Young Girl Dies Trying to Save Puppy

Young Girl Dies Trying to Save Puppy In September 1997 newspapers in Wellington, New Zealand carried the tragic story of a young girl who saw a puppy that had been struck by a car. She ran to aid the injured animal and was herself struck by a car and killed. How sad that a person […]

Fertiliser Helps Grow Seeds

Fertiliser Helps Grow Seeds The Sunday school teacher was teaching a class of children about creation. “Now, children,” she said, “Who can tell us what makes the flower spring from the seed?” “God does it,” answered one little girl, “but fertilizer helps. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

I think I am having a Wife

I think I am having a Wife At Sunday school they were teaching how God created everything, including human beings. Little Johnny, a child in the kindergarten class, seemed especially intent when they told him how Eve was created out of one of Adam’s ribs. Later in the week his mother noticed him lying down […]

Selfish Dating

Selfish Dating A young man called his mother and excitedly announced that he had just met the woman of his dreams. His mother said, “Why don’t you send her flowers and invite her to your apartment for a home-cooked meal?” The day after the big date, his mother called to see how things had gone. […]

Tragic Story Behind ‘Take My Hand, Precious Lord’

Tragic Story Behind ‘Take My Hand, Precious Lord’ Thomas A.Dorsey was excited in 1932 to receive an recognized part playing Christian Music. He went on tour with his wife’s blessing near her baby’s due date. It was in St. Louis, that Dorsey received word that there had been complications with Nettie’s childbirth. He raced back […]

King of the Jungle

King of the Jungle A lion approached a monkey and asked, Who is the king of the jungle? The monkey answered, ‘you are, oh lion‘. The lion then asked the giraffe, rabbit, warthog, and mouse, and they all gave him the same answer, ‘You are, oh lion.’ The lion then swaggered to the elephant and […]

Why Christian’s in Ministry Need Each Other

Why Christian’s in Ministry Need Each Other The preacher Roy Danile once had the privilege of knowing a venerable gentleman from years past, a man deeply devoted to his faith. The old Man had a remarkable practice of expounding upon the verses of the New Testament and various chapters of the Bible for an astonishing […]

Zeal for souls – Charles Spurgeon

Zeal for souls – Charles Spurgeon A TRAVELLER was journeying in the darkness of night along a road that led to a deep and rapid river, which, swollen by sudden rains, was chafing and roaring within its pre- captious banks. The bridge that crossed the stream had been swept away by the torrent, but he […]

Zeal — Causing entity – Charles Spurgeon

Zeal — Causing entity – Charles Spurgeon There was a blacksmith once who had two pieces of iron which he wished to weld into one, and he took them just as they were, all cold and hard, and put them on the anvil, and began to hammer with all his might, but they were two […]

Zeal – the cross – Charles Spurgeon

Zeal – the cross – Charles Spurgeon When the Spartans marched into battle they advanced with cheerful songs, willing to fight; but when the Persians entered the conflict, you could hear, as the regiments came on, the crack of whips by which the officers drove the cowards to the fray. You need not wonder that […]

Zeal – Charles Spurgeon

Zeal – Charles Spurgeon Humboldt, in his travels, observes, “It seems remarkable that in the hottest as well as the coldest climates, people display the same predilection for heat. On the introduction of Christianity into Iceland, the inhabitants would be baptized only in the hot springs of Hecla; and in the torrid zone, in the […]

Youthful piety — Advantage of. – Charles Spurgeon

Youthful piety — Advantage of. – Charles Spurgeon  IN a dec i the first votes recorded count all ilia- day long, and so encourage the party all through the anxious hours of polling. When men give in their names for Jesus and his cause in the morning of their lives, their whole existence influences their […]

Worldliness – Brutishness of – Charles Spurgeon

Worldliness – Brutishness of – Charles Spurgeon Luther was told of a nobleman who, above all things, occupied himself with amassing money, and was so buried in darkness that he gave no heed to the word of God, and even said to one who pleaded with him, ” Sir, the gospel pays no interest.” “Have […]

Worldliness – it’s Blinding Influence. – Charles Spurgeon

Worldliness – it’s Blinding Influence. – Charles Spurgeon Suppose I were shut up within a round tower, whose massive wall had in some time of trouble been pierced here and there for musketry; suppose, further, that by choice or necessity, I am whirled rapidly and incessantly round its inner circumference, will I appreciate the beauties […]

Worldliness – Charles Spurgeon

Worldliness – Charles Spurgeon There is a poor creature at Austa who does not know the value of money, and only cares for eating, drinking, and sleeping. He is undoubtedly an idiot; but what is he who does not know the value of his soul? Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Worldly merriment – Charles Spurgeon

Worldly merriment – Charles Spurgeon I THINK the men of this world like children in a dangerous storm in the sea, that play and make sport with the white foam of the waves thereof coming in to sink and drown them; so are men making fool’s sports with the white pleasures of a Stormy world […]

World — Vanity of Paternity of. – Charles Spurgeon

World — Vanity of Paternity of. – Charles Spurgeon My friends, do you remember that old Scythian custom, when the head of a house died? How he was dressed in his finest dress, and set in his chariot, and carried about to his friends’ houses; and each of them placed him at his table’s head, […]

World — Not to Build too Confidently on it.- Charles Spurgeon

World — Not to Build too Confidently on it.- Charles Spurgeon In Chili where the ground is subject to frequent shocks of earthquake, the houses are built of lowly height and of unenduring structure; it is of little use to dig deep foundations and pile up high walls where the very earth ‘is unstable; it […]

World — it’s Instability. – Charles Spurgeon

World — it’s Instability. – Charles Spurgeon Queen Elizabeth once said to a courtier, ” They pass best over the world who trip over it quickly; for it is but a bog: if we stop, we sink.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

World — a Huge Desert. – Charles Spurgeon

World — a Huge Desert. – Charles Spurgeon Living in the midst of the church of God is like sailing down the Nile in a boat. One is charmed with the luxuriance of either bank, and with much that is beautiful immediately around; but alas! at a little distance on either side lies a vast […]

World — Deception of. – Charles Spurgeon

World — Deception of. – Charles Spurgeon Aesop’s fable says: — ” A pigeon oppressed by excessive thirst, saw a goblet of water painted on a signboard. Not supposing it to be only a picture, she flew towards it with a loud whirr, and unwittingly dashed against the signboard, and jarred herself terribly. Having broken […]

WORKS — and out Salvation – Charles Spurgeon

WORKS — and out Salvation – Charles Spurgeon William Wickham being appointed by King Edward to build a stately church, wrote in the windows, ” This work made William Wickham.” When charged by the king for assuming the honour of that work to himself as the author, whereas he was only the overseer, he answered […]

Word of truth – everlasting – Charles Spurgeon

Word of truth – everlasting – Charles Spurgeon How wonderfully has the Lord provided for the continuance of the vegetable world; he causes the plant to scatter broadcast a multitude of seeds, and bids the winds convey them far and wide. The fowls of the air are commissioned to bear berries and fruits to their […]

Word – Way of Treating it – Charles Spurgeon

Word – Way of Treating it – Charles Spurgeon There are two ways of treating the seed. The botanist splits it up, and discourses on its curious characteristics; the simple husbandman eats and sows; sows and eats. Similarly, there are two ways of treating the gospel. A critic dissects it, raises a mountain of debate […]

WOMEN — Preaching, – Charles Spurgeon

WOMEN — Preaching, – Charles Spurgeon When Boswell told Johnson one day that he had heard a woman preach that morning at a Quaker’s meeting, Johnson replied, ” Sir, a woman preaching is like a dog’s walking on his hind legs. It is not done well ; but you are surprised to find it done […]

WISDOM — To Win Souls – Charles Spurgeon

WISDOM — To Win Souls – Charles Spurgeon We are not wide enough awake in doing good. Pardon the reference, for the sake of the lesson; it shall be borrowed from Dr. Marigold’s cart. When a Cheap-jack has a little knot of people round his van, he eyes them all, and feels sure that the […]

Wisdom – Our, under Differing Circumstance – Charles Spurgeon

Wisdom – Our, under Differing Circumstance – Charles Spurgeon  It is a wise thing to exhibit prudence and hopefulness in their proper degrees and seasons. Some are so exultant at success as to become rash, and thereby secure for themselves a disaster, others are so depressed by a defeat as to be in- capable of […]

WILL OF MAN — Adverse to the Gospel – Charles Spurgeon

WILL OF MAN — Adverse to the Gospel – Charles Spurgeon When the dove was weary, she recollected the ark and flew into Noah’s hand at once: there are weary souls who know the ark but will not fly to it. When an Israelite had slain, inadvertently, his fellow, he knew the city of refuge, […]

WILL — Not Violated by Grace – Charles Spurgeon

WILL — Not Violated by Grace – Charles Spurgeon When we see a casket wrenched open, the hinges torn away, or the clasp destroyed, we mark at once the hand of the Spoiler; but when we observe another casket deftly opened with a master-key, and the sparkling contents revealed, we note the hand of the […]

WILL— the Seat of Inability – Charles Spurgeon

WILL— the Seat of Inability – Charles Spurgeon Nelson could not see the signal for suspending battle because he placed the glass to his blind eye, and man cannot see the truth as it is in Jesus because he has no mind to do so. Ungodly men are, as the country people say, “like the […]

WEALTH — Involves Danger, – Charles Spurgeon

WEALTH — Involves Danger, – Charles Spurgeon It was as much as we could do to keep our feet upon the splendid mosaic floor of the Palace Giovanelli, at Venice: we found no such difficulty in the cottage of the poor glassblower in the rear. Is it one of the advantages of wealth, to have […]

WATCHFULNESS — when Special Need of – Charles Spurgeon

WATCHFULNESS — when Special Need of – Charles Spurgeon When cast by providence among sinful persons who respect us, we ought to be peculiarly watchful. The hatred of the ungodly when poured upon Christians in the form of persecution, is seldom harmful to their spiritual nature, but the friendship of the world is always to […]

WATCHFULNESS – Charles Spurgeon

WATCHFULNESS – Charles Spurgeon WHILE the Austrian general was staying at the Hotel de Ville, upon the Grand Canal, at Venice, we lodged at the same house, and so often as we passed his rooms, whether by day or night, we encountered two seritries on guard at the door. Our heart said to itself, whenever […]

Sin – Charles Spurgeon

Sin – Charles Spurgeon Those who give themselves up to the service of sin, enter the palace of pleasure by wide portals of marble, which conceal the low wicket behind which leads into the fields, where they are in a short time sent to feed swine. — James D. Burns. Sis. One danger of secret […]

SHAHS – Charles Spurgeon

SHAHS – Charles Spurgeon What multitudes of mahogany-handled drawers there are to be met with in daily life labelled in black on a gold ground, with swelling and mysterious names of precious healing Life: but. alas ! they are lKis which do not pull out, or drawers that are full of nothing. What myriads of […]

Servicing God – the Sure Bewared of. – Charles Spurgeon

Servicing God – the Sure Bewared of. – Charles Spurgeon When Calvin was banished from ungrateful Geneva, he said, ” Most assuredly if I had merely served man, this would have been a poor recompense ; but it is my happiness that I have served him who never fails to reward his servants to the […]

Service of God – the Honour of. – Charles Spurgeon

Service of God – the Honour of. – Charles Spurgeon Of the old hero the minstrel song — ” With his Yemen sword for aid ; Ornament it carried none, But the notches on the blade.”   What nobler decoration of honour can any godly man seek after than his scars of service, his losses […]

Service of God – to be Constant. – Charles Spurgeon

Service of God – to be Constant. – Charles Spurgeon Look at yon miller on the village hill. How does he grind his grist? Does he bargain that he will only grind in the west wind, because its gales are so full of health? No, but the east wind, which searches joints and marrow, makes […]

Service — the Load to Honour, – Charles Spurgeon

Service — the Load to Honour, – Charles Spurgeon When the Spartan king advanced against the enemy, he had always with him some one that had been crowned in the public games of Greece. And they tell us, that a Lace demonian, when la! ci mimicry; offered him on condition that he would not enter […]

Service — Preparations for – Charles Spurgeon

Service — Preparations for – Charles Spurgeon “Methought, I looked and saw the Master standing, and at his feet lay an earthen vessel. It was not broken, not unfitted for service, yet there it lay, powerless and useless, until he took it up. He held it awhile, and I saw that he was filling it, […]

Vertices – Christianity to be ever Heady for – Charles Spurgeon

Vertices – Christianity to be ever Heady for – Charles Spurgeon Brutus visiting Lagarius found him ill, and said, ” What, sick, Lagarius?” ” No, Brutus,” said he, “if thou hast any noble enterprise in hand, I am well.” So should the believer say of Christ; what might excuse us from other Laboure shall never […]

Servants (GOD’S) – their Ruling Motive – Charles Spurgeon

Servants (GOD’S) – their Ruling Motive – Charles Spurgeon You cannot serve two masters — you must serve one or other. If your work is first with you, and your fee second, work is your master, and the Lord of work, who is God. But if your fee is first with you, and your work […]

WATCHFULNESS— when Special Need of-Charles Spurgeon

WATCHFULNESS— when Special Need of – Charles Spurgeon When cast by providence among sinful persons who respect us, we ought to be peculiarly watchful. The hatred of the ungodly when poured upon Christians in the form of persecution, is seldom harmful to their spiritual nature, but the friendship of the world is always to be […]

WATCHFULNESS-Charles Spurgeon

WATCHFULNESS – Charles Spurgeon While the Austrian general was staying at the hotel de villa, upon the grand canal, at Venice, we lodged at the same house, and so often as we passed his rooms, whether by day or night, we encountered two securities on guard at the door. Our heart said to itself, whenever […]

SERMONS — Mult bave tie Gospel in them – Charles Spurgeon

SERMONS — Mult bave tie Gospel in them – Charles Spurgeon A friend called on the Rev. T. Charles, of Bala, on Sunday afternoon, September 11, 1814, after having been in church. “Well,” said he, “how did you like Mr. M? Was there enough of gospel in the sermon to save a sinner? If not, […]

WARNINGS-Charles Spurgeon

WARNINGS – Charles Spurgeon A very skillful bowman went to the mountains in search of game. All the beasts of the forest fled at his approach. The lion alone challenged him to combat. The bowman immediately let fly an arrow, and said to the lion, ” i send thee my messenger, that from him thou […]

Sermons – Must be Full of Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Sermons – Must be Full of Christ – Charles Spurgeon “I have had to interline your sermon all through and through with the name of Christ,” we is tincriticism which an aged parishioner once passed upon the discourse of a young pastor. Said the lamented Maccheyne, ” Some speculate on doctrines about the gospel, rather […]

Sermons – Brilliant but Useless – Charles Spurgeon

Sermons – Brilliant but Useless – Charles Spurgeon Sir Astle Y Cooper, on visaing Paris, was asked by the surgeon and chef of the empire how many times he had per- formed a certain wonderful feat of surgery. He replied that he had performed the operation thirteen times. ” Ah, but, monsieur, I have done […]

Sermons – Bad, not to be listened to – Charles Spurgeon

Sermons – Bad, not to be listened to – Charles Spurgeon SOME sermons are not to be listened to at all, just as some meats are not to be eaten. Against the siren’s song the only safety was deaf ears. Only a gross simpleton would leap into a pit full of rattlesnakes to see if […]

Self seeking – Charles Spurgeon

Self seeking – Charles Spurgeon A certain king had a minstrel whom he commanded to play before him. It was a day of high feasting; the cups were flowing, and many great guests were assembled. The minstrel laid his fingers among the strings of has harp, and woke them all to the sweetest melody, but […]

Self-righteousness – Vanity of – Charles Spurgeon

Self-righteousness – Vanity of – Charles Spurgeon When the lofty spire of Old St. Paul’s was destroyed by lightning, there were many superstitious persons who were amazed beyond measure at the calamity, for in the cross there had long been deposited relics of certain saints, which were counted fully sufficient to avert all danger of […]

Self-righteousness – Buin of Many – Charles Spurgeon

Self-righteousness – Buin of Many – Charles Spurgeon “A gentleman in our late civil wars,” says Cowley, ” when his quarters were beaten up by the enemy, was taken prisoner, and lost his life afterwards, only by staying to put on a band, and adjust his periwig: he would escape like a person of quality, […]

Destroyed liy Conviction of Sin – Charles Spurgeon

Destroyed liy Conviction of Sin – Charles Spurgeon The squirrel in his wire cage continually in motion but making no progress, reminds me of my own self-righteous efforts after salvation, but the little creature is never one half so wearied by his exertions as 1 was by mine. The poor chiffonier in Paris trying to […]

Self-examination – it’s Office – Charles Spurgeon

Self-examination – it’s Office – Charles Spurgeon A Highlander who purchased a barometer under a mis- taken idea of its purpose, complained that he could not see that it had made any improvement in the weather; and those who use signs and evidence for an intent which they will never answer, will be sure to […]

Skill – Dissatisfaction – Charles Spurgeon

Skill – Dissatisfaction – Charles Spurgeon ” DURING the nine years that I was his wife,” says the widow of the great artist Opie, ” I never saw him satisfied with one of his productions, and often, very often, have I seen him enter my sitting-room, and throwing himself in an agony of despondence on […]

Self-conceit – it’s Danger – Charles Spurgeon

Self-conceit – it’s Danger – Charles Spurgeon Quintilian said of some in his time that they might have become excellent scholars had they not been so persuaded of their scholarship already. Grant, most gracious God, that I may never hold so high an opinion of my own spiritual health as to prevent my being in […]

WANTS-Charles Spurgeon

WANTS-Charles Spurgeon On a tradesman’s table i noticed a book labelled want book. What a practical suggestion for a man of prayer ! He should put down all his needs on the tablets of his heart, and then present his want book to his god. If we knew all our need, what a large want […]

Useful -wisdom needed for-Charles Spurgeon

Useful -wisdom needed for-Charles Spurgeon In order to reach their hearts on sacred and divine things, he strove to cultivate the art of conciliating even the careless and indifferent, by talking to them, in the first instance, on subjects in which they would be interested ; and in this taught a precious lesson, which all […]

Scripture — varans System – Charles Spurgeon

Scripture — varans System – Charles Spurgeon The late William Jay, in his “Practical Illustrations of Character,” says, “What a difference must a Christian and a minister feel, between the trammels of some systems of divinity and the advantage of Scripture freedom, the glorious liberty of the sons of God. The one is the horse […]

USEFULNESS— the Least Christian to Aim at-Charles Spurgeon

USEFULNESS— the Least Christian to Aim at – Charles Spurgeon Many true saints are unable to render much service to the cause of god. See, then, the gardeners going down to the pond, and dipping in their watering-pots to carry the refreshing liquid to the flowers. A child comes into the garden and wishes to […]

Usefulness— better than here capacity-Charles Spurgeon

Usefulness— better than here capacity-Charles Spurgeon A monstrous vat, certainly, is the great tun of heidelberg. It might hold eight hundred hogsheads of wine at the least ; but what is the use of such wasted capacity, since, for nearly a hundred years, there has not been a drop of liquor in it ! Hollow […]

Thoth— in religions giving-Charles Spurgeon

Thoth— in religions giving-Charles Spurgeon Louis xi. Made a donation to the virgin Mary of the whole county of boulogne, rutting it, hosier, for his own use, the revenues thereof! A solemn deed was drawn up, signed, sealed, and delivered, and it bears date 1478. What a ridiculous farce ! The instrument gives away just […]

UNITY— Among Christians to lie Desired-Charles Spurgeon

UNITY— Among Christians to lie Desired-Charles Spurgeon Melancholic. Mourned in his day he divisions among protestants, and sought to bring the protestants together by the parable of the war between the wolves and the dogs. The wolves were somewhat afraid, for the dogs were many and strong, and therefore they sent out a spy to […]

Scriptures – Beading of – Charles Spurgeon

Scriptures – Beading of – Charles Spurgeon Lord Bacon tells of a certain bishop who used to bathe regularly twice every day, and on being asked why he bathed thus often, replied, ” Because I cannot conveniently do it three times.” If those who love the Scriptures were asked why they read the Bible so […]

Malathion to CHRIST-Charles Spurgeon

Malathion to CHRIST-Charles Spurgeon Two friends are said to come into vulcan’s shop, and to beg a boon of him : it was granted. What was it ? That he would either beat them on his anvil, or melt them in his fur- ace, both into one. But without fiction, here is a far greater […]

UN Godly Thule – cumuli alike.

UN Godly Thule – cumuli alike. In the aosta valley we were tormented by the recklessness of a driver who was drunk. Glad enough were we to change him for a sober man— sober as we thought ; but, alas ! We had only seen him in the morning, ;l:u! Before the afternoon had much […]

Tended & standish – no time for-Charles Spurgeon

Tended & standish – no time for-Charles Spurgeon ” How is it, my dear,” inquired a schoolmistress of a little girl, ” that you do not understand this simple thing ?’ ” i do not know, indeed,” she answered, with ;i perplexed look; ” but i sometimes think i have so many things to learn […]

Unbelief –wickedness of-Charles Spurgeon

Unbelief –wickedness of- Charles Spurgeon The late Dr. Heugh, of Glasgow, a short time before he breathed his last, said, “there is nothing i feel more than the criminality of not trusting Christ without doubt — without doubt. Oh, to think what Christ is, what he did, and whom he did it for, and then […]

Scripture – and Men’s Books – Charles Spurgeon

Scripture – and Men’s Books – Charles Spurgeon There is gold in the rocks which fringe the Pass of the Sprugen, gold even in the stones which mend the roads, but there is too little of it to be worth extracting. Alas, how like too many books and sermons! Not so the Scriptures, they are […]

TRUTH— Qualification for Learning-Charles Spurgeon

TRUTH— Qualification for Learning-Charles Spurgeon Ruskin, in reference to painters, declares, that “a person false at heart may, when it suits his purposes, seize a stray truth here or there ; but the relations of truth, its perfectness, that which makes it wholesome truth, he can never perceive. As wholeness and wholes o me tie […]

TRUTH-Charles Spurgeon

TRUTH – Charles Spurgeon ” He will guide you into all truth.” john 16- 1. Truth may be compared to some cave or grotto, with wondrous stalactites hanging from the roof, and others starting from the floor; a cavern glittering with spar and abounding in marvels. Before entering the cavern you inquire for a guide, […]

Hittite— its mystery-Charles Spurgeon

Hittite— its mystery-Charles Spurgeon It was reported of alanus, when he promised his auditory to discourse the next sunday more clearly of the trinity, and to make plain that mystery, while he was studying the point by the sea-side, he spied a boy very busy with a little spoon trudging often between the sea and […]

TRIALS -of Young Believers-Charles Spurgeon

TRIALS -of Young Believers-Charles Spurgeon Duncan in his sacred philosophy of the seasons, tells us, — there is an inset [anti pugilism), which is accustomed to deposit its eggs in the very core of the plumage, or primary shoot of wheat, so that this shoot is completely destroyed by the larva. Did the plant possess […]

SCHOOLS – Charles Spurgeon

SCHOOLS – Charles Spurgeon Riding the other day over Westminster Bridge 1 observed a noble bull quietly walking along, although there was a perfect hurly-burly of cabs, horses, carriages, whips and men all around him. I wondered to see the powerful beast walking so demurely, and only ceased to marvel when I noticed that a […]

Sceptics and Controversial Divine – Charles Spurgeon

Sceptics and Controversial Divine – Charles Spurgeon The old fable tells us of a boy who mounted a scavenger’s cart with base intent to throw dirt at the moon; whereat another! with better intentions, but scarcely less folly, came running with a bason of water to wash the moon, and make its face clean again. […]


TRANSFORMATIONS OF COAL TAR -Charles Spurgeon A short time ago the manufacturers of lighting gas were puzzled to know how to dispose of the coal-tar left in the retorts. A more useless, nauseous substance was hardly known to exist. Chemistry came to the rescue, and to-day not less than thirty-six marketable articles are produced from […]

The terrible fire -tale-Charles Spurgeon

The terrible fire -tale-Charles Spurgeon I saw a terrible fire some time ago, or rather i saw the reflection of it in the sky, the heavens were crimsoned with it. It burned a large manufacture to the ground, and the firemen had hard work to save the buildings which surrounded it. They poured streams of […]

Man Fallen – Charles H Spurgeon

Man Fallen – Charles H Spurgeon We saw at Hanover the unfinished palace of the deposed monarch: we were shown his state and private carriages and his stables of cream-coloured horses. A saddening sight to see all the emblems of sovereignty and no king; the insignia of royalty and the monarch for ever exiled. How […]

Lust – Charles H Spurgeon

Lust – Charles H Spurgeon Our lusts are cords. Fiery trials are sent to burn and consume them. Who fears the flame which will bring him liberty from bonds intolerable? Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

TODAY-Charles Spurgeon

TODAY-Charles Spurgeon ” it is not after the storm has arisen, or the telegraph has reported that his ship has struck, that the merchant runs to insure his goods. He effects the insurance while the sun is shining and the air calm ; he effects the insurance before the ship has cleared from the dock, […]

Love Of God Shed Abroad By The Holy Ghost – Charles H Spurgeon

Love Of God Shed Abroad By The Holy Ghost – Charles H Spurgeon Frequently at the great Roman games, the emperors, in order to gratify the citizens of Rome, would cause sweet perfumes to be rained down upon them through the awning which covered the amphitheatre. Behold the vases, the huge vessels of perfume! Yes, […]

Longings Of The Soul Often Painful – Charles H Spurgeon

Longings Of The Soul Often Painful – Charles H Spurgeon Have you never seen a caged eagle with its breast or wing bleeding from blows received by dashing against the wire of its cage? The poor creature dreamed of the forest and the craggy rock, and, filled with aspirations for sublimest flight, it stretched its […]

TITHES-Charles Spurgeon

TITHES-Charles Spurgeon Tls ridiculous to say the tithes are god’s part, and there- fore the clergy must have them ; why, so they are if the layman has them. ’tis as if one of my lady kent’s maids should be sweeping this room, and another of them should come and take away the broom, and […]

Lives Wrecked – Charles H Spurgeon

Lives Wrecked – Charles H Spurgeon Sailing down the Thames one occasionally sees a green flag in tatters, inscribed with the word WRECK, floating in the breeze over a piece of a mast, or the funnel of a steamer which is just visible above the water. Alas! how many lives might thus be marked, and […]

Little Things Whereunto They May Grow – Charles H Spurgeon

Little Things Whereunto They May Grow – Charles H Spurgeon When the air balloon was first discovered, a matter-of- fact gentleman contemptuously asked Dr. Franklin what was the use of it. The doctor answered this question by asking another:: ‘What is the use of a new-born infant? It may 6ecome a man.’ This anticipation of […]

Light Detested By The Wicked – Charles H Spurgeon

Light Detested By The Wicked – Charles H Spurgeon A sluttish housemaid when scolded for the untidiness of the chambers exclaimed, ‘I’m sure the rooms would be clean enough if it were not for the nasty sun which is always showing the dirty corners.’ Thus do men revile the gospel because it reveals their own […]

THREE WHATS ?-Charles Spurgeon

THREE WHATS ? – Charles Spurgeon “Never forget the three Whats. First, What from? Secondly, What by ? And, thirdly, What to ? What from ? Believers are redeemed from hell and destruction. What by? By the precious blood of Christ. What to ? To an inheritance incorruptible, unfilled, and that fathead not away. Facebook […]

Life To Be Viewed In Reference To Its End – Charles H Spurgeon

Life To Be Viewed In Reference To Its End – Charles H Spurgeon The way is good, says Chrysostom, if it be to a feast, though through a dark and miry lane; if to an execution not good, though through the fairest street of the city. Non qua sed quo. Not the way but the […]

Life Uncertain Tenure Of – Charles H Spurgeon

Life Uncertain Tenure Of – Charles H Spurgeon There is a talk of giving fixity of tenure in Ireland; can they find it in England, or for the matter of that, in all the world? No, we are all tenants, liable to be ejected without an hour’s notice. How death must laugh at our leases […]

Life Uncertainty Of – Charles H Spurgeon

Life Uncertainty Of – Charles H Spurgeon ‘It fareth with most men’s lives, as with the sand in a deceptive hour-glass; look but upon it in outward appearance, and it seemeth far more than it is, because it riseth up upon the sides, whilst the sand is empty and hollow in the midst thereof:, so […]

Life Spiritual – Charles H Spurgeon

Life Spiritual – Charles H Spurgeon How like to a Christian a man may be and yet possess no vital godliness! Walk through the British Museum, and you will see all the orders of animals standing in their various places, and exhibiting themselves with the utmost possible propriety. The rhinoceros demurely retains the position in […]

Life Reviewed – Charles H Spurgeon

Life Reviewed – Charles H Spurgeon Here is a good searching question for a man to ask himself as he reviews his past life:: Have I written in the snow? Will my life-work endure the lapse of years and the fret of change? Has there been anything immortal in it, which will survive the speedy […]

Life Power Of The Inner – Charles H Spurgeon

Life Power Of The Inner – Charles H Spurgeon On a winter’s day I have noticed a row of cottages, with a deep load of snow on their several roofs; but as the day wore on, large fragments began to tumble from the eaves of this one and that other, till, by-and-by, there was a […]

Life The Hidden – Charles H Spurgeon

Life The Hidden – Charles H Spurgeon Standing by the telegraphic wires one may often hear the mystic wailing and sighing of the winds among them, like the strains of an Aolian harp, but one knows nothing of the message which is flashing along them. Joyous may be the inner language of those wires, swift […]

Salvation – Theme for Thought – Charles Spurgeon

Salvation – Theme for Thought – Charles Spurgeon I have heard of a certain divine, that he used always to carry about with him a little book. This tiny volume had only three leaves in it; and truth to tell, it contained not a single word. The first was a leaf of black paper, black […]

Life The Power Of An Earnest – Charles H Spurgeon

Life The Power Of An Earnest – Charles H Spurgeon The upper galleries at Versailles are filled with portraits, many of them extremely valuable and ancient. These are the likenesses of the greatest men of all lands and ages, drawn by the ablest artists. Yet most visitors wander through the rooms with little or no […]

Life The Need Of The Sinner – Charles H Spurgeon

Life The Need Of The Sinner – Charles H Spurgeon WE visited two palaces in Venice, and realized the contrast of life and death. The first was tenanted by a noble family, who delighted to maintain it in good repair, to adorn it with fresh beauties, and to furnish it in the most sumptuous manner. […]

Life Explains Religion – Charles H Spurgeon

Life Explains Religion – Charles H Spurgeon ONE of our party greatly needed some elder-flower water for her face upon which the sun was working great mischief. It was in the Italian town of Varallo, and not a word of Italian did I know. I entered a chemist’s shop and surveyed his drawers and bottles, […]

Life Of Tre Believer Interesting – Charles H Spurgeon

Life Of Tre Believer Interesting – Charles H Spurgeon I heard a gentleman assert that he could walk almost any number of miles when the scenery was good; but, he added, ‘When it is flat and uninteresting, how one tires!’ What scenery enchants the Christian pilgrim; the towering mountains of predestination, the great sea of […]

Salvation – Hard to find – Charles Spurgeon

Salvation – Hard to find – Charles Spurgeon It is said that some years ago a vessel sailing on the northern coast of the South American continent, was observed to make signals of distress. When hailed by another vessel, they reported themselves as ” Dying for water!” ” Dip it up then,” was the response, […]

Life – Charles H Spurgeon

Life – Charles H Spurgeon John Mackintosh thus writes to his biographer, Norman Macleod:: ‘May it not be said that the movement of our age is towards life? I sometimes fancy that I can discern three epochs in the Reformed Churches, corresponding in the main to those three weighty epithets: via, yenta:, vita. The Reformers […]

Lethargy Of Soul – Charles H Spurgeon

Lethargy Of Soul – Charles H Spurgeon Two of my hearers perished by a fire in their own house. They were not consumed by the flames, but they were suffocated by the smoke. No blaze was ever visible, nor could any remarkable sign of fire be seen from the Street, yet they died as readily […]

Salvation – in Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Salvation – in Christ – Charles Spurgeon We lately read in the paper an illustration of the way of salvation. A man had been condemned in a Spanish court to be shot but being an American citizen and also of English birth, the consuls of the two countries interposed, and declared that the Spanish authorities […]

Knowledge Lies Not In Mere Words – Charles H Spurgeon

Knowledge Lies Not In Mere Words – Charles H Spurgeon I heard two persons on the Wengern Alp talking by the hour together of the names of ferns; not a word about their characteristics, uses, or habits, but a medley of crack-jaw titles, and nothing more. They evidently felt that they were ventilating their botany, […]

Kingdom Of Christ Its Glories – Charles H Spurgeon

Kingdom Of Christ Its Glories – Charles H Spurgeon The palace of Versailles with its countless representations of battles, sieges, stormings, surprises, and all other forms of wholesale and retail murder, is dedicated, according to an inscription on its front, To all the glories of France. Bah! As well consecrate a shambles to all the […]

Judgments Effects Of – Charles H Spurgeon

Judgments Effects Of – Charles H Spurgeon In the province of Quito, after the tremendous earthquake of 1797, a number of marriages were contracted between persons who had neglected for many years to sanction their union by the sacerdotal benediction. Children found parents by whom they had never till then been acknowledged; restitutions were promised […]

Judgment Perverted – Charles H Spurgeon

Judgment Perverted – Charles H Spurgeon When a traveler is newly among the Alps, he is constantly deceived in his reckoning. One Englishman declared that he could climb the Righi in half-an-hour, but after several panting hours the summit was still a-head of him; yet when he made the boast, some of us who stood […]

Judgment Day Forgotten – Charles H Spurgeon

Judgment Day Forgotten – Charles H Spurgeon Is it not foolish to be living in this world without a thought of what you will do at last? A man goes into an inn, and as soon as he sits down he begins to order his wine, his dinner, his bed; there is no delicacy in […]

Judgment Comparable To Balances – Charles H Spurgeon

Judgment Comparable To Balances – Charles H Spurgeon Our judgment may be compared to the scales and weights of the merchant. It should be correct, but it seldom is quite accurate; even ordinary wear and tear in this world will suffice to put it out of gear. We had need call in the Rectifier full […]

Joy – Charles H Spurgeon

Joy – Charles H Spurgeon We are told of some Turks, who have, upon the sight of Mahomet’s tomb, put out their eyes, that they might not defile them, forsooth, with any common object, after they had been blessed with seeing one so sacred. I am sure many gracious souls there have been, who, with […]

Jesuits – Charles H Spurgeon

Jesuits – Charles H Spurgeon The cat having a long time preyed upon the mice, the poor creatures at last, for their safety, contained themselves within their holes; but the cat finding his prey to cease, as being known to the mice that he was indeed their enemy and a cat, deviseth this course following, […]

Irascible Persons Not To Be Provoked – Charles H Spurgeon

Irascible Persons Not To Be Provoked – Charles H Spurgeon In the Jardin des Plantes we saw a hooded snake in a most unamiable condition of temper. There was a thick glass and a stout wire between us, and we did nothing but look at him, yet he persisted in darting at us with the […]

THEOLOGY— Ought to be Petrified Scripture-Charles Spurgeon

THEOLOGY— Ought to be Petrified Scripture -Charles Spurgeon Petrarch’s works are said to have laid so long in the roof of st. Mark’s, at venice, that they became turned into stone ; by what process deponent say not. To many men it might well seem that the word of god had become petrified, for they […]

TEXTS— Memorable-Charles Spurgeon

TEXTS— Memorable-Charles Spurgeon One looks with interest on that ancient stone at kingston- upon-thames, upon which so many saxon kings were crowned, but far more reverent is the gate we fix upon those texts of scripture whereby (through god’s grace) many have been made kings unto our god. We rail them off in a special […]

TEXBOOK— of Convicted Consciences-Charles Spurgeon

TEXBOOK— of Convicted Consciences-Charles Spurgeon In certain places on alpine summits the way is peculiarly dangerous on account of the frequent falling of avalanches, and the traveler walks in dread of instant destruction. Samuel rogers puts it thus : — ” then my guide lowering his voice addressed me : ‘ through this gap on […]

Behold — What they should be – Charles Spurgeon

Behold — What they should be – Charles Spurgeon In the Cathedral of St. Mark, in Venice— a marvelous building, lustrous with an Oriental splendor far beyond de- scription—there are pillars said to have been brought from Solomon’s Temple; these are of alabaster, a substance firm and durable as granite, and yet transparent, so that […]

TEMPTATIONS-from Friends, to be watched feedly Resisted-Charles Spurgeon

TEMPTATIONS-from Friends, to be watched feedly Resisted – Charles Spurgeon The lady in millais’ famous picture would fain save her lover’s life from the massacre of bartholomew, by binding the popish badge around his arm ; he kisses her for her love, but firmly removes the badge. So when the dearest friends we have, out […]

Saints — their Real Worth – Charles Spurgeon

Saints — their Real Worth – Charles Spurgeon A piece of plate may become battered and scratched, so that its beauty is hopelessly K once I but it loses not its real worth; put it into the scale, and its weight and not its fashion shall be the estimate of its preciousness; throw it into […]

Saints — Preserve the World – Charles Spurgeon

Saints — Preserve the World – Charles Spurgeon WE saw in Venice a picture of St. Mark and other holy champions delivering the fait city from the devil, who had resolved to raise a great shot in the Adriatic, flood the lagunes, and drown the inhabitant of the “bride of the sea.” All mere legend […]

Safety of feeble saints – Charles Spurgeon

Safety of feeble saints – Charles Spurgeon You can buy complete sets of all the flowers of the Alpine district at the hotel near the foot of the Rosenlaui glacier, very neatly pressed and enclosed in cases. Some of the flowers are very common, but they must be included, or the flora would not be […]

SAFETY OF BELIEVERS – Charles Spurgeon

SAFETY OF BELIEVERS – Charles Spurgeon A British subject may be safe although surrounded by enemies in a distant land — not that he hath strength to con- tend alone against armed thousands, but because he is a subject of our queen. A despot on his throne, a horde of savages in their desert, have […]

Sabbath — Views of Heaven then Enjoyed – Charles Spurgeon

Sabbath — Views of Heaven then Enjoyed – Charles Spurgeon When a gentleman was inspecting a house in Newcastle, with a view to hiring it as a residence, the landlord took him to the upper window, expatiated on the extensive prospect, and added, ” Vou can see Durham Cathedral from this window on a Sunday […]

TEMPTATIONS-used by country people to catch the wasps-Charles Spurgeon

TEMPTATIONS-used by country people to catch the wasps – Charles Spurgeon Temptations. Notice the invention used by country people to catch wasps. They will put a little sweet liquor into a long and narrow-necked phial. The do-nothing wasp comes by, smells the sweet liquor, plunges in and is drowned. But the bee comes by, and […]

Sabbath — Heed to be Awakened for – Charles Spurgeon

Sabbath — Heed to be Awakened for – Charles Spurgeon At harbour , in the Hartz Mountains, we were awakened early in the morning, according to an ancient custom, by the sound of a trumpet, which made us pray that when the last trumpet sounds it may awaken us to an endless Sabbath. It was […]

TEMPTATION- that ever overtakes us-Charles Spurgeon

TEMPTATION – that ever overtakes us-Charles Spurgeon Many horses fall at the bottom of a hill because the driver thinks the danger past and the need to hold the reins with firm grip less pressing. So it is often with us when we are not specially tempted to overt sin, we are the more in […]

TEMPER— Important-Charles Spurgeon

TEMPER— Important-Charles Spurgeon The adige at verona appears to be a river quite broad and deep enough for navigation, but its current is so rapid as to make it quite in-serviceable. Many men are so rash, and impetuous, and at the same time so suddenly angry and excited, that their otherwise most valuable abilities are […]

Wealth in the World – Ambition for – Charles Spurgeon

Wealth in the World – Ambition for – Charles Spurgeon AMBITION, a good enough thing within reasonable bounds, is Avery Apollyon among men, when it gets the mastery over them. Have you ever seen boys climbing a greasy pole to reach a hat or a handkerchief? If so, you will have noticed that the aspiring […]

Riches – Ruined by – Charles Spurgeon

Riches – Ruined by – Charles Spurgeon Do not be over-anxious about riches. Get as much of true wisdom and goodness as you can; but be satisfied with a very moderate portion of this world’s good, Riches may prove a curse as well as a blessing. I was walking through nn orchard, looking about me, […]

TASTE— Spiritual, Heedful for Heavenly Joys-Charles Spurgeon

TASTE— Spiritual, Heedful for Heavenly Joys-Charles Spurgeon Taste— spiritual, heedful for heavenly joys the unfitness of un-renewed souls for heaven, may be illustrated by the incapacity of certain uneducated and coarse-minded persons for elevated thoughts and intellectual pursuits. When a little child, i lived some years in my grandfather’s house. In his garden there was […]

SYMPATHY— How Learned-Charles Spurgeon

SYMPATHY— How Learned-Charles Spurgeon The story goes that harry the eighth wandering one night in the streets of london in disguise, was met at the bridge- foot by some of the watch, and not giving a good account of himself was carried off to the poultry compter, and shut up for the night without fire […]

RICHES – Danger of – Charles Spurgeon

RICHES – Danger of – Charles Spurgeon Crossing the Cold ‘Obbie, the mule laden with our luggage sank in the snow, nor could it be recovered until its load was removed j then, but not till then, it scrambled out of the hole it had made, and pursued its journey. It reminded us of mariners […]

SYMPATHY— Fruit of Experience-Charles Spurgeon

SYMPATHY— Fruit of Experience – Charles Spurgeon Hone in his “year book,” has the following anecdote of charles pratt, earl camden, when chief justice of the common pleas. ” being on a visit to lord dacre, at alveley, in essex, he walked out with a gentleman, a very absent man, to a hill, at no […]

SUFFERING- True Service-Charles Spurgeon

SUFFERING – True Service – Charles Spurgeon Old Betty was converted late in life, and though very poor, was very active. She visited the sick ; out of her own poverty she gave to those who were still poorer ; collected a little money from others when she could give none of her own, and […]

Mission-to the divine will-Charles Spurgeon

Mission-to the divine will – Charles Spurgeon Payson was asked, when under great bodily affliction, if he could see any particular reason for this dispensation. ” no,” replied he, “but i am as well satisfied as if 1 could see ten thousand ; god’s will is the very perfection of all reason.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp […]

STEEPNESS-Charles Spurgeon

STEEPNESS – Charles Spurgeon It is said of that eminent saint and martyr, bishop hooper, that on one occasion a man in deep distress was allowed to go into his prison to tell his tale of conscience, but bishop . Hooper looked so sternly upon him, and addressed him so severely at first, that the […]

SPIRITUAL WARMTH- How to Maintain it.-Charles Spurgeon

SPIRITUAL WARMTH- How to Maintain it.-Charles Spurgeon Philip henry’s advice to his daughter: “if you would keep warm in this cold season (january, 1692), take these four directions : 1. Get into the sun ; under his blessed beams there are warmth and comfort. 1. Go near the fire. ‘ is not my word like […]

SPIRIT OF GOD— the Fire from H Baven – Charles Spurgeon

SPIRIT OF GOD— the Fire from H Baven – Charles Spurgeon Suppose we saw an army sitting down before a granite fort, and they told us that they intended to batter it down, we might ask them, ” how ! ” they point to a cannon ball. Well, but there is no power in that […]

Interest In Holy Work To Be Maintained – Charles H Spurgeon

Interest In Holy Work To Be Maintained – Charles H Spurgeon It is of the utmost importance to keep up our interest in the holy work in which we are engaged, for the moment our interest flags the work will become wearisome. Humboldt says that the copper-coloured native of central America, far more accustomed than […]

Ingratitude To God – Charles H Spurgeon

Ingratitude To God – Charles H Spurgeon The Staubach is a fall of remarkable magnificence, seeming to leap from heaven; its glorious stream reminds one of the abounding mercy which in a mighty torrent descends from above. In the winter, when the cold is severe, the water freezes at the foot of the fall, and […]

Influence – Charles H Spurgeon

Influence – Charles H Spurgeon Lord Peterborough speaking on one occasion of the celebrated Fénélon, observed:: ‘He is a delicious creature; I was forced to get away from him as fast as I possibly could, else he would have made me pious.’ Would to God that all of us had such an influence over godless […]

Infirmities Use Of – Charles H Spurgeon

Infirmities Use Of – Charles H Spurgeon ‘Someof the arable land along the shore on the southeast coast of Sutherland, is almost covered with shore stones, from the size of a turkey’s egg to eight pounds weight. Several experiments have been made to collect these off the land, expecting a better crop; but in every […]

Indolence A Shameful Sickness – Charles H Spurgeon

Indolence A Shameful Sickness – Charles H Spurgeon There once lived in Ghent a beggar, who was accustomed to collect alms upon the pretence that he had a secret disease lying in his bones and weakening his whole body, and that he dared not for shame mention the name of it. This appeal was exceedingly […]

Inconsistency Glossed Over – Charles H Spurgeon

Inconsistency Glossed Over – Charles H Spurgeon ‘Silk is interdicted by Mussulman law as being an excrement. They elude this prohibition by mixing a very little cotton with it.’ After the same manner it is growing too common at what are called Penny Readings, to indulge in. the idlest jesting and absurdity, and then to […]

Inconsistency – Charles H Spurgeon

Inconsistency – Charles H Spurgeon Mark Antony once yoked two lions together, and drove them through the streets of Rome, but no human skill can ever yoke together the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and the Lion of the Pit. I did see a man once trying to walk on both sides of the […]

Inconsistencies – Charles H Spurgeon

Inconsistencies – Charles H Spurgeon The orthodox Greek churchman is scandalised at the image-worship of the Romanist; it is flat idolatry, and he denounces it vehemently. But what are those pictures in the Russian churches, many of them made to stand out in relief with solid plates of gold and silver? Why, these are pictures […]

Inactivity The Evils Of – Charles H Spurgeon

Inactivity The Evils Of – Charles H Spurgeon What a mournful sight the observer may see in some of the outskirts of our huge city; row after row of houses all untenanted and forlorn. The owners had far better let them at the lowest rent than suffer them to remain empty, for the boys make […]

Immutability Of God – Charles H Spurgeon

Immutability Of God – Charles H Spurgeon There be many Christians most like unto young sailors, who think the shore and the whole land doth move when they ship, and they themselves are moved. Just so not a few do imagine that God moveth, and saileth, and changeth places, because their giddy souls are under […]

Insignificant Subjects Not Fit For The Pulpit – Charles H Spurgeon

Insignificant Subjects Not Fit For The Pulpit – Charles H Spurgeon Carlyle in narrating an instance of the preservation of etiquette at the court of Louis XVI., while the mob were demanding entrance into his private apartments, and the empire was going to pieces, compares it to the house-cricket still chirping amid the pealing of […]

Imitation Of Good Men Its Limit – Charles H Spurgeon

Imitation Of Good Men Its Limit – Charles H Spurgeon Plutarch says that among the Persians those persons were considered most beautiful who were hawk-nosed, for no other reason than that Cyrus had such a nose. In Richard the Third’s court humps upon the back were the height of fashion. According as the various potentates […]

Ignorance Possible In Most Constant Hearers – Charles H Spurgeon

Ignorance Possible In Most Constant Hearers – Charles H Spurgeon Samuel Wesley visited one of his parishioners as he was upon his dying bed: a man who had never missed going to church in forty years. ‘Thomas, where do you think your soul will go?’ ‘Soul! soul!’ said Thomas. Yes, sir,’ said Mr. Wesley, ‘do […]

Rich—Danger of the hell – Charles Spurgeon

Rich—Danger of the hell – Charles Spurgeon A HOLY woman was wont to say of the rich—” They are hemmed round with no common misery; they go down to hell without thinking of it, because their staircase thither is of gold and porphyry.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Their Folly-Charles Spurgeon

Their Folly-Charles Spurgeon While a minister of my acquaintance was riding in a rail- way carriage, he was saluted by a member of an exceedingly litigious and speculative sect. ” pray, sir,” said the sectary, “what is your opinion of the seven trumpets ?” ” i am not sure,” said the preacher, “that i understand […]

Bewared – of Benevolence Sometimes Immediate – Charles Spurgeon

Bewared – of Benevolence Sometimes Immediate – Charles Spurgeon Occasionally a benevolent action wrought in faith brings with it an instantaneous recompense in kind; therein Providence is seen as smiling upon the deed. The late John Andrew Jones, a poor Baptist minister, whilst walking in Cheapside, was appealed to by someone he knew for help. […]

Ignorance – Charles H Spurgeon

Ignorance – Charles H Spurgeon Payson well says,’ Oh! when we meet in heaven, we shall see how little we knew about it on earth. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Hypocritical Confessions – Charles H Spurgeon

Hypocritical Confessions – Charles H Spurgeon You have beard, no doubt, of beggars who tie a leg up when they go a-begging, and then make a hideous lamentation of their lameness. Why, this is just your case, sir, when you go to church a-praying, which is begging, you tie your righteous heart up, and then […]

Hypocrites Their Sinister Motives – Charles H Spurgeon

Hypocrites Their Sinister Motives – Charles H Spurgeon See yonder eagle, how it mounts! Does it care for the ethereal blue, or aspire to commune with the stars of heaven! Not a whit; such airy considerations have no weight with the ravenous bird; and yet you will not wonder that it soars aloft when you […]

Hypocrites Seeking Their Own Advantage – Charles H Spurgeon

Hypocrites Seeking Their Own Advantage – Charles H Spurgeon God is in the hypocrite’s mouth, but the world is in his heart, which he expects to gain through his good reputation. I have read of one that offered his prince a great sum of money to have leave once or twice a-day to come into […]

Hypocrites Season For – Charles H Spurgeon

Hypocrites Season For – Charles H Spurgeon After a refreshing shower which has made all the flowers to smile till the teardrops of joy stand in their eyes, you will see your garden-paths spotted over with slugs and snails. These creatures lay concealed till the genial rain called them forth to make their slimy way […]

Souls-lots of-Charles Spurgeon

Souls-lots of-Charles Spurgeon Thomas fuller, in his ” worthies,” gives the following interesting account of one ger vase scoop, knight : — ” he engaged with his majorly inchinchilla fight, where he receivedtwenty-six wounds, and was left on the ground amongst thedead. Nest day his son Adrian obtained leave from theking to find and fetch […]

Hypocrites Discovered On Nearer Inspection – Charles H Spurgeon

Hypocrites Discovered On Nearer Inspection – Charles H Spurgeon How many are like that famous painting of the olden time, in which the artist depicted what seemed at a distance a holy friar with a book before him, and his hands crossed in devotion, looking like a saint indeed, but when you came close to […]

Revival—Absence and Presence of – Charles Spurgeon

Revival—Absence and Presence of – Charles Spurgeon The decline of a revival is a great testing season. It discovers the true believers by chilling the false. A frosty night or two suffices to nip all the exotic plants of a garden; but the hardy shrubs, the true natives of the soil, live on even in […]

Hypocrisy Of No Service – Charles H Spurgeon

Hypocrisy Of No Service – Charles H Spurgeon Coals of fire cannot be concealed beneath the most sumptuous apparel, they-will betray themselves with smoke and flame; nor can darling sins be long hidden beneath the most ostentatious profession, they will sooner or later discover themselves, and burn sad holes in the man’s reputation. Sin needs […]

Hypocrisy Present Age Suitable To – Charles H Spurgeon

Hypocrisy Present Age Suitable To – Charles H Spurgeon There was an age of chivalry, when no craven courted knighthood, for it involved the hard blows, the dangerous wounds, the rough unhorsings, and the ungentle perils of the tournament; nay, these were but child’s play: there were distant eastern fields, where Paynim warriors must be […]

Bifurcation – Charles Spurgeon

Bifurcation – Charles Spurgeon The doctrine of the resurrection is full of joy to the bereaved. It clothes the grave with flowers and wreathes the tomb with unfading laurel. These pulchra shines with a light brighter than the sun, and death grows fair, as we say, in full assurance of faith, ” I know that […]

RESPONSIBILITY – Charles Spurgeon

RESPONSIBILITY – Charles Spurgeon JOHN Brown, of Haddington, said to a young minister, who complained of the smallness of his congregation, ” It is as large a one as you will want to give account for in the day of judgment.” The admonition is appropriate, not to s alone, but to all teachers. Facebook Twitter […]

Resolution — Overcoming Difficulties – Charles Spurgeon

Resolution — Overcoming Difficulties – Charles Spurgeon LOOK at that bare perpendicular mountain side — why, it is worse than perpendicular, it overhangs the lake; yet the bold Tyrolese have carried a road right along the bald face of the rock, by blasting out a gallery, or, as it looks from below, by chiseling out […]

Resignation – Want of – Charles Spurgeon

Resignation – Want of – Charles Spurgeon A lady who had lost a beloved child, was so oppressed with grief, that she even secluded herself from the society Ol her own family, and kept herself locked in her chamber, but was at length prevailed on by her husband to come downstairs and take a walk […]

Resignation – Sustained by Faith – Charles Spurgeon

Resignation – Sustained by Faith – Charles Spurgeon THE habit of resignation is the root of peace. A godly child had a ring given him by his mother, and he greatly prized it, but on a sudden he unhappily lost his ring, and he cried bitterly. Recollecting himself, he stepped aside and prayed; after which […]

Hypocrisy A Fall Fatal – Charles H Spurgeon

Hypocrisy A Fall Fatal – Charles H Spurgeon ‘The meteor, if it once fall, cannot be rekindled.’ When those who once flashed before the eyes of the religious public with the blaze of a vain profession, fall into open and scandalous sin, it is impossible to renew their glory. Once break the egg of hypocrisy, […]

Reproof – to be Given in love – Charles Spurgeon

Reproof – to be Given in love – Charles Spurgeon Preaching on John 13:14 — the duty of disciples to wash one another’s feet— Mr. Finlayson, of Helmsdale, observed, ” One way in which disciples wash one another’s feet is by reproving one another. But the reproof must not be couched in angry words, so […]

Hypocrisy Easy But Dangerous – Charles H Spurgeon

Hypocrisy Easy But Dangerous – Charles H Spurgeon The counterfeit will always have some admirers, from its cheapness in the market. One must dig deep in dark mines for gold and silver; the precious treasure must be brought from far across the seas; it must be melted down, it must pass through many assays, and […]

Hypocrisy 3 – Charles H Spurgeon

Hypocrisy 3 – Charles H Spurgeon The shops in the square of San Marco were all religiously closed, for the day was a high festival. We were much disappointed, for it was our last day, and we desired to take away with us some souvenirs of lovely Venice; but our regret soon vanished, for on […]

Repentance—Thoroughly—Searches Out Sin – Charles Spurgeon

Repentance—Thoroughly—Searches Out Sin – Charles Spurgeon When a wound in a soldier’s foot refuses to heal, the surgeon examines it very minutely, and manipulates every part. Each bone is there, and in its place; there is no apparent cause far the inflammation, but yet the wound re- fuses to heal. The surgeon probes and probes […]

Repentance -Must be remember – Charles Spurgeon

Repentance -Must be remember – Charles Spurgeon The gondoliers at Venice, when we were sojourning in that queen of the Adriatic, frequently quarreled with each other, and used such high words and ferocious gestures that we were afraid murder would come of it ; yet they never came to blows, it was only their rough […]

Remembrance – How to be had in – Charles Spurgeon

Remembrance – How to be had in – Charles Spurgeon Sir Bernard Burke thus touchingly writes in his Vicissitudes of Families: — ” In 1850 pedigree research caused me to pay a visit to the village of Finders, about five miles south-west of Derby. I sought for the ancient hall. Not a stone remained to […]

Religious life not mere Imitation – Charles Spurgeon

Religious life not mere Imitation – Charles Spurgeon “At one of the late grand reviews in Eastern Prussia, says a German paper, a brigade of artillery was ordered to pass at full gallop over a piece of uneven ground, intersected by a ditch full of water. One of the guns, from the horses not making […]

Religion -Taken upon Trait – Charles Spurgeon

Religion -Taken upon Trait – Charles Spurgeon It is a preposterous thing that men can venture their souls where they will not venture their money; for they will take their religion upon trust but would not trust a synod about the goodness of half- a- crown. — William Penn. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

RELIGION- Best be Personal – Charles Spurgeon

RELIGION- Best be Personal – Charles Spurgeon ” A LITTLE girl, whom we will call Ellen, was some time ago helping to nurse a sick gentleman, whom she loved very dearly. One day he said to her, ‘ Ellen, it is time for me to take my medicine, I think. Will you pour it out […]

Regeneration – Need of – Charles Spurgeon

Regeneration – Need of – Charles Spurgeon A RAW countryman having brought his gun to the gun- smith for repairs, the latter is reported to have examined it, and finding it to be almost too far gone for repairing, said, ” Your gun is in a very worn-out, ruinous, good-for-nothing condition, what sort of repairing […]

Hypocrisy 2 – Charles H Spurgeon

Hypocrisy 2 – Charles H Spurgeon In the pursuit of pastoral duty, I stood a little while ago in a cheesemonger’s shop, and being in a fidgety humour, and having a stick in my hand, I did what most Englishmen are sure to do, I was not content with seeing, but must needs touch as […]

Hypocrisy – Charles H Spurgeon

Hypocrisy – Charles H Spurgeon In the olden times even the best rooms were usually of bare brick or stone, damp, and moldy, but over these in great houses when the family was resident, were hung up arras or hangings of rich materials, between which and the wall persons might conceal themselves, so that literally […]

Humility And Cheerpulness – Charles H Spurgeon

Humility And Cheerpulness – Charles H Spurgeon ‘Observe the peculiar characters of the grass which adapt it especially for the service of man, are its apparent humility and cheerfulness. Its humility, in that it seems created only for lowest service, appointed to be trodden on, and fed upon. Its cheerfulness, in that it seems to […]

Humility 3 – Charles H Spurgeon

Humility 3 – Charles H Spurgeon Of all trees, I observe God hath chosen the vine, a low plant that creeps upon the helpful wall; of all beasts, the soft and patient lamb; of all fowls, the mild and guileless dove. Christ is the rose of the field, and the lily of the valley. When […]

Humility 2 – Charles H Spurgeon

Humility 2 – Charles H Spurgeon The whole Roman language, even with all the improvements of the Augustan age, does not afford so much as a name for humility (the word from whence we borrow this, as is well known, bearing in Latin a quite different meaning), no, nor was one found in all the […]

Humility – Charles H Spurgeon

Humility – Charles H Spurgeon Wise men know their own ignorance and are ever ready to learn. Humility is the child of knowledge. Michael Angelo was found by the Cardinal Earnese walking in solitude amid the ruins of the Coliseum, and when he expressed his surprise, the great artist answered, ‘I go yet to school […]

Hope 2 – Charles H Spurgeon

Hope 2 – Charles H Spurgeon It is reported that in the Tamul language there is no word for hope. Alas! poor men, if we were all as destitute of the blessed comfort itself as these Tamul speakers are of the word! What must be the misery of souls in hell where they remember the […]

Hope – Charles H Spurgeon

Hope – Charles H Spurgeon Once on a time, certain strong laborers were sent forth by the great King to level a primeval forest, to plough it, to sow it, and to bring to him the harvest. They were stout-hearted and strong, and willing enough for labor, and much they needed all their strength and […]

Holy Water – Charles H Spurgeon

Holy Water – Charles H Spurgeon Holy water, indeed! a vile mixture, neither fit for man nor beast. You see this liquid virtue at the doors of all the churches ready for the brows of the faithful, but what is far more curious, you observe it in little pots placed for use in the cemeteries; […]

Heavenward – Charles H Spurgeon

Heavenward – Charles H Spurgeon My horse invariably comes home in less time than he makes the journey out. He pulls the carriage with a hearty goodwill when his face is towards home. Should not I also both suffer and labor the more joyously because my way lies towards heaven, and I am on pilgrimage […]

Heaven Its Variety – Charles H Spurgeon

Heaven Its Variety – Charles H Spurgeon We cannot stay to read the catalogue now, but heavenly joys shall be like the tree of life in the New Jerusalem, which, brings forth twelve manner of fruits, and yields her fruit ever month. Robert Hall used to cry, ‘O for the everlasting rest!’ but Wilberforce would […]

Heaven A Sustaining Prospect – Charles H Spurgeon

Heaven A Sustaining Prospect – Charles H Spurgeon One Palmer, of Reading, being condemned to die, in Queen Mary’s time, was much persuaded to recant, and among other things a friend said to him, ‘Take pity on thy golden years and pleasant flowers of youth, before it be too late.’ His reply was as beautiful […]

Heaven To Be Shut Out Of At Last – Charles H Spurgeon

Heaven To Be Shut Out Of At Last – Charles H Spurgeon Several years ago we heard an old minister relate the following incident:: ‘He had preached the Word for many a year in a wood hard by a beautiful village in the Inverness-shire Highlands, and it was his invariable custom, on dismissing his own […]

Heaven None Admitted But Those Like Jesus – Charles H Spurgeon

Heaven None Admitted But Those Like Jesus – Charles H Spurgeon At heaven’s gate there stands an angel with charge to admit none but those who in their countenances bear the same features as the Lord of the place. Here comes a monarch with a crown upon his head. The angel pays him no respect, […]

Heaven An Incentive To Diligence – Charles H Spurgeon

Heaven An Incentive To Diligence – Charles H Spurgeon Julius Caesar coming towards Rome with his army, and hearing that the senate and people had fled from it, said, ‘They that will not fight for this city, what city will they fight for?’ If we will not take pains for the kingdom of heaven, what […]

Heaven Our Future Condition In – Charles H Spurgeon

Heaven Our Future Condition In – Charles H Spurgeon You will very often perceive in your rain-water certain ugly little things, which swim and twist about in it, always trying if they can to reach the surface and breathe through one end of their bodies. What makes these little things so lively, these innumerable little […]

Heaven – Charles H Spurgeon

Heaven – Charles H Spurgeon ‘Who,’ saith an old divine, ‘chides a servant for taking away the first course at a feast when the second consists of far greater delicacies?’ Who then can feel regret that this present world passeth away, when he sees that an eternal world of joy is coming? The first course […]

Heart Seat Of Spiritual Disease – Charles H Spurgeon

Heart Seat Of Spiritual Disease – Charles H Spurgeon Some malady which you do not understand troubles and alarms you. The physician is called. Thinking that the illness proceeds from a certain inflammatory process on a portion of your skin, you anxiously direct his attention to the spot. Silently, but sympathizing, he looks at the […]

Heart Must Be Renewed – Charles H Spurgeon

Heart Must Be Renewed – Charles H Spurgeon A man may beat down the bitter fruit from an evil tree until he is weary; whilst the root abides in strength and vigor, the beating down of the present fruit will not hinder it from bringing forth more. This is the folly of some men; they […]

Heart Hardness Of – Charles H Spurgeon

Heart Hardness Of – Charles H Spurgeon Lightfoot says:: ‘I have heard it more than once and again, from the sheriffs who took all the gunpowder plotters, and brought them up to London, that every night when they came to their lodging by the way, they had their music and dancing a good part of […]

Heart (Broken) Its Prevalence With God – Charles H Spurgeon

Heart (Broken) Its Prevalence With God – Charles H Spurgeon What man among you can stand against his children’s tears? When King Henry II., in the ages gone by, was provoked to take up arms against his ungrateful and rebellious son, he besieged him in one of the French towns, and the son being near […]

Heart Its Aberrations – Charles H Spurgeon

Heart Its Aberrations – Charles H Spurgeon The compass on board an iron vessel is very subject to aberrations; yet, for all that, its evident desire is to be true to the pole. True hearts in this wicked world, and in this fleshly body, are all too apt to swerve, but they still show their […]

Hearing Useless Alone – Charles H Spurgeon

Hearing Useless Alone – Charles H Spurgeon What a mistake to imagine that, by hearing first one preacher and then another, we can derive benefit to our souls! More is wanted than such hearing. A raven may fly from cage to cage, but it is not thereby changed into a dove. Go from room to […]

Hearing For Others – Charles H Spurgeon

Hearing For Others – Charles H Spurgeon The negro preachers are often marked by great shrewdness and mother wit; and will not only point the truth, but barb it, so that if once in it will stick fast. One of these was once descanting with much earnestness on different ways in which men lose their […]

Hearing Carelessly – Charles H Spurgeon

Hearing Carelessly – Charles H Spurgeon We crossed and recrossed the river several times by the ferry-boat at Basle. We had no object in the world but merely amusement and curiosity, to watch the simple machinery by which the same current is made to drift the boat in opposite directions from side to side. To […]

Hearing – Charles H Spurgeon

Hearing – Charles H Spurgeon v’I have an ear for other preachers,’ Sir John Cheke used to say, ‘but I have a heart for Latimer.’ Here is a very clear and main distinction. Too often men hear the Word sounding its drums and trumpets outside their walls, and they are filled with admiration of the […]

Hearers – Charles H Spurgeon

Hearers – Charles H Spurgeon Jedidiah Buxton, the famous peasant, who could multiply nine figures by nine in his head, was once taken to see Garrick act. When he went back to his own village, he was asked what he thought of the great actor and his doings. ‘Oh!’ he said, ‘he did not know, […]

Head Christ – Charles H Spurgeon

Head Christ – Charles H Spurgeon Everyone knows that it would be far better to lose our feet than our head. Adam had feet to stand with, but we have lost them by his disobedience; yet glory be to God, we have found a Head, in whom we abide eternally secure, a Head which we […]

Happiness Of Believers – Charles H Spurgeon

Happiness Of Believers – Charles H Spurgeon One of my hearers had seven children, who had come in rapid succession; he was hard-working and well spoken of. His children were all asleep when I went in, and as I expressed the pleasure the sight of their peaceful little faces gave me, the father said, ‘Ay, […]

Habits Destructive Power Of – Charles H Spurgeon

Habits Destructive Power Of – Charles H Spurgeon The surgeon of a regiment in India relates the following incident:: ‘A soldier rushed into the tent, to inform me that one of his comrades was drowning in a pond close by, and nobody could attempt to save him in consequence of the dense weeds which covered […]

Grumblers – Charles H Spurgeon

Grumblers – Charles H Spurgeon A heavy waggon was being dragged along a country lane by a team of oxen. The axle-trees groaned and creaked terribly, when the oxen turning round, thus addressed the wheels:: ‘Halloa, there! why do you make so much noise? we bear all the labor, and we, not you, ought to […]

Growth In Grace 2 – Charles H Spurgeon

Growth In Grace 2 – Charles H Spurgeon Lettuces, radishes, and such like garden crops, are soon out of the ground and ready for the table, a month almost suffices to perfect them; but an oak requires long centuries to come to the fulness of its growth. Those graces which are most precious and durable […]

Growth In Grace – Charles H Spurgeon

Growth In Grace – Charles H Spurgeon We have the likenesses of our boys taken on every birthday, and twelve of the annual portraits are now framed in one picture, so that we see them at a glance from their babyhood to their youth. Suppose such photographic memorials of our own spiritual life had been […]

Gratitude – Charles H Spurgeon

Gratitude – Charles H Spurgeon There is a very touching little story told of a poor woman with two children, who had not a bed for them to lie upon, and scarcely any clothes to cover them. In the depth of winter they were nearly frozen, and the mother took the door of the cellar […]

Grace Triumphant Over Trial – Charles H Spurgeon

Grace Triumphant Over Trial – Charles H Spurgeon ‘In one place near the Hospice of St. Bernard, I met with a curious natural conservatory. The under surface of the snow having been melted by the warmth of the soil, which in Alpine regions is always markedly higher than that of the air, was not in […]

Graces Should Be Seasonable – Charles H Spurgeon

Graces Should Be Seasonable – Charles H Spurgeon It is said in praise of the tree planted by the rivers of water, that it bringeth forth its fruit in ifs season; good men should aim to have seasonable virtues. For instance, a giving spirit is golden if it display itself in the moment when an […]

Grace Maturity In – Charles H Spurgeon

Grace Maturity In – Charles H Spurgeon Maturity in grace makes us willing to part with worldly goods; the green apple needs a sharp twist to separate it from the bough; but the ripe fruit parts readily from the wood. Maturity in grace makes it easier to part with life itself; the unripe pear is […]

Grace Equal To Our Day – Charles H Spurgeon

Grace Equal To Our Day – Charles H Spurgeon Whenever the Lord sends his servants to do extraordinary work he always gives them extraordinary strength; or if puts them to unusual suffering he gives them unusual patience. When we enter upon war with some petty New Zealand chief, our troops expect to have their charges […]

Grace – Charles H Spurgeon

Grace – Charles H Spurgeon Payson, when dying, expressed himself with great earnestness respecting the grace of God as exercised in saving lost men, and seemed particularly affected that it should be bestowed on one so ill-deserving as himself. ‘Oh, how sovereign! Oh, how sovereign! Grace is the only thing that make us like God. […]

Gospel Simple The Need Of The Wisest – Charles H Spurgeon

Gospel Simple The Need Of The Wisest – Charles H Spurgeon During an illness, that illustrious scholar Bengel sent for a student in the Theological Institution, and requested him to impart a word of consolation. The youth replied, ‘Sir, I am but a pupil, a mere learner; I don’t know what to say to a […]

Gospel To Be Preached Simply – Charles H Spurgeon

Gospel To Be Preached Simply – Charles H Spurgeon Of the works of a famous alchemist of the thirteenth century, it is said that, ‘whoever would react his book to find out the secret would employ all his labor in vain.’ All the gold makers who have written upon their favorite mystery are in the […]

Gospel Should Be Preached Constantly – Charles H Spurgeon

Gospel Should Be Preached Constantly – Charles H Spurgeon When Le Tourneau preached the Lent sermon at St. Benoit, at Paris, Louis XIV. enquired of Boileau, ‘if he knew anything of a preacher called Le Tourneau, whom everybody was running after?’ ‘Sire,’ replied the poet, ‘your Majesty knows that people always run after novelties; this […]

Gospel Nothing Else Will Satisfy – Charles H Spurgeon

Gospel Nothing Else Will Satisfy – Charles H Spurgeon Take away a toy from a child, and give him another, and he is satisfied; but if he be hungry no toy will do, As neworn babes, true believers desire the sincere milk of the Word; and the desire of grace in this way is grace.: […]

Gospel Needs Spiritual Ears To Appreciate It – Charles H Spurgeon

Gospel Needs Spiritual Ears To Appreciate It – Charles H Spurgeon Alphonse Karr heard a gardener ask his master permission to sleep for the future in the stable; ‘for,’ said he, ‘There is no possibility of sleeping in the chamber behind the henhouse, sir; there are nightingales there which do nothing but guggle, and keep […]

Faith and Reason – Charles Spurgeon

Faith and Reason – Charles Spurgeon An old writer says: — Faith and Reason may be compared to two Travellers; Faith is like a man in full health, who can walk his twenty or thirty miles at a time without suffering; Reason is like a little child, who can only, with difficulty, accomplish three or […]

QUESTIONS – Foolish Theologica – Charles Spurgeon

QUESTIONS – Foolish Theologica – Charles Spurgeon  employed either in wresting the words of Scripture to support the most monstrous opinions, or in discussing the most trivial questions. Think of men gravely debating whether the angel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary in the shape of a ser- pent, of a dove, of a man, […]

Quarrels – Charles Spurgeon

Quarrels – Charles Spurgeon In most quarrels there is a fault on both sides. A quarrel may be compared to a spark, which cannot be produced without a flint as well as a steel , either of them may hammer. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Purpose — Unity of – Charles Spurgeon

Purpose — Unity of – Charles Spurgeon When Audubon the celebrated American ornithologist was in Paris he grew quite weary of it, and his diary does not contain a cheerful word about that gay city until he writes, ” The stock-pigeon roosts in the trees of the garden of the Tuileries in great numbers; blackbirds […]

Purpose – Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Purpose – Christ – Charles Spurgeon It is said of Thomas Pett, the miser, that his pulse rose and fell with the funds. He never lay down or rose that he did not bless the inventor of compound interest. His one gloomy apartment was never brightened with coal, candle, or the countenance of a visitor, […]

PULPIT – Charles Spurgeon

PULPIT – Charles Spurgeon Clemens Brentano, a literary acquaintance of Dr. Krummacher, and a Catholic, once said to the doctor, “Till you Protestants pull down the chatterbox,” (“Plapper Kasten,”) he meant the pulpit, ” or, at least, throw it into the corner, where it ought to be, there is no hope of you.” I could […]

Puffery—Spiritual – Charles Spurgeon

Puffery—Spiritual – Charles Spurgeon When we read the exaggerated accounts which are so frequently issued, lauding to the skies the successful labors of certain evangelists of doubtful vocation, we are reminded of the battle of Aliwal, of which an officer wrote, ” Aliwal was the battle of the dispatch, for none of us knew we […]

Prudence (False) – it’s Mischief – Charles Spurgeon

Prudence (False) – it’s Mischief – Charles Spurgeon James the First once said of armor, that “it was an excellent invention, for it not only saved the life of the wearer, but it hindered him from doing harm to anybody else.” Equally destructive to all usefulness is that excessive prudence upon which some professors pride […]

Providence – lightly Places us – Charles Spurgeon

Providence – lightly Places us – Charles Spurgeon SUPPOSE the mole should cry, ” How I could have honored the Creator had I been allowed to fly!” it would be very foolish, for a mole flying would be a most ridiculous object; while a mole fashioning its tunnels and casting up its castles, is viewed […]

Providence — the Guardian of our Weakness – Charles Spurgeon

Providence — the Guardian of our Weakness – Charles Spurgeon That image in Lowell’s poem of “The Changeling” fascinates me. It is so much what I am and ever wish to be. Unable to defend myself and apparently undefended, yet guarded by omnipotent love, I would fain pour out a perfume of praise to the […]

Providence – Charles Spurgeon

Providence – Charles Spurgeon An old authority assures us that “the Jews fancy, concerning the cloud that conducted Israel through the wilder- ness, that it did not only show them the way, but also plane it ; that it did not only lead them in the way which they must go, hut also fit the […]

Prosperity – Evils of – Charles Spurgeon

Prosperity – Evils of – Charles Spurgeon Too long a period of fair weather in the Italian valleys creates such a superabundance of dust that the Traveller sighs for a shower. He is smothered, his clothes are white, his eyes smart, the grit even grates between his teeth and finds its way down his throat; […]

