
Louis Gervais Louis Gervais Louis Gervais is a sinner saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.  Although born and raised in Texas, he is currently a missionary sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Republic of South Africa.  Photography, filmmaking and history are among his personal interests.  The love of God sustains him […]

When is Haste Right ? – Roy Daniel

When is Haste Right ? – Roy Daniel Topical Study on Haste in Bible Haste in the Bible – Roy Daniel Sometimes we wonder when we look back and had little time to make a  decision or we made a decision quickly or did something in the hight of emotions … was what we did […]

Jesus at 4:30AM in the Dark Roy Daniel


Jesus at 4:30AM in the Dark – Roy Daniel Jesus at 4 : 30AM in the Dark   Mat 19:14  But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. Two days back we arrived at a Home Affairs in South Africa at […]

Baby news and memories – Roy Daniel

Baby news and memories – Roy Daniel Baby news and memories In light of the fact that our fourth child is due next week I have the following fun and sad memories: Our first child died (miscarriage) and I remember weeping, holding a funeral and small burial in my dad’s garden. We called him Robert […]

Two Grieving Women Roy Daniel

Two Grieving Women – Roy Daniel Two Grieving Women – by Roy Daniel Hannah and Rachel There were two women from different eras who felt grieved and depressed for similar reasons:  Rachel (wife of Jacob) and Hannah (wife of Elkanah.) Both of their husbands had two wives. In both cases the other wife had many […]


THE FAITH OF BLIND BARTIMAEUS      He kept crying out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me.” He had heard that Jesus was passing by; and because he was blind and could not go to him, he was afraid that he would not be heard. A crowd was following Jesus, wanting to see a […]


REPENTANCE IS THE FIRST STEP TO A NEW HEART      We are born with an evil heart. The result of the heritage received from the sin of Adam. Jer. 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it? As we grow up the wicked  heart begins to show. Good parents […]

The devil likes the word “Big” Roy Daniel

The devil likes the word “Big” Roy Daniel The devil likes the word “Big” I remember at School being told by a teacher that the mission field or Christian work could not be my calling as I ‘had done so well in school” I was destined to be something bigger like a professor or something. […]


YOU MEET HIM YOU MEET HIM Hello and greetings in the Name of the Son of Him Who Meets Those that Rejoice in Righteousness, Jesus Christ! “For from days of old they have not heard or perceived by ear, Nor has the eye seen a God besides You, Who acts in behalf of the one […]


WITHOUT INJUSTICE – Louis Gervais WITHOUT INJUSTICE Hello and greetings in the Name of the Son of Him Who is Without Injustice, Jesus Christ! “The Rock! His work is perfect, For all His ways are just; A God of faithfulness and without injustice, Righteous and upright is He.” –Deuteronomy 32:4 Does God detest injustice? He […]


TO INSULT THE LIVING GOD – Louis Gervais TO INSULT THE LIVING GOD Hello and greetings in the Name of the Son of Him Who was Insulted, Jesus Christ! In Isaiah 36, Sennacherib king of Assyria sent his field commander with an intimidating army to Jerusalem with a message for King Hezekiah and the Israelites. […]


THE MAN CHRIST JESUS – Louis Gervais THE MAN CHRIST JESUS Hello and greetings in the Name of “The Man Christ Jesus!” “For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, Who gave Himself as a ransom for all, the testimony given at the proper time.” –1 […]


THE LORD HEARS & SAVES – Louis Gervais THE LORD HEARS & SAVES Hello and greetings in the Name of the Son of Him Who Hears and Saves, Jesus Christ! “This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him And saved him out of all his troubles.” –Psalm 34:6 David wrote this psalm. The NAS […]


THE LORD HAD PREPARED – Louis Gervais THE LORD HAD PREPARED Hello and greetings in the Name of the Son of Him Who Prepared a Great Fish, Jesus Christ! The LORD had appointed Jonah to be a prophet. He was the son of Amittai and from Gath Hepher (2 Kings 14:25). In Jonah 1:2 , […]


SUSTAINS THE HUMBLE – Louis Gervais SUSTAINS THE HUMBLE Hello and greetings in the Name of the Son of Him Who Sustains the Humble, Jesus Christ! “The LORD sustains the humble but casts the wicked to the ground.” –Psalm 147:6 He that is truly humble, he that knows his God and maintains a lowly inner […]


READY TO JUDGE – Louis Gervais READY TO JUDGE Hello and greetings in the Name of Him Who is Ready to Judge the Living and the Dead, Jesus Christ! “In all this, they are surprised that you do not run with them into the same excesses of dissipation, and they malign you; but they will […]


PRAYER WITHOUT CEASING – Louis Gervais PRAYER WITHOUT CEASING Hello and greetings in the Name of the Son of Him to Whom Prayer without Ceasing was Made, Jesus Christ! “Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him.” –Acts 12:5 King Herod had put James, […]


OUR PASSOVER – Louis Gervais OUR PASSOVER Hello and greetings in the Name of our Passover, Jesus Christ! “Clean out the old leaven so that you may be a new lump, just as you are in fact unleavened. For Christ our Passover also has been sacrificed.” –1 Corinthians 5:7 The apostle Paul, writing by the […]


NOT OF THE WORLD – Louis Gervais NOT OF THE WORLD Hello and greetings in the Name Him Who is Not of the World, Jesus Christ! “All these died in faith, without receiving the promises, but having seen them and having welcomed them from a distance, and having confessed that they were strangers and exiles […]


LIKE A SHEEP THAT IS SILENT – Louis Gervais LIKE A SHEEP THAT IS SILENT Hello and greetings in the Name of Him Who was like a Sheep that is Silent, Jesus Christ! “He was oppressed and He was afflicted, Yet He did not open His mouth; Like a lamb that is led to slaughter, […]


