Phillip saying, “Sir, we would see Jesus.” The apostles had an advantage in that Jesus the man was available to them in the flesh; making it easy enough to go to Him and say, “Someone desires to see You.” If someone came to me, with the request “Sir, we would see Jesus”, up until a few days ago I would easily have said let me introduce you to my friend—our friend—Keith Daniel.” The word “grace” is used in so many ways to describe Christianity in one word. But from “grace” we have the word “gracious”; which was simply the word heard most often by so many in describing Keith Daniel. Gracious. He was constantly encouraging, thanking, blessing, giving, and helping others. I never heard Keith say an unkind word about anyone for the almost 20 years I knew him; he is the only person I have known who I can say that about. At 68 years old and I have known a lot of people, but none with the character of Christ like Keith Daniel. I never heard him complain. I never heard him verbally put down another person. He would thunder from the pulpit, a lighting bolt shining in the darkness, illuminating compromise and sin; and moments after the storm of truth had ceased, would be speaking to a hurting listener with an understanding, a patience, a graciousness, a broken heart rarely seen among men. I truly believe that we underestimate our heavenly Father in the matter of His Spirit indwelling us. If we were to carefully, prayerfully search the Scripture, we would understand that He greatly desires to live in us. Our Lord Jesus was the first born of many brethren—a man filled with God walking as man was designed to walk; the Incarnation of God on this earth. And while I am sure some theologians and propagators of dead religion would vehemently argue with me, I will be so bold as to say that we, of the Body of Christ, are to walk as He walked—filled with the Spirit of the living God—A ‘living representative of Christ. And while I believe I have the weight of Scripture on my side with such a statement, Keith Daniel was a man who while living on this earth lived filled with the Living God in a way that I can only compare to the life of Jesus; Jesus glorified His Father while on this earth; Keith Daniel walked as He walked. I can truly say I have known no other man who walked as Keith walked.
Gerhard Du Toit
Gerhard asked for this to be his verse for Keith’s memorial
Hebrews 11 : 04 “…he being dead yet speaketh.”
John Glick Family
Remembering back the first time over 20 years ago we heard brother Keith’s anointed preaching, our lives were greatly impacted. And as we had the privilege to host him in our home over the years. Our love and respect for him grew. His love for the Scriptures and the priority he made for time with God has brought lasting changes in our family. The first time we hosted brother Keith, Jenny, Roy, and Samuel was a most joyous time together. Our prayers are with the family as you grieve the loss of one of Gods choice servants.
The John Glick family.
We enjoyed sharing the scriptures and experiences of life in ministry. We enjoyed the daily duties around the house, going shopping with Keith and his gracious manners everywhere he went. Our children have been greatly enriched by Keith and all his stories. We felt we’d been with Jesus whenever we were together. We enjoyed many meals, some of our fond memories were sitting around the table sharing and having Tea, cookies, and mints. We always looked forward to having Keith in our home. We will miss Keith beyond words.
Memories flood our hearts as we learned so much from Keith and Jenny. Praise God we can see him again. He was so grateful and gracious and tender in abundant love. There was sweet fellowship and when my brother was killed in an accident it was Keith that gave us hope beyond words. His prayers for our family will be missed greatly. Love to your family forever for sharing Keith with us.
Our love and prayers are with you.
Lanette Glick
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information for kind support
Jennifer intends carrying on sharing to women and spreading the videos and notes of Keith. If you kindly wish to support her or her son Roy in ministry in future here is
Kind Giving Methods PDF Info or
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Jennifer Daniel and / or Roy Daniel Info
Keith Daniel - Sermon on the Mount
Keith Daniel - Sings 'Oh Lord My God'
Keith Daniel Quotes
Keith Daniel Quote –
Holiness is Christ or it is Heresy / Holiness without love is Ugliness
Mark 12:26 He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living: ye therefore do greatly err. 27 And as touching the dead, that they rise: have ye not read in the book of Moses, how in the bush God spake unto him, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?
Romans 6:8 “Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him:”