Daniel, Roy
Daniel, Jenny

Jenny Daniel Text Sermons Jennifer (Jenny) Daniel was privileged in having godly parents who not only taught theirfour children about God, but whose lives exemplified their faith. It was at the age of about 6 or 7 that she knelt beside her father and gave her life to God. From that moment, she experienced a […]
Whitefield, George

George Whitefield Text Sermons Whitfield stands out in the eighteenth century as a man who had influenced that masses of whom the newspapers referred to as the ‘marvel of the age’. Both in the U.K. and U.S.A. he held thousands spellbound with his voice alone. As a young boy Whitfield had loved reading plays and […]
Wesley, John

John Wesley Text Sermons Who has not heard of John Wesley? He is the famous founder of Methodism and his life and works have impacted lives not only in his lifetime but up until this present day. He was the second son of Samuel, who had also been a Non-Comformist, and his mother Susannah. He […]
Tozer, A.W

A.W Tozer Text Sermons Tozer was saved while still in his teenage years. His conversation had made such an impact on his life that he was offered a pastorate 5 years after his conversion. This is remarkable if we consider that he had had no theological training. Among churches ministered in later was the Southern […]
Sunday, Billy

Billy Sunday Text Sermons Billy Sunday’s childhood had not been an. Easy one. His father died of pneumonia while fighting in the Civil War when Billy had been a 5 weeks old baby. Ten others in the family died before he was 10 years old. His mother was so destitute that she eventually sent the […]
Sparks, T Austin

T Austin Sparks Text Sermons Austin Sparks was saved at the age of 17 and it was at the young age of 24 that he was ordained as a minster. He ministered in London pastoring three churches during a span of three years. He was later to leave the Baptist denomination to establish a Christian […]
Smith, Oswald J

Oswald J Smith Text Sermons Oswald Smith who grew up in Ontaria where his father worked at a train depot was saved at the age of 16 years. It was while he was attending services conducted by R.A.Toerry the famous evangelist who had succeeded Moody. Smith’s desire was to go out as a missionary. He […]
Scholtz, Pieter

Pieter Scholtz Text Sermons Mr Pieter Scholz hails from the Vryburg district in South Africa and along with others in his family were called into full-time service in the Africa Evangelistic Band. His direct preaching and passionate appeals have been the means of many finding Christ as Saviour. His meticulous exposition of Scripture, studious perusal […]
Ryle, John Charles

J C Ryle Text Sermons J.C.Ryle was born at Macclesfield in 1816, the son of John and Susanna Ryle. His father was a banker. It was after suffering a severe chest infection at the age of about 14years, that he sought God by reading the Bible and earnest prayer . He arrived late for church […]
Redpath, Alan

Alan Redpath Text Sermons Alan Redpath was an only son of his parents, James and Christina Redpath. He studied to become a chartered accountant. After completions he worked as a chartered accountant for a firm until 1935. He joined up as an evangelist in 1936, as part of the National Young Life League. After that, […]
Parker, Thomas

Thomas Parker Text Sermons Thomas Parker was born in Wiltshire, England. His father was a non-conformist and Thomas was his only son. His father had to flee to the Netherlands in 1607. Thomas studied and matriculated at Trinity College in Dublin in 1610. Following that, he went on to Magdalena College in Oxford. Thereafter he […]
Owen, John

John Owen Text Sermons John Owen was born in 1616 and his life was not destined to be an easy one. Every single one of his children died before him, he lived during political turmoil, the days of Cromwell and later Charles 11, where persecutions were the order of the day. The decapitated heads of […]
Munsey, William E

William E Munsey Text Sermons William Munsey was one of the early American Methodists who were part of the great revivals and transformation that took place in those days. Munsey grew up on a farm in Virginia where life was tough to make ends meet. His father died when he was 12 years old and […]
Mueller, George

George Mueller Text Sermons George Muller is still widely known more than a century after his death for the orphanages founded by him and his unique trust in the provision of God. In his youth, however, he was wild and unscrupulous. His life is therefore also a testimony of the transforming power of the Gospel […]
Morgan, George Campbell

George Campbell Morgan Text Sermons Campbell Morgan was born in Tetbury in England. His father he adhered to the strict Plymouth Brethren but did not remain part of them, leaving to become a Baptist minister. Morgan was very sickly as a child and this prompted him to be tutored at home. He did not attend […]
Moody, Dwight Lyman