HEART’S DESIRE – Louis Gervais HEART’S DESIRE Hello and greetings in the Name of the Him Whom we are to Desire, Jesus Christ! Paul wrote the following heartfelt pieces: “My children, with whom I am again in labor until Christ is formed in you—but I could wish to be present with you now and to […]


FALSE RELIGION – Louis Gervais FALSE RELIGION Hello and greetings in the Name of Him Who Warned Against False Religion, Jesus Christ! “In His teaching He was saying: ‘Beware of the scribes who like to walk around in long robes, and like respectful greetings in the market places, and chief seats in the synagogues and […]


DARE – Louis Gervais DARE! Hello and greetings in the Name of Him Who Dared to Endure the Cross, Jesus Christ! “In so much that many of the brethren in the Lord are boldened through my bands, and dare more frankly speak the word.” –Philippians 1:14 You know, Paul suffered a lot for Jesus Christ. […]

God is Ready Roy Daniel

God is Ready – Roy Daniel God is Ready The Bible emphasises the fact that God is ready to do two things.  i.e.God is Ready to Forgive and He is Ready to Judge ! a) God is Ready to Forgive Ps 86 : 05 “For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous […]


OUR SINFUL NATURE NEEDS TO BE DECLARED DEAD! – Chapel Chat     We are born with a sinful nature; God calls it the old man, the flesh. To be saved we need to have that sinful nature killed, because it is against God.  When we repent and accept Christ as our savior from sin, we […]


WE DO NOT LIKE TO CONSIDER ETERNAL JUDGMENT! – Chapel Chat     Every day there are men and women in North Dakota who are awaiting sentencing from the judge for the lawlessness and crimes they have committed. Some have pleaded guilty; others have pleaded not guilty, but have been proven guilty by a jury. The […]


THE NARROW ROAD TO LIFE IN CHRIST. – Chapel Chat Paul stresses in his epistles that to be a believer you need to be  in Christ. He says this over 100 times in his epistles and ten times in the first chapter of Ephesians. In Christ we are forgiven, redeemed, accepted, chosen and sealed. Ephesians […]


A ROMAN MILITARY MAN SHOWS GREAT FAITH. – Chapel Chat     His servant was sick unto death. What can he do? He had heard of  a man, Jesus, who worked miracles and healed many.    This captain of a group of Roman soldiers had lived with the Jews for   some time. He grew to love their […]


SIMON MISSED HEAVEN. HE DID NOT REPENT. – Chapel Chat     Philip went to Samaria and did mighty miracles, healing people  and casting out demons. He preached the gospel of the life, death  and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The result of Philip’s preaching  was that many of the Samaritans believed and were baptized. A great, […]


WE STRUGGLE TO KNOW THE TRUTH. – Chapel Chat      One of the purposes for which Christ came to earth was to bear  witness to the truth.  Mankind is born with a natural ability to seek wickedness and evil rather than the truth. Satan and his demons  work on this latent desire and continue to […]


IMMANUEL, SENT BY GOD, BORN OF A WOMAN. – Chapel Chat      Oh to have been with Christ after His resurrection as he revealed to the disciples all the prophecies concerning Himself, beginning with Moses and the prophets.  Luke 24:27     He might have started with the prophecy given to the serpent (Satan) at the […]

Why the balloon has to pop

Why the balloon has to pop – Roy Daniel Why the balloon has to pop I liken much of Christianity to a group of small children sitting in a room. They have just been told a large balloon would be popped soon. An adult stands with a sharp shiney pin outstreched close to the balloon. […]


SATAN HAS BEEN JUDGED. DO NOT FOLLOW HIM! – Chapel Chat      God sent His Son to take away the judgment of eternal condemnation for all those who would repent and believe Him. The day is coming when God will pour out His judgment on all the wicked, rebels who will not consider God’s immense […]


GOD THE GREAT GIVER, WE THE HUMBLE RECEIVERS – Chapel Chat      Parents love to give gifts to their children, especially to obedient, appreciative children and grandchildren. What a joy to see them accept the gifts with thankfulness!     The awesome, mighty God of creation also loves to give gifts to those who will come to […]


WHAT DOES IT TAKE? – Chapel Chat      What does it take to have you believe that you are a condemned sinner and that Christ came to save you from eternal separation??      What does it take to have you believe that the things of this world are as nothing compared to the glory of […]


SAUL/PAUL’S INSTANTANEOUS REPENTANCE. – Chapel Chat     Did you ever have to change your mind in a radical way about people, issues or things? Longstanding beliefs are hard to change! Sometimes we will not even listen to an opposing view, as we are so sure of our own stand.     Paul was such a man. He […]


WE NEED A SAVIOR WHO CAN RECREATE US. – Chapel Chat     We need a Savior and a Mediator because we are born sinful creatures and cannot overcome it. The sin of Adam consigned all humans to condemnation. “Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death […]


THE SINLESS MAN BECAME SIN FOR US. – Chapel Chat     It is a marvelous wonder that a Man could be God. Yet, wicked mankind needed and a righteous God provided a perfect Man-God to save mankind from eternal condemnation.      Adam and Eve’s disobedience and self-will caused all of mankind to have a sin nature. […]


THE SINNER/BELIEVER IS SURELY LOVED. – Chapel Chat     CHRIST’S SACRIFICE OF LOVE. Ephesians 5:2,“Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.” The Son and Word of God came down from the glory of heaven and entered the unborn child of a […]


OUR GRACIOUS GOD IS ALSO A GOD OF JUSTICE. – Chapel Chat     God the Father is a loving God of grace and mercy to all those who come to Him in humility, seeking forgiveness for offending Him. He is also a God of justice to all those who ignore Him, rebel against Him and seek […]


ETERNAL LIFE COMES TO THE DEAD JAILOR. – Chapel Chat     This new WAY of salvation and belief was sweeping the continent  of Asia and now was coming to Europe. Paul had just crossed over  from what we know as Turkey to Greece. In his bold way, he was  declaring the way of eternal life […]