Prophecy – Too Often Interpreted by Imagination – Charles Spurgeon

Prophecy – Too Often Interpreted by Imagination – Charles Spurgeon All along the Oker Thai, in the Hart! there are huge rocks towering up among the firclad hills, to which the peasants have appended names according as they fancy them to bear resemblance to chairs, horses, cobblers, or cocked hats. The likeness in most cases […]

Few moments – in Doing Good – Charles Spurgeon

Few moments – in Doing Good – Charles Spurgeon Quick must be the hand if an impression is to be made upon the melted wax. Once let the wax cool and you will press the seal in vain. Cold and hard it will be in a few moments, therefore let the work be quickly done. […]

SOULS— Care for-Charles Spurgeon

SOULS— Care for-Charles Spurgeon In Switzerland, where land is very precious because rock abounds and the rugged soil is chary in its yieldings, you see the husbandman looking after a little tuft of grass growing on one of the edges of a lofty cliff. From the valley he had caught a sight of it and […]

Promises – Charles Spurgeon

Promises – Charles Spurgeon GOOD old Spurstow says that some of the promises are like the almond tree — they blossom hastily in the very earliest spring; but saith he, there are others which resemble the mulberry tree — they are very slow in putting forth their leaves, then what is a man to do, […]

SOUL— Needing Something to Cling to -Charles Spurgeon

SOUL— Needing Something to Cling to – Charles Spurgeon The soul ,socking to something over which it can spread itself, and by means of which it can support itself. And just as in a neglected garden you may see the poor creepers makir.g shift to sustain them- selves as best they can ; one convolvulus […]

Progress — Measure of – Charles Spurgeon

Progress — Measure of – Charles Spurgeon Sailors would be loath to sail without using their log to test their pace and show their progress. The wonder is that so many Christian professors navigate the sea of life and are utterly careless whether they are making headway or drifting from their course. Should we not […]

BORROWS— Leading to Conversion- Charles Spurgeon

BORROWS— Leading to Conversion- Charles Spurgeon Augustine says that his God was “mercifully rigorous” to him, besprinkling with most bitter alloy all his unlawful pleasures, ” that he might seek pleasures without alloy.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

SORROW-for Sin-Charles Spurgeon

SORROW-for Sin – Charles Spurgeon Absorbing. When that famous statesman Mirabeau died, all France bewailed his loss, and men for some hours could think or speak of little else. A waiter in one of the Restaurants of the Paladins Royal, after the manner of his race, saluted a customer with the usual remark, ” Fine […]

Professors — Too Often Deceptive – Charles Spurgeon

Professors — Too Often Deceptive – Charles Spurgeon ” In the sweet valley between Chamoun and the Valais, at every turn of the pleasant pathway, where the scent of the thyme lies richest upon its rocks, we shall see a little cross and shrine set under one of them, and go up to it, hoping […]

SOMEHOW-Benefit of-Charles Spurgeon

SOMEHOW-Benefit of-Charles Spurgeon Two seeds lie before us — the one is warmed in the sun, the other falls from the sower’s hand into the cold dark earth, and there it lies buried beneath the soil. That seed which suns itself in the noontide beam may rejoice in the light in which it basks, but […]

SO— Hod so Loved – Charles Spurgeon

SO— Hod so Loved – Charles Spurgeon Puny declares that Cicero once saw the Iliad of Homer written in so small a character that it could be contained in a nutshell. Peter Bales a celebrated liar cipher, in the days of Queen Elizabeth, wrote the whole Bible so that it was shut walnut as its […]

Professor (MEBE) — have no Changes – Charles Spurgeon

Professor (MEBE) — have no Changes – Charles Spurgeon Artificial piety, like flowers in was , droops not in the hour of drought, but the fair lily of true grace hangs its head if the rain of heaven be denied. True faith, like fire, has its attendant smoke of unbelief, but presumption like a painted […]

SMOOTH PLACED- Perll of- Charles Spurgeon

SMOOTH PLACED- Perll of- Charles Spurgeon After crossing the Griselda, on the way down towards Han deck, the traveler traverses a road cut in red marble, so smoothly polished that, even when it is divested of its usual thin coating of snow, it is dangerous in the extreme. Not- withstanding that steps are hew, and […]

DELILAH-Hankered-Charles -Spurgeon

DELILAH-Hankered – Charles Spurgeon The Rev. B. Jacobs, of Cambridge port, could, when necessary, administer reproof very forcibly, though the gen- gentleness of his character was always seen in the manner in which it was done. Some young ladies at his house were one day talking about one of their female friends. As he entered […]

Profession – The vanity of mere – Charles Spurgeon

Profession – The vanity of mere – Charles Spurgeon FORGET not that the pretense of religion without the power of it is one of the most comfortless things in the world. It is like a man who should call his servant, and say to him, ” Is the larder well stored r” “There is nothing, […]

LAUDER— to be Despised-Charles Spurgeon

LAUDER— to be Despised – Charles Spurgeon One of our ancient nobility had inscribed over his castle gate these words, which we commend to all persons who are thin-skinned in the matter of private gossip or public opinion. THEY SAY. WHAT DO THEY SAY? LET THEM SAY. (LANDER- How to Overcome it. Some person reported […]

Procrastination – Deprecated – Charles Spurgeon

Procrastination – Deprecated – Charles Spurgeon Do any of you remember the Joss of the vessel called the ” Central America “? She was in a bad state, had sprung a leak and was going down, and she therefore hoisted a signal of distress. A ship came close to her, the captain of which asked, […]

Gospel Needs No Meretricious Adornments – Charles H Spurgeon

Gospel Needs No Meretricious Adornments – Charles H Spurgeon When Dionysius, the tyrant, sent Lysander some rich Sicilian garments for his daughters, he refused them, alleging that ‘He was afraid these fine clothes would make them look more homely.’ The truth of God is so comely in itself that the trappings of oratory are far […]

Gospel Jesus The Sum Of – Charles H Spurgeon

Gospel Jesus The Sum Of – Charles H Spurgeon IN a village church in one of the Tyrolese valleys, we saw upon the pulpit an outstretched arm, carved in wood, the hand of which held forth a cross. We noted the emblem as full of instruction as to what all true ministry should be, and […]

Gospel Duty Of Spreading It – Charles H Spurgeon

Gospel Duty Of Spreading It – Charles H Spurgeon Huber, the great naturalist, tells us, that if a single wasp discovers a deposit of honey or other food, he will return his nest, and impart the good news to his companions, will will sally forth in great numbers to partake of the fare which has […]

Gold Places Of Its Abundance Undesirable – Charles H Spurgeon

Gold Places Of Its Abundance Undesirable – Charles H Spurgeon Did the eye ever rest upon a more utter desolation than that which surrounds the gold mines near Goldau in the Hartz mountains? It is worse than a howling wilderness, it is a desert with its bowels torn out, and scattered in horrid confusion. More […]

Godliness No Burden To True Saints – Charles H Spurgeon

Godliness No Burden To True Saints – Charles H Spurgeon The Princess Elizabeth carried the crown for her sister in the procession at Mary’s coronation, and• complained to Noailles of its great weight. ‘Be patient,’ was the adroit answer, ‘it will seem lighter when on your own head.’ The outward forms of godliness are as […]

God Vague Conceptions Of – Charles H Spurgeon

God Vague Conceptions Of – Charles H Spurgeon ‘One day, in conversation with the Jungo-kritu, head pundit of the College of Fort William, on the subject of God this man, who is truly learned in his own shastrus, gave me from one of their books, this parable;: ‘In a certain country there existed a village […]

God Love Of – Charles H Spurgeon

God Love Of – Charles H Spurgeon All things that are on earth shall wholly pass away,Except the love of God, which shall live and last for aye.The forms of men shall be as they had never been;The blasted groves shall lose their fresh and tender green;The birds of the thicket shall end their pleasant […]

God Is Light – Charles H Spurgeon

God Is Light – Charles H Spurgeon Suppose the case of a cripple who had spent his life in a room where the sun was never seen. He has heard of its existence, he believes in it, and indeed, has seen enough of its light to give him high ideas of its glory. Wishing to […]

God His Benevolence In Creation – Charles H Spurgeon

God His Benevolence In Creation – Charles H Spurgeon The benevolence of our great Creator is chanted even by things unpleasant to the ear. ‘The nuptial song of reptiles,’ says Kirby, ‘is not, like that of birds, the delight of every heart; but it is rather calculated to disturb and horrify than to still the […]

God Acting As A Father – Charles H Spurgeon

God Acting As A Father – Charles H Spurgeon A king is sitting with his council deliberating on high affairs of state involving the destiny of nations, when suddenly he hears the sorrowful cry of his little child who has fallen down, or been frightened by a wasp; he rises and runs to his relief, […]

Giving – Charles H Spurgeon

Giving – Charles H Spurgeon A woman who was known to be very poor, came to a missionary meeting in Wakefield, and offered to subscribe a penny a-week to the mission fund, ‘Surely,’ said one, ‘you are too poor to afford this?’ She replied, ‘I spin so many hanks of yarn a-week for my living, […]

Generous Feeling Towards Brethren – Charles H Spurgeon

Generous Feeling Towards Brethren – Charles H Spurgeon ‘One incident gives high proof of the native generosity of Turner’s nature. He was one of the hanging committee, as the phrase goes, of the Royal Academy. The walls were full when Turner’s attention was attracted by a picture sent in by an unknown provincial artist by […]

Frivolity Of Mind – Charles H Spurgeon

Frivolity Of Mind – Charles H Spurgeon If over that little heap of dust you hold a good magnet, should there be present a nail, or a needle, or a few iron filings, they will at once spring up and cling to the attracting bar. And were there only a magnet strong enough, it might […]

Frivolities Render Men Callous To The Gospel – Charles H Spurgeon

Frivolities Render Men Callous To The Gospel – Charles H Spurgeon ‘When Bonaparte put the Duke d’Enghien to death, all Paris felt so much horror at the event that the throne of the tyrant trembled under him. A counterrevolution was exp ted, and would most probably have taken place, had not Bonaparte ordered a new […]

Friendship Of The World Vanity – Charles H Spurgeon

Friendship Of The World Vanity – Charles H Spurgeon The vanity of all friendship which is not founded in true principle, was never more plainly expressed than in an honest, but heartless, sentence of one of Horace Walpole’s letters. ‘If one of my friends happens to die, I drive down to St. James’s Coffee-house, and […]

Formality Habits Of Worthless – Charles H Spurgeon

Formality Habits Of Worthless – Charles H Spurgeon That honored servant of Christ, Richard Knill, notes in his journal the following amusing incident of the force of habit, as exemplified in his horse. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Loveless would have me live with them, but they charged me very little for my board, whereby I was […]

Formalism Tricks Of – Charles H Spurgeon

Formalism Tricks Of – Charles H Spurgeon In Mrs. Grant’s ‘Letters from the Mountains’ (1806), is the following anecdote of the then Duchess of Gordon. ‘The duchess said that on Sunday she never saw company, nor played cards, nor went out: in England, indeed, she did so, because every one else did the same, but […]

Flocks of greedy albatrosses-Charles Spurgeon

Flocks of greedy albatrosses-Charles Spurgeon A recent traveler, relating the incidents of his voyage to India, writes : — ” Flocks of greedy albatrosses, petrels, and Cape pigeons, crowded around the ship’s stern. A hook was baited with fat, when upwards of a dozen albatrosses instantly rushed at it, and as one after another was […]

Forebodings Falsified – Charles H Spurgeon

Forebodings Falsified – Charles H Spurgeon John Condor, afterwards D.D., was born at Wimple in Cambridgeshire, June 3, 1714. His grandfather, Richard Condor, kissed him, and, with tears in his eyes, said, ‘Who knows what sad days these little eyes are likely to see?’ things wearing at that time a threatening aspect, relative to Dissenters. […]

Fog A Figure Of Our Partial Knowledge – Charles H Spurgeon

Fog A Figure Of Our Partial Knowledge – Charles H Spurgeon Being once surrounded by a dense mist on the Styhead Pass in the Lake District, we felt ourselves to be transported into a world of mystery where everything was swollen to a size and appearance more vast, more terrible, than is usual on this […]

Fear Of Sin – Charles H Spurgeon

Fear Of Sin – Charles H Spurgeon The old naturalist, Ulysses Androvaldus, tells us that a dove is so afraid of a hawk, that she will be frightened at the sight of one of its feathers. Whether it be so or not, I cannot tell; but this I know, that when a man has had […]

False Ropes Danger Of – Charles H Spurgeon

False Ropes Danger Of – Charles H Spurgeon A sailor while clinging with others to a waterlogged vessel, observed great swarms of sharks and other ferocious fish swimming on all sides, as if waiting for their prey. If men had eyes might they not clearly see evil spirits gathering around the sinking hulks of Romanism […]

IN NEEDS — their Company to be Avoided-Charles Spurgeon

IN NEEDS — their Company to be Avoided-Charles Spurgeon When a man is known to suffer from a sadly contagious disease, none of his friends will come near the house. There is little need to warn them off, they arc all too alarmed to come near. Why is it men are not as much afraid […]

False Confidences – Charles H Spurgeon

False Confidences – Charles H Spurgeon Some years ago, there was a bridge at Bath in so crazy a condition, that cautious persons chose rather to make a long circuit than run the risk of crossing it. One day, however, a very nervous lady, hurrying home to dress for the evening, came suddenly upon the […]

Faith And Works – Charles H Spurgeon

Faith And Works – Charles H Spurgeon ‘Twas an unhappy division that has been made between faith and works. Though in my intellect I may divide them, just as in the candle I know there is both light and heat, but yet put out the candle, and they are both gone; one remains not without […]

Faith Triumph Of – Charles H Spurgeon

Faith Triumph Of – Charles H Spurgeon During an earthquake that occurred a few years since, the inhabitants of a small village were generally very much alarmed, but they were at the same time surprised at the calmness and apparent joy of an old lady whom they all knew. At length one of them, addressing […]

Faith The Summary Of Virtue – Charles H Spurgeon

Faith The Summary Of Virtue – Charles H Spurgeon The Jews in the Talmud have the saying, ‘The whole law was given to Moses at Sinai, in six hundred and thirteen precepts.’ David, in the fifteenth Psalm, brings them all within the compass of eleven. Isaiah brings them to six, Isaiah 33:4; Micah to three, […]

Faith Stimulating Endeavour – Charles H Spurgeon

Faith Stimulating Endeavour – Charles H Spurgeon Se the spider casting out her film to the gale, she feel persuaded that somewhere or other it will adhere and for the commencement of her web. She commits the slender filament to the breeze believing that there is a place provide’ for it to fix itself. In […]

Faith Overcoming Temptation – Charles H Spurgeon

Faith Overcoming Temptation – Charles H Spurgeon When a traveller was asked whether he did not admire the admirable structure of some stately building, ‘No,’ said he, ‘for I’ve been at Rome, where better are to be seen every day.’ O believer, if the world tempt thee with its rare sights and curious prospects, thou […]

Faith God’s Trial Of – Charles H Spurgeon

Faith God’s Trial Of – Charles H Spurgeon At the battle of Crescy, where Edward the Black Prince, then a youth of eighteen years of age, led the van, the king, his father, drew up a strong party on a rising ground, and there beheld the conflict in readiness to send relief where ft should […]

Faith God’s Regard For It – Charles H Spurgeon

Faith God’s Regard For It – Charles H Spurgeon A swallow having built its nest upon the tent of Charles V., the emperor generously commanded that the tent should not be taken down when the camp removed, but should remain until the young birds were ready to fly. Was there such gentleness in the heart […]

Faith A Death Grip – Charles H Spurgeon

Faith A Death Grip – Charles H Spurgeon A sea captain related at a prayer-meeting in Boston a short time ago a thrilling incident in his own experience. ‘A few years ago,’ said he, ‘I was sailing by the island Cuba, when the cry ran through the ship, ‘Man overboard!’ It was impossible to put […]

SINS— How Men Treat them-Charles Spurgeon

SINS— How Men Treat them-Charles Spurgeon What swarms of rabbits the traveler sees on the commons and fields near Leather head (in Surrey), and yet a few miles further on at Cottonwood one scarcely sees a single specimen of that prolific race. The creature is indigenous to both places, but at Leather head he is […]

Faith Appropriating – Charles H Spurgeon

Faith Appropriating – Charles H Spurgeon I once heard a father tell, that when he removed his family to a new residence, where the accommodation was much more ample, and the substance much more rich and varied than that to which they had previously been accustomed, his youngest son, yet a lisping infant, ran round […]

Faith 2 – Charles H Spurgeon

Faith 2 – Charles H Spurgeon The Emperor Napoleon I. was reviewing some troops upon the Place du Carrousel, in Paris; and, in giving an order, he thoughtlessly dropped the bridle upon his horse’s neck, which instantly set off on a gallop. The emperor was obliged to cling to the saddle. At this moment a […]

Faith – Charles H Spurgeon

Faith – Charles H Spurgeon The stupendous Falls of Niagara have been spoken of in every part of the world; but while they are marvelous to hear of and wonderful as a spectacle, they have been very destructive to human life, when by accident any have been carried down the cataract. Some years ago, two […]

Experience Variety Of – Charles H Spurgeon

Experience Variety Of – Charles H Spurgeon Ruskin, that most accurate observer, says:: ‘Break off an elm-bough three feet long, in full leaf; and lay it on the table before you, and try to draw it, leaf for leaf. It is ten to one if in the whole bough (provided you do not twist it […]

Experience Teaching The Value Of Grace – Charles H Spurgeon

Experience Teaching The Value Of Grace – Charles H Spurgeon In the olden time when the government of England had resolved to build a wooden bridge over the Thames at Westminster, after they had driven a hundred and forty piles into the river, there occurred one of the most severe frosts in the memory of […]

Experience Necessary To A Minister – Charles H Spurgeon

Experience Necessary To A Minister – Charles H Spurgeon Buchsel says:: ‘Orthodoxy can be learnt from others; living faith must be a matter of personal experience. The Lord sent out his disciples, saying, ‘Ye shall testify of me, because ye have been with me from the beginning.’ He only is a witness who speaks of […]

Experience Boasting Of Its Depth – Charles H Spurgeon

Experience Boasting Of Its Depth – Charles H Spurgeon In my house there is a well of extraordinary depth which reminds me of something better than the boasted deep experience of certain censorious professors, who teach that to feel sin within is the main thing, but to be delivered from it of small consequence. When […]

Experience – Charles H Spurgeon

Experience – Charles H Spurgeon A Christian’s experience is like a rainbow, made up of drops of the grief of earth, and beams of the bliss of heaven. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Excuses – Charles H Spurgeon

Excuses – Charles H Spurgeon Bishop W: , we are told, was one day rebuking one of his clergy for foxhunting. ‘My lord,’ was the clergyman’s answer, ‘every man must have some relaxation. I assure you I never go to balls.’ ‘Oh,’ said the bishop, ‘I perceive you allude to my having been to the […]

Exaggeration – Charles H Spurgeon-

Exaggeration – Charles H Spurgeon In certain ancient Italian frescoes Mary Magdalene is drawn as a woman completely enveloped in her own hair, which reaches to her feet and entirely wraps up her body as in a seamless garment. These queer draughtsmen must needs exaggerate; granted that the woman had long hair, they must enfold […]

Evils Little Making Way For Greater – Charles H Spurgeon

Evils Little Making Way For Greater – Charles H Spurgeon The carpenter’s gimblet makes but a small hole, but it enables him to drive a great nail. May we not here see a representation of those minor departures from the truth which prepare the minds of men for grievous errors, and of those thoughts of […]

Evidence Experimental – Charles H Spurgeon

Evidence Experimental – Charles H Spurgeon I have been informed that not long ago a certain infidel lecturer gave an opportunity to persons to reply to him after his oration, and he was of course expecting that one or two rashly zealous young men would rise to advance the common arguments for Christianity, which he […]

Eternal Things And Fleeting – Charles H Spurgeon

Eternal Things And Fleeting – Charles H Spurgeon Afar off one can hardly tell which is mountain and which is cloud. The clouds rise with peaks and summits, all apparently as solid, and certainly as glistening, as the snow-clad Alps, so that the clearest eye might readily be deceived. Yet the mountain is unsubstantial as […]

Enquirers Not To Be Discouraged – Charles H Spurgeon

Enquirers Not To Be Discouraged – Charles H Spurgeon At the Synod of Moscow, held by King Goutran, A.D. 585, bishops were forbidden to keep dogs in their houses, or birds of prey, lest the poor should be bit by these animals instead of being fed. Should not all ministers be equally concerned to chase […]

Election – Charles H Spurgeon

Election – Charles H Spurgeon Andrew Fuller remarks, in a letter to two relatives:: ‘ I used to think that the doctrine of election was a reason why we need not pray, and I fear there are many who split upon this rock, who think it is to no purpose to pray, as things will […]

Edification The Aim Of Christian Speech – Charles H Spurgeon

Edification The Aim Of Christian Speech – Charles H Spurgeon When Handel’s oratorio of the ‘Messiah’ had won the admiration of many of the great, Lord Kinnoul took occasion to pay him some compliments on the noble entertainment which he had lately given the town. ‘My lord,’ said Handel, ‘I should be sorry if I […]

foundation – Charles Spurgeon

foundation – Charles Spurgeon ” A Swiss Traveller,” says a writer in the Edinburgh Review, “describes a village, situated on the slope of a great mountain, of which the strata shelve in the direction of the place. Huge crags, directly overhanging the village, and massy enough to sweep the whole of it into the torrent […]

SIN- Home-born, our Worst Foes-Charles Spurgeon

SIN- Home-born, our Worst Foes-Charles Spurgeon The old proverb hath it, ” Here’s talk of the Turk and the Pope, but ‘its my next neighbor that does me the most harm.” It is neither popper nor infidelity that we have half so much cause to dread as our own besetting sins. We want more Protestants […]

SIN- the most Attractive, the moat Deadly- Charles Spurgeon

SIN- the most Attractive, the moat Deadly- Charles Spurgeon It is notable that nearly all the poisonous fungi are scarlet or speckled, and the wholesome ones brown or grey, as if to show us that things rising out of darkness and decay are always most deadly when they are well dressed. — Ruskin, Facebook Twitter […]

SIN— it a Wide Consequences-Charles Spurgeon

SIN— it a Wide Consequences-Charles Spurgeon Sages of old contended that no sin was ever committed whose consequences rested on the head of the sinner alone that no man could do ill and his fellows not suffer. They illustrated it thus : — “A vessel sailing from Poppa, carried a passenger, who, beneath his berth, […]

SIN -Tie Toil of it -Charles Spurgeon

SIN -Tie Toil of it – Charles Spurgeon Henry Ward Beecher says, ” There was a man in the town where I was born who used to steal all his firewood. He would get up on cold nights and go and take it from his neighbors’ wood-piles. A computation was made, and it was ascertained […]

SIN— Punishment of-Charles Spurgeon

SIN— Punishment of – Charles Spurgeon What a diabolical invention was the “Virgin’s kiss,” once used by the fathers of the Inquisition ! The victim was pushed forward to kiss the image, when, lo, its arms enclosed him in a deadly embrace, piercing his body with a hundred hidden knives. The tempting pleasures of sin […]

Procrastination – Charles Spurgeon

Procrastination – Charles Spurgeon Be not like the foolish drunkard who, staggering home one night, saw his candle lit for him. ” Two candles!” said he, for his drunkenness made him see double, ” I will blow out one,” and as he blew it out, in a moment he was in the dark. Many a […]

Sophistication – Charles Spurgeon

Sophistication – Charles Spurgeon IN Nebuchadnezzar’s image, the lower the members, the coarser the metal: the farther off the time, the more unfit. To-day is the golden opportunity, to-morrow will be the silver. season, next day but the brazen one, and so on, till at last I shall come to the toes of clay, and […]

Procrastination – Charles Spurgeon

Procrastination – Charles Spurgeon IT is a snowy day, and some boys have put a few bricks together, making a sort of square box of them; they have set up one on edge on a piece of stick, and have scattered under it a few crumbs. Here comes a robin, and he picks up a […]

Earnest Of The Spirit The Pledge Of Heaven – Charles H Spurgeon

Earnest Of The Spirit The Pledge Of Heaven – Charles H Spurgeon In the early times when land was sold, the owner cut a turf from the greensward and cast it into the cap of the purchase as a token that it was his; or he tore off the branch of a tree and put […]

Dwarfs Spiritual – Charles H Spurgeon

Dwarfs Spiritual – Charles H Spurgeon There was once in London a club of small men, whose qualification for membership lay in their not exceeding five feet in height; these dwarfs held, or pretended to hold, the opinion that they were nearer the perfection of manhood than others, for they argued that primeval men had […]

Double Mindedness – Charles H Spurgeon

Double Mindedness – Charles H Spurgeon Faraday notes that whilst at breakfast at Liangollen, he heard a Welsh harper playing in very excellent style, and he adds, ‘wishing to gratify myself with a sight of the interesting bard I went to the door and beheld: The boots! I must confess I was sadly disappointed and […]

Doubts Foolish – Charles H Spurgeon

Doubts Foolish – Charles H Spurgeon A Christian once, in doubt and discouragement, considered the darkness that overspread her soul as a proof that she was finally cast away. She stumbled over mole-hills when she should have been removing mountains. To an old minister who was trying to comfort her, with impassioned emphasis she said, […]

Doing Good A Blessing To Ourselves – Charles H Spurgeon

Doing Good A Blessing To Ourselves – Charles H Spurgeon If we view this microcosm, the human body, we shall fin that the heart does not receive the blood to store it up, but while it pumps it in at one valve, it sen4s it forth at another The blood is always circulating everywhere, and […]

Doctrines Ultra Calvinistic – Charles H Spurgeon

Doctrines Ultra Calvinistic – Charles H Spurgeon Griffiths says that travelers in Turkey carry with them lozenges of opium, on which is stamped ‘mash Allah,’ the gift of God. Too many sermons are just such lozenges. Grace is preached but duty denied. Divine predestination is cried up but human responsibility is rejected. Such teaching ought […]

SIN-Power over the Regenerate-Charles Spurgeon

SIN-Power over the Regenerate – Charles Spurgeon So long as a man is dead in trespasses and sin, there is no iniquity which may not get the mastery of him. Where the body is, thither will the vultures of hell be gathered together. The devil finding him dead, calls up his hosts of temptations and […]

Doctrines (Mysterious) To Be Believed – Charles H Spurgeon

Doctrines (Mysterious) To Be Believed – Charles H Spurgeon Those huge boulders which lie along the valley of Storo in the Tyrol, are of a granite unknown in the neighbourhood; they must have come from a great distance. Now it might be hard to explain the method by which they arrived in the valley, but […]

Doctrines Of Grace – Charles H Spurgeon

Doctrines Of Grace – Charles H Spurgeon Our forefathers were very fond of clipping their plants and training their flowers into quaint and grotesque forms; so that we read of great guns wrought in rosemary and sweet briers. He would have been very foolish who would have trembled at cannons which only shot forth flowers […]

SIN— One, the Soul’s Kikuyu-Charles Spurgeon

SIN— One, the Soul’s Kikuyu-Charles Spurgeon While I was walking in the garden one bright morning, a breeze came through and set all the flowers and leaves a fluttering. Now that is the way flowers talk, so I pricked up my ears and listened. Presently, an. old elder tree said, flowers, shake off your caterpillars […]

Priests — Superstitions Reverence of. – Charles Spurgeon

Priests — Superstitions Reverence of. – Charles Spurgeon A WRITER on the manners and customs of India, says: — ” I was informed that vast numbers of Shkodra’s drink the water in which a Brahmin has dipped his foot, and abstain from food in the morning till! this ceremony be over. Some persons do this […]

SIN— One, the Soul’s Bum – Charles Spurgeon

SIN— One, the Soul’s Bum – Charles Spurgeon There was but one crack in the blackthorn, and the wind has found it out and blown out the candle. How great a mischief one unguarded point of character may cause us ! One spark blew up the magazine and shook the whole country for miles around. […]

SIN— Han’s Dinosaur to Invent Excuse for-Charles Spurgeon

SIN— Han’s Dinosaur to Invent Excuse for-Charles Spurgeon A traveler in Venezuela illustrates the readiness of men to lay their faults on the locality, or on anything rather than themselves, by the story of a hard drinker who came home one night in such a condition that he could not for some time find his […]

PRIDE in dictating to God – Charles Spurgeon

PRIDE in dictating to God – Charles Spurgeon THE petty sovereign of an insignificant tribe in North America every morning stalks out of his hovel, bids the sun good-morrow, and points out to him. with his finger the course he is to take for the day. Is this arrogance more contemptible than ours when we […]

Pride – Charles Spurgeon

Pride – Charles Spurgeon When men refuse to hear the gospel from the lips of a gracious but uneducated preacher, they remind us of the Spaniard in South Auriea, who surficial severely from the gout, but refused to be cured by an Indian. ” I know,” said he, “that he is a furious man, and […]

Presumption – debunked by Trial – Charles Spurgeon

Presumption – debunked by Trial – Charles Spurgeon ” The Brahmins say that Benares is not a part of this sinful earth ; but that it is on the outside of the world. An earth- quake, however, which was lately felt there, has rather nonplussed them, as it proves that what shakes the earth, shakes […]

Predestination – Charles Spurgeon

Predestination – Charles Spurgeon They that talk of nothing but predestination, and will not proceed in the way of heaven till they be satisfied on that point, do as a man that would not come to London, unless at his first step he might set his foot upon the top of St. Paul’s.— The Table […]

Preaching— Personal – Charles Spurgeon

Preaching— Personal – Charles Spurgeon  Two Chinese jugglers have been making a public exhibi- tion of their skill. One of them is set up as a target, and the other shows his dexterity by hurling knives which stick into the board at his comrade’s back, close to the man’s body. These deadly weapons fix themselves […]

Preaching – Tea of Prayer and ruction – Charles Spurgeon

Preaching – Tea of Prayer and ruction – Charles Spurgeon IN a Romish book by Father Faber of the Oratory, we find the following :—” Do you remember the story of that religious, a Jesuit I think, who was a famous preacher, and whose sermons converted men by scores? It was revealed to him that […]

Doctrines False 2 – Charles H Spurgeon

Doctrines False 2 – Charles H Spurgeon There are no greater foes to sheep than wild dogs. In dome regions, sheep were no longer to be found, because these fierce creatures utterly devoured the flocks. The church has never had worse enemies than false teachers; infidels and persecutors do but mild injury to her, but […]

Doctrines False – Charles H Spurgeon

Doctrines False – Charles H Spurgeon In ‘Babbage’s Economy of Manufactures,’ we are told that ‘some years since, a mode of preparing old clover an trefoil seeds, by a process called ‘doctoring,’ became se prevalent as to attract the attention of the House of Commons. By this process old and worthless seed was rendered in […]

Doctrines Duplicate Nature Of – Charles H Spurgeon

Doctrines Duplicate Nature Of – Charles H Spurgeon First to the right, then to the left, the road was ever ascending but always twisting, and thus, by easy marches, we were able to reach the summit of the pass; a straight line would have been shorter for the eagle’s wing, but no human foot could […]

Doctrines Not For Controversy – Charles H Spurgeon

Doctrines Not For Controversy – Charles H Spurgeon ‘A huge fragment of rock from an adjacent cliff fell upon horizontal part of the hill below, which was occupied by the gardens and vineyards of two peasants. It covered part of the property of each, nor could it be easily decided to whom the unexpected visitor […]

Divine Goodness Unceasing – Charles H Spurgeon

Divine Goodness Unceasing – Charles H Spurgeon It is by no means pleasant when reading an interesting article in your magazine to find yourself pulled up short with the ominous words, ‘to be continued.’ Yet they are words of good cheer if applied to other matters. What a comfort to remember that the Lord’s mercy […]

Disposition Distorting – Charles H Spurgeon

Disposition Distorting – Charles H Spurgeon How terribly bad looking-glasses distort the countenance the man who looks into one of them sees his hair disheveled, his forehead smutty, his nose blotched, his eyes out of line, and a dozen other imaginary mischiefs. How like to those morbid, melancholy dispositions which pervert everything into gloom, and […]

Discontent Chronic With Some – Charles H Spurgeon

Discontent Chronic With Some – Charles H Spurgeon ‘Some people are never content with their lot, let what will happen. Clouds and darkness are over their heads, alike whether it rain or shine. To them every incident is an accident, and every accident a calamity. Even when they have their own way, they like it […]

Diligence – Charles H Spurgeon

Diligence – Charles H Spurgeon Select a large box and place in it as many cannon-balls as it will hold, it is after a fashion full, but it will hold more if smaller matters be found. Bring a quantity of marbles, very ,amy of these may be packed in the spaces between the larger globes; […]

Dignity Of Christian Character To Be Maintained – Charles H Spurgeon

Dignity Of Christian Character To Be Maintained – Charles H Spurgeon Antisthenes, the founder of the sect of the Cynics, when he was told that Ismenias played excellently upon the flute, answered properly enough, ‘Then he is good for nothing else, otherwise he would not have played so well.’ Such also was Philip’s saying to […]

Destitution Of London – Charles H Spurgeon

Destitution Of London – Charles H Spurgeon We have no reason to congratulate ourselves on what we are doing, if we only think of the great work which still buried amid the ruins of Nineveh. In excavating this vas population you have as it were laid bare the head of a huge winged bull, until […]

Despondency Its Quick Eye For Evils – Charles H Spurgeon

Despondency Its Quick Eye For Evils – Charles H Spurgeon My friend Smith told me, that once on a time he had Mr. Jones to preach in his church. Smith’s church holds fifteen hundred people, and is perfectly filled by its congregation, of this circumstance Smith is pardonably proud. When Mr. Jones preached, the church […]

Despondency – Charles H Spurgeon-

Despondency – Charles H Spurgeon Colton declares that in moments of despondency Shakespeare thought himself no poet; and Raphael doubted his right to be called a painter. We call such self-suspicions morbid, and ascribe them to a hypochondriacal fit; in what other way can we speak of those doubts as to their saintship, which occasionally […]

Deep Things Understood By Experienced Men – Charles H Spurgeon

Deep Things Understood By Experienced Men – Charles H Spurgeon The outlay in opening a mine is usually so great that the Spaniards say, that to prepare a mine one must spend another mine. To open up the hidden preciousness of the promises, we need a mine of experience, and to gain this last a […]

Decision For Christ – Charles H Spurgeon

Decision For Christ – Charles H Spurgeon A Changed Attitude It was Napoleon Bonaparte who, early in his life, said, “God is on the side of the biggest artillery.” Years later, when he was exiled on an island, he reversed his opinion, and conceded, “Man proposes, but God disposes.” Napoleon learned the attitude of “If […]

Death Its Revealing Power – Charles H Spurgeon

Death Its Revealing Power – Charles H Spurgeon Today the world is like a masquerade. High carnival is being held, and men wear their masks and dominoes, and strut about, and we think that man a king, and this a mighty Oriental prince, and this a haughty Indian chief. But the time is over for […]

Death Realized – Charles H Spurgeon

Death Realized – Charles H Spurgeon When Bernard Gilpin was privately informed that his enemies had caused thirty-two articles to be drawn up against him in the strongest manner, and presented to Bonner, bishop of London, he said to his favorite domestic, At length they have prevailed against me. I am accused to the bishop […]

Death Peace In – Charles H Spurgeon

Death Peace In – Charles H Spurgeon The late Mr. Young of Jedburgh, was once visiting the death-bed of an aged member of his congregation, who was hourly looking for his last change. ‘Well, my friend,’ said the minister, ‘how do you feel yourself to-day?’ ‘Very weel, sir,’ was the calm and solemn answer, ‘Very […]

Death Differently Viewed By Different Characters – Charles H Spurgeon

Death Differently Viewed By Different Characters – Charles H Spurgeon It is a blessed thing to know the Savior, and to feel that your soul is safe. You have been in a ship when it entered the harbor, and you have noticed the different looks of the passengers as they turned their eyes ashore. There […]

Death Desired By Few – Charles H Spurgeon

Death Desired By Few – Charles H Spurgeon Burckhardt states, that although the Arabs are strict predestinarians, yet when the plague visited Medina, many of the townsmen fled to the desert, alleging as an excuse that although the distemper was a messenger from heaven sent to call them to a better world, yet being conscious […]

Death Of A Believer – Charles H Spurgeon

Death Of A Believer – Charles H Spurgeon Old Mr. Lyford being desired, a little before his death, to let his friends know in what condition his soul was, and what his thoughts were about that eternity to which he seemed very near, he answered with a cheerfulness suitable to a believer and a minister, […]

Death 2 – Charles H Spurgeon

Death 2 – Charles H Spurgeon The hour of death may be fitly likened to that celebrated picture in the National Gallery, of Perseus holding up the head of Medusa. That head turned all persons into stone who looked upon it. There is a warrior represented with a dart in his hand; he stands stiffened, […]

Death – Charles H Spurgeon

Death – Charles H Spurgeon ‘Paid the debt of nature.’ No; it is not paying a debt; it is rather like bringing a note to the bank to obtain solid gold in exchange for it. In this case you bring this cumbrous body which is nothing worth, and which you could not wish to retain […]

Day By Day 2 – Charles H Spurgeon

Day By Day 2 – Charles H Spurgeon A person says, ‘I cannot understand how I am to get along when I leave my father’s house.’ Why should you see it till that time comes? What if a person going on a journey of five years should undertake to carry provisions, and clothes, and gold […]

Day By Day – Charles H Spurgeon

Day By Day – Charles H Spurgeon A celebrated modern writer says, ‘Take care of the minutes, and the hours will take care of themselves.’ This is an admirable remark, and might be very seasonably recollected when we begin to be ‘weary in well-doing,’ from the thought of having much to do. The present moment […]

Danger Of The Christian – Charles H Spurgeon

Danger Of The Christian – Charles H Spurgeon When the instructed Christian sees his surroundings, he finds himself to be like a defenceless dove flying to her nest, while against her tens of thousands of arrows are levelled. The Christian life is like that dove’s anxious flight, as it threads its way between the death-bearing […]

Dancing – Charles H Spurgeon

Dancing – Charles H Spurgeon When I hear of a dancing party I fed an uneasy: about the throat, remembering that a far greater preacher had his head danced off in the days of our Lord. However pleasing the polkas of Herodias might be to Herod, they were death to John the Baptist. The caperings […]

Cuttle Fish Persons Who Resemble A – Charles H Spurgeon

Cuttle Fish Persons Who Resemble A – Charles H Spurgeon It was an old Pythagorean maxim, ‘Sepiam ne edito,’ ‘never eat the cuttle-fish.’ The cuttle-fish has the power of emitting a black liquid which dyes the water and enables it to conceal itself. Have nothing to do with those who darken all around them that […]

Covetousness Its Insidiousness – Charles H Spurgeon

Covetousness Its Insidiousness – Charles H Spurgeon Beware of growing covetousness, for of all sins this is one of the most insidious. It is like the stream of a river. As the stream comes down from the land, it brings with it sand and earth, and deposits these at its mouth, so that by degrees, […]

Covetousness – Charles H Spurgeon

Covetousness – Charles H Spurgeon Covetous men must be the sport of Satan, for their grasping avarice neither lets them enjoy life nor escape from the second death. They are held by their own greed as surely as beasts with cords, or fish with nets, or men with chains. They may be likened to those […]

Courage Strengthened By Past Deliverances – Charles H Spurgeon

Courage Strengthened By Past Deliverances – Charles H Spurgeon Sir Francis Drake, being in a dangerous storm in the Thames, was heard to say, ‘Must I who have escaped the rage of the ocean, be drowned in a ditch?’ Will you, experienced saints, who have passed through a world of tribulation lie down and die […]

Corruptions Vitality Of – Charles H Spurgeon

Corruptions Vitality Of – Charles H Spurgeon The yew tree appears to renew itself out of its own decay the decayed wood at the centre of an old yew is gradually formed into rich vegetable mould, and fresh verdure spring: from it. How like is this to our inward corruptions, which have a marvelous, vitality, […]

Corruptions Seen Even In Solitude – Charles H Spurgeon

Corruptions Seen Even In Solitude – Charles H Spurgeon George Shadfoed wrote:: ‘One day a friend took me to see a hermit in the woods. After some difficulty we found his hermitage, which was a little place like a hog-sty, built of several pieces of wood, covered with bark of trees, and his bed consisted […]

Corruptions Strengthened By Habit – Charles H Spurgeon

Corruptions Strengthened By Habit – Charles H Spurgeon In preparing places for planting new trees, the diggers found it needful in certain spots to lay aside the spade and use the pick-axe. In those positions there had been a well travelled carriage road, and hence it was hard to deal with it. How often, when […]

Corruptions Overcome Gradually – Charles H Spurgeon

Corruptions Overcome Gradually – Charles H Spurgeon When Sir Christopher Wren was engaged in demolishing the ruins of old St. Paul’s in order to make room for his new cathedral, he used a battering ram with which thirty men continued to beat upon a part of the wall for a whole day. The workmen, not […]

Corruptions Overcome By Grace – Charles H Spurgeon

Corruptions Overcome By Grace – Charles H Spurgeon My gardeners were removing a large tree which grew near a wall, and as it would weaken the wall to stub up the roots, it was agreed that the stump should remain in the ground. But how were we to prevent the stump from sprouting, and so […]

Corruptions Indulgence Of – Charles H Spurgeon

Corruptions Indulgence Of – Charles H Spurgeon The man of the world in the olden time bowed to the fallen statue of Jupiter, by way of bespeaking the favour of the god in the event of his being again lifted on his pedestal What are those provisions for the flesh, which too many Christians so […]

Corruptions Hated By The Saints – Charles H Spurgeon

Corruptions Hated By The Saints – Charles H Spurgeon When Venice was in the hands of the Austrians, those alien tyrants swarmed in every quarter; but the Venetians hated them to the last degree, and showed their enmity upon all occasions. When the Austrian officers sat down at any of the tables in the square […]

Corruptions Hard To Die – Charles H Spurgeon

Corruptions Hard To Die – Charles H Spurgeon A cat once sprang at my lips while I was talking, and bit me savagely. My friend in whose house it occurred, decreed that the poor creature should die. The sentence he executed personally, to the best of his ability, and threw the carcass away. To his […]

Conviction Of Sin – Charles H Spurgeon

Conviction Of Sin – Charles H Spurgeon There is something to be learned from the conduct of the Papists to our sires. If any poor wretch recanted and so escaped the fire, they were accustomed to make him carry a fagot at the next burning, as if to let him see what he had escaped, […]

Preaching – it’s Force the Main Consideration – Charles Spurgeon

Preaching – it’s Force the Main Consideration – Charles Spurgeon I HAD tried to drive certain long brass-headed nails into a wall, but had never succeeded except in turning up their points, and rendering them useless. When a tradesman came who understood his work, I noticed that he filed off all the points of the […]

Preachers – Fruit and Flower. – Charles Spurgeon

Preachers – Fruit and Flower. – Charles Spurgeon At Hampton Court Palace everyone regards with wonder the enormous vine loaded Svith so vast a multitude of huge clusters: just outside the vine-house is as fine a specimen of the wistaria, and when it is in full bloom, the cluster-like masses of bloom, cause you to […]

SIN-Loathed by Christian-Charles Spurgeon

SIN-Loathed by Christian-Charles Spurgeon An Arminian arguing with a Calvinist remarked, ” If I believed your doctrine, and were sure that I was a converted man, I would take my fill of sin.” ” How much sin,” replied the godly Calvinist, ” do you think it would take to fill a true Christian to his […]

Preachers – Best Manner of. – Charles Spurgeon

Preachers – Best Manner of. – Charles Spurgeon The celebrated actor Garrick having been requested by Dr. Stonehouse to favour him with his opinion as to the manner in which a sermon ought to be delivered, sent him the following judicious answer :— ” MY DEAR PUPIL, — Vou know how you would feel and […]

Preachers – Speak After Death. – Charles Spurgeon

Preachers – Speak After Death. – Charles Spurgeon THERE are strange legends extant of churches which have been swallowed by earthquakes, or buried beneath fallen mountains. The rustics declare that they have heard the bells still ringing, far down in the bowels of the earth, just as they did when they hung aloft in the […]

SIN-Insidious Nature of – Charles Spurgeon

SIN-Insidious Nature of – Charles Spurgeon IN the gardens of Hampton Court you will see many trees entirely vanquished and well nii;h sirrri^’t’d by huge coils of ivy, which are wound about them like the snakes around the unhappy Laocoon : there is no untwisting the folds, they are too giant-like, and fast fixed, and […]

Preachers- Not to Preach Themselves. – Charles Spurgeon

Preachers- Not to Preach Themselves. – Charles Spurgeon We ascended he Sacro Monte at Orta, expecting to find that its holy hill was like that at Varallo, consecrated to representations of the life of Christ. To our disappointment we found that everything was to the honor and glory of St. Francis of Assisi, who nevertheless […]

Preacher—Too Learned for Sale Service. – Charles Spurgeon

Preacher—Too Learned for Sale Service. – Charles Spurgeon The great bell of Moscow is too large to be hung, the question arises, what was the use of making it? Some preachers are so learned that they cannot make themselves understood, or else cannot bring their minds to preach plain gospel sermons; here, too, the same […]

Preacher — How they Gain priority. – Charles Spurgeon

Preacher — How they Gain priority. – Charles Spurgeon Mr. Warburton, one of the inspectors of schools, mentions in his report for 1863, that he has nowhere heard such good reading as in a girls’ school in Berkshire, than which none in his district bears a better character for instruction in what are called the […]

SIN -its Hardening Effects – Charles Spurgeon

SIN -its Hardening Effects – Charles Spurgeon Dr. Preston tells us of a professor who on one occasion was found drunk, and when much depressed on account of his folly, the devil said to him, by way of temptation, ” Do it again, do it again ; for,” said he, ” the grief you feel […]

Conversion (Sudden) Not All Genuine – Charles H Spurgeon

Conversion (Sudden) Not All Genuine – Charles H Spurgeon Fish sometimes leap out of the water with great energy, but it would be foolish to conclude that they have left the liquid element for ever, in a moment they are swimming again as if they had never forsaken the stream; indeed, it was but a […]

Conversion A Complete Surrender – Charles H Spurgeon

Conversion A Complete Surrender – Charles H Spurgeon When Henry VIII. had determined to make himself head of the English Church, he insisted upon it that convocation should accept his headship without limiting and modifying clauses. He refused to entertain any compromises, and vowed that ‘he would have no tantums’ as he called them. Thus […]

Conversion A Radical Change – Charles H Spurgeon

Conversion A Radical Change – Charles H Spurgeon I passed by a piece of common which some lord of the manor or other had been enclosing, as those rascals always will if they can, to rob the poor of their rights, and filch every morsel of green grass upon which we may freely plant our […]

Conversation Edifying – Charles H Spurgeon

Conversation Edifying – Charles H Spurgeon The Spaniards in Chili believed that no water was so wholesome or of so delicate a flavour as that which flowed through veins of gold; certainly no conversation is so edifying to the hearers as that which pours forth from a heart stored with sacred knowledge, sanctified experience, devout […]

Conversation – Charles H Spurgeon

Conversation – Charles H Spurgeon In Andrew Fuller’s diary is the following entry:–’Jan. 3, 1782. This afternoon being on a visit, as I stepped aside from the company, I overheard one of them saying, ‘I love Mr. Fuller’s company, it is so diverting,’ This expression moved me much. Oh, wretch that I am! Is this […]

SIN- its Encroaching Mature-Charles Spurgeon

SIN- its Encroaching Mature-Charles Spurgeon When a sin is let in as a suppliant, it remains in as a tyrant. The Arabs have a fable of a miller who one day was startled by a camel’s nose thrust in the window of the room where he was sleeping. “It is very cold outside,” said the […]

Contentment – Charles H Spurgeon

Contentment – Charles H Spurgeon Making a day’s excursion from Botzen in the Tyrol, we went along the very narrowest of road’s, mere alleys, to which our country lanes would be turnpike roads. Well, you may be sure that we did not engage an ordinary broad carriage, for that would have found the passage as […]

Preacher – Different. – Charles Spurgeon

Preacher – Different. – Charles Spurgeon THOSE that are all in exhortation, no whit in doctrine, are like to them that snuff the lamp, but pour not in oil. Again, those that are all in doctrine, nothing in exhortation, drown the wick in oil, but light it’ not; making it lit for use if it […]

Consistency 2 Charles H Spurgeon

Consistency 2 Charles H Spurgeon ‘I shall not attend Sabbath school any more,’ said a young girl to one of her class. ‘Why not?’ asked her friend. ‘Because my mother is going to send me to the dancing school, and I think it very inconsistent to attend both at the same time.’ Children are sure […]

Consistency – Charles H Spurgeon

Consistency – Charles H Spurgeon Milton excuses Oliver Cromwell’s want of bookish application in his youth thus:–’It did not become that hand to wax soft in literary ease which was to be inured to the use of arms and hardened with asperity; that right arm to be softly wrapped up among the birds of Athens, […]

Consecration – Charles H Spurgeon

Consecration – Charles H Spurgeon Travelers have said that they have discovered gardens of Solomon, which were of old enclosed as private places wherein the king walked in solitude; and they have also found wells of a most deliciously cold water, dexterously covered, so that no person unacquainted with the stone in the wall, which […]

SIN— may be Committed by Proxy-Charles Spurgeon

SIN— may be Committed by Proxy-Charles Spurgeon According to an old writer, no Capuchin among the Papists may take or touch silver. This metal is as great an anathema to them as the wedge of gold to Achan, at the offer whereof they start back as Moses from the serpent ; yet the monk has […]

Conscience Hardening Charles H Spurgeon

Conscience Hardening Charles H Spurgeon It is a very terrible thing to let conscience begin to grow hard, for it soon chills into northern iron and steel. It is like the freezing of a pond. The first film of ice is scarcely perceptible; keep the water stirring and you will prevent the frost from hardening […]

Communion Of The Saints – Charles H Spurgeon

Communion Of The Saints – Charles H Spurgeon Communion is strength, solitude is weakness. Alone, the fine old beech yields to the blast, and lies prone upon the sward: in the forest, supporting each other, the trees laugh at the hurricane. The sheep of Jesus flock together; the social element is the genius of Christianity. […]

Preacher – to be Acquainted with Human Hate. – Charles Spurgeon

Preacher – to be Acquainted with Human Hate. – Charles Spurgeon   Michael Angelo, when painting an altar-piece in the conventual church, in Florence, in order that the figures might be as death-like as possible, obtained permission of the prior to have the coffins of the newly-buried opened and placed beside him during the night […]

Communion With God Power Of – Charles H Spurgeon

Communion With God Power Of – Charles H Spurgeon In driving piles, a machine is used by which a huge weight is lifted up and then made to fall upon the head of the pile. Of course the higher the weight is lifted the more powerful is the blow which it gives when it descends. […]

Preacher – Should be Faithful unto Death. – Charles Spurgeon

Preacher – Should be Faithful unto Death. – Charles Spurgeon THE minister of Christ should foci like the old keeper of Eddystone lighthouse. Life was failing fast, but summoning all his strength, he crept round once more to trim the lights before he died. May the Holy Ghost enable his servants to keep the beacon […]

Preacher — to Avoid a Lofty Style. – Charles Spurgeon

Preacher — to Avoid a Lofty Style. – Charles Spurgeon In the town of Goslar, in the Hartz mountains, there is in the principal square a fountain evidently of mediaeval date, but the peculiarity of its construction is that no one can reach the water so as to fill a bucket or even get a […]

Preacher — Must Feed the People. – Charles Spurgeon

Preacher — Must Feed the People. – Charles Spurgeon Everybody knows that large flocks of pigeons assemble at the stroke of the great clock in the square of St. Mark: believe me, it is not the music of the bell which attracts them, they can hear that every hour. They come, Mr. Preacher, for food, […]

Preacher — Must Feed the People. – Charles Spurgeon

Preacher — Must Feed the People. – Charles Spurgeon From the deck of an Austrian gunboat we threw into the Lago Garda a succession of little pieces of bread, and pre- sently small fishes came in shoals, till there seemed to be, as the old proverb puts it, more fish than water. They came to […]

Preacher — Learns by communion with Flood – Charles Spurgeon

Preacher — Learns by communion with Flood – Charles Spurgeon IT is related that one of his hearers once asked, ” How is it that Mr. Bramwell always has something that is new to teli us when he preaches ?” ” Why,” said the person interrogated, “you see Brother Bramwell liven so near the gates […]

PRAYER— of a Father. – Charles Spurgeon

PRAYER— of a Father. – Charles Spurgeon Philip James Spener had a son of eminent talents, but perverse and extremely vicious. All means of love and per- suasion, were without success. The father could only pray, which he continued to do, that the Lord might yet be pleased to save his son at any time […]

Hope for salvation from the law-Charles Spurgeon

Hope for salvation from the law-Charles Spurgeon  A contented citizen of Milan, who had never passed beyond its walls during the course of sixty years, being ordered by the governor not to stir beyond its gates, became immediately miserable, and felt so powerful an inclination to do that which he had so long contentedly neglected, […]

SERVING God-the Sure reward-Charles Spurgeon

SERVING God-the Sure reward-Charles Spurgeon  When Calvin was banished from ungrateful Geneva, he said, ” Most assuredly if I had merely served man, this would have been a poor recompense ; but it is my happiness that I have served him who never fails to reward his servants to the full extent of his promise.” […]

PRAYER – Success in. – Charles Spurgeon

PRAYER – Success in. – Charles Spurgeon These lads to gain the fruit must shake the tree, Good reader, mark the lesson writ for thee! If from the tree of promise d mercy thou Wouldst win the good which loadcth every bough, Then urge the promise well with pleading cries, Move heaven itself with vehemence […]

PRAYER – Simile of. – Charles Spurgeon

PRAYER – Simile of. – Charles Spurgeon Prayer pulls the rope below and the great bell rings above in the ears of God. Some scarcely stir the bell, for they pray so languidly ; others give but an occasional pluck at the rope; but he who wins with heaven is the man who grasps the […]

PRAYER— Sweet Uses of. – Charles Spurgeon

PRAYER— Sweet Uses of. – Charles Spurgeon On the first of May in the olden times, according to annual custom, many inhabitants of London went into the fields to bathe their faces with the early dew upon the grass under the idea that it would render them beautiful. Some writers call the custom superstitious ; […]

PRAYER— it’s Power to Soften Asperities. – Charles Spurgeon

PRAYER— it’s Power to Soften Asperities. – Charles Spurgeon ” Two neighbours, a cooper and a farmer, were spending the evening together. Both were professors of religion, but of different communions. Their conversation was first upon topics relating to praciicid religion, but after a time it diverged to the points of difference bcheon the two […]

PRAYER— it’s Power Against Satan. – Charles Spurgeon

PRAYER— it’s Power Against Satan. – Charles Spurgeon There is a huge rock upon the Swiss side of the St. Gothard road, about which an old legend is told by the natives of the neighboring village. The devil was whisking this enormous stone along very merrily at early dawn of day, when he was met […]

PRAYER— Helpful to Study. – Charles Spurgeon

PRAYER— Helpful to Study. – Charles Spurgeon A Person’s diary is the following entry : “Sept. 23. — Was quite dull and lifeless in prayer, and in consequence had no Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

PRAYER – for Help to Pray, – Charles Spurgeon

PRAYER – for Help to Pray, – Charles Spurgeon IN Dr. Ryland’s memoir of Andrew Fuller is the following anecdote. At a conference at Soham, a friend of slender abilities being asked to pray, knelt down, and Mr. Fuller and the company with him, when he found himself so embarrassed, that, whispering to Mr. Fuller, […]

PRAYED— and Activity. – Charles Spurgeon

PRAYED— and Activity. – Charles Spurgeon    “A secular at boarding school near London was remarked for repeating her lessons well. A school companion, who was idly inclined, said to her one day, ‘ How is it that you always say your lessons so perfectly?’ She replied, ‘I always pray that 1 may say my […]

PRACTICE – Necessary to Perfection, – Charles Spurgeon

PRACTICE – Necessary to Perfection, – Charles Spurgeon A NEIGHBOUR near my study persists in practicing upon the flute. He bores my ears as vrith an auger, and renders it almost an impossibility to think. Up and down his scale he runs remorselessly, until even the calamity of temporary deafness would almost be welcome to […]

POSITION — Makes Barrier to Grace, – Charles Spurgeon

POSITION — Makes Barrier to Grace, – Charles Spurgeon GRACE makes it self equally at home in the palace and the cottage. No condition necessitates its absence, no position precludes its nourishing. One may compare it in its power to live and blossom in all places to the beautiful blue-bell of Scotland, of which the […]

LlGHTFOOT observes – Charles Spurgeon

LlGHTFOOT observes – Charles Spurgeon “Yokefellows, indeed, are the Jew and Romanist above all people of the world, in a de- lauded fancying their own bravery and privilege above all the world besides. He that comes to read the Jewish writings, especially those that are of the nature of sermons, will find this to be […]

You hearers – Charles Spurgeon

You hearers – Charles Spurgeon John Wesley always preferred the middling and lower classes to the wealthy, lie said. ” If I it choose, I should still, as I have done hitherto, preach the gospel to the poor!’ Preaching in Monktown church, a large old, ruinous building, he says, ” I suppose it has scarce […]

PERSONAL WORE – Charles Spurgeon

PERSONAL WORE – Charles Spurgeon I ONCE heard a story of an American, who declared he could fight the whole British army, and when he was asked how he could draw so long a bow as that, he said, ” Why, this is what I would do : I know I am the best swordsman […]

Personal effort Needed for Success. – Charles Spurgeon

Personal effort Needed for Success. – Charles Spurgeon ACCORDING to Christ’s law, every Christian is to be active in spreading the faith, which was delivered, not to the ministers, but to the saints, to every one of them, that they might maintain it, and spread it according to the gift which the Spirit has given […]

PERSEVERANCE— Necessity of. – Charles Spurgeon

PERSEVERANCE— Necessity of. – Charles Spurgeon IN the heathery turf you will often find a plant chiefly remarkable for its peculiar roots ; from the main stem down to the minutest fibre, you will find them all abruptly terminate, as if shorn or bitten off, and the quaint superstition of the country people alleges, that […]

Communion With Christ Joy Of – Charles H Spurgeon

Communion With Christ Joy Of – Charles H Spurgeon No sooner do you pass the brow of the St. Gothard pass, on your way to Italy, than you perceive that, beyond all question, you are on the sunny side of the Alps. The snow lying there is nothing in comparison to the vast accumulation upon […]

Communion With Christ Its Influence On Our Views – Charles H Spurgeon

Communion With Christ Its Influence On Our Views – Charles H Spurgeon When you have been sitting in a well-lighted room and are suddenly called into the outer darkness, how black it seems; and thus when a mam has dwelt in communion with God, sin becomes exceeding sinful, and the darkness in which the world […]

Coming To Christ As A Sinner (2) – Charles H Spurgeon

Coming To Christ As A Sinner (2) – Charles H Spurgeon In one of the coal-pits of the north, while a considerable number of the miners were dawn below, the top of the pit fell in, and the shaft was completely blocked up. Those who were in the mine, gathered to a spot where the […]

Coming To Christ As A Sinner – Charles H Spurgeon

Coming To Christ As A Sinner – Charles H Spurgeon A great monarch was accustomed on certain set occasions for all the beggars of the city. Around him were placed beggars, all clothed in rich apparel; the beggars sat at the table in their rags of poverty. Now it came to pass, a certain day, […]

Circumstances – Charles H Spurgeon

Circumstances – Charles H Spurgeon Horace Smith truly and wittily remarks, ‘If a letter were to be addressed to that most influential word, circumstances, concluding thus: ‘I am, sir, your very obedient humble servant,’ the greater part of the world might subscribe it without deviating from the strictest veracity.’ Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Church To Be Forged – Charles H Spurgeon

Church To Be Forged – Charles H Spurgeon When Oliver Cromwell was about to turn the Members of Parliament out of their chamber, he pointed to the mace, and cried, ‘Take away that bauble!’ When HE shall come, who will effectually purge the church, he will say much the same of many ecclesiastical ornaments, now […]

Church Her Glory In Tribulation – Charles H Spurgeon

Church Her Glory In Tribulation – Charles H Spurgeon One will at a certain hour of a bright day be surprised to see a rainbow making an entire circle, surrounding the fall like a coronet of gems, or a ring set with all the brilliants of the jeweller. Every hue is there. We saw two […]

Christian’s Life The Power Of – Charles H Spurgeon

Christian’s Life The Power Of – Charles H Spurgeon There is a spot on the Lago Lugano, where the song of the nightingale swells sweetly from the thickets on the shore in matchless rush of music, so that the oar lies motionless and the listeners hushed into silent enhancement; yet we did not see a […]

Christian What He Should Be – Charles H Spurgeon

Christian What He Should Be – Charles H Spurgeon A child of God should be a visible Beatitude, for joy and happiness, and a living Doxology, for gratitude and adoration. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Christian A Royal Personage – Charles H Spurgeon

Christian A Royal Personage – Charles H Spurgeon A poor but pious woman called upon two elegant young ladies, who, regardless of her poverty, invited her to sit down with them in the drawing-room, and entered into conversation with her upon religious subjects. While thus employed, their brother, a dashing youth, by chance entered, and […]

Christian Professor Cannot Be Neutral – Charles H Spurgeon

Christian Professor Cannot Be Neutral – Charles H Spurgeon It appears that Themistocles, when a boy, was full of spirit and fire, quick of apprehension, naturally inclined to bold attempts, and likely to make a great statesman. His hours of leisure and vacation he spent not, like other boys, in idleness and play, but he […]

Christian Manifest By His Life – Charles H Spurgeon

Christian Manifest By His Life – Charles H Spurgeon Longfellow in his Hiawatha sings of: ‘The pleasant watercourses, You could trace them through the valley, By the rushing in the Spring-time, By the alders in the Summer, By the white fog in the Autumn, By the black line in the Winter.’ So traceable are the […]

Christ With Us In Trial – Charles H Spurgeon

Christ With Us In Trial – Charles H Spurgeon One thing which contributed to make Caesar’s soldier invincible was their seeing him always take his share of danger, and never desire any exemption from labor and fatigue. We have a far higher incentive in the war for truth and goodness when we consider him who […]

Christ Welcoming Sinners – Charles H Spurgeon

Christ Welcoming Sinners – Charles H Spurgeon We are told that in stormy weather it is not unusual for small birds to be blown out of sight of land on to the sea. They are often seen by voyagers out of their reckoning and far from the coast, hovering over the masts on weary wings […]

Christ Trophies Of His Power – Charles H Spurgeon

Christ Trophies Of His Power – Charles H Spurgeon Before many a Popish shrine on the Continent one sees exhibited a great variety of crutches, together with wax models of arms, legs, and other limbs. These are supposed to represent the cures wrought by devotion at that altar; the memorials of the healing power of […]

Christ The Preacher’s Great Theme – Charles H Spurgeon

Christ The Preacher’s Great Theme – Charles H Spurgeon The best sermon is that which is fullest of Christ, A Welsh minister, when preaching at the chapel of my dear brother Jonathan George, was saying that Christ was the sum and substance of the gospel, and he broke out into the following story:–A young man […]

Christ The Preacher’s Theme – Charles H Spurgeon

Christ The Preacher’s Theme – Charles H Spurgeon The pulpit is intended to be a pedestal for the cross, though, alas! even the cross itself, it is to be feared, is sometimes used as a mere pedestal for the preacher’s fame. We may roll the thunders of eloquence, we may dart the coruscations of genius, […]

Christ Sympathy With His People – Charles H Spurgeon

Christ Sympathy With His People – Charles H Spurgeon ‘If,’ says Augustine, ‘a man should come up to embrace thee, to kiss and honour thee upward, and beneath with a pair of shoes beaten full of nails, tread upon thy bare foot; the head shall despise the honor done unto it, and for the foot […]

Christ Riches Of His Grace – Charles H Spurgeon

Christ Riches Of His Grace – Charles H Spurgeon Sir Richard Whittington entertained King Henry V. at the Guildhall with unparalleled magnificence. The braziers in the hall were supplied with logs of rare, sweet-scented wood for fuel; but they burned with a far more delicious fragrance when the noble citizen bringing forth the king’s bonds […]

Christ Our Only Rest – Charles H Spurgeon

Christ Our Only Rest – Charles H Spurgeon My heart can have no rest, unless it leans on Jesus Christ wholly, and then it feels his peace. But I am apt to leave my resting-place, and when I ramble from it, my heart will quickly brew up mischief. Some evil temper now begins to boil, […]

Christ Our Only Hope – Charles H Spurgeon

Christ Our Only Hope – Charles H Spurgeon On a huge cross by the side of an Italian highway hung a hideous caricature of the Beloved of our souls, who poured out his life for our redemption. Out of reverence to the living Christ we turned aside, disgusted from the revolting image, but not until […]

Christ Jesus The Marrow Of Theology – Charles H Spurgeon

Christ Jesus The Marrow Of Theology – Charles H Spurgeon The late venerable and godly Dr. Archibald Alexander, of Princeton, United States, had been a preacher of Christ for sixty years, and a professor of divinity for forty. He died on the 22nd October, 1851. On his death-bed, he was heard to say to a […]

Christ The Soul’s Only Defence – Charles H Spurgeon

Christ The Soul’s Only Defence – Charles H Spurgeon There is an ancient parable which says that the dove once made a piteous complaint to her fellow birds, that the hawk was a most cruel tyrant, and was thirsting for her blood. One counseled her to keep below–but the hawk can stoop for its prey; […]

Christ Love Of Proved – Charles H Spurgeon

Christ Love Of Proved – Charles H Spurgeon In the French revolution, a young man was condemned to the guillotine, and shut up in one of the prisons. He was greatly loved by many, but there was one who loved him more than all put together. How know we this? It was his own father, […]

Christ To Be Followed Above All – Charles H Spurgeon

Christ To Be Followed Above All – Charles H Spurgeon In a letter of Abelard to Eloisa, the following paragraph occurs:–’I will be no philosopher, if so be I must needs fight against St. Paul; I will be no Aristotle, if so be I be separated from Christ.’ If all students were thus resolved to […]

Christ His Eye Our Stimulus – Charles H Spurgeon

Christ His Eye Our Stimulus – Charles H Spurgeon There is a touching fact related in a history of a Highland chief, of the noble house of M’Gregor, who fell wounded by two balls, at the battle of Prestonpans. Seeing their chief fall, the clan wavered, and gave the enemy an advantage. The old chieftain, […]

Children Their Future – Charles H Spurgeon

Children Their Future – Charles H Spurgeon In the early French revolution, the schoolboys of Bourges, from twelve to seventeen years of age, formed themselves into Band of Hope. They wore a uniform, and were taught drill. On their holidays, their flag was unfurled, displaying in shining letters the sentence: ‘Tremelez, Tyrans, Nous grandirons!’ (Tremble, […]

Children Perseverance Heeded In Teaching – Charles H Spurgeon

Children Perseverance Heeded In Teaching – Charles H Spurgeon In dibbling beans the old practice was to put three in each hole: one for the worm, one for the crow, and one to live and produce the crop. In teaching children, we must give line upon line, and precept upon precept, repeating the truth which […]

Charity Spies Out The Good Points In All – Charles H Spurgeon

Charity Spies Out The Good Points In All – Charles H Spurgeon Mr. Jameson says, ‘The following beautiful epilogue had a powerful effect on my mind;’–’Jesus,’ says the story, ‘arrived one evening at the gates of a certain city, and he sent his disciples forward to prepare supper while he himself, intent on doing good, […]

Change Love Of – Charles H Spurgeon

Change Love Of – Charles H Spurgeon It will be found that they are the weakest-minded and the hardest-hearted men that most love variety and change; for the weakest-minded are those who both wonder most at things new, and digest worst things old; in so far that everything they have lies rusty, and loses lustre […]

Censoriousness Who Most Guilty Of – Charles H Spurgeon

Censoriousness Who Most Guilty Of – Charles H Spurgeon Pedley, who was a well-known natural simpleton, was wont to say, ‘God help the fool.’ None are more ready to pity the folly of others than those who have a small share of wit themselves. ‘There is no love among Christians’ cries the man who is […]

Casual Security – Charles H Spurgeon

Casual Security – Charles H Spurgeon A number of men are upstairs in a house, amusing themselves with a game of cards. What is that? The window is red! What is that cry in the streets?’ The house is on fire!’ says one.’ Oh,’ answers another, ‘shuffle the cards again, let us finish the game; […]

Brevity – Charles H Spurgeon

Brevity – Charles H Spurgeon Dr. Cotton Mather wrote over his study-door in large letters, BE SHORT. Callers upon ministers will please make a note of this; as also brethren who are lengthy at the prayer-meeting; Sunday-school teachers, in all their devotional exercises and addresses; speakers at public meetings, who have nothing to say; and […]

Boldness (Holy) Congruous With The Gospel – Charles H Spurgeon

Boldness (Holy) Congruous With The Gospel – Charles H Spurgeon Holy boldness honours the gospel. In the olden times, when Oriental despots had things pretty much their own way, they expected all ambassadors from the West .to lay their -mouths in the dust if permitted to appear before his Celestial Brightness, the Brother of the […]

Books Tried By Time And Posterity – Charles H Spurgeon

Books Tried By Time And Posterity – Charles H Spurgeon Call it by what name you please–dream, vision, or revery: we found ourselves in a large room, the wails of which were concealed by well-packed shelves of books, from the ponderous folio to the minute thirty two-mo, and in all the variety of dress which […]

Books How to Make Them Intelligible – Charles H Spurgeon

Books How to Make Them Intelligible – Charles H Spurgeon John Keble, the author of ‘The Christian Year,’ in a letter to Mr. (afterwards Sir) J. T. Coleridge, thus writes:: ‘Have you read a little publication of Miller’s, which I sent to James Coleridge, and if you have, how do you like it? Lest you […]

PERSEVERANCE — in Doing Good. – Charles Spurgeon

PERSEVERANCE — in Doing Good. – Charles Spurgeon An old man in Watton, whom Mr. Thornton had in vain urged to come to church, was taken ill and confined to his bed. Mr. Thornton went to the cottage, and asked to see him. The old man, hearing his voice below, answered, in no very courteous […]

Perseverance – Charles Spurgeon

Perseverance – Charles Spurgeon “A poor woman had a supply of coal laid at her door by a charitable neighbour. A very little girl came out with a small fire-shovel, and began to take up a shovelful at a time, and carry it to a sort of bin in the cellar. I said to the […]

Body and Soul – Charles H Spurgeon

Body and Soul – Charles H Spurgeon ‘Two things a master commits to his servants’ care,’ saith one, ‘the child and the child’s clothes.’ It will be a poor excuse for the servant to say, at his master’s return, ‘Sir, here are all the child’s clothes, neat and clean, but the child is lost!’ Much […]

Bigotry – Charles H Spurgeon

Bigotry – Charles H Spurgeon Some men magnify the importance of their own little clique of believers by denying the godliness of all who differ from them. They remind one of Bishop Racket’s story. ‘At Wimbledon,’ says he, ‘not far from me, a warrener promised Thomas, Earl of Exeter, that he should have a burrow […]

PERSECUTION – Not to be Feared. – Charles Spurgeon

PERSECUTION – Not to be Feared. – Charles Spurgeon Do not fear the frown of the world. When a blind man comes against you in the street you are not angry at him, you say, He is blind, poor man, or he would not have hurt me. So you may say of the poor worldlings […]

Bible Why Priests Withhold It – Charles H Spurge

Bible Why Priests Withhold It – Charles H Spurge The true reason why the Papists forbid the Scriptures to be read is not to keep men from errors and heresies, but to keep them from discovering those which they themselves impose upon them. Such trash as they trade in would never go off their hands […]

Bible The Spirit More Than The Letter – Charles H Spurgeon

Bible The Spirit More Than The Letter – Charles H Spurgeon It is easy enough to be learned in the letter of the Word, and yet to miss the spirit. If no other instance were before us, the Jewish people would furnish us with a most convincing one, for they have wholly missed the meaning […]

Persecution – Charles Spurgeon

Persecution . – Charles Spurgeon The cold water of persecution is often, thrown on the church’s face to fetch her to herself when she is in a swoon of indolence or pride. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Bible To Be Read With Delight – Charles H Spurgeon

Bible To Be Read With Delight – Charles H Spurgeon When Mr. Hone, who wrote the ‘Every-day Book,’ and was of sceptical views, was travelling through Wales, he stopped at a cottage to ask for a drink of water, and a little girl answered him, ‘Oh, yes! sir, I have no doubt mother will give […]

Bible Power Of Its Authority – Charles H Spurgeon

Bible Power Of Its Authority – Charles H Spurgeon The mother of a family was married to an infidel who made jest of religion in the presence of his own children; yet she succeeded in bringing them all up in the fear of the Lord. I asked her one day how she preserved them from […]

Bible Judged By Its Fruits – Charles H Spurgeon

Bible Judged By Its Fruits – Charles H Spurgeon A Roman Catholic priest in Belgium rebuked a young woman and her brother for reading that ‘bad book’ pointing to the Bible. ‘Mr. Priest,’ she replied, ‘a little while ago my brother was an idler, a gambler, a drunkard, and made such a noise in the […]

Perfect holiness – Marred by the World – Charles Spurgeon

Perfect holiness – Marred by the World – Charles Spurgeon The bloom of the hawthorn or White May looks like snow in Richmond Park, but nearer London by the road side its virgin holiness is sadly stained. Too often contact with the world has just such an effect upon our piety ; we must away […]

Bible How to Read – Charles H Spurgeon

Bible How to Read – Charles H Spurgeon To some the Bible is uninteresting and unprofitable, because they read too fast. Amongst the insects which subsist on the sweet sap of flowers, there are two very different classes. One is remarkable for its imposing plumage, which shows in the sunbeams like the dust of gems; […]

PEACE OF MIND – Not Made of Forgetfulness, – Charles Spurgeon

PEACE OF MIND – Not Made of Forgetfulness, – Charles Spurgeon I have spilled the ink over a bill and so have blotted it till it can hardly be read, but this is quite another thing”from having the debt blotted out, for that cannot be till payment is made. So a man may blot his […]