Dwight Lyman Moody Text Sermons Moody is one of the most well-known evangelists of all time. Born into a bricklayer’s family in Massachusetts, he lost his father at the young age of 4. There were 8 other children in the family bereft of a father. Moody did not gain much education reaching the level of […]
Meyer, F.B

F.B Meyer Text Sermons Frederick Brotherton Meyer was a friend of D.L. Moody and had introduced him to other ministers, churches and chapels after he had met him in London in the early 1870’s. Meyer was an advocate of a deeper walk with God and took a firm stand against drinking and prostitution which led […]
Mccheyne, Robert Murray

Robert Murray Mccheyne Text Sermons At the time he lived, Robert Murray M’Cheyne, was known to be a most devoted and able minister of the Word. He entered Edinburgh university in 1827 achieving great success in his academic studies gaining many prizes. He next started Divinity Studies under Thomas Chalmers who had a passionate burden […]
Manton, Thomas

Thomas Manton Text Sermons Thomas Manton was Oliver Cromwell’s chaplain! He gave midweek lectures on Isaiah 53, on the Book of James, and on Jude from late 1640 to early 1650. He was invited to preach at parliament six times the first being on the 30th June 1647. He was appointed as one of the […]
Maclaren, Alexander

Alexander Maclaren Text Sermons Maclaren’s father had been a Baptist lay preacher as well as a merchant. Interestingly his father left the family in Edinburgh while he went to Manage a South Australian company there. It was during this time that the young Maclaren found Christ as Saviour only being between 11 and 13 years […]
Luther, Martin

Martin Luther Text Sermons Although Luther’s father had been a copper miner, he studied at the Erfurt University, joining a monastic order to become an Augustinian friar. After being ordained in 1507, he lectured at the Wittenberg University, becoming a Doctor of Divinity in 1512. It was two years before this, however, that upon visiting […]
Lloyd-Jones, Martin

Martin Lloyd-Jones Text Sermons Martin Lloyd-Jones had been a medical student achieving great academic success at Bartholomew’s College, so much so that he was appointed chief medical assistant to the King’s Physician afterwards. He had gained a whole string of degrees and achievements by the age of 25. As a result of this, he was […]
Jones, Sam

Sam Jones Text Sermons Samuel Porter Jones had been used by God to draw half a million souls to seek God for salvation and had preached to 25million in his lifetime! Samuel’s father had resisted the urge to become a Methodist minister as his four brothers had done, instead becoming a lawyer and business man […]
Gilpin, Terry

Terry Gilpin Text Sermons Terry Gilpin was an elder at Oslo Beach Brethren Assembly in Kwazulu Natal. He is marked as as man of God who studied the Bible in depth. His earnest devotion to God and knowledge of Scripture had a deep impact on all who listened to him as he shared the Word […]
Finney, Charles G

Charles G Finney Text Sermons After Finney had studied law, he entered the law firm of Benjamin Wright at Adams, New York. It was the Mosaic instruction forming part of his studies that drew Finney to study the Bible. He was radically saved in 1821 and went into fulltime service as an evangelist, ordained by […]
Evans, Christmas

Christmas Evans Text Sermons Well-known as the one-eyed Welsh speaker, born on Christmas Day thus his name Christmas, whose life had impacted countless lives. His father had died when he was but a child. His widowed mother in her destitution let Christmas Evan go to her brother. This uncle of Christmas was a cruel and […]
Edwards, Jonathan

Jonathan Edwards Text Sermons Jonathan Edwards is known across the world for the impact his sermon, ‘Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God’. He came from a large family, his father being a minster in Windsor. Spurgeon was converted in 1721. He pastored a church at the age of 18, lectured at Yale for […]
Davies, Samuel

Samuel Davies Text Sermons The Puritan Writings are being turned to in greater measure by Christians these days, to discover the truths upheld by Christians in those days. Samuel Davies was born in New Castle County, Delaware and died on the 4th February 1761. His ministry formed part of the Great Awakening. He had been […]
Daniel, Keith

Keith Daniel Text Sermons Keith Daniel’s ministry has impacted people across the world. He was born on 14th September 1946. His childhood was disrupted by his parent’s disintegrating marriage, and he became distraught and extremely unhappy seeking answers in the wrong quarters. As a teenager, when things were stormy in the home, he would run […]
Conjurske, Glenn

Glenn Conjurske Text Sermons Glen Conjurske hails from the state of Wisconsin having grown up in the Rhinelander area After he was born again, he had an overwhelming desire to bring the Church back to the fundamental truths of the early church. He researched the early fathers, puritans, reformers and revivalists sourcing unpublished and out […]
Chambers, Oswald