GIDEON BELIEVED GOD AND GAINED THE VICTORY. – Chapel Chat     Gideon, in hiding, sees the Angel of the Lord and is told to lead the battle against the dominating Midianites. Gideon is fearful but believes God, tears down the altar of Baal and builds an altar to the Lord. Gideon is weak in faith […]


THE TRIBULATION IS A WARNING, REPENT NOW! – Chapel Chat       The Bible’s prophecies always come true. The Book of Revelation shows the Great Tribulation when God pours out His wrath on the unbelief, sin and rebellion of mankind. In the first Seal series, one fourth of the earth is destroyed. In the second […]


“I” WAS ONCE DEAD IN TRESPASSES AND SINS. – Chapel Chat     For 24 years I walked according to the pleasures and lusts of this world and enjoyed it. I thought I was doing alright. I was not into gross sin and tried to please my parents. Satan was slowly leading me to do what […]


FOOLISH JEPHTHAH AND OUR HUMBLE LORD – Chapel Chat     For what great person or great principle would you give your son or daughter as a sacrifice to death to achieve the goal?     Jephthah was a general and judge of Israel. Israel had turned away from the Lord and was worshipping the gods of […]


“♫THE LOVE OF GOD IS GREATER FAR“ – Chapel Chat      The love of God was greater than the disobedience and sin of Adam and Eve. He could have destroyed them, but shed the blood of animals as a covering for their sin. They learned that God hates sin but in His love, He is […]


GOD IS JEALOUS OF OUR GODS! – Chapel Chat      Almighty God, who created us and desires fellowship with us, is angry and jealous when we create gods of our own making that we adore, magnify and devote our time to. How often during the day am I seeking God’s counsel, giving Him thanks, showing […]


RECEIVE CHRIST LIKE THE CHRISTIAN KILLER, PAUL!! – Chapel Chat       He was a party to those who stoned Stephen. He sought Christians to imprison and kill them. He was an arrogant, zealous man who persecuted and tried to destroy the church. His name was Saul who was renamed Paul after receiving Christ.  Acts 8:3, […]


BELIEVING FAITH TRANSFORMS LIVES – Chapel Chat      A few years ago, a young man came to Box T Bible Camp in North Dakota who was a bad trouble maker at home. He was a big kid and actually liked the hard work that he had to do at camp. The camp staff did not […]


WE OFTEN FIGHT TO CHANGE OUR MIND! (Repent) – Chapel Chat      What does it take to change your mind? A miracle, a threat, a revelation, an accident or just plain straight thinking.      Paul, the apostle, was shipwrecked on the Island of Malta, near Italy, as a prisoner of the Roman Empire, along with 276 […]


THE TEN COMMANDMENTS SHOW US OUR SIN – Chapel Chat      God rightly described mankind just before the flood. Genesis 6:5 “Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” Mankind had rejected God as their […]


WHOLEHEARTEDLY – Louis Gervais WHOLEHEARTEDLY Hello and greetings in the Name of the One Son of Him Whom we must serve Wholeheartedly, Jesus Christ! Contained in the rebuke of King Asa by Hanani the seer we find this jewel: “For the eyes of the LORD move to and fro throughout the earth that He may […]


WAYS OF THE LORD – Louis Gervais WAYS OF THE LORD Hello and greetings in the Name of the Son of Him Whose Ways are Best, Jesus Christ! Moses prayed, “let me know Your ways that I may know You,” (Exodus 33:13 ). David said, “For I have kept the ways of the LORD, and […]


WATCHMAN – Louis Gervais WATCHMAN Hello and greetings in the Name of He Who Watches Over the Righteous, Jesus Christ! “For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and His ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.” –1 Peter 3-12 KJV We […]


TREMBLED – Louis Gervais TREMBLED Hello and greetings in the Name of the Son of Him Whose Followers Tremble at His Word, Jesus Christ! Recently, I was struck by this passage of Scripture: “Then everyone who trembled at the words of the God of Israel on account of the unfaithfulness of the exiles gathered to […]


THE LANDOWNER – Louis Gervais THE LANDOWNER Hello and greetings in the Name of the Son of the Landowner, Jesus Christ! In Matthew chapter 20 you will find the parable of the landowner who went out into the market place and hired workers at five different times but paid the first group and the last […]


THE 7 TRIALS of JESUS CHRIST – Louis Gervais THE 7 TRIALS of JESUS CHRIST Hello and greetings in the Name of Him Who was on Trial Seven Times, Jesus Christ! Once it was brought to my attention that the Lord Jesus was on trial six times (three from the Jews and three from the […]


STOUTHEARTED – Louis Gervais STOUTHEARTED – 3 Vids Hello and greetings in the Name of the Son of Him Who Makes us Bold and Stouthearted, Jesus Christ! “When I called, You answered me; You made me bold and stouthearted.” –Psalm138:3 We all need encouragement and added strength at times and it’s wonderful to know that […]


READY TO FORGIVE – Louis Gervais READY TO FORGIVE Hello and greetings in the Name of the Son of Him Who is Ready to Forgive, Jesus Christ! “For You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive, And abundant in lovingkindness to all who call upon You.” –Psalm 86:5 It’s a wonderful thing that the psalmist—writing […]


PRIDE OF MOAB – Louis Gervais PRIDE OF MOAB Hello and greetings in the Name of the Son of Him Who Destroyed the Pride of Moab, Jesus Christ! “We have heard of the pride of Moab—he is very proud—Of his haughtiness, his pride, his arrogance and his self-exaltation. “I know his fury,” declares the LORD, […]


ORDERS STEPS – Louis Gervais ORDERS STEPS Hello and greetings in the Name of the Son of Him Who Orders the Steps of a Good Man, Jesus Christ! “The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and He delighteth in his way.” –Psalm 37:23 KJV It has been said that the Lord […]