Bible How To Deal With Its Difficulties – Charles H Spurgeon

Bible How To Deal With Its Difficulties – Charles H Spurgeon An old man once said, ‘For a long period I puzzled myself about the difficulties of Scripture, until at last I came to the resolution that reading the Bible was like eating fish. When I find a difficulty I lay it aside, and call […]

PEACE – False – Charles Spurgeon

PEACE – False – Charles Spurgeon Your peace, sinner, is that terribly prophetic calm which the traveller occasionally perceives upon the higher Alps. Everything is still. The birds suspend their notes, fly low, and cower down with fear. The hum of bees among the flowers is hushed. A horrible stillness rules the hour, as if […]

Bible Cause Of Interest In It – Charles H Spurgeon

Bible Cause Of Interest In It – Charles H Spurgeon The lifeboat may have a. tasteful bend and beautiful decoration, but these are not the qualities for which I prize it; it was my salvation from the howling sea! So the interest which a regenerate soul takes in the Bible, is founded on a personal […]

PEACE – of a Believer, – Charles Spurgeon

PEACE – of a Believer, – Charles Spurgeon Are for continuance. Look i mosses of the lone green hill ; by-and-by it leaps as a rugged cataract ; anon it flows along that fair valley where 1.I10 red deer wanders, and the child loves to play. With hum of pleasant music the brook turns the […]

Bible – Charles H Spurgeon

Bible – Charles H Spurgeon The historical matters of Scripture, both narrative and prophecy, constitute as it were the bones of its system; whereas the spiritual matters are as its muscles, blood- vessels and nerves. As the bones are necessary to the human system, so Scripture must have its historical matters. The expositor who nullifies […]

ORDER – of Gracious Operations, – Charles Spurgeon

ORDER – of Gracious Operations, – Charles Spurgeon “A DISCUSSION arose between some members of a Bible class, in reference to the first Christian exercise of the converted soul. One contended that it was penitence or sorrow; another that it was car, another love, another hope, another faith, for how could one fear or repent […]

Attention Difficulty Of Winning. – Charles H Spurgeon

Attention Difficulty Of Winning. – Charles H Spurgeon Buchsell, in his ‘Ministerial Experiences,’ says,’ I was surprised to observe that for some Sundays a rustic, whom I had never seen there before, now regularly made his appearance in church, but in the most open way in the world settled himself to sleep as soon as […]

Nature Well Known No Mystery Remains – Charles H Spurgeon

Nature Well Known No Mystery Remains – Charles H Spurgeon so was it here. Walking in the garden 1 saw a phial placed on a tree bearing within it a tiny apple, which was growing within the crystal ; now I saw it all ; the apple was put into the bottle while it was […]

ORDER IN DUTY – its Beauty. – Charles Spurgeon

ORDER IN DUTY – its Beauty. – Charles Spurgeon Linnaeus, the great Swedish botanist, observing the beautiful order which reigns among flowers, proposed the use of a floral clock, to be composed of plants which open and close their blossoms at particular hours ; as for instance the dandelion which opens its petals at six […]

Attendance At Public Worship – Charles H Spurgeon

Attendance At Public Worship – Charles H Spurgeon Young should be Trained. The question is often asked how shall we get our working- classes to attend public worship. The answer may be supplied by an incident of my boyhood. On the mantel- shelf of my grandmother’s best parlour, among other marvels was an apple in […]

OMNISCIENCE. – Charles Spurgeon

OMNISCIENCE. – Charles Spurgeon A plate of sweet cake? was brought in and laktupon the table. Two children played upon the hearthnif before the fire. “Oh, 1 want one of these cakes. ,; cried the little boy, jumping up as soon as his mother went out, and going on tiptoe towards the table. “No, no,” […]

OBEYING GOD— with Delight. – Charles Spurgeon

OBEYING GOD— with Delight. – Charles Spurgeon ” I WISH I could mind God as my little dog minds me,” said a little boy, looking thoughtfully on his shaggy friend ; ” he always looks so pleased to mind, and I don’t.” What a painful truth did this child speak ! Shall the poor little […]

Attendance At Public Worship Inritations To – Charles H Spurgeon

Attendance At Public Worship Inritations to – Charles H Spurgeon In Edinburgh a Sabbath- school teacher was once visiting in a close, and in one of the top flats of a stair, found a poor family living in a small but clean room. From conversation with the father and mother, she soon discovered that it […]

Excellence Of – Charles H Spurgeon

Excellence Of – Charles H Spurgeon Believe me, the life of grace is no dead level, it is not a fen country, a vast flat. There are mountains, and there are valleys. There are tribes of Christians who live in the low- lands, like the poor Swiss of the Valais, who live between the lofty […]

NOVELTY Influence of. – Charles Spurgeon

NOVELTY Influence of. – Charles Spurgeon YES, the people gathered in crowds around the statue, and looked at it again and again. It was not the finest work of art in the city, nor the most intrinsically attractive. Why, then, did the citizens of Verona stand in such clusters around the effigy of Dante on […]

The Two worlds in a Christian lives. – Charles Spurgeon

The Two worlds in a Christian lives. – Charles Spurgeon A Christian lives in two worlds at one and the same time — the world of flesh and the world of spirit. It is possible to do both. There are certain dangerous gases, which from their weight fall to the lower part of the place […]

Need of awakene – Charles Spurgeon

Need of awakene – Charles Spurgeon A VICIOUS horse is none the better tempered because the kicking straps prevent his dashing the carriage to atoms ; and so a man is none the better really because the restraints of custom and providence may prevent his following that course of life which he would prefer. Poor […]

MOTIVES. – Charles Spurgeon

MOTIVES. – Charles Spurgeon Standing near the remarkable spring at Ewell, in Surrey, and watching the uprising of the waters, one sees at the bottom of the pool innumerable circles with smaller circles within them, from which extremely fine sand is continually being upheaved by the force of the rising water. Tiny geysers upheave their […]

MORALIST. – Charles Spurgeon

MORALIST. – Charles Spurgeon THE dahlia would surely be a very empress among flowers if it had but perfume equal to its beauty ; even the rose might need to look 😮 her sovereignty. Florists have tried all their arts to scent this lovely child of autumn but in vain, no fragrance can be developed […]

MONEY-MAKIHG – Nothing but Play. – Charles Spurgeon

MONEY-MAKIHG – Nothing but Play. – Charles Spurgeon MR. RUSKIN, in his lecture on “Work,”* says :— ” What- ever we do to please ourselves, and only for the sake of the pleasure, not for an ultimate object, is ‘play,’ the ‘pleasing thing,’ not the useful thing. ‘. . . . The first of all […]

MISTAKES – Our Aptness to Make. – Charles Spurgeon

MISTAKES – Our Aptness to Make. – Charles Spurgeon We were riding along in the afternoon of a lovely but blazing day from Varallo to Riva, and to quench our thirst on the road we carried with us some bottles of an excellent lemonade. The empty bottles were of no use to us, and one […]

MINISTER — Apt Men Needed for it. – Charles Spurgeon

MINISTER — Apt Men Needed for it. – Charles Spurgeon “Amongst the Jesuits they have a rule, that they who are unapt for greater studies, shall study cases of conscience.” Is this to be adopted among Protestants, and when a man is too brainless to succeed in any common calling, is he therefore to argue […]

MINISTER— Should he a nursing Father. – Charles Spurgeon

MINISTER— Should he a nursing Father. – Charles Spurgeon In a church in Verona stands, or rather sits, a wooden image of St. Zeno, an ancient bishop, with knees so ludicrously short that there is no lap on which a babe could be dandled. He was not the first nor the last ecclesiastic who has […]

Self-dissatisfaction of Minister – Charles Spurgeon

Self-dissatisfaction of Minister – Charles Spurgeon ” Swift of foot was Hiawatha, He could shoot an arrow from him, And run forward with such fleetness, That the arrow fell behind him ! ” The fable is even less than truth with the fervent preacher : he darts arrows of fire in flaming speech, but his […]

MINISTER Need ot Personal Tenderness, – Charles Spurgeon

MINISTER Need ot Personal Tenderness, – Charles Spurgeon Speaking of the temper requisite to the right discharge of ministerial duty, Person said, ” I never was fit to say a word to a sinner, except when I had a broken heart myself ; when I was subdued and melted into penitency, and felt as though […]

We Must Not Judge by Personal Appearance – Charles H Spurgeon

We Must Not Judge by Personal Appearance – Charles H Spurgeon Whatever truth there may be in phrenology, or in Lavater’s kindred science of physiognomy, we shall do well scrupulously to avoid forming an opinion against a man from his personal appearance. If wc so judge we shall often commit the greatest injustice, which may, […]

Apostates – Charles H Spurgeon

Apostates – Charles H Spurgeon In the long line of portraits of the Doges, in the palace at Venice, one space is empty, and the semblance of a black curtain remains as a melancholy record of glory forfeited, Found guilty of treason against the state, Marino Falieri was beheaded, and his image as far as […]

Ambition – Charles H Spurgeon

Ambition – Charles H Spurgeon Ambition is like the sea which swallows all the rivers and is none the fuller ; or like the grave whose insatiable maw for ever craves for the bodies of men. It is not like an amphora, which being full receives no more, but its fulness swells it till a […]

No Care For Sin – Charles H Spurgeon

No Care For Sin – Charles H Spurgeon According to sop, an old woman found an empty jar which had lately been full of prime old wine, and which still retained the fragrant smell of its former contents. She greedily placed it several times to her nose, and drawing it backwards and forwards said, ” […]

Winning The Heart For God – Charles H Spurgeon

Winning the Heart for God – Charles H Spurgeon Payson thus beautifully writes: – ” I have been all my life like a child whose father wishes to fix his undivided attention. At first the child runs about the room, but his father ties up his feet; he then plays with his handsuntil they likewise […]

Tokons Of Divine Begard – Charles H Spurgeon

Tokons Of Divine Begard – Charles H Spurgeon Lawns which we would keep in the best condition are very frequently mown; the grass has scarcely any respite from the scythe. Out in the meadows there is no such repeated cutting, they are mown but once or twice in the year, Even thus the nearer we […]

Right View Of – Charles H Spurgeon

Right View Of – Charles H Spurgeon Our crosses are not made of iron, though painted some- times with iron colours; they are formed of nothing heavier than wood. Yet they are not made of pasteboard, and will never be light in themselves, though our Lord can lighten them by his presence. The Papists foolishly […]

Revealing Christian – Charles H Spurgeon

Revealing Christian – Charles H Spurgeon When the green leaves bedeck the trees and all is fair, one cannot readily find the birds’ nests, but when the winter lays bare the trees, anyone, with half-an-eye, may see them. Thus amid the press of business and prosperity the Christian may scarcely be discerned, his hidden life […]

Overruled To Promote Joy – Charles H Spurgeon

Overruled To Promote Joy – Charles H Spurgeon Our afflictions are like weights, and have a tendency to bow us to the dust, but there is a way of arranging weights by means of wheels and pulleys, so that they will even lift us up. Grace, by its matchless art, has often turned the heaviest […]

Firm Tree is like Nourished Piety Charles H Spurgeon- Charles H Spurgeon

Firm Tree is like Nourished Piety Charles H Spurgeon The pine, placed nearly always among scenes disordered and desolate, brings into them all possible elements of order and precision. Lowland trees may lean to this side and that, though it is but a meadow breeze that bends them, or a bank of cowslips from which […]

Making me long For Heaven – Charles H Spurgeon

Making me long for Heaven – Charles H Spurgeon We had traversed the Great Aletsch Glacier, and were very hungry when we reached the mountain tarn half-way between the Bel Alp and the hotel at the foot of the veggischorn ; there a peasant undertook to descend the mountain, and bring us bread and milk. […]

Increase With Our Strength – Charles H Spurgeon

Increase With Our Strength – Charles H Spurgeon I had,” said Latimer, describing the way in which his father trained him as a yeoman’s son, “my bows bought me according to my age and strength; as I increased in them so my bows were made bigger and bigger.” Thus boys grew into cross – bowmen, […]

Effects Of Storms On Different People – Charles H Spurgeon

Effects Of Storms On Different People – Charles H Spurgeon How different are summer storms from winter ones ! In winter they rush over the earth with their violence ; and if any poor remnants of foliage or flowers have lingered behind, these are swept along at one gust. Nothing is left but desolation ; […]

An Incentive To Zeal – Charles H Spurgeon

An Incentive To Zeal – Charles H Spurgeon There is an old story in the Greek annals of a soldier under Antigonus who had a disease about him, an extremely painful one, likely to bring him soon to the grave. Always first in the charge was this soldier, rushing into the hottest part of the […]

End Earn The Promises – Charles H Spurgeon

End Earn The Promises – Charles H Spurgeon We never prize the precious words of promise till we are placed in conditions in which their suitability and sweetness are manifested. Wc all of us value those golden words, ” When thou walkest through the fire thou shall not be burned, neither shall the flame kindle […]

Awakening Gratitude – Charles H Spurgeon

Awakening Gratitude – Charles H Spurgeon Afflictions when sanctified make us grateful for mercies which aforetime we treated with indifference. We sat for half-an-hour in a calf’s shed the other day, quite grateful for the shelter from the driving rain, yet at no other time would we have entered such a hovel. Discontented persons need […]

Attendant Upon Honour – Charles H Spurgeon

Attendant Upon Honour – Charles H Spurgeon In the ancient times, a box on the car given by a master to a slave meant liberty, little would the freedman care how hard was the blow. By a stroke from the sword the warrior was knighted by his monarch, small matter was it to the new-made […]

Minister – Charles Spurgeon

Minister – Charles Spurgeon HOWEVER learned, godly, and eloquent a minister may be, he is nothing without the Holy Spirit. The bell in the steeple may be well hung, fiiirly fashioned, and of soundest metal, but it is dumb until the ringer makes it speak j and in like manner the preacher has no voice […]

MEETS. – Charles Spurgeon

MEETS. – Charles Spurgeon  A ship on her way to Australia met with a very terrible storm,andsprunga]cak. As evils seldom come alone, a little while after another tempest assailed her. There happened to be a gentleman on board, of the most nervous tempera- ment, whose garrulous tongue and important air were calculated to alarm all […]

MERCY -Seen in our Lives. – Charles Spurgeon

MERCY – Seen in our Lives. – Charles Spurgeon What a rugged, precipitous, ungainly pass is that Col D’Obbia ! It was shrewd common sense, and true humanity which suggested the erection of that poor little hospice at the summit. Never was a shelter more opportune, a refuge more welcome. One could not have expected […]

MERCY— Excellence of. – Charles Spurgeon

MERCY— Excellence of. – Charles Spurgeon I remember well being taken one day to see a gorgeous palace at Venice, where every piece of furniture was made with most exquisite taste, and of the richest material, where statues and pictures of enormous price abounded on all hands, and the floor of each mom was paved […]

MERCY – its Effect on the Soul. – Charles Spurgeon

MERCY – its Effect on the Soul. – Charles Spurgeon A MAN convicted of high treason and condemned to die is not only pardoned, but taken into the favour of his sovereign. He is riding in the royal carriage, and on the road he sees some of his fellow traitors pinioned and manacled, led forth […]

Tha Heart. – Charles Spurgeon

Tha Heart. – Charles Spurgeon You may have heard of some persons condemned to execution, who ;it the scaffold have been so obdi:;-;i:o and stifl-necked that not a cry or a tear came from them ; yet, just as they have been going to lay their necks upon the block, when a pardon has come, […]

More to Follow – Charles Spurgeon

More to Follow – Charles Spurgeon A benevolent person gave Mr. Rowland Hill a hundred pounds to dispense to a poor minister, and thinking it was too much to send him all at once, Mr. Hill forwarded five pounds in a letter, with simply these words within the envelope, ” More to follow.” In a […]

Abuse Of. – Charles Spurgeon

Abuse Of. – Charles Spurgeon A certain member of that parliament wherein a statute for the relief of the poor was passed, was an ardent pro- moter of that Act. He asked his steward when he returned to the country, what the people said of that statute. The steward answered, that he heard a labouring […]

An Argument. – Charles Spurgeon

An Argument. – Charles Spurgeon If the Lord has enriched you in temporals, though you have not feared him, have you not every reason to expect that he will do as well for you in spirituals, if you ask him to do so ? You call at a friend’s house on horseback ; he takes […]

MEDITATION – to be Practised. – Charles Spurgeon

MEDITATION – to be Practised. – Charles Spurgeon Those who would be in health do not sit still in their houses to breathe such air as may come to them, but they walk abroad and seek out rural and elevated spots that they may inhale the invigorating breezes; and thus those godly souls who would […]

The Disuse of a Sad Loan – Charles Spurgeon

The Disuse of a Sad Loan – Charles Spurgeon My harp is not sounding and yet a fine fresh wind is blowing in at the window. Why hear I not its soft mystic strains? I remember, it was put away in the lumber room and some of its strings are broken. There is a gracious […]

A Stain on the Universe. – Charles Spurgeon

A Stain on the Universe. – Charles Spurgeon RUSKIN says : — ” The Savoyard’s cottage, standing in the midst of an inconceivable,  beauty, set on some sloping bank of golden sward, with clear fountains flowing beside it, and wild (lowers, ;ind nobk trots, and goodly rocks, gathered round into a perfection as of Paradise, […]

Natural State of. – Charles Spurgeon

Natural State of. – Charles Spurgeon A MUSICAL amateur of eminence, who had often observed Mr. Cadogan’s inattention to his performances, said to him one day, ” Come, I am determined to make you feel the power of music, pay particular attention to this piece.” It was played. ” Well, what do you say now […]

THE GOOD: -Beneficial Influence of. – Charles Spurgeon

THE GOOD: -Beneficial Influence of. – Charles Spurgeon In a hot summer’s-day, some years ago, I was sailing with a friend in a tiny boat, on a miniature lake, enclosed like a cup within a circle of steep, bare Scottish hills. On the shoulder of the brown sun-burnt mountain, and full in sight, was a […]

Looking for trie – Charles H Spurgeon

Looking for trie – Charles H Spurgeon I was told of a poor peasant on the Welsh mountains who, month after month, year after year, through a long period of declining life, was used every morning, as soon as he awoke, to open his casement window, towards the cast, and look out to see if […]

A Help To Courage – Charles H Spurgeon

A Help To Courage – Charles H Spurgeon Courage maintains itself by its ardent action, as some birds rest on the wing. There is an energy about agility that will often give a man a fortitude which otherwise he might not have possessed. We can picture the gallant regiment at Balaclava riding into the valley […]

WEEK WIGHT SERVICES – Charles H Spurgeon

WEEK-WIGHT SERVICES – Charles H Spurgeon Prayer- meeting and lecture as usual on Wednesday evening, in the lecture-room. Dear brethren, I urge you all to attend the weekly meetings. ‘ Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together.’ Some of the ” dear brethren ” deported themselves in this way: Brother A. thought it looked like rain, […]

To be rejoiced in – Charles H Spurgeon

To be rejoiced in – Charles H Spurgeon WHEN Latimer resigned his bishopric, Foxe tells us that as he put off his rochet from his shoulders he gave a skip on the floor for joy, ” feeling his shoulders so light at being discharged of such a burden.” To be relieved of our wealth or […]

MY NOTE BOOK – Charles H Spurgeon

MY NOTE BOOK – Charles H Spurgeon ABISEMEHT – To be rejoiced in. WHEN Latimer resigned his bishopric, Foxe tells us that as he put off his rochet from his shoulders he gave a skip on the floor for joy, ” feeling his shoulders so light at being discharged of such a burden.” To be […]

Youth and Religion

Youth and Religion Worship has a positive impact on teenagers, according to a study that tries to determine religion’s role in adolescents’ lives. A survey of thousands of 12th-graders nationwide has found that teens who attend worship and rate religion as important have positive self-images, are optimistic, and enjoy school. “The more religious the kids […]

Teenage Logic

Teenage Logic Nancy suppressed her shock at seeing her 17-year-old daughter’s new hairdo. The sides of her head were shaved, the rest of her hair was died burgundy, and the top was spiked. Nancy said, “That’s a bit different, isn’t it?” A friend saw the haircut and asked, “What does your mom think of it?” The daughter replied, “Oh, […]

Worshipping Self

Worshipping Self Dan serves his athletic body. He works out in a gym five days a week and has impeccable eating habits. He is attracted only to other beautiful body people. The problem is he keeps falling for shallow women who have no depth of spirit of character. He feels lonely and empty and eventually […]

The Appearance of Work

The Appearance of Work Express Personal Services, an employment company based in Oklahoma City, has provided temporary help for some rather unique jobs. They’ve placed workers to chase deer off an airport runway for $8 an hour, or pour thousands of cans of rancid beverage down a drain for $6 an hour. One of the most […]

John Wesley

John Wesley John Wesley traveled 250,000 miles on horseback, riding twenty miles daily for forty years, preached forty thousand sermons, produced four hundred books, knew ten languages, and at eighty-three was annoyed when he could not write more than fifteen hours a day without huring his eyes. At eighty-six he was ashamed that he could […]

THE GOOD -Beneficial Influence of – Charles Spurgeon

THE GOOD -Beneficial Influence of – Charles Spurgeon Alexander Von Humboldt thus writes of the cow- tree : — ” On the barren flank of a rock grows a tree with coriaceous and dry leaves. Its large woody roots can scarcely penetrate into the stone. For several months of the year not a single shower […]

Obstacles Are Opportunities in Disguise

Obstacles Are Opportunities in Disguise In ancient times, a king had a boulder placed on a roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the king’s wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and simply walked around it. Many loudly blamed the king for not keeping […]

Don’t Try to Get out of Work

Don’t Try to Get out of Work William Sydney Porter, better known by his pen name “O. Henry,” became one of the most popular authors in America at the turn of the last century. He wrote for years, but his literary career really took off from a most unlikely place—prison. Porter had been convicted of […]

Zeal, Incentive to – Charles Spurgeon

Zeal, Incentive to – Charles Spurgeon IF this church do not serve God—mark these words, I speak, I think, prophetically—God will make this house a hissing, and write “Ichabod” upon these walls. Never was a church more favored than you have been. More than two hundred years God has given you a succession of faithful […]

Zeal in our Service for Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Zeal in our Service for Christ – Charles Spurgeon I KNOW that the most of you are diligent in business. You never hear the ring of a guinea without being on the alert to earn it if possible. Your coats are off, and very likely your shirt-sleeves are turned up when there is a chance […]

Zeal for Church Purity – Charles Spurgeon

Zeal for Church Purity – Charles Spurgeon WHEN the body gets a piece of rotten bone into it, it never rests, until, with pain, it casts out the dead thing: and so with the church; the church may be increased by dead members, but when she begins to get vigorous and full of life, her […]

Zeal, Exhortation to – Charles Spurgeon

Zeal, Exhortation to – Charles Spurgeon SHALL we ever forget Park Street, those prayer-meetings, when I felt compelled to let you go without a word from my lips, because the Spirit of God was so awfully present that we felt bowed to the dust, and any language of mine would have been a mere impertinence? […]

Zeal, Cloak of – Charles Spurgeon

Zeal, Cloak of – Charles Spurgeon THOUSANDS of our church members are locked in the deadly arms of an Arctic propriety. They are proper, very proper. They are always afraid of being fanatical, even more than of being worldly or backsliding. When religious work is being done in earnest, they say it is exciting and […]

Youthful Piety, Loveliness of – Charles Spurgeon

Youthful Piety, Loveliness of – Charles Spurgeon AN apple-tree when loaded with apples is a very lovely sight; but give me, for beauty, the apple-tree in bloom. The whole world does not present a more lovely sight than an apple blossom. Painters have declared that there is nothing in the whole world to excel it […]

Young Men the Hope of the Church – Charles Spurgeon

Young Men the Hope of the Church – Charles Spurgeon I DO not believe that any age was better than this, all things considered, but this is the time when we shall want our young men to be strong to all the intents of strength. Battles are coming in which they will need to stand […]

Yielding to God, Wisdom of – Charles Spurgeon

Yielding to God, Wisdom of – Charles Spurgeon IF a man expose himself to the rush of an avalanche, can he expect the rolling mass to suspend itself in mid air for him? If a mariner will go to sea in a vessel worm-eaten and unseaworthy, will the waves pity the barque, and cease from […]

Worship, Spiritual—The Divine requirement – Charles Spurgeon

Worship, Spiritual—The Divine requirement – Charles Spurgeon IF the Eternal were such an one as you are, O man, he might be pleased with your painted windows. But what a child’s toy must colored glass be to God! I can sit and gaze upon a cathedral, with all its magnificence of architecture, and think what […]

Worship, Moves of—May be Altered – Charles Spurgeon

Worship, Moves of—May be Altered – Charles Spurgeon I HAVE frequently, especially in our country churches, met with the most determined protests against the most trivial alteration of the routine of their worship. You must sing at such a time, for they always have sung at such a point in the service; you must pray […]

Worry, Folly of – Charles Spurgeon

Worry, Folly of – Charles Spurgeon WHY do you worry yourself? What use can your fretting serve? You are on board a vessel which you could not steer even if the great Captain put you at the helm, of which you could not so much as reef a sail, yet you worry as if you […]

Worry, A Corrective for – Charles Spurgeon

Worry, A Corrective for – Charles Spurgeon BELOVED, I desire for myself never again to be worried with the cares of this church, but to take them all to my Master, and wait at his feet. I desire not to be troubled about my, preaching, nor to be cumbered about anything beneath the sun, but […]

Worldliness Stopping the Ears of Man – Charles Spurgeon

Worldliness Stopping the Ears of Man – Charles Spurgeon IF you stood in a street where the traffic is abundant, where the constant thunder of rumbling wheels creates a din, it would be difficult to preach so as to command an audience, for the abundant sound would prevent all hearing; and, to a great extent, […]

World to be Changed by the Gospel – Charles Spurgeon

World to be Changed by the Gospel – Charles Spurgeon THE world is upside down now; the gospel has begun to turn it the right way uppermost, but when the day of grace is over, and the day of glory comes, then shall it be righted indeed; then those that wandered about in sheep-skins and […]

World, Lamentation over Its Sin – Charles Spurgeon

World, Lamentation over Its Sin – Charles Spurgeon LIKE the marvelous structures of Palmyra, of Baalbek, in the far off east, the earth in ruins reveals a magnificence which betokens a royal founder, and an extraordinary purpose. Creation glows with a thousand beauties, even in its present fallen condition; yet clearly enough it is not […]

Works of God Worthy of Attention – Charles Spurgeon

Works of God Worthy of Attention – Charles Spurgeon MODERN fanatics, who profess to be so absorbed in heavenly things that they are blind to the most marvelous of Jehovah’s handiwork, should go to school with David as the schoolmaster, and learn to “consider the heavens;” and should sit with Job upon the dunghill of […]

Do You Know Me?

Do You Know Me? The story is told of a prosecuting attorney in a small town courthouse called his first witness, an elderly woman, to the stand. He approached her and asked, “Mrs. Jones, do you know me?” She responded, “Why, yes, I do know you, Mr. Williams. I’ve known you since you were a […]

Works of God, Delight in the – Charles Spurgeon

Works of God, Delight in the – Charles Spurgeon SOME people never smile. Dear souls! They pull the blinds down on Sunday. They are sorry that the flowers are so beautiful, and think that they ought to have been whitewashed; they almost believe that if the garden beds were of a little more serious color, […]

Works, Little—Rewarded by Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Works, Little—Rewarded by Christ – Charles Spurgeon I KNOW your gifts to his church and his poor are necessarily but little, for yours is the poor widow’s portion perhaps, and you can give only your two mites; but I know that, as they fall into the treasury, Jesus sits over against the treasury and hears […]

Works, Impossibility of Salvation by – Charles Spurgeon

Works, Impossibility of Salvation by – Charles Spurgeon A POOR and wretched man dreamed that he was counting out gold. There it stood upon the table before him in great bags, and, as he untied string after string, he found himself wealthy beyond a Croesus’ treasures. He was lying upon a bed of straw, in […]

Workers, Humble—Used by God – Charles Spurgeon

Workers, Humble—Used by God – Charles Spurgeon HOW often the eminent preachers, which are the church’s delight, are brought into the church by those of less degree, even as Simon Peter was converted by Andrew! Who shall tell what might have become of Simon Peter if it had not been for Andrew? Who shall say […]

Workers’ Sympathy with Jesus – Charles Spurgeon

Workers’ Sympathy with Jesus – Charles Spurgeon I KNOW of no service that can be more distinguished than the doing of good, the scattering of blessings among the sons of men. Methinks the very angels before the throne might envy us poor men who are permitted to talk of Christ, even though it be but […]

Don’t Let Down Your Guard

Don’t Let Down Your Guard It was a stifling hot morning that August in Hiroshima, Japan. In 1945, citizens feared a pending air strike from the allied forces of World War II. Many people were evacuating belongings from their homes and making preparation for their safety. Hiroshima was one of the largest cities in Japan […]

Workers’ Strength in God – Charles Spurgeon

Workers’ Strength in God – Charles Spurgeon ONCE on a time certain strong laborers were sent forth by the great King to level a primeval forest, to plough it, to sow it, and to bring him the harvest. They were stout-hearted and strong, and willing enough for labor, and well they needed all their strength […]

Workers in the Church Unsaved – Charles Spurgeon

Workers in the Church Unsaved – Charles Spurgeon YEARS ago Hamburg was nearly half of it burned down, and among the incidents that happened, there was this one. A large house had connected with it a yard in which there was a great black dog, and this black dog in the middle of the night […]

The Things We Value

The Things We Value In 2004, a painting by Anna Mary Robertson, better known as Grandma Moses, was brought to the Antiques Roadshow for appraisal. Born before the Civil War, Robertson did not take up painting until late in her life. Her primitive style eventually became extremely popular, and her work commanded a high price. The man […]

Workers for Christ Unsanctified – Charles Spurgeon

Workers for Christ Unsanctified – Charles Spurgeon IT is very possible for a man to get to dislike the very religion which he feels bound still by force of custom to go on teaching to others. “Is that possible?” says one. Alas! that it is. Have you never heard of the flower-girl in the streets? […]

Better than Rubies

Better than Rubies In May of 2012, a 32-carat Burmese ruby and diamond ring—that was part of the collection of Lily Safra, one of the richest women in the world—was sold at an auction. The pre-auction estimate for the sale was $3–5 million, but the final sale price ended up at $6.7 million. It is […]

Work of God and Man meeting – Charles Spurgeon

Work of God and Man meeting – Charles Spurgeon WHEN the Mont Cenis Tunnel was being made, a party of engineers worked from the Italian side for six years, and expected at the end of that period to see an open roadway through the mountain. They knew that the work would take, at the rate […]

Work of God Humbling – Charles Spurgeon

Work of God Humbling – Charles Spurgeon WHEN John in Patmos saw the Lord, he fell at his feet as dead; a sense of the glory of his Lord overpowered him: such has been in a degree our own experience, alike in meditating upon Scripture and in wandering in the dark gorges of the Alps. […]

Work for Christ, the Relief in Trouble – Charles Spurgeon

Work for Christ, the Relief in Trouble – Charles Spurgeon I RECOLLECT the story of a mother, who, when her little boy was playing in the room, was shedding many bitter tears for her widowhood. Her little boy, who seemed to know right well the source of the mother’s grief, came up to her, and […]

Work for Christ, Solemnity of – Charles Spurgeon

Work for Christ, Solemnity of – Charles Spurgeon TO seek to save souls from going down to the pit is no pastime: to talk of Jesus is no trifle. We do not meet to pray in sport; we do not gather together in supplication as a mere matter of form. Angels are in our midst […]

Work for Christ, Humble – Charles Spurgeon

Work for Christ, Humble – Charles Spurgeon IT comes to this, beloved, anything that can be done for Christ is too good for us to do. Somebody wanted to keep the door! Somebody wanted to rout out the back lanes! Somebody wanted to teach ragged roughs! Somebody wanted to ask people to come to the […]

Dangerous Fools

Dangerous Fools On July 6, 2011, a hiker, Brian Matayoshi, was attacked by a female grizzly bear near the Wapiti Lake trail in Yellowstone National Park. He and his wife were visiting the park as hundreds of thousands do each year. Apparently they surprised the mother grizzly and her cubs. The National Park Service issued […]

Work, Christian—To be Done Speedily – Charles Spurgeon

Work, Christian—To be Done Speedily – Charles Spurgeon THE wheels of eternity are sounding behind us; life must be short. To those to whom it is longest it is but brief. Work on, worker! You have scarce time to finish your day’s work. Waste not a second. Throw not away these priceless hours. Speed! speed! […]

Avoiding Pitfalls

Avoiding Pitfalls On Easter Sunday, 2013, the southbound side of I-77 near the North Carolina-Virginia border was closed for hours following a massive chain of accidents. Police later reported that seventeen different collisions involved ninety-five cars and trucks. The wrecks left three people dead and more than two dozen injured, many of them seriously. The […]

Work, Life the Time for – Charles Spurgeon

Work, Life the Time for – Charles Spurgeon MOTHER, you cannot bend over your children and teach them the way of life when you have departed. If you would have them taught in the things of God, your voice at least will never teach them then of the love of Jesus. Missionary, if that district […]

Work, a Sphere of—For Every Christian – Charles Spurgeon

Work, a Sphere of—For Every Christian – Charles Spurgeon OUT of this whole structure of the human body, every little muscle, every single cell, has its own secretion and its own work; and though some physicians have said this and that organ might be spared, I believe there is not a single thread in the […]

Words of Jesus – Charles Spurgeon

Words of Jesus – Charles Spurgeon THE works of man will seldom bear close inspection. You shall take a needle which is highly polished, which appears to be without the slightest inequality upon its surface, and you shall put it under a microscope, and it will look like a rough bar of iron; but you […]

Heat Forms Porcelain

Heat Forms Porcelain A clay pot sitting in the sun will always be a clay pot. It has to go through the white heat of the furnace to become porcelain. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Word of God to be Impartially Studied – Charles Spurgeon

Word of God to be Impartially Studied – Charles Spurgeon BEWARE of picking and choosing in God’s word. It is a very dangerous symptom when there is any portion of Scripture that we are afraid to read. If there is one single chapter in the Book that I do not like, it must be because […]

Word of God, Interest in the – Charles Spurgeon

Word of God, Interest in the – Charles Spurgeon TO read a will is not an interesting occupation—repetitions, legal phrases, tautologies multiplied to utter weariness; but if there be a legacy left to you in that will, no writing will be more fascinating; you will trip lightly over the lawyer’s fences and five-barred gates, and […]

Word of God in the Heart – Charles Spurgeon

Word of God in the Heart – Charles Spurgeon WE have heard of a certain scholar who used to carry miniature copies of all the classic authors about with him, so that he seemed to have almost a Bodleian in his pocket. O that you would carry miniature Bibles about with you! or, better still, […]

Word of God Food to a Believer – Charles Spurgeon

Word of God Food to a Believer – Charles Spurgeon THERE is a great deal of error in many Christians, and a great deal of sin, and many try to correct the error and remove the sin, and they do well; but have you never heard a doctor say, when a person has been covered […]

Word of God destined to Triumph – Charles Spurgeon

Word of God destined to Triumph – Charles Spurgeon WHEN I have seen a text sometimes in the hand of the enemy made use of against the deity of Christ, or against the doctrine of election, or against some other important and vital doctrine, I have not felt at all inclined to give up the […]

Wonders, Folly of Waiting for – Charles Spurgeon

Wonders, Folly of Waiting for – Charles Spurgeon RIDING along I see in the hedgerow a tree with rich fruit upon it, I am surprised, I do not know how it came there, it is a very unusual thing to see our garden fruit-trees in public hedgerows; but when I have seen I do not […]

Without Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Without Christ – Charles Spurgeon A SOUL without Christ! Why, it were better for you, man, that you had never been born if you shall continue so! you Would be better off with the mill-stone about your neck, and east into the sea, if that would make an end of you. You were happier far […]

Winning Souls, Importance of – Charles Spurgeon

Winning Souls, Importance of – Charles Spurgeon IF a woman had the charge of a number of children that were not her own, I do not suppose she would notice some of the incipient stages of disease; but when a mother nurses her own dear children, she scarcely for an hour permits the first symptoms […]

Will of Man to be Surrendered to God – Charles Spurgeon

Will of Man to be Surrendered to God – Charles Spurgeon WE cannot serve the Lord if we pick and choose our duties. He who enlists in the army of the Most High, surrenders his will to the discipline of the army and the bidding of the Captain. Whatever Christ bids any of us do […]

Will of God the Guarantee of Success – Charles Spurgeon

Will of God the Guarantee of Success – Charles Spurgeon THAT was a mighty cry which was once profaned to purposes of fanaticism under the preaching of Peter the Hermit, “Deus vult,” “God wills it.” It sounded through Christendom, it made monarchs exchange their crowns for helmets, it made the artisan throw down his hammer […]

Weariness Cured by Looking to Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Weariness Cured by Looking to Christ – Charles Spurgeon IF you are getting weary in the battle of life and tired of serving God, “Behold the Lamb of God!” wrestling unto blood, and your courage will return. Reaper in the summer’s heat, see him as he grasps the sickle with that pierced hand! What strides […]

Wealth, Responsibility of – Charles Spurgeon

Wealth, Responsibility of – Charles Spurgeon THERE is a responsibility attaching to wealth which some do not seem to realize. Among our great men, how few use money as they should! Their gifts are nothing in proportion to their possessions. Alas! things are even worse than this with some who are miscalled honorable and noble. […]

Way of Salvation, Simplicity of—A Stumbling Block – Charles Spurgeon

Way of Salvation, Simplicity of—A Stumbling Block – Charles Spurgeon THE Pharisees came to Christ, and they said, making a great fuss about their zeal, “What shall we do? Oh, sir, here is our money; here is our talent; here is our time: what shall we do that we may work the work of God?” […]

Watering Others, a Work for All Believers – Charles Spurgeon

Watering Others, a Work for All Believers – Charles Spurgeon IF I cannot carry about me some ponderous load as the Eastern water-bearer can, yet I will take my little waterpot, my little jug or pitcher, and go to the well; for if I cannot water the forest tree, I may water the tiny plant […]

God Chooses the Furnace

God Chooses the Furnace On a wall in his bedroom Charles Spurgeon had a plaque with Isaiah 48:10 on it: “. . . I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction.” God’s choice makes chosen men choice men. We are chosen, not in the palace, but in the furnace. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Watching and Praying – Charles Spurgeon

Watching and Praying – Charles Spurgeon A CHILD would generally stand on his feet in a gust of wind if he knew it was coming; but when the wind happens to come round a corner furiously, he may be taken off his feet. Mind you are well ballasted by prayer every morning before your vessel […]

Watchfulness, Exhortation to – Charles Spurgeon

Watchfulness, Exhortation to – Charles Spurgeon I DO not know how far my confession may be echoed by my brethren, but I am shrewdly suspicious that the more wakeful you are, the more heartily will you acknowledge a terrible tendency in the other direction. Again let me remind you that to sleep now is an […]

Waiting on God for Victory – Charles Spurgeon

Waiting on God for Victory – Charles Spurgeon YOU have not wasted those many silent prayers and those bitter tears. Those feeble efforts of yours which were so imperfect that you could scarcely hope them to be successful, are all co-operating to produce a victory, the shouts of which shall be heard all down the […]

Voice of the Love of Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Voice of the Love of Christ – Charles Spurgeon SILENT as to vocal utterance, but like familiar tones that sometimes greet us in our dreams, the voice of Christ is distinctly audible to the soul. It will come to you in sweet or in bitter providences; yes, there is such a thing as hearing Christ’s […]

Vision of Christ, Inspiring to Service – Charles Spurgeon

Vision of Christ, Inspiring to Service – Charles Spurgeon A VISION of the Crucified, my brethren, is that which we want When we are toiling in his harvest-field, and sit down to wipe the sweat from our brow, we grow very weary; the harvest is plenteous, but the laborers are few: we feel that the […]

Victory, the Churches’ Watchword – Charles Spurgeon

Victory, the Churches’ Watchword – Charles Spurgeon A MESSAGE came to Sir Colin Campbell at the Alma, that Her Majesty’s Guards were falling thick and fast beneath the shot, had they not better retire for a little while into safe quarters? The answer was, “It were better, sir, that every one of Her Majesty’s Guards […]

Victory over Difficulties, Resolution to obtain – Charles Spurgeon

Victory over Difficulties, Resolution to obtain – Charles Spurgeon THERE is nothing but what you can make a way through if you can find something harder to bore it with. Look at the Mont Cenis tunnel, made through one of the hardest of known rocks: with a sharp tool, edged with diamond, they have pierced […]

Victory of the Christian, Certainty of – Charles Spurgeon

Victory of the Christian, Certainty of – Charles Spurgeon THE fight may seem to hang in the scales today, but the conquest is sure to come unto him whose right it is. He shall gather all the scepters of kings beneath his arm in one mighty sheaf, and take their diadems from off their brows, […]

Victory of the Christian – Charles Spurgeon

Victory of the Christian – Charles Spurgeon HERE is a champion just come from the Greek games; he has well near killed his adversary in a severe boxing match, and he comes in to receive the crown. Step up to him, look at that arm, and observe the thews and sinews. Why! the man’s muscles […]

Veil Rent by Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Veil Rent by Christ – Charles Spurgeon YOU remember, when Christ died, the veil of the temple was rent in twain. There was not a little slit for little sinners to creep through, but it was rent in twain from the top to the bottom, so that big sinners might come, just in the same […]

Value of the Saints to Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Value of the Saints to Christ – Charles Spurgeon HAD Napoleon spoken forth his mind about the lives of men in the day of battle, he would have likened them to so much water spilt upon the ground. To win a victory, or subdue a province, it mattered not though he strewed the ground with […]

Valor, Exhortation to – Charles Spurgeon

Valor, Exhortation to – Charles Spurgeon O ANXIOUS gazer! look not at the battle so much below, for there you shall be enshrouded in smoke and amazed with garments rolled in blood; but lift your eyes yonder where your Savior lives and pleads, for while he intercedes the cause of God is safe. Let us […]

Unseen Savior, Faith in an – Charles Spurgeon

Unseen Savior, Faith in an – Charles Spurgeon ISRAEL, in the wilderness, instructed by types and shadows, was ever prone to idolatry; the more there is of the visible in religion, the more is there of difficulty in the attainment of spirituality. Even baptism and the Lord’s Supper, were they not ordained by the Lord […]

Unsaved, Incapable of Enjoying Religion – Charles Spurgeon

Unsaved, Incapable of Enjoying Religion – Charles Spurgeon ALPHONSE KARR tells a story of a servant-man who asked his master to be allowed to leave his cottage and sleep over the stable. What was the matter with his cottage? “Why, sir, the nightingales all around the cottage make such a ‘jug, jug, jug’ at night, […]

Unity of Life – Charles Spurgeon

Unity of Life – Charles Spurgeon FIND a drop of water glittering in the rainbow, leaping in the cataract, rippling in the rivulet, lying silent in the stagnant pool, or dashing in spray against the vessel’s side, that water claims the kinship with every drop of water the wide world over, because it is the […]

Union at the Cross – Charles Spurgeon

Union at the Cross – Charles Spurgeon THE Churchman, laden with his many forms and vestments; the Presbyterian, with his stern covenant and his love of those who stained the heather with their blood; the Independent, with his passion for stern liberty, and the separateness of the churches; the Methodist with his various intricate forms […]

Ungodly, Fearful Picture of the – Charles Spurgeon

Ungodly, Fearful Picture of the – Charles Spurgeon THINK you for awhile what the ungodly man’s life is! I can only compare it to that famous diabolical invention of the Inquisition of ancient times. They had as a fatal punishment for heretics, what they called the “Virgin’s Kiss.” There stood in a long corridor the […]

Unemployed Christians – Charles Spurgeon

Unemployed Christians – Charles Spurgeon A GREEK historian desired very intensely to say a word about the people of the city where he was born. He felt he could not write his history without saying something of his own native place, and accordingly he wrote this—”While Athens was building temples, and Sparta was waging war, […]

Unction, Preaching with – Charles Spurgeon

Unction, Preaching with – Charles Spurgeon I WONDER how long we might beat our brains before we could plainly put into words what is meant by preaching with unction! yet he who preaches knows its presence, and he who hears soon detects its absence; Samaria, in famine, typifies a discourse without it; Jerusalem, with her […]

Unchanging Love – Charles Spurgeon

Unchanging Love – Charles Spurgeon FROM Gethsemane to Golgotha, along the blood-besprinkled road, you see proof that having loved his own he loved them to the end. Not all the pains of death could shake his firm affection to his own. They may bind his hands, but his heart is not restrained from love; they […]

Truthfulness, the Result of Grace – Charles Spurgeon

Truthfulness, the Result of Grace – Charles Spurgeon THERE are persons who cannot brook to speak the truth. To them two must always be twenty; to their eyesight the faults of any neighbor are crimes, and the virtues of any, except their especial favorites, are always tinged with vice; naturally they have a malicious judgment […]

Truth to be Held Firmly – Charles Spurgeon

Truth to be Held Firmly – Charles Spurgeon OH! there is a light way of holding truth, and there is a tenacious way of grasping it. I have held doctrines, as it were, in my hand, like a boy’s ball, that might be thrown away. But it is another thing when the King prints the […]

Truth, Superficial Belief in – Charles Spurgeon

Truth, Superficial Belief in – Charles Spurgeon WE are superficial in our beliefs: we are often drenched with truth, and yet it runs off from us like water from a marble slab; but affliction, as it were, ploughs us and sub-soils us, and opens up our hearts, so that into our innermost nature the truth […]

Truth, Freedom of – Charles Spurgeon

Truth, Freedom of – Charles Spurgeon WHEN winds may be manacled, when waves be fettered, and when clouds may be shut up in dungeons, then, nay not even then, may the Word of God be bound. The free spirit of the cross of Christ cannot be vanquished by armies, nor can legions tread it down. […]

Truth, Dilution of the – Charles Spurgeon

Truth, Dilution of the – Charles Spurgeon I HAVE likened the career of certain divines to the journey of a Roman wine cask from the vineyard to the city. It starts from the wine-press as the pure juice of the grape, but at the first halting-place the drivers of the cart must needs quench their […]

Trusting in Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Trusting in Christ – Charles Spurgeon I RECOLLECT standing at the Mansion House one day, waiting to cross over to the other side, when the omnibuses were coming from all the corners of the compass, and I was looking for an opportunity to run in and out between them. A blind man came up and […]

Troubles Turned into Blessings – Charles Spurgeon

Troubles Turned into Blessings – Charles Spurgeon SOME fruit which you gather from your trees is of such a nature that if you were to try and eat it in the autumn it would be very sour, and would make you very unwell; but just store it up a little, and see how luscious and […]

Troubles, Self-made – Charles Spurgeon

Troubles, Self-made – Charles Spurgeon IT is bad to make troubles. I always say of home-made troubles, that they are very like home-made clothes, they never fit well, and they are generally a long while before they are worn out. You had better take the troubles God sends you; they are more suitable for you; […]

Troubles not to be Met Beforehand – Charles Spurgeon

Troubles not to be Met Beforehand – Charles Spurgeon YONDER man is employed in carrying sacks of flour every day. He carries so many hundredweight each time, and in the day it comes to tons; and so many tons a day will come to an enormous mass in a year. Now, suppose, on the first […]

Trouble Sure to Succeed to Great Deliverances – Charles Spurgeon

Trouble Sure to Succeed to Great Deliverances – Charles Spurgeon A LITTLE inconvenience in getting into your pews; a hasty word spoken by somebody outside the gate; the thought of a child at home, something which is very little and insignificant compared with all that God has wrought for you, will sometimes take away the […]

Standing in Adversity

Standing in Adversity In April of 2007 Seung-Hui Cho, a senior at Virginia Tech University, went on a rampage. By the time his murderous spree ended by suicide, Cho had killed 32 people and wounded 17 more. Most of those killed were shot as they sat in classes in the engineering school. Cho chained the […]

Storms Reveal What Is Inside

Storms Reveal What Is Inside A bell buoy rings only during storms. The beating of the waves and wind bring out the music that is within it, so too do trials reveal what is inside a person. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email


Visitation Research demonstrates that if lay people will make a 15 minute visit in the homes of first time visitors within 36 hours of their visit to the church, 85%of them will return the following week. If the lag time is 72 hours the return rate drops to 60%; and after one week it slips […]


Fatigue The National Sleep Foundation says that about 70 million Americans operate on inadequate sleep at any given time. This fatigue results in a tremendous loss of productivity both on the job and at home. The average worker spends more than an hour per day doing nothing for their employer and costing American businesses over […]

How to Get More Done

How to Get More Done 1. Redefine your roles regularly2. Refocus on high priority tasks3. Request heavenly wisdom4. Replenish your personal strength (physical, emotional, spiritual)5. Remember what’s important6. Refine your strengths and weaknesses Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

What Time Is it for You

What Time Is it for You In the book Time for God, there is a mathematically calculated schedule which compares a lifetime of “three-score years and ten” with the hours of a single day from seven o’clock in the morning until eleven o’clock at night. If your age is: 15, the time is 10:25am20, the time is […]

Be Thankful for Life

Be Thankful for Life Even though I clutch my blankets and groan when the alarm rings each morning, thank you, Lord, that I can hear. There are those who are deaf. Even though I keep my eyes tightly closed against the morning light as long as possible, thank you, Lord, that I can see. There […]

Give Thanks Even During Trials

Give Thanks Even During Trials Few Americans have had more setbacks than the Pilgrims who made seven times more graves than huts. They still set aside a day for giving thanks. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Receiving Rebuke Rightly

Receiving Rebuke Rightly When Orel Hershiser was in his first season as a pitcher for the Los Angeles Dodgers, he had great talent but had not been able to translate that into success on the field. Early in the 1984 season he was struggling with his control. Finally Dodgers manager Tommy Lasorda called the young […]

It Is Hard to Be an Atheist

It Is Hard to Be an Atheist 21% of those who define themselves as atheists say they believe in God. 13% of Christians who attend evangelical churches say God is more of an impersonal force than a Person with Whom people can have a relationship. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

How Long Things Last

How Long Things Last Experts estimate that if a normal cassette tape is played about 100 times a year, sound quality will deteriorate somewhat after about 10 years. But the tape itself will play on. A lightening bolt lasts 45 to 55 microseconds. The average running shoe worn by the average runner on an average […]

Trouble Leading Heavenwards – Charles Spurgeon

Trouble Leading Heavenwards – Charles Spurgeon SEVERE trouble in a true believer has the effect of loosening the roots of his soul earthward, and tightening the anchor-hold of his heart heavenward. How can he love the world which has become so drear to him? Why should he seek after grapes so bitter to his taste? […]

Working With Clutter

Working With Clutter In America, the average desk worker has 36 hours worth of work on his or her desk and wastes 3 hours a week just searching for things in the maze of clutter. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Trouble, fellowship with Christ in – Charles Spurgeon

Trouble, fellowship with Christ in – Charles Spurgeon WE should never have such fellowship with Jesus as we do if we had not such troubles as we have. You cannot see the stars in the daytime, but they tell us that if you go down into a well you can. Sometimes God sinks wells of […]

Thanksgiving Calories

Thanksgiving Calories When it comes to Thanksgiving, Americans like to begin grazing long before the big meal begins. The average person consumes about 10% of their Thanksgiving calories before the turkey is ever served. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Trouble a Test of Friendship – Charles Spurgeon

Trouble a Test of Friendship – Charles Spurgeon SOMEBODY has thrown a handful of mud at a professed Christian: let us clear the coast, for the mud may light upon us too. So say cowards, but so say not we. No, brother, if you belong to the army of Immanuel, and our persecuted brother has […]

Triumph of the Saints – Charles Spurgeon

Triumph of the Saints – Charles Spurgeon ALL true believers who really trust in Jesus’ love, and are really fired with it, will be far more glorious than the Roman conqueror when he drove his milk white steeds through the imperial city’s streets; then the young men and maidens, matrons and old men, gathered to […]

Triflers, Danger of – Charles Spurgeon

Triflers, Danger of – Charles Spurgeon ONE of our city missionaries was witness to a deadful scene, when in a poor house he found persons playing cards, using for a table a coffin covered with a white cloth, the coffin containing the father of the family. This was a mournful instance of hardness of heart, […]

Tribulation leading to Hell – Charles Spurgeon

Tribulation leading to Hell – Charles Spurgeon THERE is a groundless notion abroad, that those who are badly off in this world will certainly have it made up to them in the world to come; and I have heard the parable of Lazarus and Dives quoted as though it taught that those who are poor […]

The Useful Olive Tree

The Useful Olive Tree During a recent visit to Israel, my attention was drawn to a dirt lot, somewhere in the middle of the Judean region. The lot was filled with what looked like rough pieces of wood lying in disorganized piles. I assumed that they were lumberyard rejects, and inquired of their purpose. Our […]

Tribulation, Glorying in – Charles Spurgeon

Tribulation, Glorying in – Charles Spurgeon IT is joy, when between the millstones crushed like an olive, to yield nothing but the oil of thankfulness; when bruised beneath the fail of tribulation, still to lose nothing but the chaff, and to yield to God the precious grain of entire submissiveness. Why, this is a little […]

Trials the Strengtheners of Life – Charles Spurgeon

Trials the Strengtheners of Life – Charles Spurgeon I KNOW not whether all soldiers love the thought of war, but there are many who pant for a campaign. How many an officer of low rank has said, “There is no promotion, no hope of rising, no honors, as if we had to fight. If we […]

Trials, Quickening Nature of – Charles Spurgeon

Trials, Quickening Nature of – Charles Spurgeon THERE is an old story in the Greek annals of a soldier under Antigonus who had a disease about him, an extremely painful one, likely to bring him soon to the grave. Always first in the ranks was this soldier, and in the hottest part of the fray; […]

A Lukewarm Christian

A Lukewarm Christian Recently I talked to a man I will call Mr. Luke Warm, for he is neither cold not hot. He says he is a Christian but seldom attends church. “I am under a great deal of tension where I work,” he explained, “and often go fishing on weekends for relaxation. Church is […]

Trials, Profit of – Charles Spurgeon

Trials, Profit of – Charles Spurgeon TRIBULATIONS are treasures; and if we were wise, we should reckon our afflictions among our rarest jewels. The caverns of sorrow are mines of diamonds. Our earthly possessions may be silver, but temporal trials are, to the saints, invariably gold. We may grow in grace through what we enjoy, […]

Trials, Daily Grace to Bear – Charles Spurgeon

Trials, Daily Grace to Bear – Charles Spurgeon OUR God does not trust us with so much life as a month at once—we live as the clock ticks, a second at a time. Is not that a wiser method of living rather than to perplex our heads by living by the month or by the […]

Trials, Change of – Charles Spurgeon

Trials, Change of – Charles Spurgeon YOU may anticipate, Christian, that you will have your trial changed: indeed, you must reckon that it is so. I mean that if today it is smooth sailing with you, though yesterday waves rolled mountains high, it is only a change of trial; you are now tried by prosperity, […]

Refining Silver

Refining Silver In the 1800s, a group of women met to study the Bible in Dublin. They were puzzled by the words of Malachi 3:3, “And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver.” One of the ladies promised to call on a silversmith and report to them what he said on the subject. She […]

Trials, Ballast of – Charles Spurgeon

Trials, Ballast of – Charles Spurgeon WHEN the vessel first was launched upon the river, and was about to cross the sea, it felt itself light and airy, and ready to bound over the waves, so that it longed for a voyage across the Atlantic, that it might fly like a sea bird over the […]

Trial, Uplifting Power of – Charles Spurgeon

Trial, Uplifting Power of – Charles Spurgeon THERE is our nest, and a very pretty, round, snug nest it is; and we have been very busy picking up all the softest feathers that we could find, and all the prettiest bits of moss that earth could yield, and we have been engaged night and day […]

Trembling Ones the Care of Jesus – Charles Spurgeon

Trembling Ones the Care of Jesus – Charles Spurgeon YONDER is a mother who has a numerous family of children. My dear mother, may I argue with you? If you must neglect one of your children, shall I tell you which it should be? It should be that one which is lame in the feet, […]

Soulwinning is Your Responsibility

Soulwinning is Your Responsibility An old deacon was leading in prayer using one of his stereotypical phrases, “Oh Lord, touch the unsaved with Thy finger.”As he intoned this phrase in this particular prayer, he stopped short. Other members came to his side and asked if he were ill.No,” he replied, “but something seemed to say […]

Treasures, Earthly—To be held loosely – Charles Spurgeon

Treasures, Earthly—To be held loosely – Charles Spurgeon SEE you not how the glittering dew-drops exhale as the day grows old—such and so fleeting are human joys. Mark how the meteor marks the brow of night, and anon is seen no more—such and so hasty is mortal bliss. Hold not earth’s treasures with too firm […]

Too Good For Soulwinning

Too Good For Soulwinning A man in one of D.L. Moody’s meetings once testified that he had lived “on the Mount of Transfiguration” for five years. “How many souls did you lead to Christ last year?” Moody bluntly asked him. “Well,” the man hesitated, “I don’t know.” “Have you saved any?” Moody persisted. “I don’t […]

Travail Preceding Spiritual Birth – Charles Spurgeon

Travail Preceding Spiritual Birth – Charles Spurgeon I HAVE heard of a young man who had grown up and left the parental roof, and through evil influences had been enticed to hold skeptical views. His father and mother were both earnest Christians, and it almost broke their hearts to see their son so opposed to […]

John Harper

John Harper John Harper was a Scottish preacher aboard the Titanic. When the ship hit an iceberg and sank, Harper was clinging to a piece of drift wood. As he was out in the darkness a man drifted close to him crying, and Harper shouted to him, “Are you saved?” the man replied, “No.” Harper […]

Transformation by Prayer – Charles Spurgeon

Transformation by Prayer – Charles Spurgeon ONE night alone in prayer might make us new men, changed from poverty of soul to spiritual wealth, from trembling to triumphing. We have an example of it in the life of Jacob. Aforetime the crafty shuffler, always bargaining and calculating, unlovely in almost every respect, yet one night […]

Multiplication Soulwinning

Multiplication Soulwinning Reflect on compounding interest, the repoductive cycles of nature, and the world’s biological population explosion. Soon it will be clear why the multiplication is God’s primary method for replenishing the earth. One unspayed female dog and her descendants can produce 4,372 puppies in just seven generations, and one unspayed cat and her offspring […]

Tongues of Fire – Charles Spurgeon

Tongues of Fire – Charles Spurgeon AS the tongues of fire came upon the apostles, when they sat watching and praying, even so will they come upon you. You will find yourselves, when you might perhaps have flagged, suddenly upborne, as by a seraph’s power. Wheels of fire will be fastened to your chariot, which […]

Multiplication Soulwinning

Multiplication Soulwinning Reflect on compounding interest, the repoductive cycles of nature, and the world’s biological population explosion. Soon it will be clear why the multiplication is God’s primary method for replenishing the earth. One unspayed female dog and her descendants can produce 4,372 puppies in just seven generations, and one unspayed cat and her offspring […]

 Tomb, the Company of Jesus in – Charles Spurgeon 

Tomb, the Company of Jesus in – Charles Spurgeon WHAT more appropriate chamber for a prince’s son to go to sleep in than the prince’s own tomb? There slept Emmanuel. There, my body, you may be well content to sleep too! What more royal couch can you desire than the bosom of that same mother […]

Time, Flight of—Swiftness of the – Charles Spurgeon

Time, Flight of—Swiftness of the – Charles Spurgeon A THOUSAND years is a long time, but how soon it flies! One almost seems, in reading English history, to go back and shake hands with William the Conqueror; a few lives bring us even to the flood. You who are getting on to be forty years […]

 Ties in Heaven – Charles Spurgeon 

Ties in Heaven – Charles Spurgeon IT is a glorious thing to become indifferent to the visible, and only earnest about the invisible. We are like a balloon while it is tied to the earth, it cannot mount; even so our ascent to Heaven is delayed by a thousand detaining cords and bands, and the […]

An Unobservant Policeman

An Unobservant Policeman In 1992, a Los Angeles County parking control officer saw a Cadillac that was illegally parked. The officer ignored the man sitting in the driver’s seat and after writing the ticket, reached through the open window, and placed the ticket on the dashboard. What was even more remarkable was that the driver […]

Threatenings, Divine—To be attended to – Charles Spurgeon

Threatenings, Divine—To be attended to – Charles Spurgeon WE were in a sick room the other day, and the surgeon, with carefully soft whisper, told us something painful in reference to the case. We caught the glance of the patient, and translated it in a moment; that keen eye said, “You are whispering about me, […]

Thoughts of Christ the Test of Piety – Charles Spurgeon

Thoughts of Christ the Test of Piety – Charles Spurgeon I WILL judge of your piety by this barometer: does Christ stand high or low with you? If you have thought little of Christ, if you have been content to live without his presence, if you have cared little for his honor, if you have […]

Fishermen Must Fish

Fishermen Must Fish The story is told about a group called themselves fishermen. There were many fish in the water all around this group. In fact, the whole area was surrounded by streams and lakes filled with fish. And the fish were hungry. Week after week, month after month, and year after year, these who […]

Thoughts, Holy – Charles Spurgeon

Thoughts, Holy – Charles Spurgeon GOOD thoughts are blessed guests, and should be heartily welcomed, well fed, and much sought after. Like rose leaves, they give out a sweet smell if laid up in the jar of memory. They cannot be too much cultivated; they are like a crop which enriches the soil. As the […]

Make the Horse Thirsty

Make the Horse Thirsty A young salesman was disappointed about losing a big sale, and as he talked with his sales manager he lamented, “I guess it just proves you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.” The manager replied, “Your job is not to make him drink. Your job […]

Boy Lost in Dead Sea

Boy Lost in Dead Sea An eight-year-old Israeli boy was stuck floating overnight in the Dead Sea after his father left him there by mistake. Fortunately, the high salt content in the water keeps swimmers afloat or he probably would have drowned. The ordeal lasted six hours! Rescue workers said the boy, Shneur Zalman Friedman, […]

Soulwinning Statistic

Soulwinning Statistic Only one person is reached for Christ for every eight-five church members in America. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

No One Else Pled for His Salvation

No One Else Pled for His Salvation A pastor was passing a big department store and followed a sudden impulse to go in and talk to the proprietor on the subject of his salvation. Finding him, he said: “I’ve talked beds and carpets and bookcases with you, but I’ve never talked my business with you. […]

Delivering the Most Important Message

Delivering the Most Important Message John Currier was found guilty of murder in 1949 and sentenced to life in prison. Later he was paroled to work on a farm near Nashville, Tennessee. In 1968, Currier’s sentence was terminated, and a letter bearing the good news was sent to him. But John never saw the letter, […]

The Lower Lights Went Out

The Lower Lights Went Out On a dark, stormy night when the waves rolled like mountains and not a star was to be seen a boat rocking and plunging neared the Cleveland harbor. “Are you sure this is Cleveland?” asked the captain, seeing only one light from the lighthouse. “Quite sure, sir,” replied the pilot. […]

Know Your Calling

Know Your Calling Timothy Stackpole was a New York Firefighter, who was severely burned in a 1998 fire. After he recovered, he returned to the force despite the advice of some friends and family and the fact that he could retire comfortably. He was a great fire fighter and passionate about his work and was […]

Take Every Opportunity To Witness

Take Every Opportunity To Witness B. F. Mills, a preacher from a generation ago told the following story: “I remember going down stairs in a hotel about midnight, with some letters in my hand that I wished to mail. The clerk was not in the office, but a policeman was there, and he said, ‘I […]

The Result of Asking

The Result of Asking On January 1, 2010 a law went into effect in Texas that requires Department of Public Safety clerks to ask all driver’s license applicants if they wish to become an organ donor. The result of the new law more than doubled the number of registered organ donors. Think of what could […]

Thirst, Spiritual – Charles Spurgeon

Thirst, Spiritual – Charles Spurgeon THE panting of a thirsty deer is something terrible to see. It appears to thirst all over; every pore of its body is thirsting. It is not alone that heated tongue, those snorting nostrils, that glaring eye, but the creature in every part, in every hair, thirsts and pants. And […]

Thankfulness, an Assistance in Work – Charles Spurgeon

Thankfulness, an Assistance in Work – Charles Spurgeon SOLDIERS march best to battle when the trumpet and drum excite them with enlivening strains; the mariner brightens his toil by a cheery cry at every pull of the rope; and it is an excellent thing when Christian men know how to sing as well as to […]

Texts Interpreted by Prayer – Charles Spurgeon

Texts Interpreted by Prayer – Charles Spurgeon IF you have ever sailed down the Rhine, the water-scenery of that majestic river will have struck you as being very like in effect to a series of lakes. Before and behind, the vessel appears to be enclosed in massive walls of rock, or circles of vine-clad terraces, […]

Tenderness of Christ Our Example – Charles Spurgeon

Tenderness of Christ Our Example – Charles Spurgeon OUR Lord Jesus Christ never discarded a single follower on account of his being juvenile in the faith. Far from it. He has been pleased, in his infinite tenderness, to look especially after these. A young man came to him who was not then converted—probably never was—and […]

Temporal Blessings the Guarantee of Spiritual – Charles Spurgeon

Temporal Blessings the Guarantee of Spiritual – Charles Spurgeon YOU call at a friend’s house—you are riding on horseback; he takes your horse into the stable, and is remarkably attentive to it—the creature is well groomed, well housed, well fed; you are not at all afraid that you will be shut out, there is surely […]

Talking for Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Talking for Christ – Charles Spurgeon THERE lived some fifty years or so ago a set of great table-talkers, who were asked out to dine because of their lively conversational powers. Now if this be in any of you never waste it in mere pleasantries, but say something worth the saying, and aim at the […]

Talents no Substitute for Grace – Charles Spurgeon

Talents no Substitute for Grace – Charles Spurgeon ON the slabs of stone which mark the burial places of the early Christians in the catacombs of Rome, the inscriptions are nearly all ill spelt, many of them have here a letter in Greek, and there a letter in Latin; grammar is forgotten, and orthography is […]

Sympathy, Human—Used by God – Charles Spurgeon

Sympathy, Human—Used by God – Charles Spurgeon DISEMBODIED spirits might have been sent to proclaim the word, but they could not have entered into the feelings of those who, being in this body, do groan, being burdened; angels might have been ordained evangelists, but their celestial attributes would have disqualified them from having compassion on […]

Sympathy Needful to Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Sympathy Needful to Christ – Charles Spurgeon THERE are men to whom it is a small matter to be friendless; their coarse minds scorn the gentle joys of fellowship. Sterner virtues may tread beneath their iron heel the sweet flowers of friendship; and men may be so defiantly self-reliant that, like lions, they are most […]

Sunday-school Teachers, A Word to – Charles Spurgeon

Sunday-school Teachers, A Word to – Charles Spurgeon I AM afraid that very often the truth which we deliver from the pulpit—and doubtless it is much the same in your classes—is a thing which is extraneous and out of ourselves, like the staff which we hold in our hand but which is not a part […]

Sun, Glory of—An Emblem of Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Sun, Glory of—An Emblem of Christ – Charles Spurgeon WHAT Milton calls the golden-tressed sun is the most glorious object in creation, and in Jesus the fullness of glory dwells; the sun is at the same time the most influential of existences, acting upon the whole world, and truly our Lord is, in the deepest […]

Spiritual Challenge

Spiritual Challenge A recent survey of Discipleship Journal readers ranked areas of greatest spiritual challenge to them: 1. Materialism2. Pride3. Self-centeredness4. Laziness5. (Tie) Anger/Bitterness5. (Tie) Sexual lust6. Envy7. Gluttony8. Lying Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Summer and Winter of the Church – Charles Spurgeon

Summer and Winter of the Church – Charles Spurgeon ALL through the summer months, bright for the world, it is usually dark for the church. In the country towns the multitude engaged in agricultural occupations cannot be expected to come out to week-night services; and prayer-meetings, Bible-classes, and the like generally flag, while the long […]

God Hears Everything

God Hears Everything Woodrow Wilson’s father was a minister in the South. One day he joined a group of men caught up in a heated discussion. One of the men lost his temper and swore loudly. Only then did he see the Reverend Wilson in their midst. The man apologized profusely and said, “Sir, I […]

Suffering for Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Suffering for Christ – Charles Spurgeon OH! what ought we not to suffer for our Lord! I feel as though I could blush scarlet that I should have to say a word to any of you about suffering for Christ, because what is it, what is it that we have to suffer? Pshaw! It is […]

Success, All Divine – Charles Spurgeon

Success, All Divine – Charles Spurgeon IT is very significant that before Christ fed the thousands, he made the disciples sum up all their provisions. It was well to let them see how low the commissariat had become, for then when the crowds were fed they could not say the basket fed them, nor that […]

Substitution, The Sinner’s Hope – Charles Spurgeon

Substitution, The Sinner’s Hope – Charles Spurgeon THE doctrine of atonement, as it is often preached, is a hazy, misty doing of something by which the law is honored, or perhaps dishonored, for I scarce know which to call it; this yields me no joy; but when I know that Christ was literally and positively, […]

Substitution of Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Substitution of Christ – Charles Spurgeon THE death of Christ gloriously set forth divine justice, because it taught manifestly this truth, that sin can never go without punishment. It is a law of God’s moral universe that sin must be punished. He has made that as necessary as the law of gravitation. The law of […]

The Change Caused by Sin

The Change Caused by Sin When Leonardo da Vinci was painting his masterpiece, The Last Supper, he selected as the person to sit for the character of Christ a young man, Pietri Bandinelli, who was connected with the Milan Cathedral as chorister. Years passed before the great picture was completed, and when one character only—that of Judas […]

Sin’s Undertow

Sin’s Undertow A boy went down to the river for a little swim. As he left the house his father said, “Be careful, Herbert; the river looks fair and sparkling, but there is an ugly eddy beneath that may prove too much for you. I have tried it and know it is dangerous. It nearly […]

Submission to God’s Will – Charles Spurgeon

Submission to God’s Will – Charles Spurgeon AS long as I trace my pain to accident, my bereavement to mistake, my loss to another’s wrong, my discomfort to an enemy, and so on, I am of the earth earthy, and shall break my teeth with gravel stones; but when I rise to my God and […]

Students’ Medicine – Charles Spurgeon

Students’ Medicine – Charles Spurgeon HE who forgets the humming of the bees among the heather, the cooing of the wood-pigeons in the forest, the song of birds in the wood, the rippling of rills among the rushes, and the sighing of the wind among the pines, needs not wonder if his heart forgets to […]

Strife among Believers, Inconsistency of – Charles Spurgeon

Strife among Believers, Inconsistency of – Charles Spurgeon I READ a story the other day of an elder of a Scotch kirk, who at the elders’ meeting had angrily disputed with his minister, until he almost broke his heart. The night after he had a dream which so impressed him, that his wife said to […]

Strength of God, a Believer’s Defense – Charles Spurgeon

Strength of God, a Believer’s Defense – Charles Spurgeon AS well should a bird with broken wing attempt to mount into the skies as you attempt to reach Heaven by your own strength. As well should a child with a straw hope to stand against a host of armed men, as you to bear the […]

Storm, the Voice of God in the – Charles Spurgeon

Storm, the Voice of God in the – Charles Spurgeon SOME are particularly timid in times of storm, when the thunder comes peal upon peal, and the lightning flashes follow each other, when it seems as if the very earth did tremble, and the skies fled away from the glance of an angry God. Oh! […]

Storm, God in the – Charles Spurgeon

Storm, God in the – Charles Spurgeon I DO not doubt that servants of God in times of danger at sea, when the huge billows have roared and the tempest has raged, and the vessel seemed likely to go to pieces, have often cheered their hearts with such a thought as this—”Now, he who holds […]

Stones, Voice of the – Charles Spurgeon

Stones, Voice of the – Charles Spurgeon IF the stones were to speak they could tell of their Maker; and shall not we tell of him who made us anew, and out of stones raised up children unto Abraham? They could speak of ages long since gone; the old rocks could tell of chaos and […]

State Church, Doom of the – Charles Spurgeon

State Church, Doom of the – Charles Spurgeon WE must expect often to hear that the ship of Christ’s church is in a storm; there must not be smooth sailing for the vessel of the church; it must be tossed with tempest and driven to and fro. At the present juncture, all established churches are […]

State Alliance the Weakness of the Church – Charles Spurgeon

State Alliance the Weakness of the Church – Charles Spurgeon THE ark of God of old was never captured until it was defended with carnal weapons, and even then so soon as it was left alone it rescued itself. When there was not a soldier to take care of it, when it was imprisoned in […]

Spring in the Soul – Charles Spurgeon

Spring in the Soul – Charles Spurgeon YOU never hear it said, “The world is not fit for the sun, because it is so dark; for where the sun comes he makes light;” and if after a long winter the world has grown cold and frostbitten, it is not said of the spring, “You must […]

Spirituality and Orthodoxy – Charles Spurgeon

Spirituality and Orthodoxy – Charles Spurgeon I BELIEVE that a spiritual mind is an orthodox mind. There is not much fear of our embracing any serious errors in the head when the heart is not in error, for there it is that heresies are born and bred, in that witches’ caldron of our heart. Let […]

Spirituality, Misconception of—By the Ungodly – Charles Spurgeon

Spirituality, Misconception of—By the Ungodly – Charles Spurgeon I SAT one day, at a public dinner, opposite a gentleman of the gourmand species, who seemed a man of vast erudition as to wines and spirits, and all the viands of the table; he judged and criticized at such a rate that I thought he ought […]

Spiritual Taste – Charles Spurgeon

Spiritual Taste – Charles Spurgeon MANY who see the dainties of God’s Word pass them by. Like those poor hungry children that we have seen standing outside a shop where the savory meat is just within the window: they can see it and smell it, but they cannot eat thereof. Many of our hearers have […]

 Spiritual Prosperity Produced by Trial – Charles Spurgeon 

Spiritual Prosperity Produced by Trial – Charles Spurgeon A CHILD had a little garden in which it planted many flowers, but they never grew. She put them in, as she thought, tenderly and carefully, but they would not live. She sowed seeds and they sprang up; but very soon they withered away. So she ran […]

Spiritual Man, Loneliness of the – Charles Spurgeon

Spiritual Man, Loneliness of the – Charles Spurgeon IN the plain everything is in company, but the higher you ascend the more lone is the mountain path. At this moment there must be an awful solitude on the top of Mont Blanc. Where the stars look silently on the monarch of mountains, how deep the […]

Sin Destroys the Sinner

Sin Destroys the Sinner Certain ants have a passion for the sweet glandular substance given off by the caterpillar of a large blue butterfly. The ants can become so enthralled by the substance they carry the caterpillar into their nest with great delight. What they don’t realize is that the caterpillar gorges himself on the […]

Spiritual Life the Gift of Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Spiritual Life the Gift of Christ – Charles Spurgeon THE poor mariner’s wife rushes down to the beach in the storm, and see, the waves at last have washed up her lost beloved, the father of the babe which is hanging at her breast. He is dead. The ungenerous sea has made a wife a […]

Spiritual Forces – Charles Spurgeon

Spiritual Forces – Charles Spurgeon THE more spiritual a force is the less it lies within the chains of time. The electric current, which has a greater nearness to the spiritual than the grosser forms of materialism, is inconceivably rapid from that very reason, and by it time is all but annihilated. The influences of […]

Sin Is Not a Little Thing

Sin Is Not a Little Thing Christian, beware lest thou think lightly of sin. Take heed lest thou fall little by little. Sin a little thing? Is it not a poison? Who knows its deadliness? Sin a little thing? Do not the little foxes spoil the grapes? Doth not the tiny coral itself build a […]

Spirit of God Needed in the Church – Charles Spurgeon

Spirit of God Needed in the Church – Charles Spurgeon WITHOUT the Spirit of God, we are like to a ship stranded on the beach; when the tide has receded, there is no moving her until the flood shall once again lift her from the sands. We are like that frozen ship, of which we […]

Sowing, the Preparation for Reaping – Charles Spurgeon

Sowing, the Preparation for Reaping – Charles Spurgeon I FIND that upon some hearts warm earnest preaching drops like an unusual thing which startles but does not convince, and in other congregations, where good gospel preaching has been the rule, I can see the words drop into the hearers’ souls, by the glancing of their […]

Souls of Men, Unfaithfulness to the – Charles Spurgeon

Souls of Men, Unfaithfulness to the – Charles Spurgeon IF you could but stand by one death bed where a soul is taking its leap in the dark; if for once in your lives you could hear the cries of a spirit as it enters into the thick darkness which is to be its everlasting […]

Souls’ Haven, the Cross – Charles Spurgeon

Souls’ Haven, the Cross – Charles Spurgeon WHILE your bark is tossed about at sea, it is very likely that she wants a new copper bottom, or the deck requires holy stoning, or the rigging is out of repair, or the sails want overhauling, or fifty other things may be necessary; but if the wind […]

 Souls Saved, the Crown of Jesus – Charles Spurgeon

Souls Saved, the Crown of Jesus – Charles Spurgeon IF like the old Swiss hero we could gather up all the death-bearing lances into our own bosom, and die in opening a road to victory for our fellow-soldiers, it were a destiny for which to bless God. It would be a glorious thing to die, […]

Soul’s Restlessness in Sin – Charles Spurgeon

Soul’s Restlessness in Sin – Charles Spurgeon HOW apt was the simile of the old Saxon chieftain, when he compared the unenlightened soul to the bird which flew in at the open windows of the banquet-hall, was scared by the uproarious shouts of boisterous warriors around the fire, and passed out again by another window […]

Souls Perishing, Uncared for – Charles Spurgeon

Souls Perishing, Uncared for – Charles Spurgeon IT would be an awful piece of brutality if a boatful of shipwrecked mariners, far out at sea, saw a vessel in the offing, and yet that vessel would not turn aside to help them. But that is the conduct of many professors of Christ; they see others […]

Soul’s Flight to Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Soul’s Flight to Christ – Charles Spurgeon SEE that dove just taken from the cage to be set free. Tempt it to remain with you, cast down the seeds it loves to feed upon; no, it will not dwell with you, it mounts, it makes a few circles in the air, and then having turned […]

Soul Prosperity, Want of – Charles Spurgeon

Soul Prosperity, Want of – Charles Spurgeon JOHN once wished for Gains that his body might prosper and be in health even as his soul prospered. Now, suppose our bodies were to prosper just as our souls do! Why, there would sit in one place a living woman, and side by side with her a […]

Soul yielding to God’s power – Charles Spurgeon

Soul yielding to God’s power – Charles Spurgeon I LOOKED last Friday night at a very remarkable sight, the burning of a huge floor-cloth manufactory. I was just about returning home from my Master’s work when I saw a little blaze, and in an incredibly short space a volume of fire rolled up in great […]

Soul, Wide View of the – Charles Spurgeon

Soul, Wide View of the – Charles Spurgeon THE eye needs to be far-seeing. It is a great pity when the eye can only see a short distance. We strain our natural eye to see some ship far out at sea, that looks perhaps like a speck on the horizon, or we want to stretch […]

Soul Sold to Satan – Charles Spurgeon

Soul Sold to Satan – Charles Spurgeon THERE is a story told of a most eccentric minister, that walking out one morning he saw a man going to work, and said to him, “What a lovely morning! How grateful we ought to be to God for all his mercies!” The man said he did not […]

Soul Engrossed with Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Soul Engrossed with Christ – Charles Spurgeon THAT true man of God, Dr. Hawker—I am told by a friend of mine who visited him one morning—was asked to go and see a review that was then taking place at Plymouth. The doctor said, “No.” My friend pressed him, and said, “I know you are a […]

 Sorrow, Brotherhood of – Charles Spurgeon 

Sorrow, Brotherhood of – Charles Spurgeon AS soldiers show their scars and talk of battles when they come at last to spend their old age in the country at home, so shall we in the dear land to which we are hastening, speak of the goodness and faithfulness of God which brought us through all […]

Sonship, Motives of – Charles Spurgeon

Sonship, Motives of – Charles Spurgeon YOU could not hope to govern the nation by the same rules and methods with which as a father you order your family. In your family it may be there is not even a rod, certainly there is no policeman, no prison, no black cap, no transportation. Children are […]

Sonship, Future Manifestation of – Charles Spurgeon

Sonship, Future Manifestation of – Charles Spurgeon CANNOT you imagine that a child taken from the lowest ranks of society, who is adopted by a Roman senator, will be saying to himself, “I wish the day were come when I shall be publicly revealed as the child of my new father. Then, I shall leave […]

Songs of Heaven Woven out of Trials – Charles Spurgeon

Songs of Heaven Woven out of Trials – Charles Spurgeon I RECKON that at the last, when Christian service shall be done, and Christian reward shall be rendered, the toils endured in serving God, the disappointment, and the racking of the heart, will all make raw material for everlasting song. Oh, how we shall bless […]

Solitude Helpful to Prayer – Charles Spurgeon

Solitude Helpful to Prayer – Charles Spurgeon THAT was a wise direction which the prophet gave to the poor woman when the Lord was about to multiply her oil. “Go, take the cruse,” he said, “pour out and fill the borrowed vessels,” but what did he also say? “Shut the door upon you.” If the […]

Solitariness of Great Minds – Charles Spurgeon

Solitariness of Great Minds – Charles Spurgeon A MINISTER fully equipped for his work, will usually be a spirit by himself, above, beyond, and apart from others. The most loving of his people cannot enter into his peculiar thoughts, cares, and temptations. In the ranks men walk shoulder to shoulder, with many comrades, but as […]

Soldiership of the Believer – Charles Spurgeon

Soldiership of the Believer – Charles Spurgeon HOW needful to be clothed with your armor! How needful to have it of the right kind, to keep it bright, and to wear it constantly! You are a soldier, a soldier in battle, a soldier in the foeman’s country, a soldier with a cruel and malicious enemy, […]

Soldiers of Christ called to Conflict – Charles Spurgeon

Soldiers of Christ called to Conflict – Charles Spurgeon ANY service for God, if it be done at all, should be hard work. If you want to be feather-bed soldiers go and enlist somewhere else, but Christ’s soldiers must fight, and they will find the battle rough and stern. We, of the church militant, are […]

Soldier, The Christian – Charles Spurgeon

Soldier, The Christian – Charles Spurgeon A SOLDIER is a practical man, a man who has work to do, and hard, stern work. He may sometimes, when he is at his ease, wear the fineries of war, but when he comes to real warfare he cares little enough for them; the dust and the smoke, […]

Soldier Tested by the Battle – Charles Spurgeon

Soldier Tested by the Battle – Charles Spurgeon AN anchor may be very pretty on shore, and it may be very showy as an ornament when it lies on the ship’s deck, or hangs from the side, but what is the good of it if it will not hold when the wind blows, and the […]

Sluggish Workers – Charles Spurgeon

Sluggish Workers – Charles Spurgeon MEN ride stags when they hunt for gain, and snails when they are on the road to Heaven. Preachers go on see-sawing, droning, and prosing, and the people fall to yawning and folding their arms, and then say that God is withholding the blessing. Every sluggard when he finds himself […]

 Sitting at Jesus’ feet – Charles Spurgeon 

Sitting at Jesus’ feet – Charles Spurgeon IMAGINE not that to sit at Jesus’ feet is a very small, unmeaning thing. It means peace, for they who submit to Jesus find peace through his precious blood. It means holiness, for those who learn of Jesus learn no sin, but are instructed in things lovely and […]

Sins of Omission – Charles Spurgeon

Sins of Omission – Charles Spurgeon OMISSIONS cannot be trivial, if we only reflect what an influence they would have upon an ordinary commonwealth, if they were perpetrated there as they are in God’s commonwealth. Think a minute, if one person has a right to omit his duty, another has, and all have. Then the […]

Sinners Sleeping – Charles Spurgeon

Sinners Sleeping – Charles Spurgeon DO you remember in David’s life when he went with one of his mighty men at night into Saul’s camp, and found the king and his guards all asleep? There were certain men of war who ought to have watched at Saul’s bed head, to take care of their master, […]

The Way of Escape

The Way of Escape The U.S. Air Force pilot Scott O’Grady was  shot down over Bosnia during the late 1990s. He evaded capture for days until he was found by rescue helicopters. When the helicopter landed to rescue him he summoned all of his strength and fought through bushes to get to the place of […]

Alcohol Statistic

Alcohol Statistic 15% of Americans will struggle with alcoholism in their lifetimes, and over 10 million are actively using illicit substances. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Alcoholism Is Not a Disease

Alcoholism Is Not a Disease If alcoholism is a disease, it is the only disease that is contracted by an act of the will; the only disease that requires a license to propagate it; the only disease that is bottled and sold; the only disease that promotes crime; the only disease that is habit-forming; the […]

Running Away from a Warrant

Running Away from a Warrant A Changed Attitude It was Napoleon Bonaparte who, early in his life, said, “God is on the side of the biggest artillery.” Years later, when he was exiled on an island, he reversed his opinion, and conceded, “Man proposes, but God disposes.” Napoleon learned the attitude of “If it is […]

Get Out!