Oswald Chambers Text Sermons We remember Oswald Chambers today for the enduring impact of his Daily Devotional ‘My Utmost for His Highest’. Chambers parents were devout Christian. From his early teens Chambers himself was marked out as a deeply committed Christian. While further studying art at the University of Edinburgh, he was called by God […]
Carr, Francois

Francois Carr Text Sermons Francois Carr had a burden for the spiritual state of his country from a young age. Attending a youth conference in 1992, God called him into revival ministry. At this stage of his life, he was still in the military, but he immediately began theological studies online. He decided to go […]
Calvin, John

John Calvin Text Sermons John Calvin, his life, and works are widely known. His very name is embodied in the Calvinist Doctrine. He broke away from the Roman Catholic church in 1530. It was a time of deep religious turmoil, there being severe persecution against the Protestants in France which caused Calvin to flee to […]
Burns, William Chalmers

William Chalmers Burns Text Sermons W.C.Burns was remembered and revered for his deep devotion to God. His father had been a minister. After Burn’s education at the Aberdeen Grammar School, he entered Aberdeen university where he found Christ in 1832. After completing his M.A. Degree in law studies, he switched to theological studies at Glasgow […]
Bunyan, John

John Bunyan Text Sermons Who has not heard of Pilgrim’s Progress, The Holy War and other books written by this remarkable man! Bunyan was born in Elstow, Bedfordshire. He was married in 1650 at the age of 21. The few books his wife brought to him were the means of him finding Christ as Saviour. […]
Brooks, Thomas

Thomas Brooks Text Sermons Much information on the Puritan Preacher, Thomas Brooks’ early personal life is not easy to find. We do know however that he was preaching at St Thomas Apostle’s church in London as well as being the chaplain to the Parliamentary fleet under Ravensburgh and later under Ravensburgh’s son. He was also […]
Brengle, Samuel Logan

Samuel Logan Brengle Text Sermons Samuel Brengle is still known across the world as one of the much-loved officers of the Salvation army. Born in 1860, he was blessed with godly parents. They were ardent Methodists and on fire for the Lord. Brengle found Christ as Saviour in the Methodist Church after seeking God again […]
Booth, William

William Booth Text Sermons William Booth, who lived from 1829 to 1912, was famous and revered as the founder of the Salvation Army who reached so many souls for the Kingdom of God. Booth’s early childhood was marked by poverty in Nottingham, England. As his father had died when he was but 14 years of […]
Bonar, Andrew

Andrew Bonar Text Sermons Andrew Bonar, who live from 1810 to 1892, was the brother of the famous hymn writer, Horatius Bonar. Andrew studied at Edinburgh University, to be later ordained as a Church of Scotland Minister. When the church went through Disruption, he ended up in the Free Church in Glasgow in 1856. He […]
Baxter, Richard

Richard Baxter Text Sermons Richard Baxter, who lived from 1615 to 1691, was known as the Peacemaker who sought to bring unity among Protestants. As such he stood out as a churchman in England in the 1600’s. Whenever controversies occurred, he was sure to be called in to negotiate differences. Surprisingly Baxter was mostly self-taught […]
Barnes, Albert

Albert Barnes Text Sermons Albert Barnes was a puritan, born on December, 1st 1798 in Rome, New York. After which he became a well-known Puritan clergyman and ardent opposer against slavery dominant in those times. Because He bases his beliefs on Scripture . He wrote several books based on the Bible, theology and Christian living. […]
Bosch, Anton

Anton Bosch Text Sermons Anton Bosch was saved in 1968. Many in his family had been preachers. Between 1973 to 1997, he ministered in the Assembly of God’s church in seven different congregations. He was invited as a guest speaker throughout South Africa preaching and holding seminars. He entered a new field of ministry in […]
Murray, Andrew

Andrew Murray Text Sermons Andrew Murray was born in Graaff Reinet where his father, Andrew Murray Snr was the Dutch Reformed Church Missionary. He and his brother were sent to Scotland to study there and came under the influence of spiritual giants Robert Murray Mc Cheyne, Horatius Bonar and William Burns while there. They both […]
Spurgeon, Charles

Charles Spurgeon Text Sermons Charles Spurgeon (1834 – 1892) is known as the prince of preachers. He was considered a puritan born after the time. Often, while he preached, hundreds were praying. He was a friend of D L Moody, who even received one of Spurgeons Bibles. More than any other known text sermons, the […]