NO GOOD THING DOES HE WITHHOLD – Louis Gervais NO GOOD THING DOES HE WITHHOLD Hello and greetings in the Name of the Son of Him Who Withholds No Good Thing, Jesus Christ! “For the LORD God is a sun and shield; The LORD gives grace and glory; No good thing does He withhold from […]


MERCIFUL, KIND & GOOD – Louis Gervais MERCIFUL, KIND & GOOD Hello and greetings in the Name of the Son of Him Who is Merciful, Kind and Good, Jesus Christ! As I read further in the Psalms, the Afrikaans word ‘goedertierenheid’ kept coming up. Indeed, it appears quite frequently. I felt I should write my […]


LAUGHED, MOCKED – Louis Gervais LAUGHED, MOCKED Hello and greetings in the Name of the Son of Him Whose Messengers were Mocked, Jesus Christ! In 2 Chronicles 30:1 KJV we read, “And Hezekiah sent to all Israel and Judah, and wrote letters also to Ephraim and Manasseh, that they should come to the house of […]


AM SENDING YOU – Louis Gervais I AM SENDING YOU Hello and greetings in the Name of the Son of Him Who Sent Ezekiel, Jesus Christ! “Then He said to me, ‘Son of man, I am sending you to the sons of Israel, to a rebellious people who have rebelled against Me; they and their […]


HOLDS OUR HAND – Louis Gervais HOLDS OUR HAND Hello and greetings in the Name of the Son of the One Who Holds Our Hand, Jesus Christ! “The steps of a man are established by the LORD, And He delights in his way. When he falls, he will not be hurled headlong, Because the LORD […]


HIGHEST LOVE? – Louis Gervais HIGHEST LOVE? Hello and greetings in the Name of Him Who did not Come to Bring Peace, Jesus Christ! “Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.” –Jesus Christ, Matthew 10:34 . “Peace on earth”? Not […]


EXPECTATION – Louis Gervais EXPECTATION Hello and greetings in the Name of the Son of Him Who is our Expectation, Jesus Christ! As I was making my way through half the Psalms this week in the Afrikaans 1933/53 translation for the first time, I realized that they had chosen to use the word “expectation” more […]


DESPISED HIS WORDS – Louis Gervais DESPISED HIS WORDS Hello and greetings in the Name of the Son of Him Whose Words Are Despised, Jesus Christ! Let’s take a look at 2 Chronicles 36:15-17 , shall we? Verse 15 states: “The LORD, the God of their fathers, sent word to them again and again by […]


COUNSEL OF THE LORD – Louis Gervais COUNSEL OF THE LORD Hello and greetings in the Name of the Son of Him Whose Counsel Stands Forever, Jesus Christ! “The LORD nullifies the counsel of the nations; He frustrates the plans of the peoples. The counsel of the LORD stands forever, The plans of His heart […]


ABOUT MY FATHER’S BUSINESS – Louis Gervais “ABOUT MY FATHER’S BUSINESS” “And He said unto them, How is it that ye sought Me? wist ye not that I must be about My Father’s business?” –Luke 2:49 KJV That was Christ’s reply when His mother and Joseph found Him teaching in the temple courts. When God […]


CHRIST, HIS ULTIMATE SACRIFICE. – Chapel Chat      A true story. In the early 1900’s, on the east coast, a drawbridge operator for ships and trains was on duty. On this particular day he had brought his young son to watch the operation. A ship had just passed through and he was ready to pull […]


HOW COULD THE LORD LOVE THIS MAN? – Chapel Chat      He was the son of one of the most righteous kings of Judah. Yet, he was the most wicked of all the kings of Judah. He did evil in the sight of the Lord and raised up altars for the idol gods of the […]


IS EVERLASTING TORMENT IN HELL FOR REAL? – Chapel Chat      First we need to define some words and then see what the scripture says. Hades in the NT and Sheol in the OT define the state of the Spirit after physical death. Lazarus and the rich man, in Luke 16, are the examples.      […]

Receive Christ, Receive Forgiveness

Receive Christ, Receive Forgiveness – Chapel Chat Paul, a prisoner of the Roman Empire, was brought to trial for the 4th time for declaring the resurrection of Jesus Christ. King Agrippa wanted to hear about Jesus Christ and asked to hear Paul. Governor Festus was happy to have Agrippa hear him as he had no […]

Distinction Between Spiritual Gifts And Supernatural Gifts

Distinction Between Spiritual Gifts And Supernatural Gifts – Lee Brainard When Richard Baxter was first introduced to the Irvingite testimony in the early 19th century, his perspective on the work of the Holy Spirit was naive and unguarded, leaving the door wide open for him to be led astray by their Pentecostal errors and deception. […]


A SACRIFICE FOR FREEDOM. – Chapel Chat    We have just observed Memorial Day when we honor those of our country who have sacrificed their lives for the heritage and freedom of this country. They also died to deliver from despots and to provide peace for the world. What is the result? We are living […]


REPENT – RIGHTLY JUDGE OUR SELF. – Chapel Chat            In Luke 18, two men went up to the temple to pray. One was a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The religious Pharisee prayed with himself that he was not like other men who were extortioners, adulterers, or like this tax collector. The […]

Do Not Be Late!