Get Out! The final eruption of Mount St. Helens in May of 1980 was not a sudden event. For two months prior to the massive blast—the most deadly and destructive in American history—earthquakes and volcanic activity signaled a major event was underway. Authorities had plenty of time to sound the alarm and warn those living […]

The Deceitfulness of Sin

The Deceitfulness of Sin One of the largest freshwater turtles is the alligator snapping turtle. Found primarily in the southeastern United States, these massive turtles have been known to weigh close to 250 pounds. They are carnivorous, and while their diet is primarily fish, they have been known to eat almost anything else they can […]

The Atheistic Barber

The Atheistic Barber The story is told of an atheistic barber who was talking to a pastor. The barber asked the pastor, “If there is a loving God, how can He allow poverty, war, and suffering?” Just at that moment a disheveled man crossed the street. The pastor said, “You are a barber and claim […]

Crime Is Not a Disease

Crime Is Not a Disease In the 1950s a psychologist, Stanton Samenow, and a psychiatrist, Samuel Yochelson, sharing the conventional wisdom that crime is caused by environment, set out to prove their point. They began a 17-year study involving thousands of hours of clinical testing of 250 inmates here in the District of Columbia. To […]

No Laughing Matter

No Laughing Matter Edwin Cooper was famous across America, yet almost no one knew his real name. Coming from a family of circus clowns, Cooper began performing before audiences when he was just nine years old. After a stint with the Barnum and Bailey Circus, he became a fixture on television in the 1950s as […]

The Extra Mile

The Extra Mile Some people approach the extra mile with an attitude that makes you wonder if they just inadvertently missed the previous exit. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Too Important to Help

Too Important to Help During the American Revolution a man in civilian clothes rode past a group of soldiers repairing a small defensive barrier. Their leader was shouting instructions, but making no attempt to help them. When the rider asked the corporal why he did not help his men, he retorted with great dignity, “Sir, […]

Serving to Give or Get?

Serving to Give or Get? Selfish service is impressed with the “big deal.” True service finds it almost impossible to distinguish the small from the large service. Selfish service requires external rewards. True service rests contented in hiddenness. Selfish service is highly concerned about results. True service is free of the need to calculate results. Selfish service picks […]

Sinners, Insensibility of – Charles Spurgeon

Sinners, Insensibility of – Charles Spurgeon THE most of men are not seeking to escape from the wrath to come: they are busy in worldly things while Hell is near them; like idiots catching flies on board a ship which is in the very act of going down. Surely those men must have some fictitious […]

Sinners, Ignorance of – Charles Spurgeon

Sinners, Ignorance of – Charles Spurgeon THE man who puts the fire-escape against the window of a burning house, may readily enough rescue those who are aware of their danger, and who rush to the front and help him, or at least are submissive to him in his work of delivering them; but if a […]

Sinners, Folly of – Charles Spurgeon

Sinners, Folly of – Charles Spurgeon I KNOW a man at the present moment, a man I said, but alas! poor wretched mortal, he looks hardly like a man. I saw him in rags, shivering in the drenching rain but yesterday. He came of reputable parents; I knew his relatives well. He had some four […]

Sinners’ Best Plea – Charles Spurgeon

Sinners’ Best Plea – Charles Spurgeon A MAN called at my house some time ago for charity; an arrant beggar, I have no doubt. Thinking that the man’s rags and poverty were real, I gave him a little money, some of my clothes, and a pair of shoes. After he had put them on and […]

Sinner, The—A Criminal – Charles Spurgeon

Sinner, The—A Criminal – Charles Spurgeon AT this present moment you are spared, and suffered to go about this world, but you are like a criminal in a condemned cell. The sentence has gone out against you, and only God’s longsuffering stays that gleaming axe from falling and utterly destroying you. Do you understand that? […]

Sinner Welcomed to Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Sinner Welcomed to Christ – Charles Spurgeon I HAVE never heard of Jesus Christ shutting the door against a sinner. There is a notice that is put in some gentlemen’s parks, stating that they do not allow beggars nor dogs there; but Jesus Christ puts up a notice that he does allow beggars; in fact, […]

Sinner, Ruin of the – Charles Spurgeon

Sinner, Ruin of the – Charles Spurgeon AH, poor sinner, what a ruin you are at best! Alas! for human dignity, with its lofty pinnacles of morality and turrets of excellency. What theatrical pasteboard! What sand-built rubbish all appears when seen in the blaze of divine light! Vain are your filmings of your deadly sore; […]

Sinner, Pity for the – Charles Spurgeon

Sinner, Pity for the – Charles Spurgeon I HEAR enchanting music, which seems more a thing of Heaven than of earth: it is one of Handel’s half-inspired oratorios. Yonder sits a man who says, “I hear nothing to commend.” He has not the power to perceive the linked sweetnesses, the delicious harmonies of sounds. Do […]

Sinner must be Driven to Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Sinner must be Driven to Christ – Charles Spurgeon WHEN a man is at first alarmed about his soul he will do anything rather than come to Christ. Christ is a harbor that no ship ever enters except under stress of weather. Mariners on the sea of life steer for any port except the fair […]

 Sinner in Heaven, out of place – Charles Spurgeon 

Sinner in Heaven, out of place – Charles Spurgeon A BEE in a garden in the midst of the flowers is at home, and gathers honey from all their cups and bells; but open the gate and admit a swine, and it sees no beauty in lilies and roses, and gilly-flowers; and, therefore, it proceeds […]

Sinner, Impossibility of his Hiding from God – Charles Spurgeon

Sinner, Impossibility of his Hiding from God – Charles Spurgeon IT was said of the Roman empire under the Caesars that the whole world was only one great prison for Caesar, for if any man offended the Emperor it was impossible for him to escape. If he crossed the Alps, could not Caesar find him […]

Sin at the Door

Sin at the Door Sin at the door of your life is more persistent than a Jehovah’s Witness, more tenacious than a vacuum cleaner salesman, more widespread than girl-scouts selling cookies and more intrusive than a burglar. Sadly, sin has more takers, meets a higher quota and is more successful than any solicitor or door-to-door […]

Satan Does Not Play Fair

Satan Does Not Play Fair In 1896, Norman “Kid” McCoy was the welterweight boxing champion. In one of his fights, he learned that his opponent was deaf. McCoy finally discovered this; and as they were nearing the end of the third round, McCoy stepped back and pointed to his opponent’s corner indicating that the bell […]

Surrendering to Sin

Surrendering to Sin In late September 1864 Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest was leading his troops north from Decatur, Alabama, toward Nashville. But to make it to Nashville, Forrest would have to defeat the Union army at Athens, Alabama. When the Union commander, Colonel Wallace Campbell, refused to surrender, Forrest asked for a personal meeting, […]

Are You Forging Your Own Chain?

Are You Forging Your Own Chain? Charles Spurgeon used this parable to illustrate the bondage of sin. He said, “There was once a tyrant who summoned one of his subjects into his presence and ordered him to make a chain. The poor blacksmith—that was his occupation—had to go to work and forge the chain. When […]

Sanctification Demonstrated by an Iceberg

Sanctification Demonstrated by an Iceberg The process of sanctification can be compared to an iceberg, which is almost 90% under water. As the sun shines on the iceberg, the exposed part melts, moving the lower part upward. In the same way, we are usually aware of only a small part of our sinfulness and need, […]


Forgiveness An attorney, after meditating on several Scriptures, decided to cancel the debts of all his clients that had owed him money for more than 6 months. He drafted a letter explaining his decision and its Biblical basis and sent 17 debt canceling letters via certified mail. One by one, the letters were returned by […]


Words The Gospel of John introduces Jesus as the “Word.” In Stanislas Dehaene’s book about the human brain, Reading in the Brain, he notes that the average adult English reader has 50,000 or more words stored in their mental dictionaries. In a fraction of a second the brain matches the word being read with the memorized […]

Empty Seats

Empty Seats I had just finished preaching four times to several hundred teenagers at a harvest rally in Norfolk, Virginia. The youth pastor drove me to the airport where I was to catch a plane to Baltimore, Maryland. I was scheduled on US Airways, Flight 4476, to Philadelphia and then on to Baltimore. The airport […]

The Word

The Word The Gospel of John introduces Jesus as “the Word.” In Stanislas Dehaene’s book about the human brain, Reading In The Brain, he notes that the average English adult reader has 50,000 or more words stored in his mental dictionary. In a fraction of a second the brain matches the word being read with the […]

Professing or Possessing

Professing or Possessing Come with me to an underpass outside of the freight yards of one of our great railroad centers. Here are two or three men – hobos, vagabonds, tramps. One says, “I hope that I will have a million dollars.” Another says, “I hope that I will have two million dollars.” A third […]

The Christian Must Sound a Warning

The Christian Must Sound a Warning I was reading the story of a railway switchman who testified that he swung his lantern at the crossing as an automobile sped toward a fast train. In spite of the warning, the car sped on, and the driver was killed. The switchman was exonerated. He later confided to […]

Salvation Is Given Freely

Salvation Is Given Freely During the Spanish-American War, Clara Barton oversaw the work of the Red Cross in Cuba. One day Colonel Theodore Roosevelt came to her, asking to buy food for his sick and wounded Rough Riders. However, she refused to sell him any. Roosevelt was perplexed. His men needed the help and he […]

Jesus Is the Only Way to Heaven

Jesus Is the Only Way to Heaven It is said that the ancient city of Troy had only one entrance, and that from whatever direction travelers approached the city they could only enter through that one legally-appointed entrance. Likewise Jesus is the only way to Heaven and the Father. “Jesus saith unto him, I am […]

Satan’s Trick

Satan’s Trick The devil and his cohorts were devising plans to get people to reject the Gospel. “Let’s go to them and say there is no God,” proposed one. Silence prevailed. Every devil knew that most people believe in a supreme being. “Let’s tell them there is no hell, no future punishment for the wicked,” […]

Don’t Refuse Your Pardon

Don’t Refuse Your Pardon In 1830 George Wilson was convicted of robbing the U.S. Mail and was sentenced to be hanged. President Andrew Jackson issued a pardon for Wilson, but he refused to accept it. The matter went to Chief Justice John Marshall, who concluded that Wilson would have to be executed. “A pardon is […]

The Invention of Whiteout

The Invention of Whiteout Bette Nesmith was a secretary at a bank in Dallas when she decided there must be a way to correct typewriter mistakes without erasing the ink. She cane up with a formula for a fluid that she could use to paint over mistakes. In a short time all of the secretaries […]

Jesus Paid it All

Jesus Paid it All In her autobiography, My Life, former Israeli prime minister Golda Meir tells the story of her devout Jewish grandfather who lived in Russia. He was required to serve in the Russian army for sixteen years. During that time he tried to keep every Jewish law and custom even though it meant that […]

Head Knowledge or Heart Knowledge

Head Knowledge or Heart Knowledge Just as knowing that soap will clean the dirt off our hands does nothing for us until we use it, knowing the facts of the Gospel does nothing for a man until he personally applies them. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Receiving Christ’s Riches

Receiving Christ’s Riches D. L. Moody told the story of a shop girl in Chicago; one day she could not have bought a dollar’s worth of anything; the next day she could buy a thousand dollars worth of anything she wanted. What made the difference? She married a rich husband. She had accepted him and, […]

The Queen’s Roses

The Queen’s Roses A poor girl once wandered into a queen’s garden and asked the gardener if she could purchase some flowers for her sick mother. The gardener could not give the flowers away and told the girl that the queen did not have any flowers for sale. The queen overheard the conversation and told […]

The Foolishness of Waiting to Trust Christ

The Foolishness of Waiting to Trust Christ Speaking to his physician, John cried in great perplexity, “I might not live a week!” “Of course you may not, John, but very likely you will, and the medicine will be in the house; it will keep; and if you find yourself getting worse, you could take some. […]

Admitting Your Sin

Admitting Your Sin D. L. Moody visited a prison called “The Tombs” to preach to the inmates. After he had finished speaking, Moody talked with a number of men in their cells. He asked each prisoner this question, “What brought you here?” Again and again he received replies like this: “I don’t deserve to be […]

Don’t Take Chances With Sin

Don’t Take Chances With Sin In 1982, ABC Evening News reported about a new invention—a chair affixed to a shotgun. It was to be viewed by sitting in the chair and looking directly into the gun barrel. The gun was loaded and set on a timer to fire at an undetermined moment within the next […]

He Insulted the Governor

He Insulted the Governor A lady once came to Governor Nash and said, “Governor Nash, I have come to speak to you on behalf of my poor boy who is soon to die in the electric chair. Governor, I have not come to ask for justice but for mercy, not for his sake but mine. […]

Napoleon Cannot Save

Napoleon Cannot Save A marshal in Napoleon’s army who was devotedly and enthusiastically attached to him was mortally wounded in battle. As the last struggle drew near and he lay dying in his tent he sent for his chief. Napoleon came. The poor man thought his emperor could do anything. He earnestly pleaded with his […]

Rescued from a Shark

Rescued from a Shark Normally the flight from Nassau to Miami took Walter Wyatt, Jr., only sixty-five minutes. But on December 5, 1986, he attempted it after thieves had looted the navigational equipment in his Beechcraft. With only a compass and a hand-held radio, Walter flew into skies blackened by storm clouds. When his compass […]

Trusting in Good Works

Trusting in Good Works During an edition of the news program 60 Minutes, Dan Rather interviewed Jack Welch, the outspoken former CEO of General Electric. At the end of the interview, Rather asked Welch, “What’s the toughest question you have ever been asked?” Welch replied, “Do you think you’ll go to Heaven?” When asked how he […]

Sinner, Folly of – Charles Spurgeon

Sinner, Folly of – Charles Spurgeon BE not like the foolish drunkard who, staggering home one night, saw his candle lit for him. “Two candles,” said he, for his drunkenness made him see double, “I will blow out one;” and, as he blew it out, in a moment he was in the dark. Many a […]

Sinner, Enlightenment of the – Charles Spurgeon

Sinner, Enlightenment of the – Charles Spurgeon I CAN only compare the enlightened sinner to a person who has been shut up in a dark prison and has never seen the light, and suddenly his liberator opens a window and the prisoner is staggered and amazed at what he sees when he looks abroad on […]

Sinner, End of a – Charles Spurgeon

Sinner, End of a – Charles Spurgeon IT is ill with you, sinner, because your joys all hang upon a thread. Let life’s thread be cut, and where are your merriments? Your dainty music and your costly cups, the mirth that flashes from your wanton eye, and the jollity of your thoughtless soul, where will […]

Sinner, Doom of a – Charles Spurgeon

Sinner, Doom of a – Charles Spurgeon A GRIM assemblage must gather around some men’s beds when guilt, like a grim chamberlain, shall usher them in one by one, and call out their names with horrible distinctness, and tell out their doings and dealings with the wretch who shivers on the brink of death accused […]

Sinner, Destitute of Power – Charles Spurgeon

Sinner, Destitute of Power – Charles Spurgeon IF this world of ours could suddenly be left to itself, could forget the centripetal force which holds it in alliance with the sun, and could set out upon a fearful journey into the darkness of far-off space, if it should travel so far away that no longer […]

Sinner, Death of a – Charles Spurgeon

Sinner, Death of a – Charles Spurgeon WHEN the death-thirst is in your throat, what do you think you will do without God? To die in God’s presence, is simply to let life blossom into something better than life; but to die without God must be horrible! You will not want your blessing companions then. […]

The Thief’s Salvation

The Thief’s Salvation The thief had nails through both hands, so that he could not work; and a nail through each foot, so that he could not run errands for the Lord; he could not lift a hand or a foot toward his salvation; and yet Christ offered him the gift of God, and he […]

Sinner, Cries of—Heard by God – Charles Spurgeon

Sinner, Cries of—Heard by God – Charles Spurgeon IF the booming of the storm and the roar of the tempest, when the thunders roll like drums in the march of the God of armies; if the clapping of the thousand hands of the roaring sea when it rejoices in its strength should not be heard […]

Alexander Rostovzev

Alexander Rostovzev Matinee idol Alexander Rostovzev was converted while playing the role of Jesus in a sacrilegious play entitled “Christ in a Tuxedo.” He was supposed to read two verses from the Sermon on the Mount, remove his gown, and cry out, “Give me my tuxedo and top hat!” But as he read the words, […]

Sealed with the Spirit

Sealed with the Spirit In Bible times a seal was the way a person identified something that he owned. For example, business men would purchase timber in Lebanon. When they purchased it they stamped it with their seal. The logs were then floated down the coastline of the Mediterranean Sea to the port where the […]

Sinner, Called to Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Sinner, Called to Christ – Charles Spurgeon IN the courts of law I have sometimes heard a man called as a witness, and no sooner is he called, though he may be at the end of the court, than he begins to press his way up to the witness box. Nobody says, “Who is this […]

Twice His

Twice His  A little boy carried his new boat to the river. He placed it in the water and let out the string. All at once a strong current caught the boat. He tried to pull it back to shore, but the string broke and the little boat raced downstream. The little boy searched for the boat […]

Don’t Put off Salvation

Don’t Put off Salvation The Titanic’s captain did not believe the ship was sinking until water was ankle deep in the mail room. At that point he realized that the unsinkable ship was sinking. Ships that could have helped rescue the people on board were not asked to help early enough and did not arrive in […]

Dale Earnhardt

Dale Earnhardt On Sunday February 18, 2001, Nascar lost one of its greatest drivers. Dale Earnhardt, also known as “The Intimidator,” was in third place on the last lap of the Daytona 500 when his car was tapped from behind and sent head-on into the wall at 180 mph. In a matter of moments it […]

Under New Management

Under New Management After businesses were ravaged by bombs during World War II the owners would often clear away the rubbish and place a sign out front that said, “Business as usual.” When God saves us, His desire is that we would put out a sign that says, “Under new management.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest […]

Sinner, Blindness of the – Charles Spurgeon

Sinner, Blindness of the – Charles Spurgeon I BRING my blind friend to an elevated spot, and I bid him look upon yonder landscape. “See how the silver river threads its way amid the emerald fields. See how yonder trees make up a shadowy wood; how wisely yonder garden, near at hand, is cultivated to […]

Sinner Asleep in Danger – Charles Spurgeon

Sinner Asleep in Danger – Charles Spurgeon IT is said that on the great river of America, there was once seen a canoe some miles off Niagara floating down the stream, and as the current turned it so that those on the bank could well perceive it, they saw that the paddle was shipped and […]

Sinner Aroused, Hopefulness of – Charles Spurgeon

Sinner Aroused, Hopefulness of – Charles Spurgeon MEN who are dissatisfied with the darkness are evidently not altogether dead, for the dead shall slumber in the catacombs, heedless whether it be noon or night. Such men are evidently not altogether asleep, for they that slumber shall sleep the better for the darkness; they ask no […]

Sinner, Appeal to—To receive Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Sinner, Appeal to—To receive Christ – Charles Spurgeon IT is dreadful to compel a city to open its gates unwillingly to let an enemy come in, for however gentle be the enemy his face is an unwelcome sight to the vanquished. But oh! how I wish I could burst open the gates of a sinner’s […]

Sin, to Die in the Believer – Charles Spurgeon

Sin, to Die in the Believer – Charles Spurgeon THERE were certain heretics who disturbed the early Christian church, who said that our Lord did not really and actually die; but we know that he died, for his heart was pierced by the spear, and the flowing of the blood and water proved that he […]

Sin to be Hated by the Christian – Charles Spurgeon

Sin to be Hated by the Christian – Charles Spurgeon LOOK down the roll of history and see if sin be not man’s worst enemy. Whose hot breath blasted Eden, withered all its bowers of bliss, and caused the earth to become barren, so that without labor even unto sweat she will not yield bread […]

Sin, Thoughts of—To be Abhorred – Charles Spurgeon

Sin, Thoughts of—To be Abhorred – Charles Spurgeon I DO not believe that a man becomes a villain all at once. He puts his soul to school, his thoughts are his teachers, or rather they are the school-books in which his soul reads; and at last he becomes capable of transacting the deeds of a […]

Only One Way to Get Saved

Only One Way to Get Saved Starbucks can serve a cup of coffee 19,000 different ways. Many people view salvation like a Starbucks coffee, but there is only one way to get saved. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Jesus Became a Man

Jesus Became a Man On March 5, 1994, off-duty Deputy Sheriff Lloyd Prescott was at the Salt Lake City Library teaching a class for police officers. He was in a hallway, when he saw a gunman corralling 18 people into a room. Prescott entered the room behind them and shut the door. He identified himself […]

Power to Change a Thief

Power to Change a Thief John Wesley was robbed as he was returning from a service one night. As the bandit was leaving, Wesley called out, “Stop! I have something more to give you.” The surprised robber paused. “My friend,” said Wesley, “you may live to regret this sort of life. If you ever do, […]

Sin, Terrible Nature of – Charles Spurgeon

Sin, Terrible Nature of – Charles Spurgeon THAT plant must possess great vitality which increases by being uprooted and cut down. That which lives by being killed is strangely full of force. That must be a very hard substance which is hardened by lying in the blast furnace, in the central heat of the fire, […]

Sin put away by the Penalty being Borne – Charles Spurgeon

Sin put away by the Penalty being Borne – Charles Spurgeon SIN cannot be put away until the penalty is borne to the end, and that can never be by finite man. What a work was here, then, for the only begotten Son of God to do! Speak of the labors of Hercules! they were […]

John Harper’s Last Convert

John Harper’s Last Convert Four years after the Titanic went down, a young Scotsman rose in a meeting in Hamilton, Canada, and said, “I am a survivor of the Titanic. When I was drifting alone on a spar that awful night, the tide brought Mr. John Harper, of Glasgow, on a piece of wreck near me. ‘Man,’ he […]

Man Falls short of the Standard

Man Falls short of the Standard Two men went to the recruiting office in London to join a guards regiment. The standard height for a guardsman was a minimum of six feet. One man was taller than the other, but when they were measured officially both were disqualified. The shorter of the two measured only […]

Sin put away by Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Sin put away by Christ – Charles Spurgeon SPEAK of the load which Atlas carried, when he is fabled to have sustained the world, it was nothing compared with this more than Atlantean load which crushes us down, and will crush us to the lowest Hell. “I will remove it,” says the Savior, and he […]

Sin, Past—To be Hated – Charles Spurgeon

Sin, Past—To be Hated – Charles Spurgeon I HATE to hear a man speak of his experience in sin as a Greenwich pensioner might talk of Trafalgar and the Nile. The best thing to do with our past sin, if it be indeed forgiven, is to bury it; yes, and let us bury it as […]

Using the Wrong Standard

Using the Wrong Standard A little boy walked into the kitchen and told his mother that he discovered he was six feet tall. When she asked how he had determined this, he told her he had used his shoe to measure and that he was six shoes tall. With a loving smile she told him […]

Sin, Overcoming – Charles Spurgeon

Sin, Overcoming – Charles Spurgeon HOW grand a thing to get a passion down and hold it by the throat, strangling it despite its struggles! It is fine work to hang up some old sin as an accursed thing before the Lord, just as they hung up the Canaanite kings before the face of the […]

 Sin, Original – Charles Spurgeon

Sin, Original – Charles Spurgeon OUR father Adam had a great estate enough at first, but he soon lost it. He violated the trust on which he held his property, and he was cast out of the inheritance, and turned adrift into the world to earn his bread as a day laborer by tilling the […]

Sin not to be Removed by Man – Charles Spurgeon

Sin not to be Removed by Man – Charles Spurgeon MAN tries to act as a bleacher to his sin, and he dips the stained garment into the strong liquid which is to make it white, hoping that some spots will be removed; but when he takes it out again, if his eye be clear, […]

Sin Meeting on Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Sin Meeting on Christ – Charles Spurgeon BEFORE a great storm, when the sky is growing black and the wind is beginning to howl, you have seen the clouds hurrying from almost every point of the compass, as though the great day of battle were come, and all the dread artillery of God were hurrying […]

How Did Sin Get into Sinclair?

How Did Sin Get into Sinclair? Dr. Walter Wilson, ever on the alert to speak to men about their souls and need of the Saviour, asked an attendant at a service station who had filled his car with gas: “How did sin get in Sinclair?” pointing to the lighted sign atop the gas pump. “I […]

Christ Gives Freedom

Christ Gives Freedom Above the entrance to the concentration camp in Auschwitz, Germany were the words Arbeit Macht Frei. The words mean “Work makes free.” It was a boldfaced lie suggesting that if the prisoners worked hard, they would be given liberty. The promised freedom was a horrifying death. Many people believe that if they do […]

Sin in the Heart – Charles Spurgeon

Sin in the Heart – Charles Spurgeon THERE was a citizen of Gaunt who had never been outside the city walls. For some reason or other the magistrate passed an order that he should not go outside. Strange to tell, up to the moment that the command had passed, the man had been perfectly easy, […]

Sin, Hardening Nature of – Charles Spurgeon

Sin, Hardening Nature of – Charles Spurgeon I HAVE heard that the men who make the big boilers in Southwark, when they are first put inside the boiler, are nearly stunned by the horrible noise made by those who are hammering on the outside, but after a while they get so used to the sound […]

The Greatest Trade of Your Life

The Greatest Trade of Your Life H. L. Hunt made millions as a Texas oilman. He was an aggressive businessman with little regard for time. His chief confidant, John, might be called in the middle of the night as quickly as in the middle of the day. One night at 2:00 AM, Hunt phoned John. […]

Sin Glorifying Christ’s Power – Charles Spurgeon

Sin Glorifying Christ’s Power – Charles Spurgeon I SUPPOSE great engineers have been very glad of Niagara, that they might span it, very glad of the Mont Cenis, that they might bore it, very glad of the Suez Isthmus, that they might cut a canal through it, glad that there were difficulties that there might […]

Sin, Destroying Power of – Charles Spurgeon

Sin, Destroying Power of – Charles Spurgeon YOU have heard of the Spartan youth who concealed a stolen fox under his garment, and although it was eating into his affections, he would not show it, and therefore died through the creature’s bites; you are of that sort, sinner, you are carrying sin in your bosom, […]

Sin Conquered by Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Sin Conquered by Christ – Charles Spurgeon I THINK I see before me the hero of Golgotha using his cross as an anvil, and his woes as a hammer, and dashing to shivers bundle after bundle of our sins, those poisoned “arrows of the bow;” trampling on every charge, and destroying every accusation. What glorious […]

Sin, calling for the Gospel – Charles Spurgeon

Sin, calling for the Gospel – Charles Spurgeon THE very sins of men, horrible as they are to think upon, may be made an argument for proclaiming the gospel. Oh, the cruel and ravenous sins which destroy the sons of men, and rend their choicest joys in pieces! When I see monstrous lusts defiling the […]

Sin Blotted Out – Charles Spurgeon

Sin Blotted Out – Charles Spurgeon IN some parts of Scripture we read of sin being “wiped out,” and the expression is remarkably expressive. Sometimes the wiping out refers to the housewife’s meaning of the word—when the dish is wiped out and turned bottom upwards; so can God take our sinful souls and wipe them […]

Sin, beginning in the Heart – Charles Spurgeon

Sin, beginning in the Heart – Charles Spurgeon PERSONS will dare to profess the religion of Christ who can enjoy a lascivious song and broad talk, who are given to what is softly styled imprudence, which is really impurity. Impure familiarities, glances, and sports, are the commencement of actual crimes. Men and women who in […]

Signs, Unreasonableness of Seeking for – Charles Spurgeon

Signs, Unreasonableness of Seeking for – Charles Spurgeon TO ask a sign from God when he pledges his word seems to me to be out of all reason. You are a beggar, remember, and we have an old proverb that beggars must not be choosers; above all, how dare a beggar demand a sign before […]

Jesus Saves and Keeps Us

Jesus Saves and Keeps Us A man in Ireland was convicted of his sin and was on the verge of trusting Christ when the devil raised the oft-repeated objection: “If you believe, it won’t last. What about tomorrow?” The worker dealing with him pointed to a water mill nearby. “What turns that wheel today?” “The […]

Singing and Suffering – Charles Spurgeon

Singing and Suffering – Charles Spurgeon I LOVE to think of Christ’s army of martyrs, ay, and of all his church, marching over the battle-field, singing as they fight, never ceasing the song, never suffering a note to fall, and at the same time advancing from victory to victory; chanting the sacred hallelujah while they […]

Salvation Takes Place in an Instant

Salvation Takes Place in an Instant “Professor Drummond once described a man going into one of our after-meetings and saying he wanted to become a Christian. ‘Well, my friend, what is the trouble?’ He doesn’t like to tell. He is greatly agitated. Finally he says, ‘The fact is, I have overdrawn my account’—a polite way […]

Singing, Revival in – Charles Spurgeon

Singing, Revival in – Charles Spurgeon IT is always a token of a revival of religion, it is said, when there is a revival of psalmody. When Luther’s preaching began to tell upon men, you could hear ploughmen at the plough-tail singing Luther’s psalms. Whitfield and Wesley had never done the great work they did […]

Jesus’ Blood Cleanses Sin

Jesus’ Blood Cleanses Sin A Changed Attitude It was Napoleon Bonaparte who, early in his life, said, “God is on the side of the biggest artillery.” Years later, when he was exiled on an island, he reversed his opinion, and conceded, “Man proposes, but God disposes.” Napoleon learned the attitude of “If it is the […]

Singing, a part of Divine Worship – Charles Spurgeon

Singing, a part of Divine Worship – Charles Spurgeon WE should do well if we added to our godly service more singing. The world sings: the million have their songs; and I must say the taste of the populace, is a very remarkable taste just now as to its favorite songs. They are, many of […]

An Unpaid Debt

An Unpaid Debt A Brooklyn man was once arrested for burglary and sentenced to several years in the state penitentiary. A few years into his sentence, the man escaped from prison and disappeared. Police detectives spent hours searching for him, following leads, and analyzing his escape, but to no avail. Although many detectives gave up […]

Simplicity in Preaching – Charles Spurgeon

Simplicity in Preaching – Charles Spurgeon IF it be granted that a spice of vulgarity may adapt a man for special service among navvies and costermongers, we question whether even with them there may not be a more excellent way, and there are other people in the world to be considered besides these. We are […]

Simplicity, Beauty of – Charles Spurgeon

Simplicity, Beauty of – Charles Spurgeon THE moment you get to complexity you get into a snarl, and are on the brink of weakness. Simplicity, how solid it is! See the old-fashioned plan of putting a plank across the village brook—that was the old way of making a bridge. Well, then, somebody came in and […]

Sight and Faith – Charles Spurgeon

Sight and Faith – Charles Spurgeon WALKING by sight is just this—”I believe in myself;” whereas walking by faith is—”I believe in God.” If I walk by sight I walk by myself; if I walk by faith, then there are two of us, and the second one—ah! how great, how glorious, how mighty is he—the […]

Heart Transplant

Heart Transplant The average cost of a heart transplant including the need for immunosuppressant drugs after the surgery is $864,700. Yet, the best heart transplant a man can receive costs him nothing and the new heart will never fail. “A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within […]

Salvation Changes Lives

Salvation Changes Lives When native converts of the island of Madagascar used to present themselves for baptism, it was often asked of them, “What first led you to think of becoming Christians?” The answer usually was that the changed conduct of others who had become Christians was what first arrested their attention. “I knew this […]

Sight, Wonders of—A picture of Faith – Charles Spurgeon

Sight, Wonders of—A picture of Faith – Charles Spurgeon IT is a wonderful faculty, that of sight. Your eyes and mine take in at once the whole of this building, with all the assembled company. This eye will next, if it be placed at a point of vantage, take in the entire city of London […]

Doing God’s Business

Doing God’s Business As D. L. Moody walked down a Chicago street one day, he walked up to a man and asked him if he were a Christian. The fellow raised his fists and angrily exclaimed, “You mind your own business!” “This is my business,” replied Moody. “Well, then, you must be Moody,” the man […]

He Tried to Save Himself

He Tried to Save Himself On Sunday, March 6, 1881, a barque was wrecked off the north coast of Scotland. Fishermen on shore made several attempts to get a line on board, but the wind was too strong. They succeeded at last, however, by using an empty barrel. There were eleven men on board, but […]

The Photo Was Blotted Out

The Photo Was Blotted Out A man took a photo of men stealing grapes. He went to the owner of the grapes intending to show him the evidence, and found he had exposed the photo too long, and it had been blotted out. So God blots out the sin of those who come to Him […]

Sin and Death

Sin and Death “Christ died for sin. Believers die to sin. Unbelievers die in sin.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Heading the Wrong Direction

Heading the Wrong Direction A sailor was once left in charge of the helm, with directions from the captain to keep his eye on a certain star, and steer the vessel directly towards it, which he promised faithfully to do. The captain went below, and fell asleep. After awhile he awoke, went on deck, and […]

Sick Beds, Testimony of – Charles Spurgeon

Sick Beds, Testimony of – Charles Spurgeon THERE are sick beds which have been more fruitful in conversions than pulpits. I have known women confined to their chambers by the space of twenty years together, whose remarkable cheerfulness of spirit has been the talk of the entire district, and many there have been who have […]

Shame to be Borne for Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Shame to be Borne for Christ – Charles Spurgeon IT is not a fashionable thing to be a Christian. To be a Christian after the world’s sort, I grant you; but after the sort of the New Testament it is not, and many say, “Well, it is not fashionable,” and they bend to the fashion; […]

Converted through President Wolsey’s Singing

Converted through President Wolsey’s Singing When D. L. Moody visited New Haven in 1878, R. A. Torrey was a student in the University there. He said, “The ripest scholar in the University at the time, if not the ripest in America, was President Wolsey, Ex-President of Yale University. One night a young man went up […]

Service of Heaven Unwearying – Charles Spurgeon

Service of Heaven Unwearying – Charles Spurgeon JOYOUS is the thought that Jesus rules over all redeemed spirits in Heaven, for we hope to be there soon, and this shall be among our dearest joys that, without temptation, without infirmity, without weariness, we shall serve our Lord day and night in his temple. My brethren, […]

Service, Extraordinary—Reward of – Charles Spurgeon

Service, Extraordinary—Reward of – Charles Spurgeon WHENEVER the Lord sets his servants to do extraordinary work he always gives them extraordinary strength; or if he puts them to unusual suffering he will give them unusual patience. When we enter upon war with some petty New Zealand chief, our troops expect to have their charges defrayed, […]

Service for Christ, True Spirit of – Charles Spurgeon

Service for Christ, True Spirit of – Charles Spurgeon IN the heroic days when Xerxes led his army into Greece, there was a remarkable contrast between the way in which the Persian soldiers and the Grecian warriors were urged to combat. The unwilling hosts of Persia were driven to the conflict by blows and stripes […]

Service of Christ to be Vigorous – Charles Spurgeon

Service of Christ to be Vigorous – Charles Spurgeon SEE yonder man with a hammer in his hand—he touches the heads of the nails right daintily, as if he were afraid to hurt them. See another, how heartily he drives them in, and gives them yet another blow to clinch them and make all sure. […]

Service for Christ, to be Thorough – Charles Spurgeon

Service for Christ, to be Thorough – Charles Spurgeon I SEE the Master at the table, and his servants place before him various meats, that he may eat and be satisfied. He tastes the cold meats, and he eats of the bread hot from the oven, but as for tepid drinks and half-baked cakes he […]

Service for Christ, Personal – Charles Spurgeon

Service for Christ, Personal – Charles Spurgeon OUR prayer should be, “Show me what you would have me to do”—have me to do in particular; not what is generally right, but what is particularly right for me to do. My servant might, perhaps, think it a very proper thing for her to arrange my papers […]

Service for Christ, Perpetual – Charles Spurgeon

Service for Christ, Perpetual – Charles Spurgeon THE sun has been shining now a great many thousand years, but I have not heard that he intends retiring from the business yet. God has given to us fruitful seasons, and I have not heard that he intends to cease to bless our husbandry; every day we […]

Service of Christ, Call to the – Charles Spurgeon

Service of Christ, Call to the – Charles Spurgeon MY king in his wars has lost his men, and the regiment wants making up. Who will come? I put the colors in my hat now, but I will not stand here and tempt you with lies about the ease of the service, for it is […]

Sermons, Vagueness of – Charles Spurgeon

Sermons, Vagueness of – Charles Spurgeon IT was observed by a very excellent critic, not long ago, that if you were to hear thirteen lectures on astronomy or geology, you might get a pretty good idea of what the science was, and the theory of the person who gave the lectures; but that if you […]

 Sermons, Length of – Charles Spurgeon

Sermons, Length of – Charles Spurgeon HAVING learned by long experience that we exactly fill the twelve pages which our publishers allow for a penny sermon, when we speak for forty or forty-five minutes, we have come to adopt that period as our stint, and we usually find it neither too short nor too long. […]

Sermons intended to Reveal Jesus – Charles Spurgeon

Sermons intended to Reveal Jesus – Charles Spurgeon MANY persons in hearing a sermon are like children looking at a cornfield—it is full of yellow garlic, or perhaps of scarlet poppies, and they cry “What a lovely field;” but the farmer thinks not so, he is looking for the wheat. Many a hearer watches for […]

Separation from Christ Impossible – Charles Spurgeon

Separation from Christ Impossible – Charles Spurgeon EVEN the diamond can be dissolved; bring but sufficient heat to bear upon it, focus upon it the full rays of the sun, and the sparkling crystal dissolves into a little gas; but though men have tried to focus all the heat of persecution upon the Christian, they […]

Sensitiveness of the Believer – Charles Spurgeon

Sensitiveness of the Believer – Charles Spurgeon THE sensitive plant, as soon as it is touched, begins to fold up its leaves; touch it again, and the little branchlets droop, until at last it stands like the bare poles of a vessel, all its sail of leaf is furled, and it seems as if it […]

Self-sacrifice, our Duty – Charles Spurgeon

Self-sacrifice, our Duty – Charles Spurgeon MEN in business may work as many hours as they like, and as hard as they will, to get money, and very seldom does any sagacious, prudent Mentor shake his head and tell the young merchant that he is laying out his strength too recklessly, and devoting his energies […]

Self-sacrifice, Examples of – Charles Spurgeon

Self-sacrifice, Examples of – Charles Spurgeon WHEN I read of some of the saints giving up all that they have, crossing the sea, penetrating into barbarous regions, bearing their lives in their hands, sacrificing comforts, and living day by day on the verge of death, amid fever and wild beasts, and all that they might […]

Self-righteous, Doom of – Charles Spurgeon

Self-righteous, Doom of – Charles Spurgeon I THINK I see the King coming in his glory, and the last tremendous morning dawn. When the King sits on his glory-throne, where are the self-righteous? Where are they? I cannot see them. Where are they? Come, come, Pharisee, come and tell the Lord that you did fast […]

Self-denial, a Christian Virtue – Charles Spurgeon

Self-denial, a Christian Virtue – Charles Spurgeon HE WHO wears the herb heart’s-ease in his bosom is richer than he who can wear diamonds upon his fingers, if those fingers be stained with guilt. It is comparatively easy to be correct and upright when these things pay, when we can by them secure the esteem […]

Security of the Believer in Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Security of the Believer in Christ – Charles Spurgeon HOW many Christians are like the miser who never feels sure about the safety of his money, even though he has locked up the iron safe, and secured the room in which he keeps it, and locked up the house, and bolted and barred every door! […]

Security, Carnal—Danger of – Charles Spurgeon

Security, Carnal—Danger of – Charles Spurgeon MY soul shudders at the thought of routine religion, formal service, dead devotion, mechanical godliness. What a mercy to reach the fresh springs, to feel a daily renewed youth, an anointing with fresh oil! For this I pine and pant. One gets driving on in the dark, as coachmen […]

Seashore, Christian Work at the – Charles Spurgeon

Seashore, Christian Work at the – Charles Spurgeon CAN we not do something for Jesus on the sands? If so, let us not miss such a happiness. What situation and surroundings can be better for earnest, loving conversation with our young friends concerning their souls’ best interests? A few words about the sea of eternity […]

Scripture, Suitability of—To All – Charles Spurgeon

Scripture, Suitability of—To All – Charles Spurgeon WHEN you are on the dunghill, there sits Scripture, with dust and ashes on its head, weeping side by side with you, and not upbraiding like Job’s miserable comforters. But suppose you come to the book with gleaming eyes of joy, you will hear it laugh; it will […]

Scripture, Purity of – Charles Spurgeon

Scripture, Purity of – Charles Spurgeon I SHOULD like to see all the good books themselves burnt, as well as the bad books of Ephesus, if they keep men from reading Holy Scripture for themselves. Here is the well of purest gospel undefiled: it springs up in this precious volume with freshness and sweetness unequaled. […]

Scripture, Pointing to Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Scripture, Pointing to Christ – Charles Spurgeon SOME time ago, when in Italy, at a town on the Italian side of the Alps, I saw one Sunday afternoon, in a quiet walk alone, a sight which struck me very much, and which remains fixed upon my memory. There was outside the town a mountain, all […]

Scripture, Neglect of – Charles Spurgeon

Scripture, Neglect of – Charles Spurgeon I WAS assured the other day by a good man, with a great deal of alarm, that all England was going over to Popery. I told him I did not know what kind of God he worshiped, but my God was a good deal bigger than the devil, and […]

Scripture, Feast of – Charles Spurgeon

Scripture, Feast of – Charles Spurgeon YOU may suck as you will, but you shall never have too much out of the breast of Scripture. Here you can come and drop your bucket every morning and night, but you shall never draw too much from this well, whose cool depths supply an ever crystal stream. […]

Saying and Doing – Charles Spurgeon

Saying and Doing – Charles Spurgeon WE meet in common life with persons who say that they are rich, but this does not make them so. They apply for credit, and say that they are wealthy, when they are worth nothing. Companies will ask for your money with which they may speculate, and they say […]

Savior, Name of—A Comfort for Sinners – Charles Spurgeon

Savior, Name of—A Comfort for Sinners – Charles Spurgeon I AM a sinner lost and ruined, but I rejoice, for Jesus has come to seek and to save that which was lost. My sins trouble me, but he shall save his people from their sins. Satan annoys me, but he has come to destroy the […]

Saved, Almost – Charles Spurgeon

Saved, Almost – Charles Spurgeon YOU are almost saved; you are awakened, you are aroused, you have many good desires, but a man who is only almost saved will be altogether damned. There was a householder who almost bolted his door at night, but the thief came in; a prisoner was condemned to be hanged, […]

Satisfaction, not in the World – Charles Spurgeon

Satisfaction, not in the World – Charles Spurgeon THE soul that has once learned to swim in the river of Christ will, when his presence is withdrawn, be like a fish laid by the fisherman on the sandy shore, it begins to palpitate in dire distress, and before long it will die, if not again […]

Satan, Subtlety of – Charles Spurgeon

Satan, Subtlety of – Charles Spurgeon SATAN never brushes the feathers of his birds the wrong way; he generally deals with us according to our tastes and likings. He flavors his bait to his fish. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Satan, Service of – Charles Spurgeon

Satan, Service of – Charles Spurgeon I AM often in my soul amazed at what men will do for that black master, the devil. Why, sirs, the devil will sometimes summon men to one of his conventicles at the street corner, where the gas is flaming, and they will cheerfully obey the summons. They will […]

Satan, Limit of his Power – Charles Spurgeon

Satan, Limit of his Power – Charles Spurgeon THE fair and lovely dove may fall into the mire, but the mire has not any dominion over her, for she rises up as quickly as she can, and away she flies and seeks to cleanse herself at some crystal fount. As for the duck, put that […]

Sanctification, Emblem of – Charles Spurgeon

Sanctification, Emblem of – Charles Spurgeon AUTUMN has a more sober aspect, but still it rivals the glory of spring. Ripe fruit has its own peculiar beauty. As the fruit ripens, the sun tints it with surpassing loveliness, and the colors deepen until the beauty of the fruit is equal to the beauty of the […]

Salvation of Hearers, the Preacher’s desire – Charles Spurgeon

Salvation of Hearers, the Preacher’s desire – Charles Spurgeon I WILL make no terms with God if you will but accept Christ. I am somewhat of the mind of a dear little girl who is now dying, if she has not already departed. She sent a little note in pencil to her minister, and it […]

Salvation of Grace – Charles Spurgeon

Salvation of Grace – Charles Spurgeon EVERY good thing that is in a Christian, not merely begins, but progresses and is consummated by the fostering grace of God, through Jesus Christ. If my finger were on the golden latch of Paradise, and my foot were on its jasper threshold, I should not take the last […]

Salvation, Unpurchasable – Charles Spurgeon

Salvation, Unpurchasable – Charles Spurgeon SUPPOSE you were to empty Potosi of its silver, and Golconda should be drained of its diamonds; nay, count up all the treasures that couch beneath the surface of the earth: if you brought them all, what would they be to God? And if you could pile up gold reaching […]

Salvation through Clinging to Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Salvation through Clinging to Christ – Charles Spurgeon A CERTAIN woman thought that there was power in the hem of Jesus’ garment to make her whole. She was mistaken in imagining that there was a healing efficacy in his dress, but since it was a mistake of faith, and reflected honor upon Christ, the Lord […]

Salvation through Christ Alone – Charles Spurgeon

Salvation through Christ Alone – Charles Spurgeon HEAR, dear friend, your true position. It is the case of a soldier on the battle field, wounded, bleeding, life oozing away from him, he is perishing, but he is sufficiently sensible to know it and to call for help. The surgeon is on the field within hearing, […]

Salvation, the Trade of Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Salvation, the Trade of Christ – Charles Spurgeon IF I saw the doctor’s brougham driving along at a great rate through the streets, I should be sure that he was not coming to my house, for I do not require him; but if I had to guess where he was going, I should conclude that […]

Salvation, the Great Need – Charles Spurgeon

Salvation, the Great Need – Charles Spurgeon PROSPERITY in this world, earn if you can do so fairly, but “what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” A golden coffin will be a poor compensation for a damned soul. To be cast away from God’s […]

Author Thom Rainer tells of a man name George-George Mueller

Author Thom Rainer tells of a man name George-George Mueller Author Thom Rainer tells of a man name George who learned a few weeks after becoming a Christian that at least 4 people were praying for him daily. George said: “I wasn’t surprised (my wife) was praying for me….then George learned about others. ‘A friend […]

Salvation Secured for all Believers – Charles Spurgeon

Salvation Secured for all Believers – Charles Spurgeon IN a few hours, dear friends, I shall be crossing the sea, and I will suppose that there shall be a good stiff wind, and that the vessel may be driven out of her course, and be in danger. As I walk the deck, I see a […]

Salvation, Simplicity of the Way of – Charles Spurgeon

Salvation, Simplicity of the Way of – Charles Spurgeon DOES it not seem to you to be inconsistent with the character of the God of nature that he should have instituted a plan of salvation so singularly complicated and theatrical as that which is now-a-days taught us by priests? Nature is simple: her grandeur lies […]

E. Elmer Towns tells about a member of a motorcycle gang-George Mueller

E. Elmer Towns tells about a member of a motorcycle gang-George Mueller e. Elmer Towns tells about a member of a motorcycle gang who was converted to Jesus Christ dramatically and the first Sunday he did the only thing he knew he should do and so he went to church. Nobody in the church knew […]

Salvation, Security of – Charles Spurgeon

Salvation, Security of – Charles Spurgeon IF you can so pervert your imaginations, and make your judgments play the acrobat as to conceive a justified soul damned, then I ask you what greater curse could the infernal fiend himself confer upon a mortal than this so-called justification. A spirit pronounced just, and then sent down […]

Salvation, Possession of—Making Truth precious – Charles Spurgeon

Salvation, Possession of—Making Truth precious – Charles Spurgeon IT has been very well observed that a man is not often a very thorough democrat after he gets a little money in the savings-bank. Well, I think it is very likely that when a man gets a little stake in his country, he begins to be, […]

Salvation, Great – Charles Spurgeon

Salvation, Great – Charles Spurgeon WHEN Christ opened the holy of holies, he did not make a little slit therein, but the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom, so that the hugest sinner that ever lived might come through it to the blood-besprinkled mercy-seat. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp […]

Salvation, Full – Charles Spurgeon

Salvation, Full – Charles Spurgeon THOUGH a man had damned himself a thousand times with the blackest filth that ever came from Hell, yet, if he believes in Jesus, God must be true to his solemn promise: it is not possible that the sin of man could justify God in flying from his promise or […]

Salvation, Certainty of – Charles Spurgeon

Salvation, Certainty of – Charles Spurgeon IT is not at all unusual for God to make a complete shipwreck of that vessel in which his people sail, although he fulfills his promise, that not a hair of their heads shall perish. I should not wonder if he would cause two seas to meet around your […]

Salvation before Calling – Charles Spurgeon

Salvation before Calling – Charles Spurgeon IN the olden times of imprisonment for debt, it would have been quite correct for you to step into the cell of a debtor, and say to him, I have freed you, if you had paid his debts and obtained an order for his discharge. Well, but he is […]

Turkish Delight” Segment From “The Lion-George Mueller

Turkish Delight” Segment From “The Lion-George Mueller “Turkish Delight” segment from “The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe”. In this part, Edmund encounters the white witch and she lays a snare for him. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Saints, Satan’s Attack upon – Charles Spurgeon

Saints, Satan’s Attack upon – Charles Spurgeon IF you are more generous than other saints, if you live nearer to God than others, as the birds peck most at the ripest fruit, so may you expect Satan to be most busy against you. Who cares to contend for a province covered with stones and barren […]

Saints’ Victory over Sin – Charles Spurgeon

Saints’ Victory over Sin – Charles Spurgeon SOME men are great on account of their victories. How they crowd the streets when a Caesar or a Napoleon returns in triumph from the slaughter of his fellow creatures! Io Triumphe! Sound the trumpets! Beat the drums! Hang out the garlands! Gather, you crowds! Here comes the […]

A. Ten thousand steps-that’s more or less-George Mueller

A. Ten thousand steps-that’s more or less-George Mueller a. Ten thousand steps-that’s more or less how many the average person takes in a day. It adds up to 115,000 miles…4 times around the earth. (info taken from Bill Hybels, “Just Walk Across the Room) How many of those steps are worthwhile? Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest […]

Saints, Manifestation of the – Charles Spurgeon

Saints, Manifestation of the – Charles Spurgeon WHEN a Roman general came home from the wars he entered Rome by stealth, and slept at night, and tarried by day, perhaps for a week or two, among his friends. He went through the streets, and people whispered, “That is the general, the valiant one,” but he […]

Saints, Love-sickness of the – Charles Spurgeon

Saints, Love-sickness of the – Charles Spurgeon THERE are two love-sicknesses in Solomon’s Song. The one is when the spouse longs for the presence of her Lord, and the second is when she gets that presence; he is so glorious to her, that she is ready to die with excess of joy, and she exclaims, […]

Eagles sometimes drown while hunting-George Mueller

Eagles sometimes drown while hunting-George Mueller Eagles sometimes drown while hunting. They catch a fish too heavy for it to really carry and if it can’t drag it to shore quick enough it may hang on and be dragged under the water and drown because it won’t let go. You can’t fly when you are […]

Saints, Solitary – Charles Spurgeon

Saints, Solitary – Charles Spurgeon THINK of God working in the solitary things, for the grass does not merely grow around our populous cities, and where men take care of it, but up there on the side of the bleak Alp, where no traveler has ever passed. Where only the eye of the wild bird […]

Safety of the Believer at all Times – Charles Spurgeon

Safety of the Believer at all Times – Charles Spurgeon BENEATH the wings of the Almighty God night with its pestilence cannot smite the saints, and day with its cares cannot destroy them; youth with its passions shall be safely passed; middle age with its whirl of business shall be navigated in safety; old age […]

Dr. James Dobson writes in “Preparing For Adolescence-George Mueller

Dr. James Dobson writes in “Preparing For Adolescence-George Mueller • Dr. James Dobson writes in “Preparing For Adolescence” that there are several important things to note about emotions (Pgs. 124-136): o They are cyclical-no one stays up to long or down to long…we go from high to low and back again. o Don’t rely solely […]

Safety in Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Safety in Christ – Charles Spurgeon I READ a story, the other day, of some Russians crossing wide plains studded over here and there with forests. The villages were ten or a dozen miles from each other, and the wolves were out, and the horses were rushing forward madly, and the travelers could hear the […]

Sacramentarianism, Deceitfulness of – Charles Spurgeon

Sacramentarianism, Deceitfulness of – Charles Spurgeon I SEE now in vision a company of men gathering herbs along the slopes of the Seven Hills of Rome; with mystic rites they cull those ancient plants, whose noxious influence once drugged our fathers into deadly slumbers. They are compounding again the cup of Rome’s ancient sorcery, and […]

Sometimes I feel like a man in the wilderness-George Mueller

Sometimes I feel like a man in the wilderness-George Mueller Sometimes I feel like a man in the wilderness. I’m a lonely soldier lost at sea. Drifting with the tide—never quite knowing why. Sometimes it makes no sense at all. (Styx, “Man in the Wilderness Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Listen Slowly-George Mueller

Listen Slowly-George Mueller Writer Charles Swindoll once found himself with too many commitments in too few days. He got nervous and tense about it. “I was snapping at my wife and our children, choking down my food at mealtimes, and feeling irritated at those unexpected interruptions through the day,” he recalled in his book Stress […]

Sabbath, a Dull Day to Many – Charles Spurgeon

Sabbath, a Dull Day to Many – Charles Spurgeon I WAS awakened at six o’clock, in the Hartz mountains, by the cheerful notes of a trumpet playing a sweet, enlivening German air; it struck me that was a right fitting way to begin the Sabbath—to wake up with music, to leave off sleep with a […]

Routine, Usefulness of – Charles Spurgeon

Routine, Usefulness of – Charles Spurgeon WE are told that in unhappy Paris, when first the mails were stopped, the drivers of the mail-carts took their seats upon their boxes and sat there, though no horse was forthcoming. Red tape commands as much reverence as the magic cord of the Brahmins. Formal routine satisfies many. […]

Romish Priestcraft Dishonoring to God – Charles Spurgeon

Romish Priestcraft Dishonoring to God – Charles Spurgeon ALAS! alas! It makes a Christian’s blood boil to see glory given in a professed place of worship, ay, and in a professed Protestant church, too, to a pack of scamps who call themselves “priests”! I would not call them by such a name if they were […]

Ritualism, Vanity of – Charles Spurgeon

Ritualism, Vanity of – Charles Spurgeon I AM sometimes up on the Alps amidst the glories of nature, with the glacier and snow-clad peak; I am in the open, and I breathe the fresh air that comes from the ancient hills, but you tell me that there I am on “unholy ground”! Stands there, hard […]

Ritualism, Sinfulness of – Charles Spurgeon

Ritualism, Sinfulness of – Charles Spurgeon STEP in where the Ritualist has dressed himself in all his gaudy apparel, flaunting like a peacock before God himself, and you may well say to him, “If you knew the gift of God,” you would lay aside these fooleries and come before God sooner in sackcloth than in […]

Ripeness for Heaven, Sign of – Charles Spurgeon

Ripeness for Heaven, Sign of – Charles Spurgeon RIPE fruit soon parts from the bough. You shake the tree and the ripest apples fall. If you wish to eat fresh fruit you put out your hand to pluck it, and if it comes off with great difficulty you feel you had better leave it alone […]

There is a small tree which grows in Southeast Asia-George Mueller

There is a small tree which grows in Southeast Asia-George Mueller There is a small tree which grows in Southeast Asia known as the Judas-tree. From its branches grow gorgeous blossoms. These blossoms look like scarlet sunbeams. The brilliant beauty of the crimson flowers attracts thousands of tiny insects. Wild bees also try to draw […]

Righteous, Blessedness of the – Charles Spurgeon

Righteous, Blessedness of the – Charles Spurgeon “SAY you to the righteous, that it shall be well with him,” from the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same; from the beginning of the year to the end of the year, from the first gatherings of evening shadows until the day-star shines. […]

Riches in the Heart, Evil of – Charles Spurgeon

Riches in the Heart, Evil of – Charles Spurgeon MANY a man sinks in wealth like a horse in a bog; his possessions suck him under. While your earthly goods are kept under foot they will do you no hurt, but when they rise as high as your heart, they have begun to bury you […]

Rewards of Grace – Charles Spurgeon

Rewards of Grace – Charles Spurgeon THE Duke of Burgundy was waited upon by a poor man, a very loyal subject, who brought him a very large root which he had grown. He was a very poor man indeed, and every root he grew in his garden was of consequence to him; but merely as […]

Revivals, Spurious and True – Charles Spurgeon

Revivals, Spurious and True – Charles Spurgeon MY dear friends, we have, in our time, seen in certain churches great blazings of enthusiasm, as if Vesuvius and Etna had both taken to work; these outbursts of flame have been misnamed revivals, but might just as well have been called agitations. I have known, in my […]

Revival, Hindrance to – Charles Spurgeon

Revival, Hindrance to – Charles Spurgeon A CITY of three millions, not wholly given to idolatry, but still very much given to sin, and we ourselves so weak in the midst of it! if we could but realize this position, and then take hold upon the arm omnipotent, and by an overcoming faith, such as […]

Revelations of Christ, Variety of – Charles Spurgeon

Revelations of Christ, Variety of – Charles Spurgeon AS to the manner in which the Lord may be pleased to reveal himself to any one of us, I am sure that if we know that salvation is of grace, we shall never quarrel about that any more. To some of us, the Lord revealed himself […]

Restraints, Usefulness of – Charles Spurgeon

Restraints, Usefulness of – Charles Spurgeon AS for ourselves, let us never wish to be without our daily cross. The kite broke away from its string, and instead of mounting to the stars it descended into the mire. The river grew weary of its restraining banks, and longed to burst them, that it might rush […]

Restraining Grace – Charles Spurgeon

Restraining Grace – Charles Spurgeon AH! my fine fellow, if you could have had your own way, you would have been at the top of the mountain by now! So you think, but no, you would have been over the precipice long before this if God had let you climb at all, and so he […]

Restlessness, Cure for – Charles Spurgeon

Restlessness, Cure for – Charles Spurgeon IT has been said by a great physician, that when persons find much difficulty in sleeping, they have sometimes been able to win the embrace of “tired nature’s sweet restorer,” by fixing their minds upon a single sublime subject, a grand absorbing topic, a master-theme for thought. As soon […]

America’s Faith Changing: George Barna has discovered discernible faith-George Mueller

America’s Faith Changing: George Barna has discovered discernible faith-George Mueller America’s Faith Changing: George Barna has discovered discernible faith transitions have occurred across various subgroups. Young Adults—When Baby Busters (born between ‘65 and ‘83) enter a new life stage, a 1st marriage or parenthood, religious faith stabilizes. Since ’96 7% more attend Sunday school; since […]

Rest in the Bosom of God – Charles Spurgeon

Rest in the Bosom of God – Charles Spurgeon HAVE you never seen a little child that has lost its way crying in the streets for “Mother”? Now, you shall give that child what you will, but it will not stay its crying for “Mother.” It has lost her, and cannot be content. Take the […]

Rest in Christ, our Portion – Charles Spurgeon

Rest in Christ, our Portion – Charles Spurgeon IT is only at the gospel supper that our proper posture is that of recumbency, reclining, or sitting down, because our warfare is accomplished. They that have believed have entered into rest. Jesus has given us rest, we are not traversing the wilderness, we are come unto […]

In 1829 a man named George Wilson was arrested for robbery-George Mueller

In 1829 a man named George Wilson was arrested for robbery-George Mueller In 1829 a man named George Wilson was arrested for robbery and murder in a US mail heist. He was tried, convicted and sentenced to death by hanging. Some friends intervened on his behalf and were able to obtain his pardon from President […]

Rest Necessary for Workers – Charles Spurgeon

Rest Necessary for Workers – Charles Spurgeon REST time is not waste time. It is economy to gather fresh strength. Look at the mower on the summer’s day, with so much to cut down before the sun sets. He pauses in his labor—is he a sluggard? He looks for his stone, and begins to draw […]

George Thomas was a pastor in a small New England town-George Mueller

George Thomas was a pastor in a small New England town-George Mueller George Thomas was a pastor in a small New England town. One Easter Sunday morning, he came to the Church carrying a rusty, bent, old bird cage, and set it by the pulpit. Several eyebrows were raised and, as if in response, Pastor […]

Resurrection of Christ, a Pledge of future Victory – Charles Spurgeon

Resurrection of Christ, a Pledge of future Victory – Charles Spurgeon OUR Lord came into this world to destroy all the works of the devil. Behold before you the works of the devil pictured as a grim and horrible castle, massive and terrible, overgrown with the moss of ages, colossal, stupendous, cemented with blood of […]

Resurrection of Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Resurrection of Christ – Charles Spurgeon THE sun comes forth, at the appointed hour, from the gates of day, and begins to gladden the earth; even so on the third day, early in the morning, Jesus, our Lord, arose from his sleep, and there was a great earthquake, for the angel of the Lord descended […]

George Sweeting, in his book The No-Guilt Guide for Witnessing-George Mueller

George Sweeting, in his book The No-Guilt Guide for Witnessing-George Mueller George Sweeting, in his book The No-Guilt Guide for Witnessing, tells of a man by the name of John Currier who in 1949 was found guilty of murder and sentenced to life in prison. Later he was transferred and paroled to work on a […]

Resurrection, Key-stone of the Christian Arch – Charles Spurgeon

Resurrection, Key-stone of the Christian Arch – Charles Spurgeon “CAN these dry bones live?” is still the unbeliever’s sneer. The doctrine of the resurrection is a lamp kindled by the hand which once was pierced. It is indeed in some respects the key-stone of the Christian arch. It is linked in our holy faith with […]

Resurrection Drawing Near – Charles Spurgeon

Resurrection Drawing Near – Charles Spurgeon AS the pendulum of the clock continues unceasingly to beat like the heart of time, as morning dawn gives place to evening shade, and the seasons follow in constant cycle, we are drifted along the river of time nearer to the ocean of eternity. Borne as on the wings […]

Reputations, Obscured—To Shine Forth – Charles Spurgeon

Reputations, Obscured—To Shine Forth – Charles Spurgeon A CHRISTIAN minister must expect to lose his repute among men. He must be willing to suffer every reproach for Christ’s sake. But, then, he may rest assured that he will never lose his real honor if it be risked for the truth’s sake, and placed in the […]

Repentance Preceding Joy – Charles Spurgeon

Repentance Preceding Joy – Charles Spurgeon AS certain fabrics need to be damped before they will take the glowing colors with which they are to be adorned, so our spirits need the bedewing of repentance before they can receive the radiant coloring of delight. The glad news of the gospel can only be printed on […]

Repentance, God’s Work – Charles Spurgeon

Repentance, God’s Work – Charles Spurgeon YOU feel that you cannot repent, but cannot Jesus make you repent by his Spirit? Do you hesitate about that question? See the world a few months ago hard bound with frost, but how daffodil, and crocus, and snowdrop, have come up above that once frozen soil, how snow […]

Renewal, Divine – Charles Spurgeon

Renewal, Divine – Charles Spurgeon IN the creation of the old world God first gave light, and afterwards he created life—the life that crept, the life that walked, the life that dived, the life that flew in the midst of Heaven. So has he wrought in our hearts; he has given us the life that […]

Religious Juggler, The – Charles Spurgeon

Religious Juggler, The – Charles Spurgeon I HAVE seen, when I was a boy, a juggler in the street throw up half-a-dozen balls, or knives and plates, and continue catching and throwing them, and to me it seemed marvelous; but the religious juggler beats all others hollow. He has to keep up Christianity and worldliness […]

Religion of Christ a Fire – Charles Spurgeon

Religion of Christ a Fire – Charles Spurgeon IF the gospel of Jesus Christ had been a mystic philosophy, which only a few could comprehend, it would not have been a matter of fire; if it had been a mere pompous ceremonial which the people could only look upon and admire, it would have had […]

Religion, True—Not Dependent upon Circumstances – Charles Spurgeon

Religion, True—Not Dependent upon Circumstances – Charles Spurgeon I WONDER how much religion some of us would have if it were all set to cool! There seems to be a great volume of it now while we are living in a warm and genial atmosphere with our friends and comrades in the gospel. Suppose we […]

Religion to be seen Everywhere – Charles Spurgeon

Religion to be seen Everywhere – Charles Spurgeon OUR religion is for the market-place, for the shop, for the streets, and for the field. And as God’s being is not confined to temples made by the hands of men, but is present everywhere, on heath, and city, and moor, and field—in the sunbeams that light […]

Religion, Feeble Manifestations of – Charles Spurgeon

Religion, Feeble Manifestations of – Charles Spurgeon I DO feel, brethren, as if few of us had ever entered into the power of religion; we are living in the weakness of it. We live on the outskirts; we have not pierced into the metropolitan city of intense vital godliness. We are like those poor Eskimos […]

Religion, Eternal Sweetness of – Charles Spurgeon

Religion, Eternal Sweetness of – Charles Spurgeon THE top of the cup of religion may be bitter, but it grows sweeter the deeper down you drink. The cup at Satan’s banquet is sweet upon the brim, where the bubbles glow like rainbows, but, ah, the horrid dregs of it! The cup that Christ gives has […]

Religion Costing Little – Charles Spurgeon

Religion Costing Little – Charles Spurgeon HOW few Christians have ever read this text and understood it, “Sell what you have and give alms.” Their almsgiving has never come to that; they have given but the cheese-parings and candle-ends to Christ; they never knew they had given them, they made no sacrifice to do so. […]

Relationship to God – Charles Spurgeon

Relationship to God – Charles Spurgeon THINGS are precious, often because of their relationship. The most precious thing a mother has is her dear babe. We all love those who are near to us by the ties of nature. Precious, therefore, in the sight of the Lord are his saints, because they are born in […]

Rejection of Christ Fatal – Charles Spurgeon

Rejection of Christ Fatal – Charles Spurgeon YOU cannot reject the Savior and be a little damaged thereby; there is no alternative but that you utterly perish. You shall eat bread, it shall nourish you, it shall provide for you the material of flesh and sinew, nerve and bone. Refuse to eat it, and you […]

Hurricane Camille

Hurricane Camille In 1969, in Pass Christian, Mississippi, a group of people were preparing to have a “hurricane party” in the face of a storm named Camille. The wind was howling outside the posh Richelieu Apartments when Police Chief Jerry Peralta pulled up sometime after dark. A man with a drink in his hand came […]

Let Go of Your Works

Let Go of Your Works A traveler upon a lonely road was set upon by bandits who robbed him of everything he had. They then led him into the depths of the forest. There, in the darkness, they tied a rope to the limb of a great tree, and bade him catch hold to the […]

Do Not Soften Sin

Do Not Soften Sin Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman told of a distinguished minister, Dr. Howard, from Australia who preached very strongly on the subject of sin. After the service, one of the church officers came to counsel with him in the study. “Dr. Howard,” he said, “we don’t want you to talk as openly as […]

Teenager Saves Life of Woman Who Saved His

Teenager Saves Life of Woman Who Saved His Penny Brown and Kevin Stephan both owe their lives to the other. Kevin was an 11-year-old batboy in July of 1999 when a player accidentally dealt him a severe blow to the chest with a bat while warming up. Kevin passed out, and his heart stopped beating. […]


Earthquakes On January 12, 2010, a powerful earthquake devastated Haiti and left the country in shambles. Few people were fortunate enough to leave, but the Desarmes family was able to evacuate two weeks after the mass chaos began. They had family in South America so Pierre Desarmes, age 34, used his contacts in Port-au-Prince to […]

Putting Others First

Putting Others First Sometime during the late 1980’s, the members of Iloilo Baptist Church decided to honor the Lord during Christmas time in a different way. It was planned that, instead of making Christmas a time to be with loved ones and a time to enjoy the holiday, “Helping the Needy” would be a better […]

A Race for Life

A Race for Life Every year in Alaska a 1,000-mile dogsled race, run for prize money and prestige, commemorates an original “race” run to save lives. In January of 1925, a six-year-old boy showed symptoms of diphtheria, signaling the possibility of an outbreak in the small town of Nome. When the boy passed away a […]

Rejection of Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Rejection of Christ – Charles Spurgeon WITHIN a few more years, you and I will have mixed our bones with mother earth, and then after that shall come a general resurrection, and we shall live and stand in the latter days upon the earth, and Christ will come in the clouds of Heaven, and you […]

Regeneration, False and True – Charles Spurgeon

Regeneration, False and True – Charles Spurgeon THE sprinkling of an infant makes no change in that child whatever; it is, as I believe, a vain ceremony, not commanded of God, nor warranted in Scripture; and as the Church of England practices it, it is altogether pernicious and superstitious, and if there be any effect […]

Reformation, Personal—Required – Charles Spurgeon

Reformation, Personal—Required – Charles Spurgeon IT highly gratifies some people when they can find a fault in some highly-respected brother; they just pull him to pieces with about the same zest that might be displayed by a jackdaw or an ape. That is their forte, the strength of their genius—detraction—pulling to pieces what they could […]

The Sinking of the Dorchester

The Sinking of the Dorchester On February 3, 1943, a troop ship named The Dorchester was carrying more than nine hundred soldiers and military personnel across the North Atlantic. A German U-boat spotted the convoy and fired three torpedoes at the ship. Only one struck the target, but the blast below the waterline fatally damaged the ship. […]

Redemption, Greatness of – Charles Spurgeon

Redemption, Greatness of – Charles Spurgeon CHRIST has not died merely to win this little island, and a few other nations; he has died to redeem this whole round world as a jewel which he will wear in his crown, and he shall have it yet; I say the whole round world yet shall shine […]

Recognition in Heaven – Charles Spurgeon

Recognition in Heaven – Charles Spurgeon WHEN we read at funerals that famous chapter in the epistle to the Corinthians, we find in it no comfort concerning the immortal spirit, for it is not required, but we find much consolation with regard to that which is “sown in dishonor,” but shall be “raised in glory.” […]

Rebellion against God, Futility of – Charles Spurgeon

Rebellion against God, Futility of – Charles Spurgeon IF we were profane enough to imagine the Lord to be vulnerable, yet where is the bow and where the arrow that could reach him on his throne? What javelin shall pierce Jehovah’s buckler? Let all the nations of the earth rise and rage against God, how […]

Question, A Solemn – Charles Spurgeon

Question, A Solemn – Charles Spurgeon I WOULD do with you what the Roman ambassadors did with Antiochus. They met him and asked him whether he meant war or peace. He said he must see; and one of them taking his staff, made a circle round him where he stood, and said, “You must answer […]

Purpose of God in Death – Charles Spurgeon

Purpose of God in Death – Charles Spurgeon EVERY grain of dust that is whirled from the threshing-floor is steered with as unerring a wisdom as the stars in their courses, and there is not a leaf that trembles in the autumn from the tree but is piloted by the plan and purpose of the […]

Purity of the Saved Soul – Charles Spurgeon

Purity of the Saved Soul – Charles Spurgeon WE do not see snow very often now, but when we did see it last time, what a dazzling whiteness there was upon it! You took a sheet of paper, you laid it upon the snow, and you were perfectly surprised to see the clean white paper […]

Teaching by Experience

Teaching by Experience The mother ran into the bedroom when she heard her seven-year-old son scream. She found his two-year-old sister pulling his hair. She gently released the little girl’s grip and said comfortingly to the boy, “There, there, she didn’t mean it. She doesn’t know that it hurts.” He nodded his acknowledgment, and she […]

Purity of the Church, Christ’s Desire for – Charles Spurgeon

Purity of the Church, Christ’s Desire for – Charles Spurgeon THE Lord Jesus Christ, looking around his church, if he sees anything evil in it, will do one of two things: either he will go right away from his church because the evil is tolerated there, and he will leave that church to be like […]

Puritanism and Modern Thought – Charles Spurgeon

Puritanism and Modern Thought – Charles Spurgeon THE modern men would be rich if they possessed even the crumbs that fall from the table of the Puritans. They have given us nothing new, after all. A few variegated bladders they have blown, and they have burst while the blowers were admiring them: but, as for […]

Attempting to Escape the Resurrection

Attempting to Escape the Resurrection In the city of Hanover is a graveyard which has been closed for a number of years—the Garden Churchyard. Owing to its antiquated monuments and the fact of its being the resting place of a number of celebrated characters, it awakens the liveliest curiosity. A few paces east of the […]

Christ Is Alive

Christ Is Alive A Hindoo fakir, with matted hair and ash-besmeared body, was sitting under a tree in deep meditation. His eyes fell on the leaves of a torn book which someone had tossed away. It was part of the New Testament. He smoothed out the crumpled pages, and read words which brought strange comfort […]

I am the Resurrection and the Life

I am the Resurrection and the Life A man was once conversing with a Brahmin priest, and he asked: “Could you say, ‘I am the Resurrection and the Life?’” “Yes,” replied the priest, “I could say that.” “But could you make any one believe it?” Christ proved His superiority right there. His character and His […]

Broken Bones

Broken Bones It was a cool and crisp Saturday night in the Midwest. The lights were on, the fans were filling the stands, the band was playing, and we were ready for some football! From the opening kick-off the game was intense and neither team could get any momentum. With the clock ticking down toward […]

Releasing a King Cobra

Releasing a King Cobra Gary Richmond gained an interesting perspective on snakes while working with a snake handler in a zoo. Richmond and four others milked the venom of a King Cobra. This was an extremely dangerous task as the King Cobra has enough venom to kill one thousand adults. An entire roll of paper […]

The Poisoned Crackers

The Poisoned Crackers In 1981, a Minnesota radio station reported a story about a stolen car in California. Police were staging an intense search for the vehicle and the driver, even to the point of placing announcements on local radio stations to contact the thief. On the front seat of the stolen car sat a […]

Repentance of Bad Results

Repentance of Bad Results A volunteer fire department in Arkansas drew criticism for letting a house burn down. It seems the owner hadn’t paid a twenty-dollar annual fee for fire fighting service. Because of the fire fighters’ inaction, two adjacent furniture shops also were destroyed. A resident behind the shops did pay the fee—while the […]

Soap and the Gospel

Soap and the Gospel A soap manufacturer and a pastor were walking together down a street in a large city. The soap manufacturer casually said, “The Gospel you preach hasn’t done much good has it? Just observe. There is still a lot of wickedness in the world, and a lot of wicked people, too!” The […]

Get Rid of the Spider

Get Rid of the Spider A man was praying with his pastor at the altar. He prayed a prayer the pastor had heard many times before. “Lord, take the cobwebs out of my life.” Just as he said this the pastor interrupted, “Kill the spider, Lord.” Many times we ask the Lord to forgive us of some sin, […]

Work Until Jesus Comes

Work Until Jesus Comes At the height of World War II Dietrich Bonhoeffer was imprisoned for taking a stand against Hitler. Yet he continued to urge fellow believers to resist Nazi tyranny. A group of Christians, believing that Hitler was the Antichrist, asked Bonhoeffer, “Why do you expose yourself to all this danger? Jesus will […]

Stay Ready for the Rapture

Stay Ready for the Rapture A gentleman visiting a certain school gave out that he would give a prize to the pupil whose desk he found in the best order when he returned. “But when will you return?” some of them asked. “That I cannot tell,” was the answer. A little girl, who had been […]

Bearing Your Burdens

Bearing Your Burdens “I compare the troubles which we have to undergo in the course of the year to a great bundle of sticks, far too large for us to lift. But God does not require us to carry the whole at once. He mercifully unties the bundle, and gives us first one stick, which […]

Repeating Folly

Repeating Folly A number of years ago, retired NASA engineer Edgar C. Whisenant wrote a book called 88 Reasons Why the Rapture Will Be in 1988. The book, which he self-published, placed the expected date of the Rapture between September 11 and September 13 of 1988, and became a massive bestseller. By the time the end […]


Meekness “Meekness is the ability to disagree agreeably.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Justin Martyr on Worship

Justin Martyr on Worship Justin the Martyr was executed for his faith around A.D. 165. His writings and leadership helped shape and influence countless believers. He has given the oldest non-biblical description of Christian worship we have. He wrote, “On the day called Sunday, all who live in cities or in the country gather together […]

Definiton of Worship

Definiton of Worship “Worship is an act that develops feelings for God, not a feeling for God that is expressed in an act of worship.” “For worship is the submission of all our nature to God. It is the quickening of conscience by His holiness; the nourishment of mind with His truth; the purifying of […]

Object of Worship

Object of Worship We don’t worship what should be used, and we don’t use what should be worshiped. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Quotes on Time

Quotes on Time “We’ll have all eternity to celebrate our victories, but only one short hour before sunset to win them.” “If a man’s business requires so much of his time that he cannot attend the services of his church, then that man has more business than God intended him to have.” “There is more […]

An Inventor’s Greatest Discovery

An Inventor’s Greatest Discovery A young student once asked the discoverer of the anesthetic property of chloroform, Sir James Simpson, what he considered his greatest discovery. The man of science and the man of God answered, “The greatest discovery I ever made was when I discovered that I was a great sinner and that Jesus […]

Quotes on Tongues

Quotes on Tongues “Over a period of five years I have taken part in meetings in Italy, Holland, Jamaica, Canada, and the United States. I have observed old-fashioned Pentecostals and Neo-Pentecostals. I have been in small meetings in private homes as well as in mammoth public meetings. I have seen such different cultural settings as […]

Definition of Salvation

Definition of Salvation “Saving faith may thus be defined as voluntary turning from all hope and grounds based on self merit, and assuming an attitude of expectancy toward God, trusting Him to do a perfect saving work based only on the merit of Christ.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Religions Addressed in John 3:16

Religions Addressed in John 3:16 “John 3:16 addresses a number of ‘isms.’ The phrase ‘For God’ responds to atheism, which claims there is no God. The phrase ‘so loved’ responds to fatalism, which asserts God is an impersonal force. The phrase ‘the world’ responds to nationalism, which says God loves only one group of people. […]

Quotes on Repentance

Quotes on Repentance “If God’s today be too soon for thy repentance, thy tomorrow may be too late for God’s acceptance.” “God will pardon a repentant sinner more quickly than a mother would snatch her child out of the fire.” “The same tears that break our hearts may also nourish us in ways that matter […]

The Purpose of Afflictions

The Purpose of Afflictions Repeated afflictions come, not as lightning on the scathed tree, blasting it yet more and more, but as the strokes of the sculptor on the marble block, forming, it into the image of beauty and loveliness. Let but the Divine Presence be felt, and no lot is hard. Let me but […]

Benjamin Franklin on Sinless Perfection

Benjamin Franklin on Sinless Perfection I conceived the bold and arduous project of arriving at moral perfection. I wished to live without committing any fault at any time; I would conquer all that either natural inclination, custom, or company might lead me into. As I knew, or thought I knew, what was right and wrong, […]

Many Will Follow the Antichrist

Many Will Follow the Antichrist “We do not need another committee. We have too many already. What we want is a man of sufficient stature to hold the allegiance of all people, and to lift us out of the economic morass into which we are sinking. Send us such a man and be he god […]

That Is the Way Jesus Saved Me

That Is the Way Jesus Saved Me An American Indian was asked to explain the grace of Jesus. He took a pile of leaves and an earth worm. He laid the worm in the leaves and set the leaves on fire—at the last minute he lifted it out and said, “That is the way Jesus […]

Willing People

Willing People Every church is filled with willing people—some willing to work, and others willing to let them. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Benjamin Franklin’s Epitaph

Benjamin Franklin’s Epitaph Early in his life, Benjamin Franklin penned his own epitaph: The BodyofBENJAMIN FRANKLIN,Printer, (Like the cover of an old book its contents torn outAnd stript of its lettering and gilding)Lies here food for worms;Yet the work itself shall not be lost,For it will (as he believed) appear once moreIn a new and […]

Pressing on the Upward Way

Pressing on the Upward Way “Between an airplane and every other form of locomotion and transportation there is one great contrast. The horse and wagon, the automobile, the bicycle, the locomotive, the speedboat, and the great battleship—all can come to a standstill without danger, and they can all reverse their engines, or their power, and […]

Celebrity or Servant?

Celebrity or Servant? From July 26 to August 7, 1971, the eyes of millions of Americans were on the Apollo 15 moon mission. You may remember the astronauts David R. Scott and James B. Irwin, who landed on the moon and spent eighteen of their sixty-six hours there outside the spacecraft. They covered over seventeen […]

Personal Salvation

Personal Salvation “The life of Christianity consists of possessive pronouns. It is one thing to say, ‘Christ is a Saviour’; it is quite another thing to say, ‘He is my Saviour and my Lord.’ The devil can say the first; the true Christian alone can say the second.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Billy Sunday on Sin

Billy Sunday on Sin “I’m against sin. I’ll kick it as long as I’ve got a foot, and I’ll fight it as long as I’ve got a fist. I’ll butt it as long as I’ve got a head. I’ll bite it as long as I’ve got a tooth. When I’m old and fistless and footless […]

Standing on Truth

Standing on Truth Winston Churchill said, “Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.” That may be a common response to truth, but it places those who respond thusly on the road to tragedy and destruction. There is no way to love […]

Jesus Is the Only Way to Heaven

Jesus Is the Only Way to Heaven John Dyer, a Welsh poet and pastor from the 1700s once wrote, “A man may go to Heaven without health, without riches, without honors, without learning, without friends; but he can never go there without Christ.” Today our world is filled with people who are seeking some other […]

Sincerity Can Be Misplaced

Sincerity Can Be Misplaced Some say, “All roads lead to the same place as long as you are sincere,” but a person can be sincerely wrong! Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

A Judge’s Admonishment

A Judge’s Admonishment Judge Horace Gray of Boston who would later go on to serve as a Justice on the Supreme Court once said to the man who escaped conviction on a technicality: “I know that you are guilty and you know it, and I wish you to remember that one day you will stand […]

Making a Difference

Making a Difference Noted historian Thomas C. Reeves, who for many years was a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside, wrote: “Christianity in modern America is, in large part, innocuous. It tends to be easy, upbeat, convenient, and compatible. It does not require self-sacrifice, discipline, humility, an otherworldly outlook, a zeal for souls, a fear […]

Quotes on Gratitude

Quotes on Gratitude “So much has been given to me that I have no time to ponder that which I don’t have.” “Giving thanks is not a matter of feeling thankful, it is a matter of obedience.” (she is quadriplegic) “The pilgrims made seven times more graves than huts—nevertheless, [they] set aside a day of […]

Christ Is Our Representative

Christ Is Our Representative “When Jesus died, He died as my representative, and I died in Him; when He arose, He rose as my representative, and I arose in Him; when He ascended up on high and took His place at the right hand of the Father in the glory, He ascended as my representative […]

Stewarding God’s Time

Stewarding God’s Time In each day there are 24 hours, 1,440 minutes, and 86,400 seconds-and every one of them is a precious gift from God. Time is something we feel we never have enough of, yet we give it away so easily. Someone once said, “Time is free, but it’s priceless. You can’t own it, […]

Tuned to Christ

Tuned to Christ In his book The Pursuit of God, author A.W. Tozer wrote the following: “Has it ever occurred to you that one hundred pianos all tuned to the same fork are automatically tuned to each other? They are of one accord by being tuned, not to each other, but to another standard to […]

Puritanism Commended – Charles Spurgeon

Puritanism Commended – Charles Spurgeon ALTHOUGH the world may openly denounce the rigid Puritan, it secretly admires him. When the big heart of the world speaks out, it has respect to the man that is sternly honest, and will not yield his principles, no, not to a hair’s breadth. In such an age as this, […]

Puritan hearing of the Word – Charles Spurgeon

Puritan hearing of the Word – Charles Spurgeon IN the old Puritanic times, sermons must have been tiresome to the thoughtless, but now-a-days I should think they are more tiresome to the thoughtful. The Christian of those days wanted to know a great deal of the things of God; and provided that the preacher could […]

Providence, Wide Extent of – Charles Spurgeon

Providence, Wide Extent of – Charles Spurgeon PROVIDENCE may look very dark today, but it is full of light—latent light—light which must flash forth as the noonday for brightness. All circumstances are teeming with benefit to you if you be in Christ. Ships with black hulls are bringing you bright gold. Ravens shall bring you […]

Keep Your Family Strong

Keep Your Family Strong “A breach in the wall of the home or a crack in the foundation of the family provides the devil an opening to destroy the framework of both.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Baptism Does Not Save

Baptism Does Not Save “A man who knows that he is saved by believing in Christ does not, when he is baptized, lift his baptism into a saving ordinance. In fact, he is the very best protester against that mistake, because he holds that he has no right to be baptized until he is saved.” […]

Providence, Sins laid upon – Charles Spurgeon

Providence, Sins laid upon – Charles Spurgeon BRETHREN and sisters, let me warn you against the many ways in which men have sought to discover God’s will apart from his word—all foolish, and some of them wicked. I have known some who have opened the Book as if the passage on which they should alight […]

Encouragement and Peanut Butter

Encouragement and Peanut Butter “Encouragement is like peanut butter –the more you spread it around, the better things stick together.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Providence, Ship of – Charles Spurgeon

Providence, Ship of – Charles Spurgeon SUPPOSE one goes to sea under the most skillful captain: that captain cannot possibly know what may occur during the voyage, and with the greatest foresight he can never promise an absolutely safe passage. There may be dangers which he has never yet encountered—Atlantic waves, tornadoes, and hurricanes may […]

Providence of God in Everything – Charles Spurgeon

Providence of God in Everything – Charles Spurgeon ALL things that shall happen, be they ever so cross to your thoughts and counter to your wishes, will, nevertheless, come up, like Blucher at Waterloo, at the exact moment when they shall help on the grand old cause. Justice must reign; the church of God must […]

Providence of God in all a Believer’s Life – Charles Spurgeon

Providence of God in all a Believer’s Life – Charles Spurgeon PETER among the apostles is singularly honored, for everything about him was in some way or other connected with a miracle. His person—it was by a miracle that he had walked the waters; it was by a miracle that he had been saved from […]

What Holiness Consists of

What Holiness Consists of “Holiness does not consist in mystic speculations, enthusiastic fervours, or uncommanded austerities; it consists in thinking as God thinks, and willing as God wills.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Providence, Arrangements of—Wisdom in the – Charles Spurgeon

Providence, Arrangements of—Wisdom in the – Charles Spurgeon YOU are to consider that the position which you occupy is, all things considered, the most advantageous that you could possibly have occupied for doing the utmost that you are capable of doing for the glory of God. Suppose the mole should cry, “How I could have […]

Purity Is a Choice

Purity Is a Choice NBA player A. C. Green said that when he became a Christian he resolved to keep his purity. He said, “We all have the power of choice, but once used, our choice then has power over us. Condoms are hailed today as the answer for unwanted pregnancy and disease prevention, no […]

Promises of God, Memories of – Charles Spurgeon

Promises of God, Memories of – Charles Spurgeon I HAVE seen a mother go to the secret drawer to look at a certain little pair of woollen shoes; with these in her hands, she would sit down and weep for the hour together. Ah, there were little feet that wore those shoes once, and they […]

Prosperity, Removal of—The Voice of God – Charles Spurgeon

Prosperity, Removal of—The Voice of God – Charles Spurgeon CHILDREN of God, have you been living at a distance from your Father? The silver bell rings this morning, and invites you to return. An angel voice cries, “Come back! come back! come back!” Will you not answer, “I will arise and go to my Father”? […]

Prosperity Hurtful to Grace – Charles Spurgeon

Prosperity Hurtful to Grace – Charles Spurgeon DEPEND upon it, the most of us cannot endure great prosperity long together. As some constitutions cannot bear certain meats, so a long run of spiritual ease is much too strong a thing for the constitution of average Christians. The pools of our heart are apt to grow […]

Keeping a Dress White

Keeping a Dress White A young lady who was attempting to defend her attendance at questionable places of amusement told her friend that she thought a Christian could go anywhere. Her friend replied, “Certainly she can, but I am reminded of a little incident which happened last summer when I went with a party of […]

A Pure Man of God

A Pure Man of God “In great measure, according to the purity and perfections of the instrument, will be the success. It is not great talents God blesses so much as great likeness to Jesus. A holy minister is an awful weapon in the hand of God.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Stay Pure

Stay Pure There was a squadron of men in S.E. Asia who got involved in every form of wickedness possible. Every time they had leave, they would go to the bars and houses of prostitution. One man said, “I have a girl back home. I love her. I’m going to save myself for her.” The […]

Prophecy Statistics

Prophecy Statistics “More than a fourth of the Bible is predictive prophecy. Approximately one-third of it has yet to be fulfilled. Both the Old and New Testaments are full of promises about the return of Jesus Christ. Over 1,800 references appear in the Old Testament, and seventeen Old Testament books give prominence to this theme. Of the […]

The Size of Israel

The Size of Israel “It is one-nineteenth the size of California and roughly the size of our third smallest state, New Jersey. Israel is 260 miles at its longest, 60 miles at its widest, and between 3 and 9 miles at its narrowest. The nation of Israel is a democratic republic surrounded by 22 hostile […]

Literal Meaning

Literal Meaning “We understand, of course, that there are times the Bible uses figurative language. For example, Jesus is called the Lamb of God 28 times in the book of Revelation. This does not mean that He is a literal lamb. The term lamb, in reference to Christ, is intended to give us a symbolic picture […]

Headlines of Antichrist’s Death

Headlines of Antichrist’s Death David Jeremiah in his book, “Escape the Coming Night”, suggested the headlines of the Antichrist’s death might read something like this: “Assassin kills Judas Christopher, U.S. of Europe Mourns Loss of Leader ‘Christopher was pronounced dead on arrival at the International Hospital of Rome this morning. The motorcade of U.S.E. officials […]

Rebuilding the Altar

Rebuilding the Altar The Temple Institute, which has already built many of the vessels for the Temple, such as the ark and the menorah, has now embarked on a project to build the altar. “Unfortunately, we cannot currently build the altar in its proper place, on the Temple Mount,” Temple Institute director Yehudah Glick said. […]

Expecting the Rapture

Expecting the Rapture We are to work while we wait for the rapture. A gardener for a large estate in northern Italy was conducting a visitor through the castle and the beautiful, well-groomed grounds. As the visitor had lunch with the gardener and his wife, he commended them for the beautiful way they were keeping the gardens. He […]

Do the Most Important Things First

Do the Most Important Things First Industrialist Charles Schwab was a key figure in Andrew Carnegie’s steel empire. Frustrated with his inability to get everything done, he once reluctantly agreed to meet with a consultant named Ivy Lee, who was recommended to him by John D. Rockefeller. Schwab had little use for consultants, but since […]

Don’t Leave Jesus Out

Don’t Leave Jesus Out Adolph Menzel created a painting titled Frederick the Great’s Address to His Generals Before the Battle of Leuthen. This historical piece depicts Frederick’s speech to his generals in December 1757 during the Seven Years’ War before their famous battle in Silesia against the Austrians. Menzel worked on it from 1859-1861, but never […]

Overconfident Golfing

Overconfident Golfing Golfer, Arnold Palmer related, “It was the final hole of the 1961 Masters tournament, and I had a one-stroke lead and had just hit a very satisfying tee shot. I felt I was in pretty good shape. As I approached my ball, I saw an old friend standing at the edge of the […]


Invictus Timothy McVeigh was executed for bombing the federal building in Oklahoma. He did not speak any final words, but he did have a handwritten statement distributed at his execution which included portions of the poem Invictus. “It matters not how straight the gate,How charged with punishments the scroll,I am the master of my fate,I am […]

They Couldn’t Hit an Elephant

They Couldn’t Hit an Elephant During the Battle of Spotsylvania in the Civil War, Union general John Sedgwick was inspecting his troops. At one point he came to a parapet, over which he gazed out in the direction of the enemy. His officers suggested that this was unwise and perhaps he ought to duck while […]

Promises Sealed by God – Charles Spurgeon

Promises Sealed by God – Charles Spurgeon EVERY promise of this sacred book is God’s own promise spoken through his prophets and apostles, but yet spoken by himself. The signet of Heaven seals every promise. You will never know the sweetness of a promise until it is God’s promise to you. They are precious promises […]

He Was Turned Away from Church

He Was Turned Away from Church During Mahatma Gandhi’s student days he read the Gospels and thought that maybe he had found the cure to the caste system of India. He decided to go to church and ask the minister how to become a Christian. However, when he entered the building the usher refused to give […]

Promises, Preciousness of the – Charles Spurgeon

Promises, Preciousness of the – Charles Spurgeon ALL hail, you fair promises! You meet me as the angels met Jacob at Mahanaim; but all hail, fair precepts! You meet me as Nathan met David, and rebuke me for my sins. You also are my friends, and I salute you and am glad to bear you […]

Promises Countersigned by Faith – Charles Spurgeon

Promises Countersigned by Faith – Charles Spurgeon SOME bank bills require the signature of the person for whom they are drawn, and they would not be payable at the bank, though regularly signed, unless countersigned by the person to whom they are due: now many of the Lord’s promises are drawn in like fashion. Armed […]

The Wisdom of Silence

The Wisdom of Silence One of Aesop’s fables concerned a turtle who envied the ducks who swam in the pond where he lived. As he listened to them describe the wonders of the world they had seen, he was filled with a great desire to travel. But being a turtle, he was unable to travel […]

George Bernard Shaw is perhaps most renowned as a free thinker-George Mueller

George Bernard Shaw is perhaps most renowned as a free thinker-George Mueller George Bernard Shaw is perhaps most renowned as a free thinker and liberal philosopher. In his last writings we read, “The science to which I pinned my faith is bankrupt. Its counsels, which should have established the millennium, led, instead, directly to the […]

Progress of the Divine Work – Charles Spurgeon

Progress of the Divine Work – Charles Spurgeon HAVE you never perceived that when true religion either in your own soul or in the world seems to have gone back that suddenly it makes a leap again? There will come waves upon the beach, and each one will seem stronger than its fellow; but then […]

Letter from President Madison

Letter from President Madison In his old age, President James Madison suffered from many ailments and took a variety of medicines. It is said that a longtime friend from a nearby county sent him a box of vegetable pills, one of his own home remedies, asking to be informed if they brought relief. In time he received […]

Two guys from Prince George die and wake up in hell-George Mueller

Two guys from Prince George die and wake up in hell-George Mueller Two guys from Prince George die and wake up in hell. The next day the devil stops in to check on them and sees them dressed in parkas, mittens and toques warming themselves around the fire. The devil asks them, “What are you […]

Profession, Lifeless – Charles Spurgeon

Profession, Lifeless – Charles Spurgeon PROFESSIONS there are not unfrequently upon which we may gaze with a vacant wonder and turn away with a cold shudder, as from the somber gaudiness of a funeral, wherein prancing steeds, stately mutes, nodding plumes, and velvet palls adorn the obsequies of the dead. God save us from a […]

The Length of a Speech Does Not Indicate its Results

The Length of a Speech Does Not Indicate its Results On March 4, 1841, William Harrison, the 9th President of the United States, delivered what proved to be, the longest inaugural speech on record. It was  nearly 9,000 words long, and despite efforts from his staff to convince him to shorten it, President Harrison insisted […]

When George Meller got saved-George Mueller

When George Meller got saved-George Mueller When George Meller got saved, He had five lost friends. He began to pray for these 5 friends. Five years went by, and one got saved. Fifteen years went by and 2 others got saved. Twenty-five years went by and the 4th got saved! Fifty-two years after he began […]

A Proud President

A Proud President Tancredo Neves ran for the presidency of Brazil in the 1980s. He boldly declared that if he got 500,000 votes from his own party, not even God could keep him from being president. He won the election, but one day later he got sick and died. There is no way to know […]

Profession, Heartless—A Weariness – Charles Spurgeon

Profession, Heartless—A Weariness – Charles Spurgeon I TELL you solemnly, I do believe that the half of professors do not know what true religion means. They have never got to it. They have got to the skimmed milk, the scum, and the froth, but they have not got down into the depth. The more you […]

In the early 1990s when President George Bush had John Sununu-George Mueller

In the early 1990s when President George Bush had John Sununu-George Mueller In the early 1990s when President George Bush had John Sununu as his White House chief of staff, a reporter asked Sununu if his job was difficult. He quickly answered, “No.” The reporter thought Sununu had misunderstood the question, so he asked again, […]

Procrastination – Charles Spurgeon

Procrastination – Charles Spurgeon “AH!” says Madam Bubble, “here is a young person impressed—if we laugh at him it will deepen the impression; but we will say to him, ‘Come, come; let the impression go for a little while; this is not the fit time; when you have a more convenient season you can bring […]

George Washington on Salvation

George Washington on Salvation “Let my heart gracious God, be so effected with Your glory and majesty, that I may fulfill these weighty duties which You have required of me. I have called upon You to pardon me of my sins. Thank You for the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, offered on the cross for me. […]

Privileges, Despised—To be Accounted for – Charles Spurgeon

Privileges, Despised—To be Accounted for – Charles Spurgeon THERE is a curtain, but it is lifting, it is lifting, it is lifting; and when it is lifted, what do I see? The spirit world! ‘Tis death that lifts the curtain; and when it is lifted, these present things will vanish, for they are but shadows. […]

I know a fair amount about President George W. Bush-George Mueller

I know a fair amount about President George W. Bush-George Mueller I know a fair amount about President George W. Bush. He is the son of former President George Herbert Walker Bush and is now married to Laura, and they have young adult twin daughters. I also know that in his youth, George W. Bush […]

Primitive Church, Power of the – Charles Spurgeon

Primitive Church, Power of the – Charles Spurgeon MY dear brethren, we are weak, but we are not weaker than the first disciples of Christ. Neither were they learned, nor were they the wealthy of the earth: fishermen, the most of them, by no means men of cultivated ability—their tramp was that of a legion […]

Primitive Christianity – Charles Spurgeon

Primitive Christianity – Charles Spurgeon ONE of our colporteurs, some years ago, abroad, was selling his Testaments, when the curé of a parish said to him, “Your books say a very great deal about pardon, but I do not see much in them about confession.” The colporteur was about to reply, when a public notary […]

Priesthood of Christ, Perfection of the – Charles Spurgeon

Priesthood of Christ, Perfection of the – Charles Spurgeon THE typical priests stood because there was work to do; still must they present their sacrifices; but our Lord sits down because there is no more sacrificial work to do; atonement is complete, he has finished his task. There were no seats in the tabernacle. Observe […]

Pride, the Universal Disease – Charles Spurgeon

Pride, the Universal Disease – Charles Spurgeon I RECOLLECT firing a shot once with much greater success than I knew of. A certain person had frequently said to me that I had been the subject of her earnest prayers lest I should be exalted above measure, for she could see my danger: and, after having […]

Choose Your Words Carefully

Choose Your Words Carefully President Calvin Coolidge was famously known as a man of few words. His nickname was “Silent Cal.” His wife, Grace Goodhue Coolidge, told the story of a young woman who sat next to her husband at a dinner party. She told Coolidge she had a bet with a friend that she […]

Pride keeping the Soul from Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Pride keeping the Soul from Christ – Charles Spurgeon DO not stand at the swine’s trough saying, “I will not arise and go to my Father, for I am not fit to go until I have suffered a great deal more;” but hear the voice which bids you say, “I will arise and go unto […]

Author Thom Rainer tells of a man name George who learned-George Mueller

Author Thom Rainer tells of a man name George who learned-George Mueller Author Thom Rainer tells of a man name George who learned a few weeks after becoming a Christian that at least 4 people were praying for him daily. George said: “I wasn’t surprised (my wife) was praying for me….then George learned about others. […]

Love and Peaceful Living

Love and Peaceful Living Abraham Lincoln won the presidency of a divided country. There were four major candidates in 1860, and Lincoln only narrowly received his electoral majority. Among his harshest critics was Edwin Stanton of Ohio who opposed Lincoln’s election, calling him among other things the “original gorilla.” Yet Lincoln asked Stanton to serve […]

Pride checked by Affliction – Charles Spurgeon

Pride checked by Affliction – Charles Spurgeon JUST as the fever must be held in check by the bitter draught of quinine, so must the bitter cup of affliction rebuke our rising pride and worldliness. We should exalt ourselves above measure, and provoke the Lord to jealousy against us, were it not that trouble lays […]

Presence of God, Inspiration of the – Charles Spurgeon

Presence of God, Inspiration of the – Charles Spurgeon WERE you ever called to attack some deadly popular error, and, with rough, bold hand, like an iconoclast, to dash down the graven images of the age? Have you heard the clamor of many, some saying this thing, and some the other—some saying, “He is a […]

Preparation for meeting God – Charles Spurgeon

Preparation for meeting God – Charles Spurgeon “PREPARE to meet your God.” Why, methinks there are no more joyous words under Heaven than those under some aspects, certainly none more solemn out of Hell under others. “Prepare to meet your God.” These words may have sounded through the green alleys of Paradise, and have caused […]

George Bernard Shaw is perhaps most renowned as a free thinker-George Mueller

A changed attitude George Bernard Shaw is perhaps most renowned as a free thinker-George Mueller George Bernard Shaw is perhaps most renowned as a free thinker and liberal philosopher. In his last writings we read, “The science to which I pinned my faith is bankrupt. Its counsels, which should have established the millennium, led, instead, […]

Preparation for Death – Charles Spurgeon

Preparation for Death – Charles Spurgeon BE ready, minister, see to it that your church be in good order, for the grave shall soon be dug for you; be ready, parent, see that your children are brought up in the fear of God, for they must soon be orphans; be ready, men of business, you […]

Precious Things – Charles Spurgeon

Precious Things – Charles Spurgeon “HE is precious,” that is, Jesus Christ is precious; here is the priceless gem. “Exceeding great and precious promises;” here is the worthy casket which holds the gem. “Like precious faith,” as Paul calls it, “like precious faith” with the apostles—here is the blessed hand by which we grasp the […]

George Barna leads a Christian research group and discovered-George Mueller

George Barna leads a Christian research group and discovered-George Mueller George Barna leads a Christian research group and discovered some things about Christian beliefs. In his research during 1996 and 1997, Barna discovered that many professing Christians believe that people are inherently good, that our primary purpose is to enjoy life, and that our most […]

Preaching of Jesus – Charles Spurgeon

Preaching of Jesus – Charles Spurgeon REMEMBER what kind of preacher Jesus was. “Never man spoke like this man.” He was a son of consolation indeed. It was said of him, “A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench.” He was gentleness itself: his speech did not fall […]

Preaching, not Easy Work – Charles Spurgeon

Preaching, not Easy Work – Charles Spurgeon I BELIEVE that at bottom, most people think it an uncommonly easy thing to preach, and that they could do it amazingly well themselves Every donkey thinks itself worthy to stand with the king’s horses; every girl thinks she could keep house better than her mother; but thoughts […]

In his book, Men at Work, George F. Will takes a close look-George Mueller

In his book, Men at Work, George F. Will takes a close look-George Mueller In his book, Men at Work, George F. Will takes a close look at four baseball players. One of those examined is Orel Hershiser (of Dodgers fame), who talks about his philosophy of pitching. “There are two theories of pitching,” Hershiser […]

Preaching, Definition of – Charles Spurgeon

Preaching, Definition of – Charles Spurgeon WHAT is meant by the word “preach”? I take its meaning in this place to be very extensive. Some can literally preach—that is, act as heralds, proclaiming the gospel as the town crier proclaims in the street the message which he is bidden to cry aloud. The town crier […]

George Bernard Shaw, in one of his better statements-George Mueller

George Bernard Shaw, in one of his better statements-George Mueller George Bernard Shaw, in one of his better statements, said: “This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one: the being thoroughly worn out before you are thrown on the scrap heap, and being […]

Preachers, Speculative – Charles Spurgeon

Preachers, Speculative – Charles Spurgeon MANY preachers—and I speak it with sorrow—have built a tower of theological speculations, upon which they sit like Nero, fiddling the tune of their own philosophy while the world is burning in sin and misery; they are playing with the toys of speculation while men’s souls are being lost. Much […]

George Sweeting, in his book The No-Guilt Guide for Witnessing-George Mueller

George Sweeting, in his book The No-Guilt Guide for Witnessing-George Mueller George Sweeting, in his book The No-Guilt Guide for Witnessing, tells of a man by the name of John Currier who in 1949 was found guilty of murder and sentenced to life in prison. Later he was transferred and paroled to work on a […]

Preacher, Self-denial Necessary for a – Charles Spurgeon

Preacher, Self-denial Necessary for a – Charles Spurgeon THE minister of Christ must know how to take the scaling-ladder, and fix it against the wall of the conscience, and climb it sword in hand, to meet the man face to face in sacred duel, for the capture of his heart. He must not flinch to […]

George Duncan once went to visit some friends in the English countryside-George Mueller

George Duncan once went to visit some friends in the English countryside-George Mueller George Duncan once went to visit some friends in the English countryside. For years they had lived in an old-fashioned, rundown building. To Mr. Duncan’s surprise, he discovered that the house had been completely remodeled. The people had installed new lights, an […]

In his book, Psalms of the Heart, George Sweeting illustrated-George Mueller

In his book, Psalms of the Heart, George Sweeting illustrated-George Mueller In his book, Psalms of the Heart, George Sweeting illustrated a great truth from the experience of two Moody Bible Institute graduates, John and Elaine Beekman. God called them to missionary work among the Chol Indians of southern Mexico. Sweeting reports that they rode […]

John Wesley and George Whitefield were two of the greatest preachers-George Mueller

John Wesley and George Whitefield were two of the greatest preachers-George Mueller John Wesley and George Whitefield were two of the greatest preachers of the 18th Century. They became close friends while attending college at Oxford, but their theological differences eventually caused them to drift apart. In fact, there was quite a bit of animosity […]

A man named Mr. Jenner stood on a George Street in Sydney-George Mueller

A man named Mr. Jenner stood on a George Street in Sydney-George Mueller A man named Mr. Jenner stood on a George Street in Sydney, Australia, and asked people where they would spend eternity. 1. British pastor, Francis Dickson, found nine people from five countries who were led to Christ by Mr. Jenner. 2. When […]

Preacher, Inattention of Men to the – Charles Spurgeon

Preacher, Inattention of Men to the – Charles Spurgeon THE most of men remind us of the old story in Strabo, of the musician who thought himself very wonderfully gifted with power to create melody. Before his audience he was pouring forth his notes, and as he thought holding them all spell bound, but just […]

Prayers of the Church, Universal Blessing of – Charles Spurgeon

Prayers of the Church, Universal Blessing of – Charles Spurgeon THE prayers of God’s church are like the clouds which ascend from the sea, as the sun shines on the waves; they fall on the fields which have been sown by man, but they also drop upon the pastures of the wilderness, and the little […]

Prayers of the Church Pleading in Heaven – Charles Spurgeon

Prayers of the Church Pleading in Heaven – Charles Spurgeon LOOK back and think of the prayers of all the ages as being in the golden bowl at this one time. The prayers of the apostles, the cries of the persecuted times, the wrestlings of the lonely ones of the Middle Ages, the moans from […]

Prayer Meetings the Gauge of Prosperity – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer Meetings the Gauge of Prosperity – Charles Spurgeon IT might make a man weep tears of blood to think that in our Dissenting churches in so many cases the prayer meetings are so shamefully attended. I could indicate places that I know of, situated not many miles from where we now stand, where there […]

Prayerlessness – Charles Spurgeon

Prayerlessness – Charles Spurgeon A PRAYERLESS church member is a hindrance, he is in the body like a rotting bone, or a decayed tooth, and, before long, since he does not contribute to the benefit of his brethren, he will become a danger and a sorrow to them. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Prayer and Natural Laws – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer and Natural Laws – Charles Spurgeon WHEN a man, in order to fulfill a promise, has to disarrange all his affairs, and, so to speak, to stop all his machinery, it proves that he is but a man, and that his wisdom and power are limited; but he is God indeed who, without reversing […]

Prayer and Fasting, Power of – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer and Fasting, Power of – Charles Spurgeon THE church of God would be far stronger to wrestle with this ungodly age if she were more given to prayer and fasting. There is a mighty efficacy in these two gospel ordinances. The first links us to Heaven, the second separates us from earth. Prayer takes […]

Prayer, Zeal in – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer, Zeal in – Charles Spurgeon THE Christian zealot may be recognized very manifestly by his prayers. Hear his utterance in the prayer-meeting. It is no repetition of a set of sacred phrases, no going over the metaphors which have become time-worn and tedious, but he prays like a man who means it. He comes […]

Prayer, Victorious – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer, Victorious – Charles Spurgeon A PEOPLE who can pray can never be overcome, because their reserve forces can never be exhausted. Go into battle, my brother; and if you be vanquished with the strength you have, prayer shall call up another legion, yes, twenty legions of angels, and the foe shall marvel to see […]

George Bernard Shaw is perhaps most renowned as a free thinker-George Mueller

George Bernard Shaw is perhaps most renowned as a free thinker-George Mueller George Bernard Shaw is perhaps most renowned as a free thinker and liberal philosopher. In his last writings we read, “The science to which I pinned my faith is bankrupt. Its counsels, which should have established the millennium, led, instead, directly to the […]

Prayer to be Well Ordered – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer to be Well Ordered – Charles Spurgeon “AS the sergeant sets the soldiers in a row when he is about to drill them, and marshals them, and as the commander-in-chief forms them into battalions, and so on, even so will I set my desires in proper order, and marshal them in battalions before the […]

Prayer to be Intense – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer to be Intense – Charles Spurgeon THE prayer which mounts to Heaven may have but very few of the tail feathers of adornment about it, but it must have the strong wing feathers of intense desire; it must not be as the peacock, gorgeous for beauty, but it must be as the eagle, for […]

Prayer to be Continual – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer to be Continual – Charles Spurgeon A MAN who does not pray usually, is but a hypocrite when he pretends to pray specially. Who would care to live in a miser’s house who starved you all the year round, except that now and then on a feast day he fed you daintily? We must […]

The story of George C. Wallace sounds like something-George Mueller

The story of George C. Wallace sounds like something-George Mueller The story of George C. Wallace sounds like something from Paul Harvey’s “The Rest of the Story.” It comes in two parts: the sad, earlier life and the hard but hopeful latter life. A dramatic and tragic event in the middle brought life-changing consequences for […]

Prayer, True Sphere of – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer, True Sphere of – Charles Spurgeon CERTAIN people believe in ready-made prayers, cut and dried for all occasions, and, at the same time, they believe persons to be regenerated in baptism though their lives are anything but Christian; ought they not to provide prayers for all circumstances in which these, the dear regenerated but […]

Prayer, Spirit of – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer, Spirit of – Charles Spurgeon OUR Lord meant by saying men ought always to pray, that they ought to be always in the spirit of prayer, always ready to pray. Like the old knights, always in warfare, not always on their steeds dashing forward with their lances in rest to unhorse an adversary, but […]

George Barna has broken down the American population-George Mueller

George Barna has broken down the American population-George Mueller George Barna has broken down the American population into five existing generationsf: Seniors: those that were born in 1926 and earlier Builders: those that were born between 1927 and 1945 Boomers: those that were born between 1946 and 1964 Busters: those born between 1965 and 1983 […]

Prayer, Simplicity of – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer, Simplicity of – Charles Spurgeon FINERY in dress or language is out of place in beggars. I heard a man in the street one day begging aloud by means of a magnificent oration. He used grand language in very pompous style, and I dare say he thought he was sure of getting piles of […]

Prayer, Reality of – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer, Reality of – Charles Spurgeon I SHOULD not try to prove to a blind man that the grass is green and the sky blue, because he can have no idea of the proposition which I am proving. Argument in such a case is folly on both sides. To us, at any rate, prayer is […]

Prayer Pleasing to God – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer Pleasing to God – Charles Spurgeon YOU love to hear your own little children’s talk. Now, you know very well when your little girl wants a new dress, and you are well aware that when your little boy needs fresh school books, there is no necessity whatever that Mary should inform you about her […]

George Washington Carver said, “Ninety-nine percent of failures -George Mueller

George Washington Carver said, “Ninety-nine percent of failures -George Mueller George Washington Carver said, “Ninety-nine percent of failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.” Carver was no stranger to adversity and could have easily made excuses for not succeeding. But that wasn’t his way. Despite being born into slavery, he rose […]

Prayer, Playing at – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer, Playing at – Charles Spurgeon IF you were to go to one of the banks in Lombard Street, and see a man go in and out and lay a piece of paper on the table, and take it up again and nothing more; if he did that several times a day, I think there […]

Prayer, Large-hearted – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer, Large-hearted – Charles Spurgeon IT is said—I know not how truly—that the explanation of the text, “Open your mouth wide and I will fill it,” may be found in a very singular Oriental custom. It is said that not many years ago—I remember the circumstance being reported—the King of Persia ordered the chief of […]

Prayer, Large Expectation in – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer, Large Expectation in – Charles Spurgeon I HAVE heard that in the old times in England, on Christmas morning, the poor villagers were accustomed to call at the house of the lord of the manor, each one with his basin, which it was the custom to fill to the brim. I warrant you the […]

George Barna leads a Christian research group and discovered-George Mueller

George Barna leads a Christian research group and discovered-George Mueller George Barna leads a Christian research group and discovered some things about Christian beliefs. In his research during 1996 and 1997, Barna discovered that many professing Christians believe that people are inherently good, that our primary purpose is to enjoy life, and that our most […]

Prayer Justified by Results – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer Justified by Results – Charles Spurgeon IF your heart be cold in prayer, do not restrain prayer until your heart warms, but pray your soul unto heat by the help of the ever-blessed Spirit who helps our infirmities. If the iron be hot then hammer it, and if it be cold hammer it until […]

Prayer, Importunity in – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer, Importunity in – Charles Spurgeon A TREE does not always drop its fruit at the first shake you give it. Shake it again, man; give it another shake! And sometimes, when the tree is loaded, and is pretty firm in the earth, you have to shake it to and fro, and at last you […]

Prayer helping Work – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer helping Work – Charles Spurgeon SOMETIMES we think we are too busy to pray. That is a great mistake, for praying is a saving of time. You remember Luther’s remark, “I have so much to do today that I shall never get through it with less than three hours’ prayer.” He had not been […]

I was reading about the Rev. George Whitefield-George Mueller

I was reading about the Rev. George Whitefield-George Mueller I was reading about the Rev. George Whitefield. He was the greatest preacher that the Church of England ever had. But he also worked well with Baptists, Presbyterians, Lutherans, and anyone else who believed in the gospel . One day, a colleague asked him, “Why do […]

George Bernard Shaw, in one of his better statements,-George Mueller

George Bernard Shaw, in one of his better statements,-George Mueller George Bernard Shaw, in one of his better statements, said: “This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one: the being thoroughly worn out before you are thrown on the scrap heap, and being […]

Prayer, Ejaculatory – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer, Ejaculatory – Charles Spurgeon IT has been said of some great men that they could not talk in company; when they got upon their legs and had a prepared discourse, they could speak very much to edification, but in general society they could not edify anyone. And someone said they had gold, but their […]

Prayer, Church Exhorted to – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer, Church Exhorted to – Charles Spurgeon STRAIN after a devotional vacation. Surely if you can spare time for holidays and recreations, you can clear a space for special drawing near to God. I believe this church would be visited with a very great ingathering if all the members of it made it a solemn […]

George Sweeting, in his book The No-Guilt Guide for Witnessing-George Mueller

George Sweeting, in his book The No-Guilt Guide for Witnessing-George Mueller George Sweeting, in his book The No-Guilt Guide for Witnessing, tells of a man by the name of John Currier who in 1949 was found guilty of murder and sentenced to life in prison. Later he was transferred and paroled to work on a […]

Prayer, an Unsheathed Sword – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer, an Unsheathed Sword – Charles Spurgeon A MAN who is going along a dark road where he knows that there are enemies, if he must be alone and has a sword with him, he carries it drawn in his hand, to let the robbers know he is ready for them. So, Christian, pray without […]

Prayer Accepted through Christ’s Intercession – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer Accepted through Christ’s Intercession – Charles Spurgeon I THINK it is Ambrose who uses a very pretty figure concerning believers’ prayers. He says we are like little children who run into the garden to gather flowers to please their father, but we are so ignorant and childish that we pluck as many weeds as […]

Prayer Accepted through Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer Accepted through Christ – Charles Spurgeon SOMETIMES poor people come to us with petitions which they wish to send to some company or great personage. They bring the petition and ask us to have it presented for them. It is very badly spelt, very queerly written, and we can but just make out what […]

Prayer, a Rational Safeguard – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer, a Rational Safeguard – Charles Spurgeon A MAN who lives habitually near to God is like a great cloud forever dropping with fertilizing showers. This is the man who can say, “The earth is dissolved; I bear up the pillars thereof.” France had never seen so bloody a revolution had there been men of […]

George MacLeod “I simply argue that the cross be raised again-George Mueller

George MacLeod “I simply argue that the cross be raised again-George Mueller George MacLeod “I simply argue that the cross be raised again at the center of the market place as well as on the steeple of the church, I am recovering the claim that Jesus was not crucified in a cathedral between two candles: […]

Prayer, A Cry – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer, A Cry – Charles Spurgeon A CRY is the most natural form of utterance. It is a natural expression made up of pain and desire for relief. A cry is the first sign of human life; as if to indicate that we are most alive when most we cry; as if a cry were […]

Prayer, A Child’s – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer, A Child’s – Charles Spurgeon I WISH we did believe in prayer: I am afraid most of us do not. People will say, “What a wonderful thing it is that God hears George Muller’s prayers!” But is it not a sad thing that we should think it wonderful for God to hear prayer? We […]

John Wesley and George Whitefield were two of the greatest preachers- George Mueller

John Wesley and George Whitefield were two of the greatest preachers- George Mueller John Wesley and George Whitefield were two of the greatest preachers of the 18th Century. They became close friends while attending college at Oxford, but their theological differences eventually caused them to drift apart. In fact, there was quite a bit of […]

Praise of Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Praise of Christ – Charles Spurgeon WE take into reckoning whenever we do honor to a prince all that he may have done for the nation over which he rules. What, then, has Jesus done for us? Rather let me say what has he not done? Upon his shoulders were laid our sins; he carried […]

Praise, to be Whole-hearted – Charles Spurgeon

Praise, to be Whole-hearted – Charles Spurgeon LOOK at the very birds on earth how they shame us! Dear little creatures, if you watch them when they are singing, you will sometimes wonder how so much sound can come out of such diminutive bodies. How they throw their whole selves into the music, and seem […]

 Praise to be Personal – Charles Spurgeon 

Praise to be Personal – Charles Spurgeon “BLESS the Lord, O my soul,” let the true Ego praise him, the essential I, the vital personality, the soul of my soul, the life of my life! Let me be true to the core to my God; let that which is most truly my own vitality spend […]

Praise to be Incessant – Charles Spurgeon

Praise to be Incessant – Charles Spurgeon IT is much to be desired that all day long, in every avocation, and every recreation, the soul should spontaneously pour forth praise, even as birds sing, and flowers perfume the air, and sunbeams cheer the earth. We would be incarnate psalmody, praise enshrined in flesh and blood. […]

ALWAYS ASSUME THE SAFEST POSITION – George Adam Smith tells us-George Mueller

ALWAYS ASSUME THE SAFEST POSITION – George Adam Smith tells us-George Mueller ALWAYS ASSUME THE SAFEST POSITION – George Adam Smith tells us that he was once climbing the Weisshorn above the Zermatt Valley with two guides on a stormy day. They had made the ascent on the sheltered side. Reaching the top, and exhilarated […]

Praise, The Universal Employment – Charles Spurgeon

Praise, The Universal Employment – Charles Spurgeon MAY I ask you, beloved friends, now to recollect what God has done for you? Thread the jewels of his grace upon the thread of memory, and hang them about the neck of praise. Can you count the leaves of the forest in autumn, or number the small […]

 Praise, The Time for – Charles Spurgeon

Praise, The Time for – Charles Spurgeon GET your holy-praise work done before affliction mars the tune. Fill the air with music while you can. While yet there is bread upon the table, sing, though famine may threaten: while yet the child runs laughing about the house, while yet the flush of health is in […]

A man named Mr. Jenner stood on a George Street in Sydney-George Mueller

A man named Mr. Jenner stood on a George Street in Sydney-George Mueller A man named Mr. Jenner stood on a George Street in Sydney, Australia, and asked people where they would spend eternity. 1. British pastor, Francis Dickson, found nine people from five countries who were led to Christ by Mr. Jenner. 2. When […]

Praise, Soul to be engaged in – Charles Spurgeon

Praise, Soul to be engaged in – Charles Spurgeon I AM afraid that where organs, choirs, and singing men and singing women are left to do the praise of the congregation, men’s minds are more occupied with the due performance of the music than with the Lord, who alone is to be praised. God’s house […]

Praise, Putting on the Garment of – Charles Spurgeon

Praise, Putting on the Garment of – Charles Spurgeon O YOU mourning saints, you have been putting on your sackcloth today, and you arranged it so carefully, for there is a kind of foppery about grief that makes it strew its ashes with deliberation. O sirs, could you not have spent some of your time […]

Praise, Garment of – Charles Spurgeon

Praise, Garment of – Charles Spurgeon “THE garment of praise,” what a dress is this! Speak of wrought gold, or fine linen, or needlework of divers colors, or taffeta, or damasks, or gorgeous silks, most rich and rare, which come from far-off lands—where is anything compared with the “garment of praise”? When a man wraps […]

Praise, a Daily Employment – Charles Spurgeon

Praise, a Daily Employment – Charles Spurgeon WE ought to spend at least a little time every day in adoring contemplation. Our private devotions are scarcely complete if they consist altogether of prayer. Should there not be praise? If possible, during each day, sing a hymn. Perhaps you are not in a position to sing […]

Popery, Prevalence of – Charles Spurgeon

Popery, Prevalence of – Charles Spurgeon NOT many streets from the house in which we are assembled you may have your candles, and your incense, and your copes, and your albs, with all the other pomps and vanities of the detestable idolatry of Rome. That Romanism against which Latimer bore testimony at the stake has […]

Policy v. Principle – Charles Spurgeon

Policy v. Principle – Charles Spurgeon NOW, brethren, I have almost always noticed that those persons who temporize, or attempt to find out a policy of going between, and doing as little wrong as possible, but still just a little, always blunder out of one ditch into another, and their whole life is a life […]

George Washington Carver had always dreamed of getting an education-George Mueller

George Washington Carver had always dreamed of getting an education-George Mueller George Washington Carver had always dreamed of getting an education. There was one thing standing in his way. He was born black in a country and at a time when whites oppressed black people. When George Carver reached the age of twenty he was […]

John Wesley and George Whitefield – the two great preachers-George Mueller

John Wesley and George Whitefield – the two great preachers-George Mueller John Wesley and George Whitefield – the two great preachers of the 18th Century Evangelical Revival – were both great men of God. Sadly having been great friends at Oxford, they fell out over the Arminian/Calvinist debate. There was quite a bit of animosity […]

A recent survey by George Gallup Jr. revealed a startling-George Mueller

A recent survey by George Gallup Jr. revealed a startling-George Mueller A recent survey by George Gallup Jr. revealed a startling trend in our culture. According to Gallup the evidence seems to indicate that there are no clear behavioral patterns that distinguish Christians from non-Christians in our society. We all seem to be marching to […]

Policy, Deliverance by—Only Temporary – Charles Spurgeon

Policy, Deliverance by—Only Temporary – Charles Spurgeon YOU may find a temporary deliverance from your pressing sorrow by a sinful step, but you will purchase the deliverance at an awful price, since sorrow will return to you multiplied sevenfold, and will find you naked, because your clear conscience, which was once your shield, has been […]

Policy, a False Rule of Life – Charles Spurgeon

Policy, a False Rule of Life – Charles Spurgeon THE man who lives by policy is like a sailor in a gusty day, or who has a foul wind against him, and must tack about to reach first this point and then the other, and makes but slow progress after all in the direction which […]

George Bernard Shaw is perhaps most renowned as a free thinker-George Mueller

George Bernard Shaw is perhaps most renowned as a free thinker-George Mueller George Bernard Shaw is perhaps most renowned as a free thinker and liberal philosopher. In his last writings we read, “The science to which I pinned my faith is bankrupt. Its counsels, which should have established the millennium, led, instead, directly to the […]

Pillar of Cloud, the Protection of God’s People – Charles Spurgeon

Pillar of Cloud, the Protection of God’s People – Charles Spurgeon I DO not think of the pillar of cloud as being simply a column of smoke arising from the center of the Tabernacle; it was such, but besides that it covered the whole camp as a vast canopy or pavilion, so that in the […]

Philosophy and Christianity – Charles Spurgeon

Philosophy and Christianity – Charles Spurgeon THERE have been various dynasties of thought: at one time Plato reigned supreme over thoughtful minds; then Aristotle held a long and rigid rule—he so ruled and governed the entire universe of mind that even the Christian religion was continually infected and tainted by his philosophical speculations; but another […]

Persuaded, Almost – Charles Spurgeon

Persuaded, Almost – Charles Spurgeon A PERSON has rebelled against the government: in hot haste he has taken side with the rioters, but he is afterwards very sorry for it, and he asks that he may be forgiven; let mercy have free course. But another offender has been reasoned with, he has been shown the […]

How Mosaics Evangelize: Researcher George Barna-George Mueller

How Mosaics Evangelize: Researcher George Barna-George Mueller How Mosaics Evangelize: Researcher George Barna says recent Barna Group research finds that Mosaics (adolescents through 20’s) are much more likely to share their faith through ongoing discussions with friends and through e-mail and instant message conversations than older adults. He advises evangelistic ministries and churches to enable […]

Personal Consecration – Charles Spurgeon

Personal Consecration – Charles Spurgeon DO you not know that all God’s people are priests? These lying priests now-a-days put on their gaudy trappings like the priests of Baal, and come forward and say, “We are priests.” Priests of Dagon, priests of Baal, priests of Hell, but not God’s priests. God’s priests are those who […]

Why Christian Lifestyles Aren’t Different: George Barna-George Mueller

Why Christian Lifestyles Aren’t Different: George Barna-George Mueller Why Christian Lifestyles Aren’t Different: George Barna, researcher and author of the book, Transforming Children Into Spiritual Champions, says, “For years we have reported research findings showing that born again adults think and behave very much like everyone else. It often seems that their faith makes very […]

Persecution, Usefulness of – Charles Spurgeon

Persecution, Usefulness of – Charles Spurgeon ONE might almost sigh for a brush of persecution to wake some of you up! Just a little salt cast here and there to make some of the sore places smart! Surely we go to sleep unless the whip be now and then laid on. A stake or two […]

Persecution Sifting the Church – Charles Spurgeon

Persecution Sifting the Church – Charles Spurgeon SURELY the blood of saints, shed for the testimony of Jesus, might have filled the Mediterranean to its brim. I know not whether every drop of the Atlantic ocean might not have been incarminated if the warm blood of all the martyrs had been poured into its all […]

The story of George C. Wallace sounds like something-George Mueller

The story of George C. Wallace sounds like something-George Mueller The story of George C. Wallace sounds like something from Paul Harvey’s “The Rest of the Story.” It comes in two parts: the sad, earlier life and the hard but hopeful latter life. A dramatic and tragic event in the middle brought life-changing consequences for […]

Perfection, Human—Unattainable – Charles Spurgeon

Perfection, Human—Unattainable – Charles Spurgeon WHENEVER I meet with a person who feels that he is perfect, I conceive at once that he has not yet attained even a remote conception of what true perfection must be. The savage of Australia is satisfied with his weapons of war so long as he has never seen […]

Perfection, the Christian’s Aim – Charles Spurgeon

Perfection, the Christian’s Aim – Charles Spurgeon ALTHOUGH a young artist, when he starts in his work, dare not hope that he shall come up to Praxiteles in sculpture, or to Apelles in painting; yet were he to set before himself anything short of the highest standard, he would not be likely to attain honor […]

People, Triumph of the Gospel among the – Charles Spurgeon

People, Triumph of the Gospel among the – Charles Spurgeon IN the old days of persecution and of burning, who were the men that played the man most nobly at the stake? Here and there a bishop and a noble did so, but the rank and file of the heroes were from the poor or […]

Peculiarities to be used for God – Charles Spurgeon

Peculiarities to be used for God – Charles Spurgeon SOME of us have a vein of humor, and though we try to keep it under restraint it will peep out. What then? Why, let us make it bear the Lord’s yoke. This faculty is not necessarily common or unclean: let it be made a hewer […]

Peace, None with Sin – Charles Spurgeon

Peace, None with Sin – Charles Spurgeon OH! those blessed tempests! Do not give me calm weather when the air is still and heavy, and when lethargy is creeping over one’s spirit. Lord, send a hurricane, give us a little stormy weather: when the lightning flashes and the thunder rolls, then God’s servants know that […]

George Duncan once went to visit some friends in the English countryside-George Mueller

George Duncan once went to visit some friends in the English countryside-George Mueller George Duncan once went to visit some friends in the English countryside. For years they had lived in an old-fashioned, rundown building. To Mr. Duncan’s surprise, he discovered that the house had been completely remodeled. The people had installed new lights, an […]

Peace between Christians to be sought – Charles Spurgeon

Peace between Christians to be sought – Charles Spurgeon IN the best church there will always be some falling leaves. Somebody gets out at the elbow with another brother. We are not any of us perfect. We get on far more than reasonably well with one another, as a church. I never saw any church […]

Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh – Charles Spurgeon

Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh – Charles Spurgeon PAUL had a secret grief somewhere, I know not where, but near his heart, continually, wherever he might be, irritating him; perpetually vexing him and wounding him. A thorn, a commonplace thing, such as might grow in any field, and fall to any man’s lot. Thorns are […]

George Gallup States, “This Is The Most Crucial – George Mueller

George Gallup States, “This Is The Most Crucial – George Mueller George Gallup states, “This is the most crucial decade in history. Designer, a la carte religion flourishes as traditional Christianity is undermined by counterfeits.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Paul, Purpose of God in sending – Charles Spurgeon

Paul, Purpose of God in sending – Charles Spurgeon LOOK the whole Bible through, and you will find that the revelation is always congruous to the person to whom it is given. You do not find Ezekiel blessed with a revelation like that of Isaiah. Ezekiel is all imagination, therefore he must soar on the […]

The Secret to Revival

The Secret to Revival Evangelist Gypsy Smith, was asked what the secret of revival is. He said, “Go home. Take a piece of chalk. Draw a circle around yourself. Then pray, ‘O Lord, revive everything inside this circle.’” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

2 Oranges and an Agnostic

2 Oranges and an Agnostic While crossing the Atlantic on an ocean liner, F.B. Meyer was asked to address the first class passengers. At the captain’s request he spoke on “Answered Prayer .” An agnostic who was present at the service was asked by his friends, “What did you think of Dr. Meyer’s sermon?” He […]

Quotes on Prayer

Quotes on Prayer “I’d rather be able to pray than be a great preacher; Jesus Christ never taught His disciples how to preach, but only how to pray.” “There is more that you can do after you pray, but there is nothing you can do until you pray.”“The prayer power has never been tried to […]

Giving Thanks for the Meal

Giving Thanks for the Meal A visiting farmer stopped at a city restaurant to eat lunch. When he was served his food he bowed his head and gave thanks to the Lord. Some teenagers sitting at a nearby table noticed the farmer’s prayer and shouted, “Hey, pops, back where you come from does everybody pray […]

Striving to Please the Master

Striving to Please the Master A story is told of a famous violinist who was to perform at a concert hall of world renown. As he stood before the packed house that night and played his violin, he mesmerized the audience with his prowess and skill. As he lifted his bow off the string on […]

Giving Thanks in Trials

Giving Thanks in Trials A. J. Jacobs is the acclaimed author best known for completely immersing himself in his research. He read an entire set of Encyclopedia Britannica for his book The Know-It-All and spent another year living like an Old Testament Hebrew. Among his unique quests, he once embraced the original version of Thanksgiving. He came […]

He Wished He Had Praised More

He Wished He Had Praised More The Duke of Wellington, the British military leader who defeated Napoleon at Waterloo, was not an easy man to serve under. He was brilliant, demanding, and not one to shower his subordinates with compliments. Yet even Wellington realized that his methods left something to be desired. In his old […]

Stopping God’s Ear

Stopping God’s Ear Our God is a holy God and prayer is the vehicle that God has given us to approach Him. Indeed, prayer offered by a Christian harboring sin is akin to a plane without wings, a car without wheels or a boat without a rudder. Make no mistake about it—God wants to hear […]

Stranger to Power

Stranger to Power Why is our walk with God sometimes a crawl with God?  Why the lack of passion for our Saviour who gave His all for us? Why the lack of victory over sin in the average Christian’s life? Why the lack of power to shake this world for Christ? The words of Billy […]

The Greatness of a Man’s Power Is the Measure of His Surrender

The Greatness of a Man’s Power Is the Measure of His Surrender When J. Wilbur Chapman was in London, he had an opportunity to meet General Booth, who at that time was past eighty years of age. Dr. Chapman listened reverently as the old general spoke of the trials and the conflicts and the victories. […]

What Prayer Does

What Prayer Does What various hindrances we meetIn coming to a mercy seat!Yet who that knows the worth of prayer,But wishes to be often there? Prayer makes the darken’d cloud withdraw,Prayer climbs the ladder Jacob saw,Gives exercise to faith and love,Brings every blessing from above. Restraining prayer, we cease to fight;Prayer makes the Christian’s armour […]

The Power of Words

The Power of Words A careless word may kindle strife,A cruel word may wreck a life, A bitter word may hate instill,A brutal word may smite and kill, A gracious word may smooth the way,A joyous word may light the day, A timely word may lessen stress,A loving word may heal and bless. Facebook Twitter […]

Satan Deceives

Satan Deceives The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.An evil soul producing holy witnessIs like a villain with a smiling cheek,A goodly apple rotten at the heart:O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath! Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Searching for a Vessel

Searching for a Vessel The Master was searching for a vessel to use;On the shelf there were many—which one would He choose?Take me, cried the gold one, I’m shiny and bright,I’m of great value and I do things just right.My beauty and luster will outshine the restAnd for someone like You, Master, gold would be […]

Too Busy To Pray

Too Busy To Pray I got up early one morning and rushed right into the day!I had so much to accomplish that I didn’t take time to pray. Problems just tumbled about me, and heavier came each task.“Why doesn’t God help me?” I wondered, He answered, “You didn’t ask!” I tried to come into God’s […]

Logic of a County Worker

Logic of a County Worker Farmer Jack watched two men park their county truck on the side of the road. One man got out and dug a hole, then moved a few feet and dug another. The other man followed, filling in each hole. The farmer called, “What’s going on with all the digging?” “We work for […]

Sharpening the Ax

Sharpening the Ax One man challenged another to an all-day wood chopping contest. The challenger worked very hard, stopping only for a brief lunch break. The other man had a leisurely lunch and took several breaks during the day. At the end of the day, the challenger was surprised and annoyed to find that the other fellow had […]

Satan’s Promises

Satan’s Promises Satan promises the best, but pays with the worst;He promises honor and pays with disgrace;He promises pleasure and pays with pain;He promises profit and pays with loss;He promises life and pays with death. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Low Self Esteem

Low Self Esteem In 2004, Dove commissioned a study that interviewed women around the globe asking them what they thought about beauty. Only 2% of the women described themselves as beautiful. A companion article quoted Angelina Jolie as saying, “I struggle with low-self esteem all the time. I think everyone does. I have so much […]

Self Made Prisoner

Self Made Prisoner A Japanese soldier by the name of Shoichi Yokoi lived in a cave on the island of Guam to which he fled in 1944 when the tides of war began to change. Fearing for his life, this man stayed hidden for twenty-eight years in the jungle cave, coming out only at night. […]

An Object Lesson of Imputation

An Object Lesson of Imputation If we look through a piece of red glass, everything is red; through blue glass, everything is blue; through yellow glass, everything is yellow, and so on. The glorious truth is that when we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour, God looks at us through the Lord […]

Broken Nose Results in Lifetime Membership

Broken Nose Results in Lifetime Membership A high-school boy in New York City broke his nose. He was excused from school in order to go to a clinic to have it treated. After having his nose treated, he went to the Bronx Zoo. As he walked through the turnstile, he was immediately surrounded by officials […]

What Think Ye of Christ?