Do Not Be Late! – Chapel Chat The president of the United Nations (Babylon) asked three young Christian men, Shad, Mesh and Abe, to fall down and worship the huge, gold, sexual seductress, sports images (a god or gods) that he was promoting or be killed (cast into a burning, fiery furnace).     Shad, Mesh […]

God’s Purpose in Creating Us

God’s Purpose in Creating Us – Chapel Chat God created us with one purpose in mind that we would get to know Him, believe Him, choose His Son as our Savior and worship Him forever.  Most people in this world never discover this purpose!! They will not read the Word of God that He has […]

Darby and the Rapture Doctrine of the Irvingites

Darby and the Rapture Doctrine of the Irvingites – Lee Brainard It is not honest scholarship that would trace the origin of the pretribulation rapture to the Irvingites, particularly to prophecies first communicated by a fallen spirit to Margaret McDonald, insisting that J. N. Darby obtained his understanding of prophecy from them this dubious source. […]

Jesus Witness JW

Jesus Witness JW – Roy Daniel Jesus Witness (JW) no 1 – Today in South Africa I spoke to someone about salvation. Interestingly in USA I have met many such people in the “Bible Belt” who are practicing drunkards and fornicators ,yet believe they are born again 3 times and proud of it. They live […]

Pain without Flames Roy Daniel

Pain without Flames Roy Daniel – Roy Daniel Pain : What really pains me is the fact that there is so little fire for God left in Christianity. There are people who are fanatical and spend their life trying to convince others God has made them the final authority in all people’s lives etc. But […]


ELIJAH’S PROVIDER – Louis Gervais Elijah was introduced in the canon of Scripture with these words: “Now Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the settlers of Gilead, said to Ahab, ‘As the LORD, the God of Israel lives, before Whom I stand, surely there shall be neither dew nor rain these years, except by my […]

He detests Lies and Delights in Truth Louis Gervais

He detests Lies and Delights in Truth – Louis Gervais “Lying lips are abomination to the LORD: but they that deal truly are His delight.” –Proverbs 12:22  The reason why we should be truthful is because God is truthful; truthfulness is a part of His character and therefore we are called to follow His example. […]

He who walked the Road to Emmaus Louis Gervais

He who walked the Road to Emmaus – Louis Gervais Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Later that day, as two of His disciples were walking to the village of Emmaus, they discussed the events which had recently transpired in Jerusalem (Luke 24). Jesus Himself came to them and joined in the conversation, but they […]

Gaurdian Louis Gervais

Gaurdian – Louis Gervais “He holds victory in store for the upright, He is a shield to those whose walk is blameless, for He guards the course of the just and protects the way of His faithful ones.” –Proverbs 2:7-8  We have no reason to doubt this verse. The Bible is full of examples of […]

Christ Is the Way

Christ Is the Way – Lee Brainard When man thinks of salvation, he typically thinks of things that man must do. He thinks of the austerity of Buddhist monks, the rigor of Islam, and the narrow path advocated by different groups in Christendom. Man must be engaged in right religion, good works, and clean living. […]

NO RESTRAINT Louis Gervais

NO RESTRAINT – Louis Gervais NO RESTRAINT Hello and greetings in the Name of the Son of Him to Whom is no Restraint to Save by Many or by Few, Jesus Christ! “And Jonathan said to the young man that bare his armour, Come, and let us go over unto the garrison of these uncircumcised: […]

CHAMPION Louis Gervais

CHAMPION – Louis Gervais CHAMPION Hello and greetings in the Name of the Son of the LORD our Champion, Jesus Christ! “But the LORD is with me like a dread champion; Therefore my persecutors will stumble and not prevail. They will be utterly ashamed, because they have failed, With an everlasting disgrace that will not […]


JEALOUS!? – Louis Gervais JEALOUS!? Hello and greetings in the Name of the Son of Him Whose Name is “Jealous,” Jesus Christ! “for you shall not worship any other god, for the LORD, Whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God” –xodus 34:14  How do we—as Christians—answer this supposed problem of God saying He is […]


BROKENNESS – Louis Gervais BROKENNESS Hello and greetings in the Name of the Son of Him Who will not Despise a Broken and Contrite Heart, Jesus Christ! “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; A broken and a contrite heart, O God, You will not despise.” –Psalm 51:17 NAS This week I shed some […]


SACRIFICE – Louis Gervais A SACRIFICE Hello and greetings in the Name of our Atoning Sacrifice, Jesus Christ! As I read through Hebrews this week I was constantly reminded of how Christ Jesus was the sacrifice that bled and was offered for my sins.  By this He reconciled us to God, drinking in the Father’s […]

Adam and His Fig Leaves

Adam and His Fig Leaves – Lee Brainard In Genesis chapter three we find the Lord going for a walk in the garden of Eden in the cool of the evening, seeking fellowship with man. But he found no fellowship that evening as had been the case previously. Why? Because Adam and Eve had done […]

The Sin of All Sins

The Sin of All Sins – Lee Brainard We all know that we are sinners. Even those that have never been inside a church building know that something is wrong with us. We lie, cheat, and deceive. We can be mean, spiteful, pain-causing, grudge-holding people. We hurt our spouses. We hurt our friends. We hurt […]

Condemned Already

Condemned Already – Lee Brainard Most men walk in a deep spiritual fog. They do not see how desperate their present situation is. They do not see themselves as condemned criminals waiting on death row. They see themselves as decent people who are acceptable with God — or close enough that he will give them […]

Procrastination on Getting Serious

Procrastination on Getting Serious – Lee Brainard Though many do not understand what it means to be a born-again Christian, they do understand that it has something to do with being more serious about Christianity than they are now. They agree that they ought to be more serious, yet … they are too busy right […]

Josephus and Repentance

Josephus and Repentance – Lee Brainard In the writings of Flavius Josephus, a Jewish historian who chronicled the fall of Jerusalem at the hands of the Romans, we find the biblical term repentance used on various occasions in a way that very nicely illustrates the biblical sense. When the Roman army had already breached the […]

The Cost of Redemption

The Cost of Redemption – Lee Brainard When men think of what it cost Jesus to be man’s Redeemer, they typically focus on his physical suffering on his last day: the scourging, the crown of thorns, the nails, and the cross. As important as these things are, they are only a fraction of the cost […]

Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace – Lee Brainard Amazing grace how sweet the sound.” We sing about grace. We believe in grace. We preach grace. But do we understand grace? Now all who have even the barest knowledge of the Bible know that the pinnacle of God’s grace is Christ dying for the world’s sin. They know the […]

What is Sin?