What Think Ye of Christ? A big lump of something lay for centuries in a shallow pool in North Carolina. People passing by just saw an ugly lump and walked on. One day a poor man saw the heavy lump, and thinking it would be a good thing to hold his door open, took it […]

You Find What You Look For

You Find What You Look For Both the hummingbird and the vulture fly over our nation’s deserts. All vultures see is rotting meat, because that is what they look for. They thrive on that diet. But hummingbirds ignore the smelly flesh of dead animals. Instead, they look for the colorful blossoms of desert plants. Vultures […]

What Sin Is

What Sin Is Man calls it an accident; God calls it an abomination. Man calls it a blunder; God calls it blindness. Man calls it a chance; God calls it a choice. Man calls it an error; God calls it an enmity. Man calls it a fascination; God calls it a fatality. Man calls it […]

Why Bubble Gum Is Pink

Why Bubble Gum Is Pink Ask anyone about the color of bubble gum and they’ll invariably say “pink.”  In 1928, Walter Diemer accidentally created the first successful batch of bubble gum while playing around with different recipes. He made it pink because, at the time, that was the only food coloring available in the factory. […]

The Cushion of the Sea

The Cushion of the Sea A submarine was being tested and had to remain submerged for many hours. When it returned to the harbor, the captain was asked, “How did the terrible storm last night affect you?” The officer looked at him in surprise and exclaimed, “Storm? We didn’t even know there was one!” The […]

Mistaken Identity

Mistaken Identity A lady arranged the cremation of a body she believed was her son. He turned up alive the next day. Greater Manchester Police said the confusion began when the body of a man in his 30s was discovered in Manchester, northwest England, on Oct. 12. He was identified as Thomas Dennison, 39, by […]

Religious Art Is Banned from School

Religious Art Is Banned from School School officials in Bloomingdale, Michigan lost a 2 1/2-year fight in May, 1995 to keep a painting of Jesus in a high school hall way, where it had hung for 30 years. The U.S. Supreme Court let a lower court ruling stand that said the art has, “A proselytizing, […]

The View Is up to You

The View Is up to You The story is told of two men who shared a hospital room. One man was by the window, and the other was by the hall. The man by the hall was angry because he wasn’t by the window. The man by the window would cheerfully relate to the other […]

Your Attitude Changes You

Your Attitude Changes You Psychologists at the University of Cardiff in Wales found that people whose frown muscles were deadened with Botox were happier and less anxious than those whose muscles were not treated. The Journal of Pain May 2008 issue reported on a study which showed that people who grimace during uncomfortable procedures actually feel more […]

He Chose to Be Happy

He Chose to Be Happy Prentice Henderson lived to be 100. He lived through the Great Depression, fought in World War II, and buried his wife. He did not retire until he was in his 70s, and he taught Sunday School to 7th-grade boys for over 30 years at First Baptist Church. He had a […]

How People Spend Their Lives

How People Spend Their Lives Someone has calculated how a typical lifespan of 70 years is spent. Here is the estimate: Sleep—23 years—32.9% Work—16 years—22.8% TV—8 years—11.4% Eating—6 years—8.6% Travel—6 years—8.6% Leisure—4.5 years—6.5% Illness—4 years—5.7% Dressing—2 years—2.8% Religion—0.5 years—0.7% Total—70 years Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Use the Right Measuring Stick

Use the Right Measuring Stick A self-righteous man once boasted to a Christian friend of his, “You know, John, I’m not such a bad fellow. There are many worse than I!” His friend replied, “Ivor, you are measuring yourself by the wrong standard. You measure yourself by the harlots and drunkards you see on Skid […]

Small Sins

Small Sins A man who walked from New York City to San Francisco was asked what his biggest hurdle was. He said that the toughest part of the trip wasn’t traversing the steep slopes of the mountains or crossing hot, barren stretches of desert. He said, “The thing that came the closest to defeating me […]

Hold the Fort

Hold the Fort In October, 1864, just before General Sherman commenced his famous march to the sea, while his army lay camped in the neighborhood of Atlanta, the army of Hood, in a carefully prepared movement, passed the right flank of Sherman’s army, and gaining his rear, commenced the destruction of the railroad leading north, […]

Trials Have a Purpose

Trials Have a Purpose Gold is one of the most valuable materials on earth. It has been used for centuries as money, but it also has many uses in industry, manufacturing, and even space flight. One of the traits that makes gold so useful is that it can be shaped and formed so easily. In […]

The Difference between an Obstacle and an Opportunity

The Difference between an Obstacle and an Opportunity “What is the difference between an obstacle and an opportunity? Our attitude toward it. Every opportunity has a difficulty, and every difficulty has an opportunity.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Responding to the Wind

Responding to the Wind “The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Why the Grass Looks Greener on the Other Side

Why the Grass Looks Greener on the Other Side In her column, Ask Marilyn, Marilyn vos Savant gave an interesting perspective on contentment. One reader wrote in about a unique experiment she had conducted after being dissatisfied that her neighbor’s yard looked better than her own. She did what few have done and walked next door to […]

Peace Comes from Following Christ

Peace Comes from Following Christ Thousands of people each year visit the Winchester Mansion in San Jose, California. This massive structure was built by Sarah Winchester, the widow of the gun company owner. For thirty-eight years, from 1884 until her death in 1922, the house was under constant construction. Teams of carpenters, masons and other […]

God Gives Safety

God Gives Safety On August 13, 2004, Hurricane Charley brought fierce destruction to areas of Florida. During the storm, 25-year-old Danny Williams went outside to seek protection under the branches of a 55-year old banyan tree. Friends and family said that the protective branches of the spreading tree had been a favorite peaceful place for […]

Patience under Trial – Charles Spurgeon

Patience under Trial – Charles Spurgeon WHEN one’s flesh and bones are full of aches and pains, it is as natural for us to murmur as for a horse to shake his head when the flies tease him, or a wheel to rattle when a spoke is loose; but nature should not be the rule […]

All 50 States Acknowledge God in Their State Constitutions

All 50 States Acknowledge God in Their State Constitutions Here are excerpts from all fifty state constitutions: Alabama“We the people of the State of Alabama, invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God, do ordain and establish the following Constitution.” Alaska“We, the people of Alaska, grateful to God and to those who founded our nation […]

Pardon, The Moment of—Joyful – Charles Spurgeon

Pardon, The Moment of—Joyful – Charles Spurgeon I SHALL never forget when my iniquity was removed; it was indeed in one single moment. Wretched I was, and more; my sins terrified, alarmed me, they haunted me day and night, they made me to sit on the doorstep of Hell; but how changed was the scene […]

Patriotism Survey

Patriotism Survey When asked how well the word patriotic describes them, the following percentages of Americans answered “very well”:Of all respondents: 53%Men: 57%Women: 49%Ages 18-34: 35%Ages 35-49: 44%Ages 50-59: 67%Ages 60+: 77% Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Paper Religion – Charles Spurgeon

Paper Religion – Charles Spurgeon YOU know very well how bad it is for trade when there is a great quantity of paper money about, and not enough sterling bullion to back it up with; there is sure to come a panic and a crash. I am afraid that the Christian church issues a great […]

He Gave for Us

He Gave for Us A chaplain was ministering to a soldier in the hospital and said, “You have lost an arm in the great cause.” The soldier replied, “I didn’t lose it—I gave it.” Jesus did not lose His life either. He willingly gave it for us so we could be reconciled to God. Facebook […]

Outward and Inward Religion – Charles Spurgeon

Outward and Inward Religion – Charles Spurgeon ALL the costly gifts cast into the treasury are valuable chiefly as representing an inner spirit of devotion, and of self-consecration. They may exist as outward acts without the living spirit which gives them value in God’s eyes. We need therefore to cultivate the soul, and to see […]

Ordination, the True – Charles Spurgeon

Ordination, the True – Charles Spurgeon THE Puseyite mind utterly fails to fathom the depth of horror which is contained in the idea of an unauthorized man preaching, and a man out of the apostolical succession daring to teach the way of salvation. To me this horror seems very like a schoolboy’s fright at a […]

A Godly Government

A Godly Government After decades of service to his country in both war and peace, George Washington completed his second term as president. In his Farewell Address to the nation he wrote: “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim […]

Oracle, Divine—Simplicity of the – Charles Spurgeon

Oracle, Divine—Simplicity of the – Charles Spurgeon I HAVE been amazed in times of difficulties to see how plain the oracle is. You have asked friends, and they could not advise you; but you have gone to your knees, and God has told you. You have questioned, and you have puzzled, and you have tried […]

I Give You the Flag

I Give You the Flag Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the flagThat flew over valley forgeWas torn in two by the gray and blueAnd bled through two world wars. I give you the flag that burned in the streetIn protest, in anger and shame,The very same flag that covered the menWho died defending her […]

Quotes on Liberty

Quotes on Liberty “The Constitution was never meant to prevent people from praying; its declared purpose was to protect their freedom to pray.”—Ronald Reagan “Liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it, derived from our Maker. But if we had not, our fathers have earned and bought it for us, […]

Quotes for Memorial Day

Quotes for Memorial Day “However horrible the incidents of war may be, the soldier who is called upon to offer and to give his life for his country is the noblest development of mankind.” — Douglas MacArthur “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in […]

Omnipotence of Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Omnipotence of Christ – Charles Spurgeon THERE are no ebbs and flows with Christ’s power. Omnipotence is in the hand that once was pierced, permanently abiding there. Oh, if we could but rouse it; if we could but bring the Captain of the host to the field again, to fight for his church, to work […]

Obstinacy – Charles Spurgeon

Obstinacy – Charles Spurgeon THERE’S a queer chap in our village who keeps a bulldog, and he tells me that when the creature once gives a bite at anything he never lets go again, and if you want to get it out of his mouth you must cut his head off; that’s the sort of […]

Stay Away from the Edge

Stay Away from the Edge The story is told about a stage coach company was hiring teamsters to drive its stage coaches through a mountainous area. The local office manager had advertised for the position and people began to apply for the job. As they were interviewed, the boss asked each applicant, “How close can […]

Non-essentials – Charles Spurgeon

Non-essentials – Charles Spurgeon IT behooves Christians to have done with that cant about non-essentials. My brethren, every command of Christ is essential to us as servants. Not essential to our salvation—we are saved; that is not the question for us to raise; but being saved, and being servants of Christ, every command which comes […]

The Top Three New Year’s Resolutions in 2008

The Top Three New Year’s Resolutions in 2008 The top three New Year’s resolutions for men in 2008 were:1. Stop smoking2. Spend less money3. Lose weight The top three New Year’s resolutions for women in 2008 were:1. Lose weight2. Be a better person3. Stop smoking Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

I Am the New Year

I Am the New Year I am the New Year. I am an unspoiled page in your book of time. I am your next chance at the art of living. I am your opportunity to practice what you have learned about life during the last twelve months. All that you sought and didn’t find is […]

The Effects of Music

The Effects of Music Researchers have found that teenagers who listen to raunchy, sex-filled lyrics are more likely to indulge in early sexual activity than their counterparts who don’t. In 2001, the researchers surveyed 1,461 teenagers between the ages of 12 and 17 (Rutgers University). Most of the participants were virgins at the beginning of […]

Nobility, The True Heavenly – Charles Spurgeon

Nobility, The True Heavenly – Charles Spurgeon BRING hither the poorest peasant; let her, if you will, be an aged woman, wrinkled and haggard with years; let her be ignorant of all learning: but let me know that in her there is faith in Christ, and that consequently the Holy Spirit dwells within her, I […]

We Must Share the Gospel

We Must Share the Gospel Fritz Kreisler (1875-1962), the world-famous violinist, earned a fortune with his concerts and compositions, but he generously gave most of it away. So, when he discovered an exquisite violin on one of his trips, he wasn’t able to buy it. Later, having raised enough money to meet the asking price, […]

New Birth, Necessity of – Charles Spurgeon

New Birth, Necessity of – Charles Spurgeon I WAS staying one day at an inn in one of the valleys of Northern Italy, where the floor was dreadfully dirty. I had it in my mind to advise the landlady to scrub it, but when I perceived that it was made of mud I reflected that […]

Neutrality, None in Religion – Charles Spurgeon

Neutrality, None in Religion – Charles Spurgeon YOU either belong to God or else you belong to his enemy. You are either bought with precious blood or else you are still a bond-slave of Satan. Which are you? If it were possible to dwell in an intermediate state this might be a puzzling inquiry; but […]

Neglect of Souls – Charles Spurgeon

Neglect of Souls – Charles Spurgeon SEE yonder poor wretches whose ship has gone down at sea; they have constructed a poor tottering raft, and have been swimming on it for days. Their supply of bread and water is exhausted, and they are famishing; they have bound a handkerchief to a pole and hoisted it, […]

Neediness of Men – Charles Spurgeon

Neediness of Men – Charles Spurgeon WE never wake up in the morning but we want strength for the day, and we never go to bed at night without needing grace to cover the sins of the past. We are needy at all periods of life: when we begin with Christ in our young days […]

Needful, the One Thing – Charles Spurgeon

Needful, the One Thing – Charles Spurgeon SITTING at Jesus’ feet, that is the first and only necessity. Now, I see all around me a crowd of things alluring and fascinating. Pleasure calls to me; I hear her syren song—but I reply, “I cannot regard you, for necessity presses upon me to hearken to another […]

Nearness to God – Charles Spurgeon

Nearness to God – Charles Spurgeon YOU have seen a little child when it is greatly pleased with a gift from its mother’s hand; it says but little by way of gratitude, but it falls to kissing its mother at a vehement rate, as though it never could be done. Such drawing near in love […]

Nature of the Sinner, Evil Bias of – Charles Spurgeon

Nature of the Sinner, Evil Bias of – Charles Spurgeon EVEN as the bowl from the player’s hand, however straightly it runs for awhile, before long begins to curve according to the bias, even so under all circumstances we tend towards evil. To our nature to do evil is easy, to do good is difficult. […]

Nature, Wonders of – Charles Spurgeon

Nature, Wonders of – Charles Spurgeon WHEN we have watched those who practice sleight-of-hand perform their feats, we have marveled greatly, but what are a few poor conjuring tricks when compared with the ordinary, but yet matchless, processes of nature? Our fields and hedge-rows team with marvels never equaled by all the wisdom and skill […]

Nature, No Inclination in—To Seek God – Charles Spurgeon

Nature, No Inclination in—To Seek God – Charles Spurgeon THE first step towards ending the separation between the prodigal son and his father is taken by the father, not by the son. Midnight never seeks the sun; long would it be before darkness found within itself the germs of light; long ages might revolve before […]

Natural Depravity – Charles Spurgeon

Natural Depravity – Charles Spurgeon YOU never need educate any man into sin. As soon as ever the young crocodile has left its shell it begins to act just like its parent, and to bite at the stick which broke the shell. The serpent is scarcely born before it rears itself and begins to hiss. […]

Nations and Churches, Cause of their Fall – Charles Spurgeon

Nations and Churches, Cause of their Fall – Charles Spurgeon ANY church of God from which the Spirit has departed becomes very like that great empire with whose military glory the world was dazzled, and whose strength made the nations tremble. France, mistress of arms, queen of beauty, arbiter of politics, how soon has she […]

National Church, Exposure of its Weakness – Charles Spurgeon

National Church, Exposure of its Weakness – Charles Spurgeon IT is miserably amusing to mark the way in which our so-called National Church tries to win men to God. It has recently been stated that in seven of the leading Ritualistic churches in London the subscriptions to foreign missions only reached the sum of £7 […]

Nation, English—God’s Care of the – Charles Spurgeon

Nation, English—God’s Care of the – Charles Spurgeon THE events of English history are not less stirring than the annals of Judah and Israel. What a theme for a master singer would be the defeat of the proud Spanish Armada, or the frustration of Rome’s knavish tricks on November the fifth, or the gallant fights […]

Name of Jesus, Preciousness of – Charles Spurgeon

Name of Jesus, Preciousness of – Charles Spurgeon I WILL defy any man to hold together a large congregation, year after year, with any other subject but Jesus Christ. He might do it for a time; he might charm the ear with the discoveries of science, or with the beauties of poetry, and his oratory […]

Mysteries of Theology Solved only by God – Charles Spurgeon

Mysteries of Theology Solved only by God – Charles Spurgeon CERTAIN minds are very prone to contemplations upon themes more puzzling than profitable, such as predestination and free will. We have all of us, I suppose, picked at that Gordian knot in our time, and we have been vain enough to hope to untie it; […]

Motto for Life – Charles Spurgeon

Motto for Life – Charles Spurgeon WHILE you live let this be your motto—”All for Jesus, all for Jesus; all for the man of sorrows, all for the man of sorrows!” O you that love him, and fight for him, you are summoned to the front. Hasten to the conflict, I pray you, and charge […]

Moses, Solitude of – Charles Spurgeon

Moses, Solitude of – Charles Spurgeon I SUPPOSE every person who is called to serve God in a remarkable manner, or to suffer for him in a particular way, must have noticed the solitariness of his own life. Do not tell me about solitude being only in the wilderness; a man may have plenty of […]

Rock Music Destroys Your Brain

Rock Music Destroys Your Brain David Merrell conducted an experiment in which he timed seventy-two mice running through a maze. He divided the mice into three groups and let each mouse run through the maze (establishing an average time of ten minutes). He then left one group alone, played classical music to one group, and […]

Mortality, Reminders of – Charles Spurgeon

Mortality, Reminders of – Charles Spurgeon THE whole of nature around us helps us to recollect that we are mortal. Look at the year. It is born amid the songs of birds and the beauty of upspringing flowers, it comes to its ripeness and luscious fruits and shouts of harvest home; but anon the old […]

Morality, not Saving – Charles Spurgeon

Morality, not Saving – Charles Spurgeon TO save the moral needs divine grace as certainly as to save the immoral. If you be lost, my dear hearer, it will be small avail to you that you perished respectably, and were accursed in decent company: if you lack but one thing, yet if the deficiency be […]

Moralist, Description of a – Charles Spurgeon

Moralist, Description of a – Charles Spurgeon I TELL you, moralist, what you are; you are a corpse well washed and decently laid out, daintily robed in fair white linen, sprinkled plenteously with sweet perfumes, and wrapped in myrrh, and cassia, and aloes, with flowers wreathed about your brow, and your bosom bedecked by the […]

Monotony of Life – Charles Spurgeon

Monotony of Life – Charles Spurgeon I NOTICED in a shop window last week a little invention of singular interest. A small metal wire, with a circular disc at each end, was suspended by a thread, and continued without ceasing to oscillate between two small galvanic batteries, first touching one and then the other. A […]

Mistakes, Fatal – Charles Spurgeon

Mistakes, Fatal – Charles Spurgeon DO not make mistakes about your soul’s eternal matters, for mistakes here will be fatal: be built upon the rock, and be surely built on it; do not be afraid of being shaken now, because you must be shaken before long. That silent chamber must be tenanted by you, and […]

Missionary, Honor of a – Charles Spurgeon

Missionary, Honor of a – Charles Spurgeon I SHOULD not like you, if meant by the gifts of God for a great missionary, to die a millionaire. I should not like it, were you fitted to be a missionary, that you should drivel down into a king; for what are all your kings, what are […]

Misery, the Plea of the Sinner – Charles Spurgeon

Misery, the Plea of the Sinner – Charles Spurgeon A MAN lying on the field of battle wounded, when the surgeon comes round, or the soldiers with the ambulance, does not say, “Oh, mine is a little wound,” for he knows that then they would let him lie; but he cries out, “I have been […]

The Purpose of Music

The Purpose of Music Johann Sebastian Bach said, “All music should have no other end and aim than the glory of God and the soul’s refreshment; where this is not remembered there is no real music but only a devilish hub-bub.” He headed all of his compositions: ”J. J.,” the initials for, ”Jesus Juva” which means “Jesus […]

Tension and Blessings

Tension and Blessings A typical concert piano has over 240 strings that, when tuned and tightened, create a pull of 40,000 pounds on the frame. Without the tension, there would be no beautiful music. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Music and Purity

Music and Purity In an eye-opening study, researchers have found that teenagers who listen to songs with raunchy, suggestive lyrics are more likely to lose their purity than those who do not listen to such songs. In 2001, researchers surveyed 1,461 teenagers between the ages of 12 and 17. Most of the participants were virgins at […]

Mercy Is Undeserved

Mercy Is Undeserved A mother once approached Napoleon seeking a pardon for her son. The emperor replied that the young man had committed a certain offense twice and justice demanded death. “But I don’t ask for justice,” the mother explained. “I plead for mercy.” “But your son does not deserve mercy,” Napoleon replied. “Sir,” the […]

The Mother of a Heart Surgeon

The Mother of a Heart Surgeon On April 23, 2008, Dr. Michael DeBakey received the Congressional Gold Medal for his legacy in heart surgery. President Bush said, “His legacy is holding the fragile and sacred gift of human life in his hands and returning it unbroken,” during the ceremony. Dr. DeBakey invented many medical devices […]

The Job Description of a Mother

The Job Description of a Mother Position: Mother, Mom, Mama Job description: Long term, team players needed, for challenging permanent work in an often chaotic environment. Candidates must possess excellent communication and organizational skills and be willing to work variable hours, which will include evenings, weekends, and frequent 24 hour shifts on call. Some overnight travel required, […]

She Gave Her Children

She Gave Her Children A missions director once met with the mother of one of his agency’s missionaries and spent some time getting to know her. She prepared tea for the director in her parlor and as they drank the tea, she explained to him the difficulty of having a daughter on the mission field […]

Quotes about Mothers

Quotes about Mothers “Praying mothers are America’s greatest assets.” “A mother’s lap is the best place from which to launch a life.” “She’s someone who will listen to your problems until you are bored with them.” “No one is poor who had a godly mother.” “Together is the most beautiful word in the dictionary outside […]

Myths of Motherhood

Myths of Motherhood Somebody said that a child is carried in its mother’s womb for nine months.Somebody does not know that a child is carried in its mother’s heart forever. Somebody said it takes about six weeks to get back to normal after you’ve had a baby.Somebody doesn’t know that once you’re a mother, normal […]

I Don’t Know Him

I Don’t Know Him A beautiful young mother in New York City reterned to the building in which her little infant lay asleep and was appalled to see the building in flames. The firemen could not restrain her and she dashed through the flames and rescued her child, but in doing so, she was so severely burned […]

A Praying Mother

A Praying Mother D. L Moody used to tell the story of a man who came to him and said, “When the Mexican war began I wanted to enlist. My mother, seeing I was resolved, said if I became a Christian I might go. She pleaded and prayed that I might become a Christian, but […]

The “Bills”

The “Bills” A torn and ragged one-dollar bill discovered that it was about to be retired from circulation. As it slowly moved along the conveyor belt to the shredder, it became acquainted and struck up a conversation with a fifty-dollar bill that was meeting the same fate. The fifty began reminiscing about its travels all […]

Famine in the Tribulation

Famine in the Tribulation The black horse spoken of in Revelation 6:5-6 forebodes death, and the pair of balances bespeaks a careful rationing of food. Normally, a “penny” (a Roman denarius, a day’s wages in Palestine in Jesus’ day, Mt. 20:2) would buy eight measures of wheat or twenty-four of barley. Under these famine conditions […]

God Owns the Cattle on a Thousand Hills

God Owns the Cattle on a Thousand Hills In its early days, Dallas Theological Seminary was in critical need of $10,000 to keep the work going. During a prayer meeting, renowned Bible teacher Harry Ironside, a lecturer at the school, prayed, “Lord, you own the cattle on a thousand hills. Please sell some of those […]

Heaven Cannot Be Earned

Heaven Cannot Be Earned In June of 2008 Phuljharia Kunwa, a rich 80-year old Indian widow, spent thousands of dollars on a feast for 100,000 people hoping it would please the gods and open the doors of heaven for her. She fed lunch to people from surrounding villages and towns for two consecutive days. She […]

Remember Your Blessings

Remember Your Blessings The story is told of an old Navajo Indian who became rich when oil was found on his property. He took all the money and put it in a bank. His banker became familiar with the habits of this old gentleman. Every so often, the Indian would show up at the bank […]

Mirth, Holy – Charles Spurgeon

Mirth, Holy – Charles Spurgeon THE priests of old were not to sully themselves with sorrow when they performed their functions, and saints who are of a higher priesthood should show forth delight in their approaches to their God. Angels sing, and why not God’s other servants, who are a little lower, and yet far […]

The Priority of Soulwinning

The Priority of Soulwinning In 1990 newspapers reported that city workers in Newport Beach, California, were sifting through two and one-half tons of trash, looking for $42,500 mistakenly discarded at the Great American Bank and hauled away by garbage trucks. That’s a significant loss of money, but it is only money. The loss of human […]

Ministry of the Apostle, Conversion the One Object of the – Charles Spurgeon

Ministry of the Apostle, Conversion the One Object of the – Charles Spurgeon IS it not very possible to work up a congregation to the highest possible state of excitement upon their bereavements, and yet after all have gained no step in advance in the direction of their eternal salvation? The deaths of the Herod […]

Time Is More Valuable Than Money

Time Is More Valuable Than Money Let’s pretend that your banker phoned you late last Friday and said he had some very good news. He told you that an anonymous donor who loves you very much has decided to deposit 86,400 pennies into your account each morning, starting the following Monday morning. That’s $864 a […]

Ministry, Living—Christ the Sum of a – Charles Spurgeon

Ministry, Living—Christ the Sum of a – Charles Spurgeon I KNOW that those ministries which consist of only fine-sounding words, climaxes, perorations, and all the florid strains and paltry tricks of play-actors, can never slake the thirst of a living soul. These are not true preachers, but mimics, who retail that empty stuff, that scum […]

What Money Will Not Buy

What Money Will Not Buy Money will buy a bed but not sleep; books but not brains; food but not appetite; finery but not beauty; a house but not a home; medicine but not health; luxuries but not culture; amusements but not happiness; religion but not salvation; a passport to everywhere but Heaven. Facebook Twitter […]

Ministry, A Searching – Charles Spurgeon

Ministry, A Searching – Charles Spurgeon EVERY true preacher of the gospel will be sure to become a spiritual detective. He may not know anything of his hearers, but in the course of his ministry he will speak as if he had entered into the very chambers of their heart, and read the secrets of […]

Ministries, Results of some – Charles Spurgeon

Ministries, Results of some – Charles Spurgeon THE final result of some ministries appears to be a Gothic chapel in the place of the less ornamental but more serviceable old meeting-house. The good man feels that he has ministered to edification as a wise master-builder, when he hears passers-by say of his new edifice, “What […]

Ministries, Rootlessness of some – Charles Spurgeon

Ministries, Rootlessness of some – Charles Spurgeon HOW many has God blessed in the ministry for a little while, or, if not in the ministry, in some other form of service? and, alas! how soon have they swollen with conceit, and have become too big for the world to hold them! Puffed up with vanity, […]

Ministries, Rejected—Condemnation in – Charles Spurgeon

Ministries, Rejected—Condemnation in – Charles Spurgeon WE cannot tell what the metal is until we get it in the fire, but the fire tries it: and if you have lain long in the white heat of an impressive gospel ministry, the love of Jesus being like coals of juniper, and yet you have never been […]

Ministers’ Commission from God – Charles Spurgeon

Ministers’ Commission from God – Charles Spurgeon A MINISTER stands trembling in the presence of a learned schoolmaster, who, with twenty schoolboys, makes an important item in a village congregation—is that a consistent condition of heart for a prophet of the Lord? A preacher is all on a quiver because a person with a white […]

Ministers to be Fearless – Charles Spurgeon

Ministers to be Fearless – Charles Spurgeon YOU are of no use in the ministry, my dear brother, if you are not quite willing to be called a fool, to be called a thief, or even to be called a devil! You will never be successful if you are afraid of being pelted. The true […]

Message to Sinners – Charles Spurgeon

Message to Sinners – Charles Spurgeon SHIPS are sometimes surrounded by a dense fog, and the mariners know not whether they are near the land or on the wide ocean—they lie becalmed, with no stir in the air, no stir in the sea; the ship has been like a lost thing, without power of motion […]

Mercy-seat, Ministers’ Familiarity with the – Charles Spurgeon

Mercy-seat, Ministers’ Familiarity with the – Charles Spurgeon AMONG all the formative influences which go to make up a man honored of God in the ministry, I know of none more mighty than his own familiarity with the mercy-seat. All that a college course can do for a student is coarse and external compared with […]

Mercy Waiting for the Sinner – Charles Spurgeon

Mercy Waiting for the Sinner – Charles Spurgeon AS I think upon some of you who are not saved, I feel something like the boy I read of in the newspapers. There were two lads on the great rocks of Lundy Island, in the Bristol Channel, looking for sea-gulls’ eggs; one of them went far […]

Mercy, Temple of – Charles Spurgeon

Mercy, Temple of – Charles Spurgeon I WOULD liken God’s mercy to a great temple which strong men have sought to overturn with their utmost might. They have labored to overturn the two great pillars whereon the house leans. The ancient temple of the Philistines stood firm enough until an unexpected hero entered it: Samson […]

Mercy, Sparing—Gratitude for – Charles Spurgeon

Mercy, Sparing—Gratitude for – Charles Spurgeon HAVE you seen those foul dungeons of Venice, which are below the water-mark of the canal, where, after winding through narrow, dark, stifling passages, you may creep into little cells in which a man can scarcely stand upright, where no ray of sunlight has ever entered since the foundations […]

Mercy, Invitation to the House of—Refused – Charles Spurgeon

Mercy, Invitation to the House of—Refused – Charles Spurgeon WHEN the dove was weary, she recollected the ark, and flew into Noah’s hand at once. Oh, you weary ones, who know the ark, why will you not fly to it? When an Israelite had slain, inadvertently, his fellow, he knew the city of refuge, he […]

Mercy, Hanging on – Charles Spurgeon

Mercy, Hanging on – Charles Spurgeon MAY not the endurance of divine grace be faintly pictured in the following scene? Out yonder, just beyond those grinding rocks, there is a vessel, rolling and tossing on the jagged granite, and evidently going to pieces. See you not the mariners clinging to the masts? It is not […]

Mercy, God’s Delight in – Charles Spurgeon

Mercy, God’s Delight in – Charles Spurgeon MERCY is God’s Benjamin, and he delights most of all in it. It is the son of his right hand, though, alas! in bringing it forth, it might well have been called the son of sorrow too, for mercy came into this world through the sorrows of the […]

Mercy, fullness of—In Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Mercy, fullness of—In Christ – Charles Spurgeon IF a sinner anywhere is saying, “God be merciful to me!” mercy has not gone out on travel, it dwells in Christ both night and day; it is there now at this moment. There is life in a look at the crucified One, not at certain canonical hours, […]

Mercy, Fullness of – Charles Spurgeon

Mercy, Fullness of – Charles Spurgeon WILL you, my fellow debtor, stand still awhile, and contemplate the abundant mercy of our blessed God! A river deep and broad is before you. Track it to its fountain head; see it welling up in the covenant of grace, in the eternal purposes of infinite wisdom. The secret […]

Mercy for Sinners – Charles Spurgeon

Mercy for Sinners – Charles Spurgeon THERE is no room for a man to be generous among yonder splendid mansions in Belgravia. Suppose a man had thousands of pounds in his pocket, and desired to give it away in charity, he would be terribly hampered amid princely palaces. If he were to knock at the […]

Mercy an Argument for Service – Charles Spurgeon

Mercy an Argument for Service – Charles Spurgeon SITTING down in the Orphanage grounds upon one of the seats, we were talking with one of our brother trustees, when a little fellow, we should think about eight years of age, left the other boys who were playing around us, and came deliberately up to us. […]

Mercies, Temporal—Sanctified by Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Mercies, Temporal—Sanctified by Christ – Charles Spurgeon TEMPORAL mercies without Christ are like ciphers without a figure; but when you have these temporal mercies, and Christ stands in front of them, oh, what an amount they make! Temporal mercies without Christ are unripe fruit; but when Christ shines upon them, they grow mellow and sweet. […]

Mercies, Unexpected – Charles Spurgeon

Mercies, Unexpected – Charles Spurgeon MUCH of the pleasantness of a journey lies in unexpected views and scenes which burst upon the traveler as he climbs a hill or descends into a dale. If he could see all at once, one long, unvariegated avenue, it would become weary walking for him; but the very freshness […]

Memories of Christ’s Dealings – Charles Spurgeon

Memories of Christ’s Dealings – Charles Spurgeon BELOVED, remember what you have heard of Christ, and what he has done for you; make your heart the golden cup to hold the rich recollections of his past loving-kindness; make it a pot of manna to preserve the heavenly bread whereon saints have fed in days gone […]

Meditation the Telescope of Faith – Charles Spurgeon

Meditation the Telescope of Faith – Charles Spurgeon MEDITATION and contemplation are often like windows of agate, and gates of carbuncle, through which we see the Redeemer. Meditation puts the telescope to the eye, and enables us to see Jesus after a better sort than we could have seen him if we had lived in […]

Medicine of Trouble – Charles Spurgeon

Medicine of Trouble – Charles Spurgeon HEIR of Heaven, your present trials are yours in the sense of medicine. You need that your soul, like your body, should be dealt with by the beloved Physician. A thousand diseases have sown their seeds within you; one evil will often bring on another, and the cure of […]

Medical Missions, Plea for – Charles Spurgeon

Medical Missions, Plea for – Charles Spurgeon OUR Lord was a medical missionary: he not only preached the gospel, but he opened the eyes of the blind, cured those who were afflicted with fevers, made the lame to leap as a deer, and the tongue of the dumb to sing. You may say that all […]

Means of Grace Valued by Humble Souls – Charles Spurgeon

Means of Grace Valued by Humble Souls – Charles Spurgeon ON foggy nights every twopenny link boy is a jewel. He is of no use in the day; we drive the urchin away; but when it is very thick and foggy, we are glad to see the blaze of his torch. When we are high […]

Masters and Servants – Charles Spurgeon

Masters and Servants – Charles Spurgeon NOW-A-DAYS people change their servants once a month, and there are some servants who stop too long even then; but it strikes me that good masters and good mistresses make good servants; and where love and kindness are shown, it will not always, nor often, be the case that […]

Martha and Mary – Charles Spurgeon

Martha and Mary – Charles Spurgeon WHEN Lazarus was dead, you will remember Martha ran to meet Christ, but Mary sat still in the house; Martha wanted her own time, Mary could take Christ’s time. So after awhile, just before our Lord’s death, we find that Mary did a grand action, she did what Martha […]

Marriage, A Model – Charles Spurgeon

Marriage, A Model – Charles Spurgeon SOMETIMES we have seen a model marriage, founded in pure love and cemented in mutual esteem. Therein the husband acts as a tender head, and the wife, as a true spouse, realizes the model marriage relation, and sets forth what our oneness with the Lord ought to be. She […]

Manhood Honored in Christ’s Humanity – Charles Spurgeon

Manhood Honored in Christ’s Humanity – Charles Spurgeon O MY soul, you do not stand now like a poor lone orphan wailing across the deep sea after your Father who has gone far away and cannot hear you; you do not now sob and sigh like an infant left naked and helpless, its Maker having […]

Man Tuned by God’s Hand – Charles Spurgeon

Man Tuned by God’s Hand – Charles Spurgeon MAN is like a harp unstrung, and the music of his soul’s living strings is discordant, his whole nature wails with sorrow; but the son of David, that mighty harper, has come to restore the harmony of humanity, and where his gracious fingers move among the strings, […]

Man before the Fall – Charles Spurgeon

Man before the Fall – Charles Spurgeon WE all should be glad enough to welcome the return of the primeval gladness of Eden, but that is not the question; it is, should we be willing to be made mentally and morally what Adam was before his sin brought disease into manhood? And what was Adam? […]

Majesty and Meekness in Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Majesty and Meekness in Christ – Charles Spurgeon LOVING-KINDNESS and tender mercy are drawn in their golden chariot by the noble steeds of omnipotence and wisdom. Heroes who have been most distinguished for fury in the fight have been tender of heart as little children; sharp were their swords to the foe, but gentle their […]

Magnifying our Troubles – Charles Spurgeon

Magnifying our Troubles – Charles Spurgeon BEING once surrounded by a dense mist on the Styhead Pass in the Lake District, we felt ourselves to be transported into a world of mystery, where everything was swollen to a size and appearance more vast, more terrible than is usual on this sober planet. A little mountain […]

Loveliness of Christ Universal – Charles Spurgeon

Loveliness of Christ Universal – Charles Spurgeon IT generally happens that to the noblest building there is an unhappy point of view from which the architecture appears at a disadvantage; the choicest piece of workmanship may not be equally complete in all directions; the best human character is deformed by one flaw, if not with […]

Loveliness of Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Loveliness of Christ – Charles Spurgeon I AM an engraver this morning, and I seek somewhat whereon I may engrave this heavenly line. Shall I take unto me ivory or silver? Shall I borrow crystal or gold? These are too common to bear this unique inscription: I put them all aside. Shall I spell my […]

Love to God the return of his Love to us – Charles Spurgeon

Love to God the return of his Love to us – Charles Spurgeon LOVE to God is like a great mountain. The majority of travelers view it from afar, or traverse the valley at its base: a few climb to a halting-place on one of its elevated spurs, whence they see a portion of its […]

Love to Christ not Unselfish – Charles Spurgeon

Love to Christ not Unselfish – Charles Spurgeon THERE are two gentlemen of equal rank in society, and the one is not at all obliged to the other; now, they, standing on an equality, can easily feel a unselfish admiration of each other’s character, and a consequent unselfish affection; but I, a poor sinner, by […]

Love to Christ Implanted by God – Charles Spurgeon

Love to Christ Implanted by God – Charles Spurgeon I ONCE knew a good woman who was the subject of many doubts, and when I got to the bottom of her doubt, it was this: she knew she loved Christ, but she was afraid he did not love her. “Oh!” I said, “that is a […]

Love of Jesus increased by Service for us – Charles Spurgeon

Love of Jesus increased by Service for us – Charles Spurgeon IT is a strange thing in human nature, that if anybody does you a kindness, you may forget him, and be ungrateful; but if you bestow a kindness on a person, you will love him and remember him. It is not the receiver generally […]

Love of God, the Fountain of Blessing – Charles Spurgeon

Love of God, the Fountain of Blessing – Charles Spurgeon IF it would be marvelous to see one river leap up from the earth full grown, what would it be to gaze upon a vast spring from which all the rivers of the earth should at once come bubbling up, a thousand of them born […]

Love of Christ to his People – Charles Spurgeon

Love of Christ to his People – Charles Spurgeon THERE is no music in the rarest sounds compared with these three syllables, which drop from the Redeemer’s lips like sweet-smelling myrrh. “Beloved!” If he had addressed but that one word to any one of us, it might create a Heaven within our soul, which neither […]

Love of Christ in our Afflictions – Charles Spurgeon

Love of Christ in our Afflictions – Charles Spurgeon THE penal result of sin Christ has exhausted; he endured it all, and now the cross that comes to you is garlanded with love, all over it is inscribed with lines of affection. I know that this is hard to be believed, especially while you are […]

Love of Christ, All-embracing – Charles Spurgeon

Love of Christ, All-embracing – Charles Spurgeon THE saints were from the beginning joined to Christ by bands of everlasting love. Before he took on him their nature, or brought them into a conscious enjoyment of himself, his heart was set upon their persons, and his soul delighted in them. Long before the worlds were […]

Love, Food of – Charles Spurgeon

Love, Food of – Charles Spurgeon THE food of love is a sense of sin, and a grateful sense of forgiveness. If you and I felt more deeply the guilt of our past lives, we should love Jesus Christ better. If we had but a clearer sense that our sins deserve the deepest Hell, that […]

Love, Christ Real to – Charles Spurgeon

Love, Christ Real to – Charles Spurgeon LOVE makes the Savior real to the heart. When I preach sometimes, and my love is cold, and my zeal is flagging, I talk about the Master as though he were but an historical personage, someone that had lived and gone; but when my heart is warm towards […]

 Love and Duty – Charles Spurgeon 

Love and Duty – Charles Spurgeon MEN will do far more from love than we might dare to ask as a matter of duty. Napoleon’s soldiers frequently achieved exploits under the influence of fervid attachment for him, which no law could have required them to attempt. Had there been cold-blooded orders issued by some domineering […]

Lost Souls, Cry of – Charles Spurgeon

Lost Souls, Cry of – Charles Spurgeon THERE was a story in the papers some time ago of a man being found dead in a ditch, who had been lying there dead for six weeks. It was said that somebody had heard a cry of “Lost, lost,” but it was dark, and he did not […]

Lost, Christ the Savior of the – Charles Spurgeon

Lost, Christ the Savior of the – Charles Spurgeon SOME whom Christ saves are lost socially. They are not mentioned in the family now. It brings such a pang to the mother’s heart, such a flush to the father’s cheek. They could not enter now into any respectable society; they are marked men and marked […]

Lord’s Supper, a Place for Song – Charles Spurgeon

Lord’s Supper, a Place for Song – Charles Spurgeon WHEN the shepherds sat down among the sheep they tuned their pipes, and warbled forth soft and sweet airs in harmony with rustic quietude. All around was calm and still; the sun was brightly shining, and the birds were making melody among the leafy branches. Shall […]

Lord’s Supper, a Means of Conversion – Charles Spurgeon

Lord’s Supper, a Means of Conversion – Charles Spurgeon HOW often within these walls has God blessed the breaking of bread to the conversion of souls! Let me refresh the memories of such. Some of you have been looking on from these galleries; you dared not come down with the people of God, but you […]

Lord’s Supper, a Bond of Union – Charles Spurgeon

Lord’s Supper, a Bond of Union – Charles Spurgeon THERE is something painful, but pleasing, when the father dies, for the children to come together at the funeral, and to go together to his grave. Many family heart-burnings have been healed when they have joined in a memorial. The poor man’s grave, especially, has much […]

Winning the Lottery

Winning the Lottery Jack Whittaker won a $113 million jackpot (after taxes) in 2002. Just two years later he had been arrested twice for drunk driving and ordered to go to Alcoholics Anonymous. His wife, Jewell, said, “I wish I would have torn the ticket up.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Give What You Have

Give What You Have Many people believe that they would be more generous if they had more money. According to Forbes there were 946 billionaires in 2007 and they gave an average of 1.2% of their income to charitable causes. Be generous with whatever amount of money God has entrusted to you. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp […]

Wealth Does Not Bring Happiness

Wealth Does Not Bring Happiness The story is told of a rich industrialist who was disturbed to find a fisherman sitting lazily beside his boat. “Why aren’t you out there fishing?” he asked. “Because I’ve caught enough fish for today,” said the fisherman. “Why don’t you catch more fish than you need?” the rich man […]

Gold for Alcohol

Gold for Alcohol During the early days of northern Ontario’s gold rush Sandy McIntyre found what is now the famous mine bearing his name. He sold out for $25 in order to buy some liquor. Years later he still passed his time crying in beverage rooms, while the mine he discovered produced gold worth 230 million dollars. […]

Expensive Garbage

Expensive Garbage Americans shell out more for garbage bags than 90 of the world’s 210 countries do for everything. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Money Hungry

Money Hungry Termites ate 10 million rupees ($222,000) in money that was stored at a bank in a steel chest. The manager of the bank in Barabanki, India discovered the damage on April 20, 2011. Termites had damaged furniture in the bank before. Matthew 6:19Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and […]

Are You Seeking God or Gold?

Are You Seeking God or Gold? Roger Babson, an American historian, was visiting the president of Argentina about one hundred years ago when the president said to him: “You are a student of history, Will you please tell me why it is that South America, with her unlimited resources, and having been settled earlier than […]

The Biggest Miser Who Ever Lived

The Biggest Miser Who Ever Lived According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Hetty Green may have been the biggest miser who ever lived. Her father died when she was thirty leaving her an inheritance of more than $100 million in today’s money. Though it was unusual for a woman to be involved with […]

The Revenues of the Wicked

The Revenues of the Wicked So many people think if they just had money, everything would be different. What many who do get money suddenly find is that things are different—it gets worse. When Jack Whittaker won the Powerball lottery prize jackpot of over $314 million on Christmas day 2002, it was at the time […]

Fleeting Wealth

Fleeting Wealth James Marshall left his family’s home in New Jersey as a young man and, like so many others, began a migration west. After contracting malaria while living in Missouri he was advised to go further west, and in 1845 he arrived in California. He worked a number of different jobs and served in […]

The Mouth of the Fool

The Mouth of the Fool When the Cornerstone Bank in Waco, Nebraska, was robbed of some $6,000 in November of 2012, the bank employees were able to give the police a fairly good description of the teenage girl who pulled off the crime and the car in which she escaped. As it turned out, the […]

Confessing a Bank Robbery

Confessing a Bank Robbery In May of 1948 three men robbed a bank in Hoyt, Kansas, getting away with $1,000. Shortly thereafter two men were killed in a car wreck, and police thought they were the robbers and the case was closed. Four years later, however, something unusual happened. On a Sunday morning at the […]

Quotes on Missions

Quotes on Missions “Do not think that any work God gives you to do in the world is on too small a scale for you to do it.” “I have seen, at different times, the smoke of a thousand villages—villages whose people are without Christ, without God, and without hope in the world.” “I have […]

The Job Was Too Small

The Job Was Too Small Many years ago a young man went to China as a missionary with an income of $2,500 annually. A company decided that they wanted this young man to work for them and offered him a position with a $5,000 salary. He declined the offer, and it was raised to $7,000 […]

David Livingstone’s Prayer

David Livingstone’s Prayer David Livingstone was a pioneer missionary to Africa, who walked over 29,000 miles. His wife died early in their ministry and he faced stiff opposition from his Scottish brethren. He prayed, “Send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. Sever any ties but the tie […]

I Do Not See Those With Two Legs Going

I Do Not See Those With Two Legs Going George Stott, a one-legged school teacher from Scotland, volunteered for missionary service in China. When asked why he with only one leg thought of going to China, he said, “I do not see those with two legs going, so I must.” Thus began his more than […]

Being a Missionary

Being a Missionary The one major and compelling reason why missionaries must continue to be sent is because it is God’s will. It is His method of bringing the Gospel of Jesus to the world. Sometimes two objections are raised about this. First, some people say: Why not just send money to support missionaries from […]

Putting Sacrifices in Perspective

Putting Sacrifices in Perspective David Livingstone was a Scottish missionary and explorer who spent thirty-three years in the heart of Africa. He endured much suffering as he labored to spread the Gospel and open the continent to missionaries. This godly missionary once remarked: “People talk of the sacrifice I have made in spending so much […]

Poison or Pure Water?

Poison or Pure Water? There are poisons that look like crystal spring water. A glass of such poison, placed next to a glass of clear water will fool the eye; the two look exactly alike. But one has death in it, the other life. You have to discover by other means than drinking the true […]

The Martyrdom of Nicholas Ridley

The Martyrdom of Nicholas Ridley In 1555, Dr. Nicholas Ridley was sentenced to be burned at the stake in England because of his witness for Christ. On the night before Ridley’s execution, his brother offered to remain with him in the prison chamber to be of assistance and comfort. Nicholas Ridley declined the offer saying, […]

Marriage and Cohabitation Statistics

Marriage and Cohabitation Statistics In 2002, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a report based on a nationwide survey of 10,847 women. They found that twenty percent of first marriages end in divorce or separation within five years while forty-nine percent of premarital cohabitation relationships end within that same time frame. When these […]

King Saud

King Saud Clark Clifford shares this reminiscence of his former boss, President Harry Truman: Every morning at 8:30 the president would have a staff meeting. One day the mail clerk brought in a lavender envelope with a regal wax seal and flowing purple ribbons. Upon opening it, the President found a letter from King Saud of Saudi Arabia, […]

Can You Love Sin?

Can You Love Sin? “If I had a brother who had been murdered, what would you think of me if I … daily consorted with the assassin who drove the dagger into my brother’s heart; surely I too must be an accomplice in the crime. Sin murdered Christ; will you be a friend to it? […]

A Divorce Averted

A Divorce Averted Newspaper columnist George Crane told the story of a wife who came into his office wanting to divorce her husband. She said, “I do not only want to get rid of him, I want to get even. Before I divorce him, I want to hurt him as much as he has me.” […]

Willing to Die for His Princess

Willing to Die for His Princess The historian Xenophon states, that when Cyrus had taken captives including a young prince of Armenia with his young and beautiful wife, of whom he was remarkably fond, they were brought before the tribunal of Cyrus to receive their sentence. The warrior inquired of the prince what he would […]

Serving the Lord

Serving the Lord One night a cobbler dreamed that the next day Jesus was coming to visit him. The dream seemed so real that he got up very early the next morning and hurried to the woods, where he gathered green boughs to decorate his shop for the arrival of so great a Guest. He […]

She Gave Her Life

She Gave Her Life A Hebrew lady once told how seeing another Christian’s faith converted her: She was fleeing the German Gestapo in France during World War II. She knew she was close to being caught and she wanted to give up. She came to the home of a French Huguenot. A widow lady met […]

Love Displayed

Love Displayed The story is told of a woman who left her husband. The husband called the police and filed a “missing persons report.” A few weeks later the police found her a few counties over. They asked him if he wanted them to take him to her. By now the husband had realized how […]

She Chose Radiation

She Chose Radiation A thirty-six year old mother was discovered to be in the advanced stages of terminal cancer. One doctor advised her to spend her remaining days on vacation. A second physician offered her the hope of living two more years with the grueling side effects of radiation. She penned the following words to […]

If I Had Known

If I Had Known If I had known what trouble you were bearing,What griefs were in the silence of your face;I would have been more gentle and more caring,And tried to give you gladness for a space.I would have brought more warmth into the place,If I had known. If I had known what thoughts despairing […]

Do You Believe the Gospel?

Do You Believe the Gospel? Some time ago an 18-year-old girl from Washington state attended a worship service. For the first time in her life she heard the gospel message. The following Tuesday the members of the church received a letter from her. It read: Dear Church Members:Last Sunday I attended your church, and I […]

Christ Is All That Matters

Christ Is All That Matters Joni Erickson Tada had a terrible accident that left her a quadriplegic. In spite of her physical limitations she became an accomplished author and artist. Over 25 years ago she married her husband, Ken. For her wedding she had planned to come down the center aisle in her motorized wheel […]

A Mother’s Love

A Mother’s Love In his book, Moments for Mothers, Robert Strand wrote about the conflicts of a family in Glasgow, Scotland. After years of rebellion, a daughter finally rejected her parents, their values, and their faith. She set out on her own to enjoy a life without restraints, but soon became enslaved to her liberated choices. […]

Money or Souls?

Money or Souls? Suppose someone were to offer you a thousand dollars for every soul you would earnestly try to lead to Christ, would you endeavor to lead any more souls to Him than you are endeavoring to do now? Is it possible that you would attempt to do for money what you hesitate or […]

The Difference Passion makes

The Difference Passion makes A Dutch diamond collector was seeking for a very rare diamond. A dealer in New York by the name of Mr. Winston heard of this inquiry and contacted him letting him know that he believed he possessed the diamond he was looking for. The diamond collector arrived, and Mr. Winston had […]

Activity Cannot Compensate for a Lack of Love

Activity Cannot Compensate for a Lack of Love “A wife or husband may remain faithful and may give evidence of careful attention in matters pertaining to each other, and yet there may be a decline in first love. Similarly, a church member may be very regular in his attendance at the services, but no amount […]

A Mother’s Sacrifice

A Mother’s Sacrifice On August 16, 1987, Northwest Airlines flight 225 crashed just after taking off from the Detroit airport, killing 155 people. One survived: a four-year-old from Tempe, Arizona, named Cecelia. When rescuers found Cecelia they did not believe she had been on the plane. Investigators first assumed Cecelia had been a passenger in […]

A Mother’s Hands

A Mother’s Hands She said her hands were ugly, and she tried to hide them, too.But in God’s sight ‘twas different, for He knew what they could do. They were busy hands for Jesus—doing tasks for Him each day.They washed and ironed and sewed and scrubbed in the most willing, cheerful way. They kept a […]

Love Does Not Seek a Reward

Love Does Not Seek a Reward On May 2, 1962, Gladys Kidd placed a dramatic advertisement in the San Francisco Examiner, “I don’t want my husband to die in the gas chamber for a crime he did not commit. I will therefore offer my services for 10 years as a cook, maid, or housekeeper to any leading […]

They Love a Fellow over There

They Love a Fellow over There One Sunday a lady was inviting children to come to Sunday school when she met a boy and asked him why he went so far, past so many Sunday schools to get to his own. “There are plenty of others,” said she, “just as good.” He said, “They may […]

Testing Her Husband’s Love

Testing Her Husband’s Love A lady in Spain made the news when she chose a unique way to test her husband’s love. With the help of a friend, she manipulated her own kidnapping and sent a ransom notice to her husband. When the police discovered the kidnapping was a hoax, they asked the lady why […]

Honoring Her Husband

Honoring Her Husband There is an old story that illustrates the principle of honor within marriage. A drunkard husband, spending the evening with his jovial companions at a tavern, boasted that if he took a group of his friends home with him at midnight and asked his Christian wife to get up and cook supper […]

She Gave Her Life for Her Son

She Gave Her Life for Her Son When the California gold fever broke out, a man went there, leaving his wife in New England with his boy. As soon as he got on and was successful he was to send for them. It was a long time before he succeeded, but at last he got […]

Unfailing Love

Unfailing Love There was a very unusual military funeral in California in December of 2013. Sgt. First Class Joseph Gantt, who fought in both World War II and the Korean War, was laid to rest. He had been captured in Korea in 1950 and died the following year. But his body was not returned for […]

Quotes on Leadership

Quotes on Leadership “Titles really don’t matter. Freedom comes when we let them go, even if it means we have to eat a bit of humble pie.”—Dan Brokke “When we lay down our lives in humility and forgiveness for someone else, we are following Jesus’ lead.”—Dan Brokke “Coming together is a beginning; staying together is […]

Play for the Team

Play for the Team Herman Edwards is the colorful and witty coach who was with the Kansas City Chiefs. When it came to his thoughts on teamwork he said, “The players that play on this football team will play for the name on the side of the helmet and not the name on the back […]

Sam’s Rules for Building a Business

Sam’s Rules for Building a Business These were the rules that Sam Walton developed for Walmart. 1. Commit: Believe in it more than anybody else. 2. Share the blessings. 3. Motivate your partners. Constantly, day by day, think of new and more interesting ways to motivate and challenge your partners. 4. Communicate everything you possibly […]

The Paradoxes of Leadership

The Paradoxes of Leadership Matthew says a leader must serve, and 1 Timothy says that a leader must rule. Matthew says that a leader must be confident, but James tells us that a leader must be humble. Mark teaches us that a leader must be a man of action, but Luke teaches us that a […]

The Makings of a President

The Makings of a President Dwight Morrow, the father of Anne Morrow Lindbergh, once held a dinner party to which Calvin Coolidge had been invited. After Coolidge left, Morrow told the remaining guests that Coolidge would make a good president. The others disagreed. They felt Coolidge was too quiet, that he lacked color and personality. […]

Are You a Leader or a Boss?

Are You a Leader or a Boss? The boss drives his men; the leader coaches them.The boss depends upon authority; the leader on good will.The boss inspires fear; the leader inspires enthusiasm.The boss says “I;” the leader, “We.”The boss fixes the blame for the breakdown; the leader fixes the breakdown.The boss knows how it is […]

Steamboat Race

Steamboat Race Clovis Chappell, a minister from a century back, used to tell the story of two steamboats. They left Memphis about the same time, traveling down the Mississippi River to New Orleans. As they traveled side by side, sailors from one vessel made a few remarks about the snail’s pace of the other. Challenges […]

Follow Christ

Follow Christ I once read the story of a young woman who wanted to go to college, but her heart sank when she read the question on the application that asked, “Are you a leader?” Being both honest and conscientious, she wrote, “No,” and returned the application, expecting the worst. To her surprise, she received […]

Kindness Returned

Kindness Returned There is a story told about the surrender of the Confederacy at Appomattox Courthouse as the Civil War concluded. General Grant was an unusual man. Knowing the war was over and the victory was his, he showed great, and unusual, kindness and respect toward the chief general of the Confederates. He allowed General […]

Being Too Nice

Being Too Nice Sixty-eight-year-old Elsie Holdren lost her position as a security guard in August 2010 because she was too courteous. Her superiors wrote, “Due to your caring and giving nature, you are compromising your position as a security officer. Being caring and giving is not a job requirement, nor is it what you are paid […]

It Is Better to Be Kind Than Clever

It Is Better to Be Kind Than Clever Jeff Bezos, the CEO of, was ten years old when he saw a commercial stating that every puff a smoker took on a cigarette shortened his or her life by two minutes. He was quite a math whiz, so he began adding up how many minutes […]

ABC’s of Trials

ABC’s of Trials Although things are not perfectBecause of trial or pain,Continue in thanksgivingDo not begin to blame.Even when the times are hard,Fierce winds are bound to blow;God is forever able—Hold on to what you knowImagine life without His love;Joy would cease to be.Keep thanking Him for all the thingsLove imparts to thee.Move out of […]

Worry and Joy

Worry and Joy “Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow; it only saps today of its joy.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Revival Joy

Revival Joy “A genuine revival without joy in the Lord is as impossible as spring without flowers, or daydawn without light.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Flag of Joy

Flag of Joy “Joy is the flag which is flown from the castle of the heart when the King is in residence there.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Joy Is Found in Jesus

Joy Is Found in Jesus “There is more joy in Jesus in 24 hours than there is in the world in 365 days. I have tried them both.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Chapman’s Burden

Chapman’s Burden One morning R.C. Chapman, a devout Christian, was asked how he was feeling. “I’m burdened this morning!” was his reply. But his happy countenance contradicted his words. So the questioner exclaimed in surprise, “Are you really burdened, Mr. Chapman?” “Yes, but it’s a wounderful burden–it’s an overabundance of blessings for which I cannot […]

Your Attitude Makes a Difference

Your Attitude Makes a Difference Norman Cousins was hospitalized with a rare, crippling form of arthritis. When he was diagnosed as incurable, Cousins checked out of the hospital. Aware of the harmful effects that negative emotions can have on the body, Cousins reasoned the reverse was true. So he borrowed a movie projector and prescribed […]

Work and Success Do Not Buy Happiness

Work and Success Do Not Buy Happiness Rick Chollet was a financially successful entrepreneur until March 18, 1991. He had even been the president of Brookstone Company, a small mail order business that he transformed into a national retail leader selling products for craftsmen. But on March 18 Mr. Chollet locked the garage door of […]

Charles Spurgeon on Joy

Charles Spurgeon on Joy “There is a marvelous medicinal power in joy. Most medicines are distasteful; but this, which is the best of all medicines, is sweet to the taste, and comforting to the heart. This blessed joy is very contagious. One dolorous spirit brings a kind of plague into the house; one person who […]

The Weapon of Joy

The Weapon of Joy Massena, one of Napoleon’s generals, suddenly appeared with eighteen thousand men before an Austrian town which had no means of defense. The town council had nearly decided to surrender when the old dean of the church reminded them that it was Easter and begged them to hold services as usual and […]

Paid Mistakes

Paid Mistakes Stephen Barnes was a proponent of conventional leadership thinking that challenges people to make mistakes as they stretch themselves to improve. Apparently Stephen’s boss didn’t share his views. The CEO stepped into Stephen’s office and bluntly said, “It’s all right to be wrong, Barnes, just as long as you don’t do it on […]

Eisenhower on Leadership

Eisenhower on Leadership “In order to be a leader a man must have followers. And to have followers, a man must have their confidence. Hence, the supreme quality of a leader is unquestionably integrity. Without it, no real success is possible, no matter whether it is on a section gang, on a football field, in […]

Keep What Is Precious

Keep What Is Precious Things bought at garage sales don’t usually end up on the evening news, but a Chinese bowl bought by a New York family in 2007, became famous in April of 2013. The new owners paid just three dollars for what turned out to be a bowl from the Northern Song Dynasty […]

Harry Hopkin’s Influence

Harry Hopkin’s Influence Franklin Roosevelt’s closest adviser during much of his presidency was a man named Harry Hopkins. During World War II, when his influence with Roosevelt was at its peak, Hopkins held no official Cabinet position. Moreover, Hopkins’s closeness to Roosevelt caused many to regard him as a shadowy, sinister figure. As a result […]

How Faith Is Destroyed

How Faith Is Destroyed Samuel Clemens, more commonly known by his pen name, Mark Twain was a gifted writer. Yet Twain held a deep contempt for Christianity. He once referred to it as a “slaughterhouse religion” because of the doctrine of the blood atonement, and he often turned his ridicule on those who believed the […]

Removing Bad Influences

Removing Bad Influences When silver is mined from the ground it is commonly mixed with a number of other elements. In order to get pure silver that can be used for commercial or industrial purposes, it must be refined. Silver has an extraordinarily high melting point—it must be heated to nearly 2,200 degrees in order […]

A Preacher That Would Not Be Bought

A Preacher That Would Not Be Bought At one time Mr P.T. Barnum, head of the great Barnum & Bailey Circus, invited Charles Haddon Spurgeon of London to speak in the large tent at his traveling circus. He made every concession to make the offer attractive to Spurgeon. Barnum would provide the musical talent, unless […]

Religion and Politics

Religion and Politics “I don’t make decisions in public life based on religious belief.”—US Senator John Kerry, then front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, who claims to hold strong Roman Catholic beliefs but supports legal abortion and civil unions for homosexual couples. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Greedy Motives

Greedy Motives A young fellow who worked in an investment house was impressed and very appreciative at the interest his business associates took in the news that his wife was going to have a baby. Every day one or more of them would drop around to his desk to inquire: “How’s the wife doing?” “What […]

You Can’t Fool God

You Can’t Fool God You can fool the hapless public,You can be a subtle fraud,You can hide your little meanness,But you can’t fool God! You can advertise your virtues,You can self-achievement laud,You can load yourself with riches,But you can’t fool God! You can criticize the Bible,You can be a selfish clod,You can lie, swear, drink, […]

Face the Music

Face the Music Have you ever heard the expression “face the music”? Here’s how that phrase came about. Many years ago, a man wanted to play in the Imperial Orchestra, but he couldn’t play a note. Since he was a person of great wealth and influence, however, he demanded to be allowed to join the […]

Then Act Like It

Then Act Like It As a senior in high school, I had the opportunity to be the team captain for my high school basketball team. As time was expiring in an important district game ending the first half, my team had the ball, and we called a play to get a basket at the end […]

Thief Disguised As a Doctor

Thief Disguised As a Doctor When an English robber called Captain Thunderbolt escaped the law and moved to the eastern US in 1818, he began practicing medicine. He took on the name Dr. John Wilson. Often he wore three suits of clothes to escape recognition by making himself look larger and covering up a deformed […]

Strong Steel or Painted Rust?

Strong Steel or Painted Rust? The Queen Mary was the largest ship to cross the oceans when it was launched in 1936. Through four decades and a World War she served until she was retired as a floating hotel and museum in Long Beach, California. During the conversion into a hotel her three massive smokestacks were […]

The Devil’s Broken Promises

The Devil’s Broken Promises In 1939 just before the outbreak of World War II, Germany and Russia signed the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact. This treaty promised that neither nation would attack the other, and it laid out a plan for how they would divide the nations of Eastern Europe between them. Yet in 1941, without warning or […]

Saviour Like a Shepherd Lead Us

Saviour Like a Shepherd Lead Us Ira Sankey was traveling on a steamer down the Delaware river when he was asked to sing. He led the group in singing “Saviour Like a Shepherd Lead Us.” When he finished, a man stepped from the shadows and asked, “Did you ever serve in the Union Army?” “Yes,” […]

Faith to Trust God During Trials

Faith to Trust God During Trials A young woman named Anne Steele had encountered one trial and disappointment after another. Her mother died when she was three, and when she was nineteen she suffered a severe hip injury that left her an invalid. Eventually she fell in love and was engaged to be married, but […]

The Story behind Rescue the Perishing

The Story behind Rescue the Perishing Fanny Crosby loved sharing the Gospel with anyone who would listen. In 1869 she penned the words to “Rescue the Perishing.” When asked about the song, she explained, “It was written following a personal experience at the New York City Bowery Mission.” She went on to explain that she […]

God Protects His Children

God Protects His Children Ira Sankey, who for years led the music for D.L. Moody’s evangelistic meetings, was traveling by steamboat on Christmas Eve in 1875. He was recognized by some of the passengers, and they asked him to sing. Sankey agreed, and began singing “Saviour Like a Shepherd Lead Us.” When the song was […]

Dwelling Together

Dwelling Together “To dwell above with those we love, oh that will be glory; to dwell below with those we know, well that’s another story.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Beating Around the Bush

Beating Around the Bush Frank wasn’t known for his patience, and he had absolutely no use for negative conversation. When he got a call from his wife during a busy day at work, she talked slowly and didn’t seem very upbeat. Frank interrupted her and exhorted her to be brief and positive. She paused for […]

Shopping with Men

Shopping with Men “Cash, check, or charge?” asked the salesclerk as the lady made her purchases. When she fumbled for her wallet, the clerk noticed a TV remote control in her purse. “So, do you always carry your TV remote around with you?” he asked. “No,” she replied, “but my husband refused to come shopping […]

Spouse’s Favorites

Spouse’s Favorites While attending a marriage seminar on communication, Tom and his wife, Grace, listened to the instructor: “It is essential that husbands and wives know each other’s likes and dislikes.” He addressed the men: “Can you name your wife’s favorite flower?” Tom leaned over, touched Grace’s arm gently, and whispered, “It’s Pillsbury, isn’t it?” […]

A Painful Voice

A Painful Voice During musical tryouts, a young man with a horrible voice auditioned for the lead part. He simply didn’t have the ability to sing and that became more obvious with each passing measure. His entire rendition was off pitch and painful to hear. The panel of judges sat in stunned silence, but when […]


Misunderstanding Driving through Texas, a New Yorker collided with a truck carrying a horse. A few months later he tried to collect damages for his injuries. “How can you now claim to have all these injuries?” asked the insurance company’s lawyer. “According the police report, at the time you said you were not hurt.” “It’s […]

Cheap Vacation

Cheap Vacation Even with escalating gas prices, Ward still took his family for a long trek out to California and up the Pacific coast. When he returned, friends were eager to hear how it turned out. Ward couldn’t have been more pleased. He said they made it all the way to Los Angeles before a […]

Reading the Bible

Reading the Bible A door-to-door salesman from a publishing house asked a lady if she owned a copy of the Bible. “I certainly do!” she replied with some pride. To his next question, did she read it regularly, she responded, “Oh, yes!” and sent her little daughter to get the Bible from the table drawer. […]

Voluntary Church Attendance

Voluntary Church Attendance A pastor once said to a man in town, “When you were born, your mother brought you to church. When you were married, your wife brought you to church. When you die, your friends will bring you to church. Why not try coming to church on your own sometime?” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp […]


Snoring A man went to see his doctor for advice about being cured of snoring. The doctor asked, “Does your snoring disturb your wife?” The patient replied, “Does it disturb my wife? Why it disturbs the entire congregation.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Trucker’s Revenge

Trucker’s Revenge A truck driver stopped at a truck stop and ordered a cheeseburger. As he was ready to eat, a motorcycle gang pulled up. One of the gang members insulted him and ate his cheeseburger. The truck driver walked out out of the truck stop.  A gang member said to the waitress, “He’s not much […]

Encyclopedia for Sale

Encyclopedia for Sale A classified in a newspaper read: “Encyclopedia for Sale—No longer needed—Wife already knows everything.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Phone Conversations

Phone Conversations Adam’s wife was quite a talker and seldom stayed on the phone for less than an hour. One day he was surprised when he heard her hang up after just twenty-five minutes so he went into see if there was problem. When he expressed concern, Irene cheerfully explained, “Oh, no, everything is fine. […]

Above His Education

Above His Education A young man who had been hired by the personnel department of a large supermarket chain reported to work at one of the stores. The manager greeted him with a warm handshake and a smile, handed him a broom and said, “Your first job will be to sweep out the store.” “But,” […]

Bad Work Ethic

Bad Work Ethic The sign in the store window read: NO HELP WANTED. As two men passed by, one said to the other, “You should apply—you’d be great.” Or maybe you heard about the guy who said, “I never like to drink coffee on the job because then I toss and turn at my desk […]

Bad Mother-in-law

Bad Mother-in-law A young lady came home from a date looking rather sad. She told her mother, “Arthur proposed to me an hour ago.” “Then why are you so sad?” her mother asked. “Because he also told me he was an atheist. Mom, he doesn’t even believe there’s a hell.” Her mother replied, “Marry him […]

Energy Efficient Transportation

Energy Efficient Transportation While driving in Pennsylvania, a family caught up to an Amish carriage. The owner of the carriage obviously had a sense of humor, because attached to the back of the carriage was a hand printed sign that read: “Energy efficient vehicle: Runs on oats and grass. Caution: Do not step in exhaust.” […]

A Walking Economy

A Walking Economy One man was speaking about his finances. He said, “I am like a walking economy. My hairline is in recession, my waistline is going through inflation, and together they are pushing me to depression.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Longsuffering of God, Marvel of – Charles Spurgeon

Longsuffering of God, Marvel of – Charles Spurgeon AH! my brethren, can you think for a minute what you and I would do if some cruel wretches should take our children and torture them, and burn them alive; how would our wrath be up, and how would we strike in their defense! But remember that […]

Littles, The—Showing forth God – Charles Spurgeon

Littles, The—Showing forth God – Charles Spurgeon SEEING the jonquil, the hyacinth, the anemone, and many others of our garden flowers growing wild in the valleys on the Italian side of the Alps, and hearing the ceaseless chirping of the innumerable insects which fill the air with their song, and looking up to the snowy […]

Little Cares, Influence of – Charles Spurgeon

Little Cares, Influence of – Charles Spurgeon WHAT fools we are, brethren, and yet if someone else were to call us fools we should not like it, though I do not doubt but that we are very well named, whoever may give us the title, for the whole of Heaven cannot make us rejoice if […]

Likeness to Christ in Death and Glory – Charles Spurgeon

Likeness to Christ in Death and Glory – Charles Spurgeon YOU see that creeping worm, how contemptible is its appearance! You wish to sweep it away; that is the beginning of the thing. You see that insect with gorgeous wings playing in the sunbeams, sipping at the flower bells, and full of happiness and life; […]

Likeness to Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Likeness to Christ – Charles Spurgeon BEHOLD from Heaven’s mint golden pieces of inestimable value are sent forth, and each one bears the image and superscription of the Son of God. The face of Jesus is more lovely to God than all the worlds, his eyes are brighter than the stars, his voice is sweeter […]

Light, Walking in – Charles Spurgeon

Light, Walking in – Charles Spurgeon I CANNOT dwell in the sun, it is too bright a place for my residence, unless I shall be transformed, like Uriel, Milton’s angel, who could dwell in the midst of the blaze of its excessive glory, but I can walk in the light of the sun though I […]

Humorous Labels

Humorous Labels On a bar of Dial soap: DIRECTIONS—USE LIKE REGULAR SOAP On Tesco’s Tiramisu dessert (printed on the bottom of the box): DO NOT TURN UPSIDE DOWN On Marks & Spencer Bread Pudding: PRODUCT WILL BE HOT AFTER HEATING On a Korean kitchen knife: WARNING KEEP OUT OF CHILDREN On a string of Chinese-made […]

Light, Sowing of – Charles Spurgeon

Light, Sowing of – Charles Spurgeon THE sun, like a sower, scatters broadcast his beams of light upon the once dark earth. Look up at night upon the sky bespangled with stars, and it seems as though God scattered them like gold-dust upon the floor of Heaven in picturesque irregularity, thereby sowing light. Or if […]

Work Humor

Work Humor A manager and a sales rep stood looking at a map on which colored pins indicated the company representative in each area. “I’m not going to fire you, Wilson,” the manager said, “but I’m loosening your pin a bit just to emphasize the insecurity of your situation.”—Bits and Pieces During a training exercise […]

Picking up the Wagon

Picking up the Wagon A farm boy accidentally overturned his wagon-load of corn in the road. The farmer who lived nearby came to investigate. “Hey, Willis,” he called out, “forget your troubles for a spell and come on in and have dinner with us. Then I’ll help you get the wagon up.” “That’s mighty nice […]

Light from Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Light from Christ – Charles Spurgeon LIGHT! oh, how precious would it be to you, if you were immured in one of those prisons which we have seen at Venice, below the water’s level, deep down, with winding passages, where even a refracted ray of light could never reach the prisoner, where he sat alone […]

Changing Love

Changing Love The story of is told of a girl who regretted breaking her engagement and wrote this letter: “Dearest Tommy, No words could ever express the great unhappiness I’ve felt since breaking our engagement. Please say you’ll take me back. No one could ever take your place in my heart, so please forgive me. […]

Light, Every Christian a – Charles Spurgeon

Light, Every Christian a – Charles Spurgeon IN Eastern dwellings it would be necessary, if you lost a piece of money and wanted to find it, to light a candle at any time; for in our Savior’s day glass was not used, and the windows of houses were only little slits in the side of […]

Light, Air, and Water—Emblems of Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Light, Air, and Water—Emblems of Christ – Charles Spurgeon YOU will have observed that all the good things which God has made are diffusive. There is light; you cannot confine light within narrow limits. Suppose we were to grow so bigoted and conceited as to conceive that we had all the light in the world […]

A Robber’s Rules

A Robber’s Rules In Words We Live By, Brian Burrell tells of an armed robber named Dennis Lee Curtis who was arrested in 1992 in Rapid City, South Dakota. Curtis apparently had scruples about his thievery. In his wallet the police found a sheet of paper on which was written the following code, sort of a […]

Lifelessness of the Church – Charles Spurgeon

Lifelessness of the Church – Charles Spurgeon OUR churches seem to be half alive. It is a dreadful thing to read of the punishment practiced by ancient tyrants when they tied a living man to a corpse, and he had to go about with this corpse strapped to him, and rotting under his nostrils, and […]

The Importance of Preaching

The Importance of Preaching In a British weekly called the “Glass Window” this letter was published: “It seems ministers feel their sermons are very important and spend a great deal of time preparing them. I have been attending church quite regularly for 30 years and I have probably heard 3,000 of them. To my consternation, […]

Life, Spiritual—The Guarantee of Growth – Charles Spurgeon

Life, Spiritual—The Guarantee of Growth – Charles Spurgeon THE young beginner in grace should feel that it will not be impossible for him to grow to the stature of a perfect man in Christ Jesus, because grace has quickened him and made him a babe. That is the greatest thing, to make me alive at […]

First Things First

First Things First Surprised to see an empty seat at the super bowl stadium, a diehard fan remarked about it to a man sitting nearby. “It was my wife’s,” the man explained, “But she died.” “Oh! I’m very sorry to hear that,” said the man. “Yet I’m really surprised that another relative, or friend, didn’t […]

Life, Spiritual—Prayer a Sign of – Charles Spurgeon

Life, Spiritual—Prayer a Sign of – Charles Spurgeon WHILE a man can pray he is never far from light; he is at the window, though, perhaps, as yet the curtains are not drawn aside. The man who can pray has the clue in his hand by which to escape from the labyrinth of affliction. Like […]

Life, Trusting in Christ a Sign of – Charles Spurgeon

Life, Trusting in Christ a Sign of – Charles Spurgeon SUPPOSE there is a person here who does not exactly know his age, and he wants to find the register of his birth, and he has tried and cannot find it. Now, what is the inference that he draws from his not being able to […]

Life the only time to seek Salvation – Charles Spurgeon

Life the only time to seek Salvation – Charles Spurgeon OH! bethink you, each one of you, there is but one hope, and that one hope lost, it is gone forever. Defeated in one battle, a commander attempts another, and hopes that he may yet win the campaign. Your life is your one fight, and […]

A Leaky Drain

A Leaky Drain A friend of mine awoke one morning to find a puddle of water in the middle of his king-size water bed. In order to fix the puncture, he rolled the heavy mattress outdoors and filled it with more water so he could locate the leak more easily. The enormous bag of water […]

Life, Length of—A Trial – Charles Spurgeon

Life, Length of—A Trial – Charles Spurgeon I LOOK with admiration upon brethren who have remained faithful to God for sixty or seventy years. It seems to me that the length of the Christian’s life is, in itself, oftentimes a very severe trial. A man might stand at the stake and burn for a few […]

Indications of a Bad Day

Indications of a Bad Day You know it will be a bad day when: You wake up face down on the pavement.Your wife says, “Good morning, Bill,” and your name is George.You call Suicide Prevention and they put you on hold.Your pacemaker is recalled by the manufacturers.You see a 60 Minutes news team waiting in […]

Life, Frailty of – Charles Spurgeon

Life, Frailty of – Charles Spurgeon YOU stand over the mouth of Hell upon a single plank, and that plank is rotten. You hang over the jaws of perdition by a solitary rope, and the strands of that rope are snapping one by one. Frailer than the spider’s web is your life, and yet that […]


Mistakes When a drum major tossed his baton in Ventura, California, it hit two 4000-volt power lines, blacking out a ten-block area and putting a radio station off the air. The baton melted. A bank robber in Los Angeles told the clerk not to give him cash, but to deposit the money to his checking […]

Selfish Love

Selfish Love Girl: “Do you love me?” Boy: “Yes, Dear.” Girl: “Would you die for me?” Boy: “No. Mine is an undying love.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Life, Human and Divine – Charles Spurgeon

Life, Human and Divine – Charles Spurgeon WHAT life was that which Father Adam conferred upon your sons and daughters? Why, only life terrestrial, a bubble life, that melted and disappeared. But Jesus, as he comes again, will find none of his children dead, none of his sons and daughters lost; because he lives, they […]

Rejected Proposal

Rejected Proposal First man: “I proposed to a girl and would have married her if it hadn’t been for something she said.” Second man: “What was that?” First man: “No.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

The Seven Years of the Married Cold

The Seven Years of the Married Cold First year of marriage: “Sugar dumpling, I’m really worried about my baby girl. You’ve got a bad sniffle and there’s no telling about these things with all the strep going around. I’m putting you in the hospital this afternoon for a general checkup and a good rest. I […]

Life, Changes in – Charles Spurgeon

Life, Changes in – Charles Spurgeon OUR life is like an April day, the sunshine alternates with the shower; or like each day of all the year, the morning and the evening are needful to complete it. Quick on the heels of light treads the darkness, followed with equal haste by light again. The sun’s […]

Life Beginning in Trouble, Ending in Peace – Charles Spurgeon

Life Beginning in Trouble, Ending in Peace – Charles Spurgeon HAVE you not often seen a day which early in the morning was heavy with fog and rain? As it came on we waited patiently and anxiously, for we wished for fine weather; but those incessant drops of rain still fell. We looked to the […]

Life, A Frivolous – Charles Spurgeon

Life, A Frivolous – Charles Spurgeon SOME individuals appear to have a brain-case which was never properly filled. Like butterflies, they flit from flower to flower, but gather no honey. Look at the life of many in the West End, who pass all their existence in dressing and undressing, distributing bits of cardboard, riding in […]

Financial Priorities

Financial Priorities A lady was standing in front of a casino when she was approached by a desperate looking man, “Please!” the man begged frantically, “Could you possibly spare $500. My wife is very sick, and I really need the money to take her to the doctor and to buy her the medicine she needs.” […]

Bagging Groceries

Bagging Groceries There was a long line at the supermarket check-out stand, and the harried clerk had just finished bagging a long order. As the clerk lifted the final bag for the customer, the bottom gave way, sending the contents crashing to the floor. “They just don’t make these bags like they used to,” the […]

Lethargy, Trouble Arousing from – Charles Spurgeon

Lethargy, Trouble Arousing from – Charles Spurgeon STAYING for awhile in the valley of Aosta, in Northern Italy, we found the air to be heavy, close, and humid with pestilential exhalations. We were oppressed and feverish—one’s life did not seem worth a pin. We could not breath freely, our lungs had a sense of having […]

Leaning on the Beloved – Charles Spurgeon

Leaning on the Beloved – Charles Spurgeon BELIEVE me, no sacred work can long be continued with energy except in this spirit, for flesh flags, and even the spirit languishes except there be the constant leaning upon the Beloved. As for you, men of business, you with your families, and with your shops, and with […]

The Entangling Sausages

The Entangling Sausages The Saint Petersburg Times told about a thief who grabbed some sausages in a meat market. To his surprise, they were part of a fifteen foot long string. The police found him tangled up in the stolen sausages. Many people think they can enjoy a little sin, but they end up so deeply entwined […]

Laziness, unworthy of the Christian – Charles Spurgeon

Laziness, unworthy of the Christian – Charles Spurgeon LAZINESS never yet had communion with Christ. Those who walk with Christ must walk swiftly. Jesus is no idler or loiterer; he is about his Father’s business, and you must march with quick step if you would keep pace with him. As vinegar to the teeth, and […]

A Dead Man Elected Mayor

A Dead Man Elected Mayor Carl Geary died a month ago from a heart attack as he campaigned for the small country town. Despite his sudden death he still polled over three times as many votes as his rival in the election in Tracy City, Tennessee. His widow, Susan Geary, was not surprised by the […]

Knowledge of Christ, the Foundation of Preaching – Charles Spurgeon

Knowledge of Christ, the Foundation of Preaching – Charles Spurgeon WHEN I preach Christ and his salvation to you I do not preach what I learned in a college or was taught by men: I preach to you what I would die for; what is the chief joy of my soul; what I know, and […]

Knowledge of Christ Eagerly Desired – Charles Spurgeon

Knowledge of Christ Eagerly Desired – Charles Spurgeon SUPPOSE that as you wake up one morning you find lying upon your pillow a precious love-token from your unknown friend, a ring sparkling with jewels, and engraved with a tender inscription, a bouquet of flowers bound about with a love-motto! Your curiosity now knows no bounds. […]

Knowledge—The Best – Charles Spurgeon

Knowledge—The Best – Charles Spurgeon IT is coming on dark, and we are lost among the mountains. There is an awful precipice there, a quarter of a mile sharp down. There is a bog over yonder, and if a man once gets into it he will never get out again. There is a wood yonder, […]

A Special Pig

A Special Pig A woman was visiting some people who lived on a farm, and she noticed a pig limping in the back yard with a wooden leg. She asked the farmer, “What happened to the pig?” The farmer said, “Oh, Betsy is a wonderful pig. One night the house caught fire and she oinked […]

Kinship of Trouble – Charles Spurgeon

Kinship of Trouble – Charles Spurgeon WHEN you do not know where you are going, and have only half an idea that you are steering right, how cheerfully you make a friend of any poor laboring man who is going your way! If it be a rough-looking navvy, it does not matter, he is in […]

Holding Her Tongue

Holding Her Tongue On a windswept hill in an English country churchyard stands a drab, gray slate tombstone. The quaint stone bears an epitaph not easily seen unless you stoop over and look closely. The faint etchings read: Beneath this stone, a lump of clay,Lies Arabella Young,Who on the twenty-fourth of May,Began to hold her […]

Kingdom of Christ, Coming of – Charles Spurgeon

Kingdom of Christ, Coming of – Charles Spurgeon “UP, guards, and at them!” was said in the day of battle, and I may still say it to every Christian. In these days, when popery gathers her might, and infidelity shoots forth her poisoned arrows, let none of us be wanting in the day of battle, […]

A Changed Parrot

A Changed Parrot A young man named John received a parrot as a gift. The parrot had a bad attitude and an even worse vocabulary. Every word out of the bird’s mouth was rude, obnoxious and laced with profanity. John tried and tried to change the bird’s attitude by consistently saying only polite words, playing […]

Kingdom of Christ Advancing – Charles Spurgeon

Kingdom of Christ Advancing – Charles Spurgeon WALK in your gardens today, when all the fruit trees are opening their blossoms and pouring forth their perfumes on the air, and the birds are at the highest point of song, and you will think, “Yes, it has surely come, spring smiles on us after all.” The […]

Seven Reasons It’s Great to Be a Man

Seven Reasons It’s Great to Be a Man 1. Phone conversations last thirty seconds. 2. Old friends don’t care if you have lost or gained weight. 3. You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness. 4. If someone forgets to invite you to something, they can still be your friend. 5. You can […]

Dead Turkeys

Dead Turkeys A lady was picking through the frozen turkeys at the grocery store, but couldn’t find one big enough for her family. She asked a stock boy, “Do these turkeys get any bigger?” The stock boy replied, “No ma’am, they’re dead.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Kindness of God – Charles Spurgeon

Kindness of God – Charles Spurgeon AS we were sitting by the Lake of Lucerne, the rugged old Pilatus was suddenly covered with blackness, forth flashed the forked lightning, followed by sharp cracks of thunder reverberated in long peals, enough to let us know that the artillery of Heaven had not spent its might, and […]

Giving a Bad Turkey a Good Home

Giving a Bad Turkey a Good Home The Butterball Turkey Company set up a telephone hotline to answer consumer questions about preparing turkeys. One woman called to inquire about cooking a turkey that had been in the bottom of her freezer for 23 years. The Butterball representative told her the turkey would probably be safe […]

Judgment Day, Terrors of – Charles Spurgeon

Judgment Day, Terrors of – Charles Spurgeon IF I could take you just outside the garden wall, I would let you see a heap of weeds and slips that are taken from the vine, and there they are heaped together with a little straw, and the gardener burns them. The other branches, with their purple […]

Be Thankful You Are Not a Turkey

Be Thankful You Are Not a Turkey A Peanuts cartoon showed Charlie Brown bringing Snoopy his dinner on Thanksgiving Day. But it was just his usual dog food. Snoopy looked at his bowl and said, “This isn’t fair. The rest of the world today is eating turkey with all the trimmings, and all I get […]

Judgment, Solemnity of – Charles Spurgeon

Judgment, Solemnity of – Charles Spurgeon LIKE Aaron’s rod, the judgment hour swallows up every other hour. We hear of hours that have been big with the fate of nations, hours in which the welfare of millions trembled in the balances, hours in which for peace or war the die must be cast, hours that […]

Judas, Character of – Charles Spurgeon

Judas, Character of – Charles Spurgeon MAY I venture to remind you of one who had the very closest intimacy with Christ in the days of his public ministry; he was so trusted by the Savior that he kept the little treasury in which Christ put, when there were any, the excesses, the excessive gifts […]

Joy of the Believer, Increasing – Charles Spurgeon

Joy of the Believer, Increasing – Charles Spurgeon YOUNG Christian, you do not know what is before you. There is the goodly land, and it is all yours. Do not imagine that you are always to be a babe. You shall grow and become a man, yes, a father, I hope, in Israel. Imagine not […]

Joy in the Love of God – Charles Spurgeon

Joy in the Love of God – Charles Spurgeon I REMEMBER well, when I was under a sense of sin, looking at a dog and wishing I were such as he, that I might die without fear of judgment hereafter, for it seemed so awful a thing to live on forever as a sinner; but […]

Joy, Heavenly and Earthly—Contrasted – Charles Spurgeon

Joy, Heavenly and Earthly—Contrasted – Charles Spurgeon WEIGH for one moment your so-called joy with ours, and put your peace as you conceive of peace into the scale against ours. Judge you now. Is your joy as pure? Has it no alloy? Are your cups without dregs, and your delights without bitterness? Is it as […]

Joy, Heavenly and Earthly—Compared – Charles Spurgeon

Joy, Heavenly and Earthly—Compared – Charles Spurgeon THE wine pressed from the grapes of Sodom may sparkle and foam, but it is bitterness in the end, and the dregs thereof are death; only that which comes from the clusters of Eshcol is the true wine of the kingdom, making glad the heart of God and […]

Joy connected with Strength – Charles Spurgeon

Joy connected with Strength – Charles Spurgeon A JOYOUS man, such I have now in my mind’s eye, is to all intents and purposes a strong man. He is strong in a calm, restful manner. Whatever happens he is not ruffled or disturbed. He is not afraid of evil tidings, his heart is fixed, trusting […]

Jewels, Gathering of the – Charles Spurgeon

Jewels, Gathering of the – Charles Spurgeon WHAT joy when altogether the jewels shall be put into the casket! Think of what they shall be gathered from! From poverty, from sickness, from beds of dust and silent clay they shall be gathered; from slander and rebuke, from persecution, and from suffering, from the lion’s jaws, […]

Credit Card Humor

Credit Card Humor A man once said his credit card was stolen, but he decided not to report it because the thief was spending less than his wife did. A wife was reading the mail to husband. She said, “This little note came with your credit card bill. It says leave home without it.” Facebook […]

Who’s Flying?

Who’s Flying? A flight student was flying a small plane when he hit the runway and bounced several times before stopping. The instructor said, “That was a very bad landing you just made.” “Me?” replied the student. “I thought you were landing!” God never makes a mistake with your life, but you must let Him take control. Facebook […]

She Put it All in the Casket

She Put it All in the Casket There was a man who had worked all his life and saved much money, but he was a real miser. Just before he died he asked his wife to put all his money in the casket with him when he was buried. Being the good wife that she was, […]

Serving the Customer?

Serving the Customer? A man dropped into a bank and found the customer service clerk chatting on the phone about new restaurants in town. After three minutes of exchanging dark glances with the man, she told her caller, “Hold on a minute. I’m being interrupted by a customer.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Jesus, Name of—The Sweetest – Charles Spurgeon

Jesus, Name of—The Sweetest – Charles Spurgeon GIVE me that harp and let my fingers never leave its strings, the harp whose strings resound the love of Christ alone. To harp upon the name of Jesus is the blessed monotony of a true ministry, a monotony more full of variety than all other subjects besides. […]

Jesus, Fullness of – Charles Spurgeon

Jesus, Fullness of – Charles Spurgeon IN the sacred armory of the Son of David behold your battle-axe and your weapons of war; in the stores of him who is greater than Aaron see the robes in which to fulfill your priesthood; in the wounds of Jesus behold the power with which you may become […]

Jealousy of God – Charles Spurgeon

Jealousy of God – Charles Spurgeon THAT is a very wonderful and suggestive expression—”a jealous God.” See that it be engraved on your hearts. Jesus will not endure it that those of us who love him should divide our hearts between him and something else. The love which is strong as death is linked with […]

Intimacy with Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Intimacy with Christ – Charles Spurgeon EVEN in our own days great men are not readily to be come at. There are so many back stairs to be climbed before you can reach the official who might have helped you, so many subalterns to be parleyed with, and servants to be passed by, that there […]

Intercession, Privilege of – Charles Spurgeon

Intercession, Privilege of – Charles Spurgeon O PRICELESS grace; if you, O believer, know how to ask by faith, you may hand out to your brethren wealth more precious than the gold of Ophir; for intercession is the key of the ivory palaces wherein are contained the boundless treasures of God. Saints in intercession reach […]

Instrumentalities, Humble—Not to be Despised – Charles Spurgeon

Instrumentalities, Humble—Not to be Despised – Charles Spurgeon SEE the gardeners going down to the pond, and dipping in their watering-pots to carry the refreshing liquid to the flowers. A child comes into the garden and wishes to help, and yonder is a little watering-pot for him. Now, see that little water-pot, though it does […]

Instruments, Weakness of—Used by God – Charles Spurgeon

Instruments, Weakness of—Used by God – Charles Spurgeon REMEMBER the Greeks when they attacked old Troy: you have the record in ancient story. They waited many years until their ships had well near rotted on the seas, but the prowess of Hector and the armed men of Troy kept back the “King of men,” and […]

Insignificance of Man a Plea for Mercy – Charles Spurgeon

Insignificance of Man a Plea for Mercy – Charles Spurgeon YOU could not see on your road home tonight a poor fainting woman, and pass her by, I trust. You could not have brought in before your presence a half-starved child, that could not drag its weary limbs along, without feeling that you must give […]

Insensibility of the Sinner – Charles Spurgeon

Insensibility of the Sinner – Charles Spurgeon YOU may stab a dead man in a thousand places, but he will not cry out. So is it with ungodly men. You may tell them of the love of Christ, the story of which might surely melt a rock, and make the adamant dissolve; but if they […]

Inner Life, Manifestation of the – Charles Spurgeon

Inner Life, Manifestation of the – Charles Spurgeon THE divine life is such a thing of force that surrounding circumstances do not operate upon it as you might have supposed. In frosty weather, when we have seen the rivers frozen across, we have been told by peasants that the old spring-head on the side of […]

Ingratitude, Sin of – Charles Spurgeon

Ingratitude, Sin of – Charles Spurgeon I REMEMBER in our Baptist martyrology the story of one of the Baptists of Holland escaping from his persecutors. A river was frozen over, and the good man crossed it safely, but his enemy was of greater bulk, and the ice gave way under him. The Baptist, like a […]

Ingratitude of Despising Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Ingratitude of Despising Christ – Charles Spurgeon SOMETIMES in our police courts you may have seen an inhuman husband brought before the magistrate for having maltreated the poor unhappy woman who is linked to him for life. The policeman has taken him in the very act of assaulting her, her poor sickly face bears evidence […]

Influence, Christian – Charles Spurgeon

Influence, Christian – Charles Spurgeon TRAVELING on the Lake Lugano, one morning, we heard the swell of the song of the nightingale, and the oars were stilled on the blue lake as we listened to the silver sounds. We could not see a single bird, nor do I know that we wished to see—we were […]

Infidelity and Superstition Abounding – Charles Spurgeon

Infidelity and Superstition Abounding – Charles Spurgeon THESE are times when scoffers are boundlessly impudent. Did it not make your blood chill when you heard revolutionists in unhappy Paris talk of having “demolished God”? It struck me as almost a sadder thing when I read the proposition of one of their philosophers, who would have […]

Infidelity, Poor Prospect of – Charles Spurgeon

Infidelity, Poor Prospect of – Charles Spurgeon MAN is like a prisoner shut up in his cell, a cell all dark and cheerless save that there is a window through which he can gaze upon a glorious landscape. Infidelity comes like a demon into the cell, and with desperate hand blocks up the window, that […]

Infant Christ, a Sign to Men – Charles Spurgeon

Infant Christ, a Sign to Men – Charles Spurgeon THE sign that the joy of the world had come was this—they were to go to the manger to find the Christ in it, and he was to be the sign. Every circumstance is therefore instructive. The babe was found “wrapped in swaddling clothes.” Now, observe, […]

Industry a Check to Grief – Charles Spurgeon

Industry a Check to Grief – Charles Spurgeon JOHN BRIGHT, who married young, lost his wife shortly after marriage. He went to Leamington, where Cobden visited him, and found him bowed down by grief. “Come with me,” said Cobden, “and we will never rest until we abolish the Corn Laws.” Bright arose from his great […]

Individuality of Man – Charles Spurgeon

Individuality of Man – Charles Spurgeon THERE are cabinets in the chamber of the soul which no man can open but the individual himself. We must die alone; friends may surround the bed, but the departing spirit must take its flight by itself. We shall hear no tramp of thousands as we descend into the […]

Individual Responsibility – Charles Spurgeon

Individual Responsibility – Charles Spurgeon IN the nocturnal heavens there had long been observed bright masses of light: the astronomers called them “nebula;” they supposed them to be stores of unfashioned chaotic matter, until the telescope of Herschel resolved them into distinct stars. What the telescope did for stars, the religion of Christ, when received […]

Inconsistent Professors – Charles Spurgeon

Inconsistent Professors – Charles Spurgeon STAND in fancy in one of the fights of the old civil war. The Royalists are fighting desperately and are winning apace, but I hear a cry from the other side that Cromwell’s Ironsides are coming. Now we shall see some fighting. Oliver and his men are lions. But, lo! […]

Incarnation of Christ, the Wonder of Angels – Charles Spurgeon

Incarnation of Christ, the Wonder of Angels – Charles Spurgeon DID you ever hear of angels hovering around the assemblies of philosophical societies? Very interesting papers are sometimes produced speculating upon geological facts; startling discoveries are every now and then made as to astronomy and the laws of motion; we are frequently surprised at the […]

Impressions, Transient – Charles Spurgeon

Impressions, Transient – Charles Spurgeon WHEN I hear it said of such-and-such preachers that they have many converts for a time, but that few of these can be found after a month or two, I am grieved that there should be so much truth in the statement, but I am not at all surprised; for […]

Impressions not always Saving – Charles Spurgeon

Impressions not always Saving – Charles Spurgeon I AM not always sanguine concerning persons who are readily excited, for they so soon cool down again. Some are like India-rubber, and every time you put your finger on them you leave a mark, but it is wasted time, because they get back into the old shape […]

Imitation of Jesus – Charles Spurgeon

Imitation of Jesus – Charles Spurgeon HAVE you ever noticed how badly boys write at the bottom of the pages in their copy-books? There is the copy at the top; and in the first line they look at that; in the second line they copy their own imitation; in the third line they copy their […]

 Imitation of Christianity – Charles Spurgeon 

Imitation of Christianity – Charles Spurgeon WE can endure the odd ways of a really fervent lover of Jesus, but the mere wax-work of superstition is not to be tolerated. I frequently see persons coming into a place of worship looking into their hats, or shading their eyes with their hands, as if they were […]

Imagination, the Cause of our Troubles – Charles Spurgeon

Imagination, the Cause of our Troubles – Charles Spurgeon PROBABLY the major part of our griefs are born, nourished, and perfected, entirely in an anxious, imaginative brain. Many of our sorrows are not woven in the loom of providence, but are purely homespun, and the pattern of our own invention. Some minds are specially fertile […]

Image of Christ in the Believer – Charles Spurgeon

Image of Christ in the Believer – Charles Spurgeon I HAVE heard it said that the good sculptor, whenever he sees a suitable block of marble, firmly believes that there is a statue concealed within it, and that his business is but to take away the superfluous material, and so unveil the “thing of beauty,” […]

Illustrations, Use of – Charles Spurgeon

Illustrations, Use of – Charles Spurgeon THE prophets frequently spoke in parables. This they did partly to excite the attention of their hearers. Those to whom they spoke might not have listened to didactic truth expressed in abstract terms, but when they heard mention of common things, such as bellows, and lead, and brass, they […]

Ignorance, Spiritual—Mask of – Charles Spurgeon

Ignorance, Spiritual—Mask of – Charles Spurgeon IT has long been a mystery who was the man in the iron mask. We believe that the mystery was solved some years ago, by the conjecture that he was the twin brother of Louis 14., King of France, who, fearful lest he might have his throne disturbed by […]

Idol-making – Charles Spurgeon

Idol-making – Charles Spurgeon IDOL-MAKING was not only the trade of Ephesus, but it is a trade all the world over. Making shrines for Diana, nay, shrines for self, we are all master craftsmen at this in some form or another. Images of jealousy, which become abominations of desolation, we have set up. We may […]

Idleness – Charles Spurgeon

Idleness – Charles Spurgeon MANY a parson buys or hires a sermon, so that he may save himself the trouble of thinking. Is not this abominable laziness? They sneer at the Ranters, but there is not a Ranter in the kingdom but what would be ashamed to stand up and read somebody else’s sermon as […]

Hypocrites, Providence revealing – Charles Spurgeon

Hypocrites, Providence revealing – Charles Spurgeon A LION may lie all day asleep, you may scarce know but what it is tame; but when the night brings the time for it to go forth to its prey, then it howls, and displays its ferocity. And so an ungodly man may lie down in the church […]

Hypocrites in the Church – Charles Spurgeon

Hypocrites in the Church – Charles Spurgeon DOUBTLESS there are thousands in all Christian churches who have the stamp and the impress of the King upon them, and look like the genuine shekels of the sanctuary, who after all are only fit to be, like bad money, fastened down on the footstool of the judgment […]

Hypocrite, Picture of a – Charles Spurgeon

Hypocrite, Picture of a – Charles Spurgeon I RECOLLECT when a child seeing on the mantel-piece a stone apple, wonderfully like an apple, too, and very well colored. I saw that apple years after, but it was no riper. It had been in unfavorable circumstances for softening and sweetening, if it ever would have become […]

Hypocrisy no Excuse for the Sins of others – Charles Spurgeon

Hypocrisy no Excuse for the Sins of others – Charles Spurgeon FRIEND, you cannot have a greater abhorrence of hypocrites than I have. If you can find a fair chance of laughing at them, pray do so. If by any means you can stick pins into their wind-bags, and let the gas of their profession […]

Humility of True Servants of God – Charles Spurgeon

Humility of True Servants of God – Charles Spurgeon THOSE who express great concern for prominent ministers, because of their temptations, do well, but they will be even more in the path of duty if they have as much solicitude about themselves. I remember one whose pride was visible in his very manner, a person […]

Humiliation Necessary to Salvation – Charles Spurgeon

Humiliation Necessary to Salvation – Charles Spurgeon WILLIAM DAWSON once told this story to illustrate how humble the soul must be before it can find peace. He said that at a revival meeting, a little lad who was used to Methodist ways—I do not tell the story for the sake of the Methodism, but for […]

Human Soul Tyrannized over – Charles Spurgeon

Human Soul Tyrannized over – Charles Spurgeon HOW certain it is that a yoke is essential to produce rest, and without it rest is unknown! Spain found rest by getting rid of that wretched monarch, Isabella; an iron yoke was her dominion upon the nation’s neck, crushing every aspiration after progress by an intolerable tyranny. […]

Human Instrumentality and Divine Work – Charles Spurgeon

Human Instrumentality and Divine Work – Charles Spurgeon SUPPOSE it were known that the events of a certain battle would depend entirely on the skill of the general. The two armies are equally balanced, and everything must depend upon the tact of the commander; would the soldiers therefore conclude that they needed not to load, […]

Human Inability, no Excuse for the Sinner – Charles Spurgeon

Human Inability, no Excuse for the Sinner – Charles Spurgeon “NO man can save himself,” says one. Yet the case is very like that of the master who sent his negro servant with a letter. The negro was, like some others, rather lazy, and came back with it. “Why did you not deliver it?” “I […]

Hopes, False—Failing in Time of Need – Charles Spurgeon

Hopes, False—Failing in Time of Need – Charles Spurgeon I KNOW of one who, traveling over a pass in Italy, one evening, secured a light to help him over a dangerous and difficult part of the way farther on. It was not needed until the narrow steep descent was reached; in fact, it was in […]

Hopes, Brightening of – Charles Spurgeon

Hopes, Brightening of – Charles Spurgeon WHEN sin conquered the realm of manhood, it slew all the minstrels except those of the race of Hope. For humanity, amid all its sorrows and sins, hope sings on. To believers in Jesus there remains a royal race of bards, for we have a hope of glory, a […]

 Hope while Life lasts – Charles Spurgeon 

Hope while Life lasts – Charles Spurgeon DO you not hear the breaking of the waves of the unknown sea? You must go down into it! Do you not even now hear the boomings of its awful billows upon the cliffs of time? What if it should be a sea of fire to you forever? […]

Hope for the Vilest Sinners – Charles Spurgeon

Hope for the Vilest Sinners – Charles Spurgeon WHILE we try to cloak anything from God, we are both wicked and foolish. It argues a rebellious spirit when we have a desire to hide away from our Maker; but when a man uncovers his wound, invites inspection of its sore, bids the surgeon cut away […]

Honesty to the Souls of Men – Charles Spurgeon

Honesty to the Souls of Men – Charles Spurgeon WE are told that men are drawn to Christ by love, and the statement is true; but, at the same time, “knowing the terror of the Lord,” we are to persuade men, and not to keep back the evil tidings. Even Christ with weeping eyes and […]

Home-sickness of the Believer – Charles Spurgeon

Home-sickness of the Believer – Charles Spurgeon SOMETIMES the heir of Heaven grows impatient of his bondage, and like a captive who, looking out of the narrow window of his prison, beholds the green fields of the unfettered earth, and marks the flashing waves of the ocean, ever free, and hears the songs of the […]

Homeliness, a Minister’s Power – Charles Spurgeon

Homeliness, a Minister’s Power – Charles Spurgeon OH, dear, dear! the lofty ministerial airs that one has seen assumed by men who ought to have been meek and lowly. What a grand set of men some of the preachers of the past have thought themselves to be! I trust those who played the archbishop have […]

Home Religion – Charles Spurgeon

Home Religion – Charles Spurgeon IF you tell me that you belong to Christ, I should like to ask a witness or two. Oh! it is so easy to get into a Christian church, and make a profession! The Lord knows I have used my best diligence, and I can say the same of my […]

Home, Waiting for – Charles Spurgeon

Home, Waiting for – Charles Spurgeon I DO not know a more beautiful sight to be seen on earth than a man who has served his Lord many years, and who, having grown grey in service, feels that in the order of nature he must soon be called home. He is rejoicing in the first-fruits […]

Home, Longing for – Charles Spurgeon

Home, Longing for – Charles Spurgeon DO not you recollect how, in your schoolboy days, you used to make a little almanac with a square for every day, and how you always crossed off the day as soon as ever it began, as though you would try and make the distance from your joy as […]


Sleep In our sleep-deprived culture it appears many people question the value of rest. Some even cut back on their sleep to carve out time for exercise. For what it’s worth, you burn around 70 calories per hour simply sleeping. That means a good 8 hour night of sleep approximates a 5 mile jog.—Saturday Evening […]

Lucy’s Weapon

Lucy’s Weapon In an old Peanuts cartoon, Lucy demanded that her brother Linus change TV channels and then threatened him with her fist if he didn’t. “What makes you think you can walk right in here and take over?” asked Linus. “These five fingers,” said Lucy. “Individually they are nothing, but when I curl them […]

Avoiding Temptation

Avoiding Temptation Icelander, Eriker Olafsson accidentally collided with the yacht, Dragon Song, for the second time just one year and one day after his first collision with the same yacht. He was sailing down the Solent when he saw the Dragon Song and decided to pull alongside it so that he could apologize to its owner for his first […]

Preparing at the Last Minute

Preparing at the Last Minute A minister waited in line to have his car filled with gas just before a long holiday weekend. The attendant worked quickly, but there were many cars ahead of him. Finally, the attendant motioned him toward a vacant pump. “Reverend,” said the young man, “I’m so sorry about the delay. […]

Boring Preaching

Boring Preaching After a long, dry sermon, the minister announced that he wished to meet with the church board following the close of the service. The first man to arrive was a stranger. “You misunderstood my announcement. This is a meeting of the board,” said the minister. “I know,” said the man, “but if there […]

The Making of a CEO

The Making of a CEO The story is told about a CEO of a fortune 500 company who pulled into a service station to get gas.  He went inside to pay, and when he came out he noticed his wife was talking with the service station attendant. She had dated the attendant before she met her […]

The Sergeant in Charge of Nothing

The Sergeant in Charge of Nothing There was an authority-hungry sergeant in the Air Force. This man made sure everyone understood he was the boss. Ironically, he ran across a subordinate who put the egomaniac in his place. The sergeant screamed the following to an airman third class: “You have one stripe on your arm, and I have […]

A Clever Salesman

A Clever Salesman The story is told about a clever salesman who closed hundreds of sales with this line: “Let me show you something several of your neighbors said you couldn’t afford.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Missing the Ball

Missing the Ball Did you hear about the man who went golfing? He missed the ball three times then said, “Boy, this is a rough course.” It is easy to blame adverse circumstances when we miss the mark and sin. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

A Sermon from a Nut

A Sermon from a Nut A preacher gave an unusual sermon one day, and used a peanut to illustrate several things from the Bible. One of the members greeted him at the close of the service and said, “That was very interesting, Pastor. I never expected to learn so much from a nut.” Facebook Twitter […]

8 Reasons Preachers Are Bald

8 Reasons Preachers Are Bald 1. The gleam from their foreheads makes them look angelic while preaching. 2. The last hairpiece the preacher had flew off while he was making a particularly forceful plea from the pulpit. 3. Youth Group—enough said! 4. Deacons—enough said! 5. The hoary head is a crown of glory, so they […]

The Pastor Who Was Like Pharaoh

The Pastor Who Was Like Pharaoh A man got up to leave early from a church service and the pastor asked him where he was going. Joe: To get a haircut. Pastor: Why didn’t you get one before services? Joe: I didn’t need one then! Joe was later heard to remark that his pastor was […]

The Sleepy Church Member

The Sleepy Church Member A man asked his friend, “What color are your pastor’s eyes?” He answered, “I don’t know. When he prays he closes his eyes, and when he preaches I close mine.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

A Biased Reporter

A Biased Reporter A man was walking through the zoo when he saw a little girl leaning into the lion’s cage. Suddenly, the lion grabbed her by the cuff of her jacket and tried to pull her inside and devour her right in front of her screaming parents. The man ran to the cage and […]

Beware of Lions

Beware of Lions Bernard “Kip” Lagat is a world-class runner from Kenya. During the Sydney Olympics, an interviewer asked him how his country was able to produce so many great distance runners. With clever wit, Lagat told of the African strategy for motivating success in running. He said, “It’s the road signs. ’Beware of Lions.’” The Christian should flee […]

A Free Horse

A Free Horse In the days of the circuit riders a minister was out riding one afternoon and came upon a man working in his field. “Fine day isn’t it?” the minister called out. “It’s fine for you”, the man replied. “All you have to do is ride around on that horse thinking about the […]

The Perfect Pastor

The Perfect Pastor The results of a computerized survey indicate the perfect pastor preaches exactly 15 minutes. He condemns sin but never upsets anyone. He works from 8:00 am to midnight and is also the janitor. He makes $50 a week, wears good clothes, buys good books, drives a good car, and gives about $50 […]

Renamed Hymns

Renamed Hymns Sometimes singing hymns can be convicting. Here are some you can sing without a tinge of guilt: I Surrender Some There is Scattered Cloudiness in My Soul Today There Shall Be Sprinkles of Blessings Onward, Christian Spectators Where He Leads Me, I Will Consider Following Oh, How I Like Jesus Just as I […]

Praise Choruses

Praise Choruses An old farmer went to the city one weekend and attended the big city church. He came home and his wife asked him how it was. “Well,” said the farmer, “It was good. They did something different, however. They sang praise choruses instead of hymns.” “Praise choruses,” said his wife, “What are those?” […]

9 Things People Think When Singing

9 Things People Think When Singing 1. Did I turn the pot roast before I left? 2. Did I turn the iron off before I left? 3. Will the person behind me ever hit the right note? 4.  90 minutes until kickoff. 5. Where are my car keys? 6. What are the chances of that […]

A Hymn for Every Person

A Hymn for Every Person The Weatherman’s Hymn—There Shall Be Showers of Blessings The Contractor’s Hymn—The Church’s One Foundation The Tailor’s Hymn—Holy, Holy, Holy The Politician’s Hymn—Standing on the Promises The Optometrist’s Hymn—Open My Eyes That I May See The IRS Agent’s Hymn—I Surrender All The Electrician’s Hymn—I Saw the Light The Shopper’s Hymn—Sweet Bye […]

Music Q & A

Music Q & A Q: How do you get two piccolos to play a perfect unison?A: Shoot one Q: What’s the difference between a bassoon and a trampoline?A: You take off your shoes when you jump on a trampoline. Q: How do you make a chain saw sound like an alto sax?A: Add vibrato. Q: […]

Love in Old Age

Love in Old Age To celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary, the couple returned to their honey moon hotel. After retiring the wife said, “Darling, do you remember how you stroked my hair?” and so he stroked her hair. She reminded him of the way they cuddled and so they did. With a sigh she said, […]

A Decisive Wife

A Decisive Wife A married couple was celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary. At the party everybody wanted to know how they managed to stay married so long in this day and age. The husband responded, “When we were first married, we came to an agreement. I would make all the major decisions, and my wife would […]

Mushroom Poisoning

Mushroom Poisoning Mrs. Mohler was being cross-examined about the death of her third husband. The attorney asked, “What happened to your first husband?” Mrs. Mohler replied, “He died of mushroom poisoning.” The attorney then inquired about her second husband. She said that he too died from mushroom poisoning. The attorney then asked, “And what about […]

Chocolate Tasting

Chocolate Tasting One of England’s most exclusive grocery stores, Fortnum & Mason in London’s Piccadilly, advertised for a new chocolate taster, including a salary of $54,000 a year. This dream job consisted of traveling the world, sampling as much chocolate as possible, and selecting the very best for the store’s discerning customers. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest […]

Reading and Smoking

Reading and Smoking The story is told of a man who smoked cigarettes. Through the reading of numerous articles he became alarmed about the strong relationship between smoking and lung cancer. He finally confided in a friend: “I’ve been reading so many articles about smoking and lung cancer that I’ve decided to quit reading.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest […]

Eating Fast

Eating Fast Sonya Thomas beat men four times her size in an eating contest. Ms. Thomas, who weighed 106 pounds, defeated 400-pound runners-up Ed “Cookie” Jarvis and Eric “Badlands” Booker in New York’s Thanksgiving Invitational by downing 7 3/4 pounds of holiday food in 12 minutes. After the event Ms. Thomas said, “I’m full, but I could […]

An Unpleasant Turkey

An Unpleasant Turkey One dear lady was not a cook, but the family decided that after many years, they should eat at home for Thanksgiving. She said, “I’ve cooked this turkey for the first time and I’m gonna bring it to the table. If it’s not good, don’t say a word. If it’s not good, […]

Showing Your Age

Showing Your Age One woman who was struggling with the reality of her age, asked a friend, “I don’t think I look 40-years-old, do you?” Her friend answered, “No, but you used to!” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Growing Noisy

Growing Noisy In reference to old age, Bob Hope would say, “My ankles creak, my knees crack, my ears ring, and my stomach gurgles. I’m not getting older, I’m getting noisier.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

The Sounds of Old Age

The Sounds of Old Age You know you’re getting older when in the morning you hear snap, crackly, pop, and it isn’t your breakfast cereal. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Making Cookies for a Funeral

Making Cookies for a Funeral An elderly man was at home, dying in bed. He smelled the aroma of his favorite chocolate chip cookies baking. He wanted one last cookie before he died. He fell out of bed, crawled to the landing, rolled down the stairs, and crawled into the kitchen where his wife was […]

Growing Forgetful

Growing Forgetful An elderly couple was beginning to forget little things around the house. They were afraid that this could be dangerous, as one of them may forget to turn off the stove and thus cause a fire. So, they decided to go see their physician to get some help. Their physician told them that […]

3 Kinds of People

3 Kinds of People There are three kinds of people in the world: 1. Those who watch things happen;2. Those who make things happen; and3. Those who wonder, “What just happened?” Which one are you? Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Look at Both Sides

Look at Both Sides Before you have an argument with your boss you should take a good look at both sides—his side and the outside. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Let Me Have My Saddle

Let Me Have My Saddle For years Frank’s wife begged him to take her hunting. He put her off as long as he could; finally, he gave in. They went to a place where bucks were likely to be found. He placed her where she could get a good shot at any deer that came […]

Blond Roots

Blond Roots A fellow nurse at my hospital received a call from an anxious woman. “I’m diabetic and I’m afraid I’ve had too much sugar today,” she said. “Are you lightheaded?” my colleague asked. “No, I’m a brunette.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

A Proud Turtle

A Proud Turtle A turtle once wanted to spend the winter in Florida, but he knew he could never walk that far. He convinced a couple of geese to help him, each taking one end of a piece of rope, while he clamped his vise-like jaws in the center. The flight went fine until someone […]

A Harping Wife

A Harping Wife A man compared his wife to an angel. He said, “My wife is an angel. She’s always up in the air harping about something.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Closed Communication

Closed Communication Husband to wife as he turns on the first football game of the year: “Is there anything you want to say before the season starts?” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Shopping Spree

Shopping Spree A woman returned home from a holiday shopping spree with her arms loaded with packages. Her husband met her at the door and said, “What did you buy? With prices as high as they are, I’ll bet you spent a fortune. I hate to think what has happened to our nest egg.” “I’ll […]

Weakening Anesthetics

Weakening Anesthetics A husband was coming out of anesthesia after a series of tests in the hospital. His wife was sitting at his bedside, when his eyes fluttered open he said, “You are beautiful.” Flattered, the wife continued the vigil. Later he woke up again and said, “You’re cute!” “What happened to beautiful?” She asked. […]

Royal Treatment

Royal Treatment Like a lot of married men, I got the “You just don’t appreciate me” speech. I promised to treat her royally for the remainder of the day. I took her to lunch at Burger King and Dairy Queen for dessert. She’s never mentioned it since. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Feeling Special

Feeling Special One man said, “Few things upset my wife. It makes me feel rather special to be one of them.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

A Stressed Wife

A Stressed Wife One man, while browsing in a Christian bookstore, discovered a shelf of “reduced price” items. Among the items was a little figurine of a man and woman, their heads lovingly tilted toward one another. “Happy 10th Anniversary,” read the inscription. It appeared to be in perfect condition, yet its tag indicated “damaged.” […]

Pretend Praying

Pretend Praying The new army recruit was given guard duty at 2 a.m. He did his best for a while, but at about 4 a.m. he went to sleep. He awakened to find the officer of the day standing before him. Remembering the heavy penalty for being asleep on guard duty, this smart young man […]

Engraving Rings

Engraving Rings The story is told of a young man who entered a jewelry store with an engagement ring and told the jeweler he would like to have some names engraved on it. The jeweler asked, “What names do you wish to have engraved in it?” “From Henry to Clara,” the young man whispered, red-faced. […]

One Good Deed Too Many

One Good Deed Too Many Peter stopped a man at the gate of Heaven and asked him to give an account of himself. “Tell me one good thing you did in your life,” demanded Peter. The man paused for a moment and then responded, “I saw a gang harassing an elderly woman, so I kicked […]


Pallbearers The story is told of an elderly lady who never married. She requested  that at her funeral there be no male pallbearers. In her handwritten request she said, “They wouldn’t take me out while I was living, I don’t want them to take me out when I’m dead.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

An Ambitious Attorney

An Ambitious Attorney A young attorney started his first practice. He was ambitious and excited about how great his firm would soon be. His phones had not yet been hooked up, but he quickly picked up the phone when he heard footsteps toward his office. Looking as dignified as possible, the new attorney said, “Yes, […]

Counsel Hotline

Counsel Hotline A counseling center hotline used the following voice mail message: “Thank you for calling. If you are obsessive-compulsive, please press 1 repeatedly. If you are co-dependent, please ask someone to press 2 for you. If you have multiple personalities, please press 3, 4, 5 and 6. If you are paranoid-delusional, remember that we […]

Life Insurance

Life Insurance A very nervous airline passenger began pacing the terminal when bad weather delayed his flight. During his walk, he came across a life insurance machine. It offered $100,000 in the event of an untimely death aboard his flight. The policy was just three dollars. He looked out the window at the threatening clouds […]

Stealing the Ten Commandments

Stealing the Ten Commandments A Jew and a Christian were indulging in a friendly argument about their respective faiths. “Most of the good things you Christians have, you’ve taken from us,” the Jew said. “The Ten Commandments, for instance.” “I’ll admit we took the Ten Commandments from you,” answered the Christian, “but you can’t say […]

The Lay Awake Plan

The Lay Awake Plan Some people buy things on the “lay awake plan.” They lay awake each evening trying to figure out how they will pay for it! Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Superman and Muhammad Ali

Superman and Muhammad Ali In Muhammad Ali’s heyday as the heavy weight champion in boxing, he had taken his seat on a 747 which was starting to taxi down the runway for take off. The flight attendant walked by and noticed Ali did not have on his seatbelt, and said, “Please fasten your seatbelt, sir.” […]

Funeral for a Cat

Funeral for a Cat The story is told about a lady who was very distraught because her pet cat died. His name was Homer. She called a local Baptist church and asked the minister if he performed funerals for cats and of course he told her he did not, but suggested she call the Presbyterian […]

The Benefit of Worry

The Benefit of Worry An exasperated husband asked his wife, “Why are you always worrying when it doesn’t do any good?” She quickly piped back, “Oh yes it does! Ninety percent of the things I worry about never happen.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

A Poor Boyfriend

A Poor Boyfriend A prospective father-in-law said to his daughter’s boyfriend, “How much money do you have in the bank?” “I don’t know; I haven’t shaken it lately.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Carving the Turkey

Carving the Turkey At Thanksgiving dinner one wife said, “Who wants to carve the turkey?” Her father said, “You carve him, you married him.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Buying an Escalator

Buying an Escalator One man said, “My wife will buy anything marked down. Yesterday, she tried to buy an escalator.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Worldviews Reflected in a Pit

Worldviews Reflected in a Pit A man fell into a pit and couldn’t get himself out: A subjective person came along and said, “I feel for you down there.”An objective person came along and said, “Well it’s logical that someone would fall down there.”A Christian scientist came along and said, “You only think you’re in […]

Finding Time Alone

Finding Time Alone No matter the size of her family or ages of her children, any woman who wants to have some time alone can always find it by simply doing the dishes. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Indications You Are a Mother

Indications You Are a Mother Motherhood has truly set in when: You offer to cut up other people’s foodYou hide in the bathroom to be aloneYou hope ketchup is a vegetable because it’s the only one your kids will eatYou read that the average five-year-old asks 492 questions a day and you feel proud your […]

Marrying a Veteran

Marrying a Veteran Sign posted in the Army recruiting office: “Marry a veteran, girls. He can cook, make beds, sew, and is already used to taking orders.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

You Reap What You Sow

You Reap What You Sow Several years after helping inventing radar, Sir Robert Watson Watt was caught in a radar trap and arrested for speeding. He wrote this poem: Pity Sir Robert Watson Watt,Strange target of his radar plot,And this, with others I could mention,A victim of his own invention. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Ways to Irritate People

Ways to Irritate People 1. Specify that your drive-through order is “to go.” 2. Speak only in a “robot” voice. 3. Start each meal by conspicuously licking all your food, and announce that this is so no one will “swipe your grub.” 4. Name your dog “Dog.” 5. Forget the punchline to a long joke, […]

The Seventeenth Chapter of Mark

The Seventeenth Chapter of Mark A Sunday school teacher was giving her class the assignment for the next week. “Next Sunday,” she said, “we are going to talk about liars, and in preparation for our lesson I want you all to read the seventeenth chapter of Mark.” The following week, at the beginning of the […]

Dreaming of Engagement

Dreaming of Engagement A young fellow once said to his girlfriend: “I dreamed about you last night.” Naturally, she was intrigued and wanted to know all about it. He said, “I dreamed that I proposed to you. I wonder what that means!” She said, “That’s very simple, “It means that you have more sense when […]

Stopping a Basketball Game

Stopping a Basketball Game An NBA game between the Houston Rockets and Golden State Warriors was stopped for about five minutes because of a bat that was swooping over the court and flying uncomfortably close to some of the players. The bat was finally caught in a net and released outside. Just as a little […]

Supporting a Family

Supporting a Family The prospective father-in-law asked, “Young man, can you support a family?” The surprised groom-to-be replied, “Well, no, I was just planning to support your daughter. The rest of you will have to fend for yourselves.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Wringing His Hands

Wringing His Hands Ralph was head over heels in trouble, but doing little to help himself. A friend advised, “Ralph, you’ve got two hands, why don’t you do something?” “I am,” Ralph replied, “I’m wringing both of them.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

He Mailed Himself

He Mailed Himself Charles McKinley, had four weeks of vacation coming, so he decided to visit his parents in DeSoto, Texas. Rather than buy a plane ticket from New York to Dallas for $320, McKinley, a shipping clerk, packed himself into a shipping crate and air-expressed himself home, charging the fees to his employer. When […]

Neglect of Prayer

Neglect of Prayer A fisherman was at sea with his godless companions when a storm came up and threatened to sink their ship. His friends begged him to pray; but he said, “It’s been a long time since I’ve done that or even entered a church.” At their insistence, however, he finally cried out, “O […]

Why We Host Children’s Parties

Why We Host Children’s Parties Someone said that the main purpose of holding children’s parties is to remind yourself that there are children more awful than your own. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Holy Spirit, Vivifying the Word – Charles Spurgeon

Holy Spirit, Vivifying the Word – Charles Spurgeon IT is the word of God that is living, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. There must be life in it, for by it men are born again. As for believers, the Holy Spirit often sets the word on a blaze while they are studying […]

Holy Spirit, Treasury of the Church – Charles Spurgeon

Holy Spirit, Treasury of the Church – Charles Spurgeon BRETHREN, the more than golden treasure of the church is the Holy Spirit. The treasury of the church is not under the lock and key of the State; her caskets of wealth are not to be opened by the power of the policeman, by an Act […]

A Proud Grandfather

A Proud Grandfather “Did I ever tell you about my grandchildren?” a proud grandfather asked.“No,” replied the friend, “and you don’t know how much I have appreciated it!” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Holiness the Root of Testimony – Charles Spurgeon

Holiness the Root of Testimony – Charles Spurgeon IN proportion as a church is holy, in that proportion will its testimony for Christ be powerful. Oh! were the saints immaculate, our testimony would be like fire among the stubble, like the flaming firebrand in the midst of the sheaves of corn. Were the saints of […]

Holiness, Persevering – Charles Spurgeon

Holiness, Persevering – Charles Spurgeon HOLINESS consists not in the rushing of intense resolve, which, like Kishon, sweeps everything before it, and then subsides, but in the constant flow of Siloah’s still waters, which perpetually make glad the city of our God. Holiness is no blazing comet, amazing nations with a transient glory; it is […]

Holiness not Dependent upon Knowledge – Charles Spurgeon

Holiness not Dependent upon Knowledge – Charles Spurgeon HOW am I to account for it that there have been men of every extreme of doctrine, from Dr. Hawker down to Fletcher of Madeley, men ranging from semi-Pelagianism right up to the verge of Antinomianism, who nevertheless were so eminently holy, that one has hardly room […]

The Verse above the Nursery

The Verse above the Nursery The visitor was curious when he saw the Bible verse on the door from 1 Corinthians 15:51: “Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed.” It all became clear when the visitor realized the door went to the nursery. Facebook Twitter […]

He Can Be Nice When He Wants To

He Can Be Nice When He Wants To One woman commented on her husband’s unsavory disposition: “He can be nice when he wants to . . . he just never wants to!” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Holiness, Marvels of – Charles Spurgeon

Holiness, Marvels of – Charles Spurgeon WHAT a strange thing must holiness be, if the man who possesses it has to act in conformity to a thousand relationships! What a wonderful piece of artistic adjustment! A painting by a master-hand! A work of are unparalleled! A music of intricate and ravishing harmonies! An honest man,” […]

Motivation to Do More

Motivation to Do More A farm boy got a white football for Christmas. He played with it awhile and accidentally kicked it over into the neighbor’s yard. The old rooster ran out, looked at it, and called the hens to see it. “Now look here,” the rooster told them, “I don’t want you to think […]

 Holiness in Little Things – Charles Spurgeon

Holiness in Little Things – Charles Spurgeon MUCH of the beauty of holiness lies in little things. Microscopic holiness is the perfection of excellence: if a life will bear examination in each hour of it, it is pure indeed. Those who are not careful about their words, and even their thoughts, will soon grow careless […]

5 Things to Be Thankful For

5 Things to Be Thankful For Automatic dishwashers—they make it possible to get out of the kitchen before the family comes in for their after-dinner snacks. Husbands who attack small repair jobs around the house. They usually make them big enough to call in professionals. Children who put away their things and clean up after […]

An Exasperated Umpire

An Exasperated Umpire Sitting in the stands at a baseball game, a lady critic yelled, “Ump, if I was your wife, I’d feed you poison.” This was all the baseball umpire could stomach. Glaring back, he shouted, “And if I were your husband, I’d take it!” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Heroism, the Noblest – Charles Spurgeon

Heroism, the Noblest – Charles Spurgeon THE bearing of many of the martyrs has been singularly heroic. You will be struck in reading “Foxe’s Acts and Monuments,” to find how many of the humblest men and women acted as if they were of noblest blood. In every age the line of martyrs has been a […]

Praying about His Diet

Praying about His Diet A co-worker asked a friend why he got donuts if he is trying to diet. He said, “Well, I came around the corner where the donut shop was. I told God, if He wanted me to buy some donuts to have a parking spot in the front. On the eighth time […]

Despair Is Contagious

Despair Is Contagious There was a fellow who was about to jump from a bridge. An alert police officer slowly and methodically moved toward him, talking with him all the time. When the officer got within inches of the man he said, “Surely nothing could be bad enough for you to take your life. Tell […]

Sincerely Apathetic

Sincerely Apathetic The nice thing about apathy is you don’t have to exert yourself to show you’re sincere about it. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Helps – Charles Spurgeon

Helps – Charles Spurgeon ON the summit of some of the Swiss passes, the canton, for the preservation and accommodation of travelers, maintains a small body of men, sometimes only two or three, who live in a little house at the top, and whose business it is to help travelers on their way. It was […]

Helmet, Anointing the – Charles Spurgeon

Helmet, Anointing the – Charles Spurgeon THE helmet is an old-fashioned kind of armor; and in old days, the lieutenants and other officers, when they went round the regiment, used to look, not only to see that the men had their helmets, but to see that they had oiled them; for in those times they […]

Hell, Development of the Sinner in – Charles Spurgeon

Hell, Development of the Sinner in – Charles Spurgeon WHAT will be the development of an unregenerate character in Hell I cannot tell, but I am certain it will be something which my imagination dares not now attempt to depict, for all the restraints of this life which have kept men decent and moral will […]

Hell, Back Door to—For Hypocrites – Charles Spurgeon

Hell, Back Door to—For Hypocrites – Charles Spurgeon REMEMBER the back door to Hell! There is a public entrance for the open sinner; but there is a back door for the professed saint; there is a back door for the hoary-headed professor, who has lived many years in apparent sincerity, but who has been a […]

Heavenly Desires only for the Believer – Charles Spurgeon

Heavenly Desires only for the Believer – Charles Spurgeon MAN by nature would be content to abide on earth forever. If you long for a holy and spiritual state, your desire is not of nature’s creation. God has wrought it in you. Yes, I will venture to say that the desire for Heaven is contrary […]

Heaven, Wonders of – Charles Spurgeon

Heaven, Wonders of – Charles Spurgeon IN Heaven we shall see what God has lifted us up to be. We talk of being sons of God. Did we ever realize that? We speak of Heaven being ours: but do we know what we mean by that language? Truly “it does not yet appear what we […]

Heaven, Rehearsing for – Charles Spurgeon

Heaven, Rehearsing for – Charles Spurgeon ONE reason why we shall be able to rest in Heaven, is because we shall there be able perpetually to achieve the object of our creation. Am I nearer Heaven? then I will be doing more of the work which I shall do in Heaven. I shall soon use […]

Heaven, Opened by Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Heaven, Opened by Christ – Charles Spurgeon HOW wondrously David foretold the glorious opening of the gates, when he sang the ascent of the illustrious hero! He rose amid attending angels, ascending not in phantom form, but in a real body, and as he neared the heavenly portals, holy angels sang, “Lift up your heads, […]

Heaven, Gates of—Ajar – Charles Spurgeon

Heaven, Gates of—Ajar – Charles Spurgeon WE know not yet as we are known, but we do know in part, and that part knowledge is precious. The gates have been ajar at times, and men have looked awhile, and beheld and wondered. Three times, at least, human eyes have seen something of the body of […]

Heaven, Freedom from Death in – Charles Spurgeon

Heaven, Freedom from Death in – Charles Spurgeon SUCH a thing as a funeral knell was never heard in Heaven. No angel was ever carried to his grave—though angels have been in the sepulcher—for there sat two, at the head and the feet, where the body of Jesus had lain; they were visitors, not dwellers […]

Heaven, Christ’s Presence in—Our Joy. – Charles Spurgeon

Heaven, Christ’s Presence in—Our Joy. – Charles Spurgeon TO hear but the King’s silver trumpets sounding in the distance does make the heart to dance, but what must it be to see the King in his beauty in the streets of his own metropolis, where he rides forth in constant triumph? Have you not known […]

Heaven, Christ the Key into – Charles Spurgeon

Heaven, Christ the Key into – Charles Spurgeon THE great King has made a banquet, and he has proclaimed to all the world that none shall enter but those who bring with them the fairest flower that blooms. The spirits of men advance to the gate by thousands, and they bring each one the flower […]

Heaven, Abundant Entrance into – Charles Spurgeon

Heaven, Abundant Entrance into – Charles Spurgeon MAY we never be like a ship which has been all but wrecked and just escaped the rocks, tugged into harbor with extreme difficulty, her hull all but waterlogged, her cargo spoiled, her masts gone by the board, her streamers gone, her crew and passengers all wet, and […]

Heart, Christ Knocking at the – Charles Spurgeon

Heart, Christ Knocking at the – Charles Spurgeon JESUS cries, “Open to me! Open to me!” Will you not admit your Savior? You love him. He gave himself for you, he pleads for you: let him into your soul, commune with him this morning. When you turn to read his word, every promise is a […]

Too Weak to Clean up After Himself

Too Weak to Clean up After Himself A mother walked into her teenage son’s makeshift weight room and watched him work out on the bench press. After seeing him move through several heavy repetitions, she asked, “Why is it you can lift nearly two hundred pounds, but you can’t pick up your clothes?” Facebook Twitter […]

Hearers, Unsaved—Exhortation to – Charles Spurgeon

Hearers, Unsaved—Exhortation to – Charles Spurgeon THE rain fell today, but fell upon thorns and briers as well as upon the green blades of the wheat. The dews will weep, and they will fall upon the thickly-tangled thistles and matted brier quite as copiously as upon the cottager’s well-weeded garden: and when the sun shines […]

Hearers, Inattentive – Charles Spurgeon

Hearers, Inattentive – Charles Spurgeon HOW many hear the gospel but do not hear it attentively! A telegram on the Exchange—they read it with both their eyes—will there be a rise or fall of stocks? An article from which they may judge of the general current of trade—how they devour it with their minds, they […]

Signs You Ate Too Much for Thanksgiving

Signs You Ate Too Much for Thanksgiving The doctor tells you your weight would be perfect for a man 17 feet tall. You are responsible for a slight but measurable shift in the earth’s axis. Paramedics bring in the Jaws of Life to pry you out of the EZ-Boy. The potatoes you used set off […]

Health, Restoration to—A Reason for Praise – Charles Spurgeon

Health, Restoration to—A Reason for Praise – Charles Spurgeon I KNOW one, who has long been privileged to lift his voice in the choir of the great King. In that delightful labor none more happy than he. The longer he was engaged in the work the more he loved it. Now, it came to pass […]

Be Real

Be Real The story is told of a zoo that was noted for their great collection of different animals. One day the gorilla died, and to keep up the appearance of a full range of animals, the zookeeper hired a man to wear a gorilla suit and fill in for the dead animal. It was […]

Haste for the Salvation of Souls – Charles Spurgeon

Haste for the Salvation of Souls – Charles Spurgeon IT must have been a noble spectacle to have seen Aaron when the plague broke out among the people, rushing for his censer, putting on the holy fire and the sacred incense, and running in between the living and the dead, that the plague might be […]

Who’s Driving?

Who’s Driving? Gertrude and Mildred were driving to their Sunday school party. The two elderly sisters were thankful they could still drive and took turns driving the Buick they shared. Gertrude became very nervous after Mildred ran through two red lights. As they approached the next light, Mildred was talking nonstop and gave no indication […]

Harvest of Blessing from Seed of Sorrow – Charles Spurgeon

Harvest of Blessing from Seed of Sorrow – Charles Spurgeon THERE is not in the whole area of our future life a single plot of stony ground which shall not yield us fertile harvests of joy. As Midas of old touched even the most valueless objects and turned them into gold, so does the hand […]

Harmonies of Nature – Charles Spurgeon

Harmonies of Nature – Charles Spurgeon IN the grandeur of nature there are awful harmonies. When the storm agitates the ocean below, the heavens above hear the tumult and answer to the clamor. Down comes a deluge of sonorous hail or swift-descending rain, attended with peals of thunder and flashes of flame. Frequently the waterspout […]

Hardness of Heart – Charles Spurgeon

Hardness of Heart – Charles Spurgeon OH man, I pray you as your fellow creature, let me speak with you a word of expostulation. God declares that his wrath abides upon you as an unbeliever, and do you call that nothing? God says, “I am angry with you,” and you say to him, “I do […]

Running Out of Gas

Running Out of Gas One New Year’s Day, in the Tournament of Roses parade, a beautiful float suddenly sputtered and quit. It was out of gas. The whole parade was held up until someone could get a can of gas. The amusing thing was this float represented the Standard Oil Company. With its vast oil […]

Happiness Within – Charles Spurgeon

Happiness Within – Charles Spurgeon THOUGHTS are the flowers from which we must distill the essential flavorings of life. Paul and Silas sing in the stocks because their minds are at ease, while Herod frets on his throne because conscience makes him a coward. The soul of Linnaeus exults within him at the sight of […]

Happiness laid up for the Believer – Charles Spurgeon

Happiness laid up for the Believer – Charles Spurgeon NO one but a person without sense would say that the farmer has lost so much of his capital when he has cast it in the form of seed-corn into the furrows. Nay, sir, he reckons that he has gained when he has sown, for the […]

Finding Your Inner Self

Finding Your Inner Self Did you hear about the lady who said, “I finally got a hold of my inner self and she’s just a confused as I am!” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Gratitude to be Expressed – Charles Spurgeon

Gratitude to be Expressed – Charles Spurgeon THERE was a poor man who was a pauper, but a kind friend had taken care of him, and the old man was never better pleased than when he could garrulously tell out his thanks to passing strangers. “That’s a dear man who lives up at the white […]


Parachuting Gertrude was about to make her first parachute jump. The instructor said, “First, you pull the big cord. If it doesn’t work, you pull the little cord. There will be a red pickup truck waiting for you when you land.” Gertrude jumped. When she pulled the big cord, nothing happened, so she pulled the […]

Gratitude, Song of – Charles Spurgeon

Gratitude, Song of – Charles Spurgeon AFTER the elders of the people had dug for awhile, the flowing crystal began to leap into the air; they saw it run over the margin of the well, the multitude pressed around to quench their thirst, and then they sang, “Spring up, O well! Flow on, flow on, […]

Gratitude, Exhortation to – Charles Spurgeon

Gratitude, Exhortation to – Charles Spurgeon WHY pine you, you saints? Why mourn you, and lie upon your dunghills until the dogs of Hell lick your sores? Come, wrap you yourselves in your scarlet and fine linen, you heirs of Heaven! Live according to your portion, fare according to the banquet. All things are yours, […]

The Result of Disagreement

The Result of Disagreement Intending to raise cattle, a family from New York bought a ranch out West. When their friends visited and inquired about the ranch’s name, the would be rancher replied: “I wanted to name it the Bar-J. My wife favored Suzy-Q, one of our sons wanted the Flying-W, and the other liked […]

Greed, Folly of – Charles Spurgeon

Greed, Folly of – Charles Spurgeon GREED is so afraid lest one brick of its house should be stolen that it pulls out the corner-stone to keep it safe under the bed, and the whole building tumbles about its ears. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Things Mom Would Never Say

Things Mom Would Never Say “How on earth can you see the TV sitting so far back?” “Just leave all the lights on…it makes the house look more cheery.” “Let me smell that shirt—Yeah, it’s good for another week.” “Go ahead and keep that stray dog, honey. I’ll be glad to feed and walk him […]

Grace of God in Conversion – Charles Spurgeon

Grace of God in Conversion – Charles Spurgeon IF every convert were brought in through the usual means of grace, we should come to regard conversion as a necessary result from certain fixed causes, and attribute some mystic virtue to the outward means; but when God is pleased to distribute the blessing entirely apart from […]

Hard of Hearing

Hard of Hearing A husband read an article to his wife about how women use 30,000 words a day to a man’s 15,000. The wife replied, “That’s because we have to repeat everything to men.” The husband turned to his wife and said, “What?” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Grace and Responsibility – Charles Spurgeon

Grace and Responsibility – Charles Spurgeon IN the Square of St. Mark, at Venice, at certain hours, the bell of the clock is struck by two bronze figures as large as life, wielding hammers. Now, nobody ever thought of presenting thanks to those bronze men for the diligence with which they have struck the hours; […]

Using a Map

Using a Map Three men were hiking through a forest when they came upon a large, raging, violent river. Needing to get to the other side, the first man prayed, “God, please give me the strength to cross the river.” Poof! God gave him big arms and strong legs. He was able to swim across […]

Grace, Victorious over Sin – Charles Spurgeon

Grace, Victorious over Sin – Charles Spurgeon GRACE came down to earth in the form of the Well-beloved, and it met with sin. Long and sharp was the struggle, and grace appeared to be trampled under foot of sin; but grace at last seized sin, threw it on its own shoulders, and, though all but […]

Too Lazy to Walk His Dog

Too Lazy to Walk His Dog Some people refer to Paul Railton of Consett, England, as the laziest man in the world. That would be difficult to prove, but his legal troubles certainly provide evidence that he is in the running for the title. In December of 2009, Railton was reported to the authorities by […]

Grace, Reigning in Salvation – Charles Spurgeon

Grace, Reigning in Salvation – Charles Spurgeon CERTAIN skeptical philosophers have half conceded that there may have been an exhibition of divine strength in the beginning, when the great orbs of Heaven were first caused to revolve, but then they affect to question whether any fresh power is put forth to preserve the stars in […]

Grace, Preventing – Charles Spurgeon

Grace, Preventing – Charles Spurgeon BELOVED, I have thanked God a thousand times in my life that, before my conversion, when I had ill desires I had no opportunities; and, on the other hand, that when I had opportunities I had no desires; for when desires and opportunities come together, like the flint and steel, […]

Grace, Manifestation of—In Little Things – Charles Spurgeon

Grace, Manifestation of—In Little Things – Charles Spurgeon WASHING feet is not a great or essential act. A man may live, though his feet after a journey may not be cooled by the refreshing stream from the ewer. It is a small act, a grateful and refreshing act, and just such things Jesus Christ must […]

Grace flowing Godward – Charles Spurgeon

Grace flowing Godward – Charles Spurgeon YOU know there is a rule of this sort in hydrostatics, that water will rise to its own level. Not long ago, I thought such things were gone out. I was riding along where the road was in a little cutting, and a spout was actually taken over the […]

Trim the Sermon

Trim the Sermon The story is told about a pastor that got up in the pulpit and apologized for the Band-Aid on his face. He said “I was thinking about my sermon while shaving and cut my face.” Afterward the treasurer found a note in the collection plate, “Next time, think about your face and […]

Grace, Doctrines of – Charles Spurgeon

Grace, Doctrines of – Charles Spurgeon DO you imagine that when it was death to listen to the preacher, that men under the shadows of night, and amid the wings of tempest, would then listen to philosophical essays, or to mere moral precepts, or to diluted, adulterated, soul-less, theological suppositions? No, there is no energy […]

Grace, Daily—Reception of – Charles Spurgeon

Grace, Daily—Reception of – Charles Spurgeon WE must ever keep in mind that we are only channels for grace, we are not even pools and reservoirs, we must have a continual supply of divine gifts. We must have an abiding union with the fountain of all good, or we should soon run dry, and only […]

Do You Know Who I Am?