What is Sin? – Lee Brainard What do you think of when you think of the word sin? Most men think of words like fun or pleasure. Sins are forbidden pleasures that the old party-pooper in heaven doesn’t want man to enjoy. This view of sin regards God as a little on the unrighteous side. […]

The Folly of Unbelief

The Folly of Unbelief – Lee Brainard What is unbelief? It is man running from God. At the very beginning, recorded in Genesis, man went out from the presence of God and sought fulfillment with God out of the picture. They did not want to honor God as God. They did not want God telling […]

You Must Be Born Again

You Must Be Born Again – Lee Brainard We read in the Bible, in the third chapter of John, that a man must be born again if he would be saved and inherit eternal life. This experience is not optional. It is absolutely mandatory. What is this born-again experience? It is not a religious form […]

The Pre-Eminence of the Bible

The Pre-Eminence of the Bible – Lee Brainard Many in our day regard the Bible as just another religious book. It is not unique. It has no more inspiration or authority than the Koran, the book of Mormon, or the writings of the Eastern religions. But this opinion cannot weather a fair trial. Those who […]

You Shall Name Him Jesus

You Shall Name Him Jesus – Lee Brainard All across the world this month, the account of the birth of Jesus in the first chapter of Matthew will be read. My favorite verse in the passage is, “She will bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus, for he shall save his people from […]

The Joy of the Lord Is Strength

The Joy of the Lord Is Strength – Lee Brainard In Neh. 8:10 we read, “the joy of the Lord is your strength.” The context is the Israelites rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem after their return from captivity in Babylon. Ezra assembled the people and had preachers read the Bible and explain it to them […]

We Need God’s Moral Compass

We Need God’s Moral Compass – Lee Brainard When we look around in the world, the variety of viewpoints in religion and morality is staggering. To make it through this vast wilderness of ideas we need God’s moral compass. Notice I did not say a moral compass. Men love to have a moral compass. They […]

The Desire of the Nations

The Desire of the Nations – Lee Brainard Haggai 2:7 says, “I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come.” The context is the coming of the Lord at the end of the age. God will shake the nations in judgment, then bless them by giving them their desire — even […]

Salvation by Grace

Salvation by Grace – Lee Brainard The Bible has only one salvation message — salvation by grace through faith (Eph. 2:8-9). While the religious forms that God requires have changed a few times over the millennia, the condition of salvation has never changed — faith in the grace of God. The message of grace is […]

Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer

Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer – Lee Brainard For many prayer is a formality performed at church and at mealtime. For others it is a “christianized” form of meditation. For yet others it is an experiential journey, seeking to “feel” something. In the Bible it is none of these things. It is merely talking to […]

The Strait and Narrow

The Strait and Narrow – Lee Brainard Over thirty years ago, when I started reading the Bible while in the Army, I stumbled upon a startling passage in the Gospels — “strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to life, and few there be that find it.” This passage rocked my […]

Genie in a Lamp

Genie in a Lamp – Lee Brainard We have all heard or read genie stories. A man finds a lamp and rubs it, and a genie pops out and grants him three wishes. Maybe you have wished, at one time or another, that genie lamps really did exist and that you could be so lucky. […]

Why Is Christianity Special?

Why Is Christianity Special? – Lee Brainard Are all religions alike? Comparative religion would tell us that all the major religions, in their essence, exhibit the same moral code and the same message. While this holds partly true if we limit our universe to all religions except Christianity, it completely breaks down if we include […]

It Does Matter What We Believe

It Does Matter What We Believe – Lee Brainard We live in a day when the minds of most men are inclining towards ecumenism — it doesn’t matter what we believe in matters of faith and religion. I am very uneasy with this position. If it doesn’t matter what we believe, then EITHER there is […]

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made – Lee Brainard The world is full of opinions. Every man has one. If a man doesn’t have an opinion, he is either unconscious or dead. But the vast majority of these opinions — regardless of the topic at hand — are worthless. Why? Because opinions have no more value than […]

God’s One Step Program

God’s One Step Program – Lee Brainard In the present day we enjoy a wealth of programs that help people better themselves — as programs to quit drugs, quit drinking, quit smoking, break co-dependence, and lose weight. Typically these programs involve twelve steps, but you also see programs with seven steps, eight steps, ten steps, […]

No Prophet Came From Galilee

No Prophet Came From Galilee – Lee Brainard In John 7 the Jews were disputing among themselves over who Jesus was. Some said he was the Messiah. Others denied it. The religious leadership mocked those who thought Jesus had demonstrated enough evidence to merit investigation. “Are you also deceived? Have any of the leaders or […]

If a Man Gain the Whole World

If a Man Gain the Whole World – Lee Brainard We live in a world focused on gain: money and possessions, promotions and positions, achievements and experiences, reputation and status. From every side we are bombarded with the message to get the most you can get and be the best you can be. If we […]

Why Do Bad Things Happen?

Why Do Bad Things Happen? – Lee Brainard Perhaps the most common question in the world is, “Why do bad things happen?” For many, bad things are a stumbling block that hinders them from trusting God. “If God is good,” they reason, “why does he let bad things happen?” Is he powerless to prevent them? […]

As the Deer Pants After Water

As the Deer Pants After Water – Lee Brainard  In Psalm 42:1 we read, “As the deer pants after streams of water, so my soul pants after you, O God.” What a vivid description of the soul that is thirsty for God. Do we thirst for God like this? Deer — indeed all animals — […]

Eye Has Not Seen

Eye Has Not Seen – Lee Brainard  Let a man talk about how much fun heaven will be and he will usually meet with incredulity — people roll their eyeballs or shake their heads at him, inform him that we don’t know anything about heaven, and remind him that the Bible says “eye has not […]

The Blessed Man

The Blessed Man – Lee Brainard It is common for man to regard his life from the perspective of whether he thinks God is blessing him or not blessing him. This is legitimate. However, if we don’t have the mind of God in this matter — which we can only get from the Bible — […]