Do You Know Who I Am? At a tea for officers and their wives, the commanding general of a base delivered a seemingly endless oration. A young lieutenant grumbled to the woman sitting beside him, “What a pompous and unbearable old windbag that slob is!” The woman turned to him, her face red with rage. […]

Gossips – Charles Spurgeon

Gossips – Charles Spurgeon GOSSIPS of both genders, give up the shameful trade of tale-bearing; don’t be the devil’s bellows any longer to blow up the fire of strife. Leave off setting people by the ears. If you do not cut a bit off your tongues, at least season them with the salt of grace. […]

Gospels, False—To be Despised – Charles Spurgeon 

Gospels, False—To be Despised – Charles Spurgeon WE cannot get on with philosophical gospels: we must bring together all these new geological gospels and neological gospels, and semi-Pelagian gospels, and do with them as the people of Ephesus did with the books—we must burn them, and let Paul preach again to us. We can do […]

New Year’s Blues

New Year’s Blues In a Peanuts strip Lucy once grumbled to poor Charlie Brown about the awful New Year she was having. She complained that problems abounded, and she felt that difficulties were around every corner. Then she said, “I don’t think this is a New Year at all—I think we’ve been stuck with a USED year!!!” […]

Gospel, Power of – Charles Spurgeon

Gospel, Power of – Charles Spurgeon OH, what power there is in the gospel sword when Jesus holds the hilt, and what gashes it makes in hearts that were hard as adamant, when Jesus cuts right and left at the hearts and consciences of men. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Gospel, Freshness of the – Charles Spurgeon

Gospel, Freshness of the – Charles Spurgeon AS for the gospel, it wears the dew of its youth after eighteen centuries of struggles; and it predominates most in those young nations which have evidently a history before them. The old systems are now most favored by those nations which are left behind in the race […]

Working against Each Other

Working against Each Other The story is told of two men riding a tandem bicycle up a steep hill. After much effort, they  finally made it to the top of the hill. The front rider said, “That was a tough ride.” To which the second rider replied, “Sure was, and if I hadn’t kept the […]

Gospel, Freeness of the – Charles Spurgeon

Gospel, Freeness of the – Charles Spurgeon I RECOLLECT great complaint being made against a sermon of mine, “Compel them to come in,” in which I spoke with much tenderness for souls. That sermon was said to be Arminian and unsound. Brethren, it is a small matter to me to be judged of men’s judgment, […]

Gospel, Free yet Despised – Charles Spurgeon

Gospel, Free yet Despised – Charles Spurgeon I WALKED over a long sandy road one day, when the weather was sultry, and the heat, far beyond our common experience in this country, was almost tropical; I saw a little stream of cool water, and being parched with thirst I stooped down and drank. Do you […]

 Gospel, Exercising Insensible Influence – Charles Spurgeon 

Gospel, Exercising Insensible Influence – Charles Spurgeon THERE is a lavender field over yonder, and though a man may hate the smell of it, and block up his windows and keep his doors closed, somehow or other, he may depend upon it, when the wind blows in the right direction, the perfume will reach him. […]

Gospel, Adorned by the Believer’s Life – Charles Spurgeon

Gospel, Adorned by the Believer’s Life – Charles Spurgeon LET us endeavor to make men mark what kind of gospel we believe. Only a few weeks ago, a missionary in China took his gun to go up one of the rivers of the interior to shoot wild ducks; and, as he went along in the […]

Goodness of God, Fullness of – Charles Spurgeon

Goodness of God, Fullness of – Charles Spurgeon IT is no small task to water one garden, in the heat of the summer time, so that every flower shall be refreshed, and no plant overlooked. How great is the might of him who, from the salt sea, extracts the precious clouds of sweet rain, to […]

God’s Heart towards the Sinner – Charles Spurgeon

God’s Heart towards the Sinner – Charles Spurgeon WHEN a mother has a sick child, it is marvelous how quick her ears become while attending it. Good woman, we wonder she does not fall asleep. If you hired a nurse, it is ten to one she would. But the dear child in the middle of […]

God’s Command our Warrant for Action – Charles Spurgeon

God’s Command our Warrant for Action – Charles Spurgeon WELLINGTON sent word to his troops, one night, “Ciudad Rodrigo must be taken tonight.” And what do you think was the commentary of the British soldiers appointed for the attack? “Then,” said they all, “we will do it.” So when our great Captain sends round, as […]

Godly Society, Absence of—A Trial to the Christian – Charles Spurgeon

Godly Society, Absence of—A Trial to the Christian – Charles Spurgeon SOMETIMES the child of God endures loneliness arising from the absence of godly society. It may be in early days he mixed much with gracious persons, was able to attend many of their meetings, and to converse in private with the excellent of the […]

God and Man United by Faith – Charles Spurgeon

God and Man United by Faith – Charles Spurgeon I SEE a great engine of enormous strength, and a well-fashioned machine: the machine cannot work of itself, it has no power in it, but if I could get the band to unite the machine with the engine, what might be done! Behold, I see the […]

God, A—Sought by Humanity – Charles Spurgeon

God, A—Sought by Humanity – Charles Spurgeon GOD has given to all the creatures he has made some peculiar form of strength—one has such swiftness of foot that at the baying of a hound it escapes from danger by outstripping the wind; another, with outspread wing, is lifted beyond the fowler; a third with horns […]

God, Word of—Worthy of Credit – Charles Spurgeon

God, Word of—Worthy of Credit – Charles Spurgeon WHO shall doubt the King? Who dares impugn the Imperial word? It was well said that if integrity were banished from the hearts of all mankind besides, it ought still to dwell in the hearts of kings. Shame on a king if he can lie. The truest […]

God, Throne of—Universal – Charles Spurgeon

God, Throne of—Universal – Charles Spurgeon THE sapphire throne of God, at this moment, is revealed in Heaven, where adoring angels cast their crowns before it; and its power is felt on earth, where the works of creation praise the Lord. Even those who acknowledge not the divine government are compelled to feel it, for […]

God, Presence of—The Supreme Joy – Charles Spurgeon

God, Presence of—The Supreme Joy – Charles Spurgeon THE deer longs after nothing else but waterbrooks. There may have been other times when the poor stag had other natural desires: she may have desired the grassy plains or the shady woods, but now, hunted, wearied, steaming, panting, it must drink or die: it has but […]

God, Power of—In Nature – Charles Spurgeon

God, Power of—In Nature – Charles Spurgeon WE see but little of God’s power comparatively in our land. Now and then there comes a crash of thunder in a storm, and we look up with amazement when he sets the heavens on a blaze with his lightning. But go and do business on the deep […]

Selfish Dating

Selfish Dating A young man called his mother and excitedly announced that he had just met the woman of his dreams. His mother said, “Why don’t you send her flowers and invite her to your apartment for a home-cooked meal?” The day after the big date, his mother called to see how things had gone. “Mom, the […]

God, Joy of – Charles Spurgeon

God, Joy of – Charles Spurgeon IT is a bold thing to speak of God as moved by joy or affected by grief; but still, since he is no God of wood and stone, no insensible block, we may, speaking after the manner of men, declare that God rejoiced over his risen Son with exceeding […]

 God Inimitable – Charles Spurgeon 

God Inimitable – Charles Spurgeon DEITY has a peculiar manner, which it is quite impossible to imitate with success. In the base counterfeit of the book of Mormon, a mere child, fresh from the Sunday-school, can discover marks and lines which are manifestly far from divine, and in the more commanding imposture of the Koran […]

God Glorified by Weak Instrumentalities – Charles Spurgeon

God Glorified by Weak Instrumentalities – Charles Spurgeon IF Samson had the choice of weapons with which to rout his enemies; if he wished to do it in such a way as to make the feat illustrious; if there were before him a cannon, a fifty-pounder, and the jawbone of an donkey, which would he […]

Glory of Christ, Sight of the—Desired – Charles Spurgeon

Glory of Christ, Sight of the—Desired – Charles Spurgeon IF I look to Christ with a bleared eye, that is ever so weak and clouded with tears, and if I only catch a glimpse of him through clouds and mists, yet the sight saves me. But who will remain content with such a poor gleam […]

Giving, Blessedness of – Charles Spurgeon

Giving, Blessedness of – Charles Spurgeon IT is well to feel that whatever good your gift may do to the church, or the poor, or the sick, it is twice as much benefit to you to give it. It is well to give, because you love to give; as the flower which pours forth its […]

Gifts, Small—Valued by God – Charles Spurgeon

Gifts, Small—Valued by God – Charles Spurgeon ON our birthdays our little children love to give their father something, if it is only a bunch of flowers out of the garden, or a fourpenny piece with a hole in it; they like to do it to show their love; and wise parents will be sure […]

Gift of the Pen to be used for Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Gift of the Pen to be used for Christ – Charles Spurgeon THERE are numbers of believers who have not the gift of utterance with the tongue, who nevertheless can speak very fluently and admirably with the pen. If, then, you have the gift of the pen, are you using it for Christ as you […]

Spirit, Lesson from a – Charles Spurgeon

Spirit, Lesson from a – Charles Spurgeon I REMEMBER well, one night, having been preaching the word in a country village, I was walking home alone along a lonely footpath. I do not know what it was that ailed me, but I was prepared to be alarmed, when of a surety I saw something standing […]

 Gentleness of God with Man – Charles Spurgeon

Gentleness of God with Man – Charles Spurgeon WHEN a man has taken to gardening who does not understand it, if he takes his knife in the pruning season, at what a rate he goes to work! His cutting here and there will do ten times more harm than good, but the gardener who is […]

Gentleness v. Sternness – Charles Spurgeon

Gentleness v. Sternness – Charles Spurgeon WHEN you have to distribute your tracts, or visit from house to house, or to teach a class of boys or girls, prefer sugar to vinegar for your breakfast. Vinegar did, according to very doubtful history, soften the rocks for Hannibal, but it will not soften hearts for you. […]

Garden, The Believer’s – Charles Spurgeon

Garden, The Believer’s – Charles Spurgeon THIS figure of a garden is a very sweet and attractive one. I need not tell you how much taste may be displayed and how much pleasure may be derived from the cultivation of such plots of ground. Our fancy is soon at work to invent a picture of […]

 Fullness of Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Fullness of Christ – Charles Spurgeon I WAS in Windermere some three weeks ago, on a hot, dusty day, and I saw a little gushing stream of water, and a chain with a ladle to it for the passer-by to drink. I wanted to drink, and I went to it, but the ladle was cracked […]

Fruitfulness, Christian – Charles Spurgeon

Fruitfulness, Christian – Charles Spurgeon SOMETIMES in our garden we have a tree which is so loaded with fruit that we have to put props under it to keep the branches from trembling; there are one or two in this church of that sort, who bear much fruit for God, and are so weak in […]

Friendship with God, Necessity of – Charles Spurgeon

Friendship with God, Necessity of – Charles Spurgeon YOU doat upon that wife of yours; she may be smitten before your eyes, and waste with consumption or decline, or, more rapidly still, she may be taken from you at a stroke, and then where is your joy? Those children, those happy prattlers who make glad […]

Friendship with God in Death – Charles Spurgeon

Friendship with God in Death – Charles Spurgeon I SHOULD not choose to enter upon the realm of spirits without having God to be my friend; for it were a dreadful thing to get into that mysterious unknown country, having nothing to take with me across its bourne except this—an inveterate enmity to the King […]

Friendship, Ties of—Easily Broken – Charles Spurgeon

Friendship, Ties of—Easily Broken – Charles Spurgeon WITH very many, friendship sits very loosely: they could almost write as Horace Walpole does in one of his letters. He says he takes everything very easily, “and if,” says he, “a friend should die, I drive down to the St. James’s coffeehouse, and bring home another,” doubtless […]

Friendship, Perpetuity of True – Charles Spurgeon

Friendship, Perpetuity of True – Charles Spurgeon SOLOMON, speaking not of the world’s sham friends, but of friends indeed, says, “A friend loves at all times.” Having once given his heart to his chosen companion, he clings to him in all weathers, fair or foul; he loves him none the less because he becomes poor, […]

Fretfulness, Folly of – Charles Spurgeon

Fretfulness, Folly of – Charles Spurgeon NO good comes out of fretful, petulant, unbelieving heart-trouble. This lion yields no honey. If it would help you, you might reasonably sit down and weep until the tears had washed away your woe. If it were really to some practical benefit to be suspicious of God and distrustful […]

Free Will and Grace – Charles Spurgeon

Free Will and Grace – Charles Spurgeon THE Lord knows how to leave us free, and yet to make us do his bidding, and therein lies the beauty of gospel influences. Suppose man’s will to be a room; if you and I want to open it, we break in the lock; we do not understand […]

Free Thought, Judgment of – Charles Spurgeon

Free Thought, Judgment of – Charles Spurgeon THERE is a notion abroad that thought is free; but I remember reading, that although thoughts are toll-free, they are not hell-free; and that saying quite agrees with the good old Book. We cannot be summoned before an earthly court for thinking; but depend upon it we shall […]

Forsaking God, Folly of – Charles Spurgeon

Forsaking God, Folly of – Charles Spurgeon WHEN a child runs away from its home because it has a brutal parent, it is excused; but when the child leaves a tender mother and an affectionate father, what shall we say? If the sleep quits a barren field to seek after needed pasturage, who shall blame […]

Formalism in Prayer – Charles Spurgeon

Formalism in Prayer – Charles Spurgeon A MERE formalist can always pray so as to please himself. What has he to do but to open his book and read the prescribed words, or bow his knee and repeat such phrases as suggest themselves to his memory or his fancy? Like the Tartarian Praying Machine, give […]

Folly of Resisting God – Charles Spurgeon

Folly of Resisting God – Charles Spurgeon THE huge Matterhorn lifts its colossal head above the clouds. Who will may speak against it; but it bows not its giant form; and no matter what of snow and sleet may dash against its ramparts, there it stands, still the same; emblem herein of the great throne […]

Forgiveness, leading to Holiness – Charles Spurgeon

Forgiveness, leading to Holiness – Charles Spurgeon IF a man has committed every crime in the whole catalogue of villainy, and his heart has become hard as the nether millstone, and his disposition altogether base and mean, and groveling, and sensual, and devilish, the Spirit of God can turn that man in a single moment […]

Forgiveness, Freeness of – Charles Spurgeon

Forgiveness, Freeness of – Charles Spurgeon MIRTHFUL, dissolute man, there is that poor girl ruined body and soul, through you, in years gone by, and nothing you can ever do can undo that mischief. Could your tears forever flow, you can never unwrite the past, nor restore the lost one. Could you bring that wandering […]

Forbearance of God sparing Life – Charles Spurgeon

Forbearance of God sparing Life – Charles Spurgeon YOU have no warrant either from his word or from his angels to assure you that God has suspended the sentence even for the next hour. You are living by his forbearance, spared by the divine sovereignty. Some rave against sovereignty, but in this case it is […]

Flesh, Works of—Withering – Charles Spurgeon

Flesh, Works of—Withering – Charles Spurgeon WHEN I was seeking the Lord, I not only believed that I could not pray without divine help, but I felt in my very soul that I could not. Then I could not even feel aright, or mourn as I would, or groan as I would. I longed to […]

Fishers of Men – Charles Spurgeon

Fishers of Men – Charles Spurgeon I SAW on Lake Como, when we visited Bellagio, some men fishing. They had torches burning in their boats, and the fish were attracted to them by the glare of the light. You must know how to get the fish together. You know there is such a thing as […]

Finding Christ, Recompense of – Charles Spurgeon

Finding Christ, Recompense of – Charles Spurgeon LET me assure you when you have found the Lord, your waiting will be richly recompensed. I would have lingered at his doors for eighty years if he would for a recompense give me but the one kiss of his lips. I would gladly lie at his pool […]

Final Perseverance, guaranteed by Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Final Perseverance, guaranteed by Christ – Charles Spurgeon THE very least of God’s people is safe, because the love of Christ is as much set upon the least as the greatest; because Jesus has as much bought with blood the least as the greatest; because Christ is as much the Surety of the little saints […]

Final Perseverance a Spur to Service – Charles Spurgeon

Final Perseverance a Spur to Service – Charles Spurgeon I CAN never conceive that it dispirits the soldier, when he is fighting, to tell him that he must win the victory. This is what Cromwell’s Ironsides said when they saw the great general riding along the ranks, “‘Tis he!” they said, “’tis he!” They felt […]

Filial Love seen in Small Services – Charles Spurgeon

Filial Love seen in Small Services – Charles Spurgeon OUTSIDE, in the streets, a man’s companions will do him a kindness, and the action performed is friendly; but for filial acts you must look inside the house. There the child does not lend money to its father, or negociate business, yet in his little acts […]

Fidelity tested by Non-success – Charles Spurgeon 

Fidelity tested by Non-success – Charles Spurgeon TO go on tilling a thankless soil, to continue to cast bread upon the waters and to find no return, has caused many a true heart to faint with inward bleeding. Yet this is full often the test of our fidelity. It is a noble thing to continue […]

Festival of the Saints – Charles Spurgeon

Festival of the Saints – Charles Spurgeon THE ancients were very fond of festive songs. When they assembled at their great festivals, led by their chosen minstrels, they sang right joyously, with boisterous mirth. Let those who will speak to the praise of wine, my soul shall extol the precious blood of Jesus; let who […]

Fellowship with Christ, Strength for Service – Charles Spurgeon

Fellowship with Christ, Strength for Service – Charles Spurgeon IN the battle of Salamanca, when Wellington bade one of his officers advance with his troops, and occupy a gap, which the Duke perceived in the lines of the French, the general rode up to him, and said, “My lord, I will do the work, but […]

 Fellowship, Constant Desire for – Charles Spurgeon 

Fellowship, Constant Desire for – Charles Spurgeon I SAW a group of lovely ferns the other day in a grotto from the roof of which continually distilled a cool, clear, crystal rain: these ferns were perpetually fresh and beautiful, because their leaves were continually bathed in the refreshing drops. Although it was at a season […]

Feeble Churches, Care for the – Charles Spurgeon 

Feeble Churches, Care for the – Charles Spurgeon WHEN slips of flowers are first put into the ground, they want more water than they will do afterwards; when they have sent out more roots, and these roots have abundant fibers searching through the soil for moisture, they may not require much of the gardener’s care, […]

Faults, A Looking-glass for – Charles Spurgeon

Faults, A Looking-glass for – Charles Spurgeon YOU can see great faults in others; but, my dear brother, be sure to look in the looking-glass every morning, and you will see quite as many faults, or else your eyes are weak. If that looking-glass were to show you your own heart you would never dare […]

Fatherhood of God, Comfort of – Charles Spurgeon

Fatherhood of God, Comfort of – Charles Spurgeon A FATHER! There is music in that word, but not to a fatherless child—to him it is full of sorrowful memories. Those who have never lost a father can scarcely know how precious a relation a father is. A father who is a father indeed, is very […]

Fatherhood of God – Charles Spurgeon

Fatherhood of God – Charles Spurgeon A GREAT iron wall of material forces is set up by certain philosophers between us and the great all-working Jehovah. We hear little about him, but very much of the laws of nature: we take the thermometer and say, “Oh, the temperature fell so many degrees, and it was […]

 Father, Love of—Precious – Charles Spurgeon 

Father, Love of—Precious – Charles Spurgeon CAESAR’S imperial couch is hard compared with the bosom of God. Caesar’s scepter is a cumbrous thing compared with the ring of love which surrounds our finger. Give us but the Father’s love, and who will may have the Indies. Ay, let the worlds be given to whom God […]

Fame, Danger of – Charles Spurgeon

Fame, Danger of – Charles Spurgeon MANY activities are kept up by the love of fame. Men have climbed step by step the ladder of public esteem, and loved the dizzy height. How men will flame and blaze while fame blows the bellows! How content men are to burn away their lives for the approbation […]

Faith, Vitality of – Charles Spurgeon

Faith, Vitality of – Charles Spurgeon FAITH, casting herself upon the power of her Lord, never grows exhausted. She is like the eagle when it renews its youth. She drinks from the fountain head of all vitality, and her lost vigor comes back to her; such a soul would be strong evermore though she had […]

Faith, Unconquerable – Charles Spurgeon

Faith, Unconquerable – Charles Spurgeon THE faith of God’s elect can write “invicta” upon its escutcheon; it is unconquered and unconquerable; but the faith which springs from mere human reason will speedily give way like a pasteboard helmet, or a wooden sword. O sharp temptations! terrible as you are to me, yet I thank God […]

 Faith, the Sign of Life – Charles Spurgeon 

Faith, the Sign of Life – Charles Spurgeon SEE you yonder battle-field, strewn with men who have fallen in the terrible conflict! many have been slain, many more are wounded, and there they lie in ghastly confusion, the dead all stark and stiff, covered with their own crimson, and the wounded faint and bleeding, unable […]

Faith, The Old – Charles Spurgeon

Faith, The Old – Charles Spurgeon THE followers of Whitfield and Wesley, instead of proving with diffidence, and apologizing for the gospel with half-heartedness, came forth with, “Thus and thus says the Lord.” They mounted their pulpits as monarchs mount their thrones; and stood forward not as timid apologists, but as ambassadors armed with divine […]

Faith, the Minister’s Strength – Charles Spurgeon

Faith, the Minister’s Strength – Charles Spurgeon FAITH cries, “Trust me, my son, to make you preach better. Have more enterprise. Be more daring. Do not fight your own battle in the church-meeting, leave it to your God; trust all with him. Do not be afraid to go and speak to that foul-mouthed man; I […]

Faith, the Indicator of the New Life – Charles Spurgeon

Faith, the Indicator of the New Life – Charles Spurgeon THE simplicity and apparent easiness of faith is no reason why I should not regard its existence as an infallible indication of the new birth within. How know we that the newborn child lives except by its cry? Yet a child’s cry—what a simple sound […]

Faith Strong in the King’s Presence – Charles Spurgeon

Faith Strong in the King’s Presence – Charles Spurgeon WHEN the King is with us, faith is confident, because God girds faith as with a golden belt, and from head to foot clothes her with a panoply of armor, and puts a sword into her hand which is all-destroying, and with which she cuts through […]

Faith, Signs of the Greatness of – Charles Spurgeon

Faith, Signs of the Greatness of – Charles Spurgeon BY some means Satan almost always manages it this way, that when we get a little hope it is generally a self-grounded hope, a vain idea that we are getting better in ourselves—a mischievous conceit: proud flesh, which hinders the cure, and which the surgeon must […]

Faith Preserving from Death – Charles Spurgeon

Faith Preserving from Death – Charles Spurgeon THAT old house, still standing in the High Street at Chester, is a lasting proof of the power of faith, with its old letters cut in the black wood, “God’s Providence is mine inheritance.” When everybody else was flying out of Chester into the country, the man who […]

Faith, Personal – Charles Spurgeon

Faith, Personal – Charles Spurgeon HAVE you never found it to be wonderfully easy to believe for other people? I know when I was seeking the Savior, I had no doubt about his receiving any other penitent. I felt certain that if the vilest sinner out of Hell had come to him, he was able […]

Faith, Perfection of – Charles Spurgeon

Faith, Perfection of – Charles Spurgeon PERHAPS you have been on the top of a mountain, such as the Rigi or as Snowdon. You know these mountains do not move. They are good solid rock under your feet. But people erect platforms on the top of them to see the sun rise a little sooner, […]

Faith looking for Triumph – Charles Spurgeon

Faith looking for Triumph – Charles Spurgeon FAITH grasps the reality of this Book; she does not look upon it as a sepulcher with a stone laid thereon, but as a temple in which Christ reigns; as an ivory palace out of which he comes riding in his chariot, conquering and to conquer. Faith does […]

Faith, Life of – Charles Spurgeon

Faith, Life of – Charles Spurgeon FAITH is not a piece of confectionery to be put upon drawing room tables, or a garment to be worn on Sundays; it is a working principle, to be used in the barn and in the field, in the shop and on the exchange; it is a grace for […]

 Faith in Daily Life – Charles Spurgeon

Faith in Daily Life – Charles Spurgeon NOT alone in the study and in the closet, not alone in the assembly of the saints and at the table of fellowship, but in the market and on the exchange, in the shop and the counting-house, in the parlor or the drawing-room, at the plough-tail or at […]

Faith, Imperfect – Charles Spurgeon

Faith, Imperfect – Charles Spurgeon WHEN I first went to Switzerland, with a friend, from Lucerne, we saw a mountain in the distance which we were going to climb. I pointed out a place where we should stop half-way up, and I said, “We shall be there in about four hours and a half.” “Four […]

Faith, Great Things Wrought by – Charles Spurgeon

Faith, Great Things Wrought by – Charles Spurgeon WHEN the College of which I am President had been commenced, for a year or so all my means stayed; my purse was dried up, and I had no other means of carrying it on. In this very house, one Sunday evening, I had paid away all […]

Faith fulfilling the Divine Purposes – Charles Spurgeon

Faith fulfilling the Divine Purposes – Charles Spurgeon MR. RICHARD KNILL, of happy and glorious memory, an earnest worker for Christ, felt moved, I know not why, to take me on his knee, at my grandfather’s house, and to utter words like these, which were treasured up by the family, and by myself especially, “This […]

Faith Essential to Religion – Charles Spurgeon

Faith Essential to Religion – Charles Spurgeon TAKE away the Christian’s faith, and the vitality of his religion has departed. Oh! many will get to Heaven whose patience was very maimed, and some whose eye of hope was very dim; and there be some saints, I doubt not, entering into life halt and maimed, destitute […]

Faith, Definition of – Charles Spurgeon

Faith, Definition of – Charles Spurgeon TRUE faith is reliance. Look at any Greek lexicon you like, and you will find that the word ðéóôåõåéí does not merely mean to believe, but to trust, to confide in, to commit to, entrust with, and so forth; and the marrow of the meaning of faith is confidence […]

Faith bringing the Distant near – Charles Spurgeon

Faith bringing the Distant near – Charles Spurgeon STANDING on some of the Alpine summits, you look far and wide, and see lakes spread at a distance beneath your feet, and far away there is a range of black mountains, or of hills clothed with snows; you know they are perhaps two hundred miles distant, […]

Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill Winston Churchill exemplified integrity and respect in the face of opposition. During his last year in office, he attended an official ceremony. Two gentlemen that were seated several rows behind him began whispering, “That’s Winston Churchill. They say he is getting senile. They say he should step aside and leave the running of the nation to […]

George Whitefield’s Humility

George Whitefield’s Humility Although George Whitefield disagreed with John Wesley on some matters, he was careful not to create problems in public that could be used to hinder the preaching of the Gospel. When someone asked Whitefield if he thought he would see Wesley in heaven, Whitefield replied, “I fear not, for he will be […]

The Lion and the Mouse

The Lion and the Mouse A lion was awakened from sleep by a mouse running over his face. Rising up angrily, he caught the mouse and was about to kill him, when the mouse said, “If you spare my life, I will repay your kindness someday.” The lion laughed and let him go. It happened […]

The Whole World Hates Me

The Whole World Hates Me After a tough and discouraging day at work, Melvin plopped himself on the couch and began wallowing in self-pity. He moaned to his wife, “Nobody cares about me. In fact, the whole world hates me.” Without even looking up from her work, Melvin’s wife replied, “That’s not true, honey. The […]

Conquering Jealousy

Conquering Jealousy F. B. Meyer held meetings in Northfield, Massachusetts and large crowds thronged to hear him. Then G. Campbell Morgan came to Northfield and people flocked to hear his brilliant expositions of Scripture. Meyer confessed that at first he was envious. He said, “The only way I can conquer my feelings is to pray for Morgan daily, […]

Churchill on Popularity

Churchill on Popularity Winston Churchill was once asked, “Doesn’t it thrill you to know that every time you make a speech, the hall is packed to overflowing?” “It’s quite flattering,” replied Winston, “But whenever I feel that way, I always remember that if instead of making a political speech I was being hanged, the crowd […]

Rough Landing

Rough Landing After a particularly long and bumpy flight the crew was tired. This was even made more apparent by the rough landing. This particular airline had a policy that the pilot must stand by the door as the people exited to thank them for flying with the airline. The pilot was dreading this because of the […]

Poor Pastors

Poor Pastors After resigning his pastorate to go lead another church, a pastor was approached by an endearing older member of the congregation. She wept over the pastor’s decision to leave and said, “Things will never be the same.” The minister tried to console her by saying, “Don’t worry, I’m confident you will get a […]

The Voices of the World

The Voices of the World Appetite says, “Be sensuous, enjoy yourself.” Education says, “Be resourceful, expand yourself.” Materialism says, “Be satisfied, please yourself.” Psychology says, “Be confident, fulfill yourself.” Pride says, “Be superior, promote yourself.” Humanism says, “Be capable believe in yourself.” God says, “Be wise, humble yourself.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Illustrious Servant or Servant of an Illustrious Master?

Illustrious Servant or Servant of an Illustrious Master? Hudson Taylor was scheduled to speak at a large church in Melbourne, Australia. The moderator of the service introduced the missionary in eloquent and glowing terms. He told the large congregation all that Taylor had accomplished in China, and then presented him as “our illustrious guest.” Taylor […]

Avoiding Pride

Avoiding Pride The story is told of two women in Shanghai who were discussing the topic of pride and began to wonder if Hudson Taylor was ever tempted to be prideful because of his many accomplishments. One of the women decided to ask Taylor’s wife, Maria, about it. Maria promised the woman that she would […]

The Emptiness of Flattery

The Emptiness of Flattery King Canute ruled over Denmark, Norway, and England more than one thousand years ago. A wise ruler, he worked diligently to make the lives of his subjects better. As is often the case, he was surrounded by those who sought to gain influence and prominence with him, and according to the […]

Receiving Honor

Receiving Honor Lenny Skutnik had no intention of being a hero that day. The staffer at the Congressional Budget Office in Washington was having an ordinary winter day when Air Florida Flight 90 crashed into the 14th Street Bridge over the Potomac River shortly after takeoff. Those who survived the crash faced death as the […]

John Bunyan on Humility

John Bunyan on Humility He that is down needs fear no fall,He that is low, no pride;He that is humble ever shallHave God to be his guide. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

We Are Tools in the Hand of God

We Are Tools in the Hand of God Samuel Brengle who was an early Salvation Army official was once introduced as the, “Great Dr. Brengle.” He later wrote in his diary, “If I appear great in their eyes, the Lord is most graciously helping me to see how absolutely nothing I am without Him, and […]

A Lowly Saviour

A Lowly Saviour D.L. Moody was the most famous evangelist in the world in the late 1800s. People came from around the world to attend his Bible Conferences in Northfield, Massachusetts. One year a large group of pastors from Europe were among the attendees. They were given rooms in the dormitory of the Bible school. […]

The Wisdom of Humility

The Wisdom of Humility Samuel Morse was born into a preacher’s home in New England just two years after George Washington was elected the first president of the United States. After finishing his education at Yale, he went to England to hone his painting skill. Upon his return to America he was recognized as a […]

The Believer’s Power

The Believer’s Power I have a glove here in my hand. The glove cannot do anything by itself, but when my hand is in it, the glove can do many things. True, it is not the glove, but my hand in the glove that acts. The Christian is a glove. It is the Holy Spirit […]

Listening for the Holy Spirit

Listening for the Holy Spirit “Before refrigerators, people used icehouses to preserve their food. Icehouses had thick walls, no windows and a tightly fitted door. In winter, when streams and lakes were frozen, large blocks of ice were cut, hauled to the icehouses and covered with sawdust. Often the ice would last well into the […]

The Power Must Be Used

The Power Must Be Used A young missionary, Herbert Jackson, was given a car to help him in his work. The car was a major asset, but it had one difficulty—it would not start without a push or a jump-start. Jackson devised a system to cope with the car’s inability to start. When he was […]

The Holy Spirit’s Work in Our Lives

The Holy Spirit’s Work in Our Lives A Changed Attitude It was Napoleon Bonaparte who, early in his life, said, “God is on the side of the biggest artillery.” Years later, when he was exiled on an island, he reversed his opinion, and conceded, “Man proposes, but God disposes.” Napoleon learned the attitude of “If […]

Rely on the Holy Spirit

Rely on the Holy Spirit Dr. Paul Brand was speaking to a medical college in India on Matthew 5:16: “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” In front of the lectern was an oil lamp, with its cotton wick burning from the […]

Charles Spurgeon on the Need for God’s Power

Charles Spurgeon on the Need for God’s Power “Without the Spirit of God, we can do nothing. We are as ships without the wind, branches without sap, and like coals without fire, we are useless.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

He Thought of His Mother

He Thought of His Mother In his book Anecdotes and Illustrations R. A Torrey relates the following incident: During our Dublin campaign, a young man came to me in great distress. He had been paying attention to a young lady, who was very worldly. He had been brought up under Christian influences, his mother being an earnest […]

What Churches Need

What Churches Need “What the Church needs today is not more machinery or better, not new organizations or more novel methods, but men whom the Holy Ghost can use—men of prayer, men mighty in prayer.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Where Hell Is

Where Hell Is A young man was converted during special evangelistic meetings held in a mining village. Wanting to do something for God, he bought some tracts and was distributing them one day, when he met some former companions. They decided to deride him for his faith in Christ. “Hey! Can you tell me where […]

Pilotless Jet

Pilotless Jet Golfer Payne Stewart’s jet crashed in 1999. It appears that the pilot and copilot went unconscious during the flight. Air traffic controllers were unable to communicate with the pilots, and two Air Force jets were sent to investigate. As they pulled alongside Stewart’s jet they could not see any movement in the cockpit, […]

400 Year Old Fire

400 Year Old Fire In 1997 Chinese firefighters succeeded in putting out a 400 year old fire. The fire in the Baiyanghe coalfield started in 1560. The fire consumed over 127 million tons of coal before it was extinguished. Four hundred years is a long time, but it is nothing in view of eternity. The […]

There Is No Escape from Hell

There Is No Escape from Hell Carol Fuller was a 72-year-old grandmother living alone in West Hollywood in 1995. During a home invasion robbery she was locked in a closet, her home was ransacked and her car was stolen. All of this took place without anyone knowing. But the worst part followed. Days later, investigators […]

Faith, Anticipations of – Charles Spurgeon

Faith, Anticipations of – Charles Spurgeon FARSEEING faith climbs the staircase which hope has built, and bowing upon the knees of prayer looks through the window which love has opened, and sees the Lord Jesus Christ coming in his glory and endowing all his people with the eternal life which is to be their portion. […]

What Heaven Is Like

What Heaven Is Like In one of his books, A.M. Hunter, relates the story of a dying man who asked his Christian doctor to tell him something about the place to which he was going. As the doctor fumbled for a reply, he heard a scratching at the door, and he had his answer. “Do […]

Faith answered by God – Charles Spurgeon

Faith answered by God – Charles Spurgeon I RECOLLECT one night, when we resolved to build this house of prayer, we knew that we were poor, much too poor ever to be able to raise so large a sum as this house would cost, especially when the vow was registered that it should never be […]

Faint Hearts cared for by Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Faint Hearts cared for by Christ – Charles Spurgeon WHEN the flock is on the march, it will happen, unless the shepherd is very watchful, that the lambs will lag behind. Those great Syrian flocks which feed in the plains of Palestine have to be driven many miles, because the pasturage is scant and the […]

Eye, Apple of—A Symbol of God’s Care – Charles Spurgeon

Eye, Apple of—A Symbol of God’s Care – Charles Spurgeon IN the providence of God the apple of the eye is defended with peculiar care and transcendent skill. Those who have studied the formation of the pupil itself will tell you with how many coats the retina is preserved. Then the commonest observer knows how […]

No Entrance Fee to Heaven

No Entrance Fee to Heaven Warren Buffet is one of the greatest investors in our day. In June 2005, someone bought a lunch with him for $351,100. If there was an entrance fee to Heaven no one would get there. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Experience, the True Test – Charles Spurgeon

Experience, the True Test – Charles Spurgeon A NEGRO was once told by a friend that some man had said the Bible was not true. Now, our poor friend had never thought anybody could doubt the Bible, but his quick way of disposing of the novel difficulty was, “Dat book not true! why, I take […]

Heaven Statistic

Heaven Statistic A Barna poll indicated that 76% of Americans believed in Heaven and 71% believed in Hell. Of those who believe in Heaven 50% believe you can get there without accepting Christ as Saviour. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Abigail Adams on Racism

Abigail Adams on Racism When John Adams, our second president, was living in Philadelphia he and Abigail befriended a boy of African descent named James Prince. The local school refused to allow him to attend. Mrs. Adams demanded that the boy be allowed to attend. She said, “Is this the Christian principle of doing unto […]

Excitement, Feverish—Folly of – Charles Spurgeon

Excitement, Feverish—Folly of – Charles Spurgeon I REMEMBER seeing a doctor when there was an accident in the street. He proceeded immediately to the spot; but should you think he went rushing down to the man as if he would break his neck? No, on the contrary, he walked down very quietly and demurely to […]

The Cape of Good Hope

The Cape of Good Hope One of the early explorers of South Africa’s ocean waters, Bartolomeu Dias, went around a cape on a stormy sea. His ship threatened to go to pieces, so he called the place the Cape of Storms. But Vasco da Gama, who came later, changed the name to the Cape of Good […]

Exchange of Earth for Heaven – Charles Spurgeon

Exchange of Earth for Heaven – Charles Spurgeon HAVE you ever visited the hospital, and sat by the side of the poor Christian woman who has lain upon that bed for months—her hearing almost gone, her sight failing, scarcely able to breathe, palpitation of the heart, life a protracted agony? Oh! what a change from […]

Hell Is a Just Place for Sinful Men

Hell Is a Just Place for Sinful Men The story is told of a Jewish woman in New York City who was approached by a Christian worker. He began to tell her of Christ and her need of salvation. He explained that she was a sinner and was going to Hell. She cried out, “I […]

Safely Home

Safely Home I am home in Heaven, dear ones;Oh, so happy and so bright!There is perfect joy and beautyIn this everlasting light. All pain and grief is over,Every restless tossing passed;I am now at peace forever,Safely home in Heaven at last. Did you wonder I so calmlyTrod the valley of the shade?Oh! But Jesus’ love […]

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier The following words are inscribed on the tomb of the Unknown Soldier: “HERE RESTS IN HONORED GLORY AN AMERICAN SOLDIER KNOWN BUT TO GOD.” If America remembers her unknown soldiers, think of the celebration that awaits countless servants of God who are relatively unknown on earth when they reach […]

Evidences of Religion not in Dreams – Charles Spurgeon

Evidences of Religion not in Dreams – Charles Spurgeon AS soon as some people of an excitable temperament begin to narrate their treasured story of marvels, you may anticipate that they are going to tell you that they heard a voice, or saw a vision, or were impressed with this, or saw that; all which […]

Everlasting – Charles Spurgeon

Everlasting – Charles Spurgeon OH! what a word is that word “everlasting!” Methinks I see before me the gate of pearl, as though this word “everlasting” were that glorious gate. With what soft radiance it beams upon my eye at this moment! And lo! it turns upon its hinges; it stands wide open, and what […]

A Suitcase of Pavement

A Suitcase of Pavement A story is told about a man who found out it was his time to go to Heaven. He asked the Lord if he could bring just one thing. The Lord said, “No”. Finally after many requests the Lord said, “You can bring one thing.” Happily, the man packed his suitcase […]

 Eternal Punishment Preached by Christ – Charles Spurgeon 

Eternal Punishment Preached by Christ – Charles Spurgeon WE heard the other day that the unquenchable fire and the undying worm were medieval ideas to be scouted in these enlightened times. A courtly preacher insinuated as much and more; but a greater than he, who wore no soft clothing, and dwelt in no king’s palaces, […]

Humility Demonstrated

Humility Demonstrated A truly humble man is hard to find, yet God delights to honor such selfless people. Booker T. Washington, the renowned black educator, was an outstanding example of this truth. Shortly after he took over the presidency of Tuskegee Institute in Alabama, he was walking in an exclusive section of town when he […]

 Error Overcome by Truth – Charles Spurgeon 

Error Overcome by Truth – Charles Spurgeon THE truth, like the virgin daughter of Zion, shakes her head at boastful error, and laughs it to scorn. Let falsehood put on her tawdry garments, and think herself a queen, and say that she shall sit alone, and see no sorrow; let error come forth in her […]

Great Tasks

Great Tasks “I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small taks as if they were great and noble.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Servant Leader

Servant Leader The late Dawson Trotman, founder of the Navigators, was visiting Taiwan on one of his overseas trips. During the visit he hiked with a Taiwanese pastor back into one of the mountain villages to meet with some of the national Christians. The roads and trails were wet, and their shoes became very muddy. […]

Enthusiasm of Love – Charles Spurgeon

Enthusiasm of Love – Charles Spurgeon NAPOLEON, singularly enough, had power to get the hearts of men twisted and twined about him: when he was in his wars there were many of his captains and even of his private soldiers who not only marched with the quick obedience of a soldier wherever they were bidden, […]

Enthusiasm for God’s Glory – Charles Spurgeon

Enthusiasm for God’s Glory – Charles Spurgeon HOW earnest you feel about the cause of Christ when you have heard an inspiriting sermon, but how long does it last? Ah, those old days of mission enterprise, when Exeter Hall used to be crowded because missionaries had interesting stories to tell of what God was doing—what […]

Forerunner to Success

Forerunner to Success A reporter once asked a bank president what his secret of success was. the president replied, “Two words.” “And what are they?” “Right decisions.” “How are right decisions made?” “One word.” “What is that?” “Experience.” “How do you get experience?” “Two words.” “What are they?” “Wrong decisions.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Enterprise, Christian – Charles Spurgeon

Enterprise, Christian – Charles Spurgeon OH, if men had their wits as much about them when they serve God as they have when they are looking for guineas, how much more would be done in the church and the world, but there is often a blundering in the management of Christian societies and Christian churches […]

Not Many Mighty Are Called

Not Many Mighty Are Called A converted Hindu gave the following address to a number of his fellow countrymen: “I am, by birth, of an insignificant and contemptible caste—so low, that if a Brahmin should chance to touch me, he must go and bathe in the Ganges for the purpose of purification; and yet God […]

Growing in the Lord

Growing in the Lord A group of tourists visiting a picturesque village walked by an old man sitting beside a fence. In a rather patronizing way, one tourist asked him, “Were any great men born in this village?” The old man replied, “Nope, only babies.” Every person who is a born-again believer starts life as […]

 Enemy of Souls, Vigilance of – Charles Spurgeon 

Enemy of Souls, Vigilance of – Charles Spurgeon THE eye of malice is very quick to perceive a weakness, and the hand of enmity soon takes advantage of it. When the arch-spy finds a weak place in the wall of our castle, he takes care to plant his battering-ram, and begin his siege. You may […]

The Secret of America’s Greatness

The Secret of America’s Greatness French writer Alexis de Tocqueville, after visiting America in 1831, said “I sought for the greatness of the United States in her commodious harbors, her ample rivers, her fertile fields, and boundless forests—and it was not there. I sought for it in her rich mines, her vast world commerce, her […]

 Enemies of God Recruiting his Army – Charles Spurgeon 

Enemies of God Recruiting his Army – Charles Spurgeon IT was during the persecution which raged against the saints at Jerusalem that the church obtained one of the greatest pillars that have ever strengthened and adorned her fabric—I mean the Apostle Paul. Breathing out threatenings against the people of God, he is on his road […]

Being Grateful for Fleas

Being Grateful for Fleas Ravensbruck was known as one of the worst German concentration camps during World War II. When Corrie ten Boom and her sister Betsie found themselves imprisoned there, they were disgusted to discover that their barracks were infested with fleas. When Corrie began to complain, Betsie insisted that they instead give thanks, […]

Endurance, Blessedness of – Charles Spurgeon

Endurance, Blessedness of – Charles Spurgeon TRIAL may be very hard to bear for a time, but since in the very hardness of the endurance lies the blessing, the bitter is sweet and the medicine is food. Courage, men and brethren, you shall meet nothing but friends between this and the pearly gate, or, if […]

A Gesture of Gratitude

A Gesture of Gratitude On Thursday, November 27, 2003 President George W. Bush made a surprise visit to Iraq so that he could thank U.S. troops for defending the American people from danger. The President served Thanksgiving dinner to 600 soldiers. Speaking of the soldiers far from their home, he said, “It’s got to be […]

End, better than the Beginning – Charles Spurgeon

End, better than the Beginning – Charles Spurgeon “BETTER is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof.” Some pictures in nature will illustrate this. We compare the beginning and the end. The sower goes forth on a damp and drizzling morning with his handful of precious seed, which he is reluctant to spare; […]

Thanksgiving Proclamations

Thanksgiving Proclamations “We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of Heaven. We have been preserved, these many years, in peace and prosperity. We have grown in numbers, wealth and power, as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace […]

Thankful for the Anesthesiologist

Thankful for the Anesthesiologist An anesthesiologist often plays an important role when a woman is going through labor. One woman was so grateful for her anesthesiologist’s help that she told him, “I’m so happy about how well everything went that I’m going to name my son after you. By the way, what is your first […]

 Enchanted Ground, Dangers of – Charles Spurgeon 

Enchanted Ground, Dangers of – Charles Spurgeon AFTER crossing the Grimsel, on the way down towards Handeck, the traveler traverses a road cut in red marble, so smoothly polished that, even when it is divested of its usual thin coating of snow, it is dangerous in the extreme. Notwithstanding that steps are hewn, and rough […]

Taking Care of Christian Servants

Taking Care of Christian Servants “You would think that because Joshua was a man of God, had successfully led the children of Israel against the Canaanites, and had been victorious, that the Israelites would tell him that he could pick out any spot he wanted in which to settle. But that is not what happened. […]

Empire of Christ, Lasting – Charles Spurgeon

Empire of Christ, Lasting – Charles Spurgeon NAPOLEON founded an empire—an empire which has not always been justly estimated, for perhaps undesignedly Napoleon was a grand advancer of human liberty, since he first taught the old kings that the pretense of divine right could not keep crowns upon unpopular heads, and that young men from […]

The Privilege of Soulwinning

The Privilege of Soulwinning After witnessing to a band of people that had murdered some foreigners, David Livingstone wrote: “I had more than ordinary pleasure in telling these murderers of the precious blood which cleanseth from all sin. I bless God that He has conferred on one so worthless the distinguished privilege and honour of being […]

Say Thank You Before it Is Too Late

Say Thank You Before it Is Too Late The brilliant Scottish writer, Thomas Carlyle, lived on a farm in Dumfriesshire, which he called “the loneliest nook in Britain.” Each day he climbed a ladder to his attic, where he worked until dark. His devoted wife Jane was left alone. One evening at dinner, Jane asked […]

Emotions, Natural—Not Saving – Charles Spurgeon

Emotions, Natural—Not Saving – Charles Spurgeon WE have heard of many expedients for softening hard hearts, but none of them are of any avail. I know preachers who delight in talking of a mother’s tears, and a father’s grey hairs, of dying children and consumptive sisters, and I believe these are all legitimate topics; but […]

Thankfulness Is a Lost Art

Thankfulness Is a Lost Art In 1860, the Lady Elgin was rammed by the Augusta and sank in Lake Michigan near Evanston, Illinois. A ministerial student named Edward Spencer waded again and again into the frigid waters to rescue passengers. In the process, his health was permanently damaged. Some years later at his funeral, it was noted that not […]

Eloquence, Worldly—Unnecessary in the Minister – Charles Spurgeon

Eloquence, Worldly—Unnecessary in the Minister – Charles Spurgeon IT is never worth a minister’s while to go up his pulpit stairs to show his auditors that he is an adept in elocution. High-sounding words and flowery periods are a mockery of man’s spiritual needs. If a man desires to display his oratory, let him study […]

Thank You John

Thank You John When Dr. Broadus was a boy in a little town he was converted to Christ. He had been attending some meetings, and he went to one of his playmates, Sandy Jones, a red-haired, awkward chap, the next day and said to him: “I wish you would be a Christian. Won’t you?” And […]

Eloquence unnecessary to Commend the Gospel – Charles Spurgeon

Eloquence unnecessary to Commend the Gospel – Charles Spurgeon I SAW in Paris, years ago, a public vendor of quack medicines, and an extraordinary personage he was. He came riding into the market-place with a fine chariot drawn by horses richly caparisoned, while a trumpet was sounded before him. This mighty healer of all diseases […]

Elijah’s Translation – Charles Spurgeon

Elijah’s Translation – Charles Spurgeon EVEN to a Christian, death is not a soft, dainty thing. To die is no child’s-play. We speak of it as a sleep; but it is no such sleep as yon youngster’s, when he lies down upon the sunny bank, to wake again. There are solemnities about it. There are […]

John Newton’s Epitaph

John Newton’s Epitaph John Newton’s epitaph reads: John Newton, clerk, once an infidel and libertine, a servant of slaves in Africa, was by the rich mercy of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, preserved, restored, pardoned, and appointed to preach the faith he had long labored to destroy. Grace did not free him to serve […]

Grace Is a Gift

Grace Is a Gift Imagine you are half a million dollars in debt. Someone comes to you and writes out a check for $500,000, saying, “This is all for you, to cancel your debt. You don’t have to do anything but reach out and take it, and it’s yours.” So you take the money and […]

Elevation of Humanity, Danger of the – Charles Spurgeon

Elevation of Humanity, Danger of the – Charles Spurgeon YOUNG converts sometimes think that old saints can never know such contentions within, such doubtings, such humblings of spirit, as they feel. Ah! but whether they are dwarfs or giants, the experience of Christian men is amazingly alike. There are lines of weakness in the creature […]

A. W. Tozer on Grace

A. W. Tozer on Grace “Grace is the good pleasure of God that inclines Him to bestow benefits upon the undeserving. Its use to us sinful men is to save us and make us sit together in heavenly places to demonstrate to the ages the exceeding riches of God’s kindness to us in Christ Jesus.” […]

Election, Doctrine of—Misused – Charles Spurgeon

Election, Doctrine of—Misused – Charles Spurgeon I BESEECH our friends never to be afraid of that doctrine of election when they hear it spoken of. It is not to be controverted about every day in the week, and insisted upon as though it were the whole gospel, for it is only one truth among many, […]

Echo of the Believer’s Soul to God’s Voice – Charles Spurgeon

Echo of the Believer’s Soul to God’s Voice – Charles Spurgeon IN the usual route which everybody takes in going through Switzerland, there is a long tract of country where there are innumerable beggars and people trying in various ways to get money from the traveler; and one way which generally succeeds, is that of […]

Earthly Things, Vanity of—In view of Death – Charles Spurgeon

Earthly Things, Vanity of—In view of Death – Charles Spurgeon HAVE you never seen the hoary saint stayed upon the pillows, prophesying like a seer concerning the things of this world and of the world to come? Have you never heard him deliver sentences as weighty as the verdict of a judge? “What,” says he, […]

Earth the Preparation for Heaven – Charles Spurgeon

Earth the Preparation for Heaven – Charles Spurgeon WE do not know what will happen to us between this and Heaven, but we can easily prognosticate the aim and result of all that will occur. We are harps which will be tuned in all their strings for the concerts of the blessed. The tuner is […]

Isn’t It Strange

Isn’t It Strange Isn’t it strange how a twenty dollar bill seems like such a large amount when you donate it to church, but such a small amount when you go shopping? Isn’t it strange how two hours seem so long when you’re at church, and so short when you’re at a ball game? Isn’t […]

The Gossiping Priest

The Gossiping Priest Four priests met for a friendly gathering. During the conversation one priest said, “Our people come to us and pour out their hearts confessing certain sins and needs. Let’s do the same. Confession is good for the soul.” In due time all agreed. One confessed he liked to go to movies and […]

Earth, Future Glory of – Charles Spurgeon

Earth, Future Glory of – Charles Spurgeon AS when the new moon first shows her slender ring of light, so the earth is rimmed and edged with a divine illumination which shall increase until the whole circle of the globe shall be irradiated, and shall in full orbed splendor reflect the glory of God. Then, […]

Earnestness in warning Sinners – Charles Spurgeon

Earnestness in warning Sinners – Charles Spurgeon WE have heard of a traveler who, journeying onward, met with one who said, “Sir, the night is dark, and I should not advise you to go on to the river, for the bridge is broken in the middle, you will be in the stream before you know […]

Earnestness essential to Testimony – Charles Spurgeon

Earnestness essential to Testimony – Charles Spurgeon HOW much depends in bearing testimony upon the way in which it is done. If our sermons were to hang like icicles around our lips, they would not be very likely to melt the ice in your minds; and if, in speaking to your Sunday-school class, your words […]

Early Saints, Enthusiasm of – Charles Spurgeon

Early Saints, Enthusiasm of – Charles Spurgeon THERE was a trumpet ring in ancient Christian testimony which startled the old world which was lying in a deep sleep, dreaming filthy dreams; that world loved not to be so aroused, and turning over in its sleep, muttered curses deep and many, and vowed revenge against the […]

Early Piety, Simplicity of – Charles Spurgeon

Early Piety, Simplicity of – Charles Spurgeon EARLY in the morning, when we have just risen from slumber, work is easy; our occupation in the vineyard is a cheerful exercise rather than a toil such as those find it who bear the burden and heat of the day. The young Christian is not oppressed with […]

The Surprised Pastor

The Surprised Pastor A lady’s husband had heart surgery, and she received a letter saying her husband inherited one million dollars. She was worried about her husband’s health, so she called their pastor and asked him to tell the good news to her husband. The pastor said to the husband, “Joe, if you were to […]

Be Willing to Give What You Have

Be Willing to Give What You Have A preacher asked farmer, “If you had 100 cows, would you give 50 of them to the Lord?” “Yes.” “If you had 1,000 chickens, would you give 500?” “Yes.” “If you had 2 hogs would you give one?” “Not fair, Preacher, you know I have 2 hogs.” Facebook […]

Early Piety, Blessedness of – Charles Spurgeon

Early Piety, Blessedness of – Charles Spurgeon NO one can ever over-estimate the great privilege of being brought to God in childhood or youth. If it were only to be saved from the injury which a course of sin brings upon the mind, if it were only to escape from the regrets for the past […]

Giving Liberally

Giving Liberally One man in a church said to his friend, “I could give $1,000.00 towards the building and not even feel it.” His friend replied, “Then give two or three thousand and feel it!” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

How the Commitments Rolled In

How the Commitments Rolled In On the Sunday that a church was supposed to make their giving commitments, the organist fell sick so a substitute was brought in. The pastor gave her a schedule of the service and asked her to think of something to play during the commitment time. At the scheduled time in […]

Early Piety, Beauty of – Charles Spurgeon

Early Piety, Beauty of – Charles Spurgeon EARLY in the morning the dew still twinkles on the leaves, the maiden blush of dawn remains and reveals an opening beauty, which is lost to those who rise not to see the birth of day. There is a beauty about early piety which is indescribably charming, and […]

A Merchant’s Motto

A Merchant’s Motto George Moore, a nineteenth century merchant, wrote these words in his pocketbook: “What I spent I had:What I saved I lost:What I gave I have.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Dying Testimony of the Believer – Charles Spurgeon

Dying Testimony of the Believer – Charles Spurgeon TRAVERSE the azure way. Plume your wings for the last solemn flight. Let faith like a courier march before to track the way. Every semblance of affectation upon dying beds is shocking. I have never been able to admire the oft-quoted death-bed of Addison. “Come,” said he, […]

The Financial Announcement

The Financial Announcement A pastor one made the following announcement to his church: “I have good news and bad news. The good news is, we have enough money to pay for our new building program. The bad news is, it is still out there in your pockets.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

New Sunday School Building

New Sunday School Building A lady once said to her pastor, “I’m glad you said you don’t know who is going to help pay for the new Sunday school buildings; for a minute there, I thought you were going to ask us!” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Dying, Test of – Charles Spurgeon

Dying, Test of – Charles Spurgeon GOD grant that we may stand the test of dying. But there is a still more terrible test than dying, for some sleep quietly through death, but, oh, the judgment! I see two ponderous scales, huge as hemispheres of this great globe, and there I see the weights—the standard […]

Giving 70%

Giving 70% Henry Crowell contracted Tuberculosis as a boy. After Hearing D. L. Moody preach, he prayed, “I can’t be a preacher, but I can be a good business man. God, if You will let me make money, I will use it in Your service.” He later started the Quaker Oats company and consistently gave […]

Dying Song – Charles Spurgeon

Dying Song – Charles Spurgeon LET us pour forth a canticle of deep, mysterious melody of bliss when our dying hour is near at hand. Courage, brother! The waters are chilly; but fear will not by any means diminish the terrors of the river. Courage, brother! Death is solemn work; but playing the coward will […]

The Stingy Disease

The Stingy Disease The disease cirrhosis of the giver was discovered in A.D. 34 by the husband-wife team of Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-11). It is an acute condition that renders the patient’s hands immobile when he is called on to move them in the direction of his wallet or her purse, and from thence […]

Dying Saints, Joy of – Charles Spurgeon

Dying Saints, Joy of – Charles Spurgeon I HAVE heard expressions from some dying men and women, that I never met with in the best written book. They have seemed to me as if they knew more about my Master than I had ever learned, or than the old divines, or the best of writers […]

Give What You Have

Give What You Have Many people believe that they would be more generous if they had more money. According to Forbes there were 946 billionaires in 2007 and they gave an average of 1.2% of their income to charitable causes. Be generous with whatever amount of money God has entrusted to you. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp […]

Dying Daily, Blessings of – Charles Spurgeon

Dying Daily, Blessings of – Charles Spurgeon I DO not know how wide the benefits of dying daily may be, but they seem to me to be commensurate with the whole period of human existence. You young people, you would not be likely to plunge into youthful gaieties to your own damage, if you felt […]

Dwarfish Christians – Charles Spurgeon

Dwarfish Christians – Charles Spurgeon WE have fallen upon a race of dwarfs, and are content, to a great extent, to have it so. There was once in London a club of small men, whose qualification for membership lay in their not exceeding five feet in height; these dwarfs held, or pretended to hold, the […]

Giving Commitments

Giving Commitments “I have heard people say that they will not sign any pledge—not even to give a certain amount of money—because they might not be able to fulfill it. May I say to you, if you buy a house, or anything on which you are to make payments, they are certainly going to make […]

Duty to be Performed at all Costs – Charles Spurgeon

Duty to be Performed at all Costs – Charles Spurgeon A CHRISTIAN man is sometimes bound by duty to perform an action which, to all appearance, will destroy his future usefulness. I have often heard men urge, as a plea for remaining in a corrupt church, that they have obtained an influence in its midst, […]

My Pastor Will Find Me

My Pastor Will Find Me Two men were marooned on an island. One man paced back and forth like he thought it was the last day of his life, while the other man relaxed and appeared unconcerned. The first man said to the second man, “Aren’t you afraid? We are about to die.” “No,” said […]

Duty, Preparation for – Charles Spurgeon

Duty, Preparation for – Charles Spurgeon EARNESTNESS says: “I shall undertake some fresh duty this afternoon.” Stop, dear brother, just a minute. If you want to praise God, would not it be as well first to begin with yourself? The musician said: “I will praise God better;” but the pipes of his instrument were foul; […]

He Made Too Much to Tithe

He Made Too Much to Tithe W.A. Criswell told about an ambitious young man who told his pastor he’d promised God a tithe of his income. They prayed for God to bless his career. At that time he was making $40.00 per week and tithing $4.00. In a few years his income increased, and he […]

Drunkenness Inexcusable – Charles Spurgeon

Drunkenness Inexcusable – Charles Spurgeon WE sometimes talk of a man being “as drunk as a beast,” but whoever heard of a beast being drunk? Why, it is more beastly than anything a beast ever does. I do not believe that the devil himself is ever guilty of anything like that. I never heard even […]

Excuses to Not Tithe

Excuses to Not Tithe If you are looking for an excuse, the devil has plenty of reasons for you to keep the tithe: In January because of Christmas bills due In February because of fuel bills and car upkeep In March because of income taxes In April because of clothes for Easter In May because […]

His Tithe Built a Shack

His Tithe Built a Shack The story is told that a man died and went to Heaven. He was met at the pearly gates by the apostle Peter who led him down the golden streets. They went past mansions after beautiful mansions until they came to the end of the street where they stopped in […]

Dreams, Deceitfulness of – Charles Spurgeon

Dreams, Deceitfulness of – Charles Spurgeon MANY visions have led to the most disastrous results. When Napoleon had a vision of a universal monarchy over which he should preside, with the French eagle for his ensign, he drenched the lands in blood. Many visions have been wretchedly delusive. Men have dreamed of finding the fairy […]

Grateful Hearts

Grateful Hearts After World War II, two families were waiting in line after a church service to greet the pastor. The church was preparing to build a building at that time. The first family in line said, “Pastor, as you know, our son was killed in the war—we would like to give $200.00 as a […]

Joy of Giving

Joy of Giving “The happiest people on earth are the people who have discovered the joy of giving.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Finding Christ’s Riches

Finding Christ’s Riches A rich man was in the habit of giving his wife an expensive piece of jewelry every year on her birthday. One year he might phone the jeweler and say, “Send me your finest pearl necklace, along with your bill.” Or, “Send me your finest diamond pendant, along with your bill.” Or […]

Not Used to Gifts

Not Used to Gifts Mike listened to a lecture on the importance of showing appreciation to the important people in his life. Mike decided to start with his wife, so after work that night, he went to the shopping mall where he bought a dozen long-stemmed roses, a box of chocolates, and a pair of […]

Doctrine, False—Contagion of – Charles Spurgeon

Doctrine, False—Contagion of – Charles Spurgeon SIN is like the bale of goods which came from the east to this city in the olden time, which brought the pest in it. Probably it was but a small bale, but yet it contained in it the deaths of hundreds of the inhabitants of London. In those […]

Wealthy Givers Do Not Start Wealthy

Wealthy Givers Do Not Start Wealthy Fortune magazine reported that the nation’s top twenty-five philanthropists gave away more than $1.5 billion in 1996. The most generous was George Soros, president of Soros Fund Management, who donated $350 million. Of the top twenty-five philanthropists, only four inherited fortunes. Most attributed their generosity in part to religious backgrounds. […]

Dissatisfaction with Self – Charles Spurgeon

Dissatisfaction with Self – Charles Spurgeon I SUPPOSE that the further we proceed in the way to Heaven the more we shall be dissatisfied with ourselves, because our daily trials and troubles have the effect of bursting many of those bubbles in which we once put our confidence. All the wooden centers must be taken […]

Churches Don’t Die that Way

Churches Don’t Die that Way A minister whose heart was aglow with missionary zeal gave notice to his congregation that in the evening an offering would be taken for missions, and he asked for liberal gifts. A selfish, well-to-do man in the congregation met the preacher before the evening service and said, “You are going […]

Disposition, Cheerful – Charles Spurgeon

Disposition, Cheerful – Charles Spurgeon TO a poor soul troubled with indigestion a wet morning is horrible, the roads are rivers of malicious mud, the heartless rain-drops come pattering down most cruelly, every one of them bitterly chilling your marrow and spitefully shivering your bones, while the grim clouds are piled one upon the other […]

Giving Is a Criteria for Mental Health

Giving Is a Criteria for Mental Health One of the Greek’s Olympic games was a race in which the contestants carried torches and the winner was the one that finished with his torch still lit. The Christian’s desire should be that he will finish his race with his flame still burning strong. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp […]

Difficulties solved in Eternity – Charles Spurgeon

Difficulties solved in Eternity – Charles Spurgeon OUR disputes are often childish. We might as well leave some questions in abeyance for a little while. Two persons in the dark have differed about a color, and they are wrangling about it. If we brought candles in and held them to the color, the candles would […]

 Difficulties, God’s Opportunities – Charles Spurgeon 

Difficulties, God’s Opportunities – Charles Spurgeon BELOVED, if you can conceive of an age that is worse than another, so much the more is it a fit platform for the heavenly energy; the more difficulty, the more room for omnipotence to show itself; there is elbow-room for the great God when there is some great […]

Choking on a Coin

Choking on a Coin A man on vacation was strolling along outside his hotel. Suddenly, he was attracted by the screams of a woman kneeling in front of a child. The man knew enough to determine that the child had swallowed a coin. Seizing the child by the heels, the man held him up, gave […]

Dew of the Spirit – Charles Spurgeon

Dew of the Spirit – Charles Spurgeon THE Oriental knew the value of dew. When he saw the green pastures turn brown and at last dry up, until they were nothing but dust and powder, how he sought for the shower and the dew; and when it came, how thankful was he! When that dew […]

Devil, God’s Purposes fulfilled by the – Charles Spurgeon

Devil, God’s Purposes fulfilled by the – Charles Spurgeon PERHAPS, of all the powers which effect the divine purposes in the world, none does more than the devil himself. He is but a scullion in the Eternal’s kitchen; he unwillingly performs much work to which the Lord would not put his children, work which is […]

The Right Gift

The Right Gift Four brothers left home for college and became successful doctors and lawyers. Some years later, they chatted after having dinner together. They discussed the gifts they were able to give their elderly mother who lived far away in another city. The first said, “I had a big house built for Mama.” The […]

The Gift of Wrinkles

The Gift of Wrinkles For her special day Janet received an expensive tube of Retin-A from her two teenage daughters. When she shared about her gift at a luncheon with friends, they were all impressed that her girls were resourceful enough to finagle a prescription medication to help diminish wrinkles. Realizing this was such a […]

Generous Givers

Generous Givers Fortune magazine reported that the nation’s top twenty-five philanthropists gave away more than $1.5 billion in 1996. The most generous was George Soros, president of Soros Fund Management, who donated $350 million last year. Of the top twenty-five philanthropists, only four inherited fortunes. Most attributed their generosity in part to religious backgrounds. And most […]

The Giving of Robert Arthington

The Giving of Robert Arthington Robert Arthington lived in a single room, cooked his own meals, and shared his friendship with students who were in need. Yet he gave tremendous amounts of money during his lifetime to Christian missions. When he died, his estate was worth about five million dollars which he willed to missions. […]

A Grateful Heart Is a Giving Heart

A Grateful Heart Is a Giving Heart The Baptist preacher Dr. George W. Truett accepted an invitation from a church to preach the dedication sermon for their new building. He arrived at the church about ten minutes before the service started, and was told that the church needed to raise $6,500 by the next day […]

God Values Giving

God Values Giving In 1995 the nation was stunned when news broke that an elderly woman named Oseola McCarty had donated $150,000 to the University of Southern Mississippi for their scholarship fund. This eighty-seven-year-old woman had been forced to drop out of school in the sixth grade to care for her family. For more than […]

This Is the Time to Give

This Is the Time to Give Marquis de Lafayette was a French officer who provided invaluable assistance to George Washington and the struggling American army. After the war was over, he returned to France and resumed his life as a farmer of many estates. In 1783, the harvest was a terrible one, and there were […]

What Not to Buy Your Wife

What Not to Buy Your Wife 1. Don’t buy clothing that involves sizes. The chances are one in seven thousand that you will get her size right, and your wife will be offended the other 6999 times. 2. Avoid all things useful. The new silver polish advertised to save hundreds of hours is not going […]

Giving Away What Wasn’t His

Giving Away What Wasn’t His When 67-year-old carpenter Russell Herman died in 1994, his will included a staggering set of bequests. Included in his plan for distribution was more than two billion dollars for the City of East St. Louis, another billion and a half for the State of Illinois, two and a half billion […]

A Bad Dream

A Bad Dream The story is told of a man who had a horrible dream. He said, “I dreamed that the Lord took my Sunday offering and multiplied it by ten, and this became my weekly income. In no time I lost my color TV, had to give up my new car and couldn’t make […]

The Lifespan of a Dollar

The Lifespan of a Dollar $1.00 spent for lunch lasts five hours.$1.00 spent for a neck-tie lasts five weeks.$1.00 spent for a cap lasts five months.$1.00 spent for an auto lasts five years.$1.00 spent for a railroad lasts five decades.$1.00 spent in God’’s service lasts for eternity. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Stewardship Quotes

Stewardship Quotes “The only investment I ever made which has paid consistently increasing dividends is the money I have given to the Lord.” “The person who waits to do a great deal of good at once will never do anything.” “Man’s extremity is God’s opportunity.” “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, […]

Sowing and Reaping

Sowing and Reaping Many Christians spend six days a week sowing wild oats and then come to church and pray for crop failure. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email


Strawberries Strawberries are my favorite fruit. I even love strawberry plants, for once they preached a powerful sermon to me which I’ve never forgotten. I was on my hands and knees in my garden pulling weeds, when suddenly I noticed something I had seen hundreds of times before but never caught the lesson. It was […]

Efforts of Man and Spiritual Fruit

Efforts of Man and Spiritual Fruit A number of years ago, the Associated Press released a study done by an agricultural school in Iowa. It reported that production of 100 bushels of corn from one acre of land, in addition to the many hours of the farmer’s labor, required 4,000,000 lbs. of water, 6,800 lbs. […]

Follow God’s Call

Follow God’s Call When Adoniram Judson graduated from college and seminary he received a call from a fashionable church in Boston to become its assistant pastor. Everyone congratulated him. His mother and sister rejoiced that he could live at home with them and do his life work, but Judson shook his head. “My work is […]

Definition of a Friend

Definition of a Friend A British publication once offered a prize for the best definition of a friend. Among the thousands of answers received were the following:“One who multiplies joys, divides grief, and whose honesty is inviolable.”“One who understands our silence.”“A volume of sympathy bound in cloth.”“A watch that beats true for all time and […]

Outrunning a Friend

Outrunning a Friend Two men were out hunting in the northern U.S. Suddenly one yelled and the other looked up to see a grizzly charging them. The first started to frantically put on his tennis shoes and his friend anxiously asked, “What are you doing? Don’t you know you can’t outrun a grizzly bear?” “I […]

Harsh People Are Like Titanium

Harsh People Are Like Titanium The April 29, 1992 issue of the Chicago Tribune reported: “A stripped gear in the propeller controls of a commuter plane caused it to nosedive into the Georgia woods last April, killing former U.S. Senator John Tower of Texas and twenty-two others, the government concluded Tuesday. A gear that adjusted the pitch […]

The Blessing of Old Age

The Blessing of Old Age A woman was interviewed by reporters on her 102nd birthday. When asked about the benefits of living past the century mark, she answered, “No peer pressure!” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Sleep Praying

Sleep Praying A young man in Bible college fell asleep during class. As he was sleeping, a friend of the young man suddenly shook him and earnestly whispered, “Hey, he just asked you to pray!” The sleeping man, thinking he had just been called on to pray, jumped to his feet and began his prayer […]

5 Tips from Dale Carnegie

5 Tips from Dale Carnegie 1. Become genuinely interested in other people. People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. 2. Smile. If you want to draw others to you, light up your face with a smile. 3. Remember names. A person’s name is the sweetest and most important […]

Be Careful of Your Influences

Be Careful of Your Influences One day a farmer grabbed his shot gun to shoot at a flock of pesky crows. Unfortunately, he didn’t see his sociable parrot that had joined the crows. After firing a few shots, he walked over to the fallen birds and was surprised to find his parrot badly ruffled with […]

Development, The Theory of—A Lie – Charles Spurgeon

Development, The Theory of—A Lie – Charles Spurgeon I HAVE heard lately, to my deep sorrow, certain preachers speaking of conversions as being developments. Is it so, then, that conversion is but the development of hidden graces within the human soul? It is not so: the theory is a lie from top to bottom. There […]

Following Orders

Following Orders Roger Staubach, who led the Dallas Cowboys to the Super Bowl victory in 1971, admitted that his position as a quarterback who didn’t call his own signals was a source of trial for him. Coach Landry sent in every play. He told Roger when to pass, when to run, and only in emergency […]

Secret for Victory

Secret for Victory Speaking to a large audience, D.L. Moody held up a glass and asked, “How can I get the air out of this glass?” One man shouted, “Suck it out with a pump!” Moody replied, “That would create a vacuum and shatter the glass.” After numerous other suggestions Moody smiled, picked up a […]

Despondency v. Cheerfulness – Charles Spurgeon

Despondency v. Cheerfulness – Charles Spurgeon DESPONDENCY whispers, “Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulcher?” But cheerfulness points to the risen Savior, and the stone already moved. Despondency scarcely entertains as possible the plan which cheerfulness readily works out. Despondency gives up the work at the very first discouragement; […]

Free from Sin

Free from Sin President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation on September 22, 1862. The moment it went into effect on January 1, 1863, every slave living in the Confederacy was legally free. But until they knew of their freedom, the legal fact had no impact on their lives. In fact, Union soldiers carried hundreds […]

Departed, The—Comfort about – Charles Spurgeon

Departed, The—Comfort about – Charles Spurgeon WE shall enter into no questions now about whether Heaven is a place, and where it is, or whether it be a state merely: it is enough for us that where Jesus is there his people are—not some of them on lower seats, or sitting outside, or in lower […]

Freedom Requires Sacrifice

Freedom Requires Sacrifice Fifty-six men signed the Declaration of Independence. Their conviction resulted in untold sufferings for themselves and their families. Of the fifty-six, five were captured by the British and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. Two lost their sons in the Revolutionary Army. Another had two sons captured. […]

Triumph Requires Sacrifice

Triumph Requires Sacrifice During World War II a young soldier named David Webster of Easy Company of the 101st Airborne wrote his mother: “Stop worrying about me. I joined the parachutists to fight. I intend to fight. If necessary, I shall die fighting, but don’t worry about this because no war can be won without […]

The Washington Monument Message

The Washington Monument Message Every day when the sun rises over Washington DC, its first rays fall on the eastern side of the city’s tallest structure, the 555-foot Washington Monument. The first part of that monument to reflect the rising sun is the eastern side of its aluminum capstone, where these words are inscribed: Laus Deo, Latin […]

Denominations, Use of – Charles Spurgeon

Denominations, Use of – Charles Spurgeon SUPPOSE that all the livery companies in London should give up their distinctive names, so that there should be no Goldsmiths’ Company, nor Cloth Workers, nor Merchant Tailors, nor Fishmongers, but that all should be called citizens, it would be a wonderful piece of policy, and would singularly unite […]

Trials Are Necessary for Growth

Trials Are Necessary for Growth In the ancient times, a box on the ear given by a master to a slave meant liberty, little would the freedman care how hard was the blow. By a stroke from the sword the warrior was knighted by his monarch, small matter was it to the new-made knight if the […]

Deep Experience of Christ, Value of – Charles Spurgeon

Deep Experience of Christ, Value of – Charles Spurgeon O YOU who in these regions profess to abide in the Lord, may you dwell deep in Christ. When you get upon the rock of Christ Jesus you are safe, but when you get into the rock then you are happy. A man on the rock […]


Forgiveness An attorney, after meditating on several Scriptures, decided to cancel the debts of all his clients that had owed him money for more than 6 months. He drafted a letter explaining his decision and its Biblical basis and sent 17 debt canceling letters via certified mail. One by one, the letters were returned by […]

Forgiving and Forgetting

Forgiving and Forgetting Clara Barton, founder of the American Red Cross, was reminded one day of a vicious deed that someone had done to her years before. But she acted as if she had never even heard of the incident. “Don’t you remember it?” her friend asked. No,” came Barton’s reply, “I distinctly remember forgetting […]

Releasing Hurt

Releasing Hurt A little boy was sitting on a park bench in obvious pain. A man walking by asked him what was wrong. The young boy said, “I’m sitting on a bumble bee.” The man urgently asked, “Then why don’t you get up?” The boy replied, “Because I figure I’m hurting him more than he […]

Decision for Christ, Call to – Charles Spurgeon

Decision for Christ, Call to – Charles Spurgeon I DO not read that that poor man who was sent into the fields to feed swine ever gave his master any notice when he left him. His master sent him into the fields to feed swine, and he would gladly have filled his belly with the […]

Good Forgetters

Good Forgetters Two little boys had quarreled. But the next morning, Johnny took his cap and headed for Bobby’s house again. Surprised, an older member of the family said teasingly, “What! Going to play with him again? I thought you quarreled only last evening and were never going to have anything more to do with […]

Debtors to God – Charles Spurgeon

Debtors to God – Charles Spurgeon SOME of us had once a comfortable competence laid by in the bank of Self-righteousness, and we meant to draw it out when we came to die, and thought we should even have a little spending money for our old age out of the interest which was paid us […]

Death of Believers, Holy Spirit’s work in – Charles Spurgeon

Death of Believers, Holy Spirit’s work in – Charles Spurgeon WE are to look upon the presence of the Holy Spirit in the witness of dying men, as in some sense the continuance of the Holy Spirit’s instructive authorship. He has finished yonder book written with paper and ink, but he is writing fresh stanzas […]

Set Free

Set Free A twelve year old accidentally killed one of his family’s geese by throwing a stone. Figuring his parents wouldn’t notice one of twenty-four gone he buried it. His sister saw his crime and said, “I saw what you did, and if you don’t wash the dishes for me, I’ll tell mom.” The boy […]

Deaths, Early – Charles Spurgeon

Deaths, Early – Charles Spurgeon “WHOM the gods love die young,” said the heathen, and doubtless it is no small privilege to be so soon admitted into glory. Only shown on earth, and then snatched away to Heaven, too precious to be left below. Precious child, how dear were you to the good God who […]

A Good Plan

A Good Plan Judd Lewis (1867-1945) worked for forty-five years at the Houston Post newspaper. He wrote a column of humor and poetry under the name, “Uncle Judd.” He was a man of great compassion who helped find a proper home for two hundred twenty-one homeless children. No doubt, each of them had issues of forgiveness to […]

Death Struggle, sometimes the most Terrible – Charles Spurgeon

Death Struggle, sometimes the most Terrible – Charles Spurgeon IT has been the custom of some great commanders to keep a body of picked men in reserve to make the final assault. Just when battalion after battalion has been swept away, and the main army reels; just when the victory is almost in the enemy’s […]

Escaping Sin’s Penalty

Escaping Sin’s Penalty A duck hunter was with a friend in the wide-open land of southeastern Georgia. Far away on the horizon he noticed a cloud of smoke. Soon he could hear crackling as the wind shifted. He realized the terrible truth; a brushfire was advancing, so fast they couldn’t outrun it. Rifling through his […]

Desire of a Humanist

Desire of a Humanist Not long before she died Marghanita Laski, a well-known secular humanist and novelist, told an interviewer: “What I envy most about you Christians is your forgiveness; I have nobody to forgive me.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Death-bed of the Righteous and Sinner Compared – Charles Spurgeon

Death-bed of the Righteous and Sinner Compared – Charles Spurgeon AROUND the sinner’s death-bed the tempest thickens, and he hears the rumblings of the eternal storm: his soul is driven away, either amid the thunderings of curses loud and deep, or else in the dread calm which evermore forebodes the hurricane. “Depart, you cursed,” is […]

Death, Uncertainty of—An Incentive to Service – Charles Spurgeon

Death, Uncertainty of—An Incentive to Service – Charles Spurgeon YOU came over Blackfriars Bridge tonight: you may drop down dead on it as you go back! You have come from your house tonight, and you have left at home a dear friend to whom you wish to speak about his soul. Do it tonight, for […]

Death to be Rejoiced in – Charles Spurgeon

Death to be Rejoiced in – Charles Spurgeon I DO not know why we always sing dirges at the funerals of the saints, and drape ourselves in black. I would desire, if I might have my way, to be drawn to my grave by white horses, or to be carried on the shoulders of men […]

Death the Way to Life – Charles Spurgeon

Death the Way to Life – Charles Spurgeon WE notice frequently over cemetery gates, as an emblematic device, a torch turned over, ready to be quenched. Ah, my brethren, it is not so, the torch of our life burns the better, and blazes the brighter for the change of death. The breaking of the pitcher […]

Death, the Revealer of Religion – Charles Spurgeon

Death, the Revealer of Religion – Charles Spurgeon DEATH, I hope, beloved, will be to many of you the season of your greatest joy; you will climb to Pisgah’s top with weary footsteps; but when once there, the vision of the landscape will make amends for all the toil. The brooks, and hills, and vales, […]

Death, the Enemy of Humanity – Charles Spurgeon

Death, the Enemy of Humanity – Charles Spurgeon O YOU mourners! your somber garments tell me that your family circle has been broken into, time after time, by this ruthless destroyer. The widow has lost her comfort and her stay; the children have been left desolate and fatherless. O death! you are the cruel enemy […]

Victory Over Hatred

Victory Over Hatred A frontier preacher was preaching against hatred, he asked all those who had overcome the sin of hatred to stand. He was shocked when one older man rose to his feet. The preacher asked him this could be and he said, “All the skunks who done me dirt, all them scoundrels I […]