Heirs of God

Heirs of God – Lee Brainard Have you ever wished that, somehow, you were the heir of some fabulously wealthy person? I suppose we have all been guilty of this a time or two. When we look at our circumstances — well, we sure would be grateful for a cash infusion right about now. We […]

God’s Ways Are Higher

God’s Ways Are Higher – Lee Brainard The Bible states that God’s ways are higher than our ways and his thoughts are higher than our thoughts (Is. 55:8-9). What does this mean for us practically? It means that God goes about his work down here differently than we would. We regard worldly wisdom and strength […]

The Most Profound Truth

The Most Profound Truth – Lee Brainard Robert Dick Wilson was a scholar of the highest magnitude. He learned 45 languages, including Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, and every language into which the Bible was translated prior to 600 AD. He threw his life and energy into defending the accuracy and historical reliability of the Bible […]

Penciled on an Asylum Wall

Penciled on an Asylum Wall – Lee Brainard In 1917 Frederick Lehman wrote The Love of God, a favorite hymn for many Christians. He didn’t actually write the whole hymn, however, but only the first two verses and the chorus. The second verse, which inspired the hymn, he had found penciled on the walls of […]

God Manifest in the Flesh

God Manifest in the Flesh – Lee Brainard In 1 Tim. 3:16 we read, “Great is the mystery of godliness, God was manifest in the flesh.” This event — which scholars refer to as the incarnation — is the most amazing event in human history. The unlimited, uncreated, eternal Son of God came down to […]

Jehovah Jireh, My Provider

Jehovah Jireh, My Provider – Lee Brainard The Bible teaches that God shall provide the needs of his own according to his glorious riches (Phil. 4:19). It also tells us that he is a very present help in the time of need (Ps. 46:1). I have found this to be so, and so has every […]

Sin Is Worse Than We Think

Sin Is Worse Than We Think – Lee Brainard In our day we do not take sin seriously. We laugh and joke about it. When we sin, we act is if we have done nothing worse than break our diet and eat something we shouldn’t have. We might feel ashamed if we get caught in […]

God Doesn’t Love Me

God Doesn’t Love Me – Lee Brainard It is common to hear people complain that God doesn’t love them when bad things happen to them. But such talk is far from the truth. It is a complete misunderstanding of God. The fact is, no man in the Universe is more misunderstood than God. Most of […]

Why Don’t You Pray?

Why Don’t You Pray? – Lee Brainard When I was in high school a gentleman posed a question to me that profoundly affected my life. While working as a waiter at a local restaurant, I observed a man lead his family in prayer before their meal. Later, when I brought him his tab, I mentioned […]

God Made the Stars

God Made the Stars – Lee Brainard In the creation account in Genesis we read, “And God made the stars also.” This short little phrase tells us how big God really is. We know that there are hundreds of billions of galaxies — perhaps trillions — each having hundreds of billions of stars, most of […]

“Jesus, Take the Wheel”

“Jesus, Take the Wheel” – Lee Brainard A popular Country song has a troubled soul turning over the steering wheel to Jesus. Many of us, I am sure, can identify with this song. When we come into danger or trouble, we ask the Lord to take the wheel. But is this the best course? Would […]

Eternity in Man’s Heart

Eternity in Man’s Heart – Lee Brainard In Ecclesiastes 3:11 we read the profound statement, “God has set eternity in man’s heart.” This sense of eternity, like a bottomless pit, leaves all of us human beings restless and unfulfilled no matter how much stuff we accumulate in life — be it possessions, money, attainments, or […]

Weary and Heavy Laden?

Weary and Heavy Laden? – Lee Brainard One of my favorite verses in the Bible is Matthew 11:28, “Come unto me all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” What a precious promise. No man can pass through this life and not grow weary. No man can walk in […]

The Woman at the Well

The Woman at the Well – Lee Brainard In John chapter four we read the account of the woman that Jesus met at the well. Jesus told her that if she drank from his well of living water, she would never thirst again. Then he told her all the big sins that she had done. […]

Religious Yet Wrong

Religious Yet Wrong – Lee Brainard One of the main differences between a relationship with God and religion is repentance. This is why being religious is much more popular than cultivating a relationship with God. Man likes to go his own way. Religion encourages this behavior for it winks at his sin. Noah and his […]

Jesus Forsook All for You

Jesus Forsook All for You – Lee Brainard Everyone raised with any exposure to Christianity has heard that Jesus Christ died for mankind on the cross so our sins could be forgiven and we could have eternal life. For many, however, this wonderful truth is just a piece of religious trivia in their head. But […]

Love Manifest in the Flesh

Love Manifest in the Flesh – Lee Brainard The Bible contains many statements that fall upon the heart like bombshells if we stop to think about what we are reading. One of these is 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, “Love suffers long and is kind … does not seek its own things, is not provoked, does not […]

Ye Shall Not Surely Die

Ye Shall Not Surely Die – Lee Brainard Man does not understand how bad sin is. This is evident in his practice of dividing sin into categories: really bad (like molestors and rapists), medium bad (which God can wink at for a good reason), barely bad (which God usually winks at), and irrelevant bad (which […]

Going With the Flow

Going With the Flow – Lee Brainard People judge their own goodness and badness by how they compare to society around them. But society is drifting ever further into moral decay — a tragic development which started in the 1800’s and accelerated in the 1960’s. So when people judge their state in this manner, they […]

Conformity — The World or God?

Conformity — The World or God? – Lee Brainard Conformity. Everybody does it. We conform to the standards and practices of our identity group — whether culture or sub-culture or counter-culture. Even those non-conformists rebelling against the standards of family, or church, or society are heartily conforming to their favorite non-conformists. We may conform out […]

Faith Is Trusting God

Faith Is Trusting God – Lee Brainard The Bible sets before us the Son of God as the object of faith. “You believe in God, believe also in me.” “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.” And it sets before us the Word of God as the source of faith, “Faith […]

Repentance and the Chameleon Bible

Repentance and the Chameleon Bible – Lee Brainard » Many treat the Bible like it was a magic chameleon able to change its message to agree with their chosen lifestyle. The doctrines and terms of the Bible are transformed to allow whatever they desire. This is tragic. Man ought to conform to the Bible. Instead […]

The Horror and Wonder of the Cross

The Horror and Wonder of the Cross – Lee Brainard If you were raised in a Christian land, you probably know the mantra — Christ died for our sins. But his death is far more than a religious mantra we are supposed to know and repeat when custom or courtesy demands. It is at once the most […]

God Loves Man

God Loves Man – Lee Brainard God loves man and has the best of intentions for him. This is clearly taught in the Bible and exhibited in the gospel. But men tend to disbelieve this fact. Their eyes are open to their experience and closed to the Word of God. A few insist in public […]

The Sin of Cain

The Sin of Cain – Lee Brainard Man is self-centered. He wants to go his own way and do his own thing, and he doesn’t care what God wants. If he communicates with God, it is only on the vain assumption that God does, or should, rubber-stamp the self-will of mortals — straying mortals. When God doesn’t […]

The World Stands Condemned

The World Stands Condemned – Lee Brainard There is growing concern in America over world-devastating apocalyptic scenarios — global warming, global cooling (an ice age), World War III, asteroidal impact, drug resistant viruses, drought and famine, extreme solar flares. Such fears drive modern politics. It is amazing how much energy men expend on such possible scenarios […]

A New Heart and Spirit

A New Heart and Spirit – Lee Brainard Man loves gain. He expends a lot of ingenuity and strength pursuing new things, bigger things, better things. He pursues money, toys, vacation homes, and recognition. Those that are a little deeper focus on the pursuit of experiences, education, friends, and family. But what is the purpose […]

God Is a Rewarder

God Is a Rewarder – Lee Brainard A common mistake men make is assuming that faith is just acknowledging something. Since they acknowledge that God exists, they suppose they are okay — because they believe in God. But this reasoning is false. Believing in the existence of water won’t keep me alive. I need to drink water […]

Sin Is the Sting of Death

Sin Is the Sting of Death – Lee Brainard  Man loves to speak of his sin in euphemisms — sowing wild oats, having a little fun, indulging a few bad habits, getting a little crazy. He treats sin as if it were no worse than a wart or a birthmark. He might be embarrassed, but […]

Towering O’er the Wrecks

Towering O’er the Wrecks – Lee Brainard A grand old hymn opens with the profound observation, “In the cross of Christ I glory, towering o’er the wrecks of time.” What does this mean? It means that the cross is the only effectual solution to man’s age-old problem with sin. Over the centuries man has tried […]

The Wages of Sin

The Wages of Sin – Lee Brainard The most common delusion indulged by man is the idea that he can sin and get away with it. He encourages himself with fairy tales which place a happy ending on his path of rebellion against the revealed will of God. “God is a nice guy and won’t […]

Their Worm Does Not Die

Their Worm Does Not Die – Lee Brainard One of the most unnerving passages in the Bible is found in the Gospel of Mark, “If your hand offend you, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell … where their worm does […]

Nicodemus and the New Birth

Nicodemus and the New Birth – Lee Brainard In the third chapter of John, Nicodemus, a leading figure in Israel, came to Jesus in the cover of night, struggling with a question that had been bothering him. His question is implied in his greeting, “Rabbi, we know God sent you, for nobody can do the […]

Believe on the Lord Jesus

Believe on the Lord Jesus – Lee Brainard In the New Testament we read, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.” Have you obeyed this command? Now I am not asking if you attend a church that teaches the message of Jesus and agree with it. Nor am I asking if […]

Religion vs. Repentance

Religion vs. Repentance – Lee Brainard John the Baptist came preaching “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” In other words, forsake your sins if you want to go to heaven. This message drew folks from many miles around (in the days when the poor walked and the wealthy rode donkeys). They came […]

He Restores My Soul

He Restores My Soul – Lee Brainard The 23rd Psalm, known as the Shepherd Psalm, is one of the most beloved chapters in the Bible. Here we read the tender line, “He restores my soul.” David likely wrote this psalm in the twilight years of his life, a life which had seen him broken by […]

You Inhabit Israel’s Praise

You Inhabit Israel’s Praise – Lee Brainard In Psalm 22:3 we read the fascinating line, “You, the Holy One, inhabit the praises of Israel.” What a wonderful thought. The infinite God who does not dwell in temples made by human hands (Acts 7:48), does dwell in the praises of his people. He who flung the […]

Following the Rejected Messiah

Following the Rejected Messiah – Lee Brainard From the first day of Jesus’ public ministry in this world his message was one of heart loyalty — “Follow me.” This message was easy to understand, but hard to implement. Why? Because believing Jesus and obeying his command to follow him came with a cost. He wasn’t […]

The Second Deepest Book

The Second Deepest Book – Lee Brainard The deepest book ever written is the Bible. Though its basic message rises to the top like cream and is easily skimmed off even by a child, yet attempting to exhaust its observations on vital subjects — as the psychology of man, the purpose of life, and wisdom […]

The Goodness of God

The Goodness of God – Lee Brainard God is good. This is the plain teaching of the Bible and the experience of all who believe. But most men are uncomfortable with God. They don’t appreciate his goodness. And they don’t want his goodness. So they handle his goodness with unbelieving hands.  Some do this by […]

As the Body Without Breath Is Dead

As the Body Without Breath Is Dead – Lee Brainard One of the most shocking statements in the Bible is found in James 2:26, “As the body without breath is dead, so faith without works is dead.” What does this mean? Very simple. If you profess to be a Christian, yet your faith is not […]